REASON(S): Will we take the physician's challenge?


Blue America's broken toys:  A funny thing happened on the way to the future in Donald Trump's latest interview.

Time magazine had named him its Person of the Year. In the accompanying interview, the incoming strongman allegedly made the statement we highlight below:

Trump Says His 1st Acts Will Include Deportations and Jan. 6 Pardons


The president-elect’s comments came during a wide-ranging interview conducted on Nov. 25 as part of the magazine’s choice of Mr. Trump to be its person of the year. In the interview, which the magazine said lasted more than an hour, the president-elect bragged that he had run a “flawless” campaign and that Democrats were out of touch with Americans.

Intriguing! That's from the news report in the New York Times about the interview session. We're intrigued for the following reason:

According to the incoming president, he himself ran a flawless campaign this year. Meanwhile, the Democrats—the opposing party—had been "out of touch with Americans" during that same campaign.

In our view, the Times' account of what the strongman said is basically accurate. With apologies for the length of the excerpt, here's the relevant part of Time magazine's fawning transcript

TIME (12/12/24): You had an extraordinary year. You lived it and you know it. You cleared the field in the Republican campaign. You spent part of your campaign in a courtroom. You were almost shot to death on the trail. Your opponent dropped out, and then you won the swing states, which many people did not expect. What's one thing that we should know about your experience this year that we don't know?

TRUMP: Well, I think we ran a flawless campaign. It was, it was really quite something. I called it 72 Days of Fury. There were no days off. There were no timeouts. If you made a mistake, it would be magnified at levels that nobody's ever seen before. So you couldn't make a mistake. And I think we just really ran well. It was a drive to go through it. It started 72 days out. For some reason, it just seemed to be it. And I worked very hard. I've been, I've been given credit by, actually, the reporters that followed me, because it was, you know, just, it just was all the time, every day, and we said the right things. We said things that were on the minds of the country. I think the Democrats didn't get it. They just kept going back to the same old nonsense. And it was nonsense, especially in where we are right now. And we hit—we hit something that was very special. We hit the nerve of the country. They don't want to see jails emptied out into our country. They don't want to see people from mental institutions being dismissed from their institutions. 

TIME: Mr. President, what did the Democrats not get? You just said “they didn’t get it.” What did you mean by that? 

TRUMP: I don't think they got the feel of the country. The country was angry because of immigration, because of the people, you know, millions and millions of people. I was saying it could be 21 million people. They were saying a much lesser number, but it wasn't a much lesser number. But even if it was, it was irrelevant, because it was—they were allowing anybody to come into our country. They are right now. They opened it up again. You see what's going on? They're coming. They're pouring up through Mexico and other places. And they weren't using common sense. I said, We’ve become the party of common sense... 

And so on, at endless length from there. 

According to the winning candidate, he himself ran a flawless campaign, Even the reporters give him credit for that, he said, though he cited no specific examples.

As for the Democrats, they didn't get the feel of the country. "They just kept going back to the same old nonsense," the winning candidate said.

What makes that presentation intriguing? With apologies for a type of repetition, the answer is sitting right here:

Nationwide popular vote (to date), 2024 
Donald J. Trump (R): 77,300,739 (49.81%)
Kamala Harris (D):    75,014,534 (48.33%)

For the record, those numbers no longer seem to be changing. We may have reached something like the end of the count. 

With respect to the repetition, we'll offer this bit of wisdom. There are very few actual facts left within our failing culture. We should hold tight to the handful which remain as we try to make sense of our world.

That said, what's intriguing about the strongman's statement to Time? The intriguing part is this:

He says he ran a flawless campaign. He says the other party just kept returning to nonsense.

In short, he ran a flawless campaign against a ship of fools—but intriguingly, he ended up winning by less than a point and a half! He won the battleground state of Michigan by substantially less than that!

Time didn't challenge the Caesar on the apparent incongruity lodged in his claims. That too is a part of the world we've been left—a part of the world which remains.

A steady stream of bogus clams are now part of our national culture. Corrections and clarifications will be offered by some news orgs, but all such corrections will be disappeared by quite a few others.

Our nation is thereby left with very few facts. Plus, the incoming president has, as of this very day, once again added to a collection some will regard as a playhouse of broken toys. 

