The greatest challenge since that facing Lincoln!

FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2024

Also, JFK:  It's known as Lincoln's Farewell Address. We know it from the closing pages of Sandburg's Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years, Volume II.

The president-elect was leaving for Washington. He spoke to neighbors and friends from the back of his train at the Springfield rail station:

Springfield, Illinois, February 11, 1861

My friends—No one, not in my situation, can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting. To this place, and the kindness of these people, I owe every thing. Here I have lived a quarter of a century, and have passed from a young to an old man. Here my children have been born, and one is buried. 

I now leave, not knowing when, or whether ever, I may return, with a task before me greater than that which rested upon Washington...

You can read one version of the full address by clicking here. In Sandburgh's rendering, Lincoln closed his brief remarks by saying this:

Friends, one and all, I must now bid you an affectionate farewell.

With a young nation on the brink of war, he saw himself confronting a task "greater than that which rested upon [General, then President] Washington."

According to Sandburgh, the last stop in Illinois was at Tolono station. Volume Two of his master work ends with this:

Tolono station was the last stop in Illinois. There he said, “I am leaving you on an errand of national importance, attended as you are aware with considerable difficulties. Let us believe as some poet has expressed it, ‘Behind the cloud the sun is still shining.’ I bid you an affectionate farewell.”

And there were voices, "Good-by, Abe."

At that stop, Lincoln declared himself to be "leaving you on an errand of national importance." Though of course, as it turned out, no, he didn't return.

We had started this with a thought to relating President Lincoln's words to the monumental task we ourselves now face. We refer to the task of convincing denizens of Blue America that it wasn't a good idea to abandon the traditional journalistic / political rule against the use of the L-bombs:

LIAR, but also LIES.

Is convincing us liberals of that idea commensurate with the task which once rested upon General Washington? We're not completely sure how to rank such things.

That said, as we post Lincoln's sacred words, it occurs to us that we should all be fully aware of the challenging task we ourselves face today, as this time of political and cultural crisis. 

Lincoln saw his Illinois neighbors as friends. That said, there was no cable news in his day. There had been no "democratization of media," with the concomitant striving for maximum profit through separation of a large, sprawling continental nation into a set of angry, squabbling, disinformed rival entities.

With respect to JFK, we're going to wait for tomorrow! A new book about the way the men of his family were apparently raised helps describe what we would describe as a human / American tragedy.

"Behind the cloud the sun is still shining?" According to the historical record, Abraham Lincoln said that!

For extra credit only: According to photographic evidence, a plaque in Tolono says this.


  1. Tolono is the site of the first Monical's Pizza restaurant.

    1. According to a friend of my younger brother, the $700 is nothing in comparison to the millions he has given to Ukraine. Why? We require it, she replied. Because vs03 we don’t know why, it must be it. We possess citizenship.
      Click the link……………………………………………. GOOGLE WORK

  2. Trump. Isn’t he great? He tells the most beautiful lies. His lies are the greatest lies according to all the experts who lie for a living.

  3. Sadly, people today take pride in lying. Trump told some malicious lies about Republican primary election rivals. Biden tells malicious lies about Trump, such as claiming that the Heritage Program 25 is Trump's program or that Trump said Nazis were fine people.. And, we voters congratulate them for the effectiveness of their lies. Their lies make us feel virtuous, because we oppose the victim of their lies.

    1. They lied yesterday, last week, last month, last year, ....

      Then you turn around and lie about Trump.

    2. David,
      The fact that Trump doesn't even know what Program 2025 is, AND he says he disagrees with what's in it, reminds me that Trump is no bigger a liar than any other Republican.

    3. @9:51 -- criticizing someone based on paraphrases it bad practice. For all I know, Trump's comments may be reasonable and consistent, but your paraphrase makes his comments sound contradictory. So, can you please supply Trump's actual comments and the context in which he said those things?

    4. 1:03,
      Turns out you may be correct. The quote is on his "Truth Social" page, and there is nothing about bigotry in it, so it's probably not even from Trump.

    5. Here you go;

    6. people today take pride in lying.

      Speak for yourself, Dickhead. I was raised to believe it is shameful and dishonorable. You support a man who has no shame or honor.

    7. No, I don't think he supports any of you idiot-moonbats or Soros' trained monkeys.

    8. Heritage Program 25

      What the fuck is that, Dickhead in Cal? Why don't you start with identifying the document by its true title: Project 2025: PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION PROJECT

      You lying sack of shit fascist bastard.

  4. I can't wait to hear about JFK, the guy who almost started a nuclear war.

  5. Kevin looks at drug-price negotiation.

  6. Dave Loggins has died.

  7. Trump has an emerging scandal over his activities with Jeffrey Epstein's sex slaves. Somerby and the Republicans believe they can normalize or excuse that behavior by pointing out what JFK did. This is low.

  8. According to a friend of my younger brother, the $700 is nothing in comparison to the millions he has given to Ukraine. Why? We require it, she replied. Because vs03 we don’t know why, it must be it. We possess citizenship.
    Click the link……………………………………………. GOOGLE WORK


  9. Brothers and sisters! Republicans are terrified of Dementia Joe staying in the race, because he is the only one who can beat Trump.

    Bob Somerby and the New York Times, funded by Russia via Iran and Qatar, have been doing everything they can to remove Dementia Joe from the race.

    They have failed, but the struggle continues! We need your help! It's only $200/week, less than a cap of coffee a day nowadays. But wait! Today, for a limited time only, it's only $189.99/week! Please make the call now.

    1. LOL.
      It's funny, because Republican voters will vote for a rapist to be the President, as long as he's a bigot, too. LOL.

  10. Let's get ready to rrrrumble . . .

    Allan Lichtman vs. Cenk Uygur on Biden's chances:

    1) Lichtman throws down the gauntlet:

    2) Cenk accepts the challenge:
