So what the heck is the book about?


As we start, we'll let Wittgenstein give you a list: Philosophical Investigations was published in 1953, two years after Wittgenstein's death from cancer at age 62.

Its preface was written in 1945, but Wittgenstein decided to withhold publication until after his death. At the start of the preface, he listed some of the topics he said he would investigate in the book. As you yourself can see, the preface starts like this:


The thoughts which I publish in what follows are the precipitate of philosophical investigations which have occupied me for the last sixteen years. They concern many subjects: the concepts of meaning, of understanding, of a proposition, of logic, the foundations of mathematics, states of consciousness, and other things. I have written down all these thoughts as remarks, short paragraphs, of which there is sometimes a fairly long chain about the same subject, while I sometimes make a sudden change, jumping from one topic to another.—It was my intention at first to bring all this together in a book whose form I pictured differently at different times. But the essential thing was that the thoughts should proceed from one subject to another in a natural order and without breaks.

"I sometimes make a sudden change, jumping from one topic to another," he said. This is part of the difficulty a reader will encounter in trying to read this book.

The title of the book is wholly generic. Basically, it tells us that we aren't reading a biology text, or a book on auto mechanics.

There are no chapters within the book, and therefore no chapter titles. Instead, the book is simply a series of numbered passages. Some of these numbered passages are one paragraph long. Others are longer.

Even for a specialist, it's isn't necessarily all that easy to say what the book "is about."  In the paragraph we've posted, Wittgenstein lists some of the "many subjects" touched upon in the somewhat disjointed text.

The thoughts which he has published "concern many subjects," he says. Those subjects include "the concepts of meaning, of understanding, of a proposition, of logic, the foundations of mathematics, states of consciousness, and other things." 

So the gentleman says, but will that list, such as it is, help the non-specialist much? Are we sure that we understand what it means to publish thoughts on "the concept of meaning," or on "the concept of understanding?" 

Do we know what it means to publish thoughts on "the concept of a proposition," if that's an accurate account of the third subject he lists? We may feel we know, in a general way,  what it means to publish thoughts about logic, or about some aspect of logic. But do we know what it means to publish thoughts on "the concept of logic," if that's an accurate account of Wittgenstein's language there?

Readers approaching their first encounter aren't getting much help from that list.  That said, Philosophical Investigations was rated the most important philosophy book of the 20th century in a survey of philosophy professors in late 1999. (Tomorrow, we'll add a note about what Professor Horwich later said.)

We think the book, though highly opaque, can be quite instructive. The entire text can be perused here. We'll try to help readers puzzle it out as our notes on this most important book continue down through the long years.


  1. Somerby grumbles about the organization of the book, but it was published after his death and Wittgenstein had not put it into finished form before he died. That is clear if you compare the intentions in his forward to the book itself, and also from the circumstances of his death.

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  2. From the Miami Herald:

    "Finally, after spending the past two months threatening school districts, Gov. Ron DeSantis has come up with a great idea for public education.

    He wants to eliminate the Florida Standards Assessments — three words that teachers hate, students dread and parents stress over. So much hinges on the FSA and those hours of test-taking that happen every spring: teacher performance evaluations, school grades and student self-esteem.

    DeSantis wants to replace that testing model starting in the 2022-2"3 school year with student “progress monitoring” three times a year that would reduce testing by 75% and allow for more individualized assessment that helps teachers make adjustments during the school year."

    So far, everyone thinks this is a good idea. Maybe Somerby will mention it.

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  5. This discussion on Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations" raises important questions about the clarity of concepts in philosophy. Like navigating the complexities of this book, mastering Pacman in its 30th Anniversary game requires patience and strategy. Both encourage us to explore deeper meanings and challenge our understanding. If you're intrigued by logic, sharing insights on gaming like Pacman can also enrich our discussions on strategic thinking in philosophy. It’s about connecting different areas of knowledge!

  6. intention at first to bring all this together in a book whose form I pictured differently at different times. But the essential thing was that the thoughts should proceed from one subject to another in a natural order and without breaks. "I sometimes make a sudden change, jumping from one topic to another," he said. This is part of the difficulty a reader will encounter in trying to read this book. The title of the book is wholly generic. Basically, it tells us that we aren't reading a biology text, or a book on auto mechanics. There are no chapters within the book, and therefore no chapter titles. Instead, the book is simply a series of numbered passages. Some of these numbered passages are one paragraph long. Others are longer. Even for a specialist, it's isn't necessarily all that easy to say what the book "is about." In the paragraph we've posted, Wittgenstein lists some of the "many subjects" touched u

    This discussion about the book's structure is intriguing! The free-flowing style can indeed challenge readers, akin to navigating the maze in the pacman 30th anniversary game—where unexpected turns keep you engaged. It’s fascinating how a lack of chapters can mirror the complexity of thought, making each passage a unique experience. This approach may resonate with those who enjoy nonlinear narratives. What are your thoughts on how this affects comprehension?
