A DISTANT LAND: At the Post, Bump gets it right!


Angelina's distant land: We were thrilled by the version of Candidate Harris which emerged yesterday as she spoke with Charlamagne tha God.

More on that this afternoon. For now, if we had a Pulitzer prize to bestow, we'd give it to Philip Bump.

Bump's report appeared yesterday in the Washington Post. (The Post calls his piece a "column.") In it, Bump transcribes one of the "answers" Donald Trump gave during his widely-discussed "town hall" event in Pennsylvania on Tuesday night.

Trump went on stage in Oaks, Pennsylvania at 6:56 p.m. Kristi Noem was serving as moderator of the event. 

(To view the entire C-Span videotape, you can click right here.)

At roughly 7:10 p.m., Noem introduced a conventionally attractive, youngish woman identified only as Angelina. This was the question she asked, the second of the night:

ANGELINA (10/14/24): My name's Angelina, and I was raised in a Philadelphia Democrat household—a union household. As a blended—as the mother of a blended family, my top issues are the same issues that face all Americans.

Illegal immigration hurts black Americans. Inflation hurts black Americans, and dangerous cities hurt black Americans. 


Like my fellow Americans, my grocery bill has not gone down. Everything is still so very expensive. What steps will your administration take to help American families suffering from this inflation?

To see Angelina ask that question, you can simply click this.

That was the question this young woman asked. For the record, she's asking about one result of recent inflation, not about current inflation itself.

That was this young woman's question. In his report in the Washington Post, Bump performs a heroic measure. He transcribes the entire five-minute monologue presented by Candidate Trump in lieu of a response.

We say in lieu of a response because nothing Trump said, in that entire five minutes, addressed this young mother's actual question. Instead, the candidate wandered the countryside, touching on every possible topic except the specific topic he'd been asked to address.

This particular Q-and-A[bsence of an answer] was the sole subject of Bump's report in the Post. Dual headline included, here's the way Bump began:

Here’s how Donald Trump would lower grocery prices
In his own words.

Donald Trump’s town-hall-style campaign event in Pennsylvania on Monday understandably attracted more attention for its conclusion than for its contents. But the actual question-and-answer period did provide useful insights that should not be overlooked.

One of the questions posed to Trump—apparently prescreened by the campaign—came from a Black woman standing behind him on the stage. Reading from a card, the woman said she had been raised in a Democratic, union household in Philadelphia before (as other question-askers said as well) seeing the light about America’s problems—and, in particular, how they affect the Black community.

“Like my fellow Americans,” the woman said, “my grocery bill has not gone down. Everything is still so very expensive. What steps will your administration take to help American families suffering from this inflation?”

So begins Bump's report. Heroically, he proceeds to present Trump's entire five-minute reaction, in which the candidate fails to provide anything resembling an answer to the question he'd been asked.

In all honesty, we can't recommend three cheers for Bump; we'll restrict ourselves to two-and-a-half. We do that because Bump never directly articulates the point his essay was plainly designed to display:

He never directly states the obvious. In his rambling and endless non-answer monologue, Candidate Trump never says a word that is directly relevant to the perfectly decent question he had been asked.

This sort of thing has been happening roughly forever with this particular candidate. (Full disclosure: In some of her recent interviews, it must be said that Candidate Harris has avoided answering direct questions too.)

That said, it seems to us that major orgs like the New York Times have largely avoided coming to terms with the strangeness of this particular candidate's statements and behaviors. In our view, that's especially true of the truly crazy things he frequently says—No one was present at Harris's rally!—but also with respect to the violent ideation and rhetoric to which he routinely turns.

Still, two-and-a-cheers for Philip Bump for performing the time-consuming process of transcribing Trump's non-response. We won't be posting that lengthy transcript here—we want to move on to a different point—but you can read the text of the full filibuster by clicking to Bump's report.

Angelina asked a question. The candidate offered an endless non-response. With that, we turn to Angelina herself—but mainly, to the "distant land" from which her question may seem to have emerged.

As noted, Angelina is a youngish woman who we'd describe as conventionally attractive. In our view, she displayed a strikingly pleasant demeanor at Tuesday evening's event. 

