The New York Times dissects cable news!

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024

MSNBC only: In recent months, we've often suggested that big news orgs like the New York Times should report on what is happening in the realm of "cable news."

This morning, the Times has published such a report—above the fold on the front page of its print editions. The only wrinkle is this:

In the main, we've suggested that the Times should report on the changed culture which is observable at the Fox News Channel. This morning's front-page report is all about MSNBC. 

In fairness, it's largely a business report—a report about the corporate struggles which have apparently taken place between the parent company, NBC, and its persuasion / propaganda / opinion-based "cable news" affiliate. Dual hard-copy headline included, the lengthy report starts like this:

Fight at NBC Over Left Tilt From MSNBC
Ratings Rise, but Some Rue a Partisan Shift

MSNBC placed a big bet on becoming comfort TV for liberals. Then it doubled down.

Time slots on the cable network once devoted to news programming are now occupied by Trump-bashing opinion hosts. The channel has become a landing spot for high-profile alumni of President Biden’s administration like Jen Psaki, who went from hosting White House press briefings to hosting her own show. On Super Tuesday, when producers aired a portion of a live speech by former President Donald J. Trump, Rachel Maddow chastised her bosses on the air.

The moves have been a hit with viewers. MSNBC has leapfrogged past its erstwhile rival CNN in the ratings and has seen viewership rise over the past year, securing second place in cable news behind the perennial leader, Fox News.

But MSNBC’s success has had unintended consequences for its parent company, NBC, an original Big Three broadcaster that still strives to appeal to a mass American audience.

From there, the lengthy report describes tensions within the broader corporate structure—tensions between MSNBC's obvious partisan identity and the parent company's desire to have NBC News seen as a straight news operation. 

As the report continues, the conflict is thumbnailed like this:

NBC’s traditional political journalists have cycled between rancor and resignation that the cable network’s partisanship—a regular target of Mr. Trump—will color perceptions of their straight news reporting. Local NBC stations between the coasts have demanded, again and again, that executives in New York do more to preserve NBC’s nonpartisan brand, lest MSNBC’s blue-state bent alienate their red-state viewers.

Even Comcast, NBC’s corporate owner, which is loath to intervene in news coverage, took the rare step of conveying its concern to MSNBC’s leaders when some hosts and guests criticized Israel as the Hamas attack was unfolding on Oct. 7, according to three people with knowledge of the discussions. An abrupt course correction to that coverage followed.

Even Comcast, the corporate owner, has given voice to concerns! 

Assuming the reporting is basically accurate, there's no reason why the Times shouldn't have presented this lengthy report. That said, the reporters deliver several dollops of snark as they describe MSNBC as "comfort TV for liberals"—"comfort TV" delivered by "Trump-bashing opinion hosts."

We certainly don't regard such descriptions as inaccurate. We do think the descriptions might be a bit flippant for front-page news reporting of this type.

Having said that, we'll add this:

We wish big organs like the Times would do more reporting on the performance of these major "cable news" outlets. In particular, we wish the Times would report the remarkable tribal reinforcement behavior now on wide display on the Fox News Channel.

Fox News has always been highly partisan. While maintaining that traditional posture, it has now become strongly "comedy"-driven, with large doses of The Stupid routinely added in. 

Its comedy stylings are widely profane. With great regularity, its comedy stylings are also found one block over from ghoulish.

Particularly on its 10 p.m. nightly show, the channel is routinely misogyny-adjacent. Routinely, if it weren't for all the misrepresentations on some of the channel's dumber programs, there would be no representations being offered at all.

In our view, MSNBC has largely become an unwatchable mess. That's largely due to its single-minded devotion to what the Times report describes as "Trump-bashing," a project delivered in such a heavy-handed, unintelligent way as to make it hard to watch.

MSNBC has devolved into a politicized and landlocked version of the old Court TV. It offers comfort food to those who already agree with its mandated points of view, with zero thought devoted to the possibility of outreach to others.

The Fox News Channel increasingly seems like an R- or X-rated version of some late-night pirate comedy channel.  And, of course, each of these channels operates in accord with the dumbnifying culture of "segregation by viewpoint:" 

On each channel, panels of pundits take turns agreeing with whatever the last pundit just said. On MSNBC even more than on Fox, no alternative views or reactions will ever be heard.

