ANGER: The Termagant sat surrounded by Usefuls!


"IDIOT," he instantly said: It was Monday evening, July 22. The Termagant sat on a Fox News Channel set, presiding over a gathering of Usefuls.

The show was broadcast at 10 o'clock Eastern. If normal procedures had been followed, the program had begun to tape at 6:15 p.m. 

As is his wont, The Termagant opened with a handful of jokes. For those condemned to be watching at home, this bracing bit of analysis was offered at 10:02 Eastern:

TERMAGANT (7/22/24) Now that all the Democratic Party's hopes are resting on the VP, once again they are saying that mispronouncing her name is racist. 

Remember, it's not "KAHM-ala." It's "IDIOT!"


Thus spake The Termagant, encased in a chorus of Usefuls. As he delivered this bit of messaging, his program was two minutes old. 

So it goes, night after night, in this, the American nation. In his very next joke, the Termagant delivered what has become a nightly theme:

Now that President Biden has left the campaign, Hunter Biden and first lady Jill Biden may be "dating" or "f*cking." 

In yesterday's report, we transcribed the text of these recent jokes. Last night, the angry fellow delivered that message again, this time a bit later in the primetime "cable news" program than has become the norm.

Back to the gaggle of Usefuls! Yesterday, we called the roll of Monday evening's collection. The roster looked like this:

It included a 23-year-old model and actress who "has begun to dabble in politics."

It included a 400-pound former "wrestling champion" who spent the evening saying and suggesting that "Dr. President Jill" had been the secret mastermind behind a recent assassination attempt, but also behind the withdrawal from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021.

It included a 65-year-old "American media personality" who had grown up with every apparent advantage, but chose to appear on this program all the same.

It included the person who is cast, and who performs, as he program's more thoughtful "libertarian." As you can see by clicking this link, she was soon marveling at this fact about the previous day's announcement by President Joseph R. Biden:

TIMPF (7/22/24): The dude drops out on Twitter! It's like, it's like, you can't—

It's all so crazy, and it's crazy in ways that none of us can expect.  I mean, where is he? 

Where is he? the Thoughtful Cast Member said. Scornfully, she said the president's failure to appear in public was "crazy in ways that none of us can expect." 

For the record, the dude in question is 81 years old. As everyone else on the planet knew, he had been at home, recovering from Covid, when he made his announcement. 

Everyone understood this fact—everyone except The Usefuls and The Termagant himself. 

Sad! Timpf was extending a point of feigned puzzlement The Termagant himself had introduced in the program's very first minute. In the program's very next minute, he was messaging the claim in which Vice President Harris is an IDIOT. 

The reason for the president's failure to make a public appearance was never mentioned this night.

So it went as this gaggle of Usefuls advanced the messaging of the "cable news" channel which pays them. So it went as a 400-pound professional wrestler kept suggesting that the first lady had somehow been involved in a recent assassination attempt. 

Conspiracy theories were floating about as the hour proceeded. As early as 10:07 p.m., The Termagant almost seemed to be floating one such idea by saying that he wasn't. 

("I'm not suggesting the Dems tried to have Trump killed.")

He may not have been suggesting that, but the wrestler was less fastidious. Meanwhile, the astounding stupidity of this panel was showcased all through the night.

For the record, it isn't the fault of the 23-uear-old model that she's only begun to dabble. She didn't book herself on the show—though we'll assume that the suits who accomplished that task understood what they'd be getting.

During the course of the hour-long program, this particular Useful engaged in a world-record assortment of absurd speculations:

She suggested that Hillary Clinton might end up replacing Vice President Harris as the Democratic candidate for president.

("I know she endorsed Kamala," The Dabbler said at one point. But "I think it will be the least embarrassing path the Democrats can take.")

Also this! Why hadn't Barack Obama endorsed Harris yet? 

The Dabbler was asked, and the Dabbler answered:

"He might be chirping in Michelle's ear, Hey, this might be your time to run, which I don't really think is that far-fetched."

She didn't think it was that far-fetched! Later, Gutfeld himself advanced the idea that Hillary Clinton will be named as Candidate Harris' running mate.

He explicitly described the idea as his personal theory. Eventually, the ruminations about the possible running mate led to this excursion:

GUTFELD: Dr Drew, I don't think any VP will help her unless it's like a name.

PINSKY: I agree with you completely, but she might come up with somebody, right? This is going to seem maybe silly, but I don't understand—RFK is taking a certain percentage of the populace. Why doesn't someone try to cozy up to him?

It seems like that would be interesting. But would he be too far away from her platform?

Gutfeld said that didn't make sense. The Dabbler then offered this:

AUSTIN: I think Bobby's too presidential for that anyway. Her actually makes most sense out of any other Democrat I've seen—but Andrew Yang is very popular. He's very likable. I'm very surprised he wasn't on that list.

