Beauty is in the eye of each observer!


So too with President Biden's acuity and health: "I'll have [one of] what she's having!" We've added two words to the famous line from When Harry Met Sally.

This morning, we'll have one of what Kevin Drum's having with respect to President Biden's current all-around health.

Kevin feels the concern about the president's mental acuity is basically an illusion. It doesn't look that way to us, but Kevin could always turn out to be right. 

That said, it hasn't looked that way for some time.  Headline included, this is Kevin's full post:

Here is Joe Biden’s press conference. Watch for yourself.

Joe Biden continues to have problems enunciating certain sounds, and I also think that "angry" Joe Biden doesn't work for him. That said, here's his entire press conference this afternoon. It's only 13 minutes long. Watch for yourself and decide if, speech issues aside, he seems in any way cognitively limited. As usual, it strikes me that if you watch the whole thing instead of just reading about it or looking at snippets, he seems fine.

On balance, President Biden doesn't seem fine to us. That said, you can watch yesterday's 13-minute event by clicking to Kevin's post.

A few of Kevin's commenters have pushed back against his sense that things are basically OK. One reader offered an (understandably) angry, pessimistic comment:

COMMENTER: This is the second year in a row that President Biden has refused to speak to the American people just before the Super Bowl.

This is inexcusable. Can you image Trump turning down this opportunity, or any contender for that matter? This is cowardly.

Of course I will vote Biden, I will work for his re-election. But I am damned unhappy about his piss poor judgement. I am as angry with him as I was with Ms. Willis.

Bad judgement that will deliver the United States to Mr. Trump, but also Europe to Putin.

I spit on the ground at Biden's feet. Stupid he is to not recognize that he cannot counter this ever-expanding negativity swirling around him.

The commenter is angry about the refusal to do the Super Bowl interview. Even here, this angry comment seems to be sunk in a possible bit of denial. To wit:

The commenter is angry that Biden turned down the chance to be interviewed this Sunday. He sees this decision as a form of "piss poor judgment."

It doesn't seem to have occurred to the commenter that the refusal to be interviewed may represent a savvy judgment about the president's possible inability to perform well in such a setting. Another reader posted this response to that comment:

RESPONSE: "This is inexcusable. Can you image Trump turning down this opportunity, or any contender for that matter?"

No, because Trump is a media whore. So are most other Republican contenders. What's your point? It's obviously not a *requirement* to speak before the Super Bowl, since something like three-quarters of our past presidents didn't do so.

Here too, it doesn't seem to have occurred to this commenter that there could be a savvy, if unfortunate,  reason for the decision to skip the interview.

Here's another comment:

COMMENTER: Biden has an easy defense if the public has a misunderstanding of his current mental abilities/memory, etc: Biden could do several, relatively free form, public facing events.

I read that Regan, after charges of mental decline, actively increased his public facing agenda. In contrast, passing on the Super Bowl interview feeds into the narrative that the Biden team is hiding him.

Or else, perception in a hyper media world quickly becomes reality.

Here again, the commenter hasn't allowed for the possibility that Biden might have difficulty doing several freeform public events at the present time.

At this site, we have no ultimate way to know about the state of President Biden's mental acuity. That said, the negative perception has been building over a fairly substantial stretch of time. It has not been coming on quickly.

When we see tape of Biden from four years ago, I don't feel entirely sure that that person still exists. His voice was stronger, his eyes were wider, his self-assurance seemed stronger. not sure that person.

In the last few days, I saw tape of Biden from January 2023 and it struck me that I'm not even sure that that version of President Biden still exists.

Denial, wishful thinking and true belief can be powerful forces at times of great partisan conflict. President Biden doesn't seem the same to us. They've been pushing this extremely hard at orgs like Fox, but I for one don't think that they're simply making it up.

In the end, Kevin's perception may turn out to be accurate. I thought Biden's energy level and demeanor were highly unpersuasive last night, and if some loss of acuity is underway, such situations tend to get worse.

In our view, Trump is deeply disordered, but he's full of energy ("passionate intensity"). Our tribe seems to be whistling past the (metaphorical) graveyard with respect to this state of affairs—that is, unless Kevin is right.

This is a terrible, tragic state of affairs. That is, unless Kevin is right.


  1. Mygrants vs cops in Times Square:

    1. Cops lie?
      Must be a day that ends in "y".

  2. Actually, Bob, you expressed the concern that Biden was too old to run during the DNC primary debates.

    You also defended Biden from Kamala Harris’ attack on his position on busing in the 1970s and on the criticism of his cordial relationships with Democratic colleagues who were former segregationists.

    In both instances double-jointed anonymices twisted themselves into pretzels with lavish and feigned umbrage.

