The Five were sure it wasn't them!


Also, Greg Gutfeld got something right: On Tuesday afternoon, four members of the cast of The Five were sure it wasn't them. As a matter of fact, they were adamant.

The White House had begun to claim that Red American orgs were airing misleading videotape about President Biden.

Four members of The Five were scandalized. Greg Gutfeld responded first:

GUTFELD (6/18/24): When we see something, we vet it. The media does not. They are the engine behind their hoaxes. They are lucky we don't match their dishonesty. We could. We don't.

We don't have to, because basically we don't have to make up crap. Apparently, though, they hold us to a higher standard than they hold themselves. Only they can cheat. because they believe they have a moral high ground and that moral high ground allows them to do anything immoral they want...

They can say anything. They can lie, because they have the moral high ground. The most dangerous person is one that excuses their bad actions in the name of the good, especially when the good never materializes.

WATTERS (smirkingly): Very well said, Greg.

GUTFELD: Thank you, Jesse.

Several minutes later, Judge Jeanine went off. Harold Ford has said he doesn't like it when either side engages in misleading presentations. 

Ford serves as one of the program's punching bags. Judge Jeanine had a better idea:

PIRRO: You know, when you talk about both sides? I don't think it's both sides. The political correctness started with the Democrats. when they wanted us to say things in certain ways... All the Democrats do is say you've got to shut up. You can't say it that way and you mustn't change that...The only thing that's going on is Joe Biden is losing his mind, stumbling, mumbling and tripping. That's all.

The four panelists were quite sure—nothing misleading is ever said on a program like The Five. Comically, The Five is a program where "fair and balanced" has come to mean four dogmatic Red American pundits beating up one lone Democrat.

Four on one is the definition of "fair and balanced" on this "cable news" program! In the very next segment, Watters was pounding his right fist into his left palm, suggesting that this is what should be done to the demonic Anthony Fauci.

("They're treating this guy like royalty. He should be really [SMACK] put the screws to," the silly fellow scarily said, suggestively pounding his fist.)

The four panelists were adamant—nothing misleading or erroneous has ever emerged from Red America's side of the aisle. But in the midst of all the clowning, Greg Gutfeld broke every rule in the book:

He made a valid point!

He has now been stating his point for several days, on The Five and on the Gutfeld! program. You can see him make the point Tuesday afternoon on The Five, as the segment came to an end.

His presentation started like this. Sadly enough, this overwrought presentation is basically valid:

PIRRO (6/18/24): ...The only thing that's going on is Joe Biden is losing his mind, stumbling, mumbling and tripping. That's all.

GUTFELD: Jesse, can I make one simple point? That Joe Biden ran on one simple fake fact, that Trump called Nazis "fine people." 

When anybody called that out on the media and said it wasn't true, they were putting their careers in danger. There were only a handful of people that said, "Trump didn't say that. Trump didn't say that." And still CNN, and other networks, would run for it. If you called it out, you got harassed. So this is bullsh*t.

As you may recall, the endlessly cited phrase in question was "very fine people on both sides." That said, Gutfeld's overwrought complaint is basically well founded.

Yesterday afternoon, on The Five, he went into more detail, some of which was helpful. Basically, the highlighted statement is accurate:

GUTFELD (6/19/24): ...The fact is, all of the Trump hoaxes have turned out to be false. All of the Biden mishaps are obviously true. 
So I'm going to go back, because I sound like a broken record, to the "fine people" hoax. The was the media / Democrat op that edited Trump's words to make it sound like he said Nazis were fine people...Any journalist could have looked at this transcript and debunked it, but they didn't.

Gutfeld went on and on in overwrought fashion, but the highlighted point is valid. In the transcript in question, Trump clearly said, two or three times, that he wasn't including white nationalists or the like in the "very fine people" comment.

Gutfeld's highlighted statement is accurate! Any journalist could have reviewed the transcript and seen that Trump made those statements. Indeed, journalists should have done that.

