FLYWEIGHTS: American carnage, eight years on!


What they're permitted to say: Eight years ago, he gave his first speech as the American president. 

The speech had a slightly unusual theme. That theme was "American carnage."

Fun fact—and at this point, is there any other kind:

In President Carter's "malaise speech." he never said the word "malaise." In this later president's "American carnage" speech, he said "carnage" only once:

TRUMP (1/20/17): ...January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.

The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now.

You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement the likes of which the world has never seen before.

At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction: that a nation exists to serve its citizens.

Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves.

These are the just and reasonable demands of a righteous public.

But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system, flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of knowledge; and the crime and gangs and drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.

This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.

For the record, the forgotten men and women of our country hadn't exactly "come by the tens of millions" on that particular day.

Perhaps that wasn't what the new president meant. There followed a deeply disordered, baldly idiotic dispute about how many people had come to the inauguration.

That baldly idiotic dispute was a harbinger of what was to come. You could call it a harbinger of the carnage which has unfolded in the past eight years.

In the passage posted above, you can see the only use of the word "carnage" that day. Given the nature of the occasion, it was widely viewed, rightly or wrongly, as an odd choice of words.

That said, the new president was saying that he would attack poverty in our inner cities, along with an education system which was leaving kids deprived of knowledge.

Beyond that, he would attack the existence crime and gangs and drugs, but also the loss of the manufacturing base which left rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the American landscape.

Language choices to the side, those were familiar objectives. Eight years later, David Brooks has now described what he sees when he looks across that same landscape.

His column was written in reaction to yesterday's Hegseth hearing. He wasn't impressed by what he saw. By the end of his column, we'd have to say that he's coming around to our own long-expressed point of view.

For the record, we disagree with Brooks' statement concerning what "we" deserve. In fact, we don't even know who he means by "we" in that declaration—but we agree with the way he concludes:

We Deserve Pete Hegseth


If you are holding hearings for a prospective secretary of defense, you would think you might want to ask him about these urgent issues...If you’re a Democrat trying to sink a nomination, you would think you’d want to ask substantive questions on life-or-death issues like these in order to expose the nominee’s ignorance and unpreparedness.

But did this happen at the Pete Hegseth hearings in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee this week? If you thought those kinds of questions would dominate the hearings, you must be living under the illusion that we live in a serious country.

We do not. We live in a soap opera country. We live in a social media/cable TV country. In our culture you don’t want to focus on boring policy questions; you want to engage in the kind of endless culture war that gets voters riled up. You don’t want to focus on topics that would require study; you focus on images and easy-to-understand issues that generate instant visceral reactions. You don’t win this game by engaging in serious thought; you win by mere attitudinizing—by striking a pose. Your job is not to advance an argument that might help the country; your job is to go viral.

Pete Hegseth is of course the living, breathing embodiment of this culture. The world is on fire and what’s his obsession? Wokeness in the military. I went through high school trying to bluff my way through class after doing none of the reading, and in Hegseth, I recognize a master of the craft. During the hearings Hegseth repeatedly said he was going to defend the meritocracy. In what kind of meritocracy is being a Fox TV host preparation for being secretary of defense? Maybe in the one Caligula fancied when he contemplated making his horse a consul.


All of this has been corrupted by the war for short attention spans. In the 19th century we had the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Today it would be the Lincoln-Douglas TikTok wars followed by “Three Takeaways From the Lincoln-Douglas Debates” followed by a panel of pundits (like me) analyzing whether Stephen Douglas helped himself with swing voters in DuPage County.

Can this kind of country prevail in a global conflict of systems? Maybe, but maybe not.

Given the broken state of our culture, can our failing nation expect to prosper—to function, to "prevail?"

We've long said the answer is no. After watching the Hegseth hearing, David Brooks has given voice to a similar point of view.

("I finished watching the hearings sick to my stomach," he says at one point in his column.)

Back in November, the incoming president said he would nominate the baldly ludicrous Matt Gaetz to be the attorney general. At that time, the ridiculous Gaetz was widely compared to Caligula's famous horse.

Before long, Gaetz was thrown under the bus. In his column, Brooks transfers the bridle to the hotheaded Hegseth, whose nomination for secretary of defense will almost surely be going through. 

Then again, there is the more "qualified" Pam Bondi, who yesterday offered this mandated non-answer during her own Senate hearing:

DURBIN (1/15/25): Are you prepared to say today, under oath and without reservation, that President Trump lost the presidential contest to Joe Biden in 2020?

BONDI: Ranking member Durbin, President Biden is the president of the United States. He was duly sworn in and he is the president of the United States. There was a peaceful transition of power. President Trump left office and was overwhelmingly elected in 2024.

