FOR THE NEW YEAR: All we want!


Part 1—Capehart’s dream:
Today, at the Washington Post web site, Jonathan Capehart has a dream for the coming year:
CAPEHART (12/29/14): All I want for the new year is the banishment of “post-racial” anything from all social and political discourse. From its first utterance in 2008 to herald the rise of Barack Obama, the concept was misguided and delusional. That giddy moment when Obama won the bitterly fought South Carolina primary and the audience chanted “Race doesn’t matter” is but a distant memory. News, polls and studies that emerged in the last half of 2014 made it painfully plain that race still matters.
Capehart would banish the term “post-racial” from the national discourse. Starting tomorrow, we’ll be revealing our own dream for the coming year(s).

For today, we’ll limit ourselves. We’ll state our frustration with dreams and observations like Capehart’s.

Question: Did anyone ever actually say that Barack Obama’s election meant that our society had entered a “post-racial” state?

We’ll assume that somebody must have said that somewhere. That said, we conducted a brief search a few years ago trying to locate some major pundit who actually made that widely-referenced statement.

We didn’t have any success. As best we could tell, the term “post-racial” wasn’t thrown around by the nation’s intellectual leaders in the aftermath of Obama’s election.

Did anyone ever actually say that we were now “post-racial?” In our experience, this notion has largely been advanced by pundits like Capehart, though they never seem to quote anyone who actually made the claim.

Just for the record, American society isn’t “post-racial” in any obvious sense. It’s perfectly clear that “race still matters” in various ways, just as Capehart says.

Everyone of substance knows that, not excluding Jonathan Capehart, who seems like a good decent person.

Our point today would be different. As far as we know, no major pundit ever said that we were now post-racial. People like Capehart tend to advance the contrary notion to heighten the pathos of current complaints, whatever they may be.

In Capehart’s case, the current complaint may not always be entirely edifying. Before he’s done today, he laments the findings of a new study—a study he makes little attempt to examine or explain.

The study deals with reactions by whites to two different terms: “black” and “African-American.” (Reactions by blacks weren’t elicited.) After encouraging us to read the study, which is complex, Capehart offers a gloomy thought:
CAPEHART: This study alone should dispel any notion that ours will ever be a “post-racial” society. Before that could happen, we Americans first would have to deal with our “current-racial” society. But as I’ve written many times, we would have to talk to each other one on one, face to face, in an intensely personal and uncomfortable exercise.
Will we ever achieve a “post-racial” society? Our own assumption would be that we will, at least to the extent that white Americans now largely live in a “post-ethnic” society.

We have no idea why Capehart thinks that this study, which he probably can’t explain, means that this will never occur. But then, Capehart is one of many frustrating players who help fashion our low-voltage national discourse.

We’ve never met Jonathan Capehart. We assume he’s a good, decent person, as so many people are. We’d also have to say that he can be a deeply frustrating intellectual leader. But then again, can’t we all!

In our view, Capehart has an extremely modest dream for the new year. He seems to want pundits to stop saying something which very few ranking pundits have ever actually said.

Our own dream would be larger than this. It would even require some changes on our own part!

Tomorrow, we’ll start presenting that dream. We’ll be adapting a famous dream from a person of vast moral brilliance.

We think that brilliance holds today, decked out with some adaptations. Capehart is feeling gloomy today. We think he should fill up with hope.

What we (re)read on our Christmas vacation: Decades later, so well-written! Just click here.


  1. I'll keep using it because that's what we are. Libs don't like the term because it means that the old excuses that used to be valid no longer are. The condition of the black community in then US is the result of the behavior of members of the black community.

    1. The cold truth is African-Americans have it harder than other ethnic groups in the USA. That is a fact. And anyone who denies it is not living in the real world.

    2. Translation: Anyone who doesn't share my opinion is a figment of the imagination.

    3. Translation*: Progressives can build on comments like Bill O'Reilly's, which I quoted above. At cynically tribal sites like the Howler, such comments may be disparaged.

      * Paraphrasing Bob O'Somerby.

