Brian Williams asked a good question!


When he did, Michael Wolff replied: We're happy to be able to say it! We saw Brian Williams ask a very good question last night.

The Wall Street Journal's Michael Bender avoided the very good question two times. So Williams asked the question again a bit later on. This time, Michel Wolff answered:

WILLIAMS (7/13/21): If you attached a polygraph to [Donald J. Trump], would it indicate that he really, deep inside his soul and brain, thinks he won? That he could really perhaps overturn the results?

Did, and does, Donald J. Trump really believe that he won? We think that's an excellent question. 

Because our tribe loves tribal war, we prefer to assume, and to say, that Trump is "lying" when he says such things. But is he possibly crazy enough to believe that he actually won? 

Is he crazy enough to believe such a thing? Michael Wolff's answer was yes:

WOLFF (continuing directly): I am absolutely convinced. And this is from talking to literally everyone in the White House, in his campaign, in his family and ultimately talking to Trump himself. I am convinced that he believes this. He singularly believes the thing that literally no one else believes. Yes, he is delusional.

Wolff saying it doesn't make it true, but that's what he says he believes. Because we prefer to say that Trump is lying,  and because press corps barons prefer to observe The Goldwater Rule, Our Town has spent the past several years refusing to discuss the obvious possibility that Donald J. Trump is "delusional."

Wolff was appearing on the show to discuss his new book,  Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump White House. Below, you see his initial statement. It teed up Williams' subsequent very good question:

WILLIAMS: Michael, it's great to have you, and coming off Fire and Fury, it's an interesting, interesting choice of a title, and an interesting choice of a time period to report on.  Who was running our country, which we enjoy calling the greatest on earth, during this period?

WOLFF: Well, certainly Donald Trump was not running this country then. All Donald Trump was concerned about was that this election had been stolen from him. And he was singularly obsessed about this. This is an obsession that went beyond—I mean, this was the grand obsession. You know, forget "The Big Lie," which—I mean, I think I would prefer to call it The Big Lunacy, and he is the lunatic-in-chief.

Our ears perked up when Wolff said that. It implied that Trump really does believe that he won the election. That insinuation led to Williams' very good question, the one we've posted above.

Our Town is in love with tribal war—with a tribal war we can't win. For that reason, we prefer to keep saying that Trump lied and is lying.

That claim carries a moral judgment. The notion that Trump is "delusional" could suggest, to decent humans, that we might even pity the foolor perhaps "the poor immigrant."

In Our Town, we like to talk about Others getting locked up, while we laugh about their spelling mistakes. It doesn't matter how insignificant these Others may actually be.

(See Rachel, as usual, just last night, focusing on the spelling errors of the ridiculous bank president who loaned that money to Manafort. In these ways, we poke and prod and extend a forever war—a war we can't possibly win.)

Wolff said Trump is crazy enough to believe that he actually won. He was also asked about Giuliani. This is what he said:

WILLIAMS: Michael, what should the people watching know about Rudy Giuliani—he of the very dark bombast and even darker dripping goo, the man he's become in the present day?

WOLFF: Well, the first thing that they should know is that he's drinking all the time. He's, you know, if not constantly drunk, certainly buzzed throughout this period, actually probably for, throughout most of the Trump administration. Beyond that or in addition to that, you know, Rudy is—he's a desperate figure, a desperate he will do anything for to be at the center of attention. And if that involves saying anything that Trump wants to hear, he will certainly do that, as we've seen. And, again, everyone in the White House, in the campaign, in Trump's family knows that this is incredibly destructive to the Trump White House.

Many of them actually blame Rudy even more than they blame the president, although everybody also blames the president for the catastrophe of the last four years.

What explains the lunacy Giuliani has churned in recent years? We don't know, but this is the first time we've heard alcohol mentioned. Can that be what this has been?

Our Town will never be able to win the ongoing tribal war. The only people who can win this war are the people who are crazy enough to want a full-blown civil war—a full-blown war to the end.

Crazy people love love love it when tribal fighting is stressed. They want to fight their war to the end. It's the hand-to-hand combat they crave.

In theory, we in Our Town want to see the nation return to something resembling a functional entity. This can only be achieved through some kind of comity. It will never be achieved through a forever war extended on a nightly basis by cable news multimillionaires.

That said, Us against Them has always sold a lot of tickets. It's always good for ratings. People like Rachel keep churning it out. It's pretty much all Our Town gets on cable at this point, and the dumb stupid warfare continues.