Posing as a flyweight, that's what Bondi said. What you see there is part of the carnage the powers that be have chosen.

To wit:

Under current tribal arrangements, a person like Bondi has been given permission to say that Biden was in fact "sworn in."

Such people are permitted to say that there was "a transition of power." They're even permitted to say that Joe Biden is the president of the United States. Indeed, they allowed to say it two times!

They aren't permitted, to this very day, to say that Joe Biden won the 2020 election or to say that Donald Trump lost. They aren't permitted to make that blindingly obvious statement—to give a direct, responsive answer to a question of the type this tribal spear-chucker was asked.

(As a matter of loyalty, they may feel obliged to throw in an irrelevant assessment of the 2024 election—the one they weren't asked to assess. Bondi said her owner won that election "overwhelmingly." That strikes us as a stretch, but it's a breath of fresh air compared to her North Korean-adjacent avoidance of the question she was actually asked.)

Bondi's refusal to answer Senator Durbin's is part of the carnage with which we've all been left in the wake of the past eight tears. 

Back in 2017, an incoming president spoke of "American carnage." Then, at the end of his term, he saddled us American citizens with an astounding amount of same.

We refer to the undisguised lunacy which followed the November 2020 election—the transparently lunatic claims from the Trump camp, followed by the transparently lunatic conduct of January 6, 2021.

The videotape of that day's violent conduct is never shown to Red America by the Fox News Channel. For ourselves, we flash on the fall of Troy, as described by Professor Knox, as we think about that day's carnage:

PROFESSOR KNOX (1990): The whole poem [known as the Iliad] has been moving toward this duel between the two champions, but there has never been any doubt about the outcome...And the death of Hector seals the fate of Troy; it will fall to the Achaeans, to become the pattern for all time of the death of a city. 

The images of that night assault—the blazing palaces, the blood running in the streets, old Priam butchered at the altar, Cassandra raped in the temple, Hector's baby son thrown from the battlements, his wife Andromache dragged off to slavery—all this, foreshadowed in the Iliad, will be stamped indelibly on the consciousness of the Greeks throughout their history....

So went the carnage when sacred Troy fell. That said, it seems to us that the lunacies of the past eight years have come from more than one quarter.

Our incoming president has engaged in outright lunacy again and again and again and again, and then he's done so some more. In another form of American carnage, our brightest and best—the "highly educated" men and women of Blue America's major news orgs—have never been willing or able to describe these waves of disordered behavior for what they apparently are.

Having said that, let us add this:

After President Biden did in fact win that election, variations on carnage continued. The new president adopted unexplainable policies at the southern border—policies he never tried to explain. Nor did he ever try to explain the economic difficulties which—all across the developed world—were following the dislocation brough on by the Covid disaster.

For reasons which went unexplained, the new president kept declining to explain. In the face of what seemed to be growing evidence, tribunes of our own Blue America kept saying that nothing was wrong with his capability or with his frequently non-existent behavior.

They kept saying he was sharp as a tack. They even said that the southern border was locked up tight as a drum. 

(Midway through his fourth year in office, he finally took executive actions to tighten up the border. What had he waited so long? Did anyone ever explain?)

Shortly after last November's election, the Atlantic's Tim Alberta—he had long been NeverTrump—explained what was wrong with this conduct, which almost surely helped produce our current state of American carnage:

ALBERTA (11/8/24): As someone who has spilled a lot of ink on Donald Trump's lies over the past decade—

GOLDBERG: A couple of books worth.

ALBERTA: —a couple of books worth, I just want to say this when we talk about propaganda. Arguably, the three most determinative things in this election were propaganda from the Democratic Party. 

Number one: "Joe Biden is fine and totally fit to be president for another four years." He wasn't. 

Number two: "The border is closed. It's under control. There's nobody coming in."  That was not true. 

And number three: "Hey, don't worry about inflation. Prices are fine. Bidenomics! Everything's great. You guys don't know what you're talking about. Actually, the economy is in great shape." 

This is propaganda to millions of Americans who said, "None of that is true, and therefore, I don't trust you."  They might not trust Trump, but they don't trust Democrats either.

This helps explain why we lost, he said. In our view, he was describing behavior which bordered on the semi-crazy. 

In our view, the behavior Alberta described was less lunatic than the behavior from TrumpWorld which followed that disordered person's loss in 2020, but it was disordered conduct too. Joined by other lunacies here within our own Blue America, that disordered behavior helps explain the carnage we now face.

