TRIBAL SNAPSHOTS: Antoinettes before the fall!

FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2018

Part 4—A snapshot of Hamptons-based values:
After the past several "weeks that were," it's surely time to add to our storehouse of basic questions concerning Donald J. Trump.

Some cable pundits—not all—have begun to feel free with one obvious question:
Is Donald J. Trump being blackmailed or bribed by his best friend, Vladimir Putin?
Surely, though, it's time to add two other questions to our store. We've long recommended these questions:
Is it possible that Donald J. Trump is some version of "mentally ill?"

Is it possible that Donald J. Trump is intellectually impaired?
Surely it's time to consider those possibilities, despite what the New York Times says!

That said, Donald J. Trump isn't our only misfiring animal. The mental disorder of Donald J. Trump has long had its analogs within the mainstream press.

Mainstream pundits have been misfiring, out in the open, for a very long time now. Despite our self-proclaimed tribal brilliance, we liberals have often failed to see this. That doesn't mean that the highly visible malfunctioning hasn't occurred.

Even today, our most honored pundits may balk at raising the possibilities we've listed above. Why does Trump behave as he does? Consider what Charlie Sykes told Chris on Wednesday night:
MATTHEWS (7/18/18): Charlie, why is the president to keep doing this? I mean, he is an instinctive default thing. He goes back to the Russians are the good guys...His instinct is to say the Russians are the good guys. We are the bad guys.

This is a nationalistic president who says our nation is at fault. And the guys on the other side of the road, and the other side of what we always thought was the good guy-bad guy relationship, are the good guys. He always does it now—the Russians are right. Charlie, why?

SYKES: Well, you know, in part, I think because he is constitutionally incapable of acknowledging the severity of this attack. Because if he acknowledges that it is ongoing, if he acknowledges that, as Dan Coats says, this is a 9/11 type attack, then he has to acknowledge that what happened in 2016 was a big deal, and every instinct in his body is to dismiss it, is to you know, push it away, to say the investigation is a witch-hunt. And look, the Donald Trump you saw in Helsinki is the real Donald Trump. That's what he really believes.
"That's what Donald Trump really believes?" That's certainly possible, of course. But how do we know that he isn't simply being blackmailed by his new best friend?

Sykes still wasn't willing to go there, nor did Matthews challenge his answer. Even more strikingly, Jeffrey Toobin said this that same night:
COOPER (7/18/18): Well, it's also incredible, Jeff, that this is Day Three since—I mean, there was Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. That summit was on Monday. We've now had three days for the White House, for the president to just very clearly, you know, stand with the intelligence agencies, stand with what he claims he believes, or the White House claims he believes. And every single time, he's either ad-libbing something, he is hedging it, he's flat-out saying no.

TOOBIN: He is giving us what he believes. I mean, you know, how obvious does it have to be that he doesn't believe that Putin is a liar, he doesn't believe that the intelligence community is right, that the Russians alone meddled in the election.

I mean, every opportunity he has, as you point out, to say straightforwardly, "This was a Russian effort to help me get elected," he doesn't say it. And the only explanation for why he doesn't say it is he doesn't believe it.
What did Trump hedge that day concerning Russian interference in 2016? Tobbin insisted it's what he believes, full stop.

That's the only possible explanation? At this point, after all this time, why would anyone say that?

How hopelessly do our pundits misfire? How limited are their skills? At the end of that same hour, Cooper interviewed Tony Schwartz, ghost writer of The Art of the Deal. Within a matter of minutes, Schwartz seemed to say that Trump believes every word he says, and that he's constantly lying.
SCHWARTZ (7/18/18): Here's the thing. You have to understand that Donald Trump, more so now than at any time during the presidency, but it's always been true, creates his own reality inside the bubble of his brain. And it is—has nothing to do with what's going on in the real world. It's whatever he says it is to himself at any given time.

So no, he doesn't say, "Lying is one of my strengths." He says quite the opposite. "Reality is one of my strengths, and the rest is fake news."


