SATURDAY: Who was helped by what Hope Hicks said?


It depends on which channel you watch: Do we the people get the national discourse we deserve?

We wouldn't recommend such a sour outlook. That said, the question popped into our heads this morning when we reviewed the online Washington Post.

Oof! As of 8:30 this very morning, these were the famous newspaper's five "most read" submissions:

MOST READ, The Washington Post

1) Advice: 
Carolyn Hax chat: My boyfriend’s closest confidante is his on-again, off-again ex

2) Tom Selleck is 79 and, whew, just look at this magnificent specimen

3) Analysis:
Kristi Noem just won’t stop talking about killing her dog

4) Advice:
Carolyn Hax: Longtime friend won’t forgive being last-minute canceled for a guy

5) Hope Hicks gets teary testifying at Trump’s hush money trial

As Shelley once suggested, gaze upon our works! 

In this morning's print edition of the Post, the news report about the Hicks testimony is the featured report on the paper's front page. In the paper's online edition, we had to scroll way down the page on order to find it at all.

Dogs and Tom Selleck and boyfriends oh my! So Blue America's reading selections may be inclined to drift.

Regarding yesterday's testimony by Hicks, we'd say that the Associated Press joined the Post in offering an account which seemed to be fair and balanced. 

Did her testimony help the prosecution, or may it even have helped the defense? Especially for those who weren't physically present, there's no perfect way to tell.

That said, you can read the AP's treatment just by clicking here. Headline included, here are some of the relevant sections of the Post's front-page report:

Hope Hicks gets teary testifying at Trump’s hush money trial


Prosecutors with the Manhattan district attorney’s office wanted Hicks to show the jury how worried the 2016 Trump campaign was about negative stories about him and women—a key element in Trump’s alleged motive in the hush money case.

Her testimony seemed to accomplish that limited goal, but overall her tenor was respectful and complimentary of Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee for president in the November election; far from an aide turning against her former boss, she came across as a still-loyal and reluctant participant in his prosecution.


For prosecutors, the main purpose of Hicks’s testimony seemed to be showing that Trump and his campaign were very concerned about allegations made against him by women.

When it came to the Daniels story, which surfaced publicly [in 2018] while he was in the White House, Hicks said Trump told her that “it was better to be dealing with it now, and it would have been bad to have that story come out before the election.”

As soon as Hicks said that, prosecutors ended their questioning.

Her testimony, while emotional at one moment, did not offer any major revelations or surprises, but it adds to prosecutors’ larger point that Trump was motivated to keep scandalous stories out of the public eye during the election.

But Hicks’s account also made clear that her former boss was concerned about the potential effect of the allegations on his family.

When the Journal published a story in early November 2016 about the National Enquirer buying the rights to a Playboy model’s tale of an affair with Trump—a purchase the tabloid made for the express purpose of keeping the allegation quiet—Hicks said the presidential candidate worried about Melania Trump’s reaction.

She said Trump was “concerned about the story, he was concerned about how it would be viewed by his wife, and he wanted me to make sure that the newspapers weren’t delivered to their residence that morning.”

In the judgment of the Post's reporters, the testimony had cut one way, then also cut another. The judgment of the AP's reporters followed a similar track.

As Walter Cronkite might have said, and that's the way it possibly was! Unless you were watching cable news, where a pair of battling corporate cadres seemed inclined to offer tribal viewers the stories such viewers might like.

On Blue America's channel of record, the onslaught began at 4 o'clock when Nicolle Wallace went on the air. Soon, she was introducing "some of our most favorite reporters and friends" to help her with the task at hand.

(Is "most favorite" a redundancy? We still aren't entirely sure.)

"Lucky for us," the New York Times' Susanne Craig was at the table, we were apparently told. (Wallace swallowed her words at this point.) 

Wallace then threw to "my friend and colleague, NBC News' Vaughan Hillyard," who was reporting live and direct from outside the Manhattan courtroom.