    4. Dear purveyor of the cold truth: Please explain why 1st and 2nd generation Hmong's have it easier than 15th generation blacks in the US. I've taken your point that it is no fault of blacks themselves, so please explain what it is exactly that makes it harder for blacks. Would they benefit from free re-location services to Liberia where racism and oppression doesn't exist as Abe Lincoln intended?

    5. While you're at it, please explain why West Virginia is one of the 5 whitest states in the nation, one of the 5 poorest, and one of the 5 states with the lowest crime rates per capita?

    6. "Would they benefit from free re-location services to Liberia where racism and oppression doesn't exist as Abe Lincoln intended?"

      I think we can all agree that Liberia is a shithole. No black person in their right mind would want to relocate there. But there must be some other black-run country that stands apart as a shining example of peace and prosperity. Serious question - if you had to be relocated to a sub-Saharan African nation, which would you choose? (South Africa excluded as too recently ruled by whites)

    7. Botswana is poor, but it has a pretty good government.

    8. Again, African-Americans do have it much tougher than whites. It's true some cops don't like blacks. It's true historical injustice has affected the black experience in America

    9. African Americans have it better than African Africans and have for generation after generation. Those who would occupy minority status here are nevertheless risking their lives to be permitted to live here so that they can be discriminated against in this horribly racist and evil country. What masochists.

    10. @7:38,

      Was that snark? With people like DAinCA commenting, it's hard to tell.

  2. OMB (Dreaming Largely with the OTB)

    "Will we ever achieve a “post-racial” society? Our own assumption would be that we will, at least to the extent that white Americans now largely live in a “post-ethnic” society." BOB

    "This throwback Irishism would simply be annoying if it weren't so clear that Irishism played a key role in the way the East Coast Irish Catholic crowd went crazy about Bill Clinton's blow jobs, then turned against Candidate Gore." BOB

    1. And yet there are no longer signs saying "No Irish need apply" or sunset laws telling Okies to stay out of California and no one's family gets upset if you tell your parents you are planning to marry someone of Italian descent. That some enclaves cling to ethnic identity is an exception to this generalization.

      KZ, we all know you have difficulty holding two competing thoughts in mind at the same time. Most others can contemplate thesis and antithesis without getting their panties in a wad.

    2. Cats and dogs are sworn enemies and yet cats and dogs live happily together in many households! How can this be?

    3. @ 12:49 There are no pet hustlers telling them they are victims. Don't you read Bob's comment box?

    4. The Irish have always been an exception to American exceptionalism.

    5. 12:39, Somerby didn't disparage all Irish, he singled out a small few, mostly those career "liberals" who whored themselves out to right wing multimillionaire Jack Welch and became high paid operatives for the Republicans and George W Bush. Would be liberals who would condone that behavior simply lack the guts to stand up for themselves and their interests.

    6. Cats have long suffered the specist microagressions borne from dog privilege.

    7. Why are there service dogs but no service cats?

    8. The key word in the quote of Somerby's is "throwback" which refers to the past. Thus there is no contradiction between the two quotes.

    9. @4:49P,

      Because the subservience runs the other way with cats..

    10. "Expert's research shows cats don't understand string theory".

      "A Psychology Lecturer from Canterbury Christ Church University has found that cats do not understand cause and effect connections between objects."

  3. "As best we could tell, the term “post-racial” wasn’t thrown around by the nation’s intellectual leaders in the aftermath of Obama’s election."
    There's nothing "wrong" with that statement. Technically it might even be accurate.
    Bob Gardner
    Randolph, MA

    1. Everyone of substance knows that. That said, We assume he’s a good, decent person, as so many people are.

  4. When blaming the economic crash on the CRA got traction, it was obvious we're still a racist nation.

    1. Because all poor people are black?

    2. No. Because it was easier to blame the ni**as, then it was to lay the blame on the actual cause: fraud perpetrated by banks and Wall Street.
      Now, don't get me wrong, it wasn't just the false accusation, it could just as easily been falsely blamed on sun spots. But blaming sun spots got no traction. Blaming it on the CRA OTOH, got lots of traction from the people.

