Kent praises all the other George Kents!


His bow tie sets him apart:
For the record, we assume that everything Donald Trump does is likely to be disordered, deranged and corrupt.

Unfortunately, we don't think that's the main issue at this point. The issue is the dangerous tribalization within which we all now live, along with the tribal propaganda which flowed so freely last night.

Throw in the sheer inanity routinely displayed by our upper-end elites and you may have a bit of a dying culture.

If only for entertainment's sake, let's start with that upper-class dumbness. For that, we direct you to Vanessa Friedman's analysis of George Kent's bow tie in today's New York Times.

Friedman is fashion director and chief fashion critic for the Times. "No one was saying [that Kent's bow tie] was the most important detail of a historic day—of course it wasn’t," she wrote in this morning's Times. But then, she went on to say this:
FRIEDMAN (11/14/19): But it was impossible for many to ignore because, like the moment itself, it was singular; an anomaly in an anomalous time. And in that sense, it almost seemed to symbolize not just Mr. Kent himself, but also the whole experience.
There you see the silly, novelistic dreamscape within which this upper-class guild has long dwelled.

Within this silly upper-class dreamscape, any chosen item or incident can come to symbolize—no, to seem to symbolize—anything the daft insider wants.
What did Kent's bow tie seem to symbolize—no, almost seem to symbolize—to this ridiculous newspaper's barmy fashion director? We'll let Friedman tell you herself, although it's a very old tale:
FRIEDMAN (continuing directly): The bow tie, at least onscreen, appeared to be blue and yellow (some said orange, others ocher and turquoise), in a sort of chain/paramecium pattern. It was paired with a matching pocket square and was worn with a light blue shirt and gray plaid three-piece suit, complete with neatly buttoned-up vest.

It also looked hand-tied, listing slightly as if to underscore its own authenticity—and, maybe, that of the man who wore it. It was the same bow tie that Mr. Kent wore for his portrait currently on view on the State Department website, a nod to both continuity and the fact that he was appearing in his professional capacity.
Of course! As with Saints McCain and Bradley in 1999 and 2000, Kent's hand-tied tie almost seemed to maybe symbolize the "authenticity" of Kent himself!

Our upper-class scribes are constantly spotting "authenticity" in those with whom they're aligned. As this dreamer allowed herself to dream, the possibly blue and yellow bow tie seemed to say something else:
FRIEDMAN (continuing directly): Some speculation had it that it was his good-luck bow tie. Or his power bow tie, depending. Either way, it was definitely a signature tie. Mr. Kent adopted a similar look—a paisley bow tie and matching pocket square—during his closed-door testimony on Oct. 15.

And, in its truncated shape, the opposite of the Trump tie, which is famously worn extending below the belt.
Of course! The bow tie seemed to symbolize Kent's obvious authenticity. Not coincidentally, it also struck Friedman as "the opposite of the Trump tie." Thanks to the tie, she could see that Kent is highly authentic, and the opposite of Trump!

In The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche describes the dreamer calling out to himself, "This is a dream! And I want to continue dreaming!" This is the way our political discourse has worked at least since the determined stereotyping of the four major candidates in Campaign 2000, with Candidates McCain and Bradley cast as straight-shooting truth-telling straight-talkers and the heinous Candidate gore cast as the man who had "a problem with the truth."

(Just for the record, the pundits could tell that Gore lacked authenticity because he was wearing earth tones! People are dead all over Iraq because they behaved that way.)

Fish gotta swim and birds gotta fly and scribblers like this have to novelize. And sure enough! All over cable last night, our own tribe's hirelings were telling us stories designed to set hearts at ease.

One such story involved the moral purity of Kent and his fellow witness, William Taylor. To our eye and ear, the two men came across quite differently in yesterday's hearing, but no such thought was allowed to intrude on our tribe's cable reverie.

Nicholas Kristof even bought the package this morning, midway through a column containing some very constructive work:
KRISTOF (11/14/19): The first witnesses before the impeachment hearings were two distinguished foreign policy experts with a long commitment to public service and no history of partisanship. One, George Kent, noted that “there has been a George Kent sworn to defend the Constitution continuously for nearly 60 years.” And Ambassador William Taylor, a Vietnam veteran who was appointed acting ambassador to Ukraine by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, emphasized, “I am not here to take one side or the other, or to advocate for any particular outcome of these proceedings.”
To Kristof, they were two of a kind. After the mandatory citation of Taylor's service in Vietnam, Kristof seemed to praise that statement by Kent—Kent's peculiar statement in praise of all the other George Kents.

