YEAR(S) IN REVIEW: Worst Journalist, News Org of 2016!


Part 2—Their horrible work stood out:
In the end, the decisions were fairly easy.

In the beginning, a sensible person could have seen this year's horrible end.

Our award-winning "Year(s) in Review" panel of judges has named Rachel Maddow as the worst journalist of 2016. They've also selected the New York Times as the worst news org.

In the end, routinely horrible work led to these decisions. In each case, though, the worst journalistic work of 2016 may have occurred last year!

Let's start with Maddow, a unanimous choice for Worst Journalist of 2016.

The judges awarded Maddow for a long list of offenses. For starters, they noted her constant mugging and clowning, mixed with her potent self-adoration. "Only Trump matches her absurd self-regard," one of the judges said.

The judges noted Maddow's willingness to politicize important substantive matters. Most of all, they hailed her as a skillful dodger. They cited her skill at presenting herself as a fiery liberal while taking a dive on the issues which decided the 2016 presidential campaign—and while cashing large corporate checks.

In the judges' formal citation, Maddow was hailed for "a skillful, persistent con." Still, in the beginning was the end! Paradoxically, the judges cited some of Maddow's work from 2015 as some of the current year's worst.

Regarding her work from 2015, the judges cited her ludicrous "thirteen weeks," the period she devoted to nightly ranting about the way the Fox News Channel was planning to stage the first Republican debate. Here's how that went down:

Confronted with seventeen certified Republican candidates, Fox News announced that it would include only ten candidates in its first debate. CNN announced a similar plan for the second debate.

Confronted with these unremarkable decisions, Maddow swung into action. With an 18-month pseudo-campaign beginning, MSNBC was rebranding itself as "the place for politics." Maddow jumped in with a substantively ludicrous, tribally pleasing, 13-week attack on Fox News.

Psychiatrists continue to debate a basic question: Could Maddow possibly have been sincere in her nightly keening and wailing about the way the lineup for the first debate would be chosen? Or was this simply a con?

It's hard to know how to answer that question. But Maddow shrieked about Fox for a full thirteen weeks, rarely mentioning the fact that CNN was going to limit participation in the same way. In this manner, the judges have found, Maddow signaled that her election coverage would be fake, faux and phony throughout.

(The judges also called attention to Maddow's reactions when Donald J. Trump announced his decision to seek the White House in June 2015. She said she had no personal beef with the self-made Birther King; chuckled and clowned in the immediate wake of his announcement; and barely mentioned his "rapist" announcement speech until several weeks had passed and tribal opinion was clear. In this beginning, the judges found markers of the end; Maddow's coverage of Campaign 2016 would be a con throughout.)

As for Maddow's work in this calendar year, the judges were unanimous. Her refusal to discuss the "emailgate" matter turned out to be the defining mark of her year. The strategic silence she maintained echoed her silence in 2012, when the Benghazi scripts were being invented. The judges were unanimous in their assessment of these twin refusals to speak:

Maddow was protecting her career through lengthy, elaborate silence. Here's how it happened this year:

On July 5, 2016, FBI kingpin James B. Comey interjected himself into the White House campaign. Comey is widely known as Comey the God; he's a very powerful insider establishment figure.

Presumably for that reason, Maddow never mentioned Comey's name until late in October, when he struck again. But then, back in the beginning, the judges had seen this end. All through the fall of 2012, Maddow never mentioned the name of Susan Rice as she was pilloried and left for dead in the wake of the Benghazi attacks.

First Benghazi, then the emails! In each case, Maddow maintained total silence as the scripts which would defeat Candidate Clinton hardened, then turned to stone.

Clinton was pilloried for her email practices over the last twenty months of the 2016 campaign. Maddow was scrupulous about maintaining a self-protective silence. The judges were especially amused by her report on May 25 of this year, when she pretended to respond to a damaging State Department report.

Adopting her typical "here look me over" approach, Maddow mugged and clowned with large stacks of paper, complaining about the way the State Department's emails are archived. As she clowned in these familiar ways, she transplendently failed to address that actual claims at issue, while giving gullible viewers the impression that she had.

(Is it possible that Maddow is really that dumb? The judges have ruled that she isn't.)

On a corporate branding basis, Maddow was sold to the liberal public as "their own Rhodes Scholar." The judges were unanimous—she stood out in the past several years for her refusal to put her intellectual skills to actual use.