    3. CRA had nothing to do with the crash. The housing bubble caused the crash and it had many underlying factors, the most important being looser regulations on lenders and outright corruption by mortgage brokers and even underwriters, working on commission and being under the gun from their bosses.
      The stereotypical scapegoat was the guy that sold his high equity home to buy one he knew he couldn't couldn't afford, put only part of the cash down on an 80-20 ARM, and used the rest to buy a fully-loaded SUV and a six-week vacation in the Bahamas, etc., then went and demanded extended unemployment benefits and SNAP cards.
      (A twenty-first century Welfare Queen, as it were.)
      The politicians and talking heads that claimed it was the poor defaulting on government-forced loans that collapsed the world economy only said the liberals and poor people were at fault.
      (Later, they learned to add that there are more poor White Americans than poor Black Americans.)
      The new Tea Party dog-whistle is "Blue-state urban dwellers."

    4. It wasn't putting 20% down - it was putting 0% down, sometimes even putting 0% down and getting money back. It was palpably crazy.

    5. @AC/MA

      Or even 3% down. Oh, the palpability!

      "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac unveil mortgages with 3% down payment "

      "The idea that you can get a mortgage with just 3% down is something that can get us back into bubble territory," Russell Goldsmith, chairman of City National Corp. in Los Angeles

    6. Fannie and Freddie: Run by corrupt bankers. Like the rest of 'em, they should be in prison.

  5. IMHO Capehart raises the idea of a "post-racial" America as a straw man to excuse President Obama's performance. He says Mr. Obama shouldn't be criticized for not achieving a post-racial America, because that goal was impossible.

    However, many of us did expect President Obama's leadership to result in better relations between the races. As it turned out, we now have worse relations between the races, and I believe the President's style of leadership is the reason.

    1. The latest Fox meme is that Obama is the most racially divisive POTUS ever.
      Like all "worst ever POTUS" themes, Reagan is always #1.
      Cadillac driving welfare queens and strapping black bucks buying steaks with food stamps, people.

    2. Reagan's supposed "racial divisiveness" consisted of telling the truth. Slate reported:

      Though Reagan was known to stretch the truth, he did not invent that woman in Chicago. Her name was Linda Taylor, and it was the Chicago Tribune, not the GOP politician, who dubbed her the “welfare queen.” It was the Tribune, too, that lavished attention on Taylor’s jewelry, furs, and Cadillac—all of which were real.

    3. There are millions of her in numbers increasing exponentially because libs have made a work ethic a vice and dependency a virtue.

    4. Yes, David. And Linda Taylor was tried, convicted and sent to prison for welfare fraud. In 1977. Before Reagan took office.

      Yet that didn't stop him from using her rather unique case -- for which she was caught, arrested, charged, tried, convicted and sentence -- as typical of rampant welfare abuse that went on all the time.

    5. And to understand how well Reagan's myth of rampant welfare abuse still works, just read 6:03.

      And let the truth be damned!

    6. The notion the President Obama has worsen race relations is stupid and unsupportable, wishful thinking from highly dubious people like David in Ca.

    7. NBC poll doesn't agree with POTUS Obama on the progress of race relations. How can the POTUS not have an impact, good or bad, on race relations?

      STEVE INSKEEP: "Is the United States more racially divided than it was when you took office six years ago, Mr. President?"

      POTUS Obama: "No, I actually think that it's probably in its day-to-day interactions less racially divided. But I actually think that the issue has surfaced in a way that probably is healthy"

      "Poll: 57 Percent of Americans Say Race Relations in U.S. Are Bad "

    8. Blacks' view of race relations was very positive after Obama was elected. After white liberals, Al Sharpton, and Obama got through with lying about the Trayvon Martin case, that outlook had been destroyed and reversed and blacks were back to feeling miserable about being black in America. But it's only because libs care that they invent these "issues."

    9. Anon 6:07, if you think welfare fraud is "rare" you are the most ignorant person on the planet. It is rampant, a way of life, and not even recognized as wrong much less criminal. Work in "the system" sometime and you'll become educated quickly.

    10. Yes, those polygamists in Southern Utah are supporting their large families on government aid, committing major welfare fraud. They really know how