SATURDAY: It's hard to be totally wrong on the merits...


...if you're on the air at Fox: This very morning, the regular Fox & Friends Weekend crew shot out of the gate rather fast.

The regular crew was back in the saddle. We'll call the roll of that lineup:

Regular lineup, Fox & Friends Weekend:

Rachel Campos-Duffy: genial observer of Communists, Marxists and pagans

Pete Hegseth: Princeton / Harvard Kennedy School grad who hates the Ivy League

Will Cain: Panelist most likely to tamp down overheated assessments

Following last Sunday's repeated discussions of pagans, this crew did, in fact, shoot out of the gate rather fast:

The program began with a two-minute discussion of whether it's sufficiently "masculine" for a male TV host to wave at his program's viewers when his show goes on the air. After that, Campos-Duffy called our attention to a new op-ed by Victor Davis Hanson—a new opinion piece for Fox, an opinion piece bearing these titles:

11 ways Biden and his handlers are hell-bent on destroying America
The path to civilizational destruction should be very familiar by now

You can read the column here. According to an editor's note, the somewhat thinly-argued column "is adapted from a tweet."

Is President Biden actually "hell-bent on destroying America?" Has this president, along with his handlers, deliberately found eleven ways to do that?

Whatever you think of this president's policies, that claim might seem to be a bit overwrought. It's the kind of claim which closes the door on any hope of reconciliation between the forces of our current pair of nations—Red America and Blue America, as defined by Peter Baker.

The claim that the president is intentionally trying to destroy America might seem a bit overwrought. Unless the claim is being profiled by the extremely genial weekend co-host, Campos-Duffy.

"He's kind of saying what we're all thinking," the genial co-host instantly said. She dropped her first M-bomb at 6:03, saying this as she finished reading the list of Professor Hanson's eleven points:

CAMPOS-DUFFY (4/6/24): Number 11, "Turn world-class universities into indoctrination centers."  I would add, Marxist indoctrination centers

Here is Victor Davis Hanson on the bottom line:

(VIDEOTAPE: Professor Hanson, discussing his new column on the Fox Business Channel.)

Professor Hanson has always struck us as an interesting person who is also the western world's saddest, most mournful human being. By way of contrast:

As we've noted in the past week, Campos-Duffy strikes us as am extremely genial person who doesn't seem to possess the tiniest hint of the nuance gene. 

Campos-Duffy is inclined to see "Communists" and Marxists" wherever people display a viewpoint which slightly differs from hers. She seems to lack the nuance gene, along with the gene which allows for the possibility that different viewpoints can exist in the world in something resembling good faith.

As we noted this week, Campos-Duffy added "pagan" to her list of invectives on last weekend's Easter morning broadcast. The conversations which ensued made us think of Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, in which a well-financed secret society is attempting to maintain an extremely ancient cultural tradition through a set of ceremonial activities which are religious / liturgical in their basic construction.

Yesterday, it was the Marxists again—and President Biden is deliberately trying to destroy the nation! We humans are wired to think in such ways, some of us a bit more than others. 

As a general matter, we humans will be inclined to react to others in such ways until we develop the ability to moderate such impulses. In our view, her constantly name-calling doesn't make Campos-Duffy a bad person. It means that her chemistry contains a bit too much of the million-year-old "tribal identity" juice.

(More specifically, we refer to the "my tribe or the highway" juice. Stating the obvious, a diverse and very large modern nation can't expect to run on such fuel.)

Campos-Duffy is a warm, constantly smiling presence—until she starts dropping her bombs. That said, our own blue tribe is inclined to drop a great deal of ordnance too. 

(A bit like the patrons Cummings bitterly described at Boston's Old Howard theater during World War I, we tend to "applaud all songs containing the words racist, bigot and homophobe" when sung on our cable news programs. We have quite a few other bombs we may tend to add to that last.)

We're the pagans and they're the bigots and rarely the twain shall meet! We've rarely seen this impulse go as far off the rails as it did last Sunday morning when Campos-Duffy and Hegseth, joined by the disappointing Joey Johnny Jones, mangled the basic facts of at least four news events to spread the idea that a bunch of "pagans" are now "spitting in the face of the people who love America most."

Large modern nations can't function that way, in the grip of that ancient tribal wiring. That said, the Weekend friends came out of the gate in a similar way once again this very morning.

By 6:07. Campos-Duffy was assuring Red America's viewers about the actual source of President Biden's eleven-point attempt at destroying the nation. As she dropped her first S-bomb, she told us where it comes from:

CAMPOS-DUFFY: You know, Barack Obama, I think, is behind so much of this. It is clear that President Biden isn't. 

And Barack Obama said, you know, his goal was, How do you do these socialist policies without the Americans actually knowing it is happening? And I think what's happening is we're at the point where we're finally seeing the fruits of it...

But I think a lot of people are writing, "Thank you for writing this. I'm not crazy. I'm not a conspiracy theorist." You know, somebody is intentionally trying to make this country worse—destroy it.

HEGSETH: For sure! If you want to read the whole thing, go to, the entire op-ed is there, eleven points, the reason why. As always, Victor Davis Hanson giving some clarity, some perspective on something we're always kicking around here on the show: Why are they doing this?

CAMPOS-DUFFY: Yeah, absolutely.

They're always kicking this around on their show! (For whatever reason, the policies in question had been bumped down by now to the point where they were merely "socialist.") 

That said, is President Biden—or more likely, is Barack Obama—secretly trying to destroy the country? 

"For sure," Hegseth quickly said. Campos-Duffy said, "Yeah, absolutely."

We were seven minutes into the day and we'd already reached that point. Within the realm of Blue America, the handbook is clear at this point:

Based on what Campos-Duffy said about Obama, we're supposed to denounce her as a racist. It can't be something as simple as her internal wiring lacking the first hint of the nuance or complexity genes, in much the way our own Blue America internals may sometimes seem to be wired.

When men fought on the wide plains before the towering walls of Troy, nuance and complexity played little role in the basic conflict. There was little need to manufacture otherization.

This was a war between two separate civilizations, with the Achaeans (the Argives, the Greeks) laying siege to a powerful city in what is part of present-day Turkey. Helen had left one world and gone to the other.

The Argives wanted her back.

What languages may have been spoken if some such combat really occurred? According to modern-day scholars, we still don't exactly know:

Trojan language

The Trojan language was the language spoken in Troy during the Late Bronze Age. The identity of the language is unknown, and it is not certain that there was one single language used in the city at the time.


In Ancient Greek literature such as the Iliad, Trojan characters are portrayed as having a common language with the Achaeans. However, scholars unanimously interpret this as a poetic convention, and not as evidence that the Trojans were Greek speakers...Some scholars have suggested that Greek-origin names for Trojan characters in the Iliad motivate a more serious argument for the Trojans having been Greek speakers. 

Putative etymologies for legendary names have also been used to argue that the Trojans spoke other languages such as Thracian or Lydian. These arguments have been countered on the basis that these languages would have been familiar to classical-era bards and could therefore be later inventions.

And so on from there. But that was a war between civilizations. Ours is a war between two coterminous nations, two nations which abide in one place. 

Under the circumstances, we have to find ways to persuade ourselves that we Americans are actually two separate nations. The kinds of otherizations perfected on Fox provide one of the ways we can do that.

Last Sunday's show was "cable news" about as throwback as it gets. In Eyes Wide Shut, a well-financed secret society was ceremonially maintaining an ancient sexual tradition. On Fox, the friends were explicitly seeking the continuation of a two thousand year old religious tradition.

Everybody else is a pagan. With that, the war was on.

Campos-Duffy is strongly inclined to otherize others. That said, given the state of present-day politics and policy, it's very hard to be totally wrong on the merits if you're hosting a Fox News show:

No matter how far over the top you may seem to go, you'll almost surely have a large amount of Blue American folderol to deal with.

In our view, that fact is clear in Professor Hanson's list of eleven points. His aim is reasonably true in at least a few of his basic points, though he tends to go light-years over the top in his motive-based otherization.

Good lord! Even Greg Gutfeld is sometimes arguably right on the bare bones merits of certain issues, once he has offered his standard joke about the way liberal women are just too freaking fat. 

Gutfeld would have been in that Long Island mansion in Eyes Wide Shut, engaged in those throwback procedures. But just because he seems to in the grip of some extremely unhelpful genes, even he gets to be basically right on the merits a fair amount of the time.

We'll have more on that claim next week. We'll be discussing some of the things our own bad case of tribal myopia won't allow us denizens of Blue America to see.

In our view, Professor Hanson is working with some basic points which carry some obvious merit. That said, he's also the world most mournful man, and it only took his genial admirer three minutes to spot her first batch of Marxists.

Two can play this unhelpful game. It seems to us that two modern nations, Red and Blue, are currently doing something like that!