David Brooks seems to have come around to our own general point of view. He has stated what is blindingly obvious—it isn't clear that our failing nation can survive the waves of carnage of the past eight years.

We've been advancing that point of view for roughly a decade now. We largely agree with the conclusion Brooks draws at the end of his new column:

We live in a soap opera [flyweight] country...Can this kind of country prevail in a global conflict of systems? Maybe, but maybe not.

For ourselves, we'll go with most likely not. But even as Brooks' column appeared, the clown cars just kept rolling along at the Fox News Channel, and the clown cars were filled with flyweights.

Inevitably, the clown car "judge" had employed her favorite nickname for the governor of one of our failing nation's most important states.

She had referred to him by a nickname; instead of using his actual name, she named him simply as "Greasy." Can a large modern nation expect to prevail with clowns like this in the saddle, around the clock, at one of its most influential "news" orgs?

Bondi can't say that Biden won. On the Fox News Channel, a silly clown like Judge Jeanine is hailed for her greatness when she plays the inveterate loudmouth, day after day after day.

At the Times, they avert their gaze from this round-the-clock carnage. In his new column, Brooks has broken rank.

Tomorrow: What the flyweight said


  1. "We Deserve Pete Hegseth


    If you are holding hearings for a prospective secretary of defense, you would think you might want to ask him about these urgent issues...If you’re a Democrat trying to sink a nomination, you would think you’d want to ask substantive questions on life-or-death issues like these in order to expose the nominee’s ignorance and unpreparedness."

    While Brooks lists the questions he thought might have been asked, Somerby does not. You would think that someone complaining about the questions asked might tell his readers what they were, especially the ones that were not asked but should have been.

    Somerby doesn't actually care what Hegseth was and wasn't asked. If he did, he might have mentioned the omitted questions himself. Brooks does.

    Somerby has space to talk about Caligula, but not about what Hegseth should have been asked, but was not, and not about what Hegseth actually said that was the basis for Democratic criticism of his nomination. Why would Somerby waste time talking about women in the military, for example, when Somerby dislikes women and no doubt agrees with Hegseth's complaints about them.

    The purpose of today's essay is to knock Democrats. Don't be fooled by any accidental mentions of Hegseth. Apparently, Democrats are responsible for everything that is wrong on Fox News. As usual, Somerby doesn't explain how.

  2. "After President Biden did in fact win that election, variations on carnage continued. The new president adopted unexplainable policies at the southern border—policies he never tried to explain. Nor did he ever try to explain the economic difficulties which—all across the developed world—were following the dislocation brough on by the Covid disaster.

    For reasons which went unexplained, the new president kept declining to explain. In the face of what seemed to be growing evidence, tribunes of our own Blue America kept saying that nothing was wrong with his capability or with his frequently non-existent behavior."

    This is a total lie. Biden did his job as president well and the facts of the economy were explained to the American people, more coherently than Trump has ever explained anything in his life. This is akin to Somerby's complaint that Einstein didn't explain his theories clearly enough for Somerby to understand them, or that Godel never did anything important with his work in logic because Somerby couldn't follow explanations of it. Biden communicated well, and his surrogates did too.

    Somerby outrageously claims that because he himself obstinately refused to appreciate Biden's accomplishments, Biden must be senile. That reasoning is not only ridiculous but reveals Somerby's own motives in knocking Biden here, day after day, using Republican propaganda to push Biden aside, and then complaining because he thought Harris too was a bad politician. None of that is true, but it does show how Somerby carried water for Trump during the election.

  3. Somerby has the opportunity, after quoting Trump's American carnage speech and explaining what the carnage was, to go on and finish the thought by telling us how much progress Trump made in solving the problems he outlined in 2017. The answer is none. He left Biden with an ineffective response to covid, higher inflation and more border crossings than when he entered office. Biden reduced those things. Biden's stats upon leaving office show material improvement in all areas, in ways Trump never was able to do. But Somerby has the nerve to call Biden names and ignore his progress.

  4. "Inevitably, the clown car "judge" had employed her favorite nickname for the governor of one of our failing nation's most important states."

    "On the Fox News Channel, a silly clown like Judge Jeanine is hailed for her greatness when she plays the inveterate loudmouth, day after day after day."

    It isn't Democrats who call Judge Jeanine great. It is Republicans, and yet Somerby is here day after day chiding Democrats for things we did not do.

    Who did Jeanine call "greasy"? I cannot find any reference like that using a search engine. Somerby really should have said, instead of referring to some unnamed state. This kind of coyness undercuts Somerby's complaints because it is clear he isn't interested in what she said about whom, but merely wants to denigrate us for allowing her to do what she does, as if we Democrats had any control over Fox News and its on-screen talent. We don't watch Fox. Somerby does that. We don't tell Judge Jeanine what to say. There is nothing we could do, and nothing Biden could do, that would cause Fox to stop attacking Democrats the way they are paid to do.

