WORK SONGS: Was the vaccine "good for us?"


At Fox, that claim was a "lie:" On it came, right there last Saturday night, right on the Fox News Channel. 

On came the TV show called The Big Weekend Show. The program comes close to being the dumbest of the channel's weekend fare. 

Four field workers were sent to the set. Soon, the field hands were swinging their hammers and singing their channel's work songs.

Panelists, The Big Weekend Show, 1/25/25
Brian Benberg:  Co-host, The Big Money Show. Childhood friend of Pete Hegseth
Molly Line: Rotating host, Fox News Live
Lisa Boothe: Fox News Channel contributor
Gianno Caldwell: "Political analyst," Fox News Channel

Near the end of the hour, it was Lisa Boothe's turn to sing. 

With one voice, the workers were praising the commander's decision to release the last few classified files concerning three major assassinations. As they praised the greatness of his decision, these chyrons appeared on the screen


At long last, we the people were going to be fully informed!

The panelists were in agreement about the greatness of the decision. Unanimity of viewpoint is the basic organizational principle behind this imitation of life.

The Stepford Singers were duly impressed. Then, Boothe offered this:

BOOTHE (1/25/25): Well, isn't it ironic that the guy who was labeled a threat to democracy will be the one who restores faith and confidence in government through some of these actions as well? This is what we need. We need transparency...

I fully support what he's doing here, and especially after being lied to tremendously throughout Covid. I think these actions will help restore faith in government. And so good for President Trump!

Say what? We the people were "lied to tremendously" all through Covid? So the Fox News contributor said. As you can see if you watch the full tape, the other hands quickly fell in line, singing the same corporate song.

We could be wrong, but it's our impression that Boothe has toughened her pundit stance within the past (highly partisan) year. Sometimes, Suzanne Scott may perhaps direct the hands to do that. 

At some point, we'll show you what the New York Times once meekly reported concerning Scott's session with Greg Gutfeld. At the time, he was still a critic of Donald J. Trump, whom he quickly came to adore. 

At any rate, the Big Weekend discussion continued along from there. Caldwell lavished praise on Boothe for the courage she has shown in daring to discuss the Covid lie. Boothe was soon saying this:

BRENBERG: There was a time in America where, I think there was a high level of trust in our institutions. And we said, maybe for security reasons some things ought to stay where they are.

We don't live in that moment right now.

BOOTHE: Because we realize, when the government told us that, it was a lie. It was about protecting the government, not about protecting the American people.

So I think the jig is up. People are onto it. They know it's a lie, just like with Covid. 

"Go get the shotit will be good for you." No, it wasn't!....

And then we look at it, and what was it all for? It was to protect Dr. Fauci's own culpability and the gain-of-function that he was funding at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. 

There's more to see as the hands sing this song. But there the lyric was again:

It was a lie when we were told that the Covid vaccine was good for us. It was a lie designed to protect Dr. Fauci.

To her credit, Boothe still uses the honorific when she sings this corporate song of war. She's still willing to call him Dr. Fauci, even as she spreads an astonishing claim about the Covid vaccine, and about the motive behind the "lie" about the vaccine's value.

In a different setting, under challenge, do you believe that the likable Boothe could defend her startling claims? Do you think she could capably defend her claims in the face of a dissenter or sceptic?

For ourselves, we'd make no such assumption. But on the Fox News Channel, on a Saturday night, the driving beat goes on.

Thanks to the work of the angry commander, Dr. Fauci's security detail has now been withdrawn. That's been done even as field hands like Boothe step forward singing this song. And please understand this key point:

Everyone else will agree with such claims when they're made on a program like this. 

Fox News has assembled a cast of thousands (of Stepfords), each of whom can be trusted to sing the corporation's mandated songs. In even a slightly rational realm, this practice would raise an obvious question:

Question! What's the point of assembling a four-person panel if all four of the workers are going to say the same things? 

Answer! The otherwise peculiar practice creates an imitation of life! In this case, it created the illusion that a group discussion was taking place. Needless to say, the children who form this misleading chorale are all being paid for their service. 

Does democracy possibly die in the dumbness? Over on the Fox News Channel, a long list of hands like Brenberg and Boothe are putting that claim to the test. 

With that claim in mind, let's get clear on what Boothe (and the others) said:

They said the Covid vaccine wasn't "good for" the people who received it.  They said it had been a "lie" when public officials said different. 

In fact, we the people "lied to tremendously," the four workers said. They said the officials had told this lie to cover up for (Dr.) Fauci. 