That silly Chicago bank exec spelled "prospective" wrong! (He had it confused with "perspective!") When Our Own Rhodes Scholar—a Stanford / Oxford grad—entertains Our Town by mocking such dumbness, people in the Other Towns know where it's coming from. 

It comes from a condescending place. A certain element in Our Town has always behaved this way.

Also this: Was Our Town badly misled by the Steele dossier?

We know, we know—it just felt so good, especially the pee tape section! But were we badly played by that dossier? 

Over at New York magazine, that's what T. A. Frank seems to be saying. Personally, we don't know.


  1. "WOLFF (continuing directly): ...He singularly believes the thing that literally no one else believes. "

    Puh-leeze, dear dembot.

    "A majority (51%) of voters believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 35% who say it’s Very Likely cheating affected the election."

    Who is delusional now?

  2. Wolff is one guy with a book, but Somerby believes him because it suits his own theory about Trump believing his own lies.

    Here is another view from a different book about Trump's end days:

    According to this, Giuliani told Trump to just declare victory and claim he won the election, whether he did or not. That view is not compatible with the idea that Trump believes his own lies. It suggests that Trump was being advised to knowingly claim a false victory in the event of loss, and that makes Trump's response a lie.

    Why does Somerby work so hard to preserve the idea that Trump is just deluded and not a con artist?

    1. On many occasions, Trump has admitted that he uses lies to promote his own agenda. But, suppose he does believe what he says? It doesn't make it any less dangerous since an entire major political party has taken up the lies.
      Somerby is just as dangerous with his constant nit-picking, question and derision of anyone of expertise or authority who tries to set things straight.

    2. 'Why does Somerby work so hard to preserve the idea that Trump is just deluded and not a con artist?'

      Because it would then become obvious that Somerby is part of the con -- someone who claims to be a liberal, but is really a Trumptard.

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      Hello all my viewers, I am very happy for sharing this great testimonies,The best thing that has ever happened in my life is how I win the lottery euro million mega jackpot. I am a Woman who believe that one day I will win the lottery. finally my dreams came through when I email and tell him I need the lottery numbers. I have spend so much money on ticket just to make sure I win. But I never know that winning was so easy until the day I meant the spell caster online which so many people has talked about that he is very great in casting lottery spell, . so I decide to give it a try.I contacted this great Dr Believe and he did a spell and he gave me the winning lottery numbers. But believe me when the draws were out I was among winners. I win 30,000 million Dollar. Dr Believe truly you are the best, all thanks to you forever

      LOTTO, lottery,jackpot.
      Hello all my viewers, I am very happy for sharing this great testimonies,The best thing that has ever happened in my life is how I win the lottery euro million mega jackpot. I am a Woman who believe that one day I will win the lottery. finally my dreams came through when I email and tell him I need the lottery numbers. I have spend so much money on ticket just to make sure I win. But I never know that winning was so easy until the day I meant the spell caster online which so many people has talked about that he is very great in casting lottery spell, . so I decide to give it a try.I contacted this great Dr Believe and he did a spell and he gave me the winning lottery numbers. But believe me when the draws were out I was among winners. I win 30,000 million Dollar. Dr Believe truly you are the best, all thanks to you forever

  3. Oh, my God, the New York Magazine.article. Just freaking unbelievable.

    People were being denounced in the media for saying what Barry Meier is saying now.

    They were called delusional and worse for saying that the FISA surveillance warrants were predicated upon the Steele dossier and that the FISA court had to have been finessed in order to have granted them.

    They were accused of being Russian agents for saying that Carter Page was used as the catalyst for a surveillance operation that is allowed not only to spy on Page, but to spy on all the people who talk to Page and then spy upon the people with whom they communicated. Two hops.

    Carter Page spoke with Steven Bannon. Who was Steve Bannon’s boss?

    Then Meier has the nerve to suggest that FBI investigators look like monkeys as compared to NYT reporters! When the NYT and the rest of the media did nothing to elucidate the dynamics in this. When the NYT and the rest of the media asked no questions about the unmasking and leaking of Flynn and Sessions as having talked to the Russian ambassador and facilitated the Salem Witch climate that made such contacts clandestine for a new admin. When the curious feting of Papadopoulos never aroused their honed instincts.

    Later the news outlets hired the spooks as consultants as soon they retired or were asked to leave.

    Now Meier thinks MSNBC’s Maddow ought to do a mea culpa.