She seems like someone you'd want as your next-door neighbor. She said she's the mother of a blended family. Bump describes her as Black.

She grew up in a Democratic household, but she seems to be a Trump supporter.  She seems like a thoroughly pleasant person. The question we pose is this:

Within what distant land was Angelina's decision made? From what sort of distant land has her decision emerged?

We ask this question for an obvious reason. Here inside Blue America, those of us who will be voting for Candidate Harris often act as if the people who vote for Candidate Trump hail from some such unknown land.

We can't imagine why a decent person would make so unlikely a choice. Baffled in this particular way, we turn to our various demonologies to explain our nation's Angelinas.

We take out our bombs and begin calling names. But then, this real Angelina appears.

For ourselves, we can't imagine voting for Candidate Trump—but we also know that tens of millions of fellow citizens will be doing just that. In our view, we inhabitants of Blue America are engaging in mountains of denial when we refuse to acknowledge the fact that there could be reasons for such a vote which aren't based on racism or bigotry, or on some other deplorable quality.

Sadly, there are quite a few reasons why people like Angelina might have decided to turn their backs on the contemporary world of Blue America, or on the works of the Biden Administration itself. 

Sadly in our view, Candidate Harris is currently saddled with some of the downsides of President Biden's behaviors and decisions—but also with the downsides of some of the judgements she herself made in the past. 

When we within Blue America's silos refuse to acknowledge the existence of those downsides, we're engaged in the same act of denial and delusion we frequently attribute to Trump voters systemwide.

For ourselves, we don't agree with Angelina. We'll be voting for Candidate Harris. She'll be voting for Trump. 

That said, she seems to be a good, decent person. Why has she decided to vote for Trump? If you squint a bit, you can perhaps begin to see the across the border into a version of sacred Thoreau's "distant land:"

Walden; or, Life in the Woods


I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well. Unfortunately, I am confined to this theme by the narrowness of my experience. Moreover, I, on my side, require of every writer, first or last, a simple and sincere account of his own life, and not merely what he has heard of other men’s lives; some such account as he would send to his kindred from a distant land; for if he has lived sincerely, it must have been in a distant land to me. 

On the one hand, Angelina almost seems to live in a distant land. Why in the world would someone who wasn't a snarling racist decide to vote for Candidate Trump? 

For those of us who are willing to be "confined by the narrowness of [our own] experience," there may be no possible answer to that question. On the other hand, Angelina seems to be completely sincere—and she's not only a fellow citizen, she's also somebody's neighbor and she's somebody's friend.

We Blues! Being human, we're often willing to be confined by the narrowness of our experience. This keeps us from knowing how to persuade people to cross the border into our own Blue America—to abandon that far distant land.

What explains Angelina's decision? We'd like to see somebody ask! 

That said, journalists at the New York Times often seem, at least to us, to be huddled in a second type of "distant land"—and the same is true of the endless array of spear-chuckers who work for the Fox News Channel. Tomorrow, we'll turn to those distant lands. 

Yesterday, speaking with God, Candidate Harris began to break loose. We acknowledge the decency of the world's Angelinas, but we're hoping it's not too late.

Tomorrow: "If a lion could talk, we could not understand him." (Other distant lands.)


  1. Why would anyone question a person who believes grocery prices will "go down" if we completely wipe-out inflation? At what point in history have prices "gone down" after inflation?

    1. Exactly, deflation is viewed as destabilizing and is not permitted, fervently so by Republicans who feign concern over inflation only as a way to maintain their dominance.

  2. there could be reasons for such a vote which aren't based on racism or bigotry,...

    Yes, most just want to own the libs.

    I’m not conviced they are so deluded that they look at their balance sheets and their 401ks and fail to see that the economy is roaring right now. Sure, they’re looking for the invitable GOP tax cuts but really, they’re no different than the silly cultists singing YMCA at the rallies.

    They just don’t want to admit that they like what this monster is saying.

    The utter chaos of his first administration, his denunciation of long time allies and cozying up to dictators, the endless lies, the handling of the pandemic and then the Big Lie and January 6th does not qualify to any thinking person as “peace and prosperity.” They’re onboard with the chaos.

    They’re liars and they admire him for being a liar. They are cultists too.