SCHWARTZ: What's so interesting about Trump in the way he deals with the truth is that, when he is in his most impulsive, reactive, angry moments that's when he tends to tell the truth. That's when he tends to actually say what he means, as he did at that news conference. When he is thinking about it, much less reading something, he is then almost always lying...

I believe that what reporters now need to start doing is saying in response to his outright and undeniable lies, "That's not true," and move on. Not debate the question of how could he see it that way or, for example, when he took back, you know, what he said at the press conference.

COOPER: Right.

SCHWARTZ: It was clearly a boldfaced lie. Why have hours and hours of discussion about it? You know what the proper response to it is? Trump lied again. Now let's move on.
He truly believes what he says; also, he's lying when he says it. Even after all these years, they strongly tend to function this way. As we'll let Professor Harari explain next week, it's all they were really built for.

(In fairness, you can possibly reconcile those statements. Given the speed of cable pseudo-discussion, no such effort was made.)

Yeats was "fastened to a dying animal;" the American public is too. The nightly performance of these forms is a study in the foolishness of the ancient claim that we are the "rational animals."

The analytical skills are very slight; the courage is frequently lacking. Then too, there's the monumental foppishness. Let's consider a snapshot or two from last weekend's New York Times.

The Times is our most foppish major newspaper by far. It's mental horizons are made in the Hamptons. Even as perdition rushes towards us, they simply can't stop publishing piddle like this, concerning Melania's wardrobe Over There:
FRIEDMAN (7/18/18): Most of the outfits effectively faded into the background. The exception was a minor stir about the pale yellow J. Mendel gown Mrs. Trump wore to the state dinner at Blenheim Palace, with its long flowing sleeves and pleated bodice, which briefly spurred comparisons to Belle from ''Beauty and the Beast'' (the Disney version) and gave rise to a few lackluster suggestions that perhaps Mrs. Trump was using her clothes to send a veiled message to her husband (after all, if she is Beauty ...).

Mostly, though, her outfits' overriding impact was polite and appropriate. They were tailored, but not too much. Buttoned up, but also feminine. Below the knee. Even the colors—pale pink, pale yellow, white, navy and beige (beige!)—were low-key. The clothes were elegant, but bland. They were notable largely for what they were not.

There were no statement hats, for example—not even in Britain, where, presumably, a hat might have made sense. Also no scrawled messages. No attempt at mixing in the accessibly priced item or two.


She did arrive in England in Roland Mouret, a French designer working in London who is a favorite of the new Duchess of Sussex, and she chose a striped Victoria Beckham dress for an appearance the following day.
The outfits faded into the background? If only FriedmanThink would! Meanwhile, beige! Also, there were no "statements hats," though she did please the Duchess of Sussex.

Friedman noted the mandatory inane musings concerning Beauty and the Beast. This is the way these life forms flail, even as Mister Trump's Fully Dispositive Global War approaches. The piece appeared on the front page of Thursday Styles, right next to the piece about tick bites—in the Hamptons, of course.

It isn't just that our floundering species donnt reely reezun reel gud; we're also born to fawn. At the upper ends of our social order, we're born to bow low to all that's foppish and faux.

Consider last Sunday's editions. Online, the Book Review was pimping this rather extensive list of "Summer Reading" selections. Even as perdition threatened, the categories offered were these:
True Crime
Movies & TV
The Great Outdoors
"The Great Outdoors?" one analyst scoffed. "By the time Mister Trump gets through, we'll have a lot more of that!"

More sensibly, we marvelled at the Book Review's list. Granted, "summer reading," almost by definition, is supposed to be easy and stupid. At a newspaper like the Times, summer's the season when the guild is told they can be even dumber than usual.

That said, we ourselves were struggling with Professor Harari, with comic relief from Professor Rovelli—and the end of the world was rushing forward. Might it have occurred to these types to include even one section like "Current Issues" or "Public Affairs" or even "Not Totally Mindless?"

Dearest darlings, this is the Times! In the face of the end of the world, Luther said he'd still work in his garden. At the Times, they continue to drag out Vanessa Friedman to talk about "statement hats."