Who is the latest toy in the toy chest? This very morning, the New York Times offers this report:

Trump Chooses Kari Lake to Lead Voice of America


Since abandoning her journalism career for electoral politics, Ms. Lake has frequently spread conspiracy theories and false assertions. In her 2022 race, she ran on the falsehood that Mr. Trump had won the 2020 presidential election and spun her own unsubstantiated claims that Ms. Hobbs committed election crimes. After narrowly losing to Ms. Hobbs in 2022, she refused to concede and instead brought legal challenges that were all later rejected by courts.

This year, after Representative Ruben Gallego defeated her in the Senate race by a wider margin than Ms. Hobbs did, she only hinted at a concession.

“I will never stop fighting for the state I love,” she said, in a video posted on her social media.

Is "something wrong" with future director Lake? In Blue America, some citizens may wonder.

 Meanwhile, in Red America, Lake is presented as a champion of clear vision—one whose unsubstantiated claims about rigged elections will be disappeared and ignored.

Within our bifurcated former nation, some people will regard Lake as the latest broken toy. For the record, that report about Lake didn't make this morning's front page—but this other news report did:

Trump’s Middle East Adviser Pick Is a Small-Time Truck Salesman

President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming Middle East adviser, Massad Boulos, has enjoyed a reputation as a billionaire mogul at the helm of a business that bears his family name.

Mr. Boulos has been profiled as a tycoon by the world’s media, telling a reporter in October that his company is worth billions. Mr. Trump called him a “highly respected leader in the business world, with extensive experience on the international scene.”

The president-elect even lavished what may be his highest praise: a “dealmaker.”

In fact, records show that Mr. Boulos has spent the past two decades selling trucks and heavy machinery in Nigeria for a company his father-in-law controls. He is chief executive of the company, SCOA Nigeria PLC, which made a profit of less than $66,000 last year, corporate filings show.

There is no indication in corporate documents that Mr. Boulos, a Lebanese-American whose son is married to Mr. Trump’s daughter Tiffany, is a man of significant wealth as a result of his businesses. The truck dealership is valued at about $865,000 at its current share price. Mr. Boulos’s stake, according to securities filings, is worth $1.53.


Mr. Boulos will advise on one of the world’s most complicated and conflict-wracked regions—a region that Mr. Boulos said this week that he has not visited in years. The advisory position does not require Senate approval.

Is Boulos another broken toy? Viewers of the Fox News Channel will never be exposed to the representations which fill this front-page report.

That said, do those representations qualify as facts? Very few such creatures are left within our failing national culture. 

Round the decay of the widening wreck, very few facts remain. What may be "facts" in Blue America are non-existent among the Reds. 

Having said that, we need to add this. Sometimes, citizens of Red America are exposed to facts which are largely withheld from Us!

Those of us in Blue America may not be aware of that situation. In our view, that may help explain how a vastly flawed candidate like Donald J. Trump managed to squeeze out a narrow win over an accidental opponent who, through no particular fault of her own, had only three months to campaign.

At this site, we've been poking at a pair of questions in recent weeks. We'd describe the questions as second cousins. These questions are related, but they aren't quite the same:

Two questions in Blue America:
Question 1: How did we ever lose to a guy like Donald J. Trump?
Question 2: Why would any decent person ever have voted for Trump?

Many of us in Blue America can't imagine an answer to that second question. We can't imagine any possible reasons why a decent fellow citizen would have cast such a vote.

Once again, we'll suggest that there are many reasons why a decent person might have decided to vote for Candidate Trump—or might have decided to vote against our own Democratic candidates.

President Biden was going to be the nominee—and then he suddenly wasn't. Three weeks later, Vice President Harris was subbed in. For reasons which still haven't quite been explained, we Blues had become an amateur hockey team changing lines on the fly.

Even in that situation, the flawless strongman managed to win by only 1.48 points! Still and all, he did win—and the consequences could be jaw-dropping, vast, enormous.

In the view of Blue America, broken toys are being put in place all over the emerging firmament. Will we still be in NATO by the end of next year? Can anyone answer that question?

Will a narrow win in a very strange circumstance change the fabric of world history? And how did it [ever] get this far? How did those of us in Blue America ever end up in this place?

We think it started in 1965—and we ourselves were physically present! Also, we think there's an endless array of obvious reasons why a decent person might have decided to vote against us Blue Americans and against our candidates.

The future president describes his own performance as flawless. There's a small irony lurking there:

In all honesty, that's the way we Blue Americans may tend to see ourselves! 

We tend to think of ourselves as the moral, smart people. We may be inclined to see the others as "deeply racist."

