TWO SILOS: Vice President Harris slimed in a cab!


A new Martian culture at Fox: As you may already know, Stranger in a Strange Land is a highly regarded science fiction novel by Robert Heinlein.

Don't get us wrong—we've never read it! But one thumbnail describes it like this:

Stranger in a Strange Land 

Stranger in a Strange Land is a 1961 science fiction novel by American author Robert A. Heinlein. It tells the story of Valentine Michael Smith, a human who comes to Earth in early adulthood after being born on the planet Mars and raised by Martians.


Stranger in a Strange Land won the 1962 Hugo Award for Best Novel and became the first science fiction novel to enter The New York Times Book Review's best-seller list. In 2012, the Library of Congress named it one of 88 "Books that Shaped America."

Did Heinlein's novel really "shape America?" We have no idea—that said:

Heinlein's main character—a person named Smith—is technically human but culturally Martian. With surprising frequency, an observer can seem to be dealing with something like that when he watches an array of primetimes "cable news" shows on the present-day Fox News Channel.

We're often surprised by the behaviors, and by the views, of the people Fox puts on the air. Consider an exchange which occurred last weekend on the primetime "cable news" program, Fox News Saturday Night with Jimmy Failla.

Failla was once a New York City cabbie. Today, he's a comedian who hosts his own Saturday night primetime program on Fox.

Last Saturday, his program included a videotaped segment in which he was back to driving a cab. More specifically, he was shown driving the Fox News Channel's Lisa Kennedy Montgomery (stage name, Kennedy) through the streets of Gotham as the pair of "cable news" stars gossip and degrade the culture and chuckle.

In our view, Failla and Kennedy each seem a bit "Smith-adjacent." To watch their peculiar conversation, you can start by clicking here.

The segment starts with the two Fox stars directing sexual insults at Kamala Harris. (By now, this sort of thing is quite common on Fox.) 

The insults are triggered when Kennedy, in the back seat of Failla's cab, offers this portrait of Harris:

KENNEDY (10/5/24): She's a bland, overcooked piece of chicken.


KENNEDY: Like, doesn't have any flavor. The texture is kinda gross. but you can pour teriyaki sauce on it and serve it over rice.

Somehow, that portrait of the sitting vice president seems to trigger Failla. He instantly mentions Willie Brown, and things spin downhill from there. 

At this point, the pair enjoy some smutty musings in which they imagine aspects of the candidate's relationship with Brown in the mid-1990s. While they're at it, they throw in some smutty talk in which they imagine aspects of her dating relationship with Montel Williams, which apparently tracks to the late 1990s. 

On what manner of Martian meat doth such lifeforms feed?  We began to think of Heinlein's cultural alien when this smutty exchange occurred:

KENNEDY: Great move on her part, though...Just like a total hooch! 

FAILLA; Oh, yeah!

KENNEDY (musingly): A part of me, like—I respect it. 


KENNEDY: Very ahead of her time. She put the "head" in "ahead of her time."

FAILLA (laughing): She was several heads ahead of her time. Several heads ahead of her time.

KENNEDY: (Cackles knowingly)

FAILLA (thoughtfully): Yeah, that's her. (Pauses) "We shouldn't talk about that." That's what they'd tell us.

Just so you'll know, Kennedy is 52 years old; Failla is 47. We say that so you won't think they're a pair of angry 14-year-olds angrily rebelling against "what [the adults] tell us."

As we've noted, the practice of directing sexual insults at Vice President Harris is now quite common on Fox. Over at the New York Times, a finer class of the better people insist that there's nothing to look at as this culture takes form.

As we watched this segment on Saturday night, what we've shown you already struck us as culturally Martian. But we really began to think about Heinlein's character from a distant land when the astonishing Kennedy, arrayed in the back seat of Failla's cab, somehow came up with this:

KENNEDY (continuing directly): If the sexual stuff before you're elected doesn't matter, then don't talk about what happened with Trump and E. Jean Carroll, or Trump and the Access Hollywood tape.

FAILLA: Yeah. How about that?

