CAMPAIGN: O'Donnell turns to the Taylor Swift card!


Police officers beaten in Gotham: Yesterday morning, we started with some unwelcome polling figures.

This morning, new data look good. As of now, the new national survey is very much an outlier—but the new survey says this:

Biden Opens Up Lead Over Trump In Head-To-Head, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds

As signs point to the 2024 presidential election being a repeat of the 2020 race between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, Biden holds a lead over Trump 50 - 44 percent among registered voters in a hypothetical general election matchup, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll of registered voters released today.

Dear God! Let some form of traditional electoral sanity prevail, one analyst lustily cried.

As of now, this new survey is an outlier. And of course, there' a very long way to go, and this is going to be a year without any known precedent.

But so it stood, within one survey, as dawn's rosy fingers extended. With regard to the way the campaign will be played, we'll begin today with Lawrence O'Donnell at the start of last evening's Last Word.

"I just can't take it any more," O'Donnell told Alex Wagner. "I have to unburden myself on Republicans, the NFL and Taylor Swift. It's time. It's time."

Wagner responded in kind. "Listen, I unburdened myself last night," she said. "But we almost took another pass at it today because it's so absolutely bonkers, the whole thing."

Lawrence said he was going to offer warnings about "the dangerous spread of this insanity." To watch this exchange, just start here.

So goes the entertainment / reinforcement branch of cable news, or so our assessment would tell you. In fairness, when Lawrence began to unburden himself, he was honest enough to restrict himself to a ludicrous tweet by a man named Mike Crispi, who once ran for Congress in New Jersey and lost in the GOP primary by just over twenty points.

Crispi is a very minor Republican player. To his credit, O'Donnell didn't misstate what's being said about this matter by much bigger players on Fox.

In all honesty, O'Donnell did overstate what Vivek Ramaswamy said in a posting of his own. Mainly, though, Lawrence built his complaint about "the madness" found in this ludicrous Crispi tweet:

Mike Crispi tweet:

The NFL is totally RIGGED for the Kansas City Chiefs, Taylor Swift, Mr. Pfizer (Travis Kelce).


Calling it now: KC wins, goes to Super Bowl, Swift comes out at the halftime show and ‘endorses’ Joe Biden with Kelce at midfield.

It's been an op since day one. 

If Crispi believes any part of that lunacy, then of course he's insane. That said, to build a prime time "cable news" segment around so minor a player strikes us as an impulse coming from the outskirts of crazy too.

In our view, the Crispi tweet became a bit of a sweet-tasting Krispie Treat within the candygram realm of partisan "cable news." As he continued, O'Donnell discussed "the madness loose in the land, and no one fuels that madness more than Donald Trump."

To his credit, O'Donnell is one of the very few mainstream journalists who has been willing to discuss Donald Trump's mental state within the context of modern medical / psychiatric science.  He's done so only on rare occasions, but few others have done that at all.

But as O'Donnell continued—and he didn't fail to name Adolph Hitler—it seemed to us that he was still providing a type of feel-good service to his blue tribe viewers. When we have to build our urburdenings around such minor figures as Crispi, are we really creating a line of argument and attack which could make's today's poll numbers stand?

O'Donnell unburdened himself regarding Swift—and Swift is great for eyeballs, ratings and clicks, as every news org knows. He unburdened himself in the 10 p.m. hour—but earlier, during the 5 p.m. hour, horrible videotape shown on The Five helped define the kinds of struggles our own Candidate Biden will face.

This morning, Morning Joe played the same videotape. The panel then discussed the tape at length during the program's first half hour.

Alas! The tape showed a pair of New York City police officers being viciously assaulted by a group of roughly eight teenaged asylum seekers.

The tape is awful; the facts get worse. Three of the assailants were arrested. In apparent accord with New York City law, the vicious assailants were then quickly released without bail.

At this site, we feel sorry for any individual who reached the state of such viciousness while still in his teens. That said, we advise you to look at that videotape, while remembering that the eight young assailants in question represent only themselves.

Yesterday afternoon, the videotape was heavily featured at the start of The Five. At 10 p.m., it was also heavily featured on Gutfeld!

On Gutfeld!, a bit of possible expertise actually came into play. A former heavyweight "professional wrestling" champion said this about what he saw:

TYRUS (1/31/24): While we're looking at the video, just so you know, these guys weren't trying to fight. They were trying to kick them in the head—kill shot. It is a kill shot. They were trying to line them up and kick them in the head. 