We viewers knew we were safely ensconced within the cocoon of the clan. What followed was a highly selective account of what Hicks had said, and of what it had plainly meant.

Within a matter of minutes, the gilding of the lily was general over the cable news program. By 4:09, Wallace and Craig were completing each other's sentences:

CRAIG (5/3/24): It felt like a confession that she had come forward and said this.

WALLACE: Well, I mean, that's the heart of their case, is that by [20]18, he said, "Yeah, I paid for it, but thank God it didn't come out"—

CRAIG (interrupting): —"Thank God it didn't come out and influence the election." And it was just this moment. And then she kept tearing up as the cross-examination of her continued, and it was such an emotional moment today.

The panelists had the official transcript of the testimony. By now, though, they were paraphrasing rather freely. They may have seemed to be quoting Hicks or Trump as they pleasured us in this manner.

 At this point, up stepped former prosecutor Kristi Greenberg, who proceeded to offer this:

GREENBERG (continuing directly): Yeah, and what I would say, you cannot overstate just how significant this testimony was...She went up there and she told the truth. She said, "Yeah! This clearly mattered to him. This was about the campaign."  As you said, that is the whole ballgame here...

This was like the mike-drop moment the prosecution ended with. And then, she really, you know, said, "Yes! You know, this mattered, he understood this was about the campaign."

She didn't have to do it, and she did. And it, I think, is so damaging to his case.

She was paraphrasing freely too, with her paraphrases possibly seeming to take the form of apparent quotations.

"I felt like it was a confession," Craig said all over again.

"I mean, this is whole case," Wallace added. "This was the bombshell testimony that proves this was it."

On Blue America's corporate channel, reliable favorites offered creative paraphrase of the various things Hicks supposedly said that Donald J. Trump had said.

Her testimony had been a bombshell. It had been the whole case. 

You couldn't overstate how significant it had been. It was the whole ballgame, viewers were told. "It felt like a confession."

These town criers restricted themselves to roughly half of what it seems that Hicks actually said. Later, on the Fox News Channel, the sifted accounts of what had been said were almost surely crazier and were more absurdly selective.

According to the banshees of the Fox News Channel, Hicks' testimony had pretty much cinched the trial—in this case, in favor of Donald J. Trump! 

Wallace and her gaggle of favorites had skipped past the remarks Trump apparently made about keeping the news from his family and his wife. Now, the gaggle of gargoyles on the Murdoch machine mentioned nothing else.

For whatever reason, the Internet Archive is currently struggling. We can't link you to Fox News programs at the present time.

But just as the Wallace gang offered the moments which cut one way, Fox personnel spent the night stampeding their viewers off in the other direction. In their account, the case against Trump had basically come to an end, thanks to what Hicks had said.

Meanwhile, how about that man, Tom Selleck? Good lord, is that guy a hunk! 

(We'll try to link you to Fox News accounts later on, once the Internet Archive is back.)

Final point:

How will Hicks' testimony cut with the Gotham jury? We don't have any way of knowing, and neither does anyone else.


  1. Some people think 2+2=4. Others think 2+2=8.
    The media will split the difference and report 2+2=6, because they don't want to choose sides.

  2. Apparently Somerby is unaware of how trials work.

    Hicks had already been deposed by the prosecution, so what happened in the trial was already planned out by the prosecution. The prosecution chose to have Hicks testify because it helps their case in convicting Trump. The prosecution knew exactly what she was going to say.

    As far as Trump worrying about protecting his family a) he should have thought about that before engaging in behavior that harmed his family b) it in no way ameliorates the illegality of his behavior and c) the prosecution has already dealt with that issue through the testimony of others.

    Somerby is just desperate to cling to any nonsense in order to heroically defend Trump. Somerby thinks it’s cute to be Trump’s White Knight, but it’s not, it’s just sad.

    1. Somerby is also trying to point out cable news channels like MSNBC and Fox News offer biased interpretations on the trial based on their viewers' preferences.