  1. "It's the kind of claim which closes the door on any hope of reconciliation between the forces of our current pair of nations—Red America and Blue America"

    We do not have a pair of nations. We have one nation, a union which we call The United States of America. We have a single representative government that ensures that disparate voices are heard, with a process for making decisions in a diverse nation.

    Somerby does not understand that we have a process for dealing with our differences. He thinks we must have uniform thought and belief or we cannot function, despite our country's history that shows him wrong. The only time our union dissolved was when traitors seceded because they did not want to compromise on slaveholding. At all other points in our history, we have resolved our conflicts to present a united front to the world.

    Until now. Today, Donald Trump ignored our union and our processes to further his own interests by promulgating an insurrection, for which he is being tried in court. He also allied with a foreign enemy of the USA, committing treason, in order to win an office that he was not otherwise elected to fill. But Trump is one person.

    The main danger to our nation today is the coalition called MAGA that has united behind Trump, to further their own self interests regardless of the damage done to our democracy. This is the group Somerby believes we must make peace with. But Somerby is wrong about that, because these MAGA supporters of Trump do not have the interests of our country at heart. THEY have no interest in allying with us, or they would not be attempting to destroy our nation, as they are doing now and have done in the past two presidential elections. They are the enemy, not any force that shares our desire to maintain our democracy. Allying would them would be no better than allying with the slaveholders who destroyed our union during the Civil War.

    Somerby has nothing to say to those who love our country and want to see it prosper. His advice is toxic and he does nothing here except promote disinformation. Do not be fooled by his concern trolling and lies.

    I am planning to vote for Biden and other Democrats. Biden has done an excellent job as president and he deserves another term. Trump is a rapist, criminal, and con artist. No one should consider him a viable candidate for president. Somerby is part of his campaign mechanism and has nothing to say to anyone here.

    1. If Republican voters weren’t all pieces of shit, no one would vote for Trump.

    2. 11:46 agree and well said.

    3. You can agree all you want, but if you’re going to be honest with yourself you’d also agree that there is not the slightest shred of evidence to support the defamation that Somerby is part of Trump’s campaign mechanism (whatever that might mean).

  2. "Pete Hegseth: Princeton / Harvard Kennedy School grad who hates the Ivy League"

    Meanwhile, Somerby himself is a Harvard grad who hates the Ivy League and all other universities and colleges. Like Roseanne Barr, he no doubt thinks kids should drop out of college.

  3. "Whatever you think of this president's policies, that claim might seem to be a bit overwrought."

    Why does Somerby use the word overwrought? It implies that the speaker is overly emotional but not necessarily wrong in his content -- in other words, Somerby thinks the case is overstated but otherwise right.

    Is it true that Biden has 11 ways of destroying America? Of course not. That idea is cloud-cuckoo-land bonkers. Why doesn't Somerby say so? Partly because his point today is to show that Fox has a grain of truth, even when saying crazy stuff like that!

    And if you believe that, then you have found your boy right here and need look no further for right-wing disinformation and garbage, ugliess, misogyny and all other bigotry, and you will find your soulmates at Fox. And you will deserve each other, much as Somerby and Cecelia do.

  4. "Gutfeld would have been in that Long Island mansion in Eyes Wide Shut, engaged in those throwback procedures."

    Somerby thinks orgies engaged in by secret societies are "throwback procedures"? Snctm and similar sex clubs continue to exist, as they always have. There is nothing throwback about these groups.

    1. Gutfeld is afraid of women. Probably Somerby is too.

    2. I’m afraid of Cecelia.

    3. It’s your sad but undying need to “own the libs” and the trauma that gave birth to it. That’s what is scary.

    4. I’m a liberal, and Cecelia keeps refuting my beliefs with her incisive conservative logic. I’m against misogyny, so I’ve changed my mind, and I’m now planning to vote for President Trump.

  5. "But just because he seems to in the grip of some extremely unhelpful genes, even he gets to be basically right on the merits a fair amount of the time.

    We'll have more on that claim next week. We'll be discussing some of the things our own bad case of tribal myopia won't allow us denizens of Blue America to see."

    Here is Somerby revealed. He doesn't find Fox that foreign in the things it says about Democrats. He agrees with the hosts on Fox a fair amount of the time. They speak to him.