They weren't holding them. They weren't even punching them. Every one of them was trying to kick the police officers in the head, because when you kick somebody in the head, it's lights out, and then once they're lights out, then the stomping comes and everything else. We're just lucky that the police officers kept moving and kept evading, even though they were dealing with one guy, they—

So again, you're also—the mayor has the power to do something with the district attorney, who is just letting them go... 

Plainly, that's what the tape looks like. We're not sure about the powers of Gotham's mayor, but the three assailants who were arrested were immediately released on bail.

Is it possible that our own blue tribe has allowed itself to be overtaken by an array of bad political judgments? If you want to understand the sorts of problems Candidate Biden is going to face, we'll advise you to watch the opening segment of yesterday's The Five (link below).

In that segment, the videotape and the facts are so bad that no one had to embellish a single point to score a straight 5-0 vote among the program's panelists.

Eight teenaged asylum seekers savaged a pair of cops. Three of the assailants were arrested, then they were quickly released.

That gruesome video drove The Five—but it was also featured in the first half hour of today's Morning Joe. Just so you'll know what it's safe to say, Al Sharpton was there on the panel, and he joined Joe Scarborough and everyone else in saying that this ugly event is not what bail reform was ever supposed to be about.

Other panelists called for deportation. Saying that the black community gets the worst of this, Reverend Sharpton seemed to agree.

Our view? As he unburdened himself last night, Lawrence was hunting, deep in the woods, with a very tiny and very small pop gun. That said, also this:

Five hours earlier, all five panelists on The Five had helped define the parameters of the disputed term, "Woke."

Our frequently silly and self-impressed tribe keeps insisting there's no such thing! In such ways, we make it conceivable that a disordered figure like Donald J. Trump could sneak through to the White House again.

Our own blue tribe is deeply flawed. We often show very poor judgment.

It's also true that corporate "cable news" stars are on the air to please us. They're on the air to generate ratings, along with the profits which ensue. In that way, their pleasing behaviors keep their (undisclosed) multimillion dollar corporate salaries up.

Roughly one week ago, Candidate Donald J. Trump said "Haley" instead of "Pelosi." Last night and again this morning, our stars were still running with that.

That strikes us as a very small cup of a very weak tea. But if you watch that first segment from The Five, you're starting down the barrel of the types of errors Candidate Biden will be forced to run against. 

How strong a candidate will he turn out to be? We have no idea.

Reverend Sharpton agreed with The Five. So did everyone else on today's Morning Joe panel.

Meanwhile, Wagner had almost unburdened herself once again. Along the way, she hadn't asked her blue tribe viewers to watch, and then to think about, the meaning of that videotape. 

O'Donnell disappeared it as well.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but our own blue tribe, like all human tribes, is frequently saddled with very poor judgment. As is true with all human tribes, many members of our own tribe have a hard time grasping that fact.

Reverend Sharpton agreed with The Five! Are we self-impressed souls over here on the left able to wrap our minds around what events like yesterday's catch and release will mean as Candidate Biden tries to campaign in the face of our tribe's self-imposed blindness? 

This morning, it's just like Ben Franklin said. Our candidate is sporting a six-point lead, but only if we can keep it.

This afternoon: The New York Times, clowning around about Swift

Opening segment of The Five: We advise you to ponder the tale of that tape. To watch the opening segment of The Five, start by clicking right here.

You'll see what the five Fox News panelists said. Thirteen hours later, on Morning Joe, Reverend Sharpton made it six.


  1. It's a tough time to be a racist Trump supporter. Biden is ahead by 6, Taylor Swift is for Kansas City, and the alternative team is from the gay city of San Francisco.What's a Trumpster to do?

    1. And you? Do you define yourself by what you aren't? Is your mood mostly driven by what the Trump supporters are up to and how they are feeling, so you can "bathe in their tears?" Or do you have an identity of your own?

    2. It's a microcosm of the current Democratic party. Where do we think "own the libs" came from? It's a reflection in the mirror.

    3. I think the original commenter is saying that the Republican Party just owned itself.

    4. Somerby is the one who accuses the left of going “yay yay yay” when the right loses, but why shouldn’t we feel hope and encouragement at the thought that Trump will be defeated? That isn’t living through politics or viewing everything through a political lense, but feeling glad that disaster may be averted, democracy may be saved and the world may become a better place. There is a lot at stake for all of this. Why wouldn’t we care?

