Interlude—A snapshot of the press corps: "How did it get so far?"
The question was first asked by Don Corleone, a business associate of Donald J. Trump's businessman father.
Today, the question is being asked again. There are several answers.
Last week's questioning of Agent Strzok highlighted a type of behavior our own tribe can't see. We refer to the decades of disdain our own tribe has showered on the ignorant hillbillies found Over There, the irredeemables spotted at Walmart.
According to communications from future anthropologists, that behavior was one of the strains which led the world to Mister Trump's Dispositive War. That foolish behavior is on us, the liberals.
That said, these future experts also point to the behavior of another roving band of this era. They talk about the sad behavior of the so-called mainstream press.
So sad! Even as we liberals laughed at the hillbilly ignorance found Over There, we ourselves were too dumb to see the role being played by those we trusted within that second band. To cite one awful example:
As of July 2018, we sat and watched, on our own cable channel, Lawrence, Brian and even Chris Matthews of a weeknight evening.
All three had played active, embarrassing roles in the earlier wars against Clinton, Clinton and Gore—the 25-year series of wars which finally allowed Mister Trump to squeeze past Hillary Clinton and find his way to the White House.
(Matthews had called her every misogynist name in the book. We were too stupid to notice, too hopelessly dumb to complain.)
Those journalists! Even as they aggressively worked to execute the demonization of Hillary Clinton, they dumbed the discourse way, way down, smoothing the way for the likes of Trump. This was especially true of Matthews, who was made rich by his owner, Jack Welch, as he launched a decade of attacks on the public's IQ.
We liberals didn't notice! We didn't notice the demonization; we didn't notice the dumbnification. We were too busy saying how dumb the hillbillies were Over There!
In this way, the demonology of the one roving band was enabled by the spectacular dumbness of the other. That said, the mainstream press corps was spectacularly incompetent too, during the age which was destined to end in Mister Trump's Score-Settling War of Extreme Resolution.
How persistently dumb was the mainstream press? Consider the uproar on cable last night—and consider today's New York Times.
Let's start with this morning's Times. Atop its front page, Landler and Sullivan write about Mister Trump's "swirl of confusion" over the past three days. But uh-oh!
Midway through their news report, they add today to their own band's swirl from the night before:
LANDLER AND SULLIVAN (7/19/18): Mr. Trump also came under sharp criticism for discussing an agreement with Mr. Putin under which Russian authorities would be allowed to question several American citizens it claims were involved in illegal dealings with a London-based financier and longtime critic of Mr. Putin, William F. Browder.That account is larded with confusion about what happened Monday in Helsinki.
On Monday, Mr. Trump said Mr. Putin had made an “incredible” offer: to allow the special counsel in the Russia inquiry, Robert S. Mueller III, to interview 12 Russian military intelligence officers indicted last week on a charge of hacking the Democratic National Committee and the 2016 Clinton campaign, in return for access to these Americans.
Among the names on the list, a Russian official told the Interfax news agency, is that of Michael A. McFaul, who served as American ambassador to Russia under President Barack Obama. Mr. McFaul was sharply critical of the Russian government during his posting in Moscow, and has continued to speak and write regularly about Mr. Putin.
It doesn't reflect what Putin says (in translation) in the transcript of Monday's press conference. For that reason, it doesn't reflect the nature of the "agreement" to which Trump didn't agree, though he dumbly called it an "incredible offer."
It doesn't explain who "the Interfax news agency" is. It doesn't explain that the recent statement to that news agency goes beyond what Putin said in the Helsinki presser, to which Trump responded with a typically brief and incoherent remark.
We've decided it would take a month to sort through all the confusion built into those three paragraphs from this morning's Times. But giving credit where credit is due, Landler and Sullivan finally managed to note the following, in paragraph 28:
LANDLER AND SULLIVAN: As a legal matter, Mr. Trump has no authority to force Mr. McFaul or any other American to face Russian questioning. The United States does not have an extradition treaty with Russia, and under a mutual legal assistance treaty between the countries, the Justice Department can reject any request relating to a case it deems politically motivated—a status it has long given to Russia’s case against Mr. Browder.Duh! That is an obvious point. Did you see anyone make that obvious point on "cable news" last night?
Duh! There's no obvious way that Donald J. Trump could force McFaul, or anyone else, to submit to Russian questioning. There's certainly no obvious way he could force McFaul, or anyone else, to be hauled off to Mother Russia itself, to be questioned on that famous foreign soil.
