FAILS: Columnist cops to epic fail!

MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024

That said, have the fails been general? The Washington Post's E. J. Dionne has long been a good, decent person.

In a column in today's paper, he cops to an "epic fail."

That unflattering term belongs to Dionne himself. As we type, his column is listed as the third MOST READ article in the whole of the Washington Post.

Dionne says he committed this epic fail in an earlier column. The earlier column was published on June 23, four days before the recent Biden-Trump debate. 

In that earlier column, Dionne submitted to the lure of prediction, a latter-day form of prophecy—of attempts to interpret the fight of birds. 

According to Dionne's assessment, his prediction in that column has turned out to be wrong. Headline included from June 23, Dionne's failed prediction went exactly like this:

Forget conventional wisdom. Trump needs the debate more than Biden


Debates are not about everyone watching. Many will absorb it the way I took in the glorious Boston Celtics playoff run: as partisans rooting unreservedly for victory, cheering every great moment and worrying about every mistake.

To the extent that partisans matter at all, they are likely to be Democrats who need constant hand-holding and reassurance that Biden can prevail. This, along with the 78-year-old Trump’s months-long denigration of Biden’s capacities at age 81, sets a low bar for Biden’s performance. Given his success at other big moments, such as his State of the Union addresses, he is likely to meet or surpass it.

That was Dionne's prophecy in his earlier column, the one he published on June 23. In today's column, he quotes that specific passage, and he calls it an epic fail.

Dual headline included:

The words about Joe Biden I never wanted to write
It’s hard to acknowledge that those who worried about Biden’s age may have been right all along.


Among the many words I have written over the years, these, offered a few days before the debate, may have aged worse—and certainly more quickly—than almost any others. I poked fun at “Democrats who need constant hand-holding and reassurance that Biden can prevail.” I predicted confidently that given the “low bar for Biden’s performance” and “his success at other big moments, such as his State of the Union addresses,” he would [sic] “likely to meet or surpass” expectations.

I think the contemporary expression for that prediction is: epic fail.

Predicting the future is hard! In today's column, Dionne puckishly refers to his prediction as an "epic fail."

Basically, it's true! In the June 27 debate, it's obvious that President Biden didn't "meet or surpass expectations." In fact, his performance trailed expectations to such an extent that it has created a political crisis which has yet to be resolved.

To his credit, Dionne has copped to that bad prediction. For today, we'll offer two more observations about that June 23 column. After that, we'll cite a different part of that original column—a part of the column in which Dionne was basically right.

Concerning the earlier column:

Ugh! In that earlier column, even Dionne chose to denigrate the people whose concerns about President Biden have perhaps turned out to be right.

In fairness, he didn't describe those people as "bedwetters," the current term of denigration from major elements of Blue America's elite. He didn't use that unfortunate term, but his statement that such people "need constant hand-holding" did come fairly close.  

Given the powerful state of play which now prevails between the nation's Red and Blue tribes, even a decent person like Dionne felt the need to denigrate those with whom he disagreed. And not only that:

As shown above, the sub-headline to Dionne's new column makes this slightly odd statement:

"It’s hard to acknowledge that those who worried about Biden’s age may have been right all along."

That matches something Dionne says in the actual column. Question:

Why should it be "hard to acknowledge" an apparent fact which Dionne himself now seems to affirm? Why not offer a tip of the cap to those whose assessment may have been stronger than his, if only in this one instance—to those who may not have purchased the talking-points which were driving Blue America's "thought leaders" as the debate approached?

Dionne didn't see the debacle coming. Presumably, the same is true of President Biden's campaign staff, or they would have moved heaven and earth to keep the debate from occurring.

Presumably, Biden's performance on June 27 doesn't represent the way he seems to be on a typical, round-the-clock basis. That said, there were many episodes in the past year which should have suggested the possibility that the president might not hold up well in a 90-monite debate.

Why didn't Dionne (and others) heed these warning signs? We'll ponder that important question as the week proceeds.