By now, you may think we're making this up. Go ahead—look at the tape.

The strange ruminations continue briefly from there. But for our money, we've already entered a very strange land.

Who on earth is the 52-year-old human woman who analyzed the situation in the manner shown?

For reasons we've never understood, she's been in the public eye roughly forever by this time. This comes from the standard thumbnail:

Kennedy (commentator)

Lisa Kennedy Montgomery (born September 8, 1972), referred to mononymously as Kennedy, is an American libertarian political commentator, radio personality, author, and former MTV VJ. She is a commentator on Fox News Channel, a primary guest host of Fox's Outnumbered and The Five, host of the podcast Kennedy Saves The World on Fox News Radio and a columnist for The Daily Mail...She hosted Kennedy on the Fox Business Network from 2015 to 2023.

[She] was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, and raised in Lake Oswego, Oregon, a wealthy suburb of Portland...She attended Santa Monica College before transferring to the University of California, Los Angeles on an academic scholarship. She later completed a bachelor's degree in philosophy in 2005.

Kennedy interned as a DJ at KROQ radio in Los Angeles as a teenager. She was known on KROQ as "the Virgin Kennedy."

[She] began her career as a VJ on MTV in 1992. She hosted Alternative Nation from 1992 to 1997. By 1995, she had become such a recognizable cultural figure that the sitcom Murphy Brown introduced a new character named McGovern, modeled after her.

From Murphy Brown to Willie Brown, she has just kept moving along!

For ourselves, we were always puzzled by Kennedy's presence as an MTV VJ. We don't recall any specifics, but we recall being puzzled by what the appeal might be.

At any rate, Kennedy's career has traveled on from MTV, through a great many twists and turns. According to that same leading authority, she's always trended in the way she put on display last Saturday night:

At the 1994 MTV Video Music Awards, Kennedy was involved in an on-air verbal altercation with host Roseanne Barr over a fellatio joke involving Rush Limbaugh.

Way back in 1986, we knew Roseanne a bit, if only briefly. We thought she was strikingly sharp, and we liked her a lot. 

We were sorry when she headed down that road. Kennedy remains on that road today, on prime time "news" shows no less.

Back to what was said in the cab:

Kennedy is 52 years old. She is said to hold a degree in philosophy from one of "the finest schools."

Somehow, though, also this:

She apparently can't discern a difference between 1) a jury-adjudicated incident of sexual assault, described by one judge as equivalent to an act of rape; and 2) her own imagined accounts of imagined consensual acts—imagined acts she imagines happening a very long time ago.

To Kennedy, this all seemed to be the same thing. To Failla, this all seemed to make sense. 

As we've noted, sexual insults directed at Harris are now standard fare on primetime shows on this "cable news" channel. Finer people at the Times (and at other orgs in Blue America) seem to feel there's nothing to look at as this culture takes hold. 

We humans often think we understand the basic cultural landscape within which we're leading our lives. At such surprising times as this, we sometimes flash on what Thoreau said, in paragraph 2 of Walden:

I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well. Unfortunately, I am confined to this theme by the narrowness of my experience. Moreover, I, on my side, require of every writer, first or last, a simple and sincere account of his own life, and not merely what he has heard of other men’s lives; some such account as he would send to his kindred from a distant land; for if he has lived sincerely, it must have been in a distant land to me.

Failla and Kennedy may have been speaking "sincerely" last Saturday night. But if they were, it seems to us that they were speaking from some very distant land. 

On what meat have these two stars fed? On what meat were they raised? What explains the culture which has surfaced on the Fox News Channel and is now broadcast every night? 

What explains the thinking of the people who put these two on the air? What explains the culture within which the loftier tribunes of Blue America insist that there's nothing to look at as these Martian-adjacent figures toss their musings around?

Tomorrow: We expect to return to Charlie Hurt's invented account of Harris's interview with Stephanie Ruhle.

On Friday, it will be back to that pair of front-page pieces from the New York Times—though knowing how way leads on to way, an Earth-dweller can never be sure.


