Megan McArdle writes a column!


Should we see any truth in her claims?
We're so old that we can't quite remember what the Screen Actors Guild is being attacked for this year.

Oh, that's right! We'll return to that complaint a bit later. First, though, riddle us this—should people have laughed when Ricky Gervais said the following during his Golden Globes monologue?
Many talented people of color were snubbed in major categories. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about that. Hollywood Foreign Press are all very, very racist.
Should people have laughed at that? Or was that remark in bad taste?

More on that question below. For now, let's consider Megan McArdle's column in yesterday's Washington Post.

McArdle praised Gervais for directing some poisonous barbs at the actual Hollywood types who were right there in the room. She explained her point in the passage below, even offering a bit of a contrast:
MCARDLE (1/8/20): [I]t was refreshing to see someone stand up at a Hollywood awards ceremony and actually speak truth to power—by which I mean the actual powers in their own lives, not a hypothetical power structure with no real prospect of striking back.

Take, for example, Patricia Arquette’s famous 2015 Oscars acceptance speech, which she used to call for wage equality for women. Time magazine captured the general media reaction when it called this “a brave political statement.” Brave? Arquette might be right, but is there anything less brave than supporting a liberal cause in a room full of fervent liberals?
Be fair! McArdle acknowledged the fact that Arquette's stated view "might be right." She went on to praise Colin Kaepernick for having taken a risky stand—a stand which likely cost him his spot in the NFL.

McArdle simply disputed the standard cloying morality play in which Hollywood liberals get praised for courage when they state views which almost everyone in their industry agrees with. For ourselves, we think the problem may be slightly different.

We'll guess that a lot of people wonder why Hollywood actors seem to think that we should care about their political views. Sometimes there's even the hint of bad faith floating around. In McArdle's rendering, Gervais put it like this:
MCARDLE: "You say you’re woke,” said Gervais, “but the companies you work for—I mean, unbelievable: Apple, Amazon, Disney. If ISIS started a streaming service, you’d call your agent, wouldn’t you?

“So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform to make a political speech, right? You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg.”
We didn't watch the Golden Globes. (Do you mean to tell us that somebody did?) But we'll have to admit that those remarks do strike us as funny. Should liberals possibly take political meaning from comments like those?

Just a guess—we keep losing votes to Trump and the like because of the pomposity and self-regard which are frequently broadcast by our tribal avatars. That said, our tribal cluelessness seems to know no bounds. This brings us back to our original questions:

What was the Screen Actors Guild being trashed for not long ago? Oh, that's right! They didn't give any acting nominations to the cast of Little Women! That was supposed to show that they don't care about women-directed or women-themed films!

It couldn't be that SAG members might have thought that there were five casts which gave better ensemble performances than the cast of Little Women. It couldn't be that voters thought there were ten better perforances than the performances by Little Women's female stars.

This kind of thinking is spectacularly dumb—and The Others are able to see this. This brings us back to Ricky Gervais and the very, very racist people at the Golden Globes.

The Globes have in fact been getting battered for being very racist. But how odd! Last year, before they became so racist, they included these three films among their five Best Motion Picture/Drama nominations:
Black Panther
If Beale Street Could Talk
Remember how much better life was before they became so racist? In fact, it was just last year!

There's a dirty little secret out there—a secret we liberals struggle to crack. The secret in question keeps doing us harm. The secret in question is this:
Our tribal avatars tend to be very, very dumb.
It isn't that racism and sexism aren't important topics. It's just that we've come to these topics extremely late, and now that they're our favorite toys, there's no way to play with these favorite toys in which we won't indulge.

Last Sunday, it got so bad that Manohla Dargis was complaining about the lack of nominations for the film The Farewell—a film she didn't include on her own list of the year's 42 best films! It was "idiocy" which denied The Farewell, the outraged New York Times film critic said—sexist idiocy at that!

That's the way our avatars are very strongly inclined to play! Being very, very self-assured, they'll never know how dumb and unattractive this is unless we agree to tell them.

We expect to explore these topics next week. It isn't that the concerns are wrong. It's just that the people to whom we defer tend to be so hapless.

We're so old that...: We're so old that we can remember when the Screen Actors Guild didn't hate women, female directors and female themed films.

It was two years ago, when they gave an ensemble nod to the cast of Lady Bird, Greta Gerwig's last film! Life was so much better then, before they became so sexist.