For today, we'll call it quits after performing one more service—after showing you part of Dionne's original column in which Dionne pretty much got it right. We refer to the part of the June 23 column in which Dionne advanced the highlighted point:

To the extent that partisans matter at all, they are likely to be Democrats who need constant hand-holding and reassurance that Biden can prevail. This, along with the 78-year-old Trump’s months-long denigration of Biden’s capacities at age 81, sets a low bar for Biden’s performance. Given his success at other big moments, such as his State of the Union addresses, he is likely to meet or surpass it.

But there is a trap here for Biden, too: Because the “age issue” has been raised relentlessly against him, the media have a tendency to overlook or downplay Trump’s many moments of incoherence and even lunacy. Biden and his lieutenants must turn this side-by-side performance into an opportunity to have the two men judged by the same standards.

After denigrating the worried hand-holders, Dionne raised an excellent point:

He suggested that "the media" might hold Candidate Trump to a lesser standard in the aftermath of the debate. Given how awful Trump's performance actually was, we'd say that Dionne called his shot when he advanced that warning.

President Biden was awful that night, but so was Candidate Trump. That said, Biden's performance is currently being frisked in a way which seems to exceed the attention paid to the gruesome performance by Trump.

Does that suggest the possibility that an array of "epic fails" might be involved in the matter at hand? For example, that the unflattering term might characterize the way this ersatz election campaign has been covered, in recent years, by our ersatz mainstream press? 

Dionne has copped to an epic fail. We can't say his specific confession is wrong. 

But has it been epic all the way down? Repulsive fails in Red America (though only of a certain type), but relentless, unacknowledged fails in our own Blue America too?

Tomorrow: Calling the roll of the possible fails

This afternoon: In our view, a rather strange fact-check


  1. A fact check of Trump's claims regarding the economy:

  2. "Presumably, Biden's performance on June 27 doesn't represent the way he seems to be on a typical, round-the-clock basis. That said, there were many episodes in the past year which should have suggested the possibility that the president might not hold up well in a 90-monite debate."

    A debate is also not a cognitive functioning test. If it were, Trump would have failed miserably because he failed to address the questions at all, ignoring them in order to repeat his own memorized tidbits.

    This means that Somerby's assertion that there were clues that Biden wouldn't do well ridiculous. For one thing, Somerby does not have the proximity to Biden to know what he is like on a daily basis while doing his job. And without that knowledge, his claim that everyone should have know is ridiculous. Somerby fails to consider that perhaps Biden's own explanation, that he had a cold and was fatigued and didn't prepare properly for what happened, is the correct explanation. Somerby has no way of knowing because Somerby never sees Biden face to face in real life, much less on an ongoing basis while doing his job as president.

    Somerby is speculating as surely as Dionne did. There is no reason for Somerby to be calling for that extra ounce of groveling by Dionne when Somerby himself has predicted that Biden wouldn't win in 2020 and was hugely incorrect and no one asked him to crawl on his belly in abject supplication over that goof. But look how Somerby has been rubbing it in that Biden had a bad debate. And to Somerby, that single debate signifies that Biden should never have had the nerve to run for president, ever. He has been a total ass on this issue since the debate didn't go well for Biden. But he thinks Dionne should have been nicer to those he disagrees with! Somerby should set a better example of that himself.

    "But has it been epic all the way down? Repulsive fails in Red America (though only of a certain type), but relentless, unacknowledged fails in our own Blue America too?"

    Dionne DID acknowledge he was wrong. How is that an "unacknowledged fail"? Seems to me it was plenty acknowledged. But it also doesn't mean Biden needs to resign or step down as nominee, which is obvious where Somerby is going with this. He is no doubt wishing to claim that Biden, who has also acknowledged his failed debate, is an unacknowledged blue fail, except it too was acknowledged. But Somerby and his ilk are out for blood, not just acknowledgements.

    1. You lose all credibility when you make a bunch of false, illogical, or unfounded assertions/assumptions.

    2. It is an unfounded assertion that I have made any false, illogical or unfounded assertions/assumptions. Where is your evidence or argument.

    3. If the Somerby-haters were honorable, they would apologize and admit that they were wrong when they accused Somerby of corruptly repeating a right-wing talking point by warning us that Biden was not up to the task of spearheading a campaign against Trump.