We ourselves have done a full presentation of this matter several times. But we the people of Blue America are every bit as unsuited to running "our democracy" as are the people of Red America, the neighbors and friends Over There.

We humans are good at building tall buildings—tall building which rarely fall down. Also, when you hit the light switch on the wall, the lights almost always come on.

We the humans are much less skilled at almost everything else. By temperament and basic wiring, we're poorly suited to the complex task of engineering a serious discourse within what we call "our democracy."

As humans, we instinctively know that our own tribe is intelligent, honest and right. We also know that those found in the other tribe are stupid, dishonest and wrong.

Four of The Five play this game every day. But it isn't just done on Fox.

We humans! We simply aren't built for the tedious task of trying to run "our democracy." We Blues have displayed this shortcoming again and again. It isn't just the four irate folk who strut and fret and expound Over There.


  1. Donald Sutherland has died.

    1. "Online work has been a blessing! I've been able to earn a steady income, all while working from home. It's not a myth—it's my reality!"

      "Ready to boost your income? Dive into our exclusive offers by clicking here!"................

  2. “Fine people on both sides” hoax is the whole basis for Biden campaign – Biden has said he decided to run in 2020 after hearing these comments to “save” the country. This soulless money-grubbing mediocrity has been foisted on the country by brain washed, TDS-suffering Blue tribe who believed and endlessly repeated this and other hoaxes.

    1. Will you not vote for Biden because he doesn't want to fuck Trump's daughter? That would be one of the big differences between the candidates.

    2. Only a brainless medicrity like 6:11 would call the current state of our nation mediocre. Biden decided to run in order to defeat Trump, because Trump demonstrated his incompetence at every opportunity and because our country was in the grip of covid. Biden rose to meet the needs of the people and I am grateful he did and plan to vote for him again, no matter what Somerby and Gutfeld say.

  3. So what does it mean when Trump appears at Turning Point standing in front of a White Boys Summer banner or when he dines with Nick Fuentes? The hoax is Trump’s denial, nudge nudge wink wink.

  4. The Right hates political correctness , right up to the point you tell the truth about them.

  5. “Very fine people on both sides.” So Bob has gone into detail explaining how it wasn’t referring to white nationalists. Hmmm… so much so that he doesn’t repeat the argument here. Hmmm….. I don’t recall this but I sure don’t remember any time when Bob was hesitant to
    repeat himself.
    I do remember Bob having a cow over people
    claiming Republicans were engaging in “legitimate political discourse” on January
    6th, though he could not disprove this claim
    that SURE seemed to be be true.
    I do recall Bob’s absolute OUTRAGE aimed
    at Rachel Maddow for calling the documents
    of the fake (he objected to that word too) electors scheme forgeries, though people have
    now gone to jail for that very crime.
    Very fine people on both sides…. So Trump
    was just talking about your standard Democrats
    and Republicans? Hmmmmm……..

    1. The rally was called "Unite the Right" and it included Nazis and neo-Nazis and white supremacists across the spectrum.

      Wikipedia says:

      "The Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist[4][5][6][7] rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017.[8][9][10] Marchers included members of the alt-right,[11] neo-Confederates,[12] neo-fascists,[13] white nationalists,[14] neo-Nazis,[15] Klansmen,[16] and far-right militias.[17] Some groups chanted racist and antisemitic slogans and carried weapons, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols, the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus vult crosses, flags, and other symbols of various past and present antisemitic and anti-Islamic groups.[23] The organizers' stated goals included the unification of the American white nationalist movement[11] and opposing the proposed removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee from Charlottesville's former Lee Park.[21][24] The rally sparked a national debate over Confederate iconography, racial violence, and white supremacy.[25] The event had hundreds of participants."

      So, on what basis does Somerby say that Trump wasn't referring to white supremacists when that was the purpose of the rally, attended by white supremacists in order to unite their groups?