    Who pays Somerby to daily attack Democrats here with these ridiculous complaints about how Paul Krugman never told the American people that Biden did a good job economically speaking. And Harris never explained her activities to reduce the flow of asylum seekers at the border, except every day of the week during her campaign!

    And if Biden didn't get credit for his accomplishments, that is his own fault for not speaking clearly enough and not Somerby's fault for never mentioning a single positive thing about him or Harris (except her nice smile), despite telling us all that he supported Harris and would vote for her. His complaints about her were as relentless as those of Judge Jeanine. But who is greasy? Somerby doesn't say, much less defend, whoever that word was applied to.

  5. Carnage is not the right word to describe America in 2017 but neither is it the right word to describe anything happening now. Nevertheless, Somerby grabs it and runs with it, applying it to journalism and the left and pretending it means something just because it is negative and shocking.

    carnage definition: "the killing of a large number of people"

    Trump killed a lot of people through his inaction during covid. The word would be correctly applied to that context. No one on Fox has killed anyone. No one questioning Hegseth killed anyone. The carnage in Gaza is being stopped due to Biden's last-minute negotiation of a cease-fire, so carnage stopped there. The carnage of fentanyl overdoses have been dramatically reduced under Biden. So has the carnage of job losses and unemployment is at an all time low.

    How is the word carnage appropriate for Somerby to apply to anything Democrats have said or done? It is about as appropriate as "flyweight" which refers only to a weight class in sports, not to performance by anyone. So why has Somerby adopted the word? Because he likes the way it sounds -- negative and horrifying -- and that is the same reason Trump uses it. Because it is big and grandiose and meaningless but bad sounding. And oddly, both Somerby and Trump are applying the word to the same villain -- the Democrats and the state of our country under Democratic leadership.

  6. Questions were asked of Hegseth about his actual qualifications. Hirono pointed out that he couldn't name the member states in one of our important alliances. But the drinking and sexual abuse allegations and his lies about his past are relevant too because character is important to someone in a leadership position. As explained, if Hegseth cannot meet the same standards as enlisted officers in the military he would direct, then he is unfit for the job.

    Somerby implies that these questions are unimportant or even frivolous. I don't believe that sexual assault is a minor offense. I also do not believe that his attitude that women cannot serve because they do not meet standards is a trivial matter. Somerby apparently does. That says more about Somerby than about Brooks or Hegseth.

    1. I am an old timer and I can tell you with certainty that any one of these revelations of Hegseth's embarrassing past would have resulted in the instant political death in the past, for anyone in politics, let alone someone trying to be confirmed by the Senate for the position of Secretary of Defense. We're in a new age now, with trump acting like John Gotti and holding the Musk $$$$ over every republican senator's head. And Somerby goddamn fucking knows it. Republicans spent the day lowering the bar, making excuses, asking him how many pushups he can do. But Somerby here gets his panties in a twist because Democrats tried to do their job.


  7. "They aren't permitted, to this very day, to say that Joe Biden won the 2020 election or to say that Donald Trump lost. "

    They aren't permitted? Jeez, Bob. Are you really that dumb? Are you still desperately looking for that elusive "white paper" not noticing dozens, hundreds of them right in front of your eyes?

    Why are you embarrassing yourself like this?

    1. The quickest way to get cancel cultured by the Right.

    2. It was way, way too easy for the "blahs" to vote in the 2020 presidential election.

    3. Anonymouse 10:56am, baloney. I’ve argued with Republicans about the validity of the 2020 election endlessly, in person and online and very heatedly and NOT ONE of them has accused me being a closet liberal. They’ve questioned my intelligence, judgment, and general ditziness, but never my character or political druthers. NOT ONCE, baby.

    4. Of course Republicans are not going to allow the Democrats to turn the confirmation hearings into a debate about the validity of Biden’s election. There is nothing to gain in that. Not one thing. Even California Democrats wouldn’t be that stupid.

    5. It is pointless and idiotic for Dems to ask Bondi if she believed Joe Biden won the election. Who the fuck cares what she thinks. It isn't up to her.

    6. Asking a Republican what they think is a waste of time, because they refuse to give a good faith answer.

    7. "Even California Democrats wouldn’t be that stupid."

      Oh, that's gold. GOLD, Cecelia!