  1. Nothing says "woke" more than consensual sexual relations.

  2. I’ll give you woke:

    “ UPDATE: CBS News has invited self-described “mental health expert, DEI strategist and trauma trainer” Dr. Donald Grant to moderate conversation on this issue in an all-staff meeting tomorrow.

    This has come about because some CBS staffers are traumatized over a tough interview of Nehisi Coates.”

    1. Nine out of every ten people who do their own research, support reparations for black people.

    2. Evidently, nine out of ten NYT toddler-employees don’t support a tough interviews of their idols.

    3. Karl Marx warned us about corporations over a century ago, but some idiots thought they knew better.

    4. Anonymouse 10:19pm, they should have warned you about titty-baby Marxists.

    5. 10:23,
      They're out in full force against the NY Times.

    6. Anonymouse 10:57pm, you’d think they had spied Sen. Cotton in the lunchroom.

    7. Is there a bigger lying jaggoff than Cotton? Maybe Hawley. Both insurrectionists and America hating weirdos. The future of the God bothering Others Party.

    8. Arty, while you’re pondering that conundrum, take a bit of time to figure out who is running the government since Biden is longer able to be president.

    9. 12:13,
      Thankfully, it's not Putin. He stopped running the government on January 20, 2021 at Noon Eastern Time.

    10. Anonymouse 1:44pm, you’re a guy who can’t tell me who IS running the government, let alone pretending know that it’s not Putin.

    11. It is remarkable, and amusing, to consider that this Cecelia character thinks they are in any way coherent, and not a ranting loon.

      Play on, Cecelia, entertain the troops.

    12. At least we can rest assured that if the felon cheats his way to victory the Heritage Foundation will be there to run the Government for the brain dead giant valves in No. Ca., windmills causing cancer, death by sharks or electric batteries, Putin humping, pant pooper.

    13. Arty, sounds like Oakland on a sunny day.

    14. Anonymouse 3:37pm, no, can ever accuse you of those things. That fact is only because you’re an anonymouse. You don’t exist from one post to the next.

  3. This weather reminds me of the old saying, "Rarer than a Libertarian during hurricane season."

    1. Rarer than a in-charge Democrat at a national disaster.

    2. Climate change has gotten so bad, the desperate Right temporarily stopped caring that a penny of their tax dollars might also help a black person.

    3. Wow.
      You know it's bad, when even the Right's bigotry is negotiable.

    4. The Anonymouse Flying Monkey Brigade. The Soros, Inc equivalent to mandated community service.

    5. "Rarer than a in-charge Democrat at a national disaster". I know right. I mean who coulda predicted Bush would be so clueless about Katrina, and when is Biden going to give the people paper towels?

    6. Anonymouse 12:03pm, haven’t you heard? Every time you diss a government official during a national disaster, a fairy dies.

    7. Which one? Jordan Peterson , Ben Shapiro, or Tucker Carlson?

    8. Anonymouse 1:45pm, rhymes with “walls”.

    9. Anonymices, never trust a man with five nicknames.

    10. Better yet trust one who has changed his several times.

    11. Gaak. So Ceceila is playing politics with the storm too? Stupid bunt.

  4. "In our view, Failla and Kennedy each seem a bit "Smith-adjacent."

    Somerby has not read Heinlein's book and has no idea what the Smith character is like or about. Smith forms a new religion and is charismatic. He applies Martian attitudes (which he brings to earth after his Martian upbringing) not an absence of all attitudes. If Somerby hasn't read the book, he has no idea what those are and thus no way to call Failla and Kennedy anything at all like Smith.

    Do Somerby need to use Heinlein's book to slime Failla and Kennedy? Of course not. He could just say what he thinks about them. But by attributing attitudes to a Heinlein character that was popular enough to have affected many people our age (and in subsequent generations), Somerby warps Heinlein, ruins that for those of us who remember it. Being long dead, Heinlein cannot object to the misuse of his character.

    Some people claim that Heinlein became libertarian in his old age. It might be that Heinlein is not that far himself from Failla and Kennedy. It is definitely not the case that his Michael Valentime Smith (who is called Michael in the book, not Smith) would reflect anything Trump adjacent, largely because the character is presented as Christ-adjacent and Trump is not self-abnegating in any way. The book is ultimately about religion.