    2. Someone call Kristi Noem. Somerby's dog won't hunt.

    3. "on what basis does Somerby say that Trump wasn't referring to white supremacists?" The basis is that Trump explicitly SAID he wasn't including white supremacists as Good People.

      @8:00 instead of relying on wikipedia or someone else, you can find the actual text of what Trump said and make up your own mind.

    4. There weren’t any good people therethen. Trump lied about that.

    5. Anonymouse 8:37pm, there were locals who were in the park before the professional agitators were out the next day, Many of them supported the Civil War memorials on the basis of family history, etc. This was reported in the local paper.

      In your anonymouse fashion, you’ve labeled all
      these people as being bad because as with all Marxists, there is no acceptable ground, but your own. Anything else is utter capitulation to evil.

      It doesn’t matter what Trump meant or what Somerby means by anything either. We get it.

    6. professional agitator = unite the right attendees

    7. The Turning Point venue may have been previously rented for a bar mitzvah. That doesn’t make that White Boy Summer banner less white supremacist. Trump can claim he was talking about the pigeons in the park, but it was a fucking white supremacist rally and everyone knows it. That was Trump’s covert way of showing support for Nazis while claiming not to — but he was lying.

    8. 9:31: The dispute in Charlottesville was specifically about removing a statue of the traitor and slavery defender Robert E Lee. How would those who objected be any different than unrepentant Nazis in Germany erecting a statue of Hitler?

    9. The rally was a “Unite the Right” rally to bring white supremacists together. It was only peripherally about statues and the people attending were extremists not bystanders or city people.

    10. The dispute was not the rally.

    11. Most were probably holocaust deniers.

    12. "... you can find the actual text of what Trump said and make up your own mind."

      You mean, like you didn't?

    13. @Cecelia:

      Locals? You mean locals like Jason Kessler who put the whole rally together? He was there participating in the tiki-torch march.

  6. “Overwrought” “basically accurately” when Fox goes after Biden, Bob sets the bar low. It makes it possible for Bob NOT to mention that these people had to pay out 88 million for lying on Trump’s behalf about the election but didn’t lose their jobs.

  7. Trump has been praising Hannibal Lecter recently, calling him "late, great" (when he is still alive as a character). He said Lecter loves him. Trump may be confusing the character with the actors who have played him, but none of those actors have endorsed Trump or said they love him:

    "Hopkins has not publicly supported Trump and neither have other actors who have portrayed Hannibal Lecter including Mads Mikkelsen and Brian Cox, the latter of whom called Trump “such a fucking asshole” and “so full of shit.” [The Guardian]

    More confused nonsense and more lies.

  8. Bob's bold-faced words illustrate the enormity of the liberal bias in the mainstream media. It should be newsworthy that Trump didn't say Nazis are fine people. And, it should be newsworthy that Biden and his people repeat this lie over and over again.

    Today, the mainstream media are covering up Biden's episodes of seemingly being confused. I'm not saying he really is confused. Only that Biden's appearance should be newsworthy. The public should be allowed to make up its own mind as to the significance or lack thereof.

    1. On the one side you had left leaning protesters, and only Nazis were there from the right wing, David. Those are the only two choices of “fine people”, David.

    2. Biden is not confused.

    3. David, I’ll put you on notice: Jews will not replace us.

    4. @8:17 - you don’t really know who was marching with the Naziis, do you?

    5. Sure, @10:17. Not did Trump. Why not speculate about fictitious non-Nazi “fine people”, despite the fact that the Nazis planned and executed the rally. Keep polishing that turd, 10:17.

    6. "The public should be allowed to make up its own mind as to the significance or lack thereof."

      How is the public to do that if it is fed deceptively edited videos and misleading analysis?

    7. David, does the "liberal bias" in the mainstream media include the 185 local TV stations included in the Sinclair Broadcast Group who are feeding rightwing propaganda to their audience in between the weather report and the sports update?