It may be too late to make a difference; the die may have been cast. But we think our own tribe's imperfect understanding is the biggest political story here in our own Blue America.

Over there, the incoming strongman keeps anointing broken toys and keeps dispensing bogus claims. But what's it like over here?

How did we ever lose to that guy? Why in the world did 77.3 million people decide to vote for him?

We ourselves never considered voting for Candidate Trump. On the other hand, we don't find it especially hard to understand why many others did.

Starting in 1965, we Blues may perhaps have played with some broken toys of our own. And we may perhaps be blind to that fact. Could our own tribal delusions perhaps have dragged us down?

Blue America, heal thyself? There isn't much else we can do at this point. 

We only lost by a couple of points—but how could it even have been that close?

 Why did anyone vote for him? Next week, our search continues.


  1. Moving into the 2nd election postmortem month ....

  2. A couple of weeks ago Trump wildly threatened Hamas if they didn’t release the hostages. His threat may be working.
    “Hamas agrees to yield to two of Israel's 'key' demands in ceasefire deal”
    If Trump ends the Gaza war before even taking office, will he have proved that he was the right choice?

    1. Correlation is not causation. Have you never heard of coincidence?

    2. No, Dickhead. You are really an asshole. I didn't notice you mention the cease fire agreement President Biden brokered between Israel and Lebanon. Could it be because you are an asshole?

    3. Um, Hamas has been agreeing to that for months, it’s Netanyahu that’s refusing to a ceasefire, hellbent on finishing the job, per Trump’s instruction.

    4. The cease fire agreement between Israel and Lebanon would never have happened if Netanyahu had followed Biden's instructions. Biden tried to stop Israel from attacking Hezbollah. But, it was Israel's victories against Hezbollah that led to the cease fire.

    5. Bullshit, David. Biden did nothing to interfere with the IDF. You are FUCKING WELCOME, ASSHOLE.

    6. Um, no, Israel was getting their ass kicked in Lebanon, so just like in the past, after failing in their attacks, Israel “agrees” to a ceasefire.

      There was already a “ceasefire” agreement with Lebanon, which Israel broke in attacking Lebanon. So Biden had the correct stance.

      The lack of ability to think critically is on startling display here.


  3. "Question 1: How did we ever lose to a guy like Donald J. Trump?"

    That's because you're losers, and you will always be losers. Especially your rank and file idiot-moonbats losers.

    1. What kind of person gets up early to call others losers? Well, Somerby, but also the people he attracts.

    2. Anonymouse 12:09pm, no, that’s the kind of mices this blog attracts.

    3. Because Whites are superior, particularly White males.


    4. I didn't call Others losers. I called you losers. Because you are losers. And you will always be losers.

      Especially your rank and file idiot-moonbats losers, your Soros-trained monkeys losers, and you, Corby, loser.

    5. The losers are the non whites, and women.

      If you don’t like it, that’s just sour grapes. Go back to your shithole country.

    6. Idiot-moonbats losers, Soros-trained monkeys losers, and Corby the loser live in Albania.

    7. 1:24 - hey shit for brains, ya know who's really Soros-trained? The orange ape's nominee for Treasury Secretary.

  4. People are not “broken toys”, even if you dislike them. That is a dehumanizing term, like vermin (or mice). Somerby assumes the “broken” as part of his pity party but there is no evidence Trump and his buddies were ever good decent people. This is a matter of lack of character, empathy and service orientation, not victimhood for assholes. We classify people based on character in order to prevent others from harming us. We Dems have the right to self defense. Somerby has this very wrong.

    1. Anonymouse 12:07pm, you AND Bob both have it wrong. Anonymices are the dumb, heartless, immoral, whiney, wrathful, mean, sullen, ridiculous, indecent, political-operative Soros a-hole trolls. Anonymices are all the broken toys.

    2. Waaaaaaaaah, anonymices broke my dolly.

    3. Anonymouse 2:31pm, how old are you? I don’t mean chronologically, I mean at what level are you on the tests they give mentally challenged people

    4. Somerby is the one talking about broken toys

    5. 5:16- Says the troll who pleasures itself by calling the vice president comma la. Mom says to stay off the computer until your algebra homework is done.

    6. 5:16 -2:31 here. I know you are. What am I?