As we pondered the nation's deadly tribal divide, Kent's statement struck us quite differently. As he began his opening statement, these were his more extensive remarks in praise of his excellent breeding:
KENT (11/13/19): Good morning. My name is George Kent, and I am the deputy assistant secretary of state for Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. I have served proudly as a nonpartisan career foreign service officer for more than 27 years under five presidents, three Republican and two Democrat.

As I mentioned in my opening comments last month in the closed-door deposition, I represent the third generation of my family to have chosen a career in public service and sworn the Oath of Office that all U.S. public servants do in defense of our Constitution. Indeed, there has been a George Kent sworn to defend the Constitution continuously for nearly 60 years, ever since my father reported to Annapolis for his plebe summer.

After graduating first in his Naval Academy class in 1965, the year best known for his Heisman-winning classmate, Roger Staubach, my father served a full, honorable 30 years, including as a captain of a nuclear ballistic missile submarine during the height of the Cold War.

Five great-uncles served honorably in the Navy and the Army in World War II. In particular, Tom Taggart was stationed in the Philippines at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He survived the brutal Bataan Death March, and three and a half years in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp, unbroken. He returned to service as an Air Force judge advocate, upholding the rule of law until his death in 1965.
That was the speech of a Harvard graduate (class of 1989)—and, in its tone, of an old-school Eastern elite. In completely irrelevant manner, he praised the several generations of Taggarts and Kents, not failing to mention five great-uncles, his father's academic standing, and no aunts or mothers at all.

Like his bow tie, his genealogy served to identify Kent to many Americans, we'll guess in divergent ways. In our view, his speech in praise of his excellent breeding was completely unnecessary. In our view, so was the attitude and the manner we detected through the course of the day.

We'll guarantee you that many Trump supporters were quickly turned off by this guy. To us, he seemed the very embodiment of crusty old world upper-class self-admiration, in a way Ambassador Turner very much did not.

Kent and Taylor seemed very different to us. On liberal cable, they were two peas in a pod. To the Times fashion director, Kent's bow tie seemed to suggest his authenticity, and of course his difference from Trump.

By way of contrast, we'll guess that many Trump voters saw Kent as the essence of everything they don't trust about our eastern elites, sometimes called the deep state.

We thought his opening speech was strange, and a bit of a class offense. The fact that our cable helpers saw none of this is part of the era we live in.

We live in a deeply dangerous tribalized time. Our tribe is perhaps just a tiny bit blind, as of course is theirs.

For the record: They sold us this same silly twaddle at Vox. Just as a simple matter of fact, our tribe just isn't real sharp.


  1. "For the record, we assume that everything Donald Trump does is likely to be disordered, deranged and corrupt."

    Sure, assume away, dear Bob. Or else you're bound to be excommunicated by your zombie cult.

    I hope we can both agree that your zombie media are outright goebbelsian, but now we also know that your zombie politicians are openly fascist, hitlerian.

    Worshiping the military and the secret services. Hating Russia. War-craving. And not just a war, nuclear war. Not to mention projecting their corruption onto their political opponents.

    Congratulation, dear Bob: that's your comrades, your leaders, in full view.

    1. Take it easy Mao, don't get so riled up. You're right, not everything our POTUS does is disordered, deranged and corrupt. Only some of the things he does. And whoa - you yourself sound deranged in stating that TDH's "zombie politicians are openly fascist, hitlerian." Seems way over the top, even for you.

    2. Why, they sure sound hitlerian to me.

      If you see something different in all that scummy clowning, you're welcome to disagree.

    3. Given that you are deranged, I can see that it would sound that way to you. Maybe you're becoming hysterical because a nerve is being hit. So the dems have gone off the rails; I can't disagree that that is the case is several respects. - But you seem to lack insight as to the extent that you have too, only moreso.

    4. So, no meaningful reply. Naturally. Given that you're a dembot, 'can't attack the message, attack the messenger' is to be expected.