She can't believe that Yang isn't on the list! Meanwhile, Bobby makes the most sense, she said. But he's just too presidential!

(At no point were any actual names on the actual list ever actually mentioned. So it tends to go on this imitation of life.)

There's nothing morally wrong with seeming to know nothing at all about the imaginable shape of American party politics. That isn't a moral flaw. 

On the other hand, it might suggest that such people might not be good selections for an hour-long, primetime discussion of such important events.

It isn't the fault of the 23-year-old model and actress that she thinks the things she does. That said, she was also soon describing what had been said about her all day, and she was helping show why such things had been said:

("I've been called a conspiracy theorist all day," she said. She then proceeded to float the theory that had produced such rebukes.)

More on that tomorrow. Meanwhile, the wrestler spent the evening suggesting that "Dr. President Jill" was complicit in the assassination attempt, but also in the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. So it went as the Fox News Channel opened the garbage can.

"America is a stupid nation." So said Candidate Trump, yesterday, in a rally.  In large part thanks to his own efforts, he may have the germ of a point. 

What isn't stupid is the reasoning behind the nightly booking of these Usefuls as guests. They're released on the air to promote approved points, and that's what they reliably do.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but our nation's brain cells are under assault from grimy shows like Gutfeld!

Its angry host calls women names, especially when they're too fat. He says he hopes that Hunter and Jill aren't f*cking at this point.

When asked to pronounce a certain person's name correctly, he supplies his replacement: 


The anger of the termagant makes him very stupid. But as this grimy little guy swings from trees in the manner described, propaganda is being pushed and Blue America's major thought leaders agree to avert their gaze.

Sacred Troy must die, noble Hector said. How about sacred America?

IDIOT, The Termagant said. As he angrily offered his thought, he was surrounded by USEFULS.

Tomorrow: Highly expert professional wrestler nails "Dr. President Jill"


  1. What was Trump saying about the border czar?

    1. Kamala Harris dropped Central American illegal immigration from 50% to 18.5%.

      She fights, we win.

    2. Trump is the only President who had the guts to treat families at the border like Hitler treated the Jews. That is leadership my friend. Sick and demented leadership, but still, leadership.

  2. DiC - 2Q GDP up 2.8%. It’s getting boring how great every economic indicator comes in every month.

    1. George - yes, many indicators are good, but some are not. Bad or mediocre indicators include
      — inflation still too high
      — low number of new non government jobs
      — high interest rates
      — house ownership unaffordable for many

    2. — the huge deficit

    3. Reagan proved deficits don't matter, dickhead. You will crawl over hot coals to vote for the man promising to make deficits worse. Fool me once, shame on me. Won't get fooled again.

    4. Be kind to David while he recovers from surgery. He's wrong as usual, but explain it in a nice way.

    5. It would kill David to admit Biden did a hell of a job with the economy. I remember the first year of his term people like Dickhead in Cal were confidently predicting we were heading for a recession or we were already in a recession. Do they ever apologize of admit they were wrong? Hell no. David is not an honest or a nice person.

    6. I love David as he is, with his flaws. I ask you to be kind. Set an example of civil discourse.

    7. Sorry to spoil everyone's fun, but presidents don't control the economy. They have little effect on it, so pretending they do is, at best, pointless.

    8. The economy is consistently better under Democrat presidents.

    9. No DIC, wrong again. "the annual inflation rate for the US was 3.3% for the 12 months ending May 2024, according to the latest data from U.S. Labor Department."

    10. When a guy like David starts whining about the deficit, you know he is just trolling and you don't have to be polite about it. When knowledgeable commentors try to respond to the other 100 times he whines about the deficit, David disappears. But he always comes back, like a broken record.

    11. It’s amazing that home ownership was affordable for almost everyone under Trump. What a genius.

    12. @1:25 — 3.3 percent inflation is bad, not good. It’s supposed to be 2 per cent. 3.3 is less bad than earlier figures. When it was 4 percent, Nixon imposed wage/price controls

    13. @1:43 — deficit spending is stimulus. It’s a temporary economic boost. Long term it causes problems
      — interest on the national debt is around a trillion and growing fast.
      — it causes inflation
      — it tempts irresponsible governments to print money, leading to hyperinflation.
      — ultimately the currency loses all value.

    14. Nixon imposed wage and price controls: “At the time, the U.S. also had an unemployment rate of 6.1% (August 1971) and an inflation rate of 5.84%” (note: not 4%)

    15. I suggest voting for Trump if you like deficit spending. The deficit is almost half now what it was under Trump.

    16. DIC’s misinformation aside, the lack of understanding about economics from morons like DIC is interesting.

      Inflation is not a force of nature, prices go up when individuals at corporations decide to raise prices, and they base those decisions primarily on the concept of “what they can get away with”. Corporations have been posting record profits for some time now, in reality inflation is just another word for profiteering.

      Economists have long since moved on from simplistic supply/demand economics, DIC would fail any contemporary Econ101 class.