In an appendix to their report, the judges noted another beginning which suggested this end. This too involved Maddow's relentless branding.

The judges recalled the way Maddow originally defined herself as "the TV star who didn't own a TV (not that she was saying that she was smarter than you are)." This branding was everywhere when Maddow burst upon the scene. It aligned her with other branded NBC stars, such as the kid from New Jersey who loves Nascar and the working-class kid from Buffalo whose Dad rode a garbage truck.

A few years later, the news finally broke—Maddow had bought a TV set! She earned "special demerit" in the judges' eyes for a ridiculous story she told at least one profile writer—her claim that she and Susan had purchased the TV set on-line when they were drunk one night. She claimed they were surprised to wake up the next day and find evidence of their on-line purchase scattered about in the bed.

In this bizarre beginning, we should all have seen this year's gruesome end, the judges have now reported. (To see Maddow's current TV room, you can just click here.)

Maddow was an easy pick for Worst Journalist of 2016. Similarly, the New York Times was a runaway winner of the Worst News Org award.

Here too, the judges ruled that the Times' worst work of 2016 was done in earlier years. In the case of the Times, the horrible work extended all the way back to the paper's bungled Whitewater reports—work which began in 1992!

In that horrible beginning, we had this year's end! Within the past two years, the judges pointed to a string of front-page reports by what they called "this most foppish of all major American news orgs."

They cited last year's hapless, sprawling front-page report about the scary uranium deal. They cited this year's Sunday front-page report about Beau Biden's use of his last few nouns.

They cited the newspaper's refusal to challenge Donald J. Trump's ugly birtherism, even in a Sunday morning front-page report on the topic in July of this year. They cited the front-page report in early October which sought to rehabilitate the credibility of three truth-challenged Clinton sex accusers from the distant past.

For their topper, the judges simply linked to this Kevin Drum post. It shows the front page of the New York Times on October 29, the morning after Comey the God intruded on the White House campaign again.

That intrusion was so blatant that even Maddow felt forced to respond! The New York Times chose to fill its front page with the latest collection of gorilla dust. According to the judges, that recent front page tracks to a distant beginning in 1992.

In the beginning was the end! This campaign was decided by a poisonous narrative which started on the Times' front page in early 1992. (More on that "Most Consequential Narrative" to come.) Right to the end, the Times emitted the requisite blather in support of that old story-line. Maddow kept avoiding related topics over the past several years.

In closing, the judges made one final point. The New York Times was awful this year, but liberals could be sure one thing. They could be sure that Rachel Maddow would never tell them that!

Maddow is part of an insider guild that's strongly built around self-interest and self-dealing. According to the panel of judges, speaking truth to and about this institutional power is simply never done.

Her mugging and clowning insult us all. As we liberals praise ourselves for our moral greatness and our intellectual brilliance, we make it clear, night after night, that we like being conned this way.

Tomorrow: Most Consequential Narrative and other related awards

Maddow never ends: Judges noted Maddow's skill at killing time while serving tribal porridge. Several judges noted a November 28 time-killer which started out like this:
MADDOW (11/28/16): Good evening, Chris [Hayes]. Thanks, my friend. And thanks to you at home for joining us this hour.

Sixteen years ago, 16 years ago, this man set a record. He ran for a seat in the United States Senate 16 years ago, and he lost that race, which is why you probably don't recognize him.

But in the course of losing that race that year, he did set a record. And this was the record that he set. He spent more money losing a U.S. Senate race than anyone had ever spent losing a U.S. Senate seat ever before. Whoo!

And his name was Rick Lazio. And the person he lost to in that Senate race in the year 2000 was somebody you will recognize, Hillary Clinton.

2000. That was the first year Hillary Clinton ran for the United States Senate from New York state. She beat Rick Lazio badly. She clobbered him by 12 points.

Over the course of that campaign, he spent himself into oblivion.
He outspent her by a mile. He outspent her by something like—she spent $29 million and he spent $40 million. He ended up millions of dollars in debt and he lost, and he lost by a lot, and he had to give up his day job for all that.

Rick Lazio had been a member of Congress but you can't hold on to a seat in the House while you run for the Senate. So he was like quintuply crushed in that Senate race in 2000.