We were struck by those reading selections, but then came the Sunday Review. The foppishness was general there. Some of the headlines were these:
I’ll Be Out in the Garden, De-stressing

Get Yourself a Giant Dog

Forget a Fast Car. Creativity Is the New Midlife Crisis Cure.

Taking Away the Phones Won’t Solve Our Teenagers’ Problems

I Didn’t Want Co-Sleeping to End

What Adults Can Learn From Dutch Children’s Books
Another hard-hitter started like this, headline included:
The World Cup Final Is Upon Us. What Have We Learned?

Here we are. The final match of the 2018 World Cup has almost arrived, and it has been as thrilling a tournament as I can remember. As Maximus, Russell Crowe’s character in “Gladiator,” famously yelled, “Are you not entertained?”
It didn't go on to offer a point. Meanwhile, on The Review's front page, in one of the paper's most high-profile venues, we got a long piece about "the New York Yankees and their fans." Along with which, Michiko Kakutani got the chance to type in her sleep about the wrongs of the Japanese Exclusion Act, which took effect in 1942.

Kakutani was all over last Sunday's Times. In the Book Review, she got to pen the standard self-praise about the way, when she was a child, "reading was a refuge and a magical form of transport to other worlds." She also got to hand us this piddle about her worthless new book:
KAKUTANI (7/15/18): In “The Death of Truth,” I wanted to look at how we got to where we are today—with reason, science and the rule of law under assault from a president who lies shamelessly and reflexively, and at least a third of the country willing to dwell in a world of “alternative facts.” In examining the fallout that dishonesty and the denial of objective truth are having on our democracy, I went back to the writings of thinkers like Hannah Arendt (“The Origins of Totalitarianism”) and George Orwell (“1984,” “A Collection of Essays”) who chronicled how cynicism and weariness and fear can make people susceptible to propaganda, and the lies and false promises of leaders bent on unconditional power.
So scripted, so tribally pleasing! Meanwhile, poor Kakutani! She "want[s] to look at how we got to where we are today—with reason, science and the rule of law under assault."

Our view? If you want to ponder that question, we'll recommend Kakutani's astounding 1999 review of Candidate Gore's 1992 book, Earth in the Balance. It may have been the craziest review of a book we've ever read, and it appearewd on the Times' front page. In each case, that's because it constituted a crazy campaign in the ongoing war which was being conducted, all over the Times, against the hated Candidate Gore, Bill Clinton's chosen successor.

Kakutani's sneering attack on reason and science helped send Bush to the White House. We're so old that we can remember when we liberals used to pretend that we cared about the war Kakutani helped give us through that astonishing front-page pseudo-review.

Today, the Times calls upon hacks like Kakutani to recite about Trump and Trump voters. Back then, the assault upon reason and science was being conducted by the Times, in part through a crazy pseudo-review.

The Sunday Review was instructive. One scribe didn't want co-sleeping to end. Another scribe recommends big dogs. A third will be out in the garden.

The war will begin while she's pulling those weeds. You see, Kakutani and her fiend, Maureen Dowd, helped send Donald J. Trump to the White House. The rest of the creatures are still crawling all over cable, pretending to sift the key facts.

Next week, we'll examine the species as shown by Harari. For today, we'll end with this "noteworthy fact" from today's page A3:
Of Interest
Magic's version of the Oscars is called the Merlin Awards.
At the modern-day New York Times, that's called a "noteworthy fact."

Donald J. Trump may be stark raving mad. At the Times, that isn't a noteworthy fact. Early this year, the editorial board told the world that it can't be discussed at all!

Next week: Professor Harari explains Homo sapiens. Also, comic relief


  1. "one obvious question:
    Is Donald J. Trump being blackmailed or bribed by his best friend, Vladimir Putin?"

    Tsk. Sorry to disappoint, but it's only obvious to a war-craving mccarthyist lib-zombie death-cult member, like yourself.

