UPDATE: Now for the rest of the Tata tape!


What Red Nation hears: In our earlier report, we gave you a bit of background on Brigadier General Anthony Tata, who specializes in spotting the traitors found all over the land.

He was today's initial guest on the Red Nation "cable news" program, Fox & Friends Weekend. The show begins at 6 o'clock Eastern. As you can see by clicking this link, General Strangelove was placed on the air at 6:04 a.m. sharp.

The one-star general was on the show to evaluate the military strikes which are under way and will apparently continue. Just for the record, we're going to guess that Tata hasn't been fully briefed by President Biden on the extent of the action which is yet to come.

Oracular knowledge filled that void. The retired general's most memorable assessment was delivered at 6:07:

"This is all a psyop on the American people and the world, quite frankly."

So the general said! To his credit, he was speaking "quite frankly" to the three friends, but also to our neighbors and friends, and fellow citizens, who live within Red Nation.

On Fox, Taylor Swift was said to be a psyop. Now, so are these ongoing strikes! Along the way, we thought we'd show you some other things which were said as a former sports reporter and a former reality show performer joined Princeton's own Pete Hegseth in cheering Tata on.

Hegseth set the tone quite quickly. He paraphrased a congressman who had said, according to Hegseth, that last night's strikes were "really nothing more than a fireworks display."

That was Hegseth's paraphrase. At that point, producers played tape of the congressman's actual statement. The statement had been made to Sean Hannity, and it had gone like this:

"Sean, I just heard tonight from soldiers who are down range right now, and they're telling me this is going to equate to nothing more than a multimillion-dollar fireworks show."

So the congressman said to Hannity, last night. By the way, how did a bunch of soldiers out in the field know what this campaign will end up being like?

Questions like those are rarely asked when we separate ourselves into Blue Nation and Red.

Before the general's session was done, he turned to that image for the third time, once again calling the strikes "a fireworks display." He also said that President Biden, like President Obama before him, was involved in "a love affair with the Iranian mullahs, and they don't want to offend them."

"There's no plan, no vision, no strategy," he said. No one asked him how he could know whether such statements were accurate at this early point in time.

Eventually, the other friends inserted themselves into the unfolding imitation of life.

For Rachel Campos-Duffy, there's still a Communist or a Marxist under every bed—and yes, those are the terms she persistently uses.

We'll guess that Campos-Duffy has some very good personal qualities. We'll also guess that she may not be a global relations specialist. Inevitably, she was soon asking this:

"How much of this do you think is Obama still directing the Iran policy? You know he's obsessed with the nuke deal with Iran."

"Yeah, Rachel. Very good points there," the general quickly replied. The other good points to which he referred had been delivered in this fuller version of what Campos-Duffy said:

General, I'm trying to make sense of all of this. And from what I can gather, as far as what the rationale is, or what the doctrine is, if you will, I see a Valerie Jarrett doctrine of appeasing Iran and making sure that the funding is still there for them in different ways, with the money that has gone to them even just this past year alone.

I also see a John Kerry doctrine that a lot of this is about making sure that our, for climate purposes, our energy is shut down, but somehow they didn't seem to do anything that could shut down Iranian oil, because I believe they want to use Iranian oil instead of American oil.

How much of this do you think is Obama still directing the Iran policy? You know he's obsessed with the nuke deal with Iran.

There you see the three good points the Washington general affirmed. 

Our guess?

Most blue tribe members don't understand the extent to which the pundits serving Red America push the idea that Barack Obama is still the acting American president. 

Some of Donald J. Trump's recent statements may have been built upon that theme. Our own blue pundits seemed to be unaware of this tribal pattern.

Thanks to the Internet Archive, you can watch the entire discussion which took place with General Tata today. We know of no particular reason to think that any of the four participants had any way to know what they were actually talking about, but in a world split into The Red and The Blue, such niceties no longer arise in the course of our fully segregated, dueling pseudo-discussions.

These strikes are just the latest psyop, the crackpot general said. First Taylor Swift was caught in a psyop. Now General Tata says this!

A suggestion: We'll suggest that you review the thumbnail treatment of this general from our earlier post. As we separate into Red and Blue Nations, we're at least on the receiving end of major anthropology lessons. 