    1. My lavish umbrage is never feigned.

    2. Best I can do for you is “selective”.

    3. The observation that Biden is too old can be reasonably criticized.

      Biden's anti busing stance and civility towards racists in Congress can both be reasonably criticized.

      Neither would require "twisted" critiques; this is a remarkably ignorant claim, such that the claim-maker can reasonably be suspected of arguing in bad faith and from a position of anger and hostility.

    4. Anonymouse 4:45pm, both stances can be criticized and both stances can be put into a proper context in a logical fashion.

      Bob did the latter.

    5. Bob framed those issues with his preferred narrative, not with logic.

      Historically, a main criticism of Bob's preferred narratives is that they lack context and logic.

      Claiming one has a copyright on logic is laughably nonsensical.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Anonymouse 5:07pm, all that abuse then and even now when he is proved right.

    8. If you're having a stroke Cecelia, call for help.

      Otherwise, FYI, no one can decipher your garbled utterances.

    9. 5:27 you said it.

    10. Anonymouse5:27pm,, no, even you can understand that Bob’s concerns then were derided and he was roundly insulted, and now he has been shown to have been correct.

    11. The key to concern-trolling, is never do it in a court of law, under oath.

    12. And understanding that it’s not trolling if it’s a legitimate concern.

    13. "if it’s a legitimate concern."

    14. Cecelia, maybe you were signed out, and then you signed in?

    15. Anonymouse 9:07pm, I must have hit something.

    16. I’m still a Cecelia fan.

    17. That’s sweet, anonymouse 9:14pm.

      I’ll try to be shorter.

    18. In my fantasies you’re 5’4”.

    19. Like your political arguments.

    20. When I was in third grade tallest kid in the class was a girl.

    21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    22. Anonymouse 7:49am, oh, that we could offer up objective and fact-based analysis such as this:

      “AnonymousFebruary 9, 2024 at 8:11 PM
      Until Biden is no longer competent to do his job, he is our candidate. Arguing about his memory is a ridiculous waste of time. Biden is surrounded by people who work closely with him and observe him daily in all sort of situations. THEY will speak out if Biden is disabled, because Democrats are not under a boss's thumb like Trump's people were. Right now, the many people surrounding Biden are telling us that he is fine. I believe them because they are not corrupt goons and cowed minions, but professionals doing important work. That's why it is safe to vote for Biden/Harris. Democrats are focused on our national goals, not their own self-interest, and they can be counted on to ring the bell if Biden deteriorates

    23. Kevin has touched on this topic:

  3. I watched the press conference. Biden did better than my conservative sources had led me through expect. He made the points that he intended on a way that was clear and comprehensible.

    OTOH he came across as old. He got at least one name wrong. He did not make good strong arguments supporting his claims. An opponent could have refuted a lot of what he said.

    The report more or less said Biden’s memory is so bad he couldn’t be convicted. That’s a strong criticism of his ability to be President. Biden said his memory is OK, but he needs to do more to rebut this finding IMO

    1. I agree. It wasn't as bad as his opponents are portraying it. But he does come across as really old and diminished and it does beg the questions "Is this the best we can do?" "Why?"


    2. His memory is so bad that he can't be indicted. But he says his memory is fine. So, then, he should be indicted? I'm confused now.

    3. Leading public intellectual Heather Cox Richardson recently interviewed Biden for the second time and remarked that while she noticed his stammer and slower speech, she in fact found him astute, sharp witted, and perceptive, noting that she did not detect any hint of cognitive decline.

      Somerby is dumbly putting his thumb on the scale, driven by his own personal agenda (and demons).

    4. Trump is lapping Biden in the race to 100 indictments, 91 to 0.

    5. I'll still vote for Biden (because, you know, his opponent is a rapist), but I can see the concern.
      Ronald Reagan had cognitive issues, and he was the worst President in the history of the nation.

    6. Still ain’t voting for Biden. He’s just too damn old.

    7. Don’t like Biden? Write in Netanyahu.

    8. 8;53,
      If you get in a time machine, and go back thirty years, you can vote for Trump.

  4. Bibi Netanyahu should be POTUS.

    1. Indeed, then we can finally start bombing Mexico and getting all people of color corralled into a small space that could also be easily bombed.

      If you want to start some ethnic cleansing, a genocide, and indiscriminate bombing that kills tens of thousands of innocent civilians, half of whom are children, then Netanyahu is your person.

    2. Netanyahu is such a piece of shit, I sometimes confuse him with a Republican voter.

    3. Why bomb Mexico? The country we really hate is Cuba. And when the UN General Assembly calls for the end of our sanctions, Israel votes with us.

      Bibi for President! Bomb Cuba!

