TUESDAY: He also clattered about a "valve!"


King Lear saves Cali again: He makes so many odd remarks that they tend to be quickly forgotten. 

In this morning's report about the commander, we forgot to cite the news report, from last Friday's Washington Post, about the shape of (California's) water.

There the commander went again! Headline included, the Post's report started as shown:

Trump says a ‘valve’ can solve California’s water woes. Experts say it’s not true.

It’s one of California’s thorniest problems. The nation’s most populous state is full of sprawling cities, vast farmland, rich ecosystems—and it must decide how to divide scarce water resources among them.

But for President Donald Trump, the solution is simple: Turn a valve and more water will flow.

“Los Angeles has massive amounts of water available to it,” Trump said at a news conference Tuesday. “All they have to do is turn the valve.”

As Trump prepares to visit wildfire-ravaged Los Angeles on Friday, he has offered different theories for how Southern California could get more water to fight fires. He is blaming a minnow-size fish, claiming that water can be diverted from Canada, and suggesting that a single valve could be turned to solve the state’s water woes.

Trump said during a Fox News interview on Wednesday that California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) “can release the water that comes from the north.” 

Exactly one week ago, that's what the commander said.

Forget about turning a "very large faucet," his recommendation from early September, when he was still just a hopeful. This time, the commander said the Golden State should simply "turn the valve!"

It sounded like a great idea—a simple solution to an alleged problem. To appearances, the brilliant commander had done it again—but the report continued directly as shown:

“There is massive amounts of water, rainwater and mountain water that comes through with the snow, comes down as it melts. There’s so much water they’re releasing it into the Pacific Ocean,” Trump said.

But experts say solving the drought-stricken state’s water scarcity isn’t so simple.

“The president is injecting himself into a difficult, complex situation that people have been working on for” years, said Tom Holyoke, a Western water politics expert at California State University at Fresno.

“There is no ‘valve,’” he added.

So it goes with these experts today!  Indeed, it's as we noted this morning:

Back in September, one expert had said that there's no such thing as a "very large faucet" which could release water from Neptune (or from some comparable locale). Now, the Post had found another expert—and this joker was trying to say that there is no magical valve! 

Citizens, can we talk? 

Starting with Caligula and his Senate-ready horse, history, legend and literature have gifted us with a succession of addled rulers of this familiar type:

There was Caligula and his steed. There was Lear, who refused to listen to the one daughter who was trying to tell him the truth.

Even on the plains outside Troy, Agamemnon, lord of men was persistently melting down at various moments of truth. Routinely, he was rescued from his lunatic conduct by the intercessions of such seasoned elders as Nestor, king of Pylos' sandy harbor, and Odysseus, the wily tactician.

Are we former Americans now in thrall to the madness of our own King George? We asked that question two weeks ago—and according to the Post's report, there's no such thing as that valve!

Tomorrow: In search of that $500 million


  1. "Experts say it’s not true."

    Okay, that's good enough for me. If idiot-Democrat "experts" say something ain't true -- true it is. Absolute certainty, one hundred per cent guaranteed.

    1. I am sure that your mother has told you this many times but you are one dumb fuck

    2. Your "guarantee" is worth less than one square of soiled toilet paper.


    3. You sound triggered, Mr. Soros. Learn to cope, Sir.

    4. You "sound" delusional. Lear to take your meds.


    5. Don't worry Soros-bot, Mr. Soros always takes his meds in time. That's the secret of his longevity.

  2. Those of us in California know well where our water comes from. Most comes from the Sierra, some comes from the Colorado River. Northern California water is transported to Southern California via aqueduct.

    There is no sanewashing of Trump's idea that Columbia River water could be transported to California by turning any valve or faucet.

  3. Would it be possible to build a system to transport water from the Northwest down to Calif? If not we’re screwed

    1. We’re screwed because the acquafers under the Central Valley are being depleted. Unless we find a way to get more water there, our food production will drop a lot.

    2. Aquifer, Dickhead.

    3. But who will harvest the crops? Central Valley farmers have punched themselves in the nose as they THINK they’ve discovered a bandage for their shins.

    4. "Unless we find a way to get more water"

      Can't you read David? Job done! Mighty Trump has ordered the military to turn the valve! California has all the water it needs!