What's human functioning actually like? That thumbnail treatment should be sobering, but it's also deeply instructive.


  1. Tata used inflammatory language, but his criticisms of these strikes were accurate. Even the liberal AP had similar criticisms, albeit in far milder language. The AP said these US strikes would not be effective at ending the attacks on our soldiers. AP pointed out that Biden's advance warnings gave leaders lots of time to flee from the target areas. The AP also pointed out that the Iranians who call the shots were not attacked at all.

    The U.S. strikes appeared to stop short of directly targeting Iran or senior leaders of the Revolutionary Guard Quds Force within its borders, as the U.S. tries to prevent the conflict from escalating even further. Iran has denied it was behind the Jordan attack.

    It was unclear what the impact will be of the strikes. Days of U.S. warnings may have sent militia members scattering into hiding. With multiple groups operating at various locations in several countries, a knockout blow is unlikely.


    1. The strikes do not need to end attacks on our soldiers. Only negotiated settlements will do that. We do not want to push Iran into full-scale war over terrorist activity. The strikes are the equivalent of a pitcher brushing back the batter when he crowds the plate.

      Why would the right wing support someone like Tata who may want full-scale middle eastern war? Events in the middle east are complicated. Fox encourages its viewers to reduce those events to bumper stickers or to conspiracy theories, but they are not dealing with reality. Remember that Tata has been away from access to real info for a long time now.

      It scares me that someone like Tata might have once held a responsible position in our military, but perhaps he was less crazy then. Or perhaps this is his cynical way of staying relevant and earning money by appearing on Fox.

      Somerby has appeared on Fox himself and could probably tell us how much guests are paid for their appearances. Bet he won't.

    2. "Biden did not level Tehran! He's failed again!"

      Jesus, you people are children.

    3. @1:21 - thanks for your thoughts.

      There are two schools of thought:
      1. Being nice helps prevent a wider war
      -2.Being aggressive helps prevent a wider war

      History shows that #2 is correct. Being prepared to counter-attack, and replying to aggression with counter-attacks are time-tested methods of deterring the enemy from attacking. Being nice has not been shown to deter enemy aggression.

      A Kipling poem makes this point better than I could.

    4. Yes, Kipling, that giant of geopolitical thinking. No, in reality Kipling was a racist and propagandist for imperialism who should have just kept to the bare necessities, and of whom Orwell famously said that every enlightened person despises him.

      There are only two schools of thought among right wing loons, the rest of us have moved beyond such nonsensical binary thinking.

    5. The wider war already happened, Israel killed 26,000 people and is accused of genocide against "Amalek"

    6. Erecting a Jewish state in Palestine was a mistake.

    7. Yes, @2:16 Kipling was a racist and imperialist By Today’s Standards. He also wrote brilliant poems and stories that are still well worth reading.

    8. Naughty Israel gets a slap on the wrist for killing tens of thousands of more people than Iran because something something friendship is magic

    9. Zionism was actually endorsed by anti semites that wanted to purge their countries of Jews.

      The majority of Jews today live in the US in relative peace and comfort. Only a minority of Jews reside in Israel, and they live in constant turmoil.

      Although peace between Israelis and the Palestinians was progressing in the 90s, it was cut short when right wingers/religious fundamentalists assassinated the leaders of the peace movement and took over Israel. Israel was a terrible mistake.

    10. The only way to hold Israel accountable is to threaten to dry up their weapons

    11. Nothing was progressing. Genocide is Zionists' only game in Palestine. Always has been, always will be.

    12. Peace was progressing with Rabin and Arafat, and could have advanced towards ending apartheid in Israel, to suggest otherwise is ahistorical and a misunderstanding of the dynamics between left and right that have played out in Israel.

    13. And now we have a whole bunch of pro-Palestinian propaganda infecting Somerby's blog. Where did those guys come from? Who is paying them? Most likely they are from Russia troll farms, helping Trump and attacking Biden while making Israel support unpopular. Grass-roots pro-Palestinian groups don't have the money for this kind of campaign but this is what we saw when Hillary ran, except it was aimed at portraying her as crooked, while Biden evokes different talking points.