    The sexual relationships in Heinlein's book are entirely consensual and portray sex as a means of coming together with another person spiritually, not as recreation. They have nothing whatsoever to do with these attacks on Harris or with anything Failla and Kennedy said about her. There is no excuse for Somerby to bring that into his discussion, except that he doesn't want to own any of his own opinions, as usual.

    But this speculation is stupid and it is wrong for Somerby to borrow (steal) and misuse other people's characters from a book he has not even read. This might be goofy if it were not yet another abuse of a dead author's work.

    1. Perry - Clearly you grok what Somerby is doing.

    2. No, he doesn’t. He’d have written the same facetiousness if Bob had used the movie Coming to America.

    3. Coming to America would be appropriate because at least it concerns black immigrants. Heinlein's book has nothing whatsoever to do with today's topic.

    4. Perry, today’s topic was chosen by the guy whose blog you bothered to read.

      If he had used the expression “came from Mars” you’d have argued the difference in planetary circumference..

    5. Cecelia, Somerby is misusing a book that many of us like, without reading it (by his own admission). He could have left it out entirely and the rest of his essay would be unaffected. Or he could have read it and said something meaningful. So why didn't he do that? Somerby makes himself seem lazy and stupid by borrowing this way. It is no better and no different than what Trump does when he tells lies. Heinlein cannot fight back to preserve his work, because he is dead.

      Heinlein lived in my home state of CO, in Colorado Springs during the 1950s & 60s. That locale is described in his book Space Cadet. Before that he lived in Los Angeles, where he was involved in state politics, like my father. We feel a proprietary interest in his legacy, especially those of us who grew up reading his children's books. He would not approve of what Somerby is doing here.

    6. Perry, when Somerby incorporates literary works into his writing, it doesn't come across as lazy - whether he's using plot, characters, titles, or five word sentences. If anyone other than your target did the same thing, you would have probably analyzed it to understand what those allusions say about HIS thoughts. As it stands, you are arguing that it’s illogical for Bob to feel like a stranger in a strange land. You’re arguing against his subjective feeling as to the state of the world. You’re dissing his puns, ripostes - allusions inspired as to these works, in a way that the authors would likely find interesting or at the most, typical behavior as to readers. You do this because it’s all you can do. Otherwise you’re stuck with calling Bob’s feelings misplaced or trivial, and those insult is far too inconsequential for your blood.

    7. Anyone remember James Lee Witt? President William Jefferson Clinton put him in charge of

      When Clinton was elected president, he appointed Witt to head FEMA, for which Witt was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 1993. In 1996, FEMA was given cabinet rank.[3]

      During his tenure Witt was able to overcome FEMA's previously poor reputation. A 1992 interim report by the Congress (prior to Hurricane Andrew, which led to further criticism of FEMA) had said, "FEMA is widely viewed as a political dumping ground, a turkey farm, if you will, where large numbers of positions exist that can be conveniently and quietly filled by political appointment ..." The comment had been provoked by the appointment of Wallace Stickney, described in the report as "weak" and "uninterested in the substantive programs of FEMA" owing his post to his relationship with former White House Chief of Staff John H. Sununu.[4]

      By 1996, an Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial said, "FEMA has developed a sterling reputation for delivering disaster-relief services, a far cry from its abysmal standing before James Lee Witt took its helm in 1993. How did Witt turn FEMA around so quickly? Well, he is the first director of the agency to have emergency-management experience. He stopped the staffing of the agency by political patronage. He removed layers of bureaucracy. Most important, he instilled in the agency a spirit of preparedness, of service to the customer, of willingness to listen to ideas of local and state officials to make the system work better."[5]

      Witt's eight-year term in office saw approximately 348 Presidentially declared disaster areas in more than 6,500 counties and in all 50 states and the U.S. territories. Witt supervised the response to the 1997 Red River flood— a devastating flood in the Dakotas—the most costly earthquake, and a dozen serious hurricanes.[citation needed]

      At FEMA in Washington, DC, Director James Witt said a few last goodbyes and left the FEMA Headquarters building after nearly eight years on the job.

