MADMEN: Did King George suffer from porphyria?


Did he spot a ball of worms? Is something wrong with Elon Musk? No, really—is something "wrong" with Musk?

We've shared some of the gentleman's tweets in recent days. We should have included his additional comment, offered this Monday, about the ball of worms he and his teen warfighters have apparently discovered in the halls of USAID: 

The first lieutenant's assessments
"USAID was a viper's nest of radical-left Marxists who hate America." 

"USAID is evil." 

“USAID is a criminal organization. Time for it to die.” 

"We spent the weekend feeding USAID into the wood chipper. Could [have] gone to some great parties. Did that instead."

 "It became apparent that what we have here is not an apple with a worm in it. What we have actually is just a ball of worms."

At DOGE, the kingpin spotted a ball of worms—and he fed them into a chipper!

Those statements by the lieutenant strike us as highly unusual. It's hard to avoid wondering if something might be "wrong" with this rather strange individual, or even with the commander who has commissioned this nighttime assault.

Could something be "wrong" with Elon Musk? In theory, everything's possible! Meanwhile, in this morning's New York Times, Nicholas Kristof describes the peculiar arrangement which currently obtains as Musk and his band of warfighters conduct their night-time assault:

The World’s Richest Men Take On the World’s Poorest Children

The world’s richest man is boasting about destroying the United States Agency for International Development, which saves the lives of the world’s poorest children, saying he shoved it “into the wood chipper.”

By my calculations, Elon Musk probably has a net worth greater than that of the poorest billion people on Earth. Just since Donald Trump’s election, Musk’s personal net worth has grown by far more than the entire annual budget of U.S.A.I.D., which in any case accounts for less than 1 percent of the federal budget. It’s callous for gleeful billionaires like Musk and President Trump to cut children off from medicine, but, as President John F. Kennedy pointed out when he proposed the creation of the agency in 1961, it’s also myopic.

As he continues, Kristof describes the things he's seen around the world as USAID saves children from starvation. He also explains the way these missions serve the American national interest, as President Kennedy said.

Kristof has seen starving children. By way of contrast, the world's richest person says he has spotted a ball of worms. He's spotted the vipers and the radical Marxists who need to go into the chipper! 

Is something wrong with this guy? Could something even be wrong with the commander who unloosed Musk on the world? 

It can almost seem like a fairly obvious question—but under current rules of the game, it's a question the tribunes of our failing discourse aren't allowed to ask or explore. Under prevailing rules of the game, attention must not be paid! 


On this morning's Morning Joe, the word "crazy" was uttered, again and again, as David Ignatius and others described the commander's now retracted plan to remake Gaza as a Pleasantville.

The proposal came, and then it went. The word "crazy" was in wide employ on Morning Joe, but it can't be found in Ignatius' column, which appears beneath this unflattering dual headline:
Real estate developer in a china shop
To a region still recovering from the trauma of war, Trump’s proposed takeover of Gaza was incendiary.

The word "crazy" doesn't appear in that column. Instead, we see the "incendiary" proposal described as "jaw-dropping" and "capricious," with this sidelong observation thrown in:

There have been signs for months that the plan had taken root in the mind of the former real estate developer.

The jaw-dropping, capricious plan had been taking root in his mind. That said, there is no claim that the plan, or even its craftsman, could perhaps be crazy in some way. In high-end journalism, for better or worse, such things simply aren't done.

We very much don't offer this as a criticism of the invaluable Ignatius. For better or worse, we'll guess that we're looking at an aspect of Post editorial policy.

That said, we are looking at a basic feature of contemporary public discourse, in which we aren't allowed to wonder if something might be (clinically) "wrong" with the world's most powerful men.

Is Lieutenant Musk a madman? As we've told you again and again, there's no such clinical term! 

Beyond that, a more nuanced discussion is strictly forbidden in the case of major political figures, including those who capriciously shut down programs which keep starving children alive.

Over on the Fox News Channel, the flyweights, stumblebums and Stepfords continue to recite the mandated points about the brilliant work of the commander and his lieutenant. Within the beachfront properties of Blue America, our own journalists—such as they are—are forbidden from thinking about a fairly obvious, if highly complexificated, matter of possible public concern.

It's verboten! Tribunes aren't allowed to talk about "mental illness," which most clinical practitioners prefer to refer to as "mental disorder." As we noted yesterday, there seem to be hundreds of such disorders—but if you believe in this branch of medical science, you can't reveal that here.

We do speak freely about "mental illness" in the realm of everyday street crime. Also, we're allowed to speak about such matters regarding historical figures. Just consider poor King George!