    This is why so many right wing trolls and fanboys are found in Somerby's comments, why he never manages to actually support Biden or any other Democrat, and why he is NOT liberal and not one of us liberals (as he keeps insisting, while daily promoting the programming on Fox News). And that is why Somerby never ever focuses on the bad stuff Trump says and does, without complaining that he is being treated unfairly. You won't get any news here from Somerby -- just rationalization intended to lure left-leaning people into the abyss of right wing crap.

    1. You’re such a hero, saving us gullible liberals from the abyss! As you type away in your mommy’s basement, do you wear a shiny-red cape emblazoned with a big “L”?

    2. No basements in CA due to earthquakes. Today is important because Somerby has admitted his right leanings.

    3. Don’t tell me you’re still in the bedroom you grew up in!

    4. Every conservative accusation is a confession.

    5. 12:01 makes a good point, a point that challenged Pied and triggered a childish response.

      It’s not just Somerby revealing his true nature.

    6. In what cereal box can I get one of those super-cool decoder rings where you can decode what Somerby really means? Like when he says Fox hosts are crazypants, he really means we should believe every word they say?

    7. The decoder ring is not available in any cereal box. Send $99 with your email address and discount code BOBSUX.

    8. You believe the part where Somerby says Hanson’s aim is true and there are merits to what the Fox hosts say. No decoding needed.

  6. "We're the pagans and they're the bigots and rarely the twain shall meet!"

    Actually, we are not pagans. Why would Somerby say that? But they are certainly bigots. By pretending that the left's paganism is equivalent to the bigotry on the right, Somerby excuses and trivializes the bigotry that is part of the Republican platform. It is Somerby's way of claiming that we are just as bad as they are -- except we are not. Next Somerby will be calling us Socialists and Commies and pedos, like the right does. And then it will be hard to tell Somerby apart from the other right wing propagandists -- oh, wait, it is already hard to do that!

  7. Has Bob ever explained why disparaging a rapist is bad form?

  8. I find myself wondering what fascinates Somerby so much about the ugliness of Kubrick's sexual underground in Eyes Wide Shut. The entire film is full of degradation and moral confusion. Why would Somerby find that appealing, much less "realistic?" It depicts sex not only without love or caring, but without any relationship at all, without any sense of humanity of one's partners. This is Trumpian transactional sex, except lacking any connection at all. It is what happens when people do not treat each other as people in a sexual context. The masks and disguises are for dehumanization. So why is this worth discussing day after day, in Somerby's mind? It is dark, empty, nihilistic. But it seems to fascinate him. Why?

    1. It's crystal clear why Somerby is captivated by the beauty of Kubrick's portrayal of a vibrant sexual underground in Eyes Wide Shut. The film is a masterpiece of dignity and moral clarity. Somerby must be drawn to its allure, especially its depiction of "realism." It illustrates sex enriched with love, care, and deep connections, emphasizing the humanity between partners. This is the antithesis of Trumpian transactional sex, brimming with connection and meaning. It showcases what happens when people treat each other with the utmost respect in a sexual context. The masks and disguises? They're symbols of rehumanization, inviting us to look beyond the surface. And that's precisely what makes it a topic worth revisiting for Somerby, day in and day out. It's luminous, full, and life-affirming. The fascination is obvious. Why not?

    2. The only question is whether your comment was written by a chatbot or not.

    3. A chatbot that does great parody.

    4. It isn't a parody. All it did was rewrite each statement as its opposite. That is childish and not clever.

    5. Anonymouse 1:14pm, anonymices have childish temper tantrums daily. If we all in a Starbucks with Bob, your lot would be carrying bear spray.

    6. We aren’t the ones using violence to address political problems.

    7. @12:36 PM -- 100% Chance that your text is generated by AI.

    8. Anonymouse 1:151pm, just the whole of 2019.

    9. And yet it was the 1/6 insurrectionists who went to jail for their violent acts.

    10. Anonymouse 2:23pm, you’re not the first to notice that.

    11. If you are referring to BLM protests, they were found to be 95% nonviolent. Further, a lot of the violence associated with protests was done by right wing insurgents attempting to commit vandalism and blame it on antifa or protesters. Several of these groups were arrested in the act. But that doesn't stop the right from saying that the protesters were violent -- more right wing disinformation.

    12. Bob doesn’t go to Starbucks and where he does go the females there don’t appreciate his creepy attempts at flirting.

    13. Putin infiltrated the BLM and Antifa peaceful riots. Via Iran and Qatar through Truth Social.

      I am Corby.