    2. In pointing out something that has been obvious to everyone for decades, Somerby is not so slyly pushing a right wing agenda, if you got conned, that’s on you.

    3. Anonymouse 1:24pm, yes, the media is obviously corrupt so why blog about it because that just benefits its detractors.

      You’re a credit to your conical teeth and clawed webbed toes.

    4. If you like my teeth and toes, wait till you see me dick.

    5. Not me dick. My dick.

    6. The motive of protecting his wife was germane in the John Edwards case.

    7. Anonymouse 3:04pm, you said it accurately the first time.

    8. You right. Me dick.


  3. I saw somewhere today that Biden-Trump are even in a Washington state poll. Rasmussen nation-wide poll has Trump +12.

    If these polls are real, perhaps the TDS pandemic is largely over, and shape-shifting Reptiloids might get disappointment by the performance of their NYC jury.

    1. Polls in Washington state show Biden with a lead in line with historic trends (+10-20), you are referencing an outlier nonsense poll from a former Trump/Kellyanne Conway employee.

      Similarly, Rasmussen has a well known Republican bias and poor methodology (they infamously cling to using landlines), and their latest polling has Trump either +6 or +10 depending on third party candidates, same as they’ve had for months.

      The average of national polls indicate a current tie.

      With your misinformation, you’re only convincing people that you are emotionally addled about Biden. We should pity your emotional discomfort, hopefully you find peace as you cope with your issues.

    2. President Biden is trailing former President Trump in national polls. He also trails Trump in all seven key swing states. But the state of the economy and immigration are winning issues for Biden. Biden has the support of Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters, and support among voters ages 30 to 49 is holding steady. Although Trump has increased his support among women. Third-party and independent candidates may have a significant impact on the election which should also help Biden.

    3. More polling disinfo, hohum.

    4. Promoting bogus polls is all part of a plan. Should Trump fail to win, his campaign will point to "all the polls" that showed his massive lead and then they'll cry "Rigged and Stolen."

    5. The Kennedy campaign is investing heavily in advertising, voter outreach, and in-state staff, hoping to capitalize on Democratic-leaning voters. White Democrats are embracing far-left candidates and policies, which Kennedy believe could help his chances. Kennedy has called on President Joe Biden to drop out of the race which, at this point anyway, the DNC is not considering. Polls are crucial for Kennedy's election bid, as it could offset potential losses battleground states.

    6. Kennedy appeals to Trump voters and libertarians not Dems.

    7. Almost all the Dems I know are planning to vote for him.

    8. Biden is the only person who *could* lose to Trump. He’s been the lowest polling incumbent in history.

      He was unpopular before he cosigned genocide, now he’s unelectable.

      The only question is what to the Dems do about it?

    9. And yet Biden is winning in the polls now, like he dod in 2020.

    10. A wide majority of Americans say Biden’s Presidency has been a failure but that doesn't mean he is assured defeat at this point. The DNC is reporting he has a lot of money.

    11. It's remarkable how many Russian trolls are promoting RFK Jr. candidacy. What's up with that?

    12. They want to Make Polio Great Again.

  4. Bob probably has a soft spot for Hope because she’s 35 yet has a 58 year old fiancé. Go girl, no shame in gold digging.

    Dream on, Bobby.

  5. Which is a more beautiful color, scarlet or crimson?

    1. Orange, as in an orange person wearing an orange jumpsuit. Something we will likely see very soon.

  6. "Most favorite" isn't redundant at all. To me, Bob is favorite, David is more favorite, and Cecelia is most favorite.

  7. Are some Black voters souring on Democrats? Yes. Does it mean they will be voting for Trump? Possibly.

    1. Black voters have the same support for Biden that they have always had for Dems, about 90%.

      But you can dream if you want to.

    2. Oh. Good. Nothing to worry about then.

    3. Correct, your head feint attempt continues to be ineffective.

      At least it’s good for a laugh.

    4. 1:25 you think it’s funny that people like 1:09 have to lie to cope with their seething hatred for Biden and Dems?