What the Sam Hill was wrong with King George? The leading authority on a 1994 feature film offers this overview of the matter:

The Madness of King George 

The Madness of King George is a 1994 British biographical comedy drama film directed by Nicholas Hytner and adapted by Alan Bennett from his own 1991 play The Madness of George III. It tells the true story of George III of Great Britain's deteriorating mental health, and his equally declining relationship with his eldest son, the Prince of Wales, particularly focusing on the period around the Regency Crisis of 1788–89. Two text panels at the end of the film note that the color of the King's urine suggests that he was suffering from porphyria, adding that the disease is "periodic, unpredictable and hereditary."

The Madness of King George won the BAFTA Awards in 1995 for Outstanding British Film and Best Actor in a Leading Role for Nigel Hawthorne, who was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor. 

What the heck was wrong with King George? Questions abound:

Did he really engage in conduct which could be described, if only colloquially, as a type of "madness?" If so, was he suffering from porphyria, and is porphyria a "mental disorder?" 

In these decidedly latter days, we're allowed to ask such questions about public figures, as long as they exist in the past. Regarding the status of porphyria, the leading authority on the topic offers such assessments as these:


Porphyria is a group of disorders in which substances called porphyrins build up in the body, adversely affecting the skin or nervous system. The types that affect the nervous system are also known as acute porphyria, as symptoms are rapid in onset and short in duration. Symptoms of an attack include abdominal pain, chest pain, vomiting, confusion, constipation, fever, high blood pressure, and high heart rate. The attacks usually last for days to weeks. Complications may include paralysis, low blood sodium levels, and seizures...

Most types of porphyria are inherited from one or both of a person's parents and are due to a mutation in one of the genes that make heme. They may be inherited in an autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked dominant manner.



The underlying mechanism was first described by the German physiologist Felix Hoppe-Seyler in 1871, and acute porphyrias were described by the Dutch physician Barend Stokvis in 1889.

The links between porphyrias and mental illness have been noted for decades. In the early 1950s, patients with porphyrias (occasionally referred to as "porphyric hemophilia") and severe symptoms of depression or catatonia were treated with electroshock therapy.


Notable cases

George III. The mental illness exhibited by George III in the regency crisis of 1788 has inspired several attempts at retrospective diagnosis. The first, written in 1855, thirty-five years after his death, concluded that he had acute mania. M. Guttmacher, in 1941, suggested manic-depressive psychosis as a more likely diagnosis. The first suggestion that a physical illness was the cause of King George's mental derangement came in 1966, in a paper called "The Insanity of King George III: A Classic Case of Porphyria," with a follow-up in 1968, "Porphyria in the Royal Houses of Stuart, Hanover and Prussia." The papers, by a mother/son psychiatrist team, were written as though the case for porphyria had been proven, but the response demonstrated that many experts, including those more intimately familiar with the manifestations of porphyria, were unconvinced. Many psychiatrists disagreed with the diagnosis, suggesting bipolar disorder as far more probable...

Quite a few other notable cases are thumbnailed. We are allowed to discuss the "mental illness" of major public figures—just so long as they aren't present-day spotters of worms or serial dispensers of jaw-dropping proposals. 

According to the leading authority, King George III actually was gripped by "mental illness." Porphyria may not be a "mental illness" itself, but it seems to be linked to same.

Under current rules of the game, we're allowed to talk about that. For better or worse, we aren't allowed to talk about this—about the nighttime assault now underway on our own sacred Troy, the assault which is proceeding along on a crazy daily basis.

Did the king ever spot a ball of worms? Citizens, we're just asking!

Tomorrow: Pity for the afflicted


  1. Trump was incoherent at the Prayer Breakfast this morning.

  2. USAID helps Ukraine. That’s why Putin wants Musk to kill it.

    1. The full impact of the freeze is hard to measure, as many recipients are hesitant to draw attention for fear of losing long-term funding or coming under political attacks.

  3. No one is saying we "aren't allowed" to ask whether Trump is mentally ill. This is Somerby's stupid conceit.

    If there were proof that Trump is mentally ill, it would still be meaningless because no one is going to remove Trump. There are too many grifters benefitting from his presidency. We are stuck with Trump and there is no point in speculating about what is wrong with him. If that didn't matter to voters before the election, it certainly doesn't matter now.

    Meanwhile, Somerby has not suggested removing Trump. He hasn't suggested anything worthwhile or helpful at all. He is wasting his own and our time writing this crap every day.

    1. Anonymouse 10:29am, so we’re stuck with Trump, there’s nothing we can do about Trump, but Bob hasn’t been helpful in formulating a plan to manage Trump. Which man really concerns you? Trump or Somerby?