    4. And people who delude themselves do not apologize.

    5. I apology for the societal circumstances that led to your warped nature.

    6. You constantly conflate Somerby critics as haters.
      You should apologize.

    7. Let's see - those who call Somerby a racist, sexist, creepy, deceptive, treasonous, Putin-paid, right-wing shill who promotes the abuse of women deserve an apology for being labeled as "haters"? They sure seem to have delicate sensibilities considering how viciously they dish it out.

    8. The people who come here solely to attack other commenters are a huge waste of everyone's time because we must scroll past your garbage every time we want to read a substantive comment. We get it that you don't like the people who are critical of Somerby. But criticizing Somerby doesn't make anyone a hater, especially not given that Somerby has said quite a few highly controversial things, engages in annoying sophistry, and makes himself a target every day in his essays. Expecting people to NOT comments on the stuff Somerby writes is ridiculous. So, PP and Cecelia and the rest of you guys, please either address substance or shut up. You are a worse nuisance than Somerby many detractors, who all have a right to object to specific points in what Somerby has written without being called names on a regular basis by assholes like you trolls.

    9. "[Somerby's detractors] all have a right to object to specific points in what Somerby has written without being called names on a regular basis by assholes like you trolls."

      The lack of self-awareness is truly breathtaking.

    10. “The lack of self-awareness is truly breathtaking”

      It’s delicious!

    11. another asshole troll tries to pile-on

  3. "He suggested that "the media" might hold Candidate Trump to a lesser standard in the aftermath of the debate."

    This is certainly true. There is still no call for Trump to resign and no close examination of the way Trump dodged questions and lied and spoke gibberish himself throughout the debate. It is almost as if there was only one person in the debate -- Biden, whose performance was compared against the expectations of critical viewers and not compared to what Trump did at all.

  4. Here is something Somerby should apologize for:

    "The very public navel-gazing among Democrats overJoe Biden’s capacity for the last ten days has overshadowed the Biden comms team’s flooding social media with attacks on Donald Trump’s Project 2025 plans. "

    I could be wrong, but I don't believe Somerby has ever mentioned Project 2025 at all.

    1. The “Somerby should talk about the current Blue-team talking point” argument. Usually, the fact that he isn’t talking about this is seen as evidence that he’s a secret shill for the right.

    2. Not a secret.

    3. Project 2025 is a pretty big issue to be ignoring.

    4. Going by how Somerby presents things, one would be insane to vote for Biden.

      I am not insane, and I am voting for Biden.

      PP, your defense of Somerby makes no sense.

    5. That's exactly what an insane would say.

    6. 12:50 I appreciate how uncompelling your comment is.

    7. The general argument goes: If Somerby were a true liberal, he would talk about X (the current blue-team talking point). The fact that he doesn't proves he's shilling for Putin.

      One major flaw is in the premise. You can be a liberal without being an unthinking repeater of blue-team talking points.

    8. PP, that is not the argument, when you are not being excessively literal, you are strawmaning; it's all in bad faith, which is why no is ever persuaded by your notions - they are irrelevant.

    9. You claim that Somerby is arguing in bad faith; you claim that I am arguing in bad faith; it seems that everybody you disagree with is arguing in bad faith. I guess that's just bad luck for you.

    10. Or you could make a good faith argument, PP.
      It's a free country.


  5. "In the June 27 debate, it's obvious that President Biden didn't "meet or surpass expectations."

    He certainly did meet my expectations: demented elderly man behaving like demented elderly men are.

    What's the big deal, all this? They will run someone else, or they will run the same demented elderly man again. It doesn't change anything. We already know that elected figureheads don't affect anything.

    1. If you really believe this, why not vote for Biden?

    2. But of course Bob will vote for Biden. He said so many times.

      He also said he would've voted for Fetterman, who suffered a stroke and apparently was (and likely still is) non compos mentis.

      Clearly, it doesn't matter who the figurehead is.

    3. If governments were run by figureheads, why wouldn't Trump have the long list of accomplishments that Biden has? It seems pretty obvious that it matters who is elected president, based on the actual results of each administration.

    4. To clarify, I meant if figureheads didn't matter because there is a deep state government that actually does the work. I think the guy at the top does matter and is not just a figurehead.