Well, Hillary Clinton became the United States senator. And then at the end of her first term in the Senate, so six years later, Republicans went up against her again, but they had a hard time getting somebody to run against her...
The bullshit continued from there. This was Maddow's rambling, crowd-pleasing way of discussing one of Donald J. Trump's less consequential nominations to date, that of K. T. McFarland as deputy national security adviser.

Along the way, Maddow pleasured us liberals by ridiculing Lazio; by ridiculing the awful Jeannine Pirro; and by ridiculing a little-known Republican mayor of Yonkers. Eventually, she started ridiculing McFarland herself, in an overtly sexist manner, while placing thumbs on several scales.

That's our Rachel! Even after Hillary Clinton gets beaten by someone she vastly outspent, we get to hear how ridiculous Lazio was, and how badly the marvelous Clinton beat him.

Lazio was "quintuply crushed!" No, it doesn't get dumber than this, but it's like this all the time on this childish program.

(Please note: Maddow loves to show photographs of minor Republicans while chortling about the fact that no one can recognize them. It's a regular part of our porridge.)

By the way, did Clinton "clobber" Lazio "by twelve points" while he "spent himself into oblivion?" Yes, she did, but that wasn't an especially huge win in a blue state like New York. In that same 2000 election, Candidate Gore beat Candidate Bush by twenty-five points across that same state of New York.

There was exactly zero reason to waste time with this silly piddle last month. But that election might have been seen as a harbinger of Clinton's relative weakness as a vote-getter, not as a sign of her overpowering greatness.

Homey doesn't play it that way! Rachel Maddow serves tribal porridge as she jams corporate cash in her pants. For these reasons, she's been named Worst Journalist of the Year(s) by our panel of judges.


  1. Somerby says: "But that election might have been seen as a harbinger of Clinton's relative weakness as a vote-getter, not as a sign of her overpowering greatness."

    Somerby would love to have us think that Clinton lost because she was a bad candidate, but it didn't happen that way. She was attacked from within her own party by Bernie Sanders, who was a rallying point for every Clinton enemy and sexist bro, for every diehard Obamabot and mommy-hater, and whatever Maureen Dowd is.

    Chris Cillizza suggests that Sanders campaign revealed the weakness of Clinton's support among millennials, the lack of enthusiasm for her on the progressive left. I disagree. I believe that Sanders created that weakness by fabricating lies about Clinton's positions and reviving far-right attacks on her. Bernie supporters, especially young ones, lacked the memory cells to recognize the origins of claims that she killed Vince Jordan or that Bill was a serial rapist. They didn't understand that Hillary ran to the left of Obama and that she was more progressive than Bernie in many respects -- and has been her entire career.

    Somerby apparently thinks Maddow should have been pointing out what a weak candidate Clinton would be, as if Maddow didn't aide and abet the NY Times ongoing attacks on Clinton. Perhaps Somerby thinks Sanders would have been our candidate had Maddow done her job right.

    Sanders lost the election for Clinton. Now Somerby lectures us to forgive the Trump voters. I am struggling with how to forgive the Sanders supporters -- people like Somerby, now using distraction to shift the responsibility for defeat off of where it beongs -- on them!

    I am still trying to decide whether I will be back here after the New Year. I am disliking Somerby more every day. I don't want to be one of the detractors here, in one of the few places that permits Disquis-free commenting, but I cannot stomach the self-serving garbage he is dishing out these days.

    1. Of course Clinton was attack during the primary season. That's what the candidate selection process is all about. But, Sanders' attacks were relatively gentle. He didn't focus on the e-mails. Compare that with the harsh criticism Trump received from other Republican candidates, and the harsh criticism they received from Trump.

    2. I see what you did there! Turning Somerby's request, that we treat Trump voters with the respect that they have earned by being fellow citizens, into a mandate to forgive them. Sneaky, sneaky. You, their better, can only interpret it as being asked to treat them as sinners, but with a modicum of decorum. Yet, still, you can't bend down that far!

    3. @12:20
      I responded to what I heard Somerby say. You are being excessively literal.

      Somerby has asked us to listen to them because they believe they have good reasons for supporting Trump -- no matter how wrongheaded their reasons are. He thinks that is what we need to do to win next time.

      I think Somerby needs to start closer to home and look at what he and other "liberals" did to Clinton during the primaries to see why she lost. Bernie's faint-hearted, coerced support during and up until the Fall election didn't fool any of his own supporters. They saw that he hadn't changed anything and didn't really mean the mealy mouthed things he said.