    2. We would not be stuck with Trump and there are many things that could be done about Trump, if Republicans were to open their eyes. Somerby should not be calling Trump mentally ill -- he should be pointing out that Trump is a fascist who is trying to remake the govt into a dictatorship, with Musk's help.

      Somerby has not even said that what Trump and Musk are doing is wrong. He wants to call them crazy, but that isn't the same as condemning their actions. I think it is likely that Somerby likes what Trump is doing, which is why I have been complaining about his dishonesty.

      The uselessness of Somerby is appalling in the face of what Trump and Musk are doing to our govt. Those with guts are saying so. Somerby lacks guts but worse than that, he pretends to be opposing Trump without actually doing so. He seems to think that is cute or clever when it is mostly pathetic.

    3. Anonymouse 2:03pm, it was your anonymouse friend who said we are stuck with Trump. You seem to think that the novel move of calling of Trump a fascist dictator is the thing that will hamstring him. So the past eight years possibly going into 12 years, of the media and Democrats saying “fascist dictator” would be the charm?

    4. I can’t argue with Bob, that even someone as far gone mentally ill, as Trump, wouldn’t be able to figure out Republicans will crawl across a football field of glass to vote for a bigot.

    5. Anonymouse 3:09pm, yeah, the only thing you need in order to do that is a mail-in ballot.

    6. Cecelia, you seem oblivious to the demonstrations going on, the lawsuits, the calls to legislators to put pressure on them to oppose Trump, and the visibility of those opposing Trump online, even on this blog. That is all opposition to Trump. Somerby has done nothing whatsoever to oppose Trump. He has had more opportunity than anyone else here to tell us the truth about the way Trump is becoming a fascist authoritarian. Those comments of Trump's about running for another term are not actually jokes.

      Every time you push Trump and/or Somerby, you show what an awful person you are too, but we already knew that. Unlike Somerby, you are far from coy.


    8. So the past eight years possibly going into 12 years, of the media and Democrats saying “fascist dictator” would be the charm?

      Gold, Cecelia! Pure gold.

    9. Anonymouse 3:32pm, no, one in the country is unaware of the efforts to get Trump. This has been going on since 2016. Musk started catching flak when he opened up Twitter. It makes no sense for you to reference the massive and years long effort to bring down Trump and then argue that Somerby is sitting it out by not parroting the same rhetoric that hasn’t worked for you. Bob thinks the media should question Trump’s mental fitness for office. He wants that discussion because Trump is ripe for that in his riffing style and the label of mental health issues as to “The Commander” is the ultimate negation, as we saw with how quickly the DNC moved to ditch Biden. Trump really isn’t the anonymouse target on this blog. We all know that. .

    10. BTW, Anonymouse 3:32pm, with USAID frozen, some of the money laundered for these demonstrations may dry up.

    11. The “rhetoric” hasn’t “worked?”

      The “rhetoric” that Trump is a fascist and an authoritarian is true.

      That he is a liar is true.

      That he is a crook is true.

      That he is corrupt is true.

      The truth needs to be said, not merely as a campaign tactic that either “works” or “doesn’t work.”

      None of these truths caused Trump’s base to vote against him. There is no reason to imagine that calling him “mentally ill” would have worked any better, even though it is very likely true.

      In fact, Trump being a “sociopath”, as Somerby sometimes calls him, is likely a reason why his base did vote for him.

      So the idea that replacing the one set of statements with Somerby’s would sway Trump’s voters is nonsense.

    12. No one is unaware of the great lengths Trump will go to fuck his own daughter. This has been going on since she turned 4-years old.

  4. We are not Troy, sacred or otherwise.

  5. Elon isn’t taking care of his satellites.

  6. This is exactly like the endless streams of social media links my nutty liberal aunt pollutes the family chats with constantly. Every day it’s a new “scientific diagnosis” of Trump or her poor exes.

    Every third or fourth is about how to spot “narcissism.” The others are whatever new disease word she and others like her fixated on for that week. She loves to let us know she is familiar with the existence of the DSM.

    She is deeply miserable and unpleasant and angrily pathologizes everyone whose existence she personally cannot cope with. These frequent diagnoses alternate with astrology.

    1. Astrology: poor people's psychology

      Psychiatry: middle class people's psychology

      Nationalism: rich people's psychology

    2. Psychology:: anonymices phrenology

  7. There is no nighttime assault. These plans were proposed to us in broad daylight throughout the entire campaign and they are exactly what we voted for.

    It’s delightful to see the panic over shutting off the grift.

    1. I voted for Trump, because he promised to never go after corporate elites for hiring illegal immigrants, because it makes Right-wingers cry.
      So far, so good.