    5. You're free to think anything you like. And so am I, I hope.

    6. The right to free speech doesn’t make anyone immune to criticism of what they’ve said.

    7. You are free to post any irrelevant word-salads too.

    8. And you are free to call other people's opinions "word-salads" but no one will believe you without some support for your judgment.

      Word-salad is a psychiatric term referring to the odd use of language by people with schizophrenia or mania. It is like calling someone crazy, which is not a criticism of anyone's opinions, but just name-calling.

      Trolls like to clutter up blogs with junk because it interferes with discussion, or maybe they just like the attention. You can tell who they are because they never say anything substantive or meaningful to contribute to any thread. Sort of like what you are doing now.

    9. Literally the next words after scolding someone for “name-calling,” you call them a “troll.”


    10. I thought she was calling herself a troll. Because for now she just a spammer, inspired to be one.

    11. That’s because trolls are name-callers, duh.

    12. 'Word salad' has a well-established, non-technical usage, simply meaning someone has said or written something incoherent. In ordinary discourse, it is not an attribution of mental illness.

    13. Anonymouse 12:34pm, it’s disappointing that you’re not including psychotic disorders as a reason to describe some anonymices posts as word salads.

      We all know they’re batshite crazy.

    14. Anonymouse 10:11am, there is that little thing about what party controls the senate or the WH.

    15. @Cecelia 3:51 PM
      So, you agree that it doesn't matter who the figurehead is? As long as he belongs to the team you're rooting for. Because that's exactly what I was saying. Vote for Joe or vote for Kamala or for anyone else appointed by the management. Why so much drama over nothing?

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. Anonymouse 4:17pm, your dilemma here is that you want a blanket rule.

      Do I want a senator who has aphasia:

      He very well may improve. He is one of other Democratic senators. His election will keep the senate in the hands of Democrats.

      Do I want a president who is declining due to his age:

      Will he be able to make life or death decisions? Will his condition embolden our nation’s enemies? Will other people be ruining the country behind the screen and if so, who?

      You should be mature enough to understand the stakes and to have a rational a discussion with your fellow Democrats without calling them traitors or weaklings when they don’t see it your way.

    18. *ruling* rather than “ruining”. (Freudian…)

    19. @Cecelia 4:43 PM
      I didn't call anyone anything. Quite the contrary, I said that anyone has the right to an opinion.

      I'd prefer a discussion without the lecturing tone, but since you started it: what's immature, in my opinion, is imagining that Joe or Kamala or pretty much anyone else brought in at the whim of the voters makes any life or death decisions. Of course the decisions are made by people behind the curtain. And by the way: I don't want our nation to have any enemies in the first place. That would remove the concern of emboldening them.

    20. We are all declining due to our age, except children.

    21. Anonymouse 5:05pm, I may have confused you with another anonymouse. THAT is an anonymouse occupational hazard.

      You’ve heard the expression “all things being equal”.. All things aren’t equal here. In fact, they’re not even close to being in the same neighborhood, because Pres. Biden may be in the throes of a condition that his replacement is not near to experiencing and his replacement can grow more competent in office. Can Biden?

      It’s easy to say that there are always people behind the curtain to make a president’s job easier. That’s true gor every organization. However Biden’s condition and therefore his exposure is more stark in its debilitation. His domestic enemies and his foreign ones will put a lot of effort into uncovering that machinery and that can be brutal and destabilizing for everyone.

      Ultimately, this is a discussion you must have with your peers. They are Bob, PP, your fellow anonymices. The end.

    22. Calling another person's comment "word salad" is just name-calling if you don't take the time to identify and address whatever it is you disagree with.

      Here are some things I disagree with. I see no evidence that elected officials are not doing their jobs by runnning the govt, as elected or appointed by congress to do. These conspiracy-adjacent nihilistic remarks about there being men behind the curtain are ridiculous in the face of the mechanisms we have for oversighting and transparency. It is the way right wingers promote their conspiracy theories, so that language becomes a signal that someone is from that segment of the right and trying to promote disinformation. It is like the dog whistles related to racism and sexism also appearing in various comments here from time to time.

