SUNDAY: Reportedly, it was this hot in the east!

SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2024

Our nation's ongoing dysfunction: Friday evening, at 10 o'clock, the termagant started fast. 

It had been very hot in New York. For that reason, he opened his program with a bit of topical humor:

GUTFELD (6/21/24): The heat wave continues in the East. It's so hot Nancy Pelosi had to put on her backup face.


It's so hot she had to replace the stick up her ass with an ice pop.


That's how the termagant started.

For the record, how hot was it in the east? Reportedly, it was this hot:

GUTFELD: It's so hot Jerry Nadler sold the shade under his ass to the highest bidder.

It's so hot he filled his sports bra with Haagen-Dazs. So hot he put a Klondike bar under each testicle


It's so hot Rachel Levine called in the National Guard to fan his nuts.

That's the way the termagant started his primetime "cable news" program. These observations had all been delivered by 10:03 p.m. 

When it came time for his nightly comment on Joy Behar, he compared her this time to a cow.

(We're withholding the link for a reason. Click ahead to 10:07 p.m. if you choose.)

For the record, the termagant is 59 years old. He comes from a sunny land. 

His angry and disordered conduct has been normalized by the silence of everyone else, none of whom want to tangle with Fox. That said, this is American cultural carnage. It airs in primetime weekday nights.

In truth, it had been very hot in the east. The termagant, such as he is, was simply reporting the facts.


  1. James K Irving, Gerhard Klingenberg, and Ron Simons have died.

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  2. It’s very important to know what the termagant is up to, but I refuse to watch him. I thus appreciate Bob’s frequent updates.

  3. The word termagant is inappropriate. A termagant is a shrill or shrewish woman. Gutfeld is not a woman and it would be a stretch to call his voice shrill. Gutfeld is also not a news reporter and his show is not a news show, in the sense that it focuses on humor and not information. It is like Stephen Colbert or any of the late-night hosts who interview guests and also provide a monologue consisting of topical humor.

    Most of us do not appreciate Gutfeld's humor, but saying it is because he is crude neglects the crudity of many modern stand-up comedians who appeal to a younger, male audience. Somerby is not in Gutfeld's demographic.

    Gutfeld made a few jokes about Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler. What else would anyone expect of a conservative comedian? At least he didn't confuse Pelosi with Nikki Haley, the way Trump did again this weekend.

    I find myself wondering why Somerby bothered to post this semi-transcript of Gutfeld this afternoon. He says this:

    "His angry and disordered conduct has been normalized by the silence of everyone else, none of whom want to tangle with Fox. That said, this is American cultural carnage."

    I don't find humor disordered simply because I disagree with it, nor do I find standup comedians disordered because of their crudity or language -- it is what they do and other audiences do like it. It happens on the left too. So what exactly are unspecified others supposed to do to Gutfeld (censor him? lynch him?) and why is he any worse than Jon Stewart, who seems to dislike Biden, or Bill Maher, who has been making bad-driving Asian jokes and anti-religion/anti-Muslim jokes for years? Is it "American carnage" when someone exercises their free speech rights?

    But then Somerby hints about something withheld:

    "(We're withholding the link for a reason. Click ahead to 10:07 p.m. if you choose.)"

    What is there? A link to a story about a woman named Rachel Morin who was killed by an unknown assailant while hiking in MD. Through a series of tenuous connections authorities have now (10 months later) arrested an undocumented alien based on a sketch and DNA found in Los Angeles. It is entirely unclear whether this arrested person had anything to do with the crime, but they have arrested him. Why would Somerby hint at this instead of talking about it directly? Why the coyness? Why the subterfuge?

    This is an example of why I dislike Somerby. Gutfeld says what he means. His politics are clear. Somerby pretends to be discussing Joy Behar while sending people to a link about another murder by a supposed illegal alien. He cannot even be honest about his own politics while using today's post to spread disinformation about aliens under cover of scolding Gutfeld.

    This is very ugly stuff today. And what the hell does Gutfeld's age and attendance at a California high school have to do with anything he is doing in his career today?

    1. I am not a woman, but I am a termagant.

    2. But are you Gutfeld?

    3. Dinesh D'Souza Can't Decide If the Bible Is Scientific or Not

    4. Getting kinda tired of liberals pretending they don't believe conspiracy theories

  4. It may be worth pointing out that California is not so sunny these days, especially in Northern parts of the state. The climate is changing everywhere.

  5. "SUNDAY: Reportedly, it was this hot in the east!"

    This post today is not actually about the heat in the East. For the record, an actual liberal might point out that global warming should be paid more attention in weather reports and "gee whiz it's hot" news stories. He might have complained that Fox never talks about climate change except to call it a hoax. But that isn't why Somerby posted today. He is pretending to dislike Gutfeld's humor, again.

  6. History of the Republican party, part two:

  7. Here is my fantasy of how today's post came about:

    HANDLER: Today we need to talk about the killing of Rachel Morin, by an illegal immigrant. We need to hammer at that because Biden's weakness is immigration.