All last evening, we waited for the children of cable to state this obvious point. Instead, the children voted for high excitement and for fever pitch.
The silliest framework may have been offered—where else?—on the Maddow Show, whose very peculiar cable news host framed the matter like this:
MADDOW (7/18/18): That went off like a rocket today. Here's a taste from Democratic congressman Eric Swalwell, saying online today:Swalwell was wonderfully brave. But how could Trump "turn over" McFaul to the Russian potentate? Rachel Maddow, Our Own Rhodes Scholar, was too dumb to raise this obvious point as the excitement went off like a cable news rocket.
Take this to the bank, Donald Trump. You turn over former ambassador McFaul to Putin, you can count on me and millions of others to swiftly make you an ex-president.
So we know how at least one member of Congress feels about this.
The children of cable have played it this way for decades. Our favorite pseudoliberal stars demonized Clinton, Clinton and Gore for decades. Eventually, the weight of all these demonizations allowed the Trumpster to slip by Matthews' "Evita Peron" and make his way into the White House.
Over that twenty-five years of demonization, we brilliant liberals were too dumb to notice or to complain. We were too busy laughing about how stupid the hillbillies are!
We waited and waited and waited last night, wondering if anyone would state the obvious point. On what basis could Donald J. Trump "allow" the Russkies to interview McFaul? To hand him over to Vlad?
None of the children raised that point. It isn't what these idiots do. In the decades since since "cable news" began, it's not what they've ever done.
Last night offered one brief snapshot of the "mainstream press." Tomorrow, an embarrassing look at that prehuman band, drawn from its highest platform.
Tomorrow: A snapshot of last Sunday's Times
Only for people who read: We like to laugh about Donald J. Trump's lack of reading. For those who enjoy a good reading assignment, go ahead:
Peruse what Putin said in Helsinki. To what extent did his rather lengthy statement match the proposal Landler and Sullivan describe in this morning's Times?
Do you see McFaul mentioned at all? Do you see anything about Russkies questioning Americans?
Do you see anything about Mueller being "allowed to interview 12 Russian military intelligence officers?" Do you see anything about our people somehow being hauled Over There?
Meanwhile, on what basis would Trump be able to make any of this occur? In what way would he be able to "turn over" McFaul?
It's the world's most obvious question. But in the midst of all the excitement, did you see a single cable denizen ask that question last night?
Truly, it's all excitement now. Until you get to graf 28, it's thrills and chills all the way down.
I squeeze nectar into a cup so I can put my lips on a delicious concoction.
ReplyDeleteSomerby gives us a link to the statement by Putin, but it was Trump who named McFaul as one of the people Putin wanted to question, not Putin himself and a Russian official who gave that information to Interfax. Landler and Sullivan didn't attribute that to Putin, so why would we check Putin's remarks to find it?
ReplyDeletePresumably that came up during Putin and Trump's two-hour discussion, for which there is no record at all that anyone can check.
Then Somerby blames Maddow, NOT the member of Congress, Swalwell, for saying something stupid about people being turned over to Russia. Somerby also places a lot of faith in Trump following the law, after he has clearly violated it with regard to deportation of immigrants and even naturalized citizens (on pretexts of illegality). A little matter of US law isn't going to stop Trump from shipping off former US officials if Putin tells him to.
I envisage all the good German people saying "Hitler wouldn't kill disabled children and elderly in hospitals. That would be against the law." Even while those very atrocities were being committed, and the church members and others who protested were being put in camps as enemies of the state. Germany saw how much law was worth once Hitler corrupted the courts.
But not one word from Somerby about the serious and ongoing efforts by liberals to keep Trump from packing the supreme court, to block his creation of detention camps, to oppose his current illegalities committed against stigmatized groups. Somerby is the one napping in the woods today, while he mocks Maddow for the crime of repeating what others have said.
Somerby invokes the fictional Corleone as a business associate of Trump's father. Why does he not mention the actual New York gangsters who Trump himself did business with? Why not mention the names of the Russian oligarchs who supported his failed businesses from 1987 to the present, according to both of Trump's sons?
ReplyDeleteWhy pretend that Trump's crime connections are fictional or in the past or attributed to his father when Trump himself is much worse? Too lazy? To frightened? Or does Somerby wish to paint a misleading picture of Trump's mob connections, minimizing them for readers to whitewash our dirty dirty president?