  1. Hmm... To be fair, dear Bob, it's not only the Hollywood actors.

    All the heart-bleeding virtue-signaling dumb limousine-liberals are preposterous. Or annoying, depending on your disposition.

    Tsk. Well, come to think of it, honestly: all you liberals are...

    1. I skipped over this. Did I miss anything

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  2. Bob wrote: "we keep losing votes to Trump and the like because of the pomposity and self-regard which are frequently broadcast by our tribal avatars."

    IMHO the #1 Democratic tribal avatar in pomposity is Nancy Pelosi. Today, she criticized the President for killing a terrorist without first clearing it with Congress. Her weird decision to hold up the impeachment and demand the she approve Senate procedures, even though the Constitution gives the Senate "sole power" to decide how to run its trial. Both make her look silly.

    This is one way in which Democrats are harmed by a friendly media. The mainstream media won't blast Pelosi for this kind of nonsense. She may not realize how bad her actions look to people who get their news from somewhere other than the mainstream media.

    1. It isn’t the job of the media to “blast” anyone. The media should simply report the facts.

    2. "She may not realize how bad her actions look to people who get their news from somewhere other than the mainstream media."

      Where are they getting their news?

    3. Some people would say the leaders of the US are "terrorists" what with all the civilians getting killed by our drones, for example. Also, the US 'accidentally' shot down an Irani passenger plane killing almost 200; not much recognition of that. Imagine if it was the other way around.

    4. Is AC/MA talking about the plane that crashed this week? That was a Ukrainian plane that crashed on take-off from Tehran airport, not an Iranian plane. Has someone proven that it was shot by a US missile? I hadn't heard that. Link please if possible.

    5. @7:16 AC/MA is right. The US did accidentally shoo down an Iranian plane some years ago.

    6. Experts are claiming the plane was most likely shot down by a missle.

      It's true David, I think you know, but the US government
      is the biggest terrorist organization in the world.

    7. There are only 100 million Republicans in the USA. I doubt you can find 20 of them who have any problem with treason against the United States of America. Even if you did, there is no way all 20 will be Senators.

    8. Her weird decision to hold up the impeachment and demand the she approve Senate procedures,...

      When did Speaker Pelosi make this fictitious "demand", David, you fucking lying sack of shit? Surely you have a quote to support your bullshit?

  3. “the pomposity and self-regard which are frequently broadcast by our tribal avatars.”

    Somerby is mouthing conservative thinking. Or let’s just say he is being stupid.

    Actors are not “avatars” of a liberal “tribe.” Each actor is an individual, with his or her own opinions, and a right to state them publicly. What they think and say is not dictated by anyone else. Some of them aren’t even liberal. Imagine that. Also, actors are not always known for their humility, and they are frequently known for the intense focus on self that drives success in the movie business. And, furthermore, the movie business is not representative of general liberal thinking. It is, after all, a business, one that has never been particularly “liberal.”

    It is this tendency to see all liberals as representative of every other that is wrong and ridiculous. It furthers the right-wing notion, spouted here by Mao, that liberals are mindless zombies. Somerby is again guilty of a vast over-generalization.

    Furthermore, let’s examine Gervais himself: he is benefitting every bit as much from those same businesses that he criticizes. He isn’t truly an outsider making pointed criticisms of those other hypocritical schlubs in the movie business; he is one of them. That makes him doubly hypocritical, for pretending to object.

  4. “We're so old that we can remember when the Screen Actors Guild didn't hate women, female directors and female themed films.”

    The Screen Actors Guild awards go to performances, not films. Women have always been part of that.

    It was the Golden Globes that have seemingly snubbed women. (You know, the ceremony hosted by Gervais?) Only one woman has ever won for best director, and that wasn’t Greta Gerwig, whose film won best picture.

    “Last year, before they became so racist, they included these three films among their five Best Motion Picture/Drama nominations:”

    Last year? Good to hear the lack of racism dates all the way back to last year.

    Part of the problem that Dargis and others are suggesting isn’t “racism” that prevents the Golden Globes from being awarded to blacks or women. It is the *lack of films directed by blacks or women*. The cause of this is at least partially related to structural racism and sexism that exists and has existed in the movie business.

    Or does Somerby not see the irony in his chiding of “liberal” Hollywood for ignoring Weinstein’s behavior, which was clearly sexist, while at the same time claiming that charges of sexism are bunk?