    SOMERBY: I did that yesterday and it left a bad taste in my mouth. The deaths of young girls shouldn't be used to make political hay.

    HANDLER: We don't care what you like to talk about or what you consider tasteful. Just do what you're paid to do. You want the rubles, don't you? It is a little late for you to grow a conscience over helping to put Trump in office.

    SOMERBY: OK boss. You got it!

    And then he inserts his sly reference to 10:07 on Gutfeld's show, knowing that readers will find it and say whatever he is too mealy mouthed and craven to say himself.

    It must suck to be so poor (or scared of running out of retirement money) that one must sell one's soul to assholes on the right. Somerby's rebellion may be to pretend he dislikes Gutfeld for his humor (like Melania's I Don't Care Do U jacket) while spreading right wing bullshit.

    Meanwhile, there will be a lot of people with Hispanic surnames, some legal immigrants, some asylum seekers, some legal residents and citizens for decades or generation, all being harrassed as murderers or bad people because of Trump's political campaign to scapegoat them for whatever unsolved crimes may be on the books. And if Trump wins again, some legal citizens will be caught up in his roundup and deportation efforts, put into camps until they can hire lawyers and get out (if they can).

    And Somerby is today helping that effort along. I hope they are paying him enough to do their dirtywork.

    1. Does this blog have enough followers to justify paying Bob ?

    2. How do you know who is attending this blog.

    3. God created America as a land for English surnames.

    4. Trump is German

    5. David, it definitely is, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to continue their operation against Bob for so many years, and the passion exhibited should tell you everything.

    6. Yes, Cecelia. It clearly takes funding to read a blog and comment on it. What utter nonsense.

    7. I own a Ferrari and a Rolls-Royce, I live in a hundred-million-dollar mansion, I dine in the finest restaurants -- all made possible by my income as a paid troll.

    8. Trump's ancestral name was Drumpf. The family anglicized it to Trump. Because God created America for English surnames!

    9. You accuse Somerby of corruption, yet are too cowardly even to use a nym.

    10. That was me, Pied Piper.

    11. Having a nym has nothing to do with cowardice. No one likes to have assholes call them names instead of rationally discussing their arguments. Trolls tend to attack people for personal things, such as what they can deduce from a nym, instead of addressing anything you actually said. Cecelia and Pied Piper don't care what anyone here actually writes. They expend hostility trying to discourage the people they consider to be left wing from commenting at all. Their mission is to reduce liberal traffic in the comment section. They do that by being as unpleasant as possible to others. Using a nym just gives them more ammunition for attacking others.

      There is a game being played right now over whether Trump called Nazis good people or not. It seems pretty clear that Trump intended to say positive things about the Unite the Right rally, to show support for it. It doesn't matter what his actual wording was, it is clear he was approving of it. Cecelia and Pied Piper engage in similar time-wasting nonsense and who wants to waste their time with that?

      There are topics I care about and things I don't give a shit about. The good opinion of Cecelia and Pied Piper (assuming they are different people) falls in the latter category of being not worth anyone's concern. Cecelia and Pied Piper accuse anonymous commenters of being hit and run, when most of us are indifferent to them and anything they might say. If you have no cogent opinion, you are irrelevant to most of the discussuion here and the pleas for attention arising from attacks on others is just a pathetic substitute for participation.

      Why don't you both just go away and let those with something to say do it in peace?

  8. The time stamp on the show that Somerby links to is:

    Gutfeld FOX News June 22, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

    That isn't 10:07 but the comedy described above does all occur before 12:03am on the linked segment, so moving to 12:07 still produces the discussion about the illegal immigrant arrested for allegedly murdering Rachel Morin on a hiking trail in Bel Air MD.

  9. From yesterday
    QiB argues that there were no fine people at Charlottesville. First of all, QiB has no way of knowing that. We don't know who was there. Second, even if QiB is right, it's still false to say that Trump called Nazis "fine people". Now that Snopes has blown the whistle, it's harder for Biden to use that attack.

    Fortunately for Biden, they now have something better: Trump's conviction. I predict that "Fine People" will disappear from the Biden campaign. That phony charge served its purpose. It will be replaced by "convicted felon."

    1. Editors' Note: Some readers have raised the objection that this fact check appears to assume Trump was correct in stating that there were "very fine people on both sides" of the Charlottesville incident. That is not the case. This fact check aimed to confirm what Trump actually said, not whether what he said was true or false. For the record, virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump was wrong.

    2. For once I find DIC's argument compelling. Good people commonly show up at events organized by neo- Nazis to advocate commemorating the lives of those who fought to own people.

    3. Fine people typically cherish the memory of traitors who swore an oath of loyalty to the United States and then made war them, in order to preserve slavery. Fine causes attract fine people.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Thanks for posting that Editor's Note, @5:48. That Note shows the liberal bias on Snopes.