The Times snarks at MSNBC today, in a way which isn't inaccurate. There's a lot to report about our nation's deeply unintelligent "cable news" universe. 

That said—as with quite a few other topics, it seems like the Times and the Washington Post just don't want to go there. Today, a little snark is thrown in the stew of what is mainly a business report.

Comingfor amusement purposes only: Minnesota has a new state flag. What Pete Hegseth said!  


  1. "This morning, the Times has published such a report"

    The word "report" has long been used to describe a news story, but its application can sometimes be misleading. This is especially true when figures like Somerby misuse it, conflating subjective commentary with objective reporting. The essence of a report is to present facts in a clear, unbiased manner, allowing readers to form their own opinions based on the information provided. However, Somerby often blurs this line, undermining the integrity of true reporting.

    A genuine news report should be a factual account of events. It should include the who, what, when, where, and why without injecting personal opinions or biases. Reporters gather information from multiple sources, verify facts, and present a balanced view. This journalistic standard ensures that the public receives accurate and reliable information. Yet, Somerby's so-called "reports" frequently stray from this model, filled with subjective interpretations and speculative commentary.

    The misuse of the term "report" can have significant implications. When readers encounter the word, they expect to receive a well-researched and factual account of events. Instead, Somerby's use of the term often results in a distorted narrative that reflects his personal biases rather than an objective presentation of facts. This not only misleads readers but also erodes trust in media outlets that strive to maintain high journalistic standards.

    Somerby's tendency to label opinion pieces or biased commentary as "reports" contributes to the growing issue of misinformation. Readers may take these distorted narratives at face value, believing they are receiving an accurate account of events. This can lead to the spread of false information and further polarize public opinion. Somerby's irresponsible use of "report" exacerbates this problem, making it harder for readers to discern credible news from biased commentary.

    It's essential to preserve the distinction between a news report and an opinion piece. A report is meant to inform, while an opinion piece is designed to persuade. By misusing the term "report," Somerby muddles this distinction, contributing to the confusion and misinformation that plague contemporary media landscapes. This practice not only undermines the credibility of legitimate news reports but also diminishes the value of informed public discourse.

    I'm not convinced racism isn't behind Somerby's use of the word "report" but it should be reserved for objective, fact-based news stories. Misusing it, as Somerby frequently does, not only misleads readers but also undermines the integrity of journalism. It's crucial for media consumers to critically evaluate the sources of their information and for journalists to adhere to the highest standards of reporting. Only by doing so can we maintain a well-informed public and a healthy democratic society.

    1. This is a hilarious attempted AI parody.

    2. Key word: attempted

  2. Dershowitz has a piece on the disconnect between anti-Trump and pro-Trump media commentary, politicized up the wazoo.

  3. Today I learned that Louise Fletcher, who played Nurse Ratched, was 5'10". There's hope for Cecelia.

    1. Anonymouse 3:11 pm, we are alike soley in our statuesque frames. You share her use of scolding and shaming as a means of power snd control.

    2. Louise has a small but memorable part in an Altman flick called “Theives like Us” a remake of “They Llive By Night.” Both are worth seeking out.

    3. Anonymice 6:01pm, Golden Raspberry Award Winner 2024. Buck off, baby.

    4. The humble raspberry is one of the most delicious fruits God ever made.

    5. Louise Fletcher won the Best Actress Oscar in 1976 for her role in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

    6. That role was Nurse Ratched.

  4. "MSNBC has devolved into a politicized and landlocked version of the old Court TV. It offers comfort food to those who already agree with its mandated points of view, with zero thought devoted to the possibility of outreach to others."

    What is Court TV? "Court TV is a digital broadcast network that provides live coverage of high-profile trials, legal analysis, and investigative reporting. It first launched in 1991 with programs on true crime, legal analysis, and live news coverage of criminal cases. "

    In contrast, MSNBC is only focusing on these trials at this point in time because Trump is a crook and bringing him to justice may affect the presidential election. Not because MSNBC is about court and trials.

    There are no mandated points of view on Court TV or MSNBC. That is Somerby's invention.