    8. If Republicans couldn’t blame the victim, they’d be silent.

    9. Anon@11:57
      That actually is the point of asking. Bondi is the pick to lead the Department of Justice. Historically, it has been important for the DOJ to maintain its independence from the White House in order to avoid politicization of the law. When Bondi is unable to state an obvious fact because it might offend Trump, we can see clearly that independence is off the table.

      The Senate GOP doesn't care, of course. In the press, it's a one-day story. We'll move on. But the question that she wouldn't answer tells us clearly what we're facing for the next four years or longer.

    10. QiB, yes, it’s so obvious that I’m sure that were the tables turned any Democratic candidate for an administrative office would just love to expound upon Republican election malfeasance during a confirmation hearing.

    11. These were yes or no questions with short, simple, clear answers. Bondi was evasive.

  8. Somerby keeps walking right up to the line, while asking 'What could the Democrats say to get voters Trump got, to vote for them instead?" But he's afraid of telling us what that is, because he'd have to admit the Left has been correct about the Right all along.

    1. Anonymouse 10:53am, even the very liberal NYT didn’t hold back in telling you this:

    2. liberal NYT! Haha, Cec. I know you're just being ironic. very clever

    3. Anonymouse 11:30am, no, I’m merely being sentient.

    4. The NY Times went on a war against President Biden and finally drove him out of the race. Maybe you didn't notice, Cec. I would say you're not too sentient.

    5. Anonymouse 11;38am, you're right. The NYT didn’t seem to notice Biden’s mental decline until it was unavoidable, but I don’t think that was a lack of sentience rather than it being ideological partisanship on their part. On your part, it’s both.

    6. That was a little incoherent, Sister Cec. Put the wine down and try again.

    7. The NY Times was too busy punching down on trans kids, and calling protesters of Israel's genocide of Palestinians "anti-Semites", to notice anything else.

    8. Trump to Netanyahu (with approval from The NY Times): Finish the job!

    9. Trump to that Secret Service agent: Finish the job! My penis is too small and my fat folds are too engorged for me to dock at Melania’s port.

      Republican voters: Me too!

    10. Sick burns, Cecelia. Yu da man!

    11. If Republicans couldn’t blame the victim, they’d be silent.

  9. Brooks laments that times have changed since the debates of the 1800s, back when Lincoln explicitly said that Blacks were inferior to Whites, back when slavery was the norm, back when women could not vote.

    Oh, the tragedy of progress, Brooks laments.

    All that icky progress giving rights to women and people of color. Yuck! Gross! Vaginas and kinky hair, aaaaaaaaa, run away!

    These children are almost hilariously squeamish, almost a laugh, but they’re really a cry.

    And Somerby nods his head in agreement, as he pretty much exclusively quotes and endorses right wing/Republican “analyses” of Dems.

    Sorry Bob, we are done taking “advice” from those out to destroy us.

    1. Anonymouse 11:26am, no, I think Somerby agreed with Brook’s assessment that the hearings were long on personal drama and short on discussion as to the qualifications for doing the actual job of defending the ole US of A. The latter being the most important thing to Lincoln as well, despite the backwardness in racial matters of that era.

    2. Hegseth's nomination makes clear the Right's problem with DEI is that it might help a black person, and not that it might lead to someone unqualified getting a job.

      You'd hope Bob and Brooks might notice.

    3. The Dems tried to show how unfit he was for the position. The repubs job was to highlight his qualifications for the role. I think it has something to do with dust on his boots and the protection of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    4. Anonymouse flying monkey 12:01pm, what’s gone down in California is not helping your spiel.

    5. Cec, you bigoted ignorant slug. What does DEI have to do with the fires in California. Try using your own words.

    6. Anonymouse 12:02pm, Brooks wanted that latter aspect emphasized. Maybe he remembers the Clinton Era mantra of competence over character.

    7. Anonymouse 12:10pm, try watching the news.

    8. 12:07,
      Do you mean the Unemployment rate? That's been happening all over Joe Biden's America, not just California, for 4 years.

    9. Anonymouse 12:11pm, I get where you’re coming from now. Try watching something other than MSNBC, dear.

    10. Sorry, Cecelia,
      Daddy Government isn't going to save you, no matter how much you cry out like a child for it to do so.
      The government is too under-funded, because some piece of shit won the Presidential election in 1980 by telling the citizens the government is the problem and taxes that fund the government make the problem worse.
      BTW, do you still believe elections should have consequences?


    11. Yeah. The demented regime has been lying about the unemployment rate for four years straight. To the point where no one believes any state numbers anymore.