    1. [Pierce] "The rest of us have to come to grips with the fact that there is no real mystery any more. The president* of the United States is a reckless vandal who is in thrall to a man whose only real goal in life is to loot his own failing country and hobble this one. Putin is a brutal con-man who has found a transparently bad one that he can play like a cheap violin. How the president* got into this situation almost seems irrelevant at this point; there well may be a video of some icky water-sports in a Moscow hotel, but I still think it’s all about money that Russians needed to clean, and that the president* needed to keep his Potemkin empire afloat. In that context, this latest, scarcely believable plot twist has a certain mad logic to it. In for a dime, in for a ruble."

    2. Mao,
      Hold tight to your gobbledegookian bullshit 'till the Russian whores show up.

      Trump is a liar and a thief.
      And Putin's bitch.

  2. "Is it possible that Donald J. Trump is some version of "mentally ill?""

    Anything is possible, but if a mentally ill achieves, without breaking a sweat, the best economic performance since 1969, then those before him were, most likely, a bunch of clever saboteurs.

    1. [Pierce] "Evidence has piled up that his presidential campaign, and his subsequent administration*, may have functioned primarily as laundromat for ill-gotten currencies of many lands. Evidence has emerged that much of conservative Republican politics may have served to fluff and fold the proceeds of the Volga Bagmen. The president*’s one-time campaign manager is about to begin the first of what may be a prolonged miniseries of trials, most of them centering on work he did in what we used to call The Former Soviet Union."

    2. "Mentally ill"?
      No. It just seems like it because he's a standard issue modern Conservative. Any time you look at their words and actions, you figure they must be mentally ill. When someone swears they are for small government and peace, while cheering along Trump's hiring of neocon John Bolton as his National Security Advisor and his $700 Billion increase in the military budget, you think this person is mentally ill. Once you realize bigotry trumps (so to speak) everything else to these people, you can dismiss mental illness as the main reason.

  3. "Is it possible that Donald J. Trump is intellectually impaired?"

    I hope so. Unlike establishment intellectuals, he certainly doesn't sound like a smug robotic idiot.

    And this has been another installment of Simple Answers to Simple Questions...

    1. [Russ Choma] "It’s not cheap to live like a Trump, and American taxpayers are finding out the hard way. Wherever Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump go, they are accompanied by an entourage of Secret Service agents. Taxpayers don’t pay for the Trumps to travel, but they do foot the bill for their protective details. These trips often include stays in high-priced, luxury hotels, such as the One&Only Royal Mirage in Dubai, where the Trump brothers jetted in February 2017 to meet with Hussain Sajwani, their business partner in a Dubai golf resort. On this trip alone, which included a side visit to the Maldives with Sajwani and his family, the Secret Service racked up $230,000 in travel costs."

    2. He sounds like a plain idiot. He isn't though. He's a conman with a limited repertoire that, on the one hand, doesn't play well when exposed to light and scrutiny; on the other hand, it still satisfies his supporters.

    3. Every politician is a conman. The question is: who benefits.

      Liberal politicians have been conning the US population in the service and for the benefit of global capital.

      Donald The Magnificent appears to be doing the opposite: reversing the trend of global capital being allowed to freely chase the cheapest labor all over the globe. Returning industries back to the US. It's a hard task; god bless all his conning.

    4. [Reuters] "With one week left on a court-ordered deadline to reunite children and parents separated by U.S. immigration officials, government lawyers reported on Thursday that 364 of some 2,500 families with children aged 5 and older have been brought back together.It was unclear from the status report, filed as part of an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit challenging parent-child separations at the border, exactly how many more reunifications were likely."

    5. "Donald The Magnificent appears to be doing the opposite."
      What was the giveaway? When Trump named Goldman Sachs to run the Treasury?

  4. Somerby thinks a superior analyst would opine that Trump is either blackmailed, mentally ill, or intellectually impaired. (Could he be all three at once?)