  8. Some people are fighting Trump's illegal acts, as described by Jeff Tiedrich:

    "the legal system is doing the lord’s work right now.

    a lawsuit has gotten the DOGE incels to temporarily back down with their Treasury Department fuckery.

    Attorneys for the Justice Department have agreed to temporarily restrict staffers associated with Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency from accessing information in the Treasury Department’s payment system.

    a judge has blocked Donny’s plan to end birthright citizenship, ruling that it’s unconstitutional as shit.

    A second federal judge on Wednesday blocked President Donald Trump’s executive order that seeks to end birthright citizenship, saying it’s likely unconstitutional and “runs counter to our nation’s 250-year history of citizenship by birth.”

    1. The legal system has always been one of the best ways to handle criminals like Trump and Musk.

      Thankfully due to the democratization of media, we can be informed about the harm they are doing.

    2. The SCOTUS will work all this out. That’s our system.

    3. Our system is the Constitution, as ratified by the States.

    4. Marbury v Madison, 11:13.

    5. How much does it cost to rent Clarence Thomas for a week or so?

    6. SCOTUS is bought and paid for by a few billionaires, more like SCROTUM.

    7. The Supreme Court via Marbury v Madison gave itself the right of judicial review. Funny how that works.

    8. Yes, the SC did give itself the right, and Congress can take it away.

    9. Most people oppose Republicans and their policies but Republicans have gamed the system - gerrymandering, voter suppression etc - which has gridlocked Congress, which empowers the SC and the president beyond what is normal and healthy.

  9. USAID expenditures comprise under 1% of our national budget. Much of what they do is good work. Musk is all performative, for the base.

    1. In which case, why are the Dems screaming bloody murder over the loss of 1%?

      It's because they know that their entire political enterprise has been exposed as being nothing more than a money laundry scheme for taxpayers money that they dole out to their NGOs and other allies who kick it back to the party via political contributions.

      Just wait for more of their corruption to be expose. It's going to be glorious.

    2. 3:02: Can you be any more ignorant?

    3. Why are Republicans going after USAID, if it barely helps black people?

    4. One person is a tiny fraction of the world's population but if you help that person live a better life, you have made a huge difference TO THEM. That's why you do good things for people who are suffering -- to help them, not to make or save money.

  10. We should probably start by finding out what mental illnesses caused Democrats to throw over the working class and men in favor of sexual deviants and then build their entire party around them.

  11. Oh, puhleeze -- Trump has gone the full Caligula. It would be no surprise to anybody if he appointed a horse to the Senate.

    Of course, given the current state of the Republican senatorial caucus, that would be progress, but still...

    1. Normalizng horses in the senate is a bad idea.

    2. Aileen Cannon on SCOTUS, or a horse? Take your pick.

    3. Trump named a horse's ass to run the Department of Defense.

  12. I began to get suspicious when Republicans sold out the working class to corporations looking to boost profits and CEO wealth by handing the keys to the store over to China, and this was later confirmed when Trump lost manufacturing jobs as opposed to Biden who then added hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs.

    Funny joke, Republicans, getting the working class all worked up about trans people (less than 1% of the population) who harm no one, while pick pocketing the working class. Ha ha ha so funny.

  13. Musk suffers from herpes, which can clog the brain with excess plaque.

    Many say Trump suffers from the same.

    Musk is currently being sued by a former Neuralink employee that says Musk forced her to work with monkeys infected with herpes without proper protection.

    Both Musk and Trump are sexual predators, walking around with herpes, a highly contagious virus.

    Republicans in general tend to live lives full of vices and abuses, and have very high rates of STIs.

    These are weird and gross people. Avoid Republicans at all cost, if you value your health and happiness.

    1. It’s good we are discussing which groups have herpes

      Prevalence of HSV-2 by race

      Non-Hispanic Black: 40.3% of non-Hispanic Black people have HSV-2

      Non-Hispanic White: 13.7% of non-Hispanic White people have HSV-2

      Mexican American: 11.9% of Mexican Americans have HSV-2

      HSV-2 prevalence by gender
      African-American women: 63% of African-American women have HSV-2

      White women: 27% of White women have HSV-2

      African-American men: 40% of African-American men have HSV-2

      White men: 12% of White men have HSV-2

    2. They are working on cutting funding for AIDS research and prevention.

    3. Those rates are not accurate, they are mostly culled from surveys of self selected college students and prison inmates.

      Musk is a White male that has herpes.

      Everyone that comes in contact with him is at risk, particularly since he is careless with his affliction.

    4. Nonsense. They are CDC figures. Blacks have the highest rates by far, thus you regard blacks as gross.

    5. Wrong, those numbers are primarily from self selected surveys of college students and prison inmates, therefore they are highly skewed and inaccurate.