      How about a little compassion for these tormented folks? Sure, they’re off their rockers, but they’re still human, right?

    5. 1:09 Black voters are not souring on Democrats. They have the same support for Biden that they have always had.

    6. For anonymices there’s never on their political horizon other than little old Bob Somerby. Make a ton sense, right?

    7. It's not like Ukraine is in danger of losing.

    8. It a ton sense. You right, Cecelia. Again.

    9. Anonymouse 3:49pm, tanks.

    10. Unlike you, Cecelia, we “anonymices” do other things besides visit Somerby’s blog.

    11. Anonymouse 6:36pm, I can tell.

    12. Your world has contracted to this bizarre obsession with defending Bob Somerby, of all inane causes.

    13. Anonymouse 7:27pm, you’re right here with me.

  8. “the remarks Trump apparently made about keeping the news from his family and his wife.”

    So, Trump was worried about keeping something from his wife…that he claims never happened.

    1. Clifford denied it ever happened a number of times.

    2. I can’t imagine why his assurances to Melania of his innocence wouldn’t have been enough, with a determination to prosecute Daniels and McDougal for libel. But who among us hasn’t chosen instead to execute an NDA with the false accusers and declare it as a business expense?

    3. Speaking only for myself, giving assurances to the wife would be quite enough, and yet having every state-run media outlet endlessly drool over it would still be extremely unpleasant. But of course Soros bots may have different perspectives.

    4. Anonymouse 2:51pm, ask that doorman about his story.

    5. Doormen’s stories are usually reliable.

    6. The woman in question said there was no love child. She didn’t say how much she was paid to say that.

    7. Clifford (Daniels) did not deny sleeping with Trump unless it was under the NDA.

    8. Some folks believe the women. I believe the doormen.

    9. “ having every state-run media outlet endlessly drool over it would still be extremely unpleasant. ”

      Thanks for acknowledging Trump’s motive of keeping it out of the news so it wouldn’t hurt his election chances. Good job! 👍

    10. This has to be one of the most ridiculous “trumped-up” criminal charges in the history of politics.

      You can only laugh, it’s too outlandish for tears.

    11. E Jean Carroll on line 1…

    12. And Trump on the hook for millions, you stupid loser.

    13. Anonymouse 8:16pm, it took some persuading and redoing the statute of limitations, but yeah.

    14. But yeah, Cecelia. It’s called the “legal system.” Deal with it.

    15. So if someone commits a crime and they evade prosecution for long enough, that makes him innocent? Odd reasoning Cecelia. It sounds like you’re rooting for criminals.

    16. Anonymouse 11:14pm, not even an anonymouse is dense and partisan enough to not understand how targeted this was.

    17. Cecelia, surely you must remember when the investigation began. The investigation that resulted in Michael Cohen landing in jail for the same crime? And then who came along and squashed the continuing investigation into Individual 1?

    18. That's right, Cecelia, make your stupid fucking jokes, just as long as it allows you to keep pretending Donald J Chickenshit is always a fucking VICTIM. You're all VICTIMS of us liberals. VICTIM! VICTIM! VICTIM! NOBODY LOVES YOU- EVERYBODY HATES YOU, WHY DON'T YOU EAT SOME WORMS. DONALD J CHICKENSHIT. POOR POOR VICTIM! I don't know how you and Dickhead in Cal manage to get by day to day with all these fucking grievances you carry around on your shoulders.

    19. "Allen Dickerson?"
      It's funny, because it's true that Right-wingers are pieces of shit (morally).

  9. It is with reluctance that I believe the blue tribe must adopt the unflattering but unfortunately true new moniker for Trump “von Schitzinpants.”

    Poor, poor man.