    5. Well I was responding to your deranged Hitler charge. But to address your points:
      1. TDH's [not necessarily my] politicians "worship[] the military and the secret services [by which I assume you mean intelligence services like the CIA, NSA, and the like, not the Secret Service] - yes, I see that now the so-called liberal press and a lot of democratic pols are uncritically adopting the slants of the CIA and FBI in support of their efforts to oust Trump, as opposed to a more appropriate skepticism. I don't see Trump as being any better - he doesn't care how the FBI or the CIA screws anyone else but him. As far as military worship. Obviously there is blame there, but dems on the whole are less worshipful than the GOP. Do you actually listen to Trump (I can see why you wouldn't want to) - he seems to superworship them, with his huge increase in their budget, and pretty much everything he says about them.
      2. War craving - I don't see that. Which dem has advocated we go to war with anyone? Prove it. Who seems to want to go to war with Iran? Who is supporting the coup in Bolivia?
      3.Hating Russia. In the 2016 republican debates (quite a circus) I actually liked hearing Trump advocate trying to smoothe things out with Russia. I am not happy about the dems seemingly ginning up a revival of the Cold War, though most in the GOP aren't in disagreement; and Trump's actions have hardly given any reason for complaint on the part of democratic or republican Russian haters. E.g. Trump defends himself in this Ukraine thing, in part, by claiming he has done more for the Ukraine that Obama did. What he's talking about is that he, unlike Obama, eventually approved delivery of Javelin missiles to Ukraine. (See today's Jeffrey St. Clair's Roaming Charges).
      4. Nuclear war. I haven't heard anyone advocate nuclear war, and I don't think anyone wants it.
      5. Projecting corruption on others. Seems Republicans (an you) do that all the time as far as democrats go. It's a two way street. Who is it that blocks any attempt to reign in campaign spending and appoints judges who equate it with freedom of speech?
      I thought according to you that fascism didn't exist, it now is all about globalism v nationalism, where you have fascists popping all over the place now (Hungary, Italy, Poland, UK, Brazil, the US [our POTUS] - you lose all credibility with your claim basically that the dem pols are Nazis (not that you much of that anyway).

    6. That's quite a lot of dembottery, right there.

      All politicians (with extremely rare exceptions) are clowns and SOBs, but that's not the issue here. The issue is that your zombie cult has been hitting new lows, breaking new grounds constantly since 2016, doubling down every step of the way.

      And so now they are staging a show-trial.

      You don't like 'fascistic'? I don't really care, I'll agree to 'banana republic'; with latin-american-style junta not seeming too far-fetched now.

      As for the nuclear war, that's what a war against Russia will be. And that's the war they're clamoring for, every day. Go read Stephen Cohen or something.

    7. Hello everyone i Am williams pater and i am from USA i am here to give my testimony about an herbal doctor called Dr,olu I was heartbroken because i had very small penis,not nice to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors prescribe for me, but could not offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the internet about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to email him on his email i saw on the internet,( ) so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal product for Penis Enlargement, Within three weeks of me use it, i began to feel the enlargement, " and now it just 4 weeks of using his products my penis is about 8 inches longer, and i had to settle thing out with my ex girlfriend , i was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my performance in bed and i now have a large penis.thanks to DR OLU for is herbal product. you can also reach him with emsil though is..number WHATASPP him today on this number [ +2348140654426 ]   \\

      Hello everyone i Am williams pater and i am from USA i am here to give my testimony about an herbal doctor called Dr,olu I was heartbroken because i had very small penis,not nice to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors prescribe for me, but could not offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the internet about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to email him on his email i saw on the internet,( ) so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal product for Penis Enlargement, Within three weeks of me use it, i began to feel the enlargement, " and now it just 4 weeks of using his products my penis is about 8 inches longer, and i had to settle thing out with my ex girlfriend , i was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my performance in bed and i now have a large penis.thanks to DR OLU for is herbal product. you can also reach him with emsil though is..number WHATASPP him today on this number [ +2348140654426 ]   

    8. Mao, per usual a complete deflect. Against my better judgment, I tried to respond to the "points" you seemed to be making. You are a piece of work, a deranged ideologue, seemingly from the obscure cult sect of Commies for Trump.