      Musk is gross because he has herpes from his lifestyle of hedonism and debauchery, and he is careless with his disease, not caring who else he infects.

    6. No they’re not they are the CDC’s numbers. You just thought everyone was as ignorant as you and would not know which groups actually suffer these diseases at the highest rates.

      Here’s more on those you identify as gross.

      Prevalence of HIV by Race
      According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of 2022:
      Black/African Americans: Accounted for 37% of new HIV diagnoses, despite making up only 12% of the U.S. population.
      Hispanic/Latinx: Represented 33% of new HIV diagnoses, comprising 18% of the population.
      White: Made up 24% of new HIV diagnoses, while constituting 61% of the population.
      Asian Americans: Had 3% of new HIV diagnoses, representing 6% of the population.
      Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders: Accounted for 1% of new HIV diagnoses, making up less than 1% of the population.

    7. Those CDC numbers are from self selected surveys of college students and prison inmates.

      What is gross about people like Musk is they are diseased from their vice filled lifestyle, unlike those communities that have high rates of disease from poverty and lack of healthcare and education.

      Your smugness is inversely proportional to your ignorance on public health.

    8. First you defame Elon Musk with the false allegation that he has herpes, then you lie about the source of herpes stats, then you say blacks unlike Musk are too stupid and sexually degenerate to avoid comprising the highest proportion of herpes and AIDS by far.

      You made up a story about Elon Musk and herpes, the facts came crashing down on you.

    9. @2:34 is saying that Musk has no excuse for having Herpes except that he no doubt thought he was invulnerable because of his money. Sort of like the way right wingers thought covid would skip them (before the vaccine was developed).

      Reality bites even the people who don't believe in it, such as Musk.

      Here is the video of the interview where he has a herpes sore on his lip:

    10. You think a cold sore (herpes 1) on someone’s lip means they also have genital herpes (herpes 2)?

  14. As I posted the other day, USAID does some worthwhile things and some very bad things. Kristof is determinedly closing his eyes to the bad things.

    It’s not just Kristof . Apparently the liberal and “mainstream” media chose to downplay or ignore USAID’s misdeeds, while these misdeeds are the top story in conservative media. Even Bob seems unaware that he’s only seeing half of the story.

    1. You didn't say what those "very bad" -- a very Trumpian formulation, by the way -- things were.

    2. Well then DiC, I guess shutting down everything stops the “bad” stuff.

    3. DiC: That insane orange fascist you support was screaming yesterday that USAID is run by "radical lunatics"! The workers can't get into the building anymore. The employees were all put on administrative leave. I didn't hear him say anything nice. What the fuck is wrong with you, DiC?

    4. Ilya -- there's so much bad AID stuff and much of it is complicated. You can start by reading this article by Michael Shellenberger, an independent pundit and long-time Democrat.

    5. It's easy to prove insanity by omitting facts. Try this:
      A man attacked me by plunging a knife into my heart. A madman? No, a heart surgeon.

    6. Michael Shellenberger is a right wing loon, who is famous for his nonsense being easily debunked. Try harder with your dumb lies.

    7. David, have you figured out if Trump actually knew something about DEI being responsible for the air crash in DC, or was he just bullshitting to promote his racist hate? Have you drawn any conclusions yet, Dickhead?

    8. In their rush to own the libs, Republicans accused a trans female Black Hawk pilot of causing the crash - she did not, all they wound up revealing is that apparently trans people are highly competent, that trans woman has been flying Black Hawks for 15 years without incident. Banning trans people from the military will severely weaken our defense capabilities.

    9. Shellenberger ran for Governor of Cal as a Democrat.

    10. Shellenberger has denounced the Democratic party. Try harder not to lie, David.

    11. @1:32 Why are intelligent people like Shellenberger, Musk, Ackman, Rogan, Gabbard and Kennedy abandoning the Democratic Party?

    12. David, please answer my question @1:17. You claimed you really really wanted to know the facts. LOL

    13. "Bad things" or not, this is not the way a government of checks and balances deals with it. Trump and Musk have simply ordered all of the organization's work to cease and all of the employees to go home. Mike Johnson whistles a merry tune.

    14. @1:38 IMO Trump was bullshitting when he immediately blamed DEI for the crash. This is like the bullshit of Dems who immediately blame lack of gun control for a shooting. They follow Rahm Emanuel's rule, "Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste"

    15. Go fuck yourself David, it is not at all similar to Dems calling for gun control. Dems are not maliciously attacking a group of people who are already facing discrimination.