"(Matthews had called her every misogynist name in the book. We were too stupid to notice, too hopelessly dumb to complain.)"
ReplyDeleteMany of us complained. There was indeed an uproar about Matthews misogyny. It came from women and who listens to them? There have been complaints every time Dowd wrote her anti-Hillary stuff too. Why did Somerby not notice that either?
Misogyny is pervasive in our society. Blaming liberals for their failure to complain when they DID complain illustrates how misogyny works. And who is the one overlooking the complaints? It is Somerby himself. Deadrat, here is another clue to Somerby's feelings about women. He likes to use Hillary to beat up Matthews and Maddow, but he doesn't actually care about her or her candidacy. If he did, he would have noticed the outcry every time she was slimed.
But Somerby is correct that many men, including some supposedly liberal men and many Bernie Bros, joined in the sexist attacks on Hillary. And of course, all those conservatives. Is there any evidence that Matthews himself was "liberal" during that time period? Is he now? He comes across to me as a major narcissist, like Trump, who is advancing his own interests in whatever way appeals to him at the moment.
That leads us to consider whether it is the job of the mainstream media to represent liberal or conservative views rather than to report current events.
I think the attacks on Hillary made by Joe Biden are worse, and he is an actual liberal leader.
Somerby doesn't like the liberal women who complain, such as Amanda Marcotte or Rebecca Traister more recently.
DeleteAndrea Mitchell has attacked Hillary more consistently than Matthews but Somerby has never said a word about her behavior. She is clearly not liberal but is ubiquitous on MSNBC and NBC before that.
Anonymous July 19, 2018 at 1:08 PM,
DeleteMany of us complained
OK, good on you. But isn’t Maddow increasingly popular? Isn’t she bestest buddies now with the execrable Mattews? Rush Limbaugh gets creepy about birth control, and people organize boycotts. Maureen Dowd gets even creepier about liberal politicians until she’s rebuked by her paper’s own public editor. Where are her boycotters? I think you’re right about how pervasive misogyny is in our society, especially our politics, and one indication is the pass that misogynists like Matthews and the NYT get. I think that’s TDH’s point.
Why should TDH care about Hillary Clinton? That’s the job of her friends and family. Perhaps TDH should have cared more about her candidacy, but why isn’t that down to political preference? It’s not that there isn’t plenty to dislike about Clinton from the progressive viewpoint. Just as there’s plenty to admire.
The problem for your approach to this blog is that you think you have a “clue” about Somerby’s “feelings” about women.
And you don’t.
Somerby should have pushed Clinton during the campaign by focusing on her strong programs that are consistent with his values -- she had many. He shouldn't have talked about her failings and expressed ambivalence the way he did, saying several times that he preferred Bernie.
DeleteOf course Somerby can write whatever he wants in his blog. But he cannot do what he did during the last campaign and then come back and blame liberals for letting Trump win, calling liberals a bunch of names. At least liberals supported Hillary instead of an arm-waving Socialist with no chance in hell of gaining the nomination -- continuing to support him to the point that the 3rd party votes were greater than Clinton's losing margins in those critical states. Somerby has no standing to rail at us -- why aren't we boycotting, picketing, complaining, doing whatever it is he thinks we should be doing -- making nice with The Other (the way Trump and Putin are doing), when we are the ones who did our best to get Clinton elected and he sat on his hands and undermined our efforts.
And women can tell who has a problem and who doesn't, just as members of any minority group can tell who has trouble with them and who doesn't. Somerby reeks of ambivalence toward women.
But I wouldn't mind that if he weren't daily writing things that give aide and comfort to Trump and conservatives under the guise of being a liberal, and under the guise of media criticism (ha!).
Anonymous July 19, 2018 at 3:11 PM,
DeleteCan you point me to the blog entries where TDH says he prefers Bernie to Hillary? I tried but was defeated by the false drops, partly due to the other Sanders.
You can’t reasonably blame TDH for Clinton’s loss. First of all, how many people read this blog? Besides you, me, Mao in California, and David Cheng Ji, that is. If all of Jill Stein’s voters voted for Clinton, then, yeah she would have won PA, MI,and WI, and thus the election. Is that reasonable? If you’re gonna rerun the election without Stein, don’t you have to do the same thing with Johnson and give his votes to Trump?
I read TDH’s position as saying that defining your political opponents as “The Other” as bad for the polity in general and losing strategy in particular. Now I believe that if you could reason with Trump supporters, there wouldn’t be Trump supporters, but I realize I might be wrong.