    1. 3:53, everything you just said is total bullshit.

    2. Keep it up, 3:53, and you might just be a Republican Senator yet.

  5. “Comfort TV.” I don’t find much on MSNBC comforting, nor do I find the fact that weak and stupid people like Bob ignore the truths presented, or blame them on liberals.

  6. Trump's NYC trial promotes racism

    When a highly intelligent black person becomes prominent, that helps fight the stereotype of blacks not being intelligent. Thus, even aside from Obama's many accomplishments as President, his obvious high intelligence helps fight this negative stereotype. IMO Thomas Sowell greatly decreased racism among conservatives, just by being himself,.

    Of course, the reverse is also true. E.g., high profile Jewish financial criminals like Michael Milken and Sam Bankman-Fried feed a common negative stereotype of Jews.

    Alvin Bragg's prosecution of Trump is awful. It's a Trumped-up charge. The charge is legally dumb. it's a corrupt use of prosecutorial power. It hurts the country by setting a bad precedent. The prosecution is incompetent. The trial isn't even working politically. Trump is becoming more popular, not less popular. Already, a few liberals are acknowledging the lack of a real case. I expect an acquittal or a hung jury. Once Trump is not convicted, there will be even more impact.

    Few people will publicly acknowledge that Bragg's prosecution not only will reflect badly on Bragg, but also on other blacks. (I expect to be called a racist because of this comment) But, IMO the effect is real nonetheless. Particularly, since somewhat similar criticisms also apply to Fanny Willis.

    1. David is a highly stupid, racist guy but this nicely reflects the new “wear being called racist” like a badge of honor” meme that MAGA has tried to legitimize. It’s not going work Dave, but you stick to those hate sites.

    2. Skurnick's ideal capitalism:

      Half of Amazon warehouse workers struggle with food and housing costs. A third of the workers have had to rely on at least one government assistance program.
      Amazon's stock hit an all time high in April. Jeff Bezos is now worth $203 billion

    3. Quaker in a BasementMay 17, 2024 at 2:00 AM


      "Few people will publicly acknowledge that Bragg's prosecution not only will reflect badly on Bragg, but also on other blacks."

      Holy cats. I'm going to need you to walk me through that one. How will Bragg's prosecution reflect badly on other black people?

    4. Here’s to a second Trump presidency, in which on day 1 he pardons the insurrectionists , after which they organize rallies throughout his term. DIC can then join their ranks chanting “Jews will not replace us”.

    5. There has been highly credible testimony that Trump made a payment to Daniels to enhance his election chances and kept it secret, violating campaign finance laws. Only a partisan rube like David in Cal would use the trial to demean a black attorney general. Did I mention that Bragg is black?

    6. Relax, David.
      Some troll on TDH assured me that black people love Trump, now.

    7. Interesting how DiC feels compelled to bring race into a discussion of the trial. Says a lot. But I am certainly not calling him a racist.

    8. A Republican voter a racist? That's nothing but an actual fact.

  7. Bob has his view of Trump, MSNBC has their’s. It might be a playing field for spirited debate, but Bob has never been up to the task, either in content or intellectual honesty ( he often says things about their broadcasts that simply are not true. This is part of why so much of “The Daily Howler” now has little to do with the once stated purpose of the blog.

  8. Quaker in a BasementMay 16, 2024 at 6:22 PM

    There are people who tell you the news and then there are people who talk about the news. I have little need for the latter. The former are increasingly hard to find on cable television.

    That doesn't mean I necessarily disagree with some of the people who appear on various channels to discuss the news. I just don't need to hear from them.

  9. Anybody want to hear from a strong Catholic layman?

  10. Here is your always classy Republican party at work:

    "Outside Trump Trial: Nearly 100 pink penis shaped balloons with faces of Judge Juan Merchan, Alvin Bragg, Jack Smith and Judge Arthur Engoron taped to them released in front of NYC courthouse. "

    People who do that have no standing to call Stormy Daniels a sleaze bag (or whatever Somerby called her today).

    These are MAGAs showing contempt for the justice system.