      He and his team had taken FEMA from being an object of scorn and ridicule to being one of the most respected agencies in the US government.

      And then along came Bush Junior.

      “Upon taking office in 2001, the Bush administration began to deconstruct FEMA. It was assumed that a program like Project Impact, which focused on individual and private-sector responsibility, would thrive under a Republican administration. Instead it was eliminated as not being effective and funding for other natural disaster mitigation programs was dramatically reduced.”

      -Bullock and Haddow, “Introduction to Homeland Security,” Elsevier Publishing, 2006, page 508.

      Ironically, on February 28, 2001, the day after Project Impact was to be terminated, the Puget Sound area of Washington State was struck by the 6.8 magnitude Nisqually earthquake. The city of Seattle was hard hit, but Seattle had been a Project Impact community and the mayor of Seattle was soon on television stating that Seattle's participation in Project Impact had prevented his city from receiving more serious damage from the quake.

      Ending ignominiously with the immortal words of the infant Bush,

      "Bownie, you're doing a heck of a job"

      Moral of the story: if you want professional and competent administration, elect a smart and competent Democrat.

    8. Anonymouse 3:19pm, if that was even close to the truth, Democrats wouldn't be telling critics of the management of this disaster to shut up or people will be WORSE off.

    9. If Somerby didn’t read the book, he is making shit up and blaming the author. That sucks.

    10. 5:31, What part of what I posted do you believe is not true, crazy lady?

    11. "Democrats wouldn't be telling critics of the management of this disaster to shut up or people will be WORSE off."

      Democrats aren't telling 'critics of the management of this disaster' to shut up. They're telling people who are lying about the disaster to shut up.

    12. Anonymouse 6:26pm, the part where you seem to be saying that it was fine to criticize the Bush government in the midst of a recovery effort, but it’s detrimental to all the victims if current government officials are scrutinized and criticized.

      Not that anyone is heeding that nonsense.

    13. Hector, no, we were recently warned by talking heads and other liberals that criticism now would dissuade people from applying for benefits.

      A patently stupid political tactic.

    14. Cecelia would like us all to forget that the Republican congress tried to tie Obama's hands during the worst economic crisis in over 60 years, just so Obama would be blamed for not helping the citizens, and would be a one-term President.
      It was all so funny to let American citizens economically suffer to own the libs, right up until they cut security funding to the USA's foreign outposts, causing the deaths of Americans at Benghazi.

    15. Lies are not criticism.

    16. The idea that there is a Republican politician anywhere, who gives a shit about American citizens, is 100% nonsense.

    17. "we were recently warned by talking heads and other liberals that criticism now would dissuade people from applying for benefits"

      Saying that doesn't make it so and you can't provide a single quote to back it up.

      Whereas, Trump has:

      Pushed the false narrative that government officials have been “going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas.”

      Claimed that wasn’t in touch with governors in states hit by Helene (he was, and the governors said as much).

      Fabricated a claim that Vice President Harris has “spent all her FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) money, billions of dollars, on housing for illegal migrants.”

      lied that there have been “no helicopters, no rescue” in North Carolina, when the state reported Saturday that “53 search and rescue teams from North Carolina and beyond, consisting of more than 1,600 personnel have conducted search and rescue operations.”

      And this Trump tweet: “the reports that I’m getting about the Federal Government, and the Democrat Governor of the State (North Carolina), going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas.

    18. Governors, mayors and senators from the states that Trump has lied about regarding FEMA have told him to STFU, but Cecelia would like to elevate his BS to “criticism”. Nice try from you armchair, dearie.

    19. No,,anonymices, I’d like for you to live up to your own admonishments for five seconds.

  5. Quite obviously, Harris is being attacked in sexual ways because she is a woman. This is sexist, as Somerby fails to note. The idea is to reduce her to a sex object so that she cannot be taken seriously as presidential.