And, no. Women can’t tell from this blog whether Somerby has a problem with women. It’s hard enough to figure out what people are thinking when you’re face to face with them and have all the extra-verbal cues available. So you should probably stop pretending to read minds. You’re not very good at it.
And goddamit it’s aid and comfort An aide is a person; an aid is support.
I enumerated all the posts where Somerby said he preferred Sanders in comments back when this was discussed here before. Someone said he hadn't expressed a preference and I listed the quotes where he did. I am not going to do it again.
DeleteI don't blame TDH for Clinton's loss. I blame TDH for hypocritically criticizing liberals for her loss when he himself didn't help.
I am not going to go back and collect all the quotes showing Somerby's attitude toward women. Any of them singly won't be convincing but together they present a picture that suggests he has a problem. I've been reading this blog since the original posts about Gore. That's a long time. I wouldn't have said that Somerby wasn't liberal and I wouldn't have said he dislikes women back then or at any point until the last year of so. His remarks are Roy Moore were awful. Lately he's been saying some pretty raw things. I cannot know whether he's thought this stuff all along and has recently become disinhibited or whether he's changed, but he's pretty messed up.
I'm not going to stop "pretending to read minds." I'm going to point out the problems as they occur daily. That will help you recognize the pattern I believe I have been seeing. Then you can agree or disagree, but at least you'll see the evidence.
Hillary discusses the impact of Sanders on her campaign, the impact of Comey, and various other criticisms of her campaign, evaluating why she lost. She fully admits her errors and her discussion is not at all self-serving. It is pretty interesting and consistent with what I've read at 538/Nate Silver and other places. One indicator of sexism, in my opinion, is that those who want to blame Hillary for this or that have invariably not read her own account of why she lost. That includes Somerby.
I've noticed that whatever I say here, you disagree with it. I therefore have very little hope that anything I write in response to you is going to be anything more than a waste of time.
Analysis of choice of language, tone and content of someone's blog to determine their attitude toward something is not "mind reading." It is what happens during communication. Otherwise nothing would be available to others except the string of literal meanings of the individual words. A message is always more than that. You want to privilege your own interpretations as correct and disparage everyone else's. That's dirty pool.
And don't forget what Bob said about Nancy Reagan and whale meat.
DeleteBeing excessively literal is a sign of brain injury or mental illness.
DeleteNotice how revealing one's gender within minutes results in gendered insults: "dumb bitch". Last time it was "cunt." Take note deadrat -- you're the one who is always calling for people to use some identifying moniker.
"contridict" is spelled "contradict"
In the sentence above, the word "logically" or "legitimately" or some such is implied by the words "cannot do". But if you want to spend the afternoon playing gotcha, don't let me spoil your fun.
Deadrat, anon 5:39 is deranged. None of the examples she provided of TDH's supposed status as a "Bernie bro" showed that in any way, shape or form. She harps on this absurd notion, as well as others, all the time, and is beyond hope.
Delete“Let me add a disclaimer that I’m no expert in the physics because if I don’t say that I’ll wake up my own personal Anonymous troll, who appears from time to time to tell me that no one likes me. If only he would tell me something I didn’t know.”
Seemed cryptic at the time.
Anonymous July 19, 2018 at 3:11 PM,
DeleteI enumerated all the posts where Somerby said he preferred Sanders in comments back when this was discussed here before.
Well, then point me to your comment. I take it you know the approximate date.
I don't blame TDH for Clinton's loss.
Except that you do. You worked to get Clinton elected and according to you Somerby “sat on his hands and undermined our efforts.” Which is an odd trope, come to think of it. But that’s as may be. You should at least own what you write.
His remarks are Roy Moore were awful.
The weren’t, and you should stop saying they were. This is what TDH had to say about Moore on 12/5/17:
There's a great deal to criticize in the realm of Roy Moore's public conduct. Routinely, Moore's public conduct has proven too extreme even for Alabama conservative elites, as well as for substantial numbers of Alabama Republican voters.
Beyond that, several women have made very serious accusations against Moore, accusing him of serious sexual misconduct in 1979.
He criticized Lawrene O’Donnell for censorious commentary on Moore’s marrying a 24-year-old divorcee when he was 38.
TDH notes that
Might we mention something else? Moore stands credibly accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl, and of violently attacking a second girl who was 16.
