That's just how old 81 years old looks!


But also, Stormy Daniels Tonight: Friend, are you possibly being "gaslit" about what happened last week?

Are you being handed explanation which don't quite seem to make sense? 

We're speaking about President Biden's performance at last Thursday's debate. Do you believe that what you saw was the result of his having a cold? Do you think it was just his stutter? 

Do those explanations actually seem to make sense?

Last night, we heard the best one yet. It came from Rachel Maddow, at 9:06 p.m. It was her one fleeting reference to what happened last Thursday night.

As her weekly program began, she was talking—and talking and talking—about the July 11 court date in which Donald J. Trump will be sentenced for his 34 felonies. Along the way, fleetingly, she managed to offer this:

MADDOW (7/1/24): ...[Trump] himself might be sentenced to Rikers [Island], or to New York state prison, depending on what sentence he's about to get after his own conviction on nearly three dozen felony charges. 

Excellent job, Republican Party! Great choice!

I love how Democrats are, like, "Ohhh! How did we get into this mess?" 


It's true that not understanding how old 81 years old looks sometimes is maybe a Democratic Party mistake.  But Democrats are not the party that picked the guy whose charity was shut down as a fraud, whose fake university was shut down as a fraud, whose business was convicted of multiple felony fraud counts, whose CFO is quite literally in jail...

And so on. Then on and on.

It's true! Democrats aren't the party which nominated Donald J. Trump! At present, Democrats are the party which stands to lose the White House this year in a race against Donald J. Trump.

In our view, you're being gaslit when Maddow tells you what she told you in that highlighted passage. When she tells you that you just don't understand "how old 81 years old looks sometimes"—when she tells you that that explains what you thought you saw on your TV screen last Thursday night.

For ourselves, we'd like to see further reporting about what we all saw that night. On CNN, Carl Bernstein has said that meltdowns of the type we saw have been taking place for some time, though we ourselves don't know if that's true.

Also this:

For ourselves, we have no idea what the Democratic Party should do at this point. Unfortunately, our guess would be that the party is so sunk in sin—and perhaps in deception—that there's no good way forward from here.

(Though the party, of course, could still win.)

For ourselves, we don't know what the Democratic Party should do. We will say this:

We'll say that the party, and its acolytes, should stop with all the gaslighting. They should stop calling people "bedwetters." They should even stop saying things as blatantly stupid as the one thing Maddow deigned to say about this matter last night.

Moments later, Maddow reported tonight's really big event. She's going to stage a two-hour special broadcast tonight—a two-hour special devoted to her interview with Stormy Daniels!

Due to our moral and intellectual greatness, we're prepared to imagine the possibility that something of value might result from special this two-hour event. Or it may be what the Rolling Stones said:

Some people know what you need. But salespeople know what you want.

It could just be that! At any rate, you may want to keep hearing about the claim that Donald J. Trump engaged in consensual sex on one occasion in 2006. Tonight, you'll be allowed to keep on dreaming, as sacred Nietzsche once said.

We don't know what the Democratic Party should do at this point. We do think that people like Maddow should stop selling product like this.


  1. Picking on Biden doesn’t make Trump any less horrible. At least Somerby is speaking plainly now. Unfortunately the Republicans are writing his essays (except perhaps the Maddow bashing).

    I am voting for Biden and I am not being gaslit. Somerby should be ashamed.

    1. Biden should step down. He's a good man and has been a great president; he literally saved the country, but he has declined too much:

      He won't beat Trump. He has been neck and neck (but usually trailing by a point or two) for too long at this point. The polls aren't budging. And because of the Republicans' advantage in the electoral college, Biden needs to be not just one or two percentage points ahead of Trump, but more like five or six. There's no reason to suspect that will happen. Some Biden supporters keep pointing out that Biden polls better than other potential candidates (Harris, Newsom, etc.), but that means nothing right now. Those people don't have nearly the visibility/name recognition that Biden has. If Biden were to drop out, whoever replaces him would instantly generate massive media attention, it would be the main story for weeks, and they would likely jump ahead of Trump in the polls very quickly because a) they're not Biden, and b) they're not Trump, c) they'd be a breath of fresh air, generating excitement, interest, and a nation-wide sigh of relief (just not from Trump supporters).

    2. The polls were trending up. Is the timing of this attack a coincidence?

  2. Jokes from Gutfeld show (you know, the balance to SNL, Fallon, Kimmel, Colbert and the late night cabal) Monday:

    Jill Biden is on the cover of Vogue magazine this month.
    Joe Biden is on the cover of Morgue magazine.