    5. "Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict"

  2. Today Somerby’s argument seems to be “yes, there is crazy on the right, but not everyone believes it and Crispi (one guy spouting crazy!) is just one guy.” Well, that isn’t exactly true. This attack on Taylor Swift includes the fake nude pictures circulated of her, Trump’s claim that he is more popular than she is, calling her a bad singer, and now this deep state conspiracy theory about the Super Bowl.

    Somerby should be capable of seeing that the right is trying to neutralize her influence on Trump’s behalf, but instead Somerby is running interference for the right, failing to point out that Swift deserves a life and a career and a vote, without being targeted like this. Or we may see her beheaded on Youtube by some truly mentally ill kid who believes their shit.

    Instead, Somerby squawks at the blue tribe for being blue. And yes, the polls are starting to swing in Biden’s favor.

    1. How do attacks on Taylor Swift by some individuals on the right suggest a coordinated effort by the entire political right to neutralize her influence? How do you substantiate the likelihood of a progression from criticism and conspiracy theories to a violent beheading? Why must one either condemn the right's treatment of Swift in the manner you wish or be complicit in the harassment? Why are those the only two alternatives? Why have you not engaged with Somerby's broader critique of media sensationalism and the political exploitation of minor figures or statements?

    2. It is multi-pronged, which suggests coordination not random individuals who all decide to attack Swift at the same time. When Trump attacks someone, it signals to his supporters to go after them too.

    3. Taylor Swift isn’t a minor figure.

    4. It's a symptom when every news item, every event, everything happening to everyone everywhere is just seen as favoring the right or left. It's a sign that you are no longer thinking rationally.

      Everybody loves turning everything into political footballs to kick around. Maybe the fact that this involves actual football has made it irresistible to that typical, shallow treatment.

    5. I don’t know who you’re criticizing here, 12:36, but it’s become fairly widespread in the right, this current demonization of Taylor Swift. She’s a Biden supporter with clout, so she must be brought down. It’s not a tangential issue. It’s the way the right operates these days against their perceived enemies, led by Trump. It’s important to show how they operate, the depths they sink to.

    6. My comment was about everyone that's saturated themselves in politics. I admire the calling out aspect and agree the right does more coordinated attacks on people and things. People often take criticisms levied at both sides as equating the behaviors on a moral or other scale of some kind. That's a different subject.

    7. @12.52 PM - Swift is also a significant get-out-the-vote generator, especially with young people.

    8. "It is multi-pronged, which suggests coordination not random individuals who all decide to attack Swift at the same time. When Trump attacks someone, it signals to his supporters to go after them too."

      Multiple individuals attacking Swift following Trump's criticisms could indicate a pattern influenced by his stance, but it does not necessarily prove a centrally coordinated effort.

    9. "Taylor Swift isn’t a minor figure."

      This is irrelevant and a cowardly, midwitted dodge that ignores the issues in media sensationalism and political exploitation central to the piece.

      That's as good as you can do between Pornhub sessions?

    10. "It's a sign that you are no longer thinking rationally."

      These poor people are fed such garbage, partisan information.

    11. The commenter at 11:37 said “political exploitation of minor figures.” That prompted the comment that Taylor Swift isn’t a minor figure. As 1:14 notes, she has a huge, young fan base, whom she encourages to vote for Biden. Hence, the right wing goes after her. It’s part of their strategy. She scares the hell out of them. That you and Somerby think it’s trivial and a distraction is your prerogative.

    12. Why does it look like Biden is trying to lose the election by ignoring young people (except Taylor Swift)? Maybe because he is?

      "Young people really want to hear from candidates who understand where they are in life and understand how they would support their priorities. Economy, housing, cost of living are some of the top issues.... Mental health... Environment.."

      "Joe Biden Endorses Elmo Tweet, Says ‘We Have to Be There for Each Other’: ‘Elmo Is Right’"

    13. Lame attempt at a pivot, 5:34.

    14. How dare someone change the subject to voter priorities from the topic of... Fake nude pictures of a celebrity?

    15. Because you … changed the subject. Duh.

    16. 5:28 Minor refers to the minor figure mentioned in the piece, not Taylor Swift.