    Somerby should be talking about sexual politics. Instead he makes glancing references to a book he says he didn't read and to Walden, who says nothing relevant to this topic.

  6. Roseanne Barr is a horrible person.

    1. Doesn't hold a candle to See-Lee-Ugh.

    2. Or See See Lie Ugh

  7. It is totally appropriate to mock Kamala Harris because of her affair with Willie Brown. As a young woman, she was Brown's mistress. Brown was much older and married. She got her successful start in politics because of the support of Brown, perhaps the most powerful politician in California at the time.

    If Monica Lewinsky were running for office, wouldn't people refer to her relationship with Bill Clinton?

    1. DinC, I think your point here is derisive, but we both know if a Republican woman with Comma La’s history was running for prez, these same anonymices would be calling her a ‘regrettable choice’ and ‘disappointing’…because she was utterly emblematic of the man-made conservative woman stereotype… which *THEY had made up, in the first place.

    2. It's misogynistic and racist to criticize a black woman. Unless she's a Republican.

    3. DiC continues not to grok what Somerby has written over and over again. As he did with bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky, Gary Hart, and Donald Trump/ Stormy Daniels, he has said that these kinds of consensual relationships were none of the media’s and hence the public’s business. He used the term “pecksniffian” to describe this rooting around in people’s sexual baggage.

      So, of course, here comes DiC to tell us, no, it’s perfectly legitimate when it’s done to a Democrat.

      Pathetic, DiC.

    4. I've not heard or read any accusations that Harris forced herself on unwilling partners; nor grabbed anyone by the genitals; nor asserted he privilege because she's "a star"; nor paid anyone hush money to keep her behavior secret; nor boasted that she was "the best" at sex; nor referred to any of her aides as "a piece of ass."

      Your turn.

    5. "As a young woman, she was Brown's mistress. Brown was much older and married."

      Brown was separated from his wife and had been for some time. Harris was working as a prosecutor, not dependent on Brown's largesse for food and shelter.

      So what makes her a "mistress" at this point? Would a younger man have been a "gigalo" in similar circumstances? Or woud she have been a cougar?

      When you use biased, gender-based judgments like "mistress" in reference to a woman's dating history, yes, that misogynistic. Own it.

    6. Hark back to the ole “Caribou Barbie” days.

    7. David in Cal,
      Being a sexual object to the boss, is how Ivanka got her job in the Trump Administration.

    8. QiB: I've not heard or read any accusations that Harris forced herself on unwilling partners; nor grabbed anyone by the genitals;

      Clinton was accused of both those things by two different women.

      It didn’t bother Democrats then, why would it now?

    9. So, Cecelia’s answer to why it’s appropriate to bring up and mock Harris’s consensual relationship, is because…Clinton?

    10. Say what you will, but Republicans nominating a rapist to be their President is totally on-brand.

    11. Anonymouse 2:05pm, did you read my comment to David? You’re about as consistent on sexual politics as Jim Bakker.

    12. Quaker— my only excuse for using the word “mistress” is the dictionary.
      “a woman having an extramarital sexual relationship, especially with a married man.”

    13. David, that is an archaic term now. It implies a kept woman, which Harris never was.

    14. If Comma La was a Republican, anonymices would call her “groomed”.

    15. Remind me again why some of the commenters here think Dickhead in Cal is a nice guy.

    16. Cecelia has gone crazy today. Why is she allowed to post so many empty messages when other people are being blocked by Somerby?

    17. Anonymouse 2:45pm, he deletes me all the time. You have no real ideas what awful things I say.

    18. DiC: misogynist: a person who hates or discriminates against women

    19. propagandist: someone who produces or spreads propaganda : a person who spreads ideas, facts, or allegations deliberately to further a cause or to damage an opposing cause

    20. The sock puppet that roared, hilarious!

    21. If he wasn't a slobbering fool for bigotry, David in Cal wouldn't be half the piece of shit he is.

    22. Anonymices, QiB, David merely stated that Comma La’s background is ripe for mockery.

      We all know if Harris was Republican you would say that she had been groomed by powerful men and that fact made her the quintessential female Republican presidential nominee/puppet.. Anonymouse flying monkeys would be making dirty jokes about her every day.