    Democrat party officials replaced Biden’s 3 word slogan from Build Back Better to Do Not Resuscitate.

    If Kamala gets dementia, that will be an improvement

    Funny, eh?

    1. Even if I liked Trump those jokes would put me off. I think they are a kind of a MAGA litmus test. I’ll bet Cecelia loves them.

    2. The second one is a hoot.

    3. Funniest joke of the week is that the Supreme Court will give Biden immunity if he loses the election and won’t leave the office of the Presidency.
      Clarence Thomas wants you to pull his other finger.

  3. Somerby is pushing hard, but it is Maddow selling product?

    1. "Wow, I get paid over $200 per hour working from home with 2 kids around! Hard to believe, but my friend is pulling in over $10k a month doing this. You've got to check this out... AND GOOD LUCK! 🙂" Explore the cutting-edge strategies that redefine success" Here ➜➜➜➜➜ Home-bases buisness


  4. In a negative campaign like this one, the more one has attempted, the more failures one has. The ideal candidate is one who has attempted nothing. E.g. John Kerry.

    A proper evaluation looks at a person’s successes. Trump has a lot of achievements in diverse fields.

    1. If Hitler had a lot of diverse achievements, he'd still be Hitler.

    2. Kerry served as a Senator. That’s not nothing.

    3. Hitler did have a lot of diverse achievements.

    4. Trump had some good ideas, but he went too far.

  5. Both Trump and RFK Jr are unfit to be president due to lack of character.

  6. This is why Biden will not step aside:

  7. From The Borowitz Report:

    “ WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In his first official act since the Supreme Court granted him sweeping presidential immunity, on Tuesday President Biden replaced all six Republican justices on the Court with his wife, son, and the Obama family.

    In a farewell message to the ex-justices, Biden thanked them for giving him virtually unlimited power and “for making people finally stop talking about the debate.”

    The impact on the former justices was sudden and shocking, as both Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito were immediately disinvited from a lavish Mediterranean cruise aboard Harlan Crow’s superyacht.

    Additionally, John Roberts confirmed he is relocating to North Korea to be the figurehead of a purely ceremonial tribunal that rubber-stamps the whims of Kim Jong Un.

    Meanwhile, an irate Brett Kavanaugh was spotted moving his possessions out of the Court, rolling an unwieldy beer keg down the building’s front steps. ”

    1. Anonymouse 2:17pm, now that’s funny!

    2. Andy Borowitz is very funny.

    3. It was funnier when all the Democrats moved to Canada in November 2016.

    4. I know some who did that, and others who are now checking out places like Portugal. I also know Americans who spend a major portion of each year in Mexico, not just for financial reasons.

      Sometimes I wonder if the people who died unnecessarily of covid during Trump's term would have been happier in Canada.

    5. I was in a waiting room not too long ago and read an article that Portugal actually pays people to come live there.

    6. Very friendly to American expats.

  8. Biden could have Parkinson's disease. He has a lot of the same symptoms. He has no chance of being elected as forthcoming polls will prove. The DNC fuuuuuucked up.

    1. Forget Biden. It's Kamila now.

    2. Who cares about Democrat names?

    3. Democrats -- and there are more of us than there are of you.

    4. Blacks for Trump might care. They are going to be as upset by attacks on Harris as Democrats would be. Poof! There will go Trump's handful of token black supporters. Back to the other side.

    5. As for speculating about what might make a debater mentally foggy, sleep is usually at fault. A sleepless night before a debate wouldn't be ususual.

      Trump hasn't slept well for decades. It is perhaps why he is so stupid. It is certainly why he drinks Diet Cokes all day (for the caffeine) and why he has executive time on his schedule (for napping) and it is why he couldn't keep his eyes open during his trial. Trump's staff was always trying to stimulate him to pay attention, but sleep deprivation seems likely to have produced impairment (and he is still not sleeping).

      Why didn't Trump perform badly? He did. But if you don't have to remember anything and can tell any lie you want, there is nothing to think about. Notice that toward the end he stopped bothering to try to reply to the moderator questions. He ignored them to say whatever he wanted. That doesn't take intelligence -- it is stream of conscious babbling. His only task was to hold his temper and not talk about sharks, but he still let the public see his mean side, which evoked negative responses.

    6. Black voters will care whether Kamala Harris has her name spelled right or is disrespected. Trump is counting on those Blacks for Trump voters, but they will not be there for him if he can't treat Kamala Harris with respect.