      It is no coincidence that the lowered turnout was among millennials and those with economic complaints -- the same people who were strongest Bernie voters. Look now how all but one of the 7 electors to revolt were the ones favoring Bernie, despite being pledged to Clinton.

      And now they continue to claim that Bernie would have won! Cannonfire suggested that Bernie's many small donations may have come partially from Russia, not just everyday people, as part of a Roger Stone ratfucking project. When asked, Bernie's response was "so what?" if donations were from Russia. They were for a good cause -- him.

      I believe Somerby is on the wrong track here. He should be examining whether these primary challenges from no-hope candidates actually strengthen a candidate or whether they weaken her by eroding the base. I have always found that strengthening argument to be akin to suggesting that someone can better fight off pneumonia if they suffer strep throat first. Why would anyone ever think that?

      You have deflected from my main argument that Bernie is to blame for Trump's win in order to focus on a trivial point -- whether people should be more respectful of Trump voters.

      Respect is earned where I come from. When I hear Somerby parroting right-wing talking points about identity politics (Us vs The Other, etc.), I lose respect for Somerby too.

      I treat all people with more than a modicum of decorum. I wasn't out there with signs shouting "Lock him up" about Trump or Bernie. Who did that? Who is still doing it?

    4. Regarding Bob's statement that "Clinton's relative weakness as a vote-getter," I believe he means that she lacks the personality that Bill had, and that other "vote-getters" have or have had (FDR, Ike, etc.).
      Otherwise I think that you make valid points regarding the Sanders phenomenon, etc., until you characterize Bob's intention as wanting to "forgive the Trump voters." Bob dismisses one tribes penchant to "lecture and educate" the other tribe, rather than to speak with them.

    5. When people say that Hillary lacks Bill's "personality" what they really mean is that she lacks a penis. She has plenty of personality -- it is just not the same as a male politican's because women are not permitted to behave the same way as men without being punished for it (e.g., receiving social criticism). Your comment demonstrates the "damned if she does, damned if she doesn't" nature of Hillary's situation. Why not go all the way and tell us you dislike her voice and why does she have to yell so much and why is she always wearing those pant suits and talking about her achievements instead of flirting with the guys in her audience, the way Bill or FDR would have? Why is she leaning over backwards to appear strong and hardy when everyone knows women are frail, weak, sickly (with vague monthly complaints even after menopause) and why is she being accused of taking days off when she spends time with fundraisers instead of doing those huge manly rallies? And what is with her attempts to pretend to be a grandma? Everyone knows that is a fake puton just to get sympathy when the world knows she is a gigantic lesbo! So, yes, I agree that she didn't campaign well as a man, wasn't FDR-ish enough and just didn't put it across that she was a BSD.

    6. WOW, Anonymous at 1:32,1:18, 11:57 blaming everybody but HRC. Sad and pathetic. Mr. Sanders did everything he could to help her. HRC made myriad mistakes, she was the captain of her ship-the election outcome is her fault-full stop.

    7. " I am struggling with how to forgive the Sanders supporters "

      I suspect you are the person in the comment box who still thinks Clinton really beat Obama in the 2008 primaries.

    8. I don't think Somerby is anti-Hillary. He has been pointing out the horrible press coverage of her and Bill since day one of "The Daily Howler", and has pointed out examples of that during this campaign season. Certainly, his point in this installment about Maddow is that she didn't offer clarity or truthful discussion of the email story, but rather let the obfuscation by the press (and Republicans) go unchallenged.

    9. anon 11:57 - you seem to have completely missed the boat. TDH was not an avid Sanders supporter. The opposite is more the case. His main point is that the NYT, Rachel Maddow and other msm were unfair to Clinton, rolling over on, or actually advancing, the propaganda about Benghazi, the emails, the Clinton Foundation, etc.

    10. Somerby stated several times that he was not a Clinton supporter and that he was inclined to support Sanders. Yes, he was critical of the treatment of both Clintons in the press, but he didn't do anything to help Hillary get elected. He was as likely to say something unfair or snarky about her, as he continues to do.

    11. Look, even Gene Lyons noted that Clinton was tone deaf (politically if not financially) in going around giving those 6 figure speeches to groups like Goldman Sachs. But for that, along with 2 dozen other things, she might have prevailed. I think you are oversensitive if you think TDH was snarky toward Clinton. He was more or less apoplectic about Dowd's vileness toward her, attacked the NYT on its treatment of her over and over again.

