Our direction for the week!


Two major points of focus:
We expect to explore two themes this week.

In our featured series, “Silliest Tales of the MSM,” we plan to explore the ways the MSM has covered White House campaigns in the years since Nixon.

In our view, liberal interests have been badly harmed by the practices in question. Will liberals ever reject this MSM culture?

The answer would seem to be no.

We’ll also look at some of the ways our new liberal orgs may perhaps be going astray. We need to appeal to regular voters. What keeps this from occurring?

Where else do you get this kind of service? As we keep waiting for Ben and Jerry, we’ll repeat our heartfelt plea:

If you want to contribute to this site, you can just click here.


  1. According to the recent PEW poll, consistent conservative and liberal voters are about 20% of the population. The other 80% are up for grabs. It is worth trying to convince these people to vote our way.

    1. I remember something about that Pew poll. Didn't Bob cover it?

    2. Anon 4:06 -- Conservatives and liberals mostly want the same things. We want a good economy. We want Americans not to be starving, unclothed or homeless. We want people to get good medical care. We want to be secure from foreign threats. We want civil liberties to be protected. We want a clean environment. We want integrity in government. We want an end to discrimination and bias. We want people to be safe in their homes.

      Liberals and conservatives disagree on the best way to achieve some of these aims. In the course of the tribal debate, it's easy to lose track of the fact that we're electing people in order to achieve the aims listed above and others.

      IMHO, whether or not tribalism helps one's side to get elected, tribalism hinders the effort to achieve the aims that we all want.

      Beating conservatives is

    3. Conservatives and liberals mostly want the same things. We want a good economy. We want Americans not to be starving, unclothed or homeless. We want people to get good medical care. We want to be secure from foreign threats. We want civil liberties to be protected. We want a clean environment. We want integrity in government. We want an end to discrimination and bias. We want people to be safe in their homes.

      Conservatives think it should all come free, since they believe taxes are theft.
      Conservatives are two-year olds.

    4. Corporations are persons, money is speech and cutting taxes for the wealthy raises revenue. In the end liberals have only themselves to blame for not landsliding these guys every election.

    5. Let me finish your thought, Dinky. "Beating conservatives is" good for America.

    6. Being conservatives is good for American. Fixed it for you.

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