    14. No, Putin recruited Trump and infiltrated the NRA as a channel to donate money to right wing politicians it had co-opted.

    15. Anonymouse 3:10pm, nobody buys that self-serving tripe. There were more middle class and upper white folks throwing stuff at the police than there black people protesting the death of Floyd. Ninety percent of them in expensive athletic wear or black clothing and hoods.

    16. I observed it in real-time. On the other hand, during the riots, anonymices were justifying violence toward the police and the looting.

    17. Those white folk were right wingers not protesters, folks like Kyle Rittenhouse and his buddies.

    18. 5:21,
      You triggered, bro?

    19. 3:29 is fake.

  9. I’m not crazy. I’m not a conspiracy theorist.

  10. Notice how Somerby gives us no link to the 11 ways Biden is destroying America, even after telling us Hanson has some good ideas.

    1. No, I found it. If Somerby finds any of these complaints plausible, he has gone over to the dark side.

    2. Hanson is an angry, right wing loon.

      Also a goofy kid band from the 90s, who made more sense than Victor Hanson does.

    3. It was formed by the twin sons of Ricky Nelson.

  11. Republicans are obstructing rebuilding the Baltimore bridge. Why?

    1. Why? Russia before Trump. Trump before party. Party before country. Pretty much explains all MAGAt action.

  12. Marx today.
    Lenin tomorrow.
    Stalin forever.

    1. All three of these men are dead. Marx was German but Lenin and Stalin were Russian. Republicans are supporting Russia these days (and vice versa). You left off Trump's hero -- Putin now and forever.

    2. Marx (and Engels), building off Adam Smith’s work (and Ricardo), brought a scientific approach to economics and inequality. Marx was interested in the flaws of capitalism and was primarily concerned with promoting an increase of democracy in the workplace.

      Lenin wanted to put Marxist notions into practice, but ultimately failed.

      Russia has a long history of being a right wing country with imperialist intentions, which is why communism/socialism could never find purchase there.

      Stalin was a right wing authoritarian dictator.

      None of them understood human behavior as we now do.

      Millennials are a larger cohort than Boomers and over half of them support communism/socialism and the trend is going up.

      Americans are leaving their religions in droves, joining a worldwide movement.

      Right wingers are having to deal with a decline in their numbers and a greater awareness of their folly, yet have been clever with holding onto power.

    3. Good thing Karl Marx is dead.
      If he wasn’t, he could sue every
      Right-winger, for plagiarism.

    4. Stalin was a leftist.

  13. The easiest way to be totally wrong on the merits is to listen to Fox News. Somerby needs to come back down to earth by switching to more reliable news sources.

    In direct contradiction of Somerby's essay today, Simon Rosenberg (Hopium Chronicles, Substack), says about the jobs report:

    "As I recently posted here, the conversation about the economy in the US remains very red wavy - it is full of false right-wing narratives that are distorting our understanding of what’s happening here in our own country. The bottom line is that our economy is historically strong. Joe Biden has been a very good President. The country is much better off today. And there is a great deal of data to suggest that Americans are not as down on the economy and Biden as conventional wisdom holds. Look at this new data this week from the battlegrounds. People there understand how much better things are for them."

    ..."The bottom line on this data is that Democratic policies have repeatedly been able to make globalization work for the American people in this new and challenging age. GOP policies have repeatedly failed to deliver, as a national party Republicans have repeatedly failed to do their part.

    It is a core belief here that the current radicalization of the GOP is intimately linked to its repeated failure to handle the challenges of the post-Cold War era. The rigid ideological approach of the modern GOP has left it unable to govern in a time of rapid change; and those repeated failures have left many Republicans angry, reactionary and willing to do the unthinkable to stay in or regain power. The modern GOP has no answers for many of the most important challenges America faces today, and rather than modernizing, and adapting, as all institutions must in a time of change, the GOP has decided to fight the future by trying to rig the system to remain in power while the country and its people drift from their narrow grasp.

    This argument – about the success Democrats have achieved through modernization, and the failures of the GOP for their refusal to do so – is at the very core of my most important presentation, With Democrats, Things Get Better. "

    Most of all, I agree with this, the antithesis of Somerby's message today:

    "I am proud of our country, our President and our Party. We need to be very loud in the coming months about all the good we’ve done. Our ability to win in November may very well depend on how successful we are in fighting this economic red wave and helping Americans come to a better understanding of how successful we and America have been, together."

    1. That makes sense the author would say that given he has earned his living for the last 25 years promoting centrist candidates for the Democratic Party.