    23. There is no evidence in the psychological literature that people over age 81 cannot learn new things.

  6. "WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Arguing that age has dimmed Donald J. Trump’s ability to lie, former congressman George Santos proposed on Monday that he supplant the former president atop the GOP ticket.

    “Over the course of his career, President Trump has produced an impressive array of falsehoods,” Santos said. “But now is the time to pass the torch to a new generation of liars.”

    Santos said that, although Trump spewed a continuous stream of whoppers during his debate with President Biden, “From the earliest moments, it became worryingly obvious that he is no longer the liar he once was.”

    “According to fact-checkers, Trump lied 30 times during the debate,” he said. “I could’ve done 60.”

    Santos said he was “saddened” to issue his assessment of Trump’s decline, but added, “As a board-certified neurologist I had no choice.”

  7. Jon Landau has died.

  8. Millions of Democrat voters chose Joe Biden to be their party’s nominee. A cabal of party power brokers and media hyenas now want to push Biden overboard and disenfranchise these voters (a good chunk of them are women and oppressed minorities). How is this democracy? Don’t members of the cabal have any shame or conscience? Looking for any answer other than But Trump is Hitler.

    1. Trump had some good ideas, but he went too far.

  9. "the media" might hold Candidate Trump to a lesser standard in the aftermath of the debate. Given how awful Trump's performance actually was, we'd say that Dionne called his shot"

    Really? The media has promulgate many false claims against Trump: He called Nazi's "fine people" -- the Steele Dossier proves that Trump colluded with Russia -- he recommended injecting bleach. The media didn't just mention these things once or twice. They repeated them for months on end.

    OTOH the media covered up the validity of Hunter Biden's laptop. They covered up Biden's cognitive decline. Right now, the media is virtually ignoring the millions of dollars paid by foreign interests to Biden relatives. In short, the media might just as well be paid Democratic operatives.

    1. The Mueller Report shows Trump’s collusion with Russia. The Steele Dossier suggested Trump liked golden showers. We now know he also likes 13 year old girls. Where is the media on that one?

      If Biden’s so-called decline has been covered up, why is it all over the news (since before the 2020 election)?

    2. @David
      Not "paid Democrat operatives". Paid anti-Trump operatives. They got nothing against Never Trumpers, like Mitt Romney or the Bushes.

    3. Biden's decline is all over the news now because the public saw it with our own eyes at the debate. But, Biden's decline didn't just happen 2 weeks ago. It's been going on for quite a while. Media people who met with Biden must have known, but they didn't report it until the debate forced their hand.

    4. Dickhead in Cal posts these grievances he has against the media continually. Many people have tried in the past to respond to the Dickhead to show how grossly he is misrepresenting the issues, but it matters not. The Dickhead clings to his grievances.

      The art of being a conservative fascist in this country is to be perpetually aggrieved.

    5. Biden brought up the "very fine people" canard in the debate which was strange in that Snopes had debunked it a few days before. Every person on Biden's reelection team needs to be fired.

    6. Trump has the support of the neonazis, which Biden does not.

      Somerby rails against the blue tribe for it's supposed performative aspect, but takes Trump's words at face value.

      It is not a canard, Trump was doing his typical dog whistling.

    7. @DiC

      "OTOH the media covered up the validity of Hunter Biden's laptop."

      False. Rudy Giuliani covered it up. He had the supposed hard drive (not "laptop") and wouldn't let anyone look at it to verify its authenticity.

    8. "He called Nazi's 'fine people'"

      Misleading. He said there were "very fine people on both sides" during the protests in Charlottesville. The protests were sparked by a white supremacist Unite the Right rally. Trump pretended there were "fine people" at the rally who were only interested in preserving historical statues.

    9. Qib, there were local people who wanted to keep the Civil War memorials in their park and a report by a local newsman said that many with that frame of mind were out strolling in the park as other curious townsfolk were doing on the eve of the rally.

      Why would it be so difficult to believe that locals were curious as to what was going on and were out taking a look the evening before the protest? Counter-protest protesters were arriving in their city, as well as the protesters. There was activity, anxiety, and anticipation.

      Why would it be surprising that some locals with antecedents who fought in war, wanted to keep those memorials? Some of them would have been the “nice people” officials and townspeople who were there when Trump arrived and so expressed those thoughts to him.