    9. Lol. Right, sure.

      As always, thanks for reading, and for taking time out of your busy schedule to produce this dembottery.

      Please rest assured that your (as well as every other dembot's) opinion of my humble online persona will be handled appropriately and receive the attention it deserves.

  2. This is -- and I don't say this lightly -- the dumbest TDH post I've ever read. What happened to the blog I started reading years ago? We're are deep, deep in the weeds of absolute ephemera now. Meanwhile, the world is going to hell. Thanks & I'm out.

  3. Somerby starts his post with extensive excerpts from a story by the *fashion critic* at the New York Times. He wants to make sure he frames his narrative with the most inane starting point for his rant about Kent.

    “we'll guess that many Trump voters saw Kent as the essence of everything they don't trust about our eastern elites, sometimes called the deep state.”

    Somerby has guessed wrong. A member of the “deep state”, to a Trump voter, is someone who comes forward with truthful testimony that puts Trump in an unflattering light. It has nothing to do with his/her resume.

    Similarly, to a Republican, “elite” means Democrat, and to a Trump voter, it also means anyone who doesn’t support Trump.

    It is that simple.

    And of course, Somerby misses the context, as usual. Trump and his minions are trying to portray these witnesses as liars and partisan Hillary or Obama-loving hacks who might be traitors. The point of Kent listing his resume or the Democrats talking about it is an attempt to counter the hideous narrative that Trump is trying to gin up.

    1. 'Somerby has guessed wrong'

      It was not a wrong guess. TDH was lying, because he is a Trumptard and that's what Trumptards do.

    2. Centrist, your schtick is so tiresomely idiotic. TDH doesn't like Trump in one iota. I'd bet my life savings that he didn't and won't vote for Trump. That's so obvious. He does criticize the so called liberal press and democratic strategy, but that is hardly inadmissible. There's plenty to criticize. I don't always agree with THD; this particular post is kinda weak. But he makes a lot of sense a lot of times.

    3. Somerby has every right to criticize liberals. It is debatable whether mainstream media are "the liberal press" but Somerby has the right to criticize them too.

      He does not have the right to call himself a liberal and refer to "we liberals" when there is no evidence that he is any kind of liberal these days. I cannot remember the last time I heard him express a liberal viewpoint here. And no, professing admiration for MLK and Malala doesn't count.

    4. If Somerby were just replace all his 'we liberals' comments with 'We Trumptards', I would vanish into the night.

  4. “we assume that everything Donald Trump does is likely to be disordered, deranged and corrupt.”

    And yet, TDH never lists a single thing Trump has said or done that leads him to this assumption.

    On the contrary, every post about Trump is a defense of Trump and a criticism of liberals.

    Just off the top of my head:

    TDH claimed that Trump was perfectly clear that he wasn’t talking about Nazis and white supremacists when he talked about “fine people on both sides”;
    TDH thought Trump was right when he claimed his campaign was spied on;
    TDH saw nothing wrong with getting dirt from Russians and that Hillary had done the same thing;
    TDH mocked the Turnberry affair as a non-story;
    TDH wanted the Stormy Daniels affair hushed up, calling her a grifter and extortionist, and Trump praiseworthy for trying to hide it.

    And now Somerby joins in with Trump, Lou Dobbs, Hannity et al as they try to undermine the credibility of honorable civil servants and to destroy their reputations. He simply “guesses” that Trump voters see Kent as an elite deep-state denizen, and Somerby isn’t going to say they’re wrong.

    In some sense, Somerby is more despicable than Trump and co, because he seems to be simply expressing an innocent and very wise and sympathetic understanding of Trump voters.

    At least the Fox News types clearly show you who they are.

  5. For obvious reasons, especially including that tribal divide, both witnesses were wise to state as unapologetically as possible their wholly admirable personal backgrounds. After all, they would certainly and instantly be trashed by one of the sides of that divide. The Times article is as ludicrous as portrayed. But that is hardly the main issue at this point.

    1. It's obvious that the idea was to highlight the credibility of Kent and Taylor.

      I think Somerby's point is that they did this in a manner that would most appeal to their supporters, but would buttress all the presuppositions of their critics.

      That matters because these are the constituents of the Republican congress-critters.