    12. Nice cop out, Sister Cec. I didn't really expect you could do it.

    13. Expecting anything but drivel from a man pretending to be a woman is foolhardy.

    14. Anon@12:20
      So we should expect to see higher reported unemployment after the Trump administration stops the "lying"?


    15. We should, hopefully, expect to see the real numbers.

    16. You'll never get the real unemployment numbers from Trump, because he let Haitian immigrants eat them.

    17. This is just ONE (but the most ironic) video that. has blown up, so to speak, during the fires. Cali reporters have busted Gavin Newsom’s chops repeatedly about this and other failures…and you haven’t seen it and a TON of other info as to the LA fire control operation. Look at something other than Rachel now and again.

    18. Cecelia seems to be unaware that when evacuation orders are issued, the police have to go door-to-door to make sure all residents leave as ordered to do. Some people do stay behind. That is what she means when she says the guy is in the wrong place. He should have left when the neighborhood was evacuated. The same thing happens during hurricanes, so this is not something unique to this Fire Chief.

  10. So called “RINOs” are getting run out of office by Republican voters and are being threatened with prosecution by Trump.

    All because they dared to question the validity of the 1/6 insurrection and the rising fascism of the GOP.

    And these are not nice people, they are not “good ones”, they vote for all the typical Republican nonsense, but they do not show blind loyalty to Trump’s version of the Republican Party, so they have been tossed out with the trash.

    Excuse me if I fail to shed a single tear for these losers, canceled by a somewhat worse version of themselves.

  11. I voted for Trump because he was willing to demonstrate, even in front of children, how to fellate a man.

    1. Trump puts the “demon” in “demonstrate”.

    2. Typical Republican, rules for thee but not for me.

  12. In a blind poll, a majority of Republicans preferred Harris’ policies over Trump’s.

    1. Typical of Republicans, lacking integrity is a feature, not a bug.

  13. Republicans the day before the election: the economy is in ruin, society is in decline

    Republicans the day after the election: the economy is booming, everything is fine

    1. Typical of Republicans, lacking integrity is a feature, not a bug.

  14. "At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction: that a nation exists to serve its citizens."

    That conviction is is weak California. Great resources are devoted to things that don't serve our citizens, or, which may even disserve our citizens. E.g., reducing CO2 emissions, becoming a sanctuary state, the High Speed Rail. etc. etc.

    1. You should move to Alabama, Dickhead. Just don't tell the Klan that you're Jewish.

    2. ""At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction: that a nation exists to serve its citizens."

      Is this quote from Karl Marx?


    3. Employing retarded ugly dykes with near seven-digit salaries to destroy its cities.

    4. One would hope that people who disagree with my examples would present facts and analyses to demonstrate that these programs do serve citizens of California. Instead they're "refuted" with insults -- "racist", "communist", etc.

    5. Fuck you, Dickhead. Prove they don't serve the citizens. This is still a democracy, at least in California.

    6. David, the Lonely Liar, can dish insults, but like a typical bully/bully fanboy turns into a snowflake when faced with challenges to his views.

    7. David in Cal,
      First, convince me that corporations and billionaires should be taxed by the government, when they know the government is just going to waste that tax money helping the citizens.

    8. Make People Confuse David in Cal With Karl Marx Again.

    9. OK @12:18. Start with climate change. Official models show that any change in CA emissions will have virtually no impact on CA.

      It is fairly clear that the High Speed will never be widely used.

      Welcoming illegal immigrants puts a burden on all kinds of services: schools, hospitals, etc.

    10. No one is convinced by your misinformation David. Just go back to lying about your personal circumstances, it’s no more convincing, but it is more amusing.

    11. It's more than fairly clear Americans will hire illegal immigrants for cheap labor.
      Excuse me while i contact DOGE, and have them shutdown ICE.

    12. High speed rail is widely used throughout the rest of the developed world. It is a scandal that we are so far behind in this area, especially given the distances between important cities. David needs to take a trip to Europe. Economists have reported that the services used by immigrants (legal or otherwise) are outweighed by their contributions to our economy (including taxes that they pay in but will never get back in social security they are ineligible to receive).

  15. Somerby often makes sweeping generalizations about news media, Blue America, and the impact of media on the public, yet offers scant evidence to substantiate his claims.

    Evidence indicates that a majority of voters that closely or moderately follow the news, voted for Harris.

    Sure, corporate media is garbage, but that’s hardly news. Corporate media enjoys an outsized influence among politicians and pundits, but it has little significant influence over the electorate, and is not significantly determinative in elections.

  16. Somerby, thumb, scale.

    Rinse, repeat.

