BREAKING: We won't be posting until later today!

TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024

Chunk of time to be lost: We're losing a chunk of time today. We won't be posting until this afternoon.


  1. My thoughts and prayers for TDH readers seems to be working.

  2. This idea that medical appointments are "lost time" strikes me as sort of odd. Doctors and other medical staff do what they do to help us feel better, if not get well. But the idea of lost time implies a passivity, that one sits around until someone does something to us. Health care should be more participatory, where the patient asks questions and understands what is happening, and works toward the same health goal as the medical workers. And it should be one part of a whole approach to lifestyle that also includes doing things to stay healthy (sleeping well, eating well, exercise), with the point being to increase longevity and quality of life (minimize aches and pains and dysfunction).

    So going someplace to sit around while people do things to you, is a weird attitude, sort of like taking your car to have the oil changed. And people are not machines.

    In the psychiatric literature, "lost time" refers to loss of memory for a period of time while a person continues to go about their life. It is a symptom of a mental problem. I would guess that Somerby is not actually losing time, except in the sense that he is sitting around, not paying attention to anything, and letting people do things to him. But using that terminology to describe a serve people are performing to help him, is derogatory to the process.

    How can this be called "lost time" if whatever is happening is helping to keep him alive or to improve his quality of life? Are the people he meets and the ones helping him not worth attention, much less respect? Attitude matters to both physical and mental health. Somerby's habitual way of describing his appointments seems unhelpful to him and to those who encounter him.

    1. If you are a narcissist who expects the world to revolve around you, then sitting & doing nothing while people do things for (or to) you may be natural. Trump doesn’t do his own makeup and hair. He loses that time.

    2. Harder, try to cope harder.

    3. I cope as hard as I can.

    4. Hopefully you can cope harder than Trump's tiny limp dick gets.

    5. That’s a low bar.

    6. anon 10:05 - your troll challenge for today was to come up with some type of absurdist fault finding of the blogger, when all you had to work with is a short post, where he says he's "losing a chunk of time today" so won't post until later in the day. He doesn't say why he's losing this chunk, but you don't hesitate to conclude that it's due to a medical appointment (which is entirely possible, but youare speculating). You proceed to dissect his use of the term "losing a chunk of time" feeling free to psychoanalyze him based on your alleged professional psychologist - (pycho?") status. You manage to churn out your usual complete bullsh-t, in true troll fashion, You deserve credit for that, thougth one might wonder - as an expert psychologist, what is it that draws you to all this whacky trolling?

    7. “…thougth one might wonder - as an expert psychologist, what is it that draws you to all this whacky trolling?”

      She’s the Nurse Ratchet of psychologists.

    8. AC/MA why is it that simply saying you disagree isn't enough for you? Leave other commenters alone unless you have an actual difference of opinion.

      There are people who value their lives more than Somerby seems to. Their different perspective might benefit someone here, even if that person isn't you.

      Someone a few days ago admitted to being a cognitive scientist (which has nothing to do with clinical psych or therapy) and now you are using that to attack everyone else here. That is exactly why quite a few people here don't want to use nyms or give out ANY info about themselves.

      Cecelia, the character you are talking about is Nurse Ratched (note spelling). She was a psychiatric nurse in the film. So your comment is like saying fried egss are the eggs of eggs.

    9. No, anonymouse 7:38pm, Nurse Ratched stated that she’s a cognitive scientist as an appeal to authority in a convo in which Pied Piper was chiding her for dissing Bob.

      In other words- the usual.

      Revealing THAT info in the context of going after someone makes her ripe for criticism. Who does THAT online in order to argue that they have the special…cred to accuse Bob of “pulling things out of his a$$”.

      Nurse Ratched is a type of person, not merely a clinician. The comparison to our cognitive scientist is utterly apt.

    10. As I recall, that commenter never identified as he or she and was answering someone's question, not asserting authority. It does look like an ambush now.

      Nurse Ratched is a book/film character (fictional) and not a type of person. A psychiatric nurse has nothing to do with cognitive science and a nurse is not typically referred to as a clinician.

      It is hard talking about such things when you are so ignorant. Better to drop it and stop being so aggressive toward others here. It is very ugly.

    11. Nurse Ratched is a real person. Here's video of her:

    12. Nurse Ratched is a type and the one we have on this blog referenced her credentials in the process of chewing out Bob. What a jerk.


  3. I have thousands of delicious word-salads to spam Somerby's blog. Somerby is not a liberal. I sniff my fingers.

    I am Corby.

  4. Christopher Edley Jr and Jim Simons have died.

    1. Based on the timing, fake Corby and the death announcements may come from the same person.

    2. Ciao, Chris. Arrividerci, Jim.

    3. David Sanborn has died.

    4. Toodle-oo, Dave.

    5. Alice Munro has died.

    6. She was amazing!

    7. Adios, Alice.

  5. How Aileen Cannon is helping Donald Trump escape from justice in the classified-documents case:

    1. Because Trump is a well-meaning elderly man with poor memory?

    2. And a small penis.

    3. Oh. Is this why Garland refuses to produce audio recordings of the interview?

    4. 12:42,
      Garland will produce the audio as soon as Barr produces the audio of Donald J Chickenshit's interview under oath from Mueller. LOL!

    Is criticizing Netanyahu equivalent to criticizing Israel? IMO it depends on the type of criticism. When Netanyahu is called foolish or blamed for wrong policy decisions, that doesn't imply that all Israelis are foolish. However, when the elected leader is called immoral, that does imply that Israelis in general are immoral.

    Remember the attack on the Central Park jogger? This young woman was running early in the morning, when a group attacked her, raped her, and left her nearly dead. My co-worker Betty blamed the jogger, because it was risky to be in that area alone. What Betty missed was the difference between the jogger's foolish act and the rapists' evil act.

