When is a national ban not a national ban?


Perhaps with a ban such as this: As we noted this morning, Candidate Vance still doesn't seem to know who won the last election.

This puzzling fact came to light during last evening's debate. Also, the candidate has been widely criticized for having made the highlighted statement in response to a question by Norah O'Donnell:

O'DONNELL (10/1/24): In the past, you have supported a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks. In fact, you said if someone can't support legislation like that, quote, "You are making the United States the most barbaric pro-abortion regime anywhere in the entire world." 

My question is, why have you changed your position?

VANCE: Well, Norah, first of all, I never supported a national ban. ...

The candidate continued at length from there. Especially within Blue America, he has been savaged for saying that he never supported a federal / national ban.

Why did Vance issue such a denial? O'Donnell didn't challenge his denialbut if she had, what would Vance have said?

We can't answer that question. Nor are we experts on the full roster of Vance's past statements on this topic. We can riddle you this:

When is a federal or national ban on abortion not a federal or national ban on abortion? Possibly, when it's a federal or national ban on abortion "after fifteen weeks."

As Blue pundits frequently note, the vast majority of abortions take place within the first fifteen weeks. Our question:

If someone proposes a ban on abortions after that, has that person actually proposed "a ban on abortions," full stop?

Has that person proposed "a ban on abortions?" We'd be inclined to say no, with clarifications to follow. 

Is that what Vance would have said if his denial had been challenged? We don't have the slightest idea!

In our view, the moderators behaved like potted plants during most of the evening, probably due to the agreement by CBS News that they wouldn't perform any fact-checking. Perhaps for that reason, O'Donnell never went back and questioned what Vance said.

What did Candidate Vance mean by the denial in question? We don't have any way to know. If O'Donnell had followed up, we'd all be able to evaluate what the candidate said.

In his list of fact checks for the Washington Post, Glenn Kessler scores Vance "disingenuous" for this particular statement. In this instance, we think Kessler may have gotten a bit out over his skis.

For the record, Kessler lists many other plain misstatements by Vance. Also for the record, we humans don't reason with spectacular clarity, especially at highly polarized times such as these. 

At times like these, we humans tend to want what we want! As the great anthropologist Gene Brabender once observed:

Where I come from, we only talk so long. After that, we start to hit.

For extra credit only: We recommend Kessler's fact-check of Vance's statement about the 320,000 allegedly missing children.

That claim has been all over the Fox News Channel. Candidate Trump likes to make it.

Newspapers like the New York Times agree to avert their gaze. All too often, our rapidly failing "national discourse" no longer runs on facts.


  1. JD Vance said in 2022 he ‘would like abortion to be illegal nationally’


  2. Re: 320,000 "missing" children

    I read elsewhere that The Man Who Shouts was bruiting a similar claim last night, but he was saying hundreds of thousands of women are missing.

    Anyone have a clue what he was talking about?

    1. Couldn't find it on the internet

  3. Gene Brabender was not an anthropologist. He was a baseball player. His quote (taken out of context) may be referring to hitting baseballs with bats, not to any kind of violence occurring after words fail. Somerby doesn't explain anything any more and much of what he says is misleading or confusing. I suspect he writes this stuff by rote, to fill up space, but I have no idea why he feels he needs to do that.

    I have received an error message saying that I have created the maximum number of comments for today. Given that there are only two comments to this post, that is somewhat confusing.

    1. Money must be getting tight with your troll farm overlords, Not a rodent. They no longer can afford endless spam posts from their hirelings.

  4. When you institute a ban on abortion past 15 weeks, you do not guarantee the right to abortion before 15 weeks. States can ban abortion before that cutoff or entirely and be consistent with a national ban past 15 weeks. Haggling about 15 weeks makes no sense under such circumstances. It also makes it unnecessary to ask Vance what he meant. Trump said 6 weeks was too short, which is an affirmation of a right to abortion to past 6 weeks. He was being vague about how long women should have to decide, not wishing to alienate anti-abortion voters or pin himself down. It is unclear to me why Somerby is writing about this, except to criticize the moderators, who are the true criminals in this election cycle. Crickets on Vance's shouting until they turned his mic off.

  5. Kessler is behind a pay wall.

  6. The brief filed by Jack Smith in his trial against Donald Trump has just been made public. It contains new factual info about his activities on 1/6. You can read it here:


    1. That is incredible news. I had no idea that the Felon was lying about losing the election and tried four or so illegal means to complete an autogolpe. How is the felon so close in this election? Only nasty smelly racists know for sure.