    7. Anonymouse 4:24pm, I wonder how it came about that you speak for all or even several black voters.

    8. I read The Root. Do you?

    9. I’m empathetic.

    10. I don’t wonder why the Republican Party suppresses the votes of black people. Do you?

  9. Carl Bernstein says Biden is sharp in meetings but occasionally has a bad moment. Who doesn't, and if they are as infrequent as Bernstein says, that is no different than for most people.

    It isn't as if Biden is an air traffic controller, or half of a trapeze act, or is a rock climber. There are no situations where having a cold or having a senior moment or just feeling bad for a day is going to be problematic for anyone but Biden. Trump had covid and was hospitalized but didn't recuse himself during his term.

    This concern is blown way out of proportion by people with political interests. If Biden were truly incapacitated, Harris would step in. Meanwhile his staff would hold the fort until she were available. That is how this kind of thing works, and many presidents have been sick or otherwise unavailable during their presidencies. Biden is fine now and he has been doing an excellent job, so there is no need to replace him. That is the bottom line.

    I have learned that when someone looks confused, you ask them what the problem is. It turns out they were thinking about a concern you had no idea was important to a situation, they tell you about it, and then you fix it together.

    Biden was clearly trying to figure out how to deal with Trump's Gish Gallop and torrent of lies, under time pressure. That is not a normal circumstance of the presidency, so Biden's difficulty speaking in a firm and authoritative voice is irrelevant and nonsense.

    When will people get real about what is going on surrounding Biden's debate performance? The debate is trivial. Notice that no one has called for Biden to take that wonderful cognitive test that Trump supposedly aced. It would settle this question and yet it hasn't been mentioned by anyone at all. That is because Biden would pass it and Trump doesn't want that to be made public. Same with those trying to push Biden aside.

    This is a non-issue except for the politics.

    1. Actually either Trump or his people did point out that Biden had not taken that test

    2. Why did Trump take it? He had a mysterious medical visit in the middle of the night that was never explained to voters. One might suspect it was a stroke or heart attack. It would be routine to test his cognitive clarity in the context of other health problems like that, so that he could make medical decisions requiring competency. Biden hasn't had that experience.

      One might also wonder why Biden's doctor would reveal a full medical report down to his sleep apnea (CPAP) and metformin and statin prescriptions, but leave off the results of such a test. We don't know Biden's doctor to be corrupt but we do know that Ronny Jackson was, and that his whitewash of Trump's health surely was leaving out a lot.

      But who is so stupid that he brags about doing well on a test that normal adults should pass without difficulty, as if it were an IQ test? Who can't identify a camel or elephant by its picture? Who can't draw a clock with its hands at a specific time? That Trump found it difficult suggests some deficit, but if he doesn't even understand what the test was for, is cause for greater concern. Trump isn't a child but he seems to have the understanding of one, and that is not a good thing for a prospective candidate for president -- or even for someone who has already served a term.

      When you read the things Trump's staff had to do to keep him functioning, it is shocking. He is worse now. We really really don't want that man anywhere near office. He is actually suffering from the deficits Somerby keeps hinting that Biden has, only worse because his personality makes him hard to handle and anyone who cares about the welfare of our country is not on the list to be hired.

      Republicans have created a monster who will be just as bad for them as for the rest of us.

    3. We also need to know if either candidate has erectile dysfunction.

    4. One man has a happy wife and the other doesn’t.

  10. Kevin looks at the LNG decision:

    1. Props to Kevin

    2. Holy shit. That's a judge, a fucking JUDGE that wrote that crap. And of COURSE, it's a Trump appointed judge. My god, I have to get out of this country. We are circling the fucking drain.

    3. Take me with you…

  11. The Party is "so sunk in sin", preach on, brother Somerby, when will the Dems start putting those women who have had abortions is jail where they belong!!

  12. It would be hard to win an election when a majority of your own supporters wish you were not running and 70 percent of people don't think you are mentally qualified to do the job.

    1. Who doesn't want to be younger? Propaganda is doing its job with the general public, but when it comes to selecting a president, Biden is still polling ahead of younger alternatives, Harris still beating Newsom and Buttigieg (3rd runner up) despite being female and black and also unpopular, and Trump will probably not win because people have the sense to be afraid of what Trump would do with unlimited power.

      If Biden is so bad, why does he keep polling ahead of the wannabes?

    2. Because he is the face of the country and receives significantly more media attention than any other government official and is seen as the highest authority in the executive branch with ultimate decision-making power. This perception of authority naturally leads to a higher profile and greater public interest and support.

      Really dumb question.

    3. Polling and popularity contests have nothing to do with whether Biden would be a good president for another four years. The best predictor of the future is the past and Biden has objectively been an excellent president with a lot of accomplishments to benefit his constituents.

    4. Most people don't see it that way. Biden is the most unpopular president of our lifetime. Americans have made crystal clear they do not like him and do not want him to run as president. He's got a lot of work to do if he thinks Americans are going to make him president again. Especially after that debate on Thursday!

    5. "Polling and popularity contests have nothing to do with whether Biden would be a good president for another four years."

      Do polling and popularity contests have anything to do with whether you'll be elected?

  13. “When she tells you that you just don't understand "how old 81 years old looks sometimes"—when she tells you that that explains what you thought you saw on your TV screen last Thursday night.”

    That isn’t what she said or meant. She is suggesting that the Democratic Party might possibly be to blame for not understanding how old 81 years old looks to the voters.

    Also, Somerby is suggesting that there must be 100% agreement with his assessment that Biden is too old, otherwise anyone saying anything different is “gaslighting” you.

    Also, what’s with the religious language “sunk in sin?”

    1. Somerby denies being religious, but he also says he is voting for Biden, so I would take that with a grain of salt.

  14. After around 70, each year brings changes to your body. New wrinkles, ultimately a change in your face and body shape, new aches and pains (mostly stiffness), more effort to maintain the same strength, mobility and balance.

    Back when I was working, I came across a study of mental lapses (senior moments) comparing college students (age 18-21) with healthy seniors (65+). They found more mental lapses among the college group than among the seniors. They concluded that was because the college students were using their minds for more challenging things in their daily classes. They also found greater concern about mental lapses among the elderly subjects. They concluded that was because of the fear of loss of function among the elderly, not that their performance was worse than the younger subjects.

    The point is that mental lapses are normal and occur at all ages. They are not necessarily more frequent among those who are elderly, although concern about them does increase because of stereotypes about dementia.

    A young person might experience the same deer in headlights or memory failure or stuttering or confusion, loss of train of thought, misspeaking, freezing, confusion, as someone Biden's age, but it means something different when an old person does it, despite being healthy and mentally competent.

    That is encompassed by the ageism and lack of respect for elderly people that characterize our country but not other parts of the world. We have a great deal of age segregation, so younger people have no chance to experience what growing old is like. That is especially true for women, because of our society's pressure for women to remain youthful looking using makeup and cosmetic surgery, photo-shopping pictures, dying hair, staying thin and avoiding sagging, and so on.

    Biden does not dye his hair. Trump does. Biden does not wear a corset. Trump does. Biden has maintained a healthy weight but looks frail next to Trump's obesity. Biden has better balance and strength but he broke his foot, so he moves carefully and slowly. Trump is the same when he walks down ramps or up stairs. Biden can read, Trump cannot. Biden eats a healthy diet, Trump does not. Trump is rumored to take Adderall, Biden does not. Biden is taking routine medicines to maintain blood pressure, lower cholesterol and control blood sugar. It is unclear whether Trump does any of that, because his doctor lies about his health. Trump is rumored to have frequent fits of temper and irritability to the point that his staff fears him and he throws objects, Biden does not. Trump has been having incidents of confusion and incoherence during rallies. Biden has not, except for during the Thursday debate when he was grappling with answering Trump's lies. Biden has a healthy and ongoing relationship with his wife. Trump's wife has left him, taking their son Barron.

    Biden has had no prior concerns about his mental clarity but Trump has been showing signs of deterioration in his public appearances for at least the past year. Those who know Trump well are concerned about his cognitive decline. Trump seems to be showing lifelong deficits in cognition and education to the point that his mental functioning was never appropriate for the job of president. Biden is getting older but is not showing deficits that would impair his functioning as president. In addition to his ongoing handicaps, Trump has been visibly deteriorating and there is no reason to believe he will not continue to get worse. That is not someone you want to give unlimited power to (as the Supreme Court just did) or hand over nuclear codes to (with no recourse should he misuse them). Trump is scary. Biden is not.

    1. "Trump has been having incidents of confusion and incoherence during rallies. Biden has not, except for during the Thursday debate"

      Carl Bernstein said on CNN last night, citing 'several' sources, that Biden has been deteriorating noticeably for the last year and a half, most acutely in the last 6 months, including one incident where he 'froze' on stage so badly a chair had to brought for him to sit in, as well as simply exhibiting the kind of enfeebled confusion we all saw at the debate.

