BREAKING: Services delayed till this afternoon!


Possibly on the brighter side: We'll be posting then.


  1. Replies
    1. You are not Corby. You are Boris.

      I am Corby.

  2. Voter explains why he doesn’t like Biden:

    1. If Biden can't control his women how is he supposed to control the country?

    2. Kevin Drum is a smart man, but here he is missing something obvious. Biden got votes by promising relief from student. He did not deliver.

      Saying “he tried” or “it was the Court’s fault” did nothing to reduce the debt burden.

    3. Biden already cancelled over $100 Billion in student loan debt. If it wasn't for you fucking republicans with sticks up your ass and the fucking corrupt supreme court it would have been all alot more. Go fuck yourself, you fascist prick.

    4. Forgiving student loan debt isn't fair to the people who paid off their student debt.
      Also, getting life-saving vaccines isn't fair to people who died from disease.

    5. Bribing brainwashed idiots with taxpayers' money is perfectly fair and decent.

      I am Corby.

    6. Why isn't it fair, 11:50?

    7. USDA to Begin Issuing $1.75 Billion to Agricultural Producers Through Critical Emergency Relief Programs

      This isn't fair to those of us who don't have mega-farms.

    8. 11:50, apologize for my hasty post. I didn't read the second line.

    9. He was serious. Vaccines are unjust. I am Corby. Not Boris. Corby.

    10. "Canceling" student loans really means giving government money to people with college debts. I favor giving government money to needy people. But, why should the government give money to middle-class people who have had the benefit of a college education?

    11. It benefits our entire economy when students become educated. It also reduces health care costs for us all and reduces costs for social services, law enforcement and prisons. Students who are better educated have better stats in all respects on indicators of social well-being, which costs our society less. This return, which benefits the students as well as the rest of us, far exceeds whatever Biden forgave. This is why the rest of the developed countries worldwide provides free higher education to its citizens. Even Mexico does that.

    12. "I favor giving government money to needy people."

      David, Trump giving that HUGE tax break to the rich and corporations still didn't turn you off from his bigotry. I (don't at all) wonder why.

    13. "Biden got votes by promising relief from student. He did not deliver."

      He should have ran his deal by Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow, before making that promise.

  3. Bob seems to be saying that we should all watch Fox News. Doesn’t he realize no liberal would ever do so? He must be on Putin’s private payroll.

    1. Maybe Fox News is paying him to suggest we all watch it more often?

      That binder that Trump stole contains classified info about Russian involvement in our elections. Perhaps you should wait before mocking the idea that Putin has been paying people to elect Trump.

    2. Influencers get paid for influencing people.

    3. Maybe Fox News is paying him to suggest we all watch it more often?

      I am Corby.

    4. "Perhaps you should wait before mocking the idea that Putin has been paying people to elect Trump."

      Perhaps you should get some evidence before suggesting that Putin has been paying Somerby to elect Trump.

    5. Do you not understand that Trump stole the binder with classified information in it about how Putin funded efforts to subvert American elections? It has been in the news the past few days.

    6. "Russia Tried to Weaken Democrats Ahead of Midterms
      December 19, 2023 at 6:34 am EST By Taegan Goddard

      “The Russian government and its proxies attempted to denigrate the Democratic Party and undermine voter confidence ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, an operation that most likely sought to weaken U.S. support for Ukraine,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

      “The findings come amid rising concerns from U.S. officials and security experts about the potential that foreign adversaries may pour ample resources into interfering in the 2024 presidential election contest eight years after Russia engineered a multipronged interference campaign to help Republican Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton, his Democratic foe in the 2016 election.”

    7. So that's the rabbit hole you've gone down? Putin is funding Somerby; Trump had a binder proving that Putin was funding Somerby; and Trump stole the binder to keep Putin's payments to Somerby secret. Do I have that right?

    8. Who knows who is funding Somerby. Putin is funding an effort to put Trump back in office so Putin can take over Ukraine and whoever is next on his list. Whatever his motive, Somerby is helping the right. Trump had a highly classified binder checked out to him with info about Russian efforts to subvert American elections (among other things). That binder has disappeared and was not among the documents recovered. Somerby is nobody, but his rightward shift in 2015 suggests someone is paying him.

    9. Ah, I forgot. The crucial "rightward shift in 2015" theory, a shift discernable by you and no-one else.

    10. Somerby's strong defense of pro-Palestinian protesters also suggests Russian funding rather than Republican deep money. The progressive support for Palestinians is disruptive of Democratic Party politics and seems to be a way to pull votes from Biden, especially among young people. Anything that divides the Democrats and helps put Trump in office helps Russia. Russia has been encouraging Gaza turmoil as a way of draining resources from Ukraine aid by forcing the US to provide more Israel aid and support. Somerby's efforts are right in line with that goal, and not consistent with right wing evangelical support for Israel or Trump's goals (minimal as they are beyond his own personal needs). Somerby has essentially been undermining Biden and our government's policies in his support for Palestinians and their disruptive activities.