  10. Well, Bob is correct, there is no way of knowing how the jury will respond to yesterday’s testimony. So we are left with some questions:
    For all MSNBC’s problems, are they more
    reliable on any issue involving Trump than
    Fox?: Answer: given Fox’s 88 million dollar
    pay out ALONE, a case of FOX trying to help
    a criminal fix the Election, the
    obvious answer is yes.
    For all of MSNBC’s problems, are they
    more trustworthy on any matter concerning
    Trump than Bob Somerby? Obvious answer: yes.
    Does MSNBC feature actual experts on
    Trump and the Courts to back up it’s
    coverage and even its sometimes dubious
    chatter? Yes. Bob seldom questions them,
    ever. Indeed, the coverage is balanced
    enough that Bob will often site them
    to make arguments on Trump’s behalf.

  11. Yes, it is fascinating that the Washington Post focused their coverage on Hicks getting teary and not on her pertinent testimony showing what a lying sack of shit her boss is. The liberal media is at it again.

    Laurence O'donnel skewered Hicks last night and showed clips of national White House press would greet Ms. Hicks with a kiss on the cheek. Your WH press corp in action.

    1. That’s why I’m voting for Kennedy, Biden is part of the problem.

    2. Biden is more cognitive than Kennedy.

    3. I'm planning on voting for Robert Kennedy Jr. because a) it'll break the stranglehold of the 2 party system b) he's someone who's willing to talk to anyone and c) he's willing to question everything.

      I've had enough of the 2 party system. Enough is enough.

    4. 10:19: good for you. Your vote will be meaningless, because rfk will not win.

    5. 10:19: Same here man. It's RFK or Trump for me. Biden is not a consideration anymore especially after his Japan comment.

    6. right on. if Biden makes a offhand comment about Japan being xenophobic (referring to their stance on immigration), then to hell with everything -- bring on the fascism. the country be damned. that'll show 'em. we're not gonna just sit here and take these mildly offensive (possibly true) offhand comments any more, goddammit!

    7. if anyone is going to drop the x bomb it'll be me in reference to the GOP, goddammit! how dare he use a word i use all the time. a fascistic, vengeful, lawless, sociopathic spewer of heinous vitriol is WAY better than a maker of mildly offensive offhand comments. i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take this anymore!

    8. Dude, we're being overrun. Biden called Japan xenophobic for having a strict immigration policy. Cities are being virtually destroyed due to mass immigration and tax payers are paying the price. Your comment is insane.

      Unless the Dems replace Pres. Biden with Scoop Jackson Dem at the convention, there’s only one choice as sickening as that might be.

    9. ooooooh. somehow you were coming at Biden's comment from a right-wing angle. ok, ok, ok. let me try this again. for reelz. this shit has GOT to stop! these fellow human beings who mostly just want to work hard to have a better life and who contribute to our economy and who commit less crime than us "natives" have got to go, goddammit! do the pros of immigration outweigh the cons? probably. but they got that brown skin and talk funny. so bring on the psychopathic anti-democracy dictator to round them up into camps, goddammit!

    10. "More than a quarter of protesters arrested Tuesday at Columbia University and 60 percent of those arrested at the City College of New York had no connections to the institutions, according to data from the New York Police Department.

      Police arrested 282 protesters at the two New York schools on Tuesday. Of the 112 arrested at Columbia, 32 were not affiliated with the school, according to police. . . .

      About 40 percent of those arrested at Columbia on Tuesday were occupying the university’s Hamilton Hall, according to school officials. Thirteen of those protesters were unaffiliated with Columbia or other universities, university spokesman Ben Chang said Thursday during a news briefing.

      Of the other protesters arrested in Hamilton Hall, 14 were Columbia undergraduate students, nine were graduate students, six were students at affiliated institutions and two were university employees, Chang said. Forty-four protesters were arrested in the hall in total.

      “The numbers shared by the NYPD about arrests made on April 30 reflect the expectations we had regarding the occupation of Hamilton Hall,” Chang said on Thursday."

    11. What the heck does this reply have to do with our border being wide open since Biden came in, the cost of living being up 22% since Biden came in? We have multiple wars and Europe threatening to bring in troops which would cause WWIII. Biden is not mentally capable to be President.