  5. “We'll guess that a lot of people wonder why Hollywood actors seem to think that we should care about their political views.”

    Anyone, famous or not, who publicly states a political view presumably feels that their view has merit.* Many feel compelled to state their views as a needed part of the public discussion of politics. That they are able to do so is the nature of freedom of speech.

    Neither I nor anyone else has to “care” about someone else’s political views. But “we’ll” guess that maybe a lot of people do care what actors think. So what?

    Here’s a suggestion: if you don’t want to hear actors’ pomposity and/or their political views, how about not watching or paying attention to them?

    *like for example, TDH, who has stated numerous times that all of the Democratic presidential candidates are “terrible.”

    1. I don't care about TDH"s views. I do care that he claims to be a liberal, whereas he is clearly a hard core Trumptard.

  6. 'That said, our tribal cluelessness seems to know no bound'

    Certainly Trumptards like TDH are careless.

  7. "It isn't that racism and sexism aren't important topics. It's just that we've come to these topics extremely late, and now that they're our favorite toys, there's no way to play with these favorite toys in which we won't indulge."

    If we have come to these problems very late, shouldn't we be doing everything we can to solve them now?

    I find Somerby's use of the words "toys" and "play" to be offensive when applied to solving problems such as racism and sexism. This isn't a game to the people affected by those ills in our society (e.g., all people).

  8. I went and saw Little Women this afternoon. It was wonderful. Gerwig's juxtaposition of past and present around certain themes was very effective. Together with the exuberance of the sisters, it created a great deal of energy and momentum for the film. It had the pace of an action-adventure film of the emotions, centered on relationships and family dynamics. The signal characteristic of the previous versions has been its calm pleasantness, slow pacing and warmth. This film was very different. Kudos to Gerwig for that achievement.

    If Somerby found it a mess, I'll bet that he hasn't read the book or seen the previous versions. The story itself is so familiar to girls and women that the changes would not be disorienting to anyone, but men generally don't share that background. For them, it would be like watching Witcher without ever having played the game or read the books. Witcher manipulates the timeline in similar ways, so perhaps this is trendy, or maybe it is just a known technique for speeding up a plot line.

    1. Please dumb whore, you couldn’t figure out what year it was or what city anyone was in at any given time. It doesn't hold a candle to the 1949 Technicolor version. Gerwig is an actor not a director and you can tell from this mess. You're such a dumb bitch mess yourself. It wasn't bad, just nothing to get your stinky snatch panties all wet over, cunt bitch.

    2. Thank you for making my point for me.

      And this is why I don't comment using a nym. It becomes a focus for this kind of hate and it isn't fun being on the receiving end of this stuff. The guys who don't understand why women keep complaining need to understand that this kind of thing comes out of the woodwork whenever women try to change their circumstances.

      A person who directs a film is a director, whether her name is Gerwig or Coppola or Streisand. I wasn't the one who brought up Little Women -- Somerby did that, claiming that it was a mess. Somerby and the people he attracts in comments are just the tip of an iceberg that wants to pretend it is being fair while keeping men firmly in control of what people get to see. If women can make films that show a different kind of relationship between men and women, then change will occur more rapidly, as was the case for civil rights of other kinds.

      As I said before, this is an actual gender war and these guys aren't fooling around.

    3. Thank you dumb bitch Perry, for your nonsensical idiotic response. You think that version was as good as the 1949 version with Elizabeth Taylor? You haven't even seen that version. YOU are a liar.

      Women try to change their circumstances from what? 100 years ago? Women have it far better than they ever have in the history of the world, thanks, by the way, to the modern world that was conceived and build for them by MEN.

      It wasn't a bad movie, just not great.

    4. I have seen all of the versions and I liked them all. I've also read the book and the sequels. This version was more innovative. It also emphasized different themes, pulling out threads that were in the book itself but giving them a different emphasis. Each girl (except Beth who was a shadow) had a goal that was set aside for love and family. This version emphasized the limits. It made Amy less vain and Beth less self-sacrificing and Meg less mothering in order to portray the girls themselves as people instead of the womanly virtues advocated in such books.

      Glad you noticed that it was MEN who created the Civil War that was the backdrop of the film, requiring the women to survive on their own without any male family members or help.