    5. It seems clear that Trump did not bring new water from the Pacific Northwest. However, he may have brought some water, or possibly not. What happened is disputed.
      "The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER flowing abundantly from the Pacific Northwest, and beyond," President Trump shared in a post on his social media site Truth Social. "The days of putting a Fake Environmental argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER. Enjoy the water, California!!!"

      But the California Department of Water Resources refutes that claim.

      "The military did not enter California," the department shared on X. "The federal government restarted federal water pumps after they were offline for maintenance for three days. State water supplies in Southern California remain plentiful."

      KCRA reached out to Gov. Gavin Newsom's office, which only referred to the post from DWR.

      State Senate Pro Tem Mike McGuire also responded to the claim.

      "First off, shocker, water from the Pacific Northwest doesn’t flow to the Central Valley," McGuire said. "Second, federal water pumps were down for repair and are now back on. Third, rest assured, the military has not invaded the delta.

    6. "However, he may have brought some water, or possibly not."

      You may have a dirt clod for a brain, or possibly not.

    7. Come on, Dave. I’ve always said you're cognitive. Now act like it.

    8. The Owens Valley & the Central Valley are not the same. Los Angeles gets water from the Owens Valley not the Central Valley.

    9. "However, he may have brought some water, or possibly not. What happened is disputed."

      Not by anyone with a brain.

      The relevance of whether Trump 'brought some water' or not was whether additiona water from the northern part of the state could have helped put out the fires. The answer is an unequivocal no (in your own quote CDWR says water supplies 'remain plentiful.')

  4. From The Bulwark today:

    The American people elected a psychopath, & that is what they got.

  5. In CA, residential usage of water accounts for about 10% of the water supply.

    10% is also the amount of mental capacity used by a typical Republican.

  6. Somerby’s buyer’s remorse over Trump, is hilarious!

  7. Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn the loss of this blog’s relevance and coherence.

    Long live the trolls/fanboys!

  8. The real issue is: CA pulls its weight, pulls way more than its weight, while Republican areas laze around, parasitically living off the hard workers of CA, engendering a terrible guilt and jealousy that fuels Republican’s rage.

    If we could harness that rage, convert it into useful energy that could provide electricity and clean water, we could solve all our problems.

    But, no, Republicans cling to their rage, it’s all they’ve got, and they do not care about the misery they spread.

    1. Republicans are hell bent on destroying California, because CA demonstrates the irrelevancy and perniciousness of Republicans.

      Fortunately, CA is a few steps ahead of these knuckle draggers

    2. "When the accumulation of wealth is no longer of high social importance, there will be great changes in the code of morals. We shall be able to rid ourselves of many of the pseudo-moral principles which have hag-ridden us for two hundred years, by which we have exalted some of the most distasteful of human qualities into the position of the highest virtues. We shall be able to afford to dare to assess the money-motive at its true value. The love of money as a possession – as distinguished from the love of money as a means to the enjoyments and realities of life – will be recognised for what it is, a somewhat disgusting morbidity, one of those semi-criminal, semi-pathological propensities which one hands over with a shudder to the specialists in mental disease."


    3. JM Keynes's book was widely used as a college textbook. He brought out a new edition every year, so that students could not use used versions.
      They had to buy a new version from the publisher.
      This practice allowed him to make more money.

    4. Common practice, you nitwit.

    5. Capitalism is a scam.

    6. The publisher makes more money. Authors bring out new editions to keep up with changes in their fields of expertise, not to screw students.

    7. "JM Keynes's book was widely used as a college textbook. He brought out a new edition every year, so that students could not use used versions."

      Are you talking about "The General Theory of Employment," etc., his most famous work?

      There was only one edition, published in 1936. Where did you get the wrong information you posted?

      (And once again, do you ever check?)

    8. Just assume the worst when DiC posts “facts”, but thanks for looking it up.

    9. The gop has fully embraced lying as a political tactic, and the most transparent pathetic lies are just dandy.

    10. Remember when David repeatedly called Kamala Harris a liar because she said Project 2025 was Trump's agenda? I do.

    11. Q: Does Dickhead ever check?

      A: No. There is a pipeline from right-wing on-line rags that flows information through his amygdala onto the keyboard and out into the world.