      I think the disconnect is that you consider everyone who didn’t want to remove the statues as being the same as the largely NOT local protesters. That makes it easier for everyone…

    10. The rally was billed as Unite the Right and it consisted of white supremacist groups. Trump was not describing bystanders, from the wording of his statement. It was not a local neighborhood or community rally. This reminds me of the way right wingers try to tell us 1/6 was something different too, when there was video.

    11. Anonymouse 9;04pm, I never claimed it was a local rally. I said the rally was largely composed of protesters and counter -protesters who were not local.

      A local reporter said that there were l
      towns people out in the park watching the preparations the night BEFORE the rally. Some of those folks had relatives who were Confederate soldiers and they wanted to keep their memorial.

      Those are the “nice people” Trump mentioned.

    12. When did Trump say that?

    13. Again— the anonymouse problem is that you make no distinction between out-of-towner white supremacist protesters from the local residents who had family who fought for the South and who wanted the statues to stay. .

    14. When he said he had met “nice people” and that they weren’t those other people.

      Here’s yet another Snopes that you aren’t informed about.

    15. "Trump is a RINO, who doesn't even support Neo-Nazi's" is a headline that would bury his election chances in November.

  10. Gosh, a columnist said something incorrect, out of all the thousands of words he or she presumably writes in a career!

  11. Back in 1998/1999 the media went on a feverish blitz attacking President Clinton over Monica Lewinsky. It was near universal in mainstream media. By the end of Clinton's impeachment the media was absolutely delirious with one goal - to force Clinton to resign the presidency. Instead Clinton continued to do and excellent competent job as president and the public rallied behind him. In 1998 midterms, instead of the Democratic bloodbath the Beltway political press were praying for, the Dems actually picked up 5 seats in the House. No change in the Senate. This was unacceptable to the mainstream press who live to shit on Democrats any chance they get.

    VP Gore secured the Dem nomination for the 2000 election and the press decided to punish him for Clinton's sins.

    Bob Somerby covered the media's insane hatred for Gore in real time on his little blog called the Daily Howler.

    We are witnessing now the beltway press's determination to force President Biden to withdraw. As I said, they live to shit on Dems. Not a single word from any of these pygmies asking Trump to withdraw. Brian Stelter explained on Xitter this weekend why. Because they already know his supporters don't give a shit if he is a felon. Ask Dickhead in Cal.

    1. anon 11:31 - you are missing the point. The "liberal" punditocracy and press, as well as most Democrats, are calling for Biden to drop out because they believe that Biden's debate performance was so disastrous, that him remaining in the race will guaranty a Trump win. Not only that but it will increase the chances of a GOP takeover of both the Senate and the House. You can disagree with that belief - but the belief isn't based on the beltway's press desire to "shit on democrats;" it's to help the dems win.

    2. They are trying to get Biden to withdraw because they know he can't win against Trump. They're doing it because it's the only hope for Trump to lose.

    3. So, AC, the mainstream media, as documented by Somerby, were working against Gore and the Democrats in 2000, but now, you think the media is working for Biden and the Democrats. Why do you think this? It’s frankly misguided.

    4. AC: but her emails
      Hillary fainted while attending a NYC 9-11 memorial in blazing heat with walking pneumonia. The hysterical reaction in the media lasted more than a week. Steve Kornacki dedicated a large block of time doing a "Zapruda film frame by frame analysis" of her every step. It wasn't just the National Enquirer pushing her out of the race.

    5. 1:33, one thing I don't understand. If the mainstream media is so afraid of Trump winning, why aren't they hounding him every chance they get to quit the race, since you know, he's a fucking felon. Why aren't they demanding real medical records for Trump which he has never given to the press with any candor. Why aren't they hounding him at every opportunity and forcing him to answer questions about his non-stop lies in the debate? If the object is to stop Trump from winning, these things might occur to our political press.

    6. No 2:46, they are working for the democrats. Biden bowing out would most likely help the dems chances. You are free to disagree on that.

    7. anon 2:49, I remember that with Clinton, but it's not the same. Did you even watch the debate? Doesn't sound like it.