      Are there still enough Bernie bros and pro-Palestinian progressives who buy the idea that both parties are equally bad, and will stay him in swing states to help Trump out? Did they not learn anything in 2016?

      Meanwhile, these blog comments have become a cess pool and the interesting people are off doing better things.

    14. David's troll quota was obviously increased too. He has never been this active before.

    15. 3:32 your comment just does not parse well, and there are hints of conflating Hamas with all Palestinians, a false assertion.

      Biden has been critical of Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, but is hamstrung by political interests.

    16. @3:18 PM
      We'll have to disagree on that one. Left and ethnocentric settler colonialism don't mix. Tactical maneuverings happen, but that's as far as it goes. I wish I was wrong, but I don't see how.

    17. “Left and ethnocentric settler colonialism don't mix.”

      On this we agree.

      I’ll consider your view that the peace movement was more performative than substantive more carefully, thank you.

    18. Russia pays me to say that Israel is a mistake.

    19. Via Iran and Qatar.

    20. Not Qatar! Qatar is not involved. The money comes to me from Russia, but it originates in Iran.

    21. @2:55 Comparing number killed doesn't make sense. The US didn't seek to kill as many Japanese as the number killed at Pearl Harbor. The US sought to win a war -- a war Japan had started. Israel now needs to win a war the Palestinians started. The Palestinians made an unprovoked war on Israel. Israel's goal is to prevent them from continuing to attack Israel.

    22. Per today's news, bombings now include the British. Right wingers are so intent on criticizing this administration, with the most simple minded binary mindset, that they do so in the middle of an ongoing retaliation. Maybe they should volunteer to be named four star generals.

    23. Good point, unamused. The retaliation should not be judged until it's completed.

      BTW "Defence Secretary Mr Shapps insisted the bombings are 'not an escalation' "
      Also "The UK said on Saturday it had engaged in another wave of 'proportionate and targeted strikes' against Iran-linked Houthi militants."

      I don't see why the UK and US should be proportionate. IMO the US and UK should do whatever is necessary to deter Houthi aggression. In fact, the US and UK seem to be doing just this. The mention of "proportionate" and "no escalation" have little meaning.

    24. Pathetic Dave in Cali. Option 2 is the way to go? Then explain why no funding for Ukraine. Today Johnson said funding for Israel, screw Ukraine. You know Putin has promised Ukraine is just the beginning of the restoration of mother Russia. So not only is option 2 the best option, it is the only option. With the added value of 90% of Ukraine coming back to our arms industry, and no spilt American blood. Man they are so pinned down by Trump who is so pinned down by Putin. Insane.

    25. American funding coming back

    26. Colonizers have been provoking Palestine since well before Hamas existed at all

    27. The majority of people Israel kills are women and children

      At least Iran hit a military target

    28. You Zionist Americans are so bad at history you claim Palestinians sold the land to Israel, left voluntarily but were not indigenous. It's like they were just waiting to lose the whole time.

    29. You can't decide if Israel needs to keep killing people or if they're not afraid of anything

    30. "People drink, snack and pose for selfies against a background of explosions as Palestinian death toll mounts in ongoing offensive"



  2. It is my understanding that in 2024, the year that just started, the Biden administration already bombed Syria, Iraq Yemen, and Somalia.

    But that's nothing important, obviously. Because someone said something about Obama. How dare they.

    1. We are not bombing civic or public or military targets in those countries but retaliating against terrorists and extremists who are being sheltered there after they have attacked American military and shipping. This is nothing new. Such militants have been attacking and we have been retaliating for decades.

      It used to be that people who sided with terrorists against US interests were called traitors. Now they appear to be blending in with pro-Palestinians and using Gaza as a cover to propagandize against the US and in favor of terrorists.

    2. People who talk like you used to be called neocon scum. Still are.

    3. Under Trump, we had about double the American active military deaths as under Biden.

      Trump released restrictions on military action and then indiscriminately bombed Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia, and illegally assassinated an Iranian general, which only led to increased American deaths, as well as civilian deaths in those countries.

      Trump also provided an increase in weapons and other support to Saudi Arabia and in return walked away with a cool $2 billion given to his family. A Trump pal owned Tier 1 Group, which trained some of the Saudis that assassinated Khashoggi, and later Trump made crude jokes about bone saws.