    Respectable Cultists
    Published by digby on October 15, 2024

    This describes Dickhead in Cal to a "t".

    1. Digby is owned, There’s not a milimeter of her headspace that’s not occupied by her contrarians.

    2. The same can be said about you.

    3. Anonymouse 11:24am, nope.I believe that you are not involved in a large-scale organization, but rather a small group that is part of an even smaller community. I’m very different from Digby and anonymices. I don’t have the sense derision for your politicians or for other Democrats that I have for you. You’ve earned that.

    4. Ceclia, you offer only an ad hominin attack on Digby. Her website is focused on politics, but she also publishes essays on other topics as well.

    5. Cecelia,
      Agree. It's not like 11:24am gave us the lowest Unemployment rate in over a half a century, like Biden-Harris did.

    6. Responding to Cecelia does not help him, it only enables Cecelia’s worst traits, shackling him to forever live as a bitter and hate-spewing lost soul.

    7. Cecelia refers to 11:24 am but 11:24 am IS Cecelia.

    8. Cecelia is a clown, just ignore him.

  3. Welcome to North Korea.

    Stephen Miller tweet from yesterday:

    "Trump’s Bloomberg interview at the Economic Club of Chicago was the greatest live interview any political leader or politician has done on the economy in our lifetimes. Period."

    1. As grotesque as Jong Un is, I'd do him over Stephen Miller - he's worse than fucking the gallbladder of a corpse (hat tip to Warhol's Frankenstein movie).


  4. Logic vs Actual Results
    @10:27 gives a list of logical-sounding reasons why Trump's policies are inconsistent with peace and prosperity. However, Trump's policies actually did produce peace and prosperity; Democratic policies produced war and inflation. Why is Digby's analysis at odds with the real world?

    IMO it's because of different views about which policies are more effective. Digby thinks shaking things up is bad. She calls it "chaos." OTOH Trump sees the shaking up as necessary reform. Who's right? The actual results say Trump is right.

    1. What kind of peace did Trump achieve if it was bought at the expense of American integrity and disappeared the moment he was out of office?

    2. Make up your mind, Dickhead in Cal. I thought you opposed increasing the national debt. Trump's policy accomplished that in spades. I don't call that prosperity.
      And by the way, fuckface, it was President Biden who ended our occupation in Afghanistan, not Trump. We are at peace, you fascist fuck.

    3. Why argue with someone who is perfectly happy to be disingenuous in their discourse, as David does here every day?

    4. I am long past the point of ever assuming DiC is ever going to be intellectually honest. I just like to remind him that he is a transparent bullshitter.

  5. "We were thrilled by the version of Candidate Harris which emerged yesterday..."

    The existence of multiple versions of a person implies that they are fake and concealing who they really are by projecting false images. That is not the case with Harris.

    This is more negativity from Somerby, disguised as faint praise. Later he points out that Harris doesn't answer direct questions.

    I hope Somerby really does vote for Harris, but he certainly doesn't support her campaign effort. Somerby likes whatever she said to Charlamagne tha God, but he doesn't bother telling us what it was.

    1. Somerby also doesn’t bother telling us what his actual issue with Blue America is, he just hand-waves it, telling us that the question was sincere, even while acknowledging that it was a plant.

      Somerby either thinks his readers are really stupid, or he’s having a laugh by being a troll.

  6. There are no Trump voters more delusional than the ones who think that Trump has policies. Trump is a blank slate when it comes to public policy, and some people inexplicably choose to paint whatever they imagine on this blank slate.

    1. Good point. Right wingers have no ideology, it’s a personality trait, centered in an obsession with hierarchy and dominance.

  7. The purpose of Somerby's essay today is to present a young black woman who is attractive and yet supporting Trump. Showcasing her is intended to suggest to other young, black, female semi-Democratic voters that it is OK to cross party lines and vote for an abomination, as long as your grocery prices are too high. We're supposed to think "She looks OK to me" (as Somerby repeatedly states, gushing over her pleasant and normal appearance), so maybe I should vote like she might be doing." Perhaps Somerby thinks that young women watching, especially black ones, do not realize the kind of thought they should put into their choice for president. I wonder if Angelina bopped along the Dixie, with the rest of the crowd? And then I wonder if she even exists at all -- Somerby takes her at face value.