    12. RFK is an anti-vax, conspiratorial idiot. He's obviously got something wrong with him. He seems to just want attention.

      "it'll break the stranglehold of the 2 party system". You're delusional. He won't win, so one of the 2 parties is still going to win. Your vote will just be wasted, when it could be used to stop the fascistic MAGA movement.

    13. the border hasn't been "wide open" moron. how do we know there has been a flood of people trying to get into the country? because there has been an INCREASE IN BORDER APPREHENSIONS UNDER BIDEN. and the Dems were willing to make painful compromises on a border bill but Trump had his enablers kill it purely for potential political gain.
      Biden's economic record is stellar, especially considering the horrible mess he walked into. And he hasn't started any of those wars, but he has responded to them competently, unlike Trump, who would give Putin anything he wanted.

    14. Wow, you know everything about unaccompanied children at the border, so what you're saying, none of those kids were trafficked, or at least you don't think it important enough to mention! So, if this was all above board, why can't Obama and Biden account for over 88k missing kids? The border is wide open thanks to Biden and Mayorkas.

    15. oh no, sorry. all i was trying to say is you're a moron. i should've been clearer. my bad

    16. The economy was booming before Covid was set free from the lab. Sadly, Biden joyfully thinks it's "Bidenonmics" when families have to have 2 jobs to survive in his economy!

    17. "Donald Trump’s prospects for a second presidential term may well rest on whether voters accept his proposition that facts no longer matter. A case in point is his narrative that the economy was stronger during his presidency than under President Joe Biden. With few reality checks from the economic media, most of the public apparently agrees: One recent survey found that voters prefer Trump over Biden on the economy by 59 percent to 37 percent.

      As Trump closes in on his third GOP presidential nomination, it’s time to set the record straight: By virtually every measure, that narrative is patently false.

      From growth and jobs to investment and business creation, the economy has performed substantially better under Biden than it did under Trump. Biden’s superior record holds even if we set aside the pandemic’s impact in 2020. The exception, of course, is inflation. But just as the COVID-19 pandemic led to the collapse in GDP and employment during Trump’s last year in office, it was also the main reason prices rose so much for a time here and globally....

      The most basic measure of the economy is how much it grows. The official data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) are clear: After inflation, real GDP has grown at a 3.4 average annual rate since Biden became president, while Trump trails badly at an average 1.8 percent growth. Trump allies aren’t wrong when they complain that the 2020 downturn wasn’t his fault, so we’ll give him a pass for the year. The result still shows more robust growth under Biden: From 2017 to 2019, the economy grew an average of 2.8 percent per year, a rate still 18 percent slower than under Biden."

    18. "The COVID-19 lab leak theory, or lab leak hypothesis, is the idea that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, came from a laboratory. This claim is highly controversial; most scientists believe the virus spilled into human populations through natural zoonosis (transfer directly from an infected non-human animal), similar to the SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV outbreaks, and consistent with other pandemics in human history.[1] Available evidence suggests that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was originally harbored by bats, and spread to humans from infected wild animals, functioning as an intermediate host, at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December 2019.[5][6] Several candidate animal species have been identified as potential intermediate hosts.[13] There is no evidence SARS-CoV-2 existed in any laboratory prior to the pandemic,[14][15][16] or that any suspicious biosecurity incidents happened in any laboratory.[17]"

    19. No wars under Donald Trump, a secure border, thriving economy, 3% GDP, 1.4% interest, $1.98 gas, 27 all time highs on the DOW, peaceful Middle East, Energy Independence for the first time ever, and the lowest Black unemployment in history.

      That’s kinda easy to figure out.

      So why are you defending Joe Biden’s 40 year high inflation @ 8.5%, GDP below our National debt for only the second time in our history (WW2), gas still more than double since Biden took office, depletion of our strategic oil reserves to lowest levels since 1984, 300 people dying every day from fentanyl overdoses, rape trees in Arizona, 1300 deaths on the border, human trafficking, Drug cartels making 2 billion a month trafficking illegals, Food up 18%, Housing up 27%, rent increases at all time highs since 1987, 30 year mortgage has increased 300% to 8%, supply chain shortages?