    Then he criticizes Toobin for supposing that Trump really believes that Russia didn't meddle, (even though Trump was shown conclusive evidence of the meddling back in January of 2017). Couple that with Schwartz saying that Trump creates his own reality in his head, and you have described potential mental problems. (Also, just for the record, Schwartz actually met and worked with Trump, so his "take" may be more valuable than others. )

    How does anyone show blackmail? Well, you investigate financial ties with Russia; possible collusion to swing the election; the existence of a "pee tape." Any or all of these would support the claim of blackmail. This is what the media have been doing since day one. None of this is conclusively proven yet, but Somerby has been critical of liberals and the media for pursuing this kind of inquiry.

    What kind of mental illness is Somerby suggesting Trump is afflicted with? He has suggested "sociopathy" in the past. Now, proving mental illness from afar is much more difficult (impossible?) than investigating an objectively provable matter like blackmail. Claiming Trump is mentally ill involves a lot of speculation that can never be resolved by the media, or Bob Somerby. And besides, ironically, one of the characteristics of a sociopath is lying.

    And none of this is likely to sit well with Trump voters, so how would Somerby's superior (speculative) analysis not end up offending them and merit the charge of "liberal tribalism", which Somerby would be sure to make whenever a TV pundit speculated the "right way?"

    1. Sociopathy isn't mental illness.

    2. Easy to verify this, anon 12:15:

      Antisocial personality disorder (ASPDor APD) is a personality disorder

      Dissocial personality disorder (DPD), sociopathy

      Personality disorders (PD) are a class of mental disorders

    3. @AnonymousJuly 20, 2018 at 12:15 PM, why don't you peruse Somerby's post called "Colbert King employs a rude term!"
      from SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2017, to see what Somerby thinks about this. I am merely repeating what he has suggested.

    4. Mental Illness is diagnosed on Axis I. Personality disorders are on Axis II. A personality disorder is something someone was born with, pervasive and not readily changed. It is only a disorder to the extent that it causes the person or people around him to suffer or have problems with living.

      Calling something a disorder is not the same as saying someone is mentally ill. You reserve the latter terms for things like clinical depression, schizophrenia, major anxiety.

      It makes no sense to classify someone's personality as mental illness. They are born with their personality -- the definition of personality is that it is pervasive and difficult to change. Personality disorders arise when people's personality traits result in conflicts with others, causing them significant distress or causing serious problems for others.

      Just because you find something in the DSM doesn't make it mental illness. You can classify eating disorders too, but someone with an eating disorder is not mentally ill. Someone born with a developmental disorder such as Downs syndrome is not mentally ill but they are in the DSM.

      So, no, this is not easy for you to verify. This is the equivalent of someone trying to practice medicine using WebMD.

    5. @12:38

      See the discussion in the comments following that post.

  5. Both cable news and the NY Times should be consumed in moderation. You do not have to read every page and if fashion is not Somerby's thing, he should skip the Style section.

    No one on cable news is intending that their discussion be parsed as closely as Somerby reads it, based on transcripts. This is the modern equivalent of discussing the day's news over ham and eggs at the local diner. Somerby treats it like finished thoughts. If he doesn't like a pundit, he should switch channels, or better yet, go back to reading a book.

  6. You can't remove someone from office for being mentally ill. Trump was mentally ill when he was elected and the people chose him anyway. You need to remove him for unfitness or incompetence, using the mechanisms for doing so. That means you have to focus on his actions, not his personality or manner of speaking or management style. So you have to go back and discuss what he does.

    By many accounts, Abraham Lincoln was mentally ill, suffering from depression. Reagan was mentally ill, suffering from Alzheimer's. Kennedy was physically ill and abused pain meds and alcohol. LBJ was alcoholic. They functioned in office despite these problems. Crookedness and incompetence are not mental illnesses. Personality disorders are not mental illness. Sociopathy is a personality disorder, and not all sociopaths are dysfunctonal, criminal, hurt others, lie. Trump's problems go way beyond any psychiatric label. You have to look at his behavior and remove him from office because of what he does.