    7. Anonymouse 6:31pm, I’ve explain that I do that to satisfy your nitpicking over her name.

      BTW: anonymices shouldn’t try to win a triggering contest. You’re extremely vain for no discernible reason, take yourselves far far too seriously, and so are too overbearing and managerial not to be hacked off in ten seconds.

    8. Cecelia,
      I know you hate to be reminded that Trump gave corporations and the rich a HUGE tax break, and each and every economically anxious Republican voter went to D.C. to try to overthrow the United States of America, so I want to remind you that Trump gave corporations and the rich a HUGE tax break, and each and every economically anxious Republican voter went to D.C. to try to overthrow the United States of America.

    9. Anonymouse 12:45pm, thanks. Allow me to remind you that Trump has been re-elected.

    10. Those Republican voters sure jettisoned their economic concerns, once Trump gave them the bigotry they crave.
      It's almost like they only care about bigotry and white supremacy, without the "It's almost like" part, of course.

  5. Trump’s deficiencies should have outweighed any historical influences from 1965. Somerby doesn’t explain that.


  6. Joe Biden is the goodest Democrat president evah. Sharp as a tack. And I love his son's dick; mm-mmm.

    I am Corby.

  7. I voted for Trump because he was will to demonstrate, even in front of children, how to fellate a man.

    1. Anonymouse 12:43pm, like you needed that demonstrated.

    2. It's possible, actually, that Corby never had sex in her life.

  8. If you draw a venn diagram of Trump's 49.8%, the biggest circle would be his MAGA loyalists. I don't know why they exist in such numbers but they do. A second, smaller circle are voters who are going to vote Republican no matter who the candidate is. Think Bill Barr, who called Trump unfit but said he would vote for him. A third circle, which overlaps the first two, are voters who couldn't vote for a mixed race woman. I don't know, but this circle may include many of the Latinos, Blacks and Asians who shifted over to Trump. Also the white racists Somerby mentions so often. Not every Trump voter is deeply racist but he has his share for sure. Make sense?

    1. Yes, Mr. Soros, if you say so.

    2. 1:27 - after considering wildunlap's comment and your response, wildunlap makes a much better argument.

      Thanks for playing.

    3. Would you rape me, please? I'm begging you. I am your fellow Soros-trained monkey, in good standing.

  9. Harris ran essentially the same campaign as Biden did in 2020, the main thing the campaign was out of touch of was how little they considered how sexist the electorate is.

    Somerby today scoffs at Trump not citing examples, but neither does Somerby, I guess we know where he got it from.

    What explains Trump? In no small part, faux Dems like Somerby explain Trump. Thanks, Somerby.

  10. This blog has died.

  11. The latent homo/bi prevalent among Republicans is fueling their homophobia and general bitterness.

    Homo/bi is normal and natural, healthy and common.

    1. That's what she said.

    2. Anonymouse 12:58pm, anonymices are cruising TDH like it’s a bar now

    3. no one is here more than you

    4. Anonymouse 6:15pm, I’m not issuing odes to gay sex and transgenderism. Go find a real bar.

    5. Anonymouse 2:39pm, you’re kissing and telling.

  12. Brian Thompson, noted social murderer, has died.

  13. Thomas Sowell warned us that Trump is unfit to be president.

  14. Trump has endorsed Netanyahu/Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians.

    1. Isn't it Biden's/Netanyahu's/Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians?

    2. Biden has been weakly trying to curb Netanyahu’s enthusiasm; Trump is cheering Netanyahu on.

    3. Try to curb my ass. All Biden needed to do was telling Zionist entity to stop it immediately. Zionist entity is an American client entity that can't sneeze without US approval.

    4. Agree, Biden was a good president domestically, but his stance on Israel is atrocious.

      It definitely played a role in Dems staying home, but not enough to make a significant difference.

      After all, Trump is much worse on Israel than Biden is.

    5. Yes, other than committing a genocide and bringing the world closer to a nuclear war than ever, Joe Biden is an excellent leader. And he loves his German Shepperd.

    6. Biden is/was a figurehead only.

    7. Anonymouse 6:13pm, there were a thousand on camera glitches. An avoidance of any sort impromptu encounters with the media. An avoidance of any formal news conferences. Dazed and doddering on camera.

      Big Moments: A prosecutor refused to follow thru over Biden’s documents violations due to the fact that he is too incapacitated to be able to testify.

      He horrified the media during a debate.

      In the last months of his presidential campaign, the Democratic leadership asked him to step aside from running. The LAST thing a party would want to happen.

