BREAKING: The judge is shielding the Manafort jury!


No one can is there to shield you:
What hasn't Paul Manafort agreed to cop a plea?

The experts have been speculating about that question this week. Some have said that he may be hoping for a pardon. We've seen no one suggest that he may realize that it only takes one Trump supporter on a jury to kill a guilty verdict.

According to reports, Manafort was unusually active and animated during jury selection. Is he hoping that opponents of the "witch hunt" and the Deep State might make a conviction impossible?

Since cable news is round-the-clock speculation, we're amazed that we still haven't seen anyone speculate that.

Last night, Jill Wine-Banks was complaining that Trump was trying to poison the jury with yesterday's tweets. Please! He's been poisoning potential jurors for well over a year. The children are so busy laughing and playing that no one has thought about that.

In the courtroom, the judge is apparently shielding the jury from presentations that would be "more prejudicial than probative." He isn't letting the prosecutors use the loaded term "oligarchs." He isn't letting the prosecutors show the jurors all those photos of Manafort's fancy clothes. That includes the famous ostrich jacket!

In such ways, judges shield jurors from the occasional baser instincts of prosecutors, who are human like everyone else. But who will shield the "cable news" viewers from manifest bullshit like this?
MELBER (8/1/18): Former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade and politico's Josh Gerstein, thank you both.

We have one more note as we've been talking all about this. Manafort has those expensive tastes and that includes, we're going to show you, a $15,000 ostrich coat. Josh just mentioned it.


We want you to see it because you're not a juror. So, you have every right to the information out there. Here is, we submit to you, the ostrich coat in question, and we submit it to you without comment.

We'll be right back.

Melber was guest hosting for Rachel Maddow, in whose world prosecutors are never out over their skis, let alone wrong in some way. Although she's very good at hiding it, Rachel is all about throwing The Others in jail.

In fairness to Melber, he was almost surely reading text prepared by Maddow's staffers. But when he showed you the ostrich "coat" "because you have every right to the information," you were being treated like children, also like fools.

You were being talked down to. It's a way of life on cable.

The judge is shielding the jurors, as judges should. No one is there to shield or protect the lowly cable viewer.


  1. Somerby first suggests that jurors are so biased they would ignore all evidence and render a verdict based on political views. Then he says the jurors need to be shielded by the judge from the slight bias of seeing what an expensive coat looks like. Then he goes further and suggests that viewers are being mistreated when they are shown such coat pictures on cable. As if everyone watching cable were performing a function similar to a jury in their daily lives.

    A jury that acquits Manifort after being shown evidence of his guilt is committing an unlawful act that undermines our legal system. They are as bad as those who subverted our voting process or those who engaged in money laundering. Most people have political views, but they do not automatically place those views ahead of sacred duties, like that of rendering an unbiased, fair judgment at the end of a trial. If they cannot be fair, they are expected to tell the judge so, before being seated as a juror.

    Somerby's suggestion that there are any such jurors in this trial is outrageous. It is as bent as Trump's suggestion that Democrats in the FBI are using their jobs to persecute Trump. It is as outrageous as the suggestion that the IRS is targeting conservative groups for audits. But Somerby thinks this is such a casual accusation of perfidy that many cable personalities should not only have raised it as a possibility to seen its inevitable occurrence! This is how little Somerby thinks of the American people, and conservatives in particular.

    So, who is it that thinks of people as children, as so flawed that they cannot make a fair judgment in a jury? Somerby, not journalists on MSNBC. And his view is so cynical it belong right up there with the views of his preferred political actors -- Bernie Sanders and Tad Devine. Men who talk about the dangers of money in campaigns while stuffing cash down their pants (to borrow a phrase).

    1. If there were a juror who displayed that kind of bias during jury deliberations, any of the other jurors could report him or her to the judged, that biased juror would be removed and an alternate would replace the biased jury member. So those with different political views can act as a check on the biased jurors. The success of jury nullification thus depends on how strong Mueller's case is. I suspect it is very strong.

    2. The judge can set aside a jury finding if he believes they didn't follow instructions.

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  2. "According to reports, Manafort was unusually active and animated during jury selection."

    Link, please?

  3. If the defense could just find one or two jurors who pay for $900,000 worth of suits and ostrich skin jackets with wire transfers from Cypriot banks, using money obtained by working for oligarchs, er um, wealthy "businessmen" with close ties to Putin, and which they fail to declare as income, why, I guess Manafort would stand a good chance of being exonerated. "Jury of his peers", right Bob?

  4. "Although she's very good at hiding it, Rachel is all about throwing The Others in jail. "

    Yes, Bob. Paul Manafort is just your run of the mill, average Republican "Other", being hounded, as usual, by Rachel, who always wants to throw The Others in jail.

    Now, even though she is good at hiding this cruel aspect of her twisted nature, you and you alone have ferreted out what is not evident to the rest of the world.

  5. I'm so old I can remember when Bob Somerby went off the deep end when Maddow said something nice about Fox News.

  6. No one can protect you beyond yourself. Be careful.
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  7. Michael Weiss thinks he knows about Russia and Mr Trump.

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