    16. 1:37 that list of people are notorious for being relatively unintelligent, and they are all right wingers.

      Most of them were never associated with the Dem Party, and the ones that were, it was due to their opportunism, particularly back when the Dems were still struggling through their right wing neoliberal phase.

      Sorry, your attempt at gaslighting is just going nowhere.

    17. So, what you mean David, is your orange Jesus was using a horrific tragedy even before the bodies had been recovered to promote his hate of discriminated persons in this country. Got it, Dickhead.

    18. Where's that list of all the Republicans who quit supporting their party due to MAGA?

    19. OK, David. I followed your link and read the Shellenberbger post. It's not just weak, it's irrelevant. It attempts to paint the CIA whistleblower's complaint as fabricated and politically motivated. The problem is, all of the particulars of the complaint were all quickly confirmed by the Trump administration's own release of information about the call to Zelensky.

      Now here's a link for you:

      Rudy Giuliani spent months trying to get Ukraine to investigate the Bidens on phony pretexts. And, lordy, there are tapes.

    20. Shellenberger accuses that the impeachment of President Donald Trump in 2019 was in part a coordinated effort involving the CIA and USAID to influence U.S. domestic politics. Which could be why Trump is seeking retribution.

    21. Essentially Trump was impeached for seeking retribution, he was impounding tax dollars appropriated by Congress, which is against the law, to get dirt on his political opponent, and beyond the foreign interference, Trump also obstructed the investigation into his crimes.

      Shellenberger's credibility is zero, which is why he runs in right wing circles, like a has been pop star turning to Country music, desperate for a dollar.

    22. Shellenberger, more like Nothingburger.

    23. Who is Shellenberger to accuse that intelligence agencies and foreign-focused journalism groups may have acted improperly?

    24. "like a has been pop star turning to Country music"

      That may be true for some, but Beyonce deserved her Grammy.

    25. David: I have read it post, to which you linked. To say that it is thin gruel is charitable. It's thin gruel diluted. To begin with, it focuses on Trump's impeachment. The phone call transcripts were made available for that call, where Trump was encouraging Zilensky to investigate Biden. There was no cloak and dagger there, even if you disagree that it was impeachment worthy.
      In general, there's hand waving and putative accusations of...something. What it is, though, isn't at all clear.

      Here's one example: "OCCRP does not operate like a normal investigative journalism organization in that its goals appear to include interfering in foreign political matters". This is a tall claim with absolutely no basis. "Appear" is a roundabout way of saying: I have no fucking idea.
      There's absolutely nothing of substance in this little meandering post -- except that it may explain why USAID is in the crosshairs of the drug-addled buffoon.
      Here's an idea: let's watch this to find out about cloak and dagger shit that was happening:

    26. Ilya, the entire thrust of the article questions whether the impeachment effort was influenced by an intelligence and media operation - not whether or not Trump’s actions were impeachable. Shellenberger is accusing USAID and OCCRP of coordinating to influence the impeachment of Donald Trump using tactics similar to U.S. regime-change operations abroad.

      There are several basis provided in the post including the group's co-founder saying that they have "probably been responsible for five or six countries changing over from one government to another government… and getting prime ministers indicted or thrown out".

    27. Trump was exaggerating when he said the plane crash was caused by DEI. Like how people exaggerate when they say there is a Republican voter who isn't a bigot.
      Everyone realizes there's no way there could be as many as one.

    28. Anon@7:43pm: To flip what you're saying the other way: if the CIA analyst were a Trump loyalist and devotee, they would have never brought this to the national attention. This is trivially true of any suspected crime: if one witnessing doesn't report it, no one knows about it.
      The article tries to waive its hands and imply that something untowardly happened. It didn't, and the post fails to connect the dots. It's not an attempted coup, unless there were some underlying shenanigans. There weren't. The phone call did take place. Trump did try to strongarm Zelenksy to investigate Biden. Trump did try to use congressionally approved as leverage. Giuliani was sent by Trump to dig up dirt on the Bidens.

    29. Those are valid points but Shellenberger is suggesting the CIA and USAID may have played a role in shaping the narrative leading to impeachment. Trump being caught red handed doesn't change any of those accusations.



    1. The part about $50 million for condoms is a lie.

    2. 12:37 is aware, they are mocking DiC.

    3. Trump would totally stiggvGaza for the million dollars worth of condoms.
      He stole from a children’s cancer charity.
      The only thing beneath Trump morally, is a Tepublican voter.

    4. Trump stole condoms from a charity for kids with cancer? That org sounds like a USAID beneficiary for sure.

    5. Trump stole the last vestiges of humanity from the Republican Party, and then drowned it in a thimble.

    6. Trump stole the last vestiges of humanity from the Republican Party, and then drowned it in a thimble.
      I will be using this! -- with proper attribution, of course!