    12. Take a break from bashing DiC to take some time to appreciate what a wonderful writer Keynes was!


    13. We Soros-bots idiot-moonbats don't take breaks.

  9. According to Paul Krugman: "all Times opinion writers were banned from engaging in any kind of media criticism"

    That's exactly what Somerby has been complaining about! The NYT will not engage in any criticism of Fox, no matter what.

    1. "exactly"?
      Somerby has been calling the Times "blue media".
      Try again.

  10. And now, the OMB plans to offer a buyout to 2 million federal employees.

    1. Of course this is common policy in organizations that are reducing staff. My wife was a little pissed when a co-worker got a generous buyout offer and she didn't get an offer. The reason was that they wanted to get rid of the co-worker. He was doing a medioocre job, but he had tenure.

      Civil service employees have something almost as good as tenure, so they can't easily be fired. What Trump is doing is a clever way to reduce staff.

    2. I've heard the people who have been offered this deal, have countered with a request for a 10% raise, instead.

    3. Prof with tenure get tenure because they do more work, publish more, bring in grants. They have more to offer students. Calling them mediocre ignores what they do to get that promotion and sounds like envy.

    4. David, this is happening via anonymous email with no explanations or consultations. It's not "clever" and it's probably not legal.

    5. Dickhead in Cal, you should have watched Rachel Maddow last night. The goal here by the barbarian tyrants who took over the federal government is not to modestly trim staff, you fucking fascist asshole. The goal here is to "delete" the entire government. They want to change our system to be one CEO in charge of everything. We have to learn to get over our fear of the word "dictatorship". Because that is their goal. A dictatorship. The acronym is RAGE - Retire All Government Employees.

      This is the fucking chaos you have wrought on us all, you fucking fascist.

    6. The Republican Party's goal is to make the government so small, anyone can cross the border with ease.
      You didn't really think they were against the cheap immigrant labor that fattens their constituents bottom lines, did you?

    7. David in Cal,
      Do you think immigrants are to blame for Republican voters no longer caring about inflation?

    8. Trumps choice to head the IRS is a prior congressman who has zero qualifications in the realm of accounting, economics, heading a large company, or any other metric. He had no assignments in the realm of tax committed and proposed on more than one occasion eliminating the IRS and replacing it with the highly regressive tax of 30% on all items sold. Fucking moron.

    9. “…tax committees…”


    10. Idiot-Democrats who enjoy paying taxes don't need the IRS. They can send their checks directly to the treasury, without any middlemen.

    11. I send my checks directly to Trump.

  11. Somerby says he cannot fact check Trump’s statement about the giant faucet. Then he disparages the experts. Hard to fact check stuff if you won’t listen to those with expertise.

  12. You don’t have to go as far as Neptune for water. Uranus has a lot of it, too.

  13. Where is Cecelia? Why isn’t she here defending Trump?

    1. Hopefully, she won't come back until she finds that Republican voter who isn't a bigot.

  14. New: President Trump has signed an executive order stating that the federal U.S. government "will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist or support" the transitioning of minors.

    The order directs federal agencies to halt reliance on junk science and pseudo-science given by trans activist group, World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

    The order also says that medical institutions and hospitals that receive federal research grants halt the medical transitioning (mutilation) of children.

    The DOJ attorney general is also instructed to prioritize the enforcement of protections against female genital mutilation, a practice often done in some Muslim communities.


    1. That should make easily distracted MAGA cult members very happy. A few years ago right wing media outlets convinced the most gullible of them that physicians at Boston Children's Hospital, A Harvard affiliate, were performing sex change operations on fetuses in utero. This is the perfect marriage of their two obsessions: gender and women's pregnancies. Suffice it to say that there were enough morons out there that doctors at the hospital received credible threats of violence. Meanwhile the demented old man has put a hold on grants and student loans, adversely affecting many thousands of innocent citizens. Fuck him and his dumbass admirers who think that making a show of his ignorance about well under 0.1% of the population is a populist substitution for making their lives better.


    2. You sound confused Soros-bot @12:59 AM. When did Brendan put a hold on grants?

    3. Apart from the inequities that exist on the playing field for student athletes competing against male to female transitioned individuals, it hasn't occurred to me that what 0.1 percent of the population does about their perceived gender is my business. This seems to be an obsession for the likes of MAGAs like DIC, whose worries about where his taxpayer dollars go don't extend to concern about the firing of IGs whose jobs entail monitoring for billions of dollars of fraud, among other things. What rubbish.

