Bill Maher guest stars on Gutfeld's show!


Termagant challenged by lamb: Bill Maher is currently appearing on every TV show in the nation. It's part of the promotion for his new, award-winning book, What This Comedian Said Will Shock You.

When we say he's appearing on every show, we do mean every show. On Monday, he even appeared on the Fox News Channel's Gutfeld! program, one of the dumbest and least constructive programs in the history of the small screen.

On the evening in question, Greg Gutfeld occasionally seemed to be trying to suggest that he and Bill are pretty much two of a kind. 

(One early quote: "Bill and I have more in common than you think.")

On occasion, Bill shot that unlikely notion down. The analysts all cheered when he did.

We go way back with Bill, all the way to the legendary New Year's Eve show at the Richmond Comedy Club in December 1983. (Also, to events right here in Baltimore, one whole year before that.)  

We ourselves made six award-winning appearances on Bill's original TV show, Politically Incorrect. After that, we set about our father's business, as almost everyone knows. 

We don't always agree with Bill's opinions; our standards of taste sometimes differ. That said, we're stunned by his ability to fashion highly intelligent conversations which are routinely laced with very strong jokes. 

Truly, is there anyone else who can do what Bill consistently does? We'd be inclined to say that the answer is a fairly obvious no. 

We'd be inclined to say that no one else can do what Bill routinely does. By way of example, the termagant's initial joke on Monday night was, pathetically, this:

GUTFELD (5/20/24): Happy Monday, everyone! Let's get started.

Donald Trump has demanded a drug test for Joe Biden for the first debate. Biden privately told aides, "If he wants my urine, he can get it from my seat cushion, like everyone else."

Sad. For the record, we've never seen anyone as obsessed with human waste as this strange fellow is.

Even with a special guest, that's the way the termagant decided to start Monday's show. The set had been cleared of heavyweight wrestlers and Grade B comedians in honor of the evening's star guest, but birds gotta fly and fish gotta swim and Gutfeld is weirdly obsessed with body parts and with bodily functions.

That was Gutfeld's opening joke. After jokes about the smell of human waste in New York City and the enormous size of Jennifer Lopez's "ass," the penultimate joke of the evening's short comedy monologue went exactly like this:

GUTFELD: Charges will likely be dropped against pro golfer Scottie Scheffler after the cop's body cam was found to be off during the incident. 

Hillary Clinton remarked, "This reminds me of when I murdered Jeffrey Epstein."


Yeah! This is my audience.


Sad, but also deeply destructive. Hillary Clinton is still routinely murdering people on this (weirdly) angry person's primetime "cable news" show.

Also this:

Joy Behar is said to be way too fat on almost every program. Nancy Pelosi's face is constantly said to be way too tight. 

Last night, Jennifer Lopez's "ass"—it's much too large—was replaced by Lizzo's enormous "ass," a much more common Gutfeld! reference. The host of this show is so weird that he still does jokes, quite routinely, based on the pitiful premise that women simply don't drive as well as we brilliant men do.

This primetime "cable news" show is extremely stupid and profane, but most of all it's relentlessly propagandistic. Major news orgs in Blue America choose not to take note of such facts.

As we've noted in the past, this extremely strange primetime host is 59 years old! He graduated from Serra High, one mile down the Alameda from our own Aragon High. 

It's hard to fathom how someone from such a sunny land turned out to be so weirdly angry. That said, we thought there were a few excellent moments on Monday night, once he finally stopped his monologues and gave Bill a chance to speak.

Bill has been leading with a strong message on these various shows. He keeps saying he doesn't want to hate half of America—that he actually doesn't hate half of America, just as a matter of fact.

We think the world will be a better place when our fellow San Matean—we arrived there after the seventh grade—finds a way to make himself better. The world is widely said to be waiting for that holy event to occur. 

To our own eye and ear, there were a few tiny moments which pointed that way this past Monday night. Lions can consort with lambs. Termagants, possibly not!


  1. Bob's right. Gutfeld shouldn't say "ass." The word is "arse."


  2. "that he actually doesn't hate half of America, just as a matter of fact."

    Hmm. I suspect that particular comedian actually feels contempt for about 95% of America. Unlike Greg Gutfeld, who sounds like the common man.

    1. You think of the common man as so vulgar?

    2. "Vulgar" is what the elite call the common man.

    3. I didn't ask what the elite thought. I asked what you thought.

    4. That's what I think. "Vulgar" is an elite word for the unwashed masses.

    5. I think the elite are vulgar.

    6. Maher isn’t from an elite background.

    7. Cecelia, you are incorrect. Somerby would call Maher's background elite because he was upper middle class and went to an elite college (Cornell).

      "Maher was born in New York City. His father, William Aloysius Maher Jr.,[1] was a network news editor and radio announcer, and his mother, Julie Maher (née Berman), was a nurse.[2] He was raised in his Irish-American father's Roman Catholic religion. Until his early teens, he was unaware that his mother, whose family was from Hungary, was Jewish.[13][14][15][16] Owing to his disagreement with the Catholic Church's doctrine about birth control, Maher's father stopped taking Maher and his sister to Catholic Mass when Maher was thirteen.[17]

      Maher was raised in River Vale, New Jersey, and graduated from Pascack Hills High School in Montvale in 1974.[2][18] He then attended Cornell University, where he double-majored in English and history, and graduated in 1978.[19] Maher has said, "Selling pot allowed me to get through college and make enough money to start off in comedy."


    8. Somerby grew up elite too:

    9. Anonymouse 9:50pm, that’s a solid middle class background, not an elite one.

      “He then attended Cornell University, where he double-majored in English and history, and graduated in 1978. Maher has said, "Selling pot allowed me to get through college and make enough money to start off in comedy." › wiki › B...
      Bill Maher - Wikipedia”

    10. A smart-aleck a la Bill Maher without elite background is likely to be an even bigger asshole. Not only he's a smart-aleck, but he's a self-made smart-aleck!