      David said that her background was a salient and joke-worthy. Knock off the vapors. You don’t have that credibility.

    23. Whatever Harris's past relationships include, they're nowhere near as tawdry as her opponent's.

    24. DiC: If you got that definition for "mistress" from Merriam, you had to scroll way down to get it. Their first definition is:

      : a woman who has power, authority, or ownership

      If that's your definition, I could concede its accuracy.

    25. @Cecelia:
      "Clinton was accused of both those things by two different women."

      Lucky you! You've come to the right place. Our Host has published tens of thousands of words on that very subject. Check the archives!

    26. QiB, and here you showing your appreciation towards him daily.

    27. QiB at 5:23pm, that is in essence Comma La’s campaign slogan. That is it and only it.

    28. What kind of Right-winger wouldn't mock Harris for having consensual sexual relations?
      Harris is practically begging Righties to call her "woke".

    29. Anonymouse 5:40pm, and what Democrat wouldn’t call an affair “consensual sexual relations” as though it’s a dance club hookup.

    30. Quaker - in this case, the man had the power and the authority. He was in a position to help her. She was not in a position to help him.

    31. "He was in a position to help her."

      Do continue. In what way was he in a postion to help her?

    32. @Cecelia
      Um, wut? I'm showing my appreciation for Our Host? For Clinton?

      I'm not following you.

    33. QiB, oh, you get what I said. You get the irony of you coming here every day with the jihad on Bob meeces and then recommending the blogs Bob write on the Clintons back in the day.

    34. Cecelia, you are the one on a jihad today. I don't know what's gotten into you, but you can say whatever you want. It doesn't change the fact that Harris is winning.

    35. 1:17: “It’s misogynist and racist to criticize a black woman. Unless she is a Republican.” You are correct. I would never criticize a black female Republican in congress. Because there are none.

    36. 7:26 “Cecelia, I don’t know what’s gotten into you….” It’s after noon so box wine would be a good guess.

    37. Anonymouse 9;06pm, Commma La brought it over. She’s currently cackling and asking me where the “little girl’s room” is.

    38. See See Lie Ya : Have you bought your 60 dollar Trump bible yet? I hear they are going fast in Oklahoma. 60 bucks a pop, taxpayer money. Made in China for 3 bucks. Get yours while they last, before Vlad puts in a large bulk order. You people are funnier than you think. Just not funny ha ha. The other funny. You know, the pathetic one. For a grand your orange idol will get a machine to sign his name on one for you.

    39. Cecelia, you've come to a wrong conclusion. I have no truck with nonny mice.

    40. Those bibles are so tempting an avowed atheist like DIC might have to experience a miracle conversion. Cashing in on bible thumpers was a stroke of genius for the orange Jesus. Did I miss it or have they yet to roll out the upside down US flags for mass consumption?

    41. At a rally in Pennsylvania tonight, Trump sought to energize his base by stating that his first order of business, day 1, will be to cut off funding and dismantle the agency responsible for the creation of hurricanes and other catastrophic weather events. Also, and this is a measure of his genius: noting that Jerusalem has not been the site of a hurricane in recorded history, Trump will make plans to move Jerusalem to Palm Beach Florida. This will coincide with his plan to market a dreidel covered in gold leaf in time for the holidays.

  8. This is not about silos. It is a nasty political attack on one party's candidate by the other party.

  9. Quaker -- Brown was probably the most powerful politician in CA. If he supported Kamala for a position, his support would be crucial.

    1. Brown also supported Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom. Was he sleeping with them? Brown appointed Harris to a state commission just as he was retiring. How crucial was that? Not very.

    2. Republicans are so busy turning the other way when the inconvenient truths of Trump's grifting, lying, and fanboy antics with Putin are brought up that they've registered the first mass epidemic of torticollis.

    3. "Brown was probably the most powerful politician in CA. If he supported Kamala for a position, his support would be crucial."

      Sounds like she made a smart move.