    2. I'm proud to be an American. Where at least I know I'm free. I'd gladly stand up next to you. And it's true we'll make a better day, just you and me.

  14. "Trump’s Anger and Incoherence Has to Be Seen
    April 6, 2024 at 7:16 am EDT By Taegan Goddard [Political Wire]

    Most news networks stopped broadcasting Donald Trump’s speeches in full after 2016, noting that the free publicity helped spread disinformation.

    But I’d argue that not broadcasting them now makes Trump appear more cogent than it really is.

    On my way back from Hawaii, I watched Trump’s recent speeches in Michigan and Wisconsin. He’s definitely more rambling and incoherent this time around. He repeatedly veers into barely intelligible stories. And he’s decidedly more angry and vengeful.

    Each Trump speech had more than a few riffs that on their own could have ended a normal presidential campaign years ago. The violent imagery and insults are taken to new levels.

    It’s true that Trump’s promotion of baseless ideas are nothing new. We saw this clearly during his presidency.

    But in a campaign between two old men, it’s Joe Biden that elicits more scrutiny of his age and mental acuity. That’s deserved since he is the most powerful man in the world.

    However, it’s increasingly clear that reporters have become inured to Trump’s style of speaking. He seemingly gets a pass as he stands before large crowds spouting ideas that are either barely understandable or flat out lies.

    Regardless of what you think about what he would do as president, it’s obvious to anyone watching these speeches that Trump is “not all there.”

    When you view his speeches in full, you clearly see his menace and hatred toward those who oppose with him.

    The news media really needs to show this more clearly to voters."

    1. When you don't understand what someone says, there are two possibilities:
      1. The speaker is unclear or worse
      2. You are lacking in understanding.

      If a bunch of people apparently DO understand the speaker, that's a clue that the reason might be #2.

    2. Where is the evidence Trump supporters understand anything he says?

  15. Professor Hanson's Eleven Points:

    1. Wipe out a 2,000-mile border.
    2. Run up $35 trillion in national debt.
    3. Appease or subsidize enemies like Iran and China. Demonize allies like Israel.
    4. In a multiracial democracy, redefine identity only as one’s tribal affiliation.
    5. Recalibrate violent crime as understandable, cry-of-the-heart expressions of social justice. Ensure no bail and same-day release for arrested, repeat violent felons
    6. Emasculate the military by using non-meritocratic standards of race, gender, and sexual orientation to determine promotion and commendation.
    7. Reinvent the justice system to indict, bankrupt, convict, jail and eliminate political opponents.
    8. Encourage the fusion of the bureaucratic state with the electronic media to form a powerful force for political audit, surveillance, censorship and coercion.
    9. Make war on affordable gasoline and natural gas.
    10. Marry late, but preferably not at all.
    11. Turn world-class universities into indoctrination centers.

    It's worth reading the whole column, because it includes actions that, he says, explain and support these points.<\i>

    1. “4. In a multiracial democracy, redefine identity only as one’s tribal affiliation”

      Boy howdy.

    2. This is not anything Biden has done or is doing. It does seem to be what Somerby says, given his division of the US into red and blue tribes. Democrats respect the way individuals wish to define their own identities, as part of our basic freedoms and civil rights. I'm not sure you understand what Hanson means by this.

    3. Anonymouse 1:13pm, I’m completely sure that I understand what Hanson means by this and I also understand that you’re doing your usual act of implying it’s all so esoteric.

    4. As I said, this is another item on the list that Biden is not doing.

    5. @1:13 I wish I could agree with you, but the Biden Administration is doing things that promote the importance of race and ethnicity in defining someone's identity, such as

      1. Proclaiming and boasting about the ethnicity of various appointees. Saying "This is the first black female in this position" rather than This is the most capable ever in this positiuon."

      2. Maintaining DEI, which is all about ethnicity being a key part of someone's identity.

    6. The problem with a vague statement is that anything you dislike can be crammed into it.

    7. When Somerby uses the word tribe, he means political viewpoint. When Hanson uses the word, he means race. Neither one has defined his terms and neither is using the word in the same way.

    8. Are their general principles that some or all of these 11 ideas follow. I think there are.
      1. Do something different from the traditional way.
      2. Do something not in the best selfish interest of ordinary middle class voters.
      3. In some cases, take something that traditionally was considered bad and now consider it as good. Or vice versa. (IMO drug legalization could also be on this list.|)

    9. Hanson: “Ensure each identity group rivals the other for victimhood and the state spoils it confers. Reboot all political issues by race and sex oppressors and oppressed. Destroy all meritocratic standards of admission, retention, promotion and commendation.”