      This behavior has not been a part of the Dems' media diet, and so came as quite a surprise.

    2. And - “Better Than Trump!” seems like the soft bigotry of low expectations.

    3. More of the same excellent work + not Trump.

    4. Why do you believe these biased press reports from unqualified observers?

    5. Did Biden “freeze” or was he in pain? Would an observer know?

    6. Hector, the media covering the WH certainly. knew. Now we know.

      That’s why the media is currently “shocked! Shocked!!”

    7. Just because a reporter says something doesn’t make it true. Staff are not doctors and some have axes to grind. Somerby is failing the Al Gore test.

    8. Al Gore failed the Al Gore test.

  15. This is such a change.


    1. Tapper isn’t qualified to assess “mental decline” based on a debate. This is political crap.

    2. Anonymouse 5:43pm, Tapper didn’t diagnose Pres. Biden, he reported uncommon behavior that he has personally witnessed and the ways the current WH and POTUS activities are different from past ones.

      Tapper also requested that Biden sit down in a conference room and have a q&a with the media.

    3. Biden has agreed to that with Stephanopoulis.

    4. Here is a link to a 20 minute video interview with Biden by John Harwood. It is unedited and ran the entire prearranged time. Biden did not get advance questions. From last Sept 29.

    5. From ProPublica

    6. Tapper is a CNN journalist, and Cecelia believes him.

    7. Anonymouse 9:54pm, there’s not one son-of-a-bitch in the media who didn’t know Joe Biden is impaired. They just kept obfuscating until they couldn’t anymore.

      No one needed Jake Tapper to affirm anything about Joe Biden. Not for one minute.

    8. BTW- long before Jake Tapper took notice of anything… anonymices were howling at me for believing my lying eyes when noticing the obvious fact that Joe Biden needs a caretaker.

    9. In late afternoon, Cecelia said, “The sun has disappeared.” People said, “No, it’s still there.” Then it set, and Cecelia said, “I was right all along.”

    10. Anonymouse 8:27am, for several years you and other liberal operatives have been gaslighting Biden’s obvious decline and castigating anyone who pointed out the obvious. No, you were/are not reasonable or logical. If you had two brain cells to rub together, you’d can this act, quit saying.. but Trump!… and start trotting out VP Harris and working hard to make her look like a combination of FDR and Athena.

      No, you won’t. You’ll carry on with how wonderful you are and depend upon the media to keep mopping up for you.

      Better hope that keeps working.

    11. I am not a liberal.

  17. The press is manufacturing a coup. Crickets from Somerby.

  18. Today Biden isn’t worrying about the debate. He is trying to protect American workers from heat-related deaths.

    Senile much?

  19. Biden has proposed a consumer right to repair bill for agriculture and electronics, like the ones in Canada, CA and CO.

  20. Republicans are claiming Obama is running the White House. Why are any other reports attacking Biden believable just because they’re less extreme?

  21. Now, here's a comedian. I give you Norm MacDonald:

    1. Old joke but well delivered

  22. Joe Biden is dying before our eyes.

  23. Making an obvious point, there are two questions
    1. Should Biden be President today?
    2. Should Biden be President until January 2029?

    I've a number of comments here and elsewhere arguing that the answer to #1 is Yes. But, I really haven't seen much of a case for #2.

    1. Joe Biden should never have been President. You should have been President all your life, with Cecelia as Prime Minister.

  24. Question 2 is conditional on the alternative choice.
    Should Biden be president in 2029 compared with a younger Democrat? No.
    Should Biden be president in 2029 compared with Donald Trump? Yes.
    There is ample video evidence of Trump's diminished mental capacity, and as with Biden, there is no predicting the trajectory of his continued deterioration. That said, over 90% of Trump's appointees have stated, based on their experience over 4 years ago, that he is unfit for the office of POTUS. As well as Pence who understands the role Trump played in endangering his life. That is damning to a degree that DIC would prefer not to acknowledge. A normal, thoughtful person would exclude Trump from consideration.Trump has clearly diminished mental capacity and a temperament of vindictiveness that is dangerous, not to mention an affiliation with like tempered fascists. The idea that he supports a military tribunal for Cheney, McConnell and others is a disgusting testimony to the danger implicit in his candidacy.

  25. Just a bunch of very sick f--ks:

    1. Yes, unamused. The Heritage Foundation were indeed foolish to release this document. It hurts all Republican candidates.

    2. Hurting Republican candidates is a good thing.