    17. Are you embarrassed, 7:06? Somerby’s more recent post has Sean Hannity discussing Taylor Swift. Sean Hannity…major Republican player. Not a “minor figure.” Go figure.

    18. Not embarrassed.

  3. Anne Edwards has died.

  4. Why no context about that attack? They weren’t doing it because they were asylum seekers, but that is all we are told about them, even by Somerby.

    1. “Context.”
      This comment reminds me of the 3 college Presidents testimony that calling for another Holocaust might be OK depending on the context.

    2. I wouldn't dismiss the call for context. It can be abused like anything but we already have way too much stuff being taken out of context. Also, when parties can't agree on what the context is, they are not having a productive discussion.

    3. David, no one is saying it was ok to kill cops. What some here are saying is not to allow emotion to jump to conclusions, particularly partisan political ones.

    4. A balanced comment and well said, 12:42

    5. d in c - you're a fanatical apologist for Israel and the right-wing Israeli government, and the view you express here is consistent with that. As clueless as the college presidents' response to the NY congresswoman's (quite unfair) questioning was, none of them testified that "calling for another holocaust might be ok, depending on the context." You are engaging in severe, below the belt distortion, twisting what they said. It's obviously not just you, but it's the bad part of politics, propaganda.

    6. AC/MA I appreciate your comment, but I don't agree. Calling for mass murder of trans people or blacks would be utterly unacceptable on campus, regardless of context. Calling for mass murder of Israeli Jews would depend on context. The Congresswoman's question was an effective way to illustrate the double standard.

    7. What if those trans people were also cop-kicking asylum seekers? See, there IS some context that matters.

    8. Or cop-attacking January 6 rioters? Asking for a friend.

    9. David, is this some fucking nightmare you had, or did you actually see examples of people calling for the mass murder of blacks or trans people on college campuses and how did the administration punish them? How did they demonstrate concretely that it was unacceptable?

    10. @2:19 Much much milder words criticizing trans or blacks have been seriously punished.

    11. You made a rash fucking claim, David. You have been making this claim repeatedly since Oct. 7. So now back it up. Who, where, what, when? Sorry, I don't believe you. You can go peddle your grievance somewhere else.

      Free speech is free speech. Threatening violence crosses the line - for gays, trans, Jews and blacks etc.

    12. Every nationality in America has a criminal past. It's only when the government recognizes a nationality as good enough for the economy that they're allowed to have jobs being lawyers or in media. Pimping and drug dealing were common across races. There were Jewish hitmen in New York City once upon a time.

    13. @4:20 Here's a dramatic example from wikipedia of someone sanctioned for a very minor infraction -- really a non-infraction -- involving blacks.

      n late January or early February 2002, a white fourth-grade teacher in Wilmington, North Carolina, was formally reprimanded for teaching the word and told to attend sensitivity training.[17] The teacher, Stephanie Bell, said she used "niggardly" during a discussion about literary characters. Parent Akwana Walker, who is black, protested the use of the word, saying it offended her.[17]

    14. David can’t help himself from brining up blacks, and making an irrelevant comment.

    15. This is a made-up story, like the furries needing litter boxes at schools.

    16. I support "De-Fund the police", because that is the moderate/ centrist position.

  5. These ghastly videos are all over X, with a new one out every day of the week. Nothing new here.

    Evidently. these horror shows are only news during an election year.

    1. What makes you think they are news and not propaganda?

    2. What's the difference these days?

    3. On X they’re click bait. People are left to their own conclusions.

      As a matter of national news interest, they’re news/analysis/opinion. There’s always the component of propaganda.

    4. And “ghastly” videos are much more useful for propaganda than cute puppies. That’s the danger and the sickness of those who would use them as such.

    5. Yes, fear sells. It's a dirty business. I'm not sure cute puppies are the alternative, haha! How about nuanced discussion? (haha again...)

    6. You mean, like the lengthy one on Morning Joe?

    7. Don't watch the show, but it sounds like it has good discussion sometimes. And when compared to other shows it is probably one of the brighter lights. But we need to do better still.

    8. Anonymouse 12:43pm, these ghastly videos can be used for political manipulation by over estimating the frequency of such occurrences or they can be dismissed or minimized for the purpose of controlling the narrative as well.

    9. You mean the way they were dismissed or minimized by being shown and discussed at length on Morning Joe? Like that, Cecelia?