    12. No one considered those speeches any form of corruption except Bernie's campaign and the Republicans. She gave a few speeches while out of office to firms that were part of her constituency, for the same kind of fees anyone of her stature would earn. Some fees were donated to charity. Others were used to pay off those huge debts she and her husband acquired fighting the nuisance lawsuits that continued up to the present. She said nothing scandalous in those speeches.

      ALL out of work politicians give such speeches. None have been criticized except Clinton. Calling this tone deaf ignores the question of how else she might earn enough money to keep her career going. Is it better when a Republican gets a corporate-endowed job at a think tank or joins a few boards of directors at the crony firms that finance their campaigns?

      Children care about this. It wasn't what hurt her, except that it became a campaign slogan in the Bernie camp. A shorthand way of calling "Lock her up" that signified all the unproven corruption for which there was never any evidence.

      I agree that TDH hates Dowd more than Clinton but I have never heard him say anything supportive about her, except that Trump would be worse.

      Calling Clinton tone deaf for doing exactly what all male politicians do, including Bernie (who gave his share of paid speeches to his constituent groups), is majorly unfair.

  2. In addition to Maddow's other problems as recited by Bob, every time I hear her or read a transcript from her it sounds like she's deliberately trying to speak at about a second-grade level. Very short sentences, almost a Dr. Seuss-type quality to it.
    I'm not sure why she speaks that way, but I find it off-putting.

    1. Short sentences and much repetition.

    2. Just like Trump.

    3. On those rare occasions I catch part of the show -- usually one of those will-you-get-to-the-goddam-point openings -- I'm reminded of some goof-off undergrad (OK, me) who has 10 pages to fill for a paper but only about four pages of research. So much of her show is devoted to building false suspense and beating around the bush. "That next after we come back." Worst case of burying leads in all American journalism.

      I thought she was pretty good on Air America in the final days of W., and I believe it was on that basis she was awarded her MSNBC gig. There was a brief period of Maddow-mania, too. She even wrote a book. Now she's established and has settled back to coast on her rep.

      If I had the time to waste, I'd like to revisit some of those old radio shows to remember what it was I liked about her.

  3. Maddow doesn't even consider herself a journalist! She said in the Jon Stewart interview that she felt she was more like him. Using humor with the news. That interview is so fascinating because she makes her cluelessness clear even after he tried to spell it out for her in very simple terms. She doesn't even consider what she does journalism! She's a jokey joke fun time gal just like Jon Stewart!

    1. Jon Stewart is a political satirist, not a comedian. Maddow is a clown, just like Somerby says.

    2. He calls himself a comedian in he interview.

  4. I enjoy watching the butthurt libs on MSNBC and CNN ever since Nov. 8th---it's so indescribably Schadenfreudelicious!! MAGA!!!

    1. I'll bet they are missing you over at the conservative tree house.

    2. anon 1:10, yep, life is good. And, as a bonus, America is going to be great again.

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    22. Killing spell
    23. Cancer spell...........

  11. My boyfriend broke up with me 2 months ago, because he felt i was cheating on him with a male friend of mine, i tried all i could to explain to him but he paid deaf ears, i was emotionally devastated because i really loved him until i saw a post on the internet about Dr osofo, who helps people gain back their lost lover, at first i doubted if it was real because i never believed in such things but i decided to give him a try,I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a Love spell for me, he restored my relationship within 48 hours and my boyfriend was calling and begging to make up with me again, if you need help to repair your relationship or marriage problem. Here’s his contact, call/WhatsApp him on: +2349065749952, Email him ( )

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  14. My boyfriend broke up with me 2 months ago, because he felt i was cheating on him with a male friend of mine, i tried all i could to explain to him but he paid deaf ears, i was emotionally devastated because i really loved him until i saw a post on the internet about Dr osofo, who helps people gain back their lost lover, at first i doubted if it was real because i never believed in such things but i decided to give him a try,I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a Love spell for me, he restored my relationship within 48 hours and my boyfriend was calling and begging to make up with me again, if you need help to repair your relationship or marriage problem. Here’s his contact, call/WhatsApp him on: +2349065749952, Emai   hi        ( )   

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    • Đo thực quản
    • Theo dõi trở kháng thực quản
    • Theo dõi pH


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    Năm sinh âm lịch: Can Tý
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