Twelve hours later, a clown car staffing Fox & Friends Weekend arrived at the Fox News Channel set.

A genial presence emerged from the car. As we noted on Monday, she smilingly told Red America that "Fauci" was deliberately "responsible for millions of deaths."

None of the other weekend friends challenged or questioned her statement. Not unlike the famous Homey, these field hands don't play it that way.

Tomorrow, we'll return to the set of Fox & Friends Weekend. With Dr. Fauci, but also with General Milley, the commander is taking protections away, and the workers are happily singing these dangerous songs.

Final point:

None of this will be discussed at Blue America's favorite spas. Relentlessly, we self-impressed but compliant Blues have labored to earn our way out.

Also tomorrow: Back to the WHO


  1. We don’t really care, Margaret.

  2. Hey, cool! Orange chickenshit nominated a junkie to be Sec. of HHS. He is getting ready to lie to the Senate Finance Committee in his confirmation hearing, chaired by 91-year-old Chuck Grassley.

  3. Republicans are in greater danger of being attacked than Democrats. CBS reports
    “ Massachusetts man arrested at Capitol after threatening to kill Trump cabinet members, police say”

    1. Where do you get the evidence for your first sentence? Have you ever rushed here to tell us about the times when Democrats were threatened?

    2. "Republicans are in greater danger of being attacked than Democrats."


    3. Republicans are in greater danger of being attacked than Democrats.

      Would that it were true.

    4. DiC - Tell that to Paul Pelosi.

    5. Assholes like TCF and DiC lied and chortle about a nut bag energized by right wing media and the asshole's stochastic terrorism to plant a hammer in Pelosi is head. Sick weirdos the whole lot. Pathetic.

  4. It is regrettable that we were lied to about the source of covid. Agencies who knew that the lab leak theory was plausible or likely told us it was out of the question. Unfortunately these lies reduced the government's credibility regarding true statements about the vaccine.

    1. Just trolling today, Dickhead? Go fuck yourself. I witness Dr. Fauci numerous times testify that a leak could not be ruled out 100%.

    2. Who was president at the time, Dickhead?

    3. Link shows actual past statements by Fauci, including
      May 4, 2020 - In his strongest statement yet against the theories of a genetically engineered virus, Fauci tells National Geographic in an interview he’s “very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated” and adds all signs indicate the virus “evolved in nature and then jumped species.”

    4. He never stated it could be ruled out 100%, he said the science strongly supported against that theory. What the fuck is your point? Did he lie for some reason? What reason would that be, you fascist prick?

    5. Some of the world’s leading scientists have investigated the origins of the virus, including a committee of experts from the World Health Organization. Most scientists believe that the virus spread from animals to humans in China. Some studies have also said that the theory that the virus escaped from a Chinese lab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, cannot be ruled out.

      Most US intelligence agencies say the virus was not genetically engineered, but it is still not totally clear how the pandemic started. A US intelligence analysis released last year said either origin was possible, and the community remains split on the issue. The US Department of Energy assessed last year that it had “low confidence” in the lab leak theory. No US federal agency believes that the virus that causes Covid-19 was created as a bioweapon.

      “I cannot account nor can anyone account for other things that might be going on in China, which is the reason why I have always said and will say now, I keep an open mind as to what the origin is,” Fauci said Monday.

      Fuck off, Dickhead. Just fuck off.

    6. 12:51 - That was a lie. The science did NOT strongly support against the lab leak theory. Furthermore, internal documents showed that Fauci knew that the science didn't strongly support against the lab leak theory.

      I'm not in Fauci's head, so I can only guess his motive. He may have lied to avoid embarrassment. I have no doubt that the gain of function research that he supported to be done in Wuhan was well intended. I have no doubt that Fauci was honorably motivated. But as it turned out, the US-supported GOF research may have been source of covid.

    7. You're a fucking idiot, Dickhead. I will take Fauci's professional opinion over a Dickhead bean counter with his head up orange chickenshit's ass.

    8. @12:55 The WHO is dominated by China. WHO's false statement about the source of covid is one reason for Trump's unfortunate decision to leave WHO


    9. It's not difficult to understand what's in his head. It's likely that one of his projects produced the virus that killed a few million people. He's doing all he can to discredit any attempt to prove it. That's all.