So the serious charges of misconduct go unremarked, but the 14-year age gap between a woman of 24 and a man of 38 is a problem? The Moores are still married, by the way.
On WaPos’s report that Moore dated a 19-year old (with her mother’s approval) when he was 32, TDH writes:
We can think of a million reasons why we ourselves wouldn't vote for Roy Moore. But how odd! We've rarely seen those reasons discussed in the last month.
TDH’s complaint is the press fascination with Moore’s dating habits, in spite of accusations of sexual assault and “blatant craziness of Moore's ridiculous public career.”
What about this commentary is “awful”?
I don’t disagree with everything you say here. I only disagree with the unreasonable parts. I generally don’t chime in when people agree with me. I just think how smart they must be. You’re no exception.
Analysis of choice of language, tone and content of someone's blog to determine their attitude toward something is not "mind reading.”
All you’ve got on a blog is content. I urge you to stick with that.
It is what happens during communication.
Some claim that extra-verbal communication is the greater part. But that’s face to face. You have nothing but the words.
Otherwise nothing would be available to others except the string of literal meanings of the individual words.
Well, no. The meaning of the words in context. But that context doesn’t include TDH’s interiority because you have no evidence of that.
A message is always more than that.
To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a message is just a message.
You want to privilege your own interpretations as correct and disparage everyone else's. That's dirty pool.
No, I want to encourage the minimal interpretation based on what’s written and not on what’s in your mind about what’s in Somerby’s. And not everyone else. Just you and those who think like you.
Take note deadrat -- you're the one who is always calling for people to use some identifying moniker.
I don’t see how using a nym would have made the gendered insults any worse. By the way, I think you’re being trolled.
DeleteI didn’t mean to be cryptic. Open up the June index on the right margin. Look for “GAPS AND TRACKS: We'll just pour resources into th…” for June 21. The troll and I exchange about 20 comments between June 22 and July 6. Hard to say who’s crazier.
"Now I believe that if you could reason with Trump supporters, there wouldn’t be Trump supporters, but I realize I might be wrong."
DeleteCockeyed optimism.
DeleteI prefer to think of myself as cautiously pessimistic.
In the sentence above, the word "logically" or "legitimately" or some such is implied by the words "cannot do".
DeleteThat's still contradictory dumb whore.
"the 25-year series of wars which finally allowed Mister Trump to squeeze past Hillary Clinton and find his way to the White House"
ReplyDeleteYour liberal-neocon psycho-witch lost because your death-cult has been destroying the country and the world. Not because Chris Matthews said something.
"to which Trump didn't agree, though he dumbly called it an "incredible offer.""
Dumbly? What I saw there was two presidents of nuclear superstates acting amicably, trying to restore the relations ruined by your zombie death-cult.
If that feels like "dumbly" to you, then all you are is a fucking zombie.
"Your liberal-neocon psycho-witch lost because your death-cult has been destroying the country and the world."
DeleteNice try, but it was (White) America's bigotry fetish which won Trump the Presidency.
Do you see anything about Russkies questioning Americans?
ReplyDeleteTDH asks: Do you see anything about Mueller being "allowed to interview 12 Russian military intelligence officers?" Do you see anything about our people somehow being hauled Over There?
Yes, Bob. It's right here. This isn't difficult.
PUTIN: Moreover, we can meet you halfway. We can make another step. We can actually permit representatives of the United States, including the members of this very commission headed by Mr. Mueller, we can let them into the country. They can be present at questioning.
In this case, there’s another condition. This kind of effort should be mutual one. Then we would expect that the Americans would reciprocate. They would question officials, including the officers of law enforcement and intelligence services of the United States whom we believe have something to do with illegal actions on the territory of Russia. And we have to request the presence of our law enforcement.
For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder in this particular case. Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia. They never paid any taxes. Neither in Russia nor in the United States. Yet, the money escapes the country. They were transferred to the United States. They sent huge amount of money, $400 million as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton. Well, that’s their personal case. It might have been legal, the contribution itself. But the way the money was earned was illegal. We have solid reason to believe that some intelligence officers, guided these transactions. So we have an interest of questioning them. That could be a first step. We can extend also it. Options abound. They all can be found in an appropriate legal framework.
"That account is larded with confusion about what happened Monday in Helsinki."
ReplyDeleteThe one who is confused is you, Bob. If you're on the level here. (But that's another question).