      Between Trump and Biden there’s a distinction with a clear difference; Trump’s actions always serves himself, Biden serves the country.

    4. Under Biden’s non-aggressive policies, wars started and/or escalated in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, etc.

    5. But Trump made jokes Corby didn't like. Horrors.

    6. Biden’s policies are not “non-aggressive”, and the answer to conflicts is not to have a leader that is friendly to authoritarian despots that are allowed free rein to do what they want.

    7. 2:57 your comment is ignorant. It’s not the joke in and of itself, the joke is a manifestation of a lack of morality that endorses bad actors to pillage and plunder the world for their own personal gain.

      While this is bone simple and obvious, all you have on offer is petulance and ignorant snark.

    8. @2:54 All of those hotspots have in common that Russia has provoked them, in order to weaken US support for Ukraine. Russia has needed to do this because Trump lost in 2020, which meant he had to fight for Ukraine instead of being given it by Trump.

    9. My comment was a perfectly accurate description of your comment: you didn't like some Trump's joke. As such, whatever my comment is, "ignorant" is one thing it's not.

    10. 3:21 your comment was ignorant, and an explanation was provided, you denying it not only does not make your claim accurate, but it further enhances the notion that you are stuck reacting with only petulance and snark. I admit, you struggling under the weight of your own ignorance is amusing, carry on.

    11. You explanations of why you hate Trump's jokes are completely unnecessary. You just do, because of what you are. Or, perhaps, you would like to quote some Trump's joke you do like?

    12. The explanation offered (free of charge) was necessary in order to rectify your ignorance, but please, continue as you are, who needs Trump jokes when you are so hilarious.

    13. I also offered an explanation: you hate Trump's jokes (and everything else) because of what you are.

      Has it rectified you?

    14. No but I almost peed pants at how laughable you are, please don’t stop, can’t get enough of your hilarious nonsense.

    15. What, you hating everything Trump is laughable and nonsense? Hallelujah, we agree on that.

    16. 1:14 It is entirely possible to be "pro-Palestinian" and a US citizen who applauds the retaliatory strikes against Iranian backed terrorists that have killed American soldiers. By "pro Palestinian" meaning deploring the current Israeli carnage and civilian deaths ongoing in Gaza.

    17. Unamused, well said, but I’m unsure of what war in history avoided that sort of dilemma.

    18. Cecelia, the amount and size of bombs dropped on Gaza is large by comparison with any recent conflicts, as you probably know, the most recent comparable being the Vietnam War according to some experts. The use hundreds of 2,000 lb bombs is especially unusual, such bombs capable of killing out to a 1,000 foot radius. The fact that the Biden administration publicly castigates Israel for the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza while simultaneously supplying them with thousands of 2,000 lb bombs since October is deplorable.

    19. Unamused won the argument

    20. I wont speak to Trump's "jokes", but his outright contempt for Republican voters is something we should all aspire to.

  3. "What Red Nation hears"

    These segments, in which Somerby spreads right wing propaganda far beyond the Fox News audience, are not helping the left as much as Somerby thinks (assuming it is not his goal to propagate right wing propaganda and he is not pretending to be liberal).

    What are we supposed to do about what the bat-shit crazy MAGA Republican party hears and thinks. We cannot spend our own candidate time denying crazy accusations because then there is no time to put forth our own messages and achievements, grounded in reality. It is surely not right for us to follow Tata and Fox down their rabbithole. So what is the point of this today?

    1. Touting Biden’s accomplishments has had limited effectiveness. We are seeing real movement in polls towards Biden now that he’s out attacking the right for their lapses in morality and integrity.

      Somerby essentially says we should play nice with fascists and let their antics generate apathy.

  4. Does Bob actually think those are GOOD points?
    Well, it's a good day for those claiming Bob actually wants Trump to win. The Valarie Jarrett Doctrine? Please.

  5. Stormy Daniels is better looking than Melania.

    1. For whatever reason, and one can speculate, Trump chose to fuck a ragged porn star that permitted the sex in the hopes of him putting her on his tv show (he reneged), instead of tending to his (third) wife about to give birth. What a guy!

      The icy way Melania’s smile instantly turns into a sneer the moment Trump looks away is scary af, but completely understandable.