    This has to be the stupidest essay of this campaign season. But maybe Trump voters really do select their candidate based on superficialities, fantasy, and by imitating the cool people they see at Trump rallies. If so, I am overestimating them, not underestimating them as Somerby suggests we liberals do. Or maybe "Angelina" is pissed at her family and married her blended hubby in order to give the finger to her dad. What better way to do that than to appear seated behind Trump on TV? And how is Angelina any different than any other Trump supporter trying to give the middle finger to society?

    1. "Showcasing her is intended to suggest to other young, black, female semi-Democratic voters that it is OK to cross party lines and vote for an abomination"

      Maybe. Or maybe Somerby's showcasing her for the reason he suggests -- Not all Trump voters are snarling racists, and calling them all snarling racists may not be the best way to persuade them to vote for Harris.

    2. Somerby is doing what he is told to do -- advancing the Republican talking point of the day. He is also changing the subject away from Trump's weird behavior at that same rally. Refocusing his readers on the question about groceries (as if Harris should be promising a chicken in every pot).

      Trump is a snarling racist. That should be enough to deter any thinking person from voting for him. Did you not see the nazi "Make America White Again" signs at the Trump boat parade (which Lara and Eric promoted)? That is what snarling racism looks like. This is cynical racism, on both Trump's and Somerby's part, since Somerby is promoting their meme today.

      I'm still waiting for Somerby to explain what "conventionally attractive" means as applied to a black woman. Does it mean the same as "articulate" means applied to Obama? Or is he saying she didn't look like a "hoe" (the term Republicans apply to Harris on their t-shirts)?

      You make yourself look exceptionally stupid when you try to paint the left as the racist party.

    3. "This has to be the stupidest essay of this campaign season."

      Not true, if we counted your comment as an essay.

    4. You make yourself look exceptionally stupid when you characterize my comment as "painting the left as the racist party."

    5. 11:49 makes excellent points about Somerby's nonsense.

      It is fair to say most Trump supporters are racist, and their use of "Angelina" is a nasty form of racism called tokenism.

      There is an underlying trait to Trump supporters, beyond racism, sexism, and xenophobia; they are all right wingers, people who have unresolved trauma that leads to an obsession with hierarchy and dominance, which manifests through various oppressions and ultimately is the result of our society being based on surplus and commodification, a rejection of our innate trait of egalitarianism.

  8. There's an obvious answer : Angelina was paid to read her lines. At a fake Town Hall with Trump, there is absolutely no reason to assume people are who they appear to be.

    1. Downpuppy, wouldn’t the fact that Trump never answered her question presume that this wasn’t a staged question. A least lean that way?

      It’s astounding to me that you think there’s no one out there who legitimately has such concerns.

    2. Cecelia: Does Trump answer any questions? It was just an opening monologue before the dance performance.

    3. It's astounding to me there is still someone on the internet trying to sell the idea that there's such a thing as Republican voter who cares about something other than bigotry and white supremacy. Especially, since they've been challenged to find one for over 6 years, and still they got nothing.

    4. anon 12:40, this is about the 800th time you have made the same stupid, baseless, simplistic and reductionist claim. - that all that republican voters care about is "bigotry" and "white supremacy." Give it a rest, please. (I assume that you don't mean that Republican voters "care about" 'bigotry" and "white supremacism" in the sense that they are concerned and saddened about the existence of these wrongs above all else).

    5. 12:40 is correct in their assessment.

      Furthermore, it was in fact a staged question.

    6. AC/MA, @12:40 is just repeating the truth, which cannot be done too many times, given the gaslighting and disinformation being spread lately.

      Here is some of the latest evidence, aside from Somerby's cogent remarks about how personable (and no doubt articulate) "Angelina" is. Did you miss the boat parade with Eric & Lara Trump welcoming the nazi boats plastered with swastikas? Their signs said "Make America White Again". These are naked racist appeals in the dwindling weeks of the campaign, yes, including Somerby's remarks about how pleasant that "blended" young woman was. Somerby was embarrassing today in his racial ackwardness, kind of like JD Vance, when he discovered that bakery clerk was black and "forgot" how to order donuts. Republicans care about being bigots in order to keep America white, and if that means they have to patronize a few bought-off blacks for Trump to gain power, they're willing to do it, as long as no one thinks they actually like black people, even the personable, pleasant, conventionally attractive (what does that mean?) ones like Angelina. I hope they paid her enough.