  16. Musk is behaving in the public sphere in a very similar way that he's behaving in his private life. He's drunk on power and unconstrained. In his private and business life he has been running roughshod over everyone in his sphere of influence -- his partners and children; employees. He's drug-addled and unencumbered by any norms of behavior.

    Some people have an internal mechanism for keeping their worst instincts in check, be it empathy for others or some recognition of the norms. Others don't have such internal mechanisms, but are kept in line by laws and fears of retribution, perhaps. Musk no longer has such fears. He has ascended to the throne, which he shares with another demented and unconstrained sociopath.

    1. Ilya, please let me know when you finished Shellenberger's article, and I'll give you another link.

    2. Shellenberger is my cousin, he told me to vote for Trump. At our family thanksgiving gathering he gloated about how he convinced many to vote for Trump, and he hopes Trump will help him out with him being under criminal investigation in Brazil.

    3. I read your link, David. It's full of hocus-pocus like how an independent reporting project "appears to have been working" on behalf of USAID. There's a lot of heavy lifting being done by "appears" there. And then the CIA whistleblower supposed cited the organization's report "FOUR times"!!!

      OMG. What else you got?

    4. wait wait wait

      Hmmm, sounds like Somerby with his coy "anything is possible" and "seems".

    5. The Wall St Journal is behind a paywall, so I'll quote
      The agency in the Biden years supported electric vehicles in Vietnam and a “transgender clinic” in India. A Serbian LGBTQ group called ‘Grupa Izadji,’ received $1.5 million to ‘advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities.” There are many other examples.

      These grants are dumb and wasteful, but some USAID spending may undermine U.S. interests. An analysis by the Middle East Forum says $164 million of USAID money has supported radical organizations around the world, and $122 million of that aid was going to groups aligned with foreign terrorist organizations.

      According to the report, USAID has given millions of dollars to “organizations directly in Gaza controlled by Hamas” and that recipients of the money have “called for their lands to be ‘cleansed’ from the ‘impurity of the Jews.’” The Middle East Forum notes that money also often flows to anti-American groups through intermediary recipients that fail to vet local partners.

      This sounds like an agency that needs a house-cleaning and maybe a reduction in what it does so it can focus on the most important. That’s what Secretary of State Marco Rubio now says he plans to do, rather than shutting the agency down as Mr. Musk claimed he wants to do. Mr. Musk can’t shut it down in any case. Congress established it as an independent agency in 1998, under the supervision of State, and so it would require an act of Congress to close it down. That isn’t about to get 60 votes in the Senate.

    6. Politicizing an aid organization undermines its usefulness in serving disadvantaged people.

    7. The USAID budget is appropriated by Congress. The agency is subject to oversight by Congress as other governmental agencies are. The Director of the agency can be called before Congress to review the budget and the ways the appropriations are being distributed and if they don't like anything they have the Constitutional authority to change things.

      I suspect the spineless congressional republicans are too cowardly to take on the USAID Agency directly and would like to see it destroyed without leaving any fingerprints.

      USAID has given millions of dollars to “organizations directly in Gaza controlled by Hamas”

      This is a punk ass shitty way of making it sound like the agency is supporting terrorism. Really fucking nasty.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Watch 14 minutes of Joe Rogan to learn more about the inappropriate USAID spending. If 14 minutes is too long, listen to the first half


    11. So you're just going to ignore what I have written and instead suggest I watch Joe Rogan. No thanks.

      I am not a Joe Rogan fan. I find him to be stupid, uneducated and gullible. You too. You are never here to debate in good faith.

    12. Who are you Anon 4:14? Could you either use a nym, or tell us what comment you're referring to? thanks

    13. I have been meeting people who laud Musk.

    14. I am the person you told to watch Joe Rogan, Dickhead.

    15. Joe Rogan, the guy too stupid to know when he's being lied to, would be a perfect representation of a Republican voter, if he was wearing a Klan hood.

  17. Mentally sound public officials are easily identified by their streetwalker dresses from which their balls hang out and their record of stealing luggage.

    1. Like Rudy Guiliani used to wear...

  18. Hillary Clinton just got bodied by Sean Duffy for blaming Trump for “two fatal crashes” in what was probably her dumbest most unhinged rant yet.

    I know you’re lashing out because DOGE is uncovering your family’s obscene grifting via USAID, but I won’t let you lie and distort facts. The FAA administrator announced he resigned over a month before Trump took office, and the air traffic controllers were always exempt from Trump’s civil service buyouts.