    10. The NYT Sunday magazine section had a lengthy cover story that specifically dealt with this issue several months ago. It was comprehensive. DIC has previously stated that the NYT did not spend enough time on this subject, specifically on the gain of function issues, as I recall. The article covered this complex subject in enough detail that the lay person would have to be motivated to sift through it. Scientists whose careers involve the genetics of viruses stated specifically that the genetics of the COVID virus made very highly unlikely that it was useful as a target for gain of function experimentation. This is separate from whether the origin of the virus was a lab. Maybe if Trump had not defunded the agency responsible for monitoring (and in fact in the vicinity of Wuhan) virus outbreaks before this outbreak, the answer to this question would have been apparent. Contrast the Trump response to the Obama response to Ebola. You can look that up, DIC. The on site early surveillance outposts were established as part of a comprehensive response to Ebola and expected future pandemics. Of course, Trump and his idiot minions were only focused on tearing down anything with Obama fingerprints on it. How many millions of lives were lost on account of this and other Trump incompetencies is staggering. What Trump, his spineless Republican enablers in Congress, and the right wing media have done to Dr. Fauci is deplorable.

    11. All member states in the UN except Lichtenstein are members of the WHO. The idea that China dominates the WHO is not grounded in any fact. Trump leaving the WHO is indeed unfortunate but can be glossed over by DIC as he will likewise gloss over the nomination of Kennedy if confirmed. Kennedy is as much a liar as Trump in his efforts to erase his history of conspiracy theories and spreading of misinformation.


    12. Soros-bot hatred is the best recommendation.

    13. @2:28 At the end of January, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing and commended the country's efforts to control the outbreak. He also praised the Communist Party's top leadership for its "openness to sharing information" about the virus and its spread, even though Chinese officials in Wuhan — where COVID-19 cases first emerged — were cracking down on people for "spreading rumors" about the disease.

      Initially, the WHO also advocated against limiting travel with China and recommended that countries keep their borders open.

      Some experts argue that the WHO may have been worried that challenging Beijing in any way could have worsened the crisis by putting China on the defensive. "This could have potentially led to China sharing less information with the international community or to Beijing barring WHO experts from going to China," Thomas des Garets Geddes, a research fellow at the Berlin-based Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) told DW.

      "But this does not explain why the WHO lavished praise on China the way it did. Such excessive — and sometimes even misleading — praise was unnecessary and wrong," he added.

    14. The science strongly indicates that there was no lab leak, it is merely a conspiracy theory that lunatics PRETEND to believe in their never dying effort to "own the libs".

      I appreciate you calling out Republican bigotry, but if we ignore trolls like David, they quiet down to a whimper and fade away.

      Let's stay disciplined, we are already seeing a marked decrease in troll activity in the past few days by ignoring the trolls.

    15. But I like the trolls.

    16. 4:27 - you're the fucking troll - hogging the comments with jackassery every day all day. You're a loser, you're stupid and you don't have anything interesting to say. FUCK YOU.

    17. 5:33 - I know you are but what am I?

    18. Meh.
      David disappears when you ask him how to differentiate between Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the "fine people" on the Right, who attended the "Unite the Right" march in Charlottesville.

    19. "differentiate between Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the "fine people" on the Right, who attended the "Unite the Right" march in Charlottesville."

      Serious question: How is that relevant? What is that relevant to?

  5. "None of this will be discussed at Blue America's favorite spas. Relentlessly, we self-impressed but compliant Blues have labored to earn our way out."

    Our bitter host troll continues grinding his teeth in hatred over the falsity that Dems and progressives abandoned BFF Gore during his hour of need. 25 years and counting.

  6. "None of this will be discussed at Blue America's favorite spas." Somerby can't possibly be suggesting that there is any benefit to be gained by "discussing" the idiocy of "Fox and Friends", right? He must mean something else. Right?

    1. Somerby pushes a strategy that benefits Republicans, not Dems.

  7. In the AIDS crisis you spent 1 dollar education for 1 dollar treatment. That was disregarded in favor of the Democratic party's message strategy of the single expert personality cult, it wasn't about education but conformity. Similarly, saying that the entire economy was doing favorably because of a single president wobbled apart once gas prices ticked up.

    1. Is something broke in your brain? What the neck you going on about?

  8. David, was it a lie when we were told that the vaccine would be good for us?

    1. I believe covid vaccine is good for us. That is, the benefits outweigh the risks. I've been vaccinated multiple times.

    2. Lisa Boothe said it was a lie.

  9. Before David Grohl became the final death knell for rock and roll, with his cheesy commercial rock, he pushed and funded AIDS denialism.

    And I say this as David Grohl's cousin, who taught him everything he knows.

    I am ashamed.

    And now we have handed our country over to sexual predators and snake oil salesmen.

    This is what fools like Bob Somerby have wrought.