      War in Israel and antisemitism is flourishing in Universities.

      Since 2016, 12 Banks reported 250 SAR’s on 9 Biden family members receiving over 20 million dollars from China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania and Ukraine funneled through 22 Shell LLC’s created by Hunter and his partners.

      Thanks for all the good news written by Democratic Party operatives though.

    20. Trump tried to gaslight COVID, like it was some common NY Times political reporter.
      I'm voting for Biden, because Trump is a fucking moron.

    21. "Food up 18%"

      It certainly feels like more than 18%. Must be 30-40% at least.

    22. Oh please. Cherry-pick much? If you're going to blame Biden for the negative effects of Covid (which he has done an excellent job responding to), then you have to do the same for Trump, in which case Trump had the worst overall economy of just about any president. For example, he was only the second president to have negative overall job growth.

      And as someone mentioned above, Biden was ready to sign a border bill that went much further than Democrats would normally agree to, but Republicans stopped it at Trump's request, in an attempt to help him politically. Which is absolutely reprehensible when you think about it.

    23. He could've already finished the Beautiful Wall. Without signing any bills.

    24. The fact remains that Biden and Democrats in Congress were ready to take major action with regard to the border, and the Republicans put a stop to it. And btw, Trump had four years to build the beautiful wall and failed, after making that a cornerstone of his campaign. And it's not even clear that a wall would fix the main problems. For example, it would do next to nothing to keep out drugs like fentanyl, almost all of which comes through legal ports of entry, transported mostly by U.S. citizens.

    25. Weirdo Mao, if you're going to claim that anyone on here who supports Biden and opposes Trump is a "Democratic operative," by that logic you must be a GOP operative.

    26. "No wars under Donald Trump" lol that would be news to our troops who were in Afghanistan, Somalia, and other parts of the Middle East under Trump. If you mean he didn't START any wars, well neither has Biden.

    27. The outright contempt Donald Trump has for Republican voters is something the media should emulate.

  12. Quaker in a BasementMay 4, 2024 at 5:38 PM

    Our Host frequently chides Blue America for not showing empathy and understanding for others. Yet today, when the Post's list of most read stories includes two Carolyn Hax articles--articles that examine real-life personal struggles of real people--it's an indication that Blue America's interests "drift."

    It's one thing to declare that the Post is a "blue-centric" media outlet. It's a much different judgment to declare that all of its readers are part of "Blue America." Whatever happened to the idea of not judging vast collections of Americans by one's own biases, hm?

    1. Presumably the "Most Read Stories" list includes only text items. I wonder if the comics pages might not be even more frequently visited. What would that tell us about "Blue America"??

    2. Anonymouse 5:42pm, that the anonymouse part of Blue America thinks Bob is a threat to the media and to the establishment.

    3. He’s no threat, Cecilia. You live to magnify his importance. He’s a fucking loser.

    4. Anonymouse 8:26pm, you don’t believe that at all. There’s nothing anonymices do that suggests such a sentiment.

    5. Well, since you’re a fucking loser, I guess you would say that.

    6. Anonymouse 10:18pm, get some sense.

      Anonymouses don’t type 5000 words a day against Bob because they think he’s a nothingburger and a loser. Quite the contrary.

    7. Somerby is a typical right-wing jackass.
      The laziness and dishonesty is the tell.

    8. Anonymouse 9:31am, and you’re a low level anonymouse. Soros loves his little flying monkey anonymices.

    9. Bob Somerby is a threat to himself, and Others.

  13. Let’s not descend to insults.

    1. Right on. It's not productive. Moron. :)

  14. We wouldn't recommend such a sour outlook. That said, the question popped into our heads this morning when we reviewed the online Washington Post.
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