    11. Maher is all that AND a bit creepy AND the smartest comedian in the country.

    12. I don't watch either comedian. But I read a small piece of transcript of this show somewhere. It goes like this:

      Maher says he hates Mr Trump for not conceding the election.
      Gutfeld says: 'but of course he conceded, he moved out of WH. What else do you need?'
      Maher keeps insisting that Mr Trump did not concede and that's horrible.

      Based on this episode, I conclude that Gutfeld is smart and Maher is dumb.

    13. Anonymouse 6:21am, I’d wager there was more to that exchange than that.

  3. Kevin observes the economy:

    1. Once again proving that the main problem we have is the cluelessness of the average American.

  4. Paul Parkman died two weeks ago.

  5. Yes Gutfeld is crude and vulgar, but such mockery is the only tool available to normal people to deal with societal damage brought forth by leaders of your self-impressed blue tribe. And Joy Behar is a vile and indecent person.

    1. A rapist, who's dream is to fuck his own daughter, is your Presidential nominee.
      On the bright side, he thinks Republican voters are morons, so he's not all bad.

    2. Joy Behar is a comedian. She has as much right to be vile and indecent as Gutfeld or Maher do.

    3. Anonymouse flying monkey 9:06pm, have a look at this:

    4. Persona from Barcelona
      Aloha to my Broha
      The other side is cnyde
      Much ado about something...

    5. Well, when the slob/weirdo party decided it was a good idea to heckle the President at the State of the Union Speech, Biden rose to the occasion and made them look like fools. So to that extent I guess he is a comic.

  6. The Alameda where Gutfeld and Bob both went to HS is actually named Alameda de las Pulgas -- Avenue of the fleas. Maybe the fleas got to Gutfeld.

    1. Somerby tries to pretend there is some connection between himself and Gutfeld, but they were in school 20 years apart and didn't know each other when they were kids. I don't know why Somerby keeps harping on this when they are entirely unrelated.

    2. Gutfeld’s politics and employer do not comport with his demographics.

      This bothers Bob.

    3. This is nonsense.

  7. Hmm…. We don’t go much into what was said here, which should make one suspicious.
    Worth noting, Bob had (with some justification) complained about the MSNBC’s
    gang too cute mock branding, calling each
    other great, etc.
    But course, he has no problem doing
    it himself.

  8. And Bob may not know, Maher has welcomed
    Gutfeld and the other unfunny, idiot gang
    from Fox on his own YouTube show.

  9. Trump is now claiming to his idiot audience that Biden tried to take him out during the document “raids.” It would be wrong to call that a lie of course….

    1. "Trump wasn’t at the estate at the time, which was shuttered for the season"

      He is claiming that he "nearly escaped death" which is an odd construction because it implies he didn't escape death at all, in other words, he died. We know he didn't. He seems to be confusing the phrase "near miss" which means the FBI missed him but it was close, a miss that was nearly on target.

      More indication of his struggle with language.

    2. How many Right-wing accusations are really confessions?
      All of them, Katie. All of them.

  10. Nikki Haley says she’ll vote for Trump, and he should reach out to her followers.

    1. Most Republicans will vote for the rapist. It's who they are.

  11. My God Cecelia! I didn’t realize Biden was trying to use the FBi to take out President Trump!! I am so sorry I didn’t realize! I now see the importance and integrity in all you believe!!

    1. When the victim has more debts than assets, they let you get away with it.

    2. Anonymouse 10:07pm, I’ve never made the claim that the FBI needed any official incentive in order to rid us of any of their targets.

      Don’t try to be cute. Maher you are not.

    3. Bill Maher here. 10:07pm is a dork.

    4. Apparently you dolts who never heard of John Oliver, who actually is both smart and funny. Some did note that Maher ridiculous ass kissing interview with mentally retarted Billionare Elon Musk WAS funny, but not in the way he would have wanted. But I am so sorry Cecelia, I didn’t realize you were touchy about Trump’s claim fhat Biden had the FBI try to kill him and his family!! So sorry he tried to do that and people of your intellect will believe it!! I hope Bob doesn’t wet his pants if someone suggests that’s a lie!!!

    5. "John Oliver, who actually is both smart and funny"

      Yes, because everyone with limey accent is smart and funny.

    6. Anonymouse 9:33am, first I’m hearing of this claim.

      You could directly ask me how I feel about something when you’re pretending to care about that. Direct is better. You’re not subtle. You are not cute. Whatever your day job is that must not require subtlety…or being cute, don’t give it up.

    7. John Oliver is one of the best things going on HBO. Every week he presents great topics well researched. Maher is a pompous ass.

  12. More Trump cognitive decline aka stupidity (Truth Social via Meidas Touch):

    "During one of Trump’s breaks outside the courtroom on Tuesday, the former president, in a show of cognitive decline, warned that President Joe Biden would cause people to pay “$10 a barrel” for oil. As it turns out, regular people don’t buy barrels of oil they buy gallons of gasoline.

    Barrels and gallons are not the same thing. Some people may not understand that but a former president campaigning on the issue should. A barrel of crude oil is equivalent to 42 gallons and trades for just under $80.

    Trump was upset that President Biden is taking action to help lower energy costs when he made the slip up. If what Trump warned about prices were true, it would mean Biden is lowering gas prices by 80-90%."

  13. Even though Biden is a few years older, he's more cognitive. So no-one concerned about this issue will vote for Trump.

  14. Is my friend showing himself to be part of the media pandering problem? No, he's just reaching new audiences.

  15. Did Maher explain what the Left can do to stop Republican voters from electing rapists?