    1. Ignorance ain’t gonna manufacture itself.

  17. Let’s all cut Hegseth some slack. The dude pulled out to ejaculate after raping that woman. He obviously cares a lot about women, just ask his former wives, apparently his apologies after abusing and assaulting women are very sincere.

    1. At least Hegs was considerate enough to drug his victim first so she wouldn't be conscious during the ordeal.

    2. She was likely conscious but just couldn't remember what happened later. That isn't as considerate as you think.

  18. Despite the historic transfer of wealth propagated by Reagan, $53+ trillion from the bottom 90% to the top 1%, California has managed to become the 2nd largest economy in the world, per capita (5th overall) with the guidance of Dems.

    Republicans are enraged with faux righteous indignation, as CA provides most of the labor, produces most of the gdp, that Red America parasitically lives off of, as Republicans laze around in their McMansions and trailer parks, high off Fox News and meth.

  19. "That baldly idiotic dispute was a harbinger of what was to come."

    So baldly idiotic that Somerby decides to dredge it up years later. Now that's declining discourse.

  20. David and Cecelia:

    Do you support Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense?

    1. David and Cecelia support lying about their personal circumstances and spreading misinformation in order to get their daily emotional hit of “owning the libs”. The kicker is, apparently the bar is very low, since their gibberish never actually achieves their empty goal.

      Sure their behavior is shameful, but it’s also a shame society has produced such wounded lost souls, perpetually stuck in survivor mode where spewing hate is their only weapon to cope with the tragedy of their lives.


    2. David owns thousands of libs. Unfortunately, most libs are completely useless.

    3. @12:37 — I’m on the fence. Hegseth very smart and well educated. He has the right goals, OTOH, his record doesn’t indicate that he has the management ability needed to achieve these goals.

    4. David has yet to own a single lib, which is why he is perpetually lonely, coming here everyday desperate for attention.

      Repubs say they voted for Trump because he’s anti war, granted this is incoherent, but it’s funny how they are all gung ho for a neocon war hawk to head Defense…it’s almost as if they are proud of their ability to put aside any sense of integrity.


    5. David owns you, 1:16 PM, among thousands of other libs. Alas, most of you libs are completely useless.

    6. 1:32 you repeat yourself when under stress, but it’s no more convincing, it’s just sad.

      I’m gonna cry now.

    7. Republican voters only care about bigotry and white supremacy. Everything else is negotiable.

  21. My advice to Republicans, CEOs, and billionaires: hire lots of bodyguards.


  22. As a Republican, I own lots of guns, but do not fear, I only use bullet ballots for ammo.

  23. Watching this right wing blog slowly wither away is not unsatisfying.

    1. Do you mean watching Soros-bots, clowning in comments?

      Because the blog itself hasn't changed at all, for years.

    2. It might be time for Bob to shut it down.
      Other than dead-enders like Cecelia, David, and Mao, no one else is buying the idea that Republican voters care about anything other than bigotry.


    3. And why wouldn't you find a blog more to your retarded taste and read it, Soros-bot? Or should all blogs you Soros-bots dislike shut down?

    4. Bob’s been “shut down” for years, since his right wing shift, since he sold his soul to the devil, reducing this blog to a vanity outlet for his denial of racism and sexism.

    5. Yes, Mr. Soros. Whatever you say, Mr. Soros.

  24. Get back to us in 2 years about whether either of these two old men has the mental acuity to lead this country. The answer will be even more apparent then than as now: no.

    1. Unfortunately, Biden will not be presidrent in two years, so there will be no evidence about his ability to lead during that time. Trump has already shown that he lacks mental acuity but people voted for him anyway. That suggests that any future evidence will not be heeded either. People do not get better when they have dementia because it is a progressive disorder. It only gets worse. So, if it is bad now, it will be worse in two years. Biden does not have dementia (and he has proof of that fact). Trump refuses to release any medical records. Must we wait until he nukes Denmark before doing something about him?

    2. You are speaking to the choir here. However, if you cannot see the 4 year diminishment of Joe Biden, you have not been paying attention. In 2 years even the staunchest Trump supporters will see how bad he is, whether they admit it or not. He is heading down the path of his old man. If Biden is alive in 2 years and visible to the public, you too will see that the only viable candidate mentally among those three was Harris.