      First of all, the Note re-confirms that Trump did not say white supremacists were fine people. This implies Biden has been lying about what Trump said, although the NOTE avoids mentioning the conclusion that Biden has been lying.

      The second sentence uses faulty logic. It says the rally "was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump was wrong." What this sentence does NOT say is that the rally was attended ONLY by white supremacists. It does NOT say that NO fine people participated. Indeed, how could it? To draw that conclusion would require interviewing every single participant. Obviously, nobody did that.

    6. unamused and @6:56 use snark because they don't have a real argument. Biden and his people have been lying for seven years about what Trump said. Yes, Trump is a big liar, but Biden is also a big liar.

    7. snark is a good argument

    8. Biden isn’t a liar.

    9. "Thank you President Trump for your honesty & courage to tell the truth about #Charlottesville & condemn the leftist terrorists in BLM/Antifa," Duke, a former KKK grand wizard, posted on X in response to Trump's comments.

      Gee, it looks like David Duke got the message loud and clear, no matter how much bullshit DiC wants to spread.

    10. At least bigot David Duke is not a highly respected Republican. OTOH bigot Rashida Tlaib is a highly respected Democrat.

    11. DIC, You are certainly correct to state that I do not have a good argument about what Trump said. I didn't need some fact checking web site to tell me what he said. Since the day that he said the frequently misquoted statement I knew the contents of that interview. I wouldn't feel that holding his feet to the fire for that interview is appropriate. If there were a few good people on either side, so be it. I personally believe that celebrating historical figures who fought for the right to own people, assembling publicly with neo-nazis, and mingling in a crowd with signage stating that "Jews will not replace us" is consistent with being a so-called good person. If you agree with Trump about such people, that is your prerogative.

    12. Michael Singer mayor of Charlottesville in 2017:
      "What I found so powerful and so refreshing about Biden's comments was he was talking about exactly what happened and why it was so dangerous for the country," Signer told NBC News. "That to me was what was so powerful about his analysis and his call to action. It was about what Charlottesville represented."

      So, Trump, in the context of an interview, chose to speculate about the character of participants in a violent 3 day uprising organized by neo-nazis and white supremacists. You think that by the second day there were so-called "very fine people" hanging out on the streets of Charlottesville? Maybe you need to jog your memory about that event and pull up some news video as a reminder. Biden, who the mayor of Charlottesville described as accurate in his assessment of the event, called out Trump for his statement about the fine people attending a neo Nazi rally that was violent and in which a counter protester was murdered.

      It is easy 7 years later to whitewash the nastiness of that moment in history, at that place, but in real time the violent clash between far right wing extremists and law enforcement made Trump's speculation about "fine people" preposterous. So no, the Biden camp is much closer to the truth here about what Trump said in that context. While I think that the exact words Trump used have been misstated, the meaning behind them was not.

    13. It does NOT say that NO fine people participated. Indeed, how could it? To draw that conclusion would require interviewing every single participant. Obviously, nobody did that.

      Certainly, Trump didn't do that. So, which of the neo-Nazi, white supremacists were the "very fine people" Trump was referring to?

    14. It does NOT say that NO fine people participated. Indeed, how could it? To draw that conclusion would require interviewing every single participant. Obviously, nobody did that.

      Once again, DiC, you are flipping the burden of proof. Trump made the claim, it is up to him to prove it. Nobody else saw these very fine people and you yourself admit it would be impossible to say without interviewing every single participant.

    15. Hey, David, do you have any more "refuttals" or is it "refutals"? Nobody knows.

  10. Since we are predicting the next Biden ad campaign, here's my prediction: 15 second spots featuring the very best people Trump appointed to his administration who now, having served under him, say they will not vote for him. That is roughly 40 of the so-called very best, until, of course they weren't.

    1. I agree, Unamused. The many Trump people who have turned against him speaks badly for Trump. Your idea would be an effective ad.

    2. Your idea would be an effective ad.

      Not for you, maggot. It wouldn't move the needle a hair for you.

  11. Fox lies faster than you can fact check. It's not cowardice keeping people from calling the media clowns. Just people have better things to do than argue with what amounts to a televized spam email most day. Things like buying groceries and talking about their own lives.

  12. It was very hot today. Tomorrow, the news will tell us how many people died of heat-related exposure. Will it be funny to Somerby? An actual liberal might point out that Gutfeld is giggling while global warming takes a serious toll on us. Instead Somerby points to a secret link that supposedly has a Joy Behar joke but is actually about another migrant accused of murdering a youngish woman. The old Somerby might be concerned about the tenuous evidence supporting the migrant's arrest and the possibility he may be railroaded by a public being fed a constant diet of fear about those nasty immigrants crossing our border -- the ones Trump wants to join his proposed new wrestling league. That's another funny joke being made about serious topics that suggests the Republicans don't really care about anything important.

  13. Reporting on more Fox garbage.