    5. When men say stuff like this, it seems pretty obvious they resent that all men came from women.

    6. 1:54 hates women, because women fuck guys that are smarter than him.

  9. "Just a guess—we keep losing votes to Trump and the like because of the pomposity and self-regard which are frequently broadcast by our tribal avatars."

    Very bad pretend guess. The reason Dems lose is that their base is catching on that they sold out to the big corporations.,

    1. Also, passing the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
      No Dem has won the white vote in a national election since.

    2. It's a lot of reasons. It's because they sold out their base. It's because they act like pretentious assholes. Is because they accuse potential constituents of being racists. Is because some of the potential constituents are racists. It's because liberal rank-and-file are drop dead dense and believe the lies and misdirection of their media leaders. It's because people, left and right, are mostly sheep, afraid and or unable to look at real truths.

    3. It's because they act like pretentious assholes.

      Why of course, this is the reason they gravitated to such a humble, unpretentious, modest and self-effacing grade B actor and scam artist humongous lying sack of shit, rip off con man. Why didn't I see that before!

    4. Yeah mm - you don't get it. That is the point. It's counter intuitive to liberals. Trump voters don't care about these flaws - as long as it makes liberals crazy. They will vote for an even crazier more brutish person next time. What do they have to lose? The leadership of the alternative party explicitly calls them a bunch of racists. Either they haven't had a pay raise in a generation - or if they are white collar- they are doing great! There is nothing to lose and Dems don't offer them anything different.

      Anyway, I know it's hard for you to take. It sucks for you, I get it. But I don't think you'll ever understand it. Your party is deeply flawed. You refuse to look at that and instead take the bait and focus on the flaws of the other party. This why you lose and will always lose. You're ignorant. No offense. You're caught in a trap. You're a victim.

    5. Yes, 1:45, there is absolutely no difference between Sanders/ Warren and Trump.
      BTW, you're going to need to troll harder.

    6. 1:45, oh, I understand perfectly. Sure, Dems don't offer them anything, Right, got it.

    7. What do they offer them?

    8. I'm too busy trying to find a real live unicorn to waste my time looking for a Trump voter who cares about the rigged economy.

    9. 2:04,
      Healthcare and education.
      Alas, not the bigotry they crave.

    10. "Dems don't offer them anything," - you think they do? This is your disconnect my friend.

    11. "Healthcare and education." This is where you are wrong.

    12. "Healthcare and education" Ooh la la. That's a good one.

      I know it is frustrating for you. It sucks.

    13. What are Democrats doing abut the rigged economy that last 20 years?? Name one thing.

    14. The Consumer Financial Protection Board.

    15. 2:08,
      What are the chances Trump voters forget to protest Trump's actions if Trump provides reparations for slavery, the way they forgot to protest Trump handing the economy to Wall Street?
      I'm guessing no chance at all.

    16. 2:42,
      That makes All Trump voters out to be bigots. I have it on good authority (i.e. the corporate-owned media) that there is such a thing as a Trump voter who is not a bigot. As soon as we get that Trump voters name, we can try to verify it.

    17. HAHAHA "The Consumer Financial Protection Board" .

      That's what I mean when I say you'll ever understand it.

      2:42, 2:46 - your posts are stupid and sad. You're a fool and it is you who helps Trump. Sleep tight. But I get it, you're just a human being doing the best you can with what you have been given.

    18. 3:23,
      Thanks Mao.

    19. What do they offer them?

      give me a fucking break with your bullshit.

      95% of the people who voted for the flim flam msn, are the same people who voted for Reagan, Daddy Bush, Bush JR, McCain, and Romney.
      The difference was the Cheeto faced flimflam man got the real vicious mouth breathing Limbaugh audience who hated McCain and Romney because they were too squishy and sat on their lazy racist asses in 08 and 12 to go to the polls with gusto.

      Have you ever watched one of cheetolini's Nuremberg rallies? Yeah, we're talking pure uncut hate.

    20. 3:23,
      Neither of us gets the point you pretend you're trying to make. That's what makes us so similar.

    21. Ha ha ha. The Consumer Financial Protection Board. As if there was a Trump voter who wanted the Elite to be held accountable for their crimes. Ha ha ha ha.

    22. 3:42

      The point is increasing numbers of average Americans can no longer stomach voting for parties that only pretend to represent their interests.