    10. These are one-line bumper-sticker style mischaracterizations of Biden's actions or policies. The don't even work for discussion purposes. Their intent is to portray Biden negatively. I have no interest in playing that game, and neither should Somerby, except he is here to further anti-Biden propaganda and pretend to discuss Troy.

    11. "Reboot all political issues by race and sex oppressors and oppressed."

      Yes. Also known as Divide and Rule.

    12. The way identity is used, is to identify cohorts being oppressed.

      What angry right wingers like Hanson, David and Cecelia - all White men - want is the freedom to oppress, to attain a feeling of dominance.

      It is reasonable and rational to provide opportunities for those oppressed.

      Right wingers do not necessarily disagree with this, as long as they are the ones being subsidized, but since they hold much of the power and wealth, their victimhood is disingenuous.

      The American Dream has always been about ensuring White men, while often getting mere crumbs from those in power, get more than people of color.

      Right wingers have no ideology, it’s a personality trait, an obsession with dominance and hierarchy.

      There is no free will, and everything is on a spectrum; it is reasonable and rational to consider the context of how one came to hold certain views, or engage in certain activities.

      Humans are innately egalitarian, being right wing (or a criminal) is an emergent condition, typically arising from unresolved childhood trauma such as religious indoctrination or abuse.

    13. Anonymouse 4:14pm, excellent show-and-tell as to Hanson’s #4.

      That you aren’t astute enough to realize what you did is reinforcing to all of Hanson’s 11 points.

    14. It isn't a show and tell about Biden unless it is Biden speaking.

    15. Anonymouse 4:35pm, with all the denunciations anonymices do of Trump supporters, conservatives and Republicans in general, you're the last mices on earth who could logically distance yourselves from the mindset and goals of your candidates.

    16. Trump's one general principal is to destroy democracy to stay out of jail. The difference between this GP and Biden's 11 is this one is true.

    17. Anonymouse 4:46pm, daily you pour that out into a bowl like it’s your Coca Puffs. The difference is zzzzzzzz…

    18. Just because Lauren Boebert drinks in the afternoon doesn’t mean you should follow her example.

    19. David & Cecelia's contempt for celebrating diversity only highlights what racist dirtbags they are.

    20. I agree with 4:08. This list by VDH, written for Fox NOOZ, is so comically juvenile and imbecilic, there is no need to engage with Dickhead in Cal or Cecelia. The purpose of it isn't to open up dialogue in a serious good faith debate. So go fuck yourself, David.

    21. My 3:35 comment mentioned Biden's boasting about the ethnicity of people he chooses, which is something that that promotes the importance of race and ethnicity in defining someone's identity. One more thing Biden does is actually choose people too much based on race and ethnicity an too little based on competence. Exhibit 1 is our Vice President. Exhibit 2 is Biden's Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre.

    22. “Do something different from the traditional way.”
      David means he supports charging Trump with lying about the value of his properties.
      Good on David.

    23. Competence and race are not mutually exclusive as you bigots suggest.

    24. David, ever notice that positions of power in Israel are overwhelmingly held by Jews? The grossest example of identity politics.

    25. @5:34 A few years ago my daughter had brain surgery at Stanford Hospital (successful, thank goodness.) I don't care what the surgeon's ethnicity was. I was hoping for the most capable surgeon. IMO every position should be filled by the most capable person available. I think MLK would have agreed.

    26. I’m glad the surgery went well, and I hope she’s still doing well.

    27. Coca Puffs, Cecelia? Where can I get some?

    28. Guess what, Dickhead in Cal, you don't get to decide who the most capable person is.

      Fox Nooz and the right wing fever swamps have suddenly decided to blame every bad thing that happens on DEI, right fuckhead David? That's the new thing. Boeing accident is because they recruit blacks. Key bridge? DEI. Go fuck yourself, David, you racist bastard.

      There was a time when your poor Polish Jewish parents coming to America were looked at as quite human. Now you're the fucking judge, huh?

    29. Somerby could not conceive of Ketanji Brown Jackson as best qualified despit her credentials. That’s bigotry.

    30. @6:33 Appointing highly qualified people is an important Presidential function. It's appropriate for voters to judge how well a President performs this duty.