    7. Ilya, I’m not much interested in what anyone thinks of Trump at this point. That’s a done deal.

      My contention was with the claim that Angelina is a hired-hand.

    8. Anonymouse 1:21pm, yeah, she had to be paid shill.

      Goodness know no sincere human being would ever suggest that grocery prices were a struggle. That had to be a partisan move..

    9. Yes, it is a partisan move, because as Kevin Drum has shown, the prices are not increasing and ONLY Harris has proposed ways to help people with kitchen-table issues. Poverty is down under Biden. Wages are increasing compared to under Trump.

      Trump thinks that if he pays a few black people to attend his campaign events, he will convince black voters to disregard his racism and support him. But he is underestimating black voters, who are not that easily fooled. How many black people were at that dance rally? Did they join hands and sing along to Dixie? I'll bet they did.

    10. AC/ MA,
      So that's about the 800th time you had an opportunity to make the argument that there's a Republican voter who isn't a bigot, and you've provided bupkis.

    11. From Decoding Fox News:

      "Kayleigh McEnany Almost Met a Black Person
      On Friday on “The Five,” guest host, Kayleigh McEnany gave her expert opinion on Trump’s chances winning over Black voters.

      ‘Look, I heard yesterday from a friend who texted me and said that he was talking to a black man in North Carolina, and this black man said, I'm going to vote for Donald Trump. And he pulled out his wallet and he said, this needs help,” said McEnany."

      Which proves that black people will do ANYTHING for money, even sell out their own self-interest to a fake billionaire who uses the n-word all the time and doesn't care who is struggling in North Carolina.

      Cecelia and AC/MA, every time you open your mouths you sound ridiculous. Perhaps you are stupid enough to support Trump, but you aren't convincing anyone of anything here. Why not spend you time on blogs where you might convince someone of something, such as those places where conservative morons hang out.

    12. "black people will do ANYTHING for money"

      Now THAT is racist and bigoted!

    13. The cynicism belongs to the right. Did you not notice that this story was told by Kayleigh McEnany, a Republican on Fox News, who suggested that this black man was selling his vote (what do you think that wallet opening signified)? I don't think black people will sell their integrity, but Trump and Vance surely think so -- they are the ones bribing black supporters to tell lies on their behalf. McEnany connected the black vote to money (his wallet). And Harris is not paying black people to shill for her at her rallies (nor white people for that matter).

      I'm glad you recognize how bigoted and racist it is for Trump to be paying black people to attend his rallies or express enthusiasm for him at pit stops (where he pretends they didn't know he was coming). Trump paid people to attend his initial escalator ride at his campaign announcement back in 2015. He still pays fake supporters to wear t-shirts claiming to be what they are not. It is FAKE, FALSE, LYING, CHEATING, IMMORAL, DECEPTIVE to do that stuff.

      Since you recognize what is wrong, don't vote for that guy. And don't blame us for pointing out his malfeasance. TRUMP is the bigoted, racist crook -- not us for pointing it out.

    14. First, you misunderstand McEnany's story - the black man was saying that he felt he would do better financially under Trump than under Harris, not that Trump was paying him for his vote.

      Second, it was YOU - not McEnany - who said, and I quote, "black people will do anything for money." That is pure prejudice.

    15. This is why cops ask you to take your license out of your wallet, when they make a traffic stop. If you hand them your wallet with the license in its plastic slot, it can be construed as soliciting a bribe (if the officer takes it) or offering a bribe (if the wallet contains money, as most wallets do).

      Paying for votes is illegal. Trump is a walking bribe machine. There are so many examples of him using money to get what he wants in political contexts, that it is exhausting to worry about. YOU all know this is happening. This is what is meant by the term "corruption" and it is rampant on the right, not just in Trump's world but among the grifters riding his coattails. This should not be permitted, legally, but Trump has real power and the law has priorities for prosecution.