      Sooner or later, even a militant maniac like you is going to come into terms with the fact that Obama is running the country.

    8. Cecelia,
      Are you blaming Obama for the lowest Unemployment rate in over a half a century?

    9. Anonymouse 12.48pm, yes. Obama and some other factors.

  15. TDH: I’ve got nothing

    TDH readers: we know

  16. My advice to Republicans, hire lots of bodyguards.

  17. As a Republican, I own lots of guns, but do not fear, I only use bullet ballots for ammo.

  18. Somerby is demonstrating his entrepreneurship by manufacturing ignorance.

  19. In a blind poll, a majority of Republicans prefer Harris’ policies over Trump’s.

    1. Typical of Republicans, lacking integrity is a feature, not a bug.

    2. Hard work is good work! Hard work can be joyful work!

    3. Hard work is for suckers. Wanna buy a cheap pair of gold plated sneakers or my very own worthless crypto coins? How 'bout a piece of the suit I was wearing when they took my mug shot? How do you say "sucker" in Russian?

    4. Are you moving to Russia? I thought all you losers will be moving to Canada.

    5. I hear Chris Wrap decided to resign. Option 2 was accidently falling out of a 14th story window.

    6. As George "Thy Lord" Soros says: what goes around comes around.

  20. Republicans polled the day before the election: the economy is in ruin, society is in decline

    Republicans polled the day after the election: the economy is booming, everything is fine

    1. I am a Soros-trained monkey. Could someone rape me, please?

      Please, please, please?

    2. Typical of Republicans, lacking integrity is a feature, not a bug.

  21. Trump has a long history of wanting to cut Social Security, including proposals to cut SS in all his budgets during his first term as president, and he is now gearing up to propose cutting SS again, headed up by two unelected bureaucrats, carpetbagging snake oil salesmen.

    The Dems will block this.

  22. "Starting in 1965, we Blues may perhaps have played with some broken toys of our own. And we may perhaps be blind to that fact."

    Yes, perhaps. Our Host isn't helping however.

    1. Hm. 1965?

      Is it Ralph Nader? I'll bet a nickel on Ralph.

    2. Somerby thinks the civil rights act and voting rights were a big mistake. This is a white supremacist backlash.

    3. But, 4:05, how would Our Host have "been there" for those acts of Congress? And who would be the "broken toy" he references?

      No, that doesn't add up.

  23. Breaking news: Nancy Mace “injured” by a handshake.

    Republicans are all snowflakes.

    1. @2:00 mocks Nancy Mace for being physically attacked by a trans person. Ugh.

    2. Fuck you, Dickhead. You voted for anarchy, now you're going to get it. Just lie back and enjoy it.

    3. 4:18 Eyewitnesses do not corroborate your assessment, which relies on believing a lying sack of shit like Nancy Mace. You know the kind of lying sack of shit that anointed herself an advocate for transgender people in 2023.

    4. For Nancy Mace, the world's smallest violin.

    5. Get your facts straignt, David. Not even Mace says she was attacked by a trans person.

    6. Who here could possibly be surprised that David in Cal's factual mistakes are always in service of bigotry?

  24. We are gathered here today…

  25. …here to take note of what triggers Republicans.

  26. Who cares about flaws of the Democratic Party when Trump is sending gay people to death camps?

  27. "Why did anyone vote for him? Next week, our search continues."

    OMG!! Enough already. It's been more than a month since the election and you've written what seems like countless endless posts asking this very question.

    If you haven't figured out why anyone would vote for Trump by now, you never will. So why don't you move on to simpler questions that you might be able to answer.

    1. Don't be silly. He's still examining Al Gore's defeat in 2000.


    2. He loves confirmations of him and all the rest of his idiot-moonbat comrades being losers. He wants to hear more of them.

    3. All Republican voters are bigots, and Trump gives them the bigotry they crave.
      See? I answered Somerby's question in one sentence.
      Next time, try a tougher question, Bob.

  28. Nancy Pelosi's life is over.

    1. Praying is the ultimate in virtue-signaling.

    2. Her life, as she knew it and as it was, is over. Her life will be very different from now on.

    3. Anonymouse 12:53pm, pray privately. No one sees. Praying doesn’t instill virtue , obedience does that.

    4. Tell it to Sam Alito.

    5. Anonymouse 9:17pm, compulsory private prayer would be unconstitutional in most contexts.

    6. What would Sam Alito know about the Constitution?
      You're not making any sense.


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