    8. David in Cal,
      But why is the media so biased for liberals?
      The explanation I heard is that the media is owned by corporations, and the Right knows absolutely nothing about economics. Not sure if that's the reason, but it makes sense to me.
      What say you?

  9. Somerby is pretending that the right wing doesn't know when it is telling lies. That would then make them "not lying". I don't believe that is what is happening at Fox News.

    I watched those doctored videos of Biden and it was obvious they were clipped.

  10. Let us reflect on the irony of Louisiana’s Republicans requiring the Ten Commandments to be posted in schools, while supporting a man who has broken all of them.

    1. Not all of them. He still honors his father and mother and never stops pining for their approval.


  11. I'm sure there are very fine people on both sides, Bob, but it's been a while since I saw any actual people on your side.

    Sadly, all I see on your side of things is Soros' trained monkeys.

  12. Hello to friends! I am having to wonder of when Biggerprofits system will have post here again in future. I need to have ask question if it help with schwants grow. I have small schwantz.

  13. Outfield is wrong about the Biden videos. They are deceptively edited and presented with a false analysis. The Washington Post did a front page report on it last week.

    Our Host averts his gaze.

    1. Yes. If Bezos-owned state-run media say so, it's true. End of story.

    2. Agree Mao, . Fuck Capitalists, like Bezos. Vote for the Commie, Trump, who would have been a Capitalist, but it was fixed against him, so he had to file countless bankruptcies and cozy-up to Russia.

  14. *Gutfield. Thanks for the helpful assistance, autocorrect.

  15. Here is what Trump said:

    Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

    Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

    Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

    Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

    Were there "fine people" who were there only to protest the removal of a statue? Identifiable groups or just random individuals?

    The entire Unite the Right weekend was a gathering of extremist groups who tacked the statue controversy onto their list of grievances. Were there other people who were not part of this gathering who turned out, not to support the chanting marchers, but only to weigh in about a statue?

    Or did a Trump advisor conjure them up to help the boss "both sides" his way out of a sticky problem?

    The woods are lovely, dark, and deep. Or so I've been told.

  16. Gutfeld said "We don't make things up". That's all you do. Duh

  17. Here is another example of Fox making stuff up:

    "Brett MeiselasJun 19, 2024
    In a recent broadcast, Fox 'News' presented a selectively edited video clip of President Joe Biden that misrepresented his remarks at an event commemorating the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The deceptive edit was introduced during the 12 PM eastern hour by host Lucas Tomlinson, who lied and claimed, "Here at the White House yesterday, President Biden appeared to forget the name of his own DHS chief."

    Fox then aired the following edited clip, cutting off President Biden naming DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in the very next line:

    "My name is Joe Biden. I’m Jill Biden’s husband. (Laughter and applause.)

    And thanks to all the members of the Congress and Homeland Security Secretary — I (inaudible) — I’m not sure I’m going to introduce you all the way — (laughter) — but all kidding aside,"

    The full unedited version of the clip manipulated by Fox reveals the complete context of President Biden's speech, sowing that just a few seconds later he did, in fact, name Secretary Mayorkas:

    "My name is Joe Biden. I’m Jill Biden’s husband. (Laughter and applause.)

    And thanks to all the members of the Congress and Homeland Security Secretary — I (inaudible) — I’m not sure I’m going to introduce you all the way — (laughter) — but all kidding aside, Secretary Mayorkas, as well as Secretary Becerra and advocates and families for law enforcement, faith leaders, everybody who is here."

    Fox then gaslighted their audience by having a discussion claiming that they do not, in fact, deceptively alter videos, along with the chyron: "UNEDITED VIDEO REFUTED WH CLAIM OF ALTERATION."

    A Fox host falsely claimed, "We don’t have cheap fakes, we have the facts. It is such an insult to voters to say you cannot trust own eyes...because they are being presented with the truth."