    Put a fork in the American media, they are ridiculous, corrupt, and they are…dumb.

    1. I suppose you fail to see the irony in your comment, Cecelia.

    2. New York Magazine article is unbelievable? We doubt it very much. Its subtitle is "...How Reporters Get Manipulated", which is bullshit.

      But what about this one, from Matt Taibbi: ?

    3. Yes. The media, which rah-rahed the run-up to the Iraq War, spent 25 years pretending Hillary Clinton is corrupt, refuses to call the Republican Party "fascists", and questioned the science of climate change because Al Gore put on weight, might not deserve our respect.

      Anyone know of a good media criticism blog to read?

    4. These are good:

    5. On the bright side, the media was right about Trump being a Russian agent that colluded with Putin to steal the 2106 election.

    6. And the mdeia got that story about Russian bounties in Afghanistan right. And they uncovered the Gordon Jump affair.

    7. There are no political party limits on this stuff, it’s played by both sides, that’s why there is a Deep State that leverages a lot of secrets.

      What does our media do? They call Jeff Greenwald a Russian agent.

      I despise them.

    8. "Deep State' -- ooh. that Reynolds Hat fit you ?

    9. Well, arguably, the two sides are: the establishment (and their pets) vs. everyone else.

    10. Glenn.

      Wrong Greenwald. I went to school with Jeff.

    11. Anonymouse 7:44am, the white patriarchy, “the man” whatever floats your boat.

  4. "Yes, he is delusional."

    The delusional American voting bloc is one of the biggest, and Republicans always win that bloc by a landslide, so it's no wonder that Trump thinks he won.

    1. I think you're missing the big picture.

    2. The big picture is that mass-delusion rules the minds of tens of millions of Americans. The main sources are the corporate-owned mass media, right-wing billionaires, and wacko fundamentalist preachers.

    3. Zosasima: You're fighting a tribal war ... a tribal war we can't win.

      Do you disagree?

    4. I totally disagree and I consider talk about any kind of war among the people of our nation irresponsible, if not seditious.

    5. Our country was not founded on the principle of homogeneity or unanimous opinion among the populace. It is a democracy with procedures for dealing with disagreement, conflict and multiculturalism, which has been with us since the first immigrant reached North America.

    6. Those procedures have morphed into Anonymices calling everyone a racist who disagrees with them.

      Anonymices argue that the most successful multi-cultural democracy in the world is racist from its foundation.

    7. What do you call the buying and selling of human beings based on skin color, a practice that was inherent to our economic system from the beginning, if not racist?

    8. I call it slavery. I call it a great evil and one that is not unique to this country. I call us a democracy that offers more freedom and success to individuals of every ethnicity than any place in the world.

      I call you a 1619er.

    9. You are evading the point. Because slavery was explicitly built into our Constitution, we are racist from our foundation. That needs to be fixed. I don't have to be a 1619er to know that slaves were not allowed to vote and were not fully counted in the first census and did not have the same rights as others in our new nation (and neither did women).

      Calling me a 1619er changes none of those facts.

    10. I’m not evading your point, I’m disagreeing with your plan fix’n us.

      The Constitution contained the principles of freedom that would later end slavery.

      We fought the costliest war of our history to end slavery and we gained ground by emphasizing a colorblind society.

      That is the only way to progress and it’s counter to the reversion to a color-coded society that you’d like to institutionalize now.

    11. Cecelia,
      Then why be complacent when Republicans suppress the votes of minorities?

    12. Anonymouse 2:09am, or being complacent about beating my husband?

    13. Cecelia s husband for President 2024!

    14. Your husband couldn't possibly be as contemptuous of you, as Republican politicians are contemptuous of Republican voters.

    15. Anonymouse 3:28pm, he’s pretty tough. Our daughter and I routinely gang up on him and he holds his own.

      I don’t know about China though.

  5. '. The only people who can win this war are the people who are crazy enough to want a full-blown civil war—a full-blown war to the end.'

    Yes, Trumptards like you who spent the Trump years desperately trying to get Trump re-elected and trying to be a useful idiot for Trump (but so pathetic as to actually become a useless idiot) are definitely interested in having Trump win a war by defending him. What a pathetic Trumptard.

    1. And he defended Roy Moore, Devin Nunes and Gordon Jump. Never has it been more clear Somberby hates women and blacks. And ceramic figurines. And the little pieces of crayon. The melted pieces. The loving friends.