Putin clearly offered to let Mueller talk with the Russians he indicted if Trump would allow Putin's prosecutor to speak with Americans associated with Browder. One of those people was McFaul, according to the Russian prosecutor general’s office. Trump did not deny this, and Sarah Sanders said his team was considering the offer.
Then, Bob, you say this:
"Duh! There's no obvious way that Donald J. Trump could force McFaul, or anyone else, to submit to Russian questioning. There's certainly no obvious way he could force McFaul, or anyone else, to be hauled off to Mother Russia itself, to be questioned on that famous foreign soil."
Are you sure about that? Read the twitter feed from Brian P. McKeon:
Educate yourself, Bob!
Why would you think Trump is back pedaling from the press conference? Who is holding him accountable for his deeds? Who pushes back when he entertains "incredible offers" from Putin that involve handing over US Citizens, something you casually dismiss as " obvious can it be?" (Not to Trump apparently).
We keep going back to Bob's statement from Tuesday:
"As of today, many more pundits are openly asking if Donald J. Trump is being blackmailed. That strikes us as a very good question. So do questions about his mental health and his intellectual competence."
Entertaining Putin's offer suggests to many that Trump may be blackmailed. You say it's a good question to ask, but, just like your earlier contention that Trump is a "sociopath", you fail to provide evidence. And when the press or others bring forward potential evidence, you revert to type, blaming Trump on Chris, Brian, Lawrence, Rachel, on liberals' treatment of the "hillbillies", you know, all your greatest hits. Not only is that a very weak analysis of a massive social and political trend in our society going back 50 years; it also almost absolves Trump.
I wondered what news event Bob would look at today.
ReplyDeleteA Russian agent/whore had been arrested yesterday for trying to infiltrate the Republican party. But when in doubt, as per usual, Bob chose the Maddow route.
Back in the day (the 60's) a R&B singer out of New Orleans named Ernie K. Doe had a hit called "Mother-In-Law". He also had a minor hit called "Here Comes the Girls". You-Tube has a version of the latter featuring about 100 women. Terrific, if you love women. You could look it up.
Trump wakes up every morning thinking "Here comes the Russian whores".
Take a look at the pictures of him and Putin. Trump is scared shitless while Putin has the satisfied look of someone who knows "I've got him; and he knows I've got him".
Remember that Putin is an ex-KGB agent, the guy who sent his agents to England to murder his enemies. Not a nice guy.
Also keep in mind that:
Trump is a liar and a thief.
And Putin's bitch.
Putin accuses Browder and associates of illegal campaign contributions to Hillary Clinton's campaign. Wouldn't the Republicans in Congress and their Fox News mouthpieces love to bring that up for "investigation." Perhaps McFaul could be hauled in front of Congress as well for more thought crime allegations. Putin would be ecstatic. And that's how you do Putin's bidding without extraditing a soul. The pushback against Putin's offer is massive, and essential. It isn't clear Trump or his Congressional allies would do the right thing ("Duh!") without this resistance.
ReplyDeleteToday Putin corrected himself about the amount he claimed went to Clinton--he said $400 million but meant $400,000. Big difference. Bound to disappoint Trump supporters looking to deflect attention from their guy's buffoonery. Also, Putin specifically said the donation was *not* illegal under U. S. campaign regulations, at least as far as he was aware, but that the income from which the funds came might have violated Russian laws against tax evasion. Hence, his "interest" in talking to Browder, et al.
DeleteThis is far from over. Bernie Sanders' campaign manager, Tad Devine, appears 16 times in the list of 500 pieces of evidence provided by prosecutors in the trial of Paul Manafort.
ReplyDeleteThey are going after Republicans first for accepting Russian help in the campaign, but they will go after the campaigns of Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders eventually.
Politico has this story, but it specifies that the Devine-Manafort emails had to do with their work prior on the Ukraine election prior to 2016 U. S. election. Devine, a Democrat, was a partner of manafort's. So, not a smoking gun re Bernie-Clinton race. Least not yet . . .
DeleteTrump is clearly not "mentally ill" in any way which would suggest a path towards removing him from office. Someone that mentally ill could not function at a level that allowed them to hold the office in the first place.
ReplyDeleteSomerby must realize this so why the repeated insistence that this is what Dems should really be talking about? Maybe business dried up during the Obama years for Bob?
I really don't see any reason why anyone would seriously suggest that discussing Trump's mental state would be a winning strategy for Dems so why is Somerby intent on pushing this losing strategy so hard?
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