      Trump stole and hid and refused to return hundreds of classified documents concerning sensitive national security matters. And there are people considering voting for him again. How on earth that is possible escapes me.

      I don't care what reason you choose for voting for Harris or NOT voting for Trump, but our nation cannot put that guy back into office again. Somerby has his choice of plausible reasons for opposing Trump. Why doesn't he express any of them, instead of this ridiculous nonsense that he posts day after day?

    16. PP is now claiming he cannot recognize sarcasm.

    17. No one knows what the intent was of that fictional black person in McEnany's story, but PP says it takes a racist to hint that he was soliciting payment for his endorsement of Trump, even though that is what Trump has been doing (paying black people to express enthusiasm for him) throughout this campaign. "black people will do anything for money." is a statement of the attitude expressed by Enany and the right wing, not my belief about black people. I thought that should be obvious from context but PP doesn't do context -- he just attacks other commenters.

      There are obviously black people who are willing to respond to Trump's fake flattery and hold their hand out while he pays them off. They may tell themselves he isn't so bad, that's he's a funny guy, or maybe they think they are getting payback in some way from a wealthy person. Or maybe they just think "I need the money, so why not me? He'll just hire someone else to do it if I refuse." They DO NOT support Trump's racism, but perhaps they believe he doesn't feel that way toward them personally. There are lots of ways to excuse or fool yourself into accepting money from white assholes.

      But 87% of black voters want nothing to do with Trump. That is consistent from 2016 to 2020 to present polling (excluding red wave fake polls). Maybe Angelina's father works for Trump in some capacity and his job is at stake. Who knows? I do know that it is racist to portray a black man as supporting Trump for money, as McEnany clearly did. That is just as racist as when the right accuses Harris of buying black votes when she promises more jobs in North Carolina, as they have done.

    18. Isn't it funny how often racist statements are made "sarcastically"?

    19. To be clear, the right wing has made that accusation. Harris not trying to bribe black people when she promises improvements in the economy to the general public. She has made it clear she will be the president for all of the people, just as Obama did when he ran, to counter similar accusations that he would show favoritism to buy black votes. Meanwhile Trump promises the world to attendees at his fundraisers, saying "what do you want from me?" And then giving it to them, as he did during his last term.

    20. Everyone here knows exactly where PP is coming from.

    21. "Angelina" was staged, it's indicated in the article.

      Trump's use of Black people is an ugly form of racism called tokenism.

      Recent polls show that Harris is getting the same percent of the Black vote that all Dem presidents have received historically.

      It is true that Trump has increased his share of the Black male vote, he was able to bump it up from 5% to 5.1%, so you know, watch out! (for PP, that increase is a fraction of the margin of error, it's just an insignificant statistical glitch)

    22. Anonymouse 1:53pm, actually anonymices sound not only ridiculous, but insane.

      Angelina couldn’t have had any real concerns because Kevin Drum has explained that food prices aren’t going up? That has to be the most clueless political operative thinking on the planet.
      Along with the implication that if anyone complains about or questions food prices, whether it’s to Trump or Harris, they’re a conservative shill.

      No wonder you’re the third level team in the Soros league.

    23. Ah we have found our Delta Smelt, it is 3:29.

      Although it is unclear if it is the Iowa species or the CA one.

    24. Republicans are raging because they bought into the false narrative that Trump was gaining Black voters, but turns out this was just a hoax and now they want to speak to the manager.

    25. 3:21. Yes, everyone knows "where I'm coming from" because I use a nym. But nobody knows "where you're coming from" because you hit, and then you hide.

    26. People know where I am coming from because I tell them. I don't play coy little games or avoid discussing the topic at hand, like you do PP.

    27. 4:40. Who are you? Are you the racist who can't read? Or someone else?

    28. Cee-Lee-Ugh at 1:34 - don't feel too badly about getting hucked by this ruse. You're not alone. "Distant lands" Somerby is a fellow rube:

      The Montgomery GOP promoted Banks' campaign events in 2022. Banks also has promoted other candidates for the GOP such as Dr. Oz and Dave McCormick and has appeared on air on a local pro-Trump radio show.