  11. From Digby today:

    "John Pavlovitz (someone you should read) noted in 2021 that the right-wing war on “woke” is an assault on basic human decency:

    “Woke” is Republican-speak for those of us who believe every America adult should have a voice in the electoral process of this nation,
    for people who don’t believe a human being’s body, gender identity, or sexual orientation are anyone else’s business,
    for we who are sickened at the violence against the Asian community: the direct result of the irresponsible rhetoric of a Republican president,
    for Americans who are disgusted that a cancer diagnosis now often necessitates a gofundme page, because we are making illness a financial death sentence,
    for people who will not abide the assassination of unarmed people of color by members of a police force infected with white supremacy,
    for those who grieve the way this nation is ravaged by preventable gun violence because those who profit from it have such a stranglehold on our lawmakers—
    for those of us who exhibit the slightest empathy whatsoever toward migrant families or the working poor or people of color, when we see how hostile our nation has been to them and how oppressive it still is.

    It’s woke to want fair elections.
    It’s woke to be anti-racist.
    It’s woke to be anti-fascist.
    It’s woke to trust Science.
    It’s woke to wear a mask in a pandemic.
    It’s woke to be the parent of a bullied child.
    It’s woke to want to be addressed with the gender you identify with.
    It’s woke to want a less-polluted community.

    Anything that brings equity gets this label from the Right because inequity is its only goal.

    Their goal is not to water the tree of liberty. Their goal is to poison the well of democracy, to render it unusable by the rest of us who share this land, to sabotage its very foundations."

    1. "woke" also means
      -- feeling morally superior to non-woke
      -- seeking power over the non-woke. Controlling their speech, etc.
      -- Supporting censorship of things they disagree with, thus opposing freedom of speech.
      -- Considering people who disagree with them to be bad people. E.g., Elon Musk supports freedom of speech, so woke people consider Musk to be a bad person.
      -- Believing that people's moral status depends on their ethnicity and sexuality. E.g., Palestinians rank higher than Israelis. Gays rank higher than straights. Blacks rank higher than whites
      -- Opposing capitalism, the system that has brought more people out of poverty than any other
      -- Supporting mob rule and opposing democratically enacted laws, as long as the mob is on your side
      -- Trusting in science when they agree with the result, but ignoring science when they disagree with the result. E.g., woke people believe in the reality of transsexuals, even though there's no scientific research confirming their reality.
      -- Not having fixed beliefs. Changing their beliefs as decreed by their opinion leaders. n E.g., Musk used to be woke hero for his electric cars. Now, he's a bad guy for supporting freedom of speech.
      -- ignoring reality. E.g., the continuing black underclass shows that the woke approach hasn't worked very well. But, those who advocate alternatives are denounced as racists by the woke.

    2. David, that's the definition of the right-wing strawman of woke. Those are the imaginary monsters under your bed.

    3. 10:39 PM is a great AI parody.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. You're such a dick, DiC. If you are any example, it is you who feels morally superior.

    6. Good catch Popeye. I do feel morally superior to woke people.

    7. "-- Supporting mob rule and opposing democratically enacted laws, as long as the mob is on your side"

      Like when Abbott pardoned a murderer who deliberately drove his car into people, killing one, because he disagreed with their protest?

    8. David thinks there are no intersex people (people born with both male and female genitalia). He thinks science has not shown that such people exist.

    9. All kinds of freaks exist. Even Soros-bots exist.

    10. Supporting mob rule and opposing democratically enacted laws, as long as the mob is on your side

      David is supporting a walking crime wave abomination who is literally campaigning on pardoning all those legally convicted on the attack on our national Capitol. The gang of thugs he calls his political party have been parading up to NY to stand in front of microphones and attack our criminal justice system. Everything David put in his list is a lie and in reality a confession of what his gang stands for.

      I do feel morally superior to woke people. But you define wokeness as feeling morally superior, jackass.

    11. David in Cal,
      For some reason the first word of your post auto-filled the word "woke", where you meant it to be "religion".

    12. Per David in Cal, the totalitarian Right, who want to outlaw abortion, are "woke".

  12. 7:28 AM was outstanding AI.

    1. Actually Interesting.
      Somerby wants nothing to do with AI.

  13. The Times should learn about factual reporting from MSNBC. They don't pretend that there are two sides to the Trump issue. There are facts and no facts.