    17. Wrong again stupid DIC. ""This is historic, "America’s economy is about to stick what’s called a “soft landing,” which is when inflation returns to the Fed’s target without a recession — a feat that’s only happened once, during the 1990s, according to some economists."" Also DIC, let us know of any industrialized country that had less inflation than the USA post Covid. Trouble with you weird conservative people is you can't remember anything from the recent before times.

    18. "— the huge deficit" Entirely created by Reagan, Bush & Trump's unnecessary tax cuts for the very rich and corporations. Heck of a job.

    19. @2:46 profiteering is not the cause de of inflation. Businesses always try to maximize profit. But inflation is not always happening.

    20. DiC - I think you should acknowledge that Trump left Biden an economy in depression, and that Biden pulled us out of the depression with fiscal stimulus, then beat the resulting inflation, and is now in the process of sticking the soft landing. And Hector, I think presidents have a lot to do with the economy. W Bush left Obama a trashed economy, and Obama had inadequate stimulus, which gave us a slow, needlessly-prolonged recovery. (The main reason for the inadequate stimulus, of course, was that Republicans would not agree to more.)

    21. DiC - Now that we’ve beat inflation, it is time to discuss the deficit — the boom time is the time for austerity. If you read Drum’s recent post, you’ll see that tax increases are the only real way to attack the deficit (as Clinton did). Trump is promising big tax cuts, however. If you’re serious about the deficit, Trump is the last person you should want in the White House.

    22. Hector — True that there are numerous factors, but I think you underestimate the President’s influence. Overall demand management depends on fiscal policy, which is controlled by the President and Congress, and on monetary policy, which is controlled by Presidential appointees.

    23. David,
      When was there a time when the top income tax rate shouldn't have been 90%?

    24. Hector,
      Do you not count Defense as Entitlement spending? Asking for defense contractors who feel entitled to 20+% of our Federal budget.

    25. DIC you are wrong.

      Inflation is primarily a result of arbitrary increases in prices at the whim of corporations who have been enjoying record profits, ie profiteering.

      If you see someone talk about "supply and demand" in reference to economics, it is someone with a high school level understanding of economics.

      The largest sections of mandatory spending are pay as you go; the largest section of discretionary spending by far is defense.

      Presidents have significant influence over the economy.

      The ignorance in the comments is breathtaking.

    26. This last bout of inflation was primarily insurance against an inadequate stimulus that would have led to an unduly prolonged recovery. Biden deliberately erred on the side of too much stimulus because he felt any resulting inflation could be readily curbed by the Fed raising interest rates. And that is exactly what happened.

    27. Oh, and core PCE, the Fed’s favored measurement, came in at 2.9% in 2Q.

  3. Kamala Harris is where she is because of DEI. She should double down and pick a black female as her VP. More DEI is what we all need. My pick is Karine Jean-Pierre.

    Go Harris – Jean-Pierre!

    1. The woods are lovely dark and deep.

    2. 10:59 you appear to be disabled in some way, perhaps you should take Trump’s advice and you “should just die”.

    3. If the R ticket is 2 white males, why can’t the D ticket be 2 black females?

    4. Trump is of course where he is because an astute mind and not because of inheriting millions and a business from his father, Fred.

    5. @3:44 — lots of people inherit money. Only Trump created a hit tv show and got elected President

    6. Since when did “creating” a “hit tv show” (thanks Mark Burnett) become a requirement? Next you’ll tell me that Phil Robertson ought to be president. Or Honey Booboo.

    7. 10:59, and what position were you ever elected to? Harris will likely choose wisely her running mate, unlike Trump, who chose a far right wing blow hard who brings no new votes to the table for him. Incredibly dumb.

    8. Trump was so successful in the business world that only one bank ( that has ties to Russian oligarchs) was willing to loan him money before he was elected. He had been relegated to marketing his name to real estate investors for branding purposes as a means of generating income. After the pandemic, Forbes estimated that he would have been 400 million dollars more wealthy if he had simply invested the money his daddy gave him in an S&P 500 index fund.

    9. Interesting that 10:59 apparently cannot think of the name of another black female politician.

    10. HoneyBooBoo is smarter than any Republican politician in the last 75 years.

    11. Correction:
      The excrement on HoneyBooBoos shoes are smarter than any Republican politician in the last 75 years.
      I apologize for the error.

  4. "the secret mastermind behind a recent assassination attempt, but also behind the withdrawal from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021" Actually it is no secret that Pompeo & Trump surrendered to the Terrorist Taliban and left the details for Biden to work out after providing no transition assistance. Hopefully "mastermind behind assassination attempt" needs no comment, unless a speaking with a stupid racist POS like 10:59.

  5. Republican leaders had to warn rheir members against using racist word against VP Harris. Why did they have to do this? Maybe because their members ARE racist. When they show you who they are believe them.

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