    3. Biden has been certified by a specialist to have only normal aging symptoms, not impairment. Referring to aging as "diminishment" is propagandistic language. We start declining due to age at 25. Do you want to say that a 29 year old is showing obvious signs of diminishment? That would be ridiculous because that person could obviously still do whatever job is at hand. Biden has shown that he can still capably do the job of president. That is what matters, not how fast he can walk from here to the corner or his reaction times playing video games. Trump is already bad and has shown that he is too cognitively impaired to campaign, much less function as president. He should release his health records (as Biden did every single year). Jimmy Carter was engaging in diplomatic negotiations on behalf of the US at age 86. Your belief that only young people can do any kind of work is wrong and ageist. Each older person should be evaluated individually against the demands of the job, not assumed to be impaired because they look old or walk slowly. Wisdom and experience and knowledge all increase with age and these traits are especially useful for national leadership positions. That should be considered, not just physical activities.

  25. This analysis of Biden's waxing and waning popularity explains the impact of current events on Biden's polling. It also explains why he ran for reelection and how Trump won, all without calling Biden senile or blaming Dems for hubris or any of Somerby's obnoxious finger-pointing. I find it plausible and a worthwhile reminder of the context during much of Biden's term. Facts matter.

  26. Somerby loves to get all nostalgic about folk music. Perhaps he can identify where this one came from:

    "The horses were walking, the 45's were talking, and they burned that man's house down with a "how do you do?"

    Hint: three famous folksingers were involved

    I think Somerby's knowledge of folk music is about an inch deep and consists of references to Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie.

    I played Jim & Jean's version of the Phil Ochs song Crucifixion today and was amazed by how well the lyric fit today's circumstances. Maybe I shouldn't have been. Somerby blames the Dems for not addressing culture war issues, but Somerby himself is on the wrong side of those issues (with the book banners, for example). He would be with the establishment in the 60s, not the kids. That makes it disgusting when he tries to borrow old song lyrics to repurpose for conservative use, when the original authors were opposed to his positions. Much as when Trump borrows songs to use at his rallies, knowing that the artists would never have supported him.

    Somerby's song lyrics are about whining and complaining, like Dylan does, not about winning freedom, racial progress, equality of wealth and opportunity, downtrodden people dealing with natural disasters (like the dustbowl), and a better life for all. Nothing at all like Somerby's rancid views.


  27. Yes, Mr. Soros. Indeed, among the Democrat party faithful homo and pedo are quite common.


  28. My supply of delicious word-salads is endless.

    Somerby is an ass. I sniff my fingers. My finger smells funny.

    I am Corby.

  29. "(Midway through his fourth year in office, he finally took executive actions to tighten up the border. What had he waited so long? Did anyone ever explain?)"

    This is nonsense. First, Biden kept in place many of the policies enacted by Trump when he came into office. Second, he immediately delegated VP Harris to act upon the suggestion that migration could be reduced by addressing the root causes of people leaving their home countires. She visited and worked with the three largest donor nations to address those problems and that successfully reduced border crossings. This was explained to the people at the time and during Harris's campaign, when Republicans were blaming her for not going to the US border. Her approach worked.

    Somerby confuses Trump's tough talk with action. Trump didn't actually do what he claimed, from building a wall to closing the border (something he could not do). He also ignores the problem Biden had with the courts ruling that some of his border actions were not permitted. Somerby also seems to have been affected by Trump's demagoguing immigrants as scapegoats, blaming crimes on immigrants that were committed by citizens or legal immigrants. Somerby may not understand that asylum-seekers are not illegals and must be permitted to apply for asylum and wait for their cases to be heard. That was true for Trump too.

    Somerby calls for an explanation of something that is in his own imagination, not a fact of Biden's term in office. It is not Biden's fault if immigration and border issues are complex, Somerby has accepted Republican propaganda as truth instead of seeking information to address his questions. Both Biden and Harris made many statements about immigration and the border throughout Biden's term and during the Harris campaign. Yes, much of it conflicted with the claims of Republicans. But Democrats are not responsible for forcing everyone, including an intrasigent Somerby, to believe official sources instead of Republican lies.

  30. Everywhere I go, people tell me Trump is hiring illegal immigrants to control our borders, because he can't find white people competent enough for the job.

    1. Anonymouse flying monkey 3:27pm, of course illegals are telling you that they’re border control or police officers. They can see thru you coming and going.

    2. My illegal friends understand that Trump could be dangerous to them, but they understand that his policies are best for the country as a whole. So they look beyond their selfish interests, and they support him.

    3. My Right-wing friends say looking beyond your own self interest, and instead understanding policies that are best for the country is woke.


  31. 𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔦𝔪𝔭𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔱 ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔱.


  32. ℑ 𝔰𝔦𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔶 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℑ 𝔞𝔪 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔟𝔢𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔠𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔩𝔶 𝔢𝔫𝔧𝔬𝔶𝔢𝔡 𝔶𝔬𝔲’𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔢𝔟 𝔭𝔞𝔤𝔢.