    2. I've been reading the brief and I am amazed that there were so many Republican governors and Republican election officials who resisted Trump's considerable pressure and declined to overturn their certification of the results. It is reassuring that there are Republicans with integrity, who are not liars and cheats. When you see someone like Vance, it might be easy to become cynical and think that everyone is corrupt when the reality is that very few people went along with Trump's schemes in 2021.

    3. Well the republicans in Congress certainly went all in with the felon, failing to convict him after his attempted coup. We would of been rid of his cancer on American institutions and norms, but these amoral Republicans couldn't do the right thing. Fuck the lot of them.

  7. In war time, with our country financing two major wars bringing us to the cusp of World War III, Americans want a leader who is palpably nervous when confronted by a network correspondent's interview questions.

    1. Yes they need a leader who will get four strong men to overtake Newsome and spend all day opening that giant valve, as big as this room, in northern California allowing Canadian water to flow into the central valley producing billions of crops and allowing the smelly rich people of Beverly Hills to finally take a proper shower not a drip, drip, drip shower. But Newsome wouldn't let his administration do it because of a tiny little fish, that is not doing so well by the way. (actuall stuff he said to the California GOP, Fox's evil Levin, and more recently.)

    2. Or a leader who has signalled with vigor that he will let NATO go to hell, Putin is a genius for invading Ukraine, and cowers in Putin's presence.

    3. You mean a “leader” who’s too scared to debate again?

    4. 5:05 I take it you didn't see the presidential debate. They are still scraping Trump's mascara off the mat. You can probably dredge up her work in the Kavanaugh hearings if you don't think beating down a demented old man was a fair fight. She held her own there, if holding your own entails humiliating a lying supreme court nominee.

    5. Right you are. Let's go with the "They're eating the dogs" guy.

  8. Ivan at 5:05, troll harder. Your one-note schtick is completely played.

    1. Is Harris the kind of president Americans want with World War III on the horizon? Is she a war time president? Do Americans crave a leader whose chief attribute is being full of joy and cavorting around looking like someone in an ad for Newports? If she is "palpably nervous" in front of a ditzy network reporter, why should Americans think she will be bold and courageous enough to lead us while we fund 2 major, unpopular wars? One of which the side we support has no chance of winning, the other which is making us internationally hated? Is that what we need right now? Joy and smiles? I'm just saying that she will probably not win the election because she doesn't project strength and a sense of protection. How could she? She's an unelected, camera-shy backup who can't speak extemporaneously, for God's sake.

    2. Why are you guys so eager for a war? I’m sure we have peace now (at least in the US) because of Harris. Your preoccupation with war is creepy, like Vance. Plus you have an accent like a Russian troll.

    3. I just feel like Harris is going to lose because of all the war and violence. People want a strong leader in times like these. Not some second hand back up in a pantsuit who is afraid to give an interview. Can't you see where I'm coming from?

    4. Ivan, I can't tell if you're coming from Moscow or St. Petersburg.

      Also, using a whole bunch more words to pimp the same tired meme is no less boring and played.

    5. Ivan, Americans don’t want fascism — just your money.

    6. I'm coming from Barstow but we'll have to see. I think it's not looking all that great for Harris. Just because Harris doesn't represent strength and power. I wouldn't be betting on her to win.

    7. She was a scary prosecutor of gangs & cartels. She’s strong. Being a diplomat first is how you avoid war.

    8. I'm not feeling as good about it as you are.

    9. I’m from CA. We know her better.

    10. 9:06,
      If Trump promises to zero out the Defense budget, he has my vote.
      Let me know when that happens.

    11. You go with the candidate you have, not the one you wish you had. In this case we had a really bad one who was slipping into senility, was always roundly unpopular and who was definitely going to lose. Now we have his backup who has a much better chance of winning and looks much better next to TFG despite missing many desirable traits one expects in a strong leader. It's not a great position to be in. But here we are. All the cards are on the table and there's four and half weeks to go. We can be joyful if she wins but shouldn't be surprised if she doesn't.

    12. It'd be a bummer if she lost to Treason McRapey, but it would really be a "tell" about the USA.

  9. 9:55 And a demented old man who wears make up and Depends represents power in Barlow? If that’s your thing, go for it.

  10. I posted something about Republican voters the moderator didn't want me to remind you about, so they deleted it.

  11. They say climate change ran out of "Fuck Your Feelings" t-shirts, so it sent us Helene, instead.