      It was a surprise to me that Somerby came out so strongly for the Palestinian cause, when he has been supporting right wing causes such as book banning lately. His essays make more sense as an effort to disrupt American politics by Putin on Trump's behalf, than as a sincerely held belief.

      If you read Rachel Maddow's new book Prequel, you see how much money Germany spent during WWI to influence American support for their side. Knowing that this has happened earlier in our history makes it not only believable but likely that it is happening now, at sites like Somerby's.

      The presence of propaganda sites like this trying to meddle in our next election provides the rationale Dogface has been seeking for why some of us continue to comment here. The worse Somerby gets, the more counter-voices are needed to keep Russia from bending minds and stealing votes in favor of a man who is not only suffering from dementia but wasn't a competent or fit man to begin with, as his last term should have shown all. This is part of campaigning now.

      Dogface, the Corby troll, the pro-Palestinian voices that have recently appeared en masse, the fanboys, are all part of the effort to reelect Trump so that Putin can prosper. The rest of us are needed to remind readers of reality and reassure them that the left is alive and well and will not tolerate treason in the name of right-wing greed.

    11. I date the shift to 2015 because that is when Somerby abandoned all pretense, but others saw it happening earlier. There is consensus among left-wing readers here that it happened. A lot of commenters left then (or before). Pretending no one can see it but me doesn't fly. Dogface, of course, is too lazy to go back and read what Somerby wrote during that time period. And if I were to post links, he would deny them, which is evidence of his bad faith. And that itself is more evidence that these trolls are not here as individuals but motivated to do a job.

      Just as I do not understand the thinking of Trump supporters, I do not understand how anyone could sell out their country to Russia this way, but clearly people do it.

    12. Hispanics are saying "No Thank You" to Biden and the Democratic party.

    13. Keep dreaming...

    14. Yes, you caught me! I’m happily cashing those big Putin checks.

    15. Others are, including Trump.

    16. But seriously: This clown is now accusing Somerby of treason - treason! - without a shred of evidence. McCarthy would be proud.

    17. Stop being histrionic. Supporting Putin explicitly on a blog is little different than supporting Hamas, and both are a matter of free speech. It isn’t as if Somerby stole classified docs to share with Putin.

  4. There's never not been less of a reason to not support the Desantis campaign.

    1. Annoying people is no way to gain votes.

  5. This is what the 2024 is about:

    Trump is talking like a neo-Nazi so he needs to be recognized and treated like one. This is no time to be hesitant or tentative about labeling this man as what he is, a fascist dictator-wannabe traitor to our nation's most strongly held values. It doesn't matter if he has MAGA jerks cheering for him. He is demented (literally) and unfit to serve as president and cannot be elected again.

    Meanwhile, Somerby's friend Rosanne Barr is making such crazy statements at Turning Point (Republican conference) that everyone is embarrassed by her nutso rants. Yet she is just doing the same thing as Trump does. It is time for Republicans to wake up and boot these people off the podium.

    Encourage your friends and relatives to do the right thing at the polls in November. And don't let Somerby get away with spreading the filth that is the rot at the heart of America -- eliminationist rhetoric aimed at immigrants and Democrats in order to mobilize the haters on the right.

  6. I ♥ illegal immigrants.
    From a distance. Unless they are Arabs, Persians, or Russians.
    I ♥ illegal immigrants and I ♥ to smell my fingers.

    I am Corby.

  7. Israel kills journalists. So what?

    1. War kills journalists -- tell Hamas to knock it off.

    2. That link makes a most serious accusation: "Israel's targeting killing of journalist (sic) in Gaza"

      To make an accusation like this without offering proof is despicable.

    3. Ha ha ha ha ha, DG, the war in Gaza is so funny!!!

      Hamas broke the last ceasefire. They started this current war. They are the obstacle to peace.

    4. Funnier then pretending Republican voters care/ know something about economics, 1:34?

  8. Eschaton links to the Post. I don’t know if there’s evidence behind that paywall. Meanwhile, read this:

    1. Thanks for the link, @1:42. It shows that many journalists have been killed. It does not show that journalists were intentionally targeted.

    2. Do you think Biden intentionally raised inflation rates?
      Or do you just want to hold him accountable in a way you never would Netanyahu?

  9. Putin doesn’t give me money; he doesn’t support me in any way. I am Corby.