    2. Unlike Trumptards, I don't lie, so I don't J'Accuse Somerby of hating women and blacks. I merely claim he is a would be useful idiot for Trump (but really a useless idiot) who spend the Trump years desperately trying to get Trump re-elected.

    3. Everyone hates ceramic figurines.

    4. Except for Bitossi’s yellow cat.

    5. 12:28,
      What was with Somerby repeating Right-wing grievances here for 4 years?

    6. I don't know what you're referring to but it is 100% certain it was not to desperately try to get Trump re-elected. That claim is pure ignorance.

    7. 1:14 - It would be better if our side didn't make deeply ignorant claims.

    8. It's impossible for liberal elites to be more contemptuous of Republican voters than Republican politicians.

  6. Politicians often exaggerate. Does Biden really believe that requiring an ID to vote is Jim Crow?

    1. Depends on what kind of ID it is.

    2. Do Republicans really believe voter suppression is democracy?

    3. Go ahead and cite the specific instances in which widespread voter fraud played a role in the last election. Trump appointed a investigative committee in 2016 headed by a vocal proponent of this Republican dogma, to disclose voter fraud. Failing to substantiate his bogus claims at that time they disbanded after months of effort. Now, after the most scrutinized election in modern times with multiple hand recounts in multiple states coordinated by Republicans, all
      failing to disclose any evidence of statistically significant fraud, laws that are widely criticized as adversely affecting minority voting are proposed by Republican legislators. And you say that comparing this to Jim Crow laws is an exaggeration? Jim Crow laws were likewise enacted with the specific intent to disenfranchise a specific minority population. So no, it isn’t an exaggeration. Maybe you have an explanation for the need to enact laws based upon a thus far discredited Republican contention, that does not involve disenfranchising specific minority groups. And to label these efforts as simply pertaining to voter ID is bullshit and you know it. You would like to pretend that.

    4. "Go ahead and cite the specific instances in which widespread voter fraud played a role in the last election."

      All you need to do to fulfill your wish, dear dembot, is to muster all your courage and watch the Tucker Carlson show.

    5. Who has the stomach to listen to Tucker Carlson whine about his white grievances?
      I'll wait to hear it from someone who didn't jump the line to get vaccinated ASAP, then pretend the vaccine might not be safe.

    6. Anonymouse 12:24pm, link that info, please. I haven’t read it.

    7. Of course we could totally afford to track down each and every eligible voter and provide them a free ID.
      I believe we'd have already done so if Republicans cared one bit about voter fraud.

    8. Rep.Clyburn told Neil Cavuto that Democrats have always been for voter ID.

    9. Cecelia,
      It's not bipartisan, because Republicans aren't concerned enough about voter fraud to spend a nickel to fight it.

      Instead, their concern is minority votes might count as much as whiteys.

    10. 3:06,
      It's completely legal.
      Like abortion.
      That's why you practically never hear Republican politicians push back against either of them every single day.

    11. 1204. I would say that you can do better than cite Tucker Carlson but obviously you can’t. The guy who celebrated victory when a judge threw out a lawsuit against him, on the grounds that he cannot be held accountable for telling the truth. But you go ahead and live your version of reality shared by or rather distributed to you by a ludicrous television personality via zerohedge of all the ridiculous right wing websites. What’s next, verbatim quotes from the pillow guy on NewsMax? Way to go, knucklehead.

    12. @12:42 AM,
      you asked for specific instances, dear dembot, and we gave you specific instances.

      So, you don't want specific instances anymore?

      Oh, never mind, dear dembot, never mind and carry on with your drivel.

    13. Your ability to see outside the box constructed for you by far right wing media outlets is limited. Tell me all about The Seth Rich Cover-up. I haven’t heard that story since Fox settled with his family for seven figures. It’s been awhile and I always like a good laugh at knuckleheads like yourself who live off that shit. But stay tuned and nod your head approvingly while your principle source, none other than the brave and mighty Tucker Carlson disparages our military and calls four star generals pigs. Great source you have there.You are a lazy mesmerized right wing troll.

    14. And no doubt Tucker Carlson was quite pleased to be let off the hook by a judge that summarily exonerated him from liability by calling him out as a bullshit artist. Maybe take a clue. Or not.

    15. This new: “Tucker Carlson’s first grade teacher calls his description of her in his book “ the most embellished crazy thing I ever heard”. Look it up. A great, hilarious read. But go ahead and keep worshiping this pathological liar.