    1. Jews in general are nice. Israel is nasty.

    2. Are they nicer than Latinx? In general.

    3. Quaker in a BasementMay 14, 2024 at 1:08 PM

      "Remember the attack on the Central Park jogger?"

      Indeed, I do. A wealthy New York developer bought up a full page newspaper ad calling for the death penalty. Joke was on him, though. Turned out the kids they arrested weren't guilty.

    4. Good memory, Quaker. The innocent kids eventually received multi-million dollar settlements because of their false arrest.

    5. And you voted for the racist asshole, twice going on three time, fuckface.

    6. 12:44, Latinos (and Latinas) are wonderful. Latinx do not exist.

    7. It would be helpful to provide evidence or reasoning to support your claim. (Additionally, avoiding generalizations and applying consistent reasoning to the meaning of "criticism" would lead to a more coherent argument.)

    8. In the analogy, Netanyahu is the rapists? All Israelis are the jogger?

    9. If someone agrees with the entire world except for two countries that the Netanyahu government is acting immorally, how can they express that without be being accused of implying Israelis in general are immoral?

      Your logic says the Netanyahu government cannot simply be called immoral based on specific actions alone. That doesn't make sense.

    10. The Netanyahu government is conducting the war against Hams with incredible morality. That is, in terms of protecting civilians.

      Now the UN says about half of its original estimate of women and of children can be disregarded, bringing those totals to about 7,800 and 5,000 respectively. That brings the total number of Palestinian fatalities down by over 11,000, nearly a third of the commonly reported total.

      And that’s not all. The Palestinian statistical agencies are famous for using “under 20” as their marker for separating children and adults. That means among the “children” are likely a number of 18- and 19-year-olds (i.e. not children). Additionally, we know the IDF encounters 16- and 17-year-old militants in the field, meaning a chunk of the “children” are actually combatants. And of course Hamas makes no distinction between combatants and civilians when counting the casualties.

      It’s possible, then—perhaps even likely—that the IDF has achieved a civilian-to-combatant casualty ratio of around 1.5-1, an unheard-of level of precision and civilian protection in urban warfare.

    11. UN denies Gaza death toll of women and children has been revised down

      Spokesperson says confusion results from Gaza health ministry’s new way of classifying those not yet fully identified

      The UN has denied that the estimated death toll of women and children in the war in Gaza has been revised downward, pointing towards a confusion between the total numbers of dead bodies recorded, and the number of those who have so far been fully identified.

      After the Gaza health ministry’s revised totals of those killed first appeared on the website of the UN’s office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs (Ocha), they were quickly seized on as proof by pro-Israel media and commentators that the UN had previously been exaggerating the toll.

      They showed 24,686 dead which appeared to be a downward revision from the figure of about 35,000 which had been reported earlier in May, with 7,797 children and 4,959 women confirmed dead, about half the toll cited in previous reports. But the UN said on Monday that estimated overall death toll remained about 35,000.
      Sorry, David, I think you have been played by the liberal media, again.

    12. David. You completely avoided the question. If someone feels the Netanyahu government is acting immorally, how can they express that without be being accused of implying Israelis in general are immoral? You said "when the elected leader is called immoral, that does imply that Israelis in general are immoral."

      How? Why?

      The Netanyahu government cannot simply be called immoral based on specific actions alone?


      I'm not saying that you have to agree with how they feel about it. I'm just asking you to back up your claim. Which I know that you won't because you're talking out of your fucking ass.

    13. David - "Now the UN says about half of its original estimate of women and of children can be disregarded, bringing those totals to about 7,800 and 5,000 respectively."

      This is 100% false. It's pretty obvious you don't know fucking shit and are exposed to completely partisan
      propaganda who play your old ass for a fool. Hey man, it happens to the best of us.

    14. That's just David in Cal's way of saying there is no way in the world the USA's leader, Joe Biden, is immoral.

    15. The real number of innocent people killed by Netanyahu's murderous, immoral and insane government is around 200,000.

  7. Turmoil at Tesla:

  8. Lots of our later years are lost to Doctor’s appointments. Perhaps we were not designed to last so long.

    1. We don’t know if has a medical appointment.

    2. If you consider medical appts lost time, but not the time in front of the TV or eating or doing chores, something is wrong with your perspective. There are volunteer organizations who will help you use your unneeded time productively to the benefit of our world.

    3. Anonymouse 7:30pm, why would someone who enjoyed watching tv feel that they had “lost time”? If they enjoy it, that’s enough reason.

      They might think of it as a loss if it put them at risk for not accomplishing something necessary for their job, family, or personal goals AND for the loss of a bit of pleasure in watching tv, gardening, whatever.

      Individuals make these choices and weight them according to their priorities and even their moods. Things can be for the best in the long run and still feel burdensome in the present DUE to the priority and necessity involved.

      People don’t need some twit lecturing them on such things. It’s their thinking and it has nothing to do with anyone else.

    4. Somerby's attitude is troubling; he may be depressed. Noticing other people's moods is not only empathetic but part of being a friend to someone.

    5. Not a rodent, please. It wasnt concern it was a scolding post about ingratitude and egocentrism.

  9. Trump's trial was already going badly for Trump, but Cohen's testimony totally sinks Trump. He is toast.

    Looks like Biden will be re-elected for a second term.

    Somerby is in for a long funk, he may even stop doing this blog.

    Here is a different kind of long funk, about seven minutes long, for those needing some music education:

    1. Anonymouse 2:44pm, you must be new.

      Bob lives for funks. Real ones and even your ever-hopeful imagined ones. .