      In July, Banks was at the RNC as part of the Pennsylvania Delegation where she served as an alternate delegate. Banks also appeared on stage with JD Vance at a Moms for American event on Tuesday.


    29. That's Banks, as in Angelina Banks.

    30. Cecelia is way too smart to fall for a Republican hoax.
      It's his lack of character, not intellectual acumen, that makes him repeat bullshit.

    31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    32. Thanks, deadslab! I couldn't believe Bob was taking anything from a Trump rally at face value, but when you have A Point to make, judgement can be cloudy.

  9. "We take out our bombs and begin calling names. But then, this real Angelina appears."

    Do we really know that Angelina is real? Might she not be as fake as the "Auto Workers for Trump" who were prominent at a recent Trump rally in Michigan? Or the (apparently white) people sporting "Blacks for Trump" t-shirts at several rallies?

    At this point, we have no reason to take the candidate's word for anything.

    1. As I was saying:

      "The Georgia town hall, where Trump took questions on reproductive laws, transgender rights and other issues, aired Wednesday morning," according to the CNN report. "But Fox News did not disclose that the female audience it selected for the event was packed with local Republican supporters."

      Moreover, Fox News edited out moments where participants in the town hall said things that made this too obvious, " reported Hadas Gold and Liam Reilly.

  10. “[I]f a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.”

    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    When Republicans support an amoral person like Trump, who does not have any policy beyond advancing his own self-interest, Republican become the very thing that Eisenhower warned against -- a conspiracy to seize power.

    Morals matter. As some Republicans are now declaring, they may not support every policy or program or idea expressed by Harris, but they recognize that she is a moral person who is seeking to serve her country. The same cannot be said of Trump, Vance or many of the people who support them, and that is why Republicans are not switching parties but choosing the political alternative as opposed to the naked attempt to steal power at the expense of our national interests.

    Please consider this when you cast your early ballot.

    1. Will do. I made the mistake of voting for Trump, but now I am voting for Harris, although I look forward to the day that us Republicans have a non corrupt candidate. Trump is just beyond the pale, and the Supreme Court is off the rails.

    2. "I look forward to the day that us Republicans have a non corrupt candidate."

      Dream on.

  11. "In our view, we inhabitants of Blue America are engaging in mountains of denial when we refuse to acknowledge the fact that there could be reasons for such a vote which aren't based on racism or bigotry, or on some other deplorable quality."

    Which is why it is going to be so very much enjoyable to watch the inhabitants of Blue America completely freak out when, not only Trump get over 300 EC votes, but that the GOP will have the majority in both the House and Senate come Jan. 2025.

    The first thing that they should do is to ask the Dems to join them to abolish the filibuster in order to pass their Supreme Court "reform" package to give Trump another 3 or 4 seats to fill. LOL

    1. If that happens, I will move to another country. I want to live among people who tell the truth and keep their word, not scum like Trump.

    2. 4:37 - troll harder, rube.

    3. The bad news is this election is over. The good news is Democrats will have 4 years to groom a better candidate and adjust their platform and rhetoric.

    4. Fun Fact: Anyone who isn't a bigot, or isn't perfectly fine with bigotry, left the Republican Party more than two dozen years ago.

  12. The bad news is this election is over. The good news is Democrats will have 4 years to groom a better candidate and adjust their platform and rhetoric.

    1. Dems are barbecue chicken.

    2. It ain't over until the Fat man changes his dirty diaper.

    3. This election is over.

    4. This is going to be a landslide victory for Trump and a humiliating defeat for Democrats. Democrats have 4 years to regroup and learn from the loss. How they react is really important.

  13. "MeidasTouch has been able to identify two of these four constituents, Angelina Banks and Yanni Lambros, as being former MAGA Republican political candidates. In other words, Trump's campaign had MAGA Republican operatives posing as regular voters asking questions as his Pennsylvania town hall event, a move that mitigates his risk of holding a town hall.

    One thing striking about all four individuals, often reading from notecards, was that the questions they asked were written in a way that were very favorable to Trump, allowing him to hit on his favorite topics like the economy, inflation, and immigration. Two of the four individuals used their questions to attack the Biden / Harris administration, and the two others mentioned leaving the Democratic Party. "

    So now we know who "Angelina" is.