  7. Here is why stereotypes about black crime are dangerous:

    "In June of last year, during the wave of protests against systemic racism in America, federal investigators claim this man attempted to have his ex-girlfriend and two of her family members killed and have the murders blamed on Black Lives Matter protesters. Fortunately, the person this Shonda Rhimes script waiting to happen tried to hire as a hitman out to be working for the FBI."

    This practice of white criminals blaming their crimes on black people has been going on for a very long time. Remember that the Manson family scrawled Helter Skelter on the wall at the Sharon Tate killing? They hoped to deflect the blame onto civil rights protesters and race war, encouraging police to follow up by seeking black murderers. This attempt at deflection only works when stereotypes about black violence are believed by white investigators.

    1. You have to go back 52 years for an example to confirm your obsession with the cult of Black victimhood. Sorry, but the other 87% of Americans just aren't interested in the obsessions of a sub-culture that embraces and celebrates a nihilistic lifestyle of crime, drugs, violence, and ignorance.

    2. Let's face it folks, when police departments hire, they’re not hiring the best people. They’re hiring people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems into our communities. They’re bringing their drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

    3. In the last 52 days, folks who think like Glaucon X have enacted many laws that disenfranchise black voters.
      Glaucon X may pretend he hates thugs who commit felonies on the regular, but he gets really upset if you want to de-fund them.

    4. "when police departments hire, they’re not hiring the best people"

      Take it up with Lori Lightfoot, dear dembot.

    5. Mao is correct (finally).
      If you want something done, other than suppressing the votes of minorities or giving HUGE tax breaks to his Establishment buddies, you'll have to ask a Democrat.

    6. Wow, this one must earn you quite a few soros-bucks, dear dembot.

    7. Let's face it folks, when Black people and others call 911 hundreds of thousands of times a year to report Black crime, they’re not the best people. They’re people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems into our communities. They’re bringing their drugs(George Floyd, Michael Brown). They’re bringing crime(all of them). They’re rapists(Jacob Blake). And some, I assume, are good people(yeah, six-times the murder rate of whites). It's all dumped into the laps of cops to deal with, 100,000 cops are Black.

    8. Why do the cop-haters hate 100,000 Black cops?

    9. Why do cop lovers support thugs?

    10. Glaucoma X,
      Have you given the police 100% of your paycheck yet, or do you still support de-funding the police?

    11. "They’re people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems into our communities."

      Tsk, how sad. Perhaps Lori Lightfoot should do something about that. Maybe even to team up with Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Big Guy from Biden Inc.?

    12. Glaucon X is upset that his brush isn't as broad as 7:14's.

    13. Which means both Mao and I have triggered you.

    14. Cecelia,
      Remember that time you made a good faith argument?
      Me neither.

    15. 3:10,
      If you really wanted to trigger me, you'd drink a quart of Drain-o.
      I hate when people do that.

    16. I try to keep that to a half-glass or pint.

    17. 5:09am: Soros!
      12:48 pm Soros!
      The far right wing’s obsession with phony George Soros conspiracy theories long ago devolved into a form of masturbatory behavior. It is telling that a guy who has spent over 11 billion dollars advancing democracy in Europe and who is acknowledged to have played a role in the downfall of communism in Eastern Europe should be the target of a political faction in this country that has likewise targeted our democratic institutions, inflamed an insurrection, has no qualms about a president that was closely aligned with Putin, and has maligned our military leaders publicly at various opportunities. But of course parroting their bullshit makes a clown feel good. Keep stroking it.

    18. Whoa, we're always happy when dembots get triggered and jump to the defense of their hedge-fund-owner multi-billionaire currency-speculator boss. Which is every time George Soros is mentioned.

      Tell us more about your love for George Soros, dear dembot, please.

    19. Not having ever brought George Soros into a public discussion spontaneously distinguishes my commentary from yours, knucklehead. I actually read a book by him once- “ In Defense of an Open Society”.. You, on the other hand, are likely programmed to parrot commentaries from Bretbart, Fox and other right wing outlets that are fearful of him, in all likelihood having never read anything of his. Far right wing outlets engage in manufacturing conspiracy theories about his influence in the liberal community, which are fanciful and comically preposterous. His past business dealings can be rightfully criticized and likely play a role in the ambivalence of the liberal community toward him. So no, I don’t love Gearge Soros. But I respect his advocacy for democracy, internationally, which members of far right wing outlets ignore, presumably because they have little interest in the concept, being fascist.

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