      Studys show a type of split-level reality between the core sectors of finance, technology, and electronics and the rest of the economy, which is now comprised of mostly low-paid service sector jobs.

      Managers and professionals in the core have one or more college degrees, earn high salaries, and some financial assets of their own. Everybody else's, scrambles in poorly paid labor markets with only intermittent access to relatively expensive credit. They are on a treadmill to nowhere and they know it.

      These are the voters to whom Democrats must appeal. Many just don't perceive a meaningful difference between the major parties.

      The Affordable Care act was a major disappointment and didn't offer them any help and actually contributed towards them not showing up in 2016.

      And since the 2016, Democrats have focused on the ridiculous Russiagate which yielded nothing and was a really just a diversion to take their constituents minds off their own failures..

      They could have used all that time and energy to focus on issues that appeal to this vast constituency of voters who have found themselves on the short end of the stick of globalism and technology but they can't because they are indebted to the same power structures as the Republicans. Democratic leadership could care less about these rank-and-file workers. And Democrats like yourselves actually hate them.

      So what do you do? Run for president a man who has run and lost twice and is senile. What more proof do you need that Democrats are lost and out of touch and have no interest in helping a majority of Americans?

      That's the point. Democrats have to look at themselves and adjust their party to address the needs of majority of Americans, most of whom are living paycheck-to-paycheck and not helped meaningfully by either party.

      We are living in essentially a duopoly, an oligarchy. Who is president doesn't really matter. That's why I say you never will understand it because you still see it has some sort of fair system with one party having your interest in mind. Believe me, they don't. That's why these workers will be happy to vote for the craziest stooge to come along. It doesn't matter to them who is president. They lose either way.

      And you pathetically think they should be proud to have been provided with the Consumer Financial Protection Board. Oh my.

      Yet, instead of appealing to them and addressing their pain, these are people that you broadly paint as all racists which makes you not only ignorant but assholes.

      Have a good weekend.

    23. mm actually, 10% of Trump voters voted for Obama.

    24. Yup. Holding the bankers who crashed the world's economy through fraud accountable is exactly like not holding the bankers who crashed the economy through fraud accountable.

      Also, easing the pain of 23 million Americans who now have health insurance, is exactly like not easing the pain of 23 million Americans who don't have health insurance.

      BTW, what does "gaslighting" mean?

    25. " 10% of Trump voters voted for Obama."

      Why stop at 10%? You can just as easily say 65% of Trump voters voted for Obama. After all, the proof you don't provide for your 10% claim is exactly as strong as the proof not provided for the 65% claim.

    26. 7:05,
      61 million American voters think the Democrats do too much for the citizens of this country. Of course, they aren't as smart as us folks who see no difference between say, Elizabeth Warren and any Republican who touts laissez-faire capitalism.

    27. "The Affordable Care act was a major disappointment..."

      Sure, more than 20 million people gained health coverage under ACA policies such as subsidies for individual market coverage, reforms to the individual insurance market, letting young adults stay on their parents’ plans, and the requirement to have coverage or pay a penalty, but 7:05 didn't also get a pony, so it's a major disappointment.

      OTOH, 7:05 is 100% correct that this country is "far left", not "center-right" like the corporate-megaphoned liars tell us it is.

    28. "Holding the bankers who crashed the world's economy through fraud accountable"

      I didn't realize Democrats did that. Tell me more. Details!

    29. Yes, the ACA was a major failure and disappointment. Of course! Are you saying the ACA was a success?

    30. Yes I know exactly what gas lighting is. I also know that it is compulsively misused by mostly younger liberals with weak loins and even weaker intellects. My God, has there ever been a more misused and overused term?

    31. I love that the person telling us the American voter can't see any difference between Elizabeth Warren and Donald J. Trump, is also here to lecture us about disparaging the American voter.

    32. "Holding the bankers who crashed the world's economy through fraud accountable"

      I didn't realize Democrats did that. Tell me more. Details!

    33. "My God, has there ever been a more misused and overused term?"

      You mean, besides "economically anxious"?