    2. Apparently, Trump is even more attracted to Ivanka, about whom he prattles on about how hot she is and how he’d like to have sex with her.

    3. I was feeling sorry for Melania until she wore that coat to the border. It shows that neither Trump cares about the real people whose own countries have become unlivable for them. Where will be go if ours becomes bad? Will Mexico take us in? Not likely, after Trump suggested nuking them.

  6. Quaker in a BasementFebruary 3, 2024 at 1:46 PM

    A couple of media outlets with hidden agendas pump out a lot of nonsense and attract an audience. The rest of the world--denoted as "our Blue tribe--fails to explain the nonsense and put a stop to it. Clearly, both sides are the problem.

    1. Your “both sides” take is weak and one can reasonably presume that is why you are in the basement.

    2. Quaker is himself arguing against "both sides". Read before you troll please.

    3. Quaker has often commented here pushing a both sides notion, while your reading may be accurate, it’s likely not.

    4. Yes, I've read Quaker here and over at Drum's blog, and I don't see him expressing a both sides viewpoint. That comes from Somerby and I hear Quaker opposing it. YOU on the other hand are not familiar to anyone here and seem to have a disruptive agenda. You can go away and no one will miss you.

    5. Typically Quaker in fact expresses a both sides viewpoint.

      I find your huffing and puffing quite intimidating.

    6. 3:14 wrong. 3:21 wrong 3:27 wrong
      Go ahead and cite examples.
      The only thing that can be edited out of Quakers post for conciseness is the word "hidden".

    7. Quaker in a BasementFebruary 3, 2024 at 8:22 PM

      Anon 3:47
      No, the hell he does not.

  7. While y'all are afraid of Iran sending a drone 6 thousand miles away, a trump voter killed his own dad

  8. I was looking forward to buying some bread this morning, but regrettably I could not find my I.D.

    My I.D. is magnetically attached to my wallet, but I had dropped it in some water, which deactivates magnets.

    I guess getting carded at my age is sort of a compliment. Must be the spray tan and pancake makeup, because my turkey neck is ridiculous and I look like a walking talking Pillsbury Doughboy.

    Feeling a little under the weather today, I’ve made an appointment with my doctor to inject some bleach and get more Ivermectin pills (I’ll get refills on my uppers too). At my last visit with my doctor, he gave me a test for dementia, which I passed with flying colors, but he’s still suspecting cognitive decline as I’m often confused about what city or state I’m in.

    1. Ask your doctor to help you with your under-sized penis.

    2. I'm sure you're still an excellent bridge player.

    3. Bridge is incompatible with dementia.

    4. Some say Trump is the love child of the Pillsbury Doughboy and the Michelin Man.

    5. Those two both laugh. Trump has no sense of humor and only smiles at his own jokes. I suspect no love was involved.

    6. I play bridge, and I'm demented. Maybe that's why I always lose.

  9. Somerby keeps sounding like he wants some authoritarian entity to tell him who to believe and to decide who can appear on which TV shows, and so on. If we abdicate our own responsibility to do research on people and publications, our need to evaluate and make judgments about what we read or hear on news programs, we give up our basic freedom. And what for? Convenience, more free time? Many people give all that up and stop following the news at all. It is their choice and their right to do that. The solution is not to make it all easier for everyone by having the govt do it for us, unless you want to be one step closer to Orwell's 1984.

    1. Bob is voicing his opinion on his blog. We can take it or leave it.

    2. And it sounds like you are trying to suppress discussion in the comments. Free expression of opinions is also part of our democracy.

    3. Anonymouse 5:14pm, so you’ve accused Somerby of calling for authoritarianism via controlling what is “approved” information.

      Now you’re saying I’m somehow squelching free speech simply by arguing that Bob is voicing his opinion (on the lack of blue tribe messaging/push back against red tribe messaging) that you can take or leave, as you wish.

      If there’s a closed-minded tyrant here, it’s you.

    4. You're just too tall, Cecelia.

  10. David is right. The way to secure peace is to win total victory. Therefore the Muslim world should combine to crush Israel.

    1. That would cause WWIII, Einstein.

    2. You mean David is wrong, Newton?

    3. @4:16 The Muslim world already tried to crush Israel several times. It was a surprise that their first effort to do so in 1948 failed.