    4. Corruption isn't white supremacy, so it's completely negotiable for a Right-winger.


    5. But what about them being hellbent on maiming children, 1:13 AM? And do you know that in some countries calling a pervert "he" is criminalized? And in the US perverts can sue normal people for harassments.

    6. 5:29,
      Sorry. Can't do anything about the maimed children.
      Too busy trying to find the Haitian immigrants who are eating our pets.
      |M me you physical address, and I'll send you a towel you can cry into, in the meantime.


    7. Be careful with 'em Haitians, Soros-trained monkey. If you see banana inside a cage, leave it.

    8. New: President Trump has signed an executive order stating that the U.S. government "will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist or support" the temper tantrums of lie-believing pseudo-insurrectionists.

  15. You’re right. Putin is a great arsehole.

  16. 9:33,
    In your opinion, is Trump zeroing out the Department of Defense budget because he wants to, or because Putin wants him to?

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    1. Perfect, Bob needs a few more thumbs to put on the scale.

  28. Thank you for this excellent piece and whilst I do not go along with this in totality, I regard the perspective.

  29. 9:33 Dumbass, you don't get to tell the Ukrainians what is worth fighting for from the confines of your easy chair. You think that your Russian bot propaganda is convincing? When the Ukrainians or the invading forces decide it is no longer worth fighting it will end. Russian atrocities and the Ukrainian ability to assassinate high ranking Russians deep in Russia makes it unlikely that the war will end by Ukrainian capitulation. They have the backing of European allies, and if Trump backs out of the US commitment (it wouldn't be surprising) the Ukrainians will continue to engage the invaders. Trump was already impeached for His quid pro quo antic. He is a laughing stock.


  30. Yes. Now, as Joe Our Dear Leader Biden is gone, what do they have to fight for? So they desert in droves, getting killed escaping the country. Sad.


  31. I love ice cram for dessert.

  32. "in droves" is an estimated 6200 crossing the western border, including those not enlisted since the war began. Wow. Massive.

  33. 9:33,
    You triggered, bro?

  34. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20241227-desertions-spark-panic-and-pardons-in-ukraine-s-army

    "Figures published by the Ukrainian general prosecutor's office show that more than 90,000 cases have been opened into instances of soldiers going absent without leave or deserting since Russia invaded in 2022, with a sharp increase over the past year."

    Not massive enough for you, Soros-bot? And that, open cases, is probably just a tip of the iceberg.

  35. Meh.
    More than 90,00 Haitian immigrants eat family pets everyday, but Trump is too busy keeping the price of a dozen eggs above $6 to do anything about it.
    Yet, another Trump promise he can't keep.
    It's no wonder he had to file so many bankruptcies.

  36. 6:26,
    Nice try, but I'm not going to believe anything that comes out of the Ukrainian General Prosecutors office. They're more corrupt than the FBI.
    Do you have any reputable sources for your delusions?


  37. Precisely, Soros-bot. This is exactly why I'm certain that the real number is far above 90,000.

  38. No jury will convict Haitian immigrants for eating pets, because eggs are too expensive to eat due to the disastrous Trump economy.

  39. 6:46,
    Do you have a reputable link to that certainty?

  40. Trump should use his learned experiences, and teach everyone who has to buy eggs how to file for bankruptcy.


  41. Yes, Soros-bot; I'm getting updates directly from Mr. Soros Himself. And Mr. Soros, being omniscient, knows everything.

  42. 7:02,
    Let us know if you find anything that can support your accusations.
    In the meantime, have a great day.

  43. What "accusations", Soros-bot?

    Who do you imagine I accused of what?

  44. I have no idea what 7:25 is babbling about, but I find it amusing nonetheless.
    It'll be interesting to see if they figure it out, eventually.

  45. Yeah. Typical Soros-bot IQ is well below the room temperature. But they are all good decent persons.

  46. C'mon, man. Just turn on the valve. That'll solve all your problems.

  47. Is it you, brandon?

  48. Let it flow, baby! Let it flow downhill from the Cascades! That's why Washington is at the top of the map!