    2. Last night, Republican Senator John Kennedy spoke these words at another Trump Nuremberg rally in LA.

      tand before you tonight a proud Deplorable," said Kennedy, referring to the moniker Hillary Clinton bestowed on Trump supporters during the 2016 campaign.

      "And, unlike some of the folks in Washington, D.C. -- I'm talking about the 'cultured', cosmopolitan, goat's milk latte-drinking, avocado toast-eating insider elite -- as a Deplorable, I believe that everybody counts."

      Senator Kennedy resume:
      Undergraduate Vanderbilt University
      Law Degree from UVA
      moved on to Oxford University for his BCL

      This is the kind of shit we've had to listen to for much too fucking long, Bob.

      Much. Too. Fucking. Long.

    3. Hey Hillary,
      glad you're still around. Are you running or not?

      Please do. Please, please, please. Zombie circus is not the same without you.

    4. To Cecelia: you are correct and I take your point. My point was that the witnesses are who they are and can be excused for taking pride in that under the circumstances come what may and surely will. My objection to TDH is in finding this to be objectionable and worthy of such emphasis, again under the circumstances.

    5. Hey Hillary,
      You paying rent to live in Mao's head?

  6. ' Just as a simple matter of fact, our tribe just isn't real sharp.'

    Of course not. Your tribe of Trumptards isn't smart.

  7. Wow. The statement is over the top. Nice call. Our tribe is indeed clueless. And the superficiality of stories about a man's tie boggles the mind. They'll say anything to fill space. So many Maureen Dowd imitators.

  8. By whining about Kent and Taylor's manner, tone, and ties and by claiming that Trump supporters probably wouldn't like them, Somerby engages in just the novelization he castigates liberals for supposedly doing. Why pay attention to the substance when you can obsess over superficial nonsense and blame liberals for criticizing Trump?

    The most absurd implication Somerby makes is that there's some way Kent or Taylor could be, speak, or appear that would appeal to Trump supporters! Which shows he no longer understands how the political media works.

    By cherry-picking quotes — especially the one from the Times' chief fashion critic — and making wild generalization that all liberals act this way, he shows he's just another dishonest propagandist trying to sell readers the same old story about his hated liberals.

  9. Framing this as an elitists vs regular guys (embodied by Trump) conflict is a Republican ploy. They have no substantive defense so they are using anything they can to undermine these hearings.

    Somerby once again aids and abets the Republicans by repeating their arguments and lending his own weight to them.

    Shame on him.

  10. First, I can't see the harm in a fashion editor writing about fashion. Second, I don't believe the Democrats in the House dictated Kent's wardrobe choices to him. Third, the childishness of dividing people up into Suits and working guys and rounding off the hearings and Trump's malfeasance into such a division grossly underestimates the seriousness of Trump's crimes against America. If a jury were to judge the guilt of a defendant by his wardrobe, there would be no such thing as justice in any courtroom, and yes, I know that defense attorneys take care to dress their clients as innocently as possible, but I find it hard to believe that even Republicans and Trump supporters won't be able to see past clothing to the issues. Bottom line is that Trump supporters don't mind that their president is committing treason by giving favors to Russia in exchange for his election. They think they will get their country back and undo the changes that really bother them -- having to work side by side with brown people with strange names while their earning power and buying power steadily diminish and the world goes to hell (because climate change is real). Trump may have made promises he can't keep, but no one else is making them any promises at all.

  11. honestly, from everyone I talk to and everything I see on social media and the like, it seems like most people already have their minds made up about the impeachment based on their political persuasion and anything that happens at these hearings is unlikely to sway most one way or the other...

    1. Well, there are formulas: when unemployment rate, inflation, stock market, and so on fall inside a certain spectrum, incumbent wins.

      By all objective criteria The Donald must be reelected by a huge margin.

      The role of the goebbelsian dembot media is to peel off enough citizens and turn them into zombies, so that the zombie cult could overcome the laws of nature and take over the country.

      So, while it is, indeed, unlikely to sway most, zombie cult's hope is that it will sway enough.

    2. Nothing says anti-Establishment like pardoning war criminals.

  12. I find it rather ironic that Somerby rails at Friedman's emphasis on Kent's personality rather than content, and then immediately follows this up with an attack on Kent's personality rather than content.

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