  7. Why doesn't Trump believe ARE intelligence agencies? Because, as Comey himself admitted under testimony, they never examined the DNC servers. Rather, they took the word of Crowdstrike, a private company hired by Hillary's campaign lawyer -the same man who hired Steele Todo the phone piss dossier. The man doing the analysis for Crowdstrike was a former employee of Brennan at the FBI.

    All of these people want a war with Russia, and want to deligitimize the election. So, acknowledging these facts, tell me why any sane person would trust them?

  8. Do you get it yet? Trump is keeping his promises. That is the only thing that matters. He is the first great politician to actually do that. That’s terrific, as long as you ignore such niggling details as the consequences.

    1. Including his promises to Russia, in exchange for putting him in office.

    2. as long as you ignore such niggling details as the consequences.

      But, gravymeister, there are no terrible consequences. The economy is booming. We're not in a new foreign war. The US hasn't been attacked by some foreign enemy. Whites are not rioting and attacking black neighborhoods. Federal income tax revenue is actually up 9%, despite (or because of) the Trump tax cuts.

    3. Straight from Prof. Otto Yerass.

    4. David,
      Have i told you about my recent health scare?

      Recently, I was leaning against the Wall Trump built (and Mexico paid for), while reading over the the tax returns Trump promised to release, when I had such a pain in my chest, I thought I was having a heart attack. So I used the better and cheaper healthcare Trump delivered, and saw a doctor.
      Turns out it was just gas(lighting).

    5. Consequences like separating kids from parents and putting them in cages. Consequences like letting hunters import trophies from endangered animals like elephants. Consequences like selling off and plundering national parks and monuments. Consequences like letting businesses pollute air and water again. Consequences like increasing the deficit and throwing people off health care, including children. Consequences like looting funds to fight zika and ebola to pay for immigrant detention. Lots more bad stuff, but surely you can see there are many consequences.

    6. -- No American parent was separated from her child
      -- No American was put in a cage
      -- Allowing trophies to be imported? Trivial
      -- No park was plundered
      -- Pollutant standards remain in force
      -- the health care payments provided by Obama was illegal. Trump obeyed the law.
      -- giving higher priority to enforcing immigration law is hardly a crime.
      -- increasing the deficit. True, but this is a consequence of the government committed to spending too much. The deficit was bound to rise, no matter who was elected.

      In short, these consequences are not major, compared to peace and prosperity and lawful governance. Trump opponents keep claiming that he's a uniquely awful President, but the facts do not support that description.

    7. Depends on your priorities.

      Americans are being separated. Naturalized citizens are being deported under the pretext of having committed a crime, or that their naturalization was fraudulent.

      I care about elephants. They are not trivial. Yes, parks are being declared no longer parkland and sold off, or plundered for gas or mining. So, you are a liar. Minimizing the consequences doesn't mean there are none, you liar.

    8. "-- increasing the deficit. "

      I'll remember this shrug when one of the parties wants to spend money to help the people (including people of color).

  9. I am surprised that Trump's opponents who (rightly) say that he lies all the time care about what he did or didn't say about Putin. Even though I support Trump, I have learned to distrust anything he says. Sometimes he says something he hopes will forward a goal. Sometimes he's mocking his opponents. Sometimes he's just blathering. So, I wait for Trump's actions to figure out where he stands.

    1. Talk about "full of shit".

    2. He is also a thief.
      And Putin's bitch.

    3. "So, I wait for Trump's actions to figure out where he stands."

      His trolling lib-zombies, making their heads explode over and over again is a beautiful thing to watch, though. Precious.

    4. Nice try, asshole.
      You are a punk, and you know it.

      Trump is a liar and a thief.
      And Putin's bitch.

    5. Mao, aka "gutless worm".

  10. "I wait for Trump's actions to figure out where he stands."

    Based on this criteria, Trump's a grifter, liar, misogynist, cruel bigot, and a complete disaster for the country. In other words, like any other Republican except more media savvy.

  11. The "mentally ill" bit again? What would rack up more votes for Trump fanatics than that tack? Please give it up Bob, it's a dumb idea right?



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