    34. Yes, I regret to inform you that the enormous swath of constituents mentioned above who are stuck working low-level service-sector jobs in small communities marginalized by globalism don't see a meaningful difference between the two parties. The people you despise and stupidly call bigots. Sorry, if you think they are going to look at Warren and be inspired by her rhetoric and think that she will be able to institute true, meaningful changes to their lives, it's on you. Only an inspiring outsider proposing deep, deep changes can bring these people back out to the voting booth or get them to stop punking the system with WWF candidates like Trump. I'm sorry to give you that bad news. Intellectually, it's too much heavy lifting for you I know. It's so much easier to rub your belly and call them on racists than to take a hard look at your party and begin to demand that they change because the ACA was a disappointment and no, Democrats didn't do anything about the bankers who exploited the system. Quite the opposite. You want to play the blind man, play the blind man. You'll see. I'll come back here and point it out to you after you lose the next election. I know you mean well and are doing the best with what you have been given intellectually.

    35. You mean, besides "economically anxious"?

      No, I don't mean that.

    36. It's too bad your replies are not even funny or clever as that is all you have are trite replies that are meant to be funny and clever but fall flat 100% of the time instead of anything interesting or substitutive. You're a really pathetic dude. But I know you're just doing the best you can. There's so much crazy shit out there that would blow your mind. It's a big world out there. You should leave your room sometime.

    37. 12:35,
      Those not at all racists protested the ACA, but those not at all racists never protested that Stephen Miller has a position in the White House.
      Please provide a gas lighting made up story, which shows they might not actually be racists, before I start to think you don't know what you're spouting about.
      Thanks for all you do.

    38. 12:00,
      Finish the story. You left out the part where Trump handed the economy to Wall Street, and then the fine folks, who punked the system by voting for a WWF candidate like Trump, didn't make a peep of protest.

    39. 9:30,
      It's almost like the folks who are super-concerned about how the economy is rigged to benefit the elite at their expense, are perfectly fine with Trump handing the economy to Wall Street grifters. But that can't be right, because some bullshitter on TDH, who has backed up zero percent of his opinion with facts, says tit isn't true.

    40. "Most Trump voters were not working class."

      These are people that vote for Trump but most don't bother to vote, damn stupid fool.

    41. If you want facts you can download the paper here:

      "The study also looks broadly at patterns of industrial structure and party competition in both the major party primaries and the general election. It attempts to identify the genuinely new, historically specific factors that led to the upheavals that shook the entire political system. It points especially to the steady growth of a “dual economy” that locks more and more Americans out of the middle class and into a life of unsteady, low-wage employment and, all too often, steep debts. "

      Like the Mueller report though, you're too lazy and stupid to read it.

    42. mm - are you going to be a fool all your life?

    43. 9:22

      Again, not clever or funny or insightful. Just dumb.

    44. But go for it. Keep believing as you do and keep losing. I wish you the best.

    45. "I wish you the best."

      Also a lie.

    46. Not a peep when Trump gave corporations a HUGE tax break.
      OTOH, there was lots of whining from the economically anxious when Colin Kaepernick protested police brutality against black people.

      Pro tip: Troll harder.

    47. The anti-capitalist at 10:10 is correct. Democrats would be wise to run Marxist/ Socialists for all elected offices.

      A media criticism blog might note that the country being "Center-Right" is the lie the media just can't quit.

    48. OK - well, I have backed up what I said with facts and statistics. That's about as far as I can go. I do wish you the best. I will vote for whatever Dem again. I realize you are just a dumb pleb and don't matter but it's sad to see you get fooled. Plus if you read that paper you will see ... wait, you won't read it. So it doesn't matter.

    49. What 10:10 is correct about is that only the Democrats have agency. No one expects Republicans to do anything good for the citizens off this country, or even be open enough to be convinced to do the right thing for the citizenry. Never going to happen.
      So, it makes sense to try to convince Democrats (the only other major political party we have) to do so.
      What 10:10 is wrong about is that there is no difference between the two parties. Read his posts. They clearly show that he believes the Democrats, and only the Democrats, could be convinced to do things that are good for the people of this country.

    50. 10:10 is blaming the player, not the game.
      10:10 would be making a more valuable point, if he had the backbone to call for getting money out of elections/ politics. But 10:10 is a lazy coward, so he instead attacks the party which took 20,000 off the uninsured rolls, because it wasn't perfect.

  10. '"Just a guess—we keep losing votes to Trump and the like because of the pomposity and self-regard which are frequently broadcast by our tribal avatars.'

    We lose votes to Trump because Trumptards like Somerby claim to be liberals, yet spend all their time attacking liberals and ferociously defending DJT, Roy Moore, Ron Johnson, Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes.

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