  6. Nikki Haley says, "Texas can secede if that's what its voters want."

    She is the mainstream republican moderate in the race for the republican nomination.

    What the fuck is TDH howling about today?

    1. No time for introspection! WHAT IS THE RIGHT UP TO TODAY?!

    2. Ah, yes. Introspection. The right will use videos like this as propaganda against Biden. What a news flash. “Democrats soft on crime”…I’ve only been hearing that since the Nixon administration.

    3. We must sculpt all of our behavior by what the right will make of it. March in lockstep or dance, but don't do it because you genuinely want to!

    4. Somerby is worried that the right wing will attack Biden as soft on crime. Ya think? Duh.

    5. "... she is the mainstream republican moderate ...."

      You've been conned.

    6. The original commenter was being sarcastic, 1:17.

    7. Strange way to use sarcasm. As supporting evidence for their complaint. Sends a very confusing message if that's the case.

    8. We must sculpt all of our behavior by what the right will make of it.

      Not sure what you mean by that. Some of us have seen this movie before, many times.

    9. I'm criticizing the idea that everything we say and do should be filtered by what impact it might have on the vote. Because it ultimately backfires and feeds the fire. It's a tough leap to make especially if you are still mired in that way of thinking, but this very strategy is what has led to where we are at with Trump etc.

    10. Well, enjoy yourself knocking down that strawman.
      I don't see anyone being that one-dimensional.

    11. "What the fuck is TDH howling about today?"

      Whatever the fuck he wants, midwit troll.

    12. "Not sure what you mean by that."


  7. Why would Trump even be talking about Pelosi? Saying Haley wasn’t Trump’s only oddity.

  8. Why aren’t commenters utterly horrified by this story, as I am?
    — Public attempted assassination of 4 policemen
    —Video of the attack available
    — assailants were illegal
    — kid glove treatment of assailants

    Is it because
    — we no longer think for ourselves. We get horrified only when our media tell us to get horrified
    — it’s racist ti criticize illegal immigrants
    — discussing the event helps Trump

    1. Ahem: “ This morning, Morning Joe played the same videotape. The panel then discussed the tape at length during the program's first half hour.”

      Blue tribe media won’t discuss it…except when they do discuss it, at length 🙄

    2. I think it is important to remember you are supporting for President an adjudicated rapist who is out on bail on 91 charges and has been required to refund defrauded student tuition, and attempted to end our Democracy by organizing an auogolpe. Plus he poops his diaper.

    3. I think you’ve just enumerated the reasons David supports Trump, Arty.

    4. Thanks for the info @12:37. Can you tell us what Morning Joe said about the videotape?

    5. David, did you even read Somerby’s post? It’s right there.

    6. I'm one that is fully on board with criticizing the blue tribe media. As a liberal.

      "Blue tribe media won’t discuss it…except when they do discuss it, at length"

      When they do, it should absolutely be lauded.

    7. David,
      I'm as horrified by the public assassination attempt on four police officers, as I am by the fact police have qualified immunity. That's why I support the moderate/ centrist position, "De-fund the police".

  9. "Why aren’t commenters utterly horrified by this story, as I am?"

    Because we all - all of us - screen our news stories through the filter of "Will it help or hurt my candidate win?"

    1. Please ask everybody to stop doing that before it's too late.

    2. You can be horrified without jumping to conclusions, piper.

    3. Crime rates for immigrants are lower than for US citizens. Atrocities are awful but don’t change the rarity of such behavior , being presented by the right as common or typical. And we know nothing about the details still.

    4. Asylum seekers are not immigrants.

    5. US crime rates for potential illegal immigrants who are prevented from coming here is zero.

    6. It's against international law to turn away asylum seekers. The death people face by deportation in military dictatorships is still a murder the US is assisting.

    7. It’s certainly an accident that conservatives don’t support e-verify, amirite?

    8. Using that logic, David, all citizens should be exterminated at birth, than the rate will be 0, except for the exterminations, which may or may not be legal.

    9. @6:05 The idea that a country should primarily behave for the benefit of its citizens seems to be waning here in the US. In the past, we would have taken that for granted.

      Many Americans today believe the US government should be almost equally concerned with the welfare of non-Americans as we are are about Americans. This is a dangerous POV, because many other countries DO primarily focus on their own welfare. Also, some totalitarian governments focus mostly on the welfare of the governing group.

      The point is, American had better focus on the welfare of Americans. Nobody else will do that.

    10. What if the welfare of Americans is inextricably tied to the welfare of non-Americans? For example, when we need someone to pick crops yhat ripen all at the same time and yhere are not enough local workers to do it? Do you want the crops to rot and farmers to go broke and Americans to go hungry because the workers available are not citizens?

    11. You're right, David. For example, I see some people supporting an ultra-right leader of Israel spitting in our president's face.

  10. Sanx:

  11. Asylum seekers are good, decent persons.

    Asylum seekers can't viciously attack anyone. It's physically impossible. Wikipedia says so.

    Somerby is an ass.

    I am Corby.

  12. Somerby was also “worried” that the George Floyd protests would have Democrats saying “Goodbye Wisconsin!” to its electoral votes back in 2020. (See, it was funny, because That 70’s show used “Hello Wisconsin!” as its tag line. HAHA)

  13. Sally Kornbluth has not resigned.

  14. Republicans look particularly stupid attacking Taylor Swift, and are seriously shooting themselves in the foot. Thus, for that reason Somerby urges liberals to ignore it.

    1. "Never interrupt your opponent while he is in the middle of making a mistake."

      Sun Tzu

    2. Democrats look condescending to young voters by putting a pretty face in front of them expecting them to squee about the cuteness and fall in love with Biden like a toy commercial.

    3. Right, 5:47. Is that your variation of the current Taylor Swift conspiracy theory? That she isn’t acting of her own choice, but being manipulated by the evil DNC?

    4. She has been ignoring this, focusing on her life.

    5. 5:53

      Marketing is why people smoke cigarettes and die early from greasy hamburgers and salty fries and sign up to die in war. It's why people develop eating disorders and get into car crashes in Tesla's.

      It's why people think healthcare is communism, and the next thing they buy will make them happy.

      99% of marketing is manipulative.
      It's been so normalized by the society you live in that you think it can't be evil. Everyone in a commercial society is partly guilty of this.

    6. Agreed @7:44. And. marketing often involves spin, exaggeration, and outright lying. One result is that we no longer value honesty the way we used to in the days of Lincoln and Washington. Yes, Trump is (rightfully) criticized for his many lies. But, other politicians who lie a lot remain highly respected despite their lies. E.g., Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Bill Clinton.

      In fact, I sometimes wonder if some opinion leaders are respected FOR their skill at lying effectively.

    7. 5:53: “marketing” is why bad things happen? I tend to say that bad things happen frequently because people make stupid decisions. Now, initially, with tobacco, the tobacco companies knew the health risks, but hid them from the public. That is the function of whistleblowers and government regulations. There’s no excuse nowadays for anyone to smoke or eat greasy foods. The risks are well known.

    8. How do you have capitalism without marketing?

    9. David, when the right wing says a Democrat is lying, yhat doesn’t mean it is true.

    10. “ I sometimes wonder if some opinion leaders are respected FOR their skill at lying effectively.”

      Oh David. You’re so close to identifying Trump’s grip on the GOP. So close!

  15. Thanks to Bob Somerby. If it hadn’t been for him, we would never have imagined that the right wing would go after us as soft on crime.

    — signed, all current and former Democratic campaign strategists.

  16. DeSantis is sending Florida guard troops to help Abbott defend his razor wire against the border patrol.

  17. Americans feel safe when migrant workers are kicked in the head by dairy cows to get their most important meal of the day. When the slave class kicks back then it's called dangerous.

    1. Those vicious cows!

    2. You didn't think I was gonna come back with receipts huh.

      "Two-thirds of workers surveyed report having been injured at least once, if not multiple times, while working on a dairy farm. Of those workers, more than
      two-thirds (68%) sustained an injury so severe that they
      required medical attention, even though not all (89%) successfully received it.

      The most commonly reported
      injuries include kicks to the head, crushed limbs, eye injuries due to chemical exposure, cuts, and broken and fractured bones."

      12 hour shifts, two to four weeks without leaving the job. Cows sleep better than the workers and are more expensive to replace. Compliance with safety standards is entirely voluntary by the owners.

    3. Are they better or worse off than the migrant children working in meat processing plants?

    4. infinite growth on a finite planet, whatever the damage, why not make everyone slaves to meat