      Hamas still has the stated aim of utterly destroying Israel. Iran supports them in this endeavor. If and when Iran develops nukes, they will have have ability to totally crush Israel.

      Thanks to Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump, Israel now has friendly relations with several of its Islamic neighbors.

    4. David, that's why we don't have peace. As you've explained several times, peace follows complete victory. Israel can't conquer Islam, so Islam has to conquer Israel. It's the only way. Unless you're wrong.

    5. When Trump, incredibly, helped negotiate the Abraham Accords, I thought there was a change that I might live to see peace in the middle east. Now, I do not expect that. Good luck to you, @7:19 Maybe you will live to see peace in the middle east.

    6. The Abraham accords are just the deep alliance between Islamic fundamentalists and Washington being made explicit when before it was implied

    7. There's no such thing as "the Muslim world". There's a group of countries with Islamic governments that were leftover to serve European empires. They aren't supposed to win wars dummy

    8. The state of Israel formed a conquering army against a semi rural population with less economic power. Amazing triumph of genius there.

      The Arab armies they defeated were only formed to suppress local Arab dissent against their own puppet states of colonial masters, not to go to war and win against Israel.

      Powerful people will overthrow government before Muslims have democracy.

      Same with you shit kicking Americans. The elites see you
      redneck conservatives as imbecilic drooling animals just like the Israelis hate Arabs .

    9. You're so afraid of Arabs the only way you can imagine them behaving properly is in mass graves

    10. Genocidal intent source 1923:
      Every native population in the world resists colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the danger of being colonised That is what the Arabs in Palestine are doing, and what they will persist in doing as long as there remains a solitary spark of hope

      We have to kill them..., we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day.

      "I like this violence"

      "Human animals"

    11. Hey, tinyrevolution was my favorite blog, a coupla decades ago. What happened to Jon Schwarz?

    12. It must have been so hard to get Bahrain to agree to signing the "incredible" Abraham Accords!

      NSA Bahrain is situated in the Kingdom of Bahrain and is home to U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (CENTCOM) and U.S. 5th Fleet.

      Trump of course decided to just leave the Palestinians out of the negotiations, cause Trump is so brilliant. LOL

    13. @Cecelia 4:43 PM
      "That would cause WWIII, Einstein."

      Why did you say that? Are you a proponent of the ZOG theory?

    14. I’ve never heard of the zog theory.

  11. If the Iranians sincerely want peace, they should withdraw from Persia.


  12. The Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and some of the Arabs recklessly and dangerously placed their countries very close to American military bases. They should've known better. This will not be tolerated. I am Morby.

    1. Genuine. But it's not just the bases. They recklessly put their countries near or on oil.

  13. President Biden has won the South Carolina primary.

  14. Which is worse, the Tata tape or the peepee tape?

  15. Since January 21 the US has bombed:

    - Iraq
    - Syria
    - Yemen
    - Somalia

    US bombs continue to be deployed in:

    - Gaza
    - Ukraine


  16. Because of Qatar we can't have nice things. I am Eorby.

    1. Genuine, if slightly misguided.

  17. Mona Lisa is the cause of global warming. I am Corby.

    1. Fake. But throwing soup at paintings doesn’t help the climate.


  18. Qatar is the center of a vast right-wing conspiracy. Qatar is working day and night to destroy America the Beautiful, and to discredit our Totally Cognitive Leader. How many more must die till Qatar is stopped? I am Lorby.

    1. Genuine. Nevertheless, Qatar does not fund me.

  19. In more normal times, these people would be taken to the nearest mental institution.

  20. Where are these pro-Palestinian groups getting the time and money to spam small blogs like this one with all this noise, to the point were nothing can be discussed?

    Russian troll farms are trying to disrupt this upcoming election, just as they did in 2016 and attempted in 2020. Not all attacks use weapons. Some use spam. Whatever empathy I might have for those suffering in Gaza is entirely gone by the time these guys have been here.

    Last night they went totally bonkers, worse than Trump on one of his all caps sprees. This is what crazy looks like, not just what Tata does.

    1. I earn a comfortable living trolling for Russia and Iran. But not Qatar.