    8. anon 1:33, the equivalent of what is going on with Biden would be if the right-wing media started hounding Trump to leave the race. Not going to happen. The "liberal" media hounding Trump? from what I see they already depict him as Satan rising to the surface from the depths of Hades. The thing here is that it's Biden's own party that is asking him to bow out, based on his disastrous debate performance, and the probably correct perception that there is no way for him to recover from that. Not that there is any sure thing solution.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. nonymouse 4:13pm, Bob has been asking that same question of the media as to Trump’s mental and emotional health and anonymices have unceasingly shot Bob down and said that such a discussion would be exculpating for Trump, rather than being damaging.

    11. AC/MA, the problem with your argument is that this "Biden is too old" campaign started long before the debate. It was occurring during the 2020 election too.

      We don't set aside nominated party candidates for president because the press or party members are calling for someone's head.

    12. Not a Rodent - I can't agree with your argument. The "reds" were all in on a narrative that Biden was physically and mentally incompetent for the job. The response from the "blues" was this was typical red tribe BS. Many "blue" tribes people asserted that Biden was "sharp as a tack." In this debate, it was up to Biden to put the "red" narrative to bed. Instead, he proved the "reds" right. His performance was pathetic. There don't seem to be precedents that would support the claim that 'we don't ask' nominated POTUS candidates to step aside at the behest of the press - though there is the case of LBJ. Given the unique circumstances here, one can see why there is the panicked call for him to abandon his candidacy. The problem is, even if he does that, I don't see a strong likelihood that the new candidate would win. The "blues" are in a position of damned if they do and damned if they don't, unless some new candidate can step up and seize the day - but who? It's Biden and his circle who are at fault for this mess (and maybe the "blue" press for not bringing this out - but the pandora's box has been opened (to use a perhaps bad cliche).

    13. Cecelia, I have never read anything written by TDH even remotely suggesting that the mainstream media demand Trump's true, honest and complete medical records. Never. They have been allowing him to bluff his way past this standard disclosure by all presidents for 8 years and counting.

    14. Biden didn’t do poorly in the debate on purpose. Other candidates have had poor debates before and still been elected (or not). Our election system does not allow Biden to be replaced unless he steps down. He is not doing that. The rest of this churning is destructive to our chance of defeating Trump.

    15. Anonymouse 7:37pm, I don’t know if Bob has ever said that the media should demand Trump’s “true and honest and complete medical records”. I do know that Bob has championed such a process by the media engaging in a public discussion of Trump’s mental state via questioning his reactions, responses, and statements. Things that could lead to a public push for Trump’s medical records or for a psych evaluation.

      I do know that anonymices have relentlessly shot that down every single time and roundly insulted him for advocating it. I’m enjoying the irony of that.

    16. Somerby only calls Trump crazy (without examination) and has never complained about the lack of health reports or his tax forms. Comments have said you cannot claim someone is crazy without evidence. A real health report is evidence — not the lies Ronny J. (Dr. Feelgood) told about him. @7:37 is correct.

    17. Anonymouse 8:21pm, so how far would you get by suddenly demanding Trump’s medical records? How far would Bob get in doing that? He cried cried “look! from his venue, you disparaged him because that’s what you’re paid to do.

      It must start with media reporting and attention. Just as it did with Biden. That’s what Bob preached, while the only target you had was him.

    18. This is the whole point. You then point out that he keeps refusing. Then you ask again and again and then ask what he is hiding. Biden supposedly has been hiding his health and yet he has released each of his yearly physical exam reports, the latest 4 months ago. What is Trump hiding?

    19. Anonymouse 9:25pm, if Trump keeps refusing to release his medical records shouldn’t anonymices have supported Bob in saying that the media should be engaged in a full discussion of Trump’s mental health in order to apply pressure on him to release his records?

    20. It's pretty obvious that Somerby thinks Republican voters are a bunch of morons, who are wasting their votes on a candidate who is mentally disturbed (Leave it to Bob Somerby to pay attention). I agree with Cecelia, that Somerby has his pulse on the temper of the election.


  12. Patrick Lawrence. Beautifully written, as always.

    Patrick Lawrence: Power for the Sake of Power

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