    The previous administration shamelessly used USDOT as a slush fund for the Green New Scam, throwing away money and resources on wasteful environmental and social justice projects rather than updating our nation’s antiquated air traffic control systems and other critical infrastructure.

    I’m returning this department to its mission of safety by using innovative technology in transportation and infrastructure. Your team had its chance and failed. We’re moving on without you because the American people want us to make America’s transportation system great again. And yes, we’re bringing the 22-year-olds with us.

    1. DOGE is under court order to back off.

    2. CDC is terminal. Why has Elon chosen the name of his crypto for the name of his illegal non-government department?

    3. Trump admin is openly emailing classified material around without any security, so it is pretty rich for them to now attack Clinton.

    4. 1:37,

      To boost the name recognition and hence the price, of his crypto.

    5. 2:09, right, why am I supporting the richest man in the world with my tax dollars promoting his crypto currency?

    6. Oligarchy is a helluva drug.

    7. Your description of the back-and-forth between Clinton and Duffy is decidedly skewed. You say Duffy "bodied" Clinton. I say he chirped at her like a 14-year-old schoolgirl.

    8. Trump was responsible for those two crashes because the buck stops with the president.

  19. The original name of the movie was, "The Madness of King George III." But viewers thought it was a sequel, so the name was changed.

    1. I explained that to a group of friends, and they laughed at me.

    2. David never verifies anything.

    3. The story was too good to check.

  20. "Is Lieutenant Musk a madman? As we've told you again and again, there's no such clinical term! "

    There are other, better terms for describing Musk's behavior. One is "illegal" and another is "ill-considered". Actions can be morally wrong, unauthorized, poorly executed, callous, all without being mentally ill. Musk can be an asshole, an out-of-touch billionaire, a freeloader usurping Trump's elected power, an ignorant goon committing political sins, all without being mentally ill.

    Somerby's obsession with using inappropriate psychiatric terms to describe Trump and Musk strikes me as a way of excusing their behavior. First, mentally ill people are often not responsible for their behavior due to their illness, and second, Trump says those specific terms for mental illness are not technical or psychiatric terms and thus lack medical meaning, so presumably that lets Trump and Musk off the hook regardless of what they have done.

    If Somerby were a courageous critter, he would say directly that Musk and Trump are doing wrong things, behaving immorally and unethically and abusing the power of the presidency (or in Musk's case, using power he does not have given that he was neither elected nor appointed and confirmed by Congress).

    But Somerby never says anything directly. His job is to generate confusion that tends to benefit Trump (and thereby Musk too). He hides behind his words as if it were a duck blind. Hard to respect someone like that, even compared to Musk and Trump.

    1. Anonymouse 1:52pm, there are journos, pundits, politicians, and other critters who are calling Trump and Musk the things you mentioned and who have been doing that for eight years in Trump’s case, and saying the same things about Elon since he bought Twitter.

      I really don’t think Trump or Elon are your targets.

    2. Cecelia, you are my target, and I mean that in the nicest way.

    3. Turning the other cheek was the civil rights strategy and it is not paying off as much as the radical liberals have hoped.

    4. Maybe Musk should be lauded.

    5. Hiding under beds in fear is the gun-owning strategy when it comes to government tyranny.

  21. Our president is fighting with the International Criminal Court. Again.


    1. Great! The ICC is corrupt. That's why the US isn't a member.

    2. "Come and get me, coppers!"

    3. The US isn’t a member of the ICC because we don’t want any foreigners judging our soldiers or officials.

    4. I have never ever gotten the sense that Dickhead in Cal is opposed to corruption. He has crawled naked through a Paris sewer to vote for the most corrupt piece of shit to ever inhabit the WH. Dickhead, when did you start to change your opinion on corruption?

  22. I don't have any idea what Musk is like inside or in private, if there is even such a thing. In public, he's a drug addled Nazi, and there's no reason not to accept him as he presents himself.

  23. Hello Viewers, My names are Eyal Ofer. I am a billionaire from Gaza, now i am currently in Syria since the war started.
    i have lost my home and family to airstrikes. i was able to move few of my luggage which contains my Gold bars and 150 million dollars
    which i have deposited here in a local bank here in Syria, the reason why i am posting this. is that here in Syria is also at war zone but better then Gaza for now, I am trying to move my money and gold bars
    from Syria, i am looking for a honest person in Europe or any other safe part of the world to help me, someone that has a good business ideals and we can invest this money togetter and keep the gold until we are able to find a way me to join the person in his/her country.
    please know that. my luggage is legally documented that backups my money and gold bars. I am only looking for one honest person. if i dont reply to your email after 48 hours note that i have found someone that i trust.
    the to contact is as follows;