  5. Big surprise: Bob has zero to say about the Hur Report, and if the (or why) The President being asked about the death of his Son was appropriate. This may strike some people as Republican dirty politics drifting into sadism, a hallmark of the era started by Bob’s poor, disordered friend.
    Bob should have nothing to say about Willis, as he has consistently written off the Georgia trial as legal trivia.

    1. They could have charged him.

    2. "They"

      Bwahahaha!!!!! You're a hoot, Cec.

    3. The thing is: Trump will be convicted this year in the DC trial.

      The question is what happens afterward.

    4. Anonymouse 4:42pm, you said it.

    5. 4:13,
      If my Aunt had wheels, instead of legs, she could have been a truck.

    6. So right after the country and the world see how senile Biden is, the DNC Propaganda machine starts circling the wagons around old Joe and going after the prosecutor. Funny, they had no problem with Mueller torturing Trump for 3 years based on a total fraud.

    7. If Mueller tortured Trump for three years, there'd be a statue of Mueller in every town square.

  6. The claim that Trump is full of energy while Biden is fading away is not demonstrable, and in fact, the opposite appears to be true, as Biden has had some recent feisty speeches leading to polls showing he is ahead of Trump, while Trump sniffs, slurs, and farts his way through misreading a teleprompter, saying truly bizarre things, and notably some of the weirdest non sequiturs ever uttered.

    1. Trump looks tired to me and.there’s something different about him. He looks like he could be having problems in his marriage.

    2. Cecelia, would you consider taking care of Trump? As a public service.

    3. No, not on that basis.

      It would cost both of you.

  7. Quaker in a BasementFebruary 9, 2024 at 5:21 PM

    Kevin posted a link to the unedited interview and invited others to form their own opinions.

    Can't get any fairer than that.

  8. A majority of Americans want a ceasefire in Gaza.

  9. John Ramsey, widely suspected of being involved with the murder of his own child (indeed he was indicted by a grand jury), ran for state legislator as a Republican in Michigan. He lost in the primary.

    Republicans! Not the best and brightest.


  10. I am a nice elderly man with poor memory. I poop my pants. I am non compos mentis. I love children. I'm asking for your empathy. I am Borby.

  11. Until Biden is no longer competent to do his job, he is our candidate. Arguing about his memory is a ridiculous waste of time. Biden is surrounded by people who work closely with him and observe him daily in all sort of situations. THEY will speak out if Biden is disabled, because Democrats are not under a boss's thumb like Trump's people were. Right now, the many people surrounding Biden are telling us that he is fine. I believe them because they are not corrupt goons and cowed minions, but professionals doing important work. That's why it is safe to vote for Biden/Harris. Democrats are focused on our national goals, not their own self-interest, and they can be counted on to ring the bell if Biden deteriorates to the point where he is not in control.

    On the right, conspiracy theorists are claiming that Obama is running Biden. That is the kind of nonsense that could be true in their bizzarro world. That isn't how the left operates. That's why people freaked out when Austin went into the hospital for prostate treatment without telling anyone. There is no scenario where Biden wouldn't be examined and evaluated, if he weren't up to snuff. And what guarantees that is that the Democrats come in all stripes, are many factions, are critical of each other, and wouldn't tolerate a figurehead who wasn't doing his job. That only happens on the right because the right runs on corruption and fear in a power structure where Trump's competence has never mattered. Only profits and grifting.

    I don't know what Somerby's problems are, but attacking Biden out of supposed fear isn't the way liberals are approaching this election. It is a Republican talking point intended to harm Biden's election chances. Why is Somerby, a supposed liberal, doing that to his own presidential nominee?

    1. History shows that people around a disabled President have taken pains to hide his disability from the public. E.g., Reagan probably had early Alzheimer's late in his second term. Woodrow Wilson's wife was running the country for a period of time.

    2. And yet the country survived and those presidents (except Reagan) were still considered great.

    3. The Empire is going to strike back. Bigly.

    4. The Empire is headed for a fall.

    5. There are old guys whose brains still function. Biden is not one of them.

    6. Anonymouse 9:40pm, not a chance.
      Trump’s problems are just beginning.

  12. AOC will be thirty-five years old by election day. She’d be a great president.

    1. Somerby isn’t happy with her. She’s all woke.

    2. Also, Somerby doesn't care about her age, because the ages of the Presidential candidates really don't matter to him.

  13. I just looked at my current 491 K and I agree with you.


  14. I am a nice elderly man with poor memory. I am non compos mentis. I have the nuclear codes.

    I want to sell more of my son's beautiful paintings, for a few million dollars more. Is this too much to ask? Why are you hating me? Don't hate me. I am Rorby.

  15. Biden always had a stutter and now he's a slightly older guy as well. Big whoop. He's fine.