      When Insurance companies finally began accepting Jewish officers, they didn't give preferences to Jews. We were judged by the same standards that applied to WASPs. As a result company standards went up, because there were more people to choose the best from.

      If they had hired less capable Jews instead of more capable WASPs, their standards would have gone down.

    31. ..they didn't give preferences to Jews.

      How the fuck would you know?

      Trump vows to appoint a woman to Supreme Court as vacancy re-energizes his political prospects

      So, you think Amy Coney Barrett was the most qualified in this country to sit on the Supreme Court. I beg to differ, Dickhead in Cal.

      Mike Pompeo is doing a great job, I am very proud of him. His predecessor, Rex Tillerson, didn't have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock and I couldn't get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell. Now it is a whole new ballgame, great spirit at State!"

      Mr Pompeo, Mr Trump’s second appointee to lead the State Department, is a notable defection from the ex-president’s ranks of allies given that he remained in service to the twice-impeached POTUS even after January 6, 2021, when the attack on the Capitol spurred a wave of resignations across the administration. Among those to quit were Elaine Chao, secretary of Transportation and partner to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and members of the president’s White House team.

      Trump's first Secretary of Defense , James Mattis:
      TRUMP: “Probably the only thing Barack Obama & I have in common is that we both had the honor of firing Jim Mattis, the world’s most overrated General.” — tweet Wednesday.

      Trump's 2nd Secretary of Defense:
      3. “Mark Esper was weak and totally ineffective and, because of it, I had to run the military.”
      4. “Mark Esper was a stiff who was desperate not to lose his job. He would do anything I wanted, that’s why I call him ‘Yesper.’”
      8. “I fired Yesper because he was a RINO incapable of leading, and I had to run the military myself.”

      John Kelly called Trump ‘the most flawed person’ he’s ever met:

  16. Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo reviews Jessie Watters new book and points out most of the 22 interviews are not with liberals. Similarly, Hanson’s list creates a strawman picture of Biden’s plans and accomplishments. Instead of pointing that out, Somerby buys into it. This is right wing disinformation.

  17. A great deal of what went on on MSNBC this week had to do with their highly negative appraisal of Judge Cannon and the (seeming) cat and mouse game She is playing with Jack Smith. It's news. It's, unless you are a considerable dullard, pretty dramatic stuff with considerably heavy potential consequences for the U.S.
    Bob felt the whole story of Trump and documents was legal trivia. This was because Trump might actually believe what he was doing was perfectly legal, in which case it was wrong take any legal action against him. Also, one Trump loyalist might in effect engage in blind loyalty, in which case would be a waste of time because Trump would be found innocent. These are idiotic viewpoints from Bob, and perhaps he became embarrassed repeating them over and over and started thinking about Kubrick films.(I wonder if Bob likes the ending of "The Shinning" which to me peters out and sort of ruins the thing..... but anyway...) and watching FOX.
    The point is MSNBC, for all it's faults, is generally about serious things. These days, far, far too serious things. The crap Bob is writing about here (and defending to a certain extent) is just The Tonight Show for hateful morons. Alas,
    the Republican Party has become a playpen for overgrown
    toddlers with bad attitudes. As someone says in a
    another Kubrick Film, "I know it's shitty but we can't
    refuse to accept the situation."
    Or perhaps we can. We find out in November.

  18. Watch the video:

  19. I dream of Cecelia's dick. Cecelia's beautiful dick...
    I fill Somerby's blog with my word-salads.

    I am Corby.

    1. Cecelia has a clit, and you are fake.

    2. Anonymices, just picture me as a naked Ken doll.

    3. I picture as a naked doll who doesn’t take money from Qatar.

    4. I picture Cecelia as a naked doll.

    5. A question so brief that it can be posed in a blog comment but so deep that it cannot be answered in a library.

  20. Trump is doomed:

  21. BTW I listened to that Fox morning segment at the link and found it repulsive.

    1. Somerby didn’t find it too repulsive to link to.

  22. DiC - What do you think of the emerging conventional wisdom that the spectacular economy we’ve been experiencing is largely a byproduct of all the increased immigration?

    1. It makes sense historically.

    2. George -- The immigration of Elon Musk certainly contributed to our economy.

    3. That’s not certain at all, Dave.

  23. Bob, why do you pay attention to this garbage? These people have nothing worthwhile to say. They have no ideas on how to improve the country. I don't watch them. I have more important things to do with my times.

  24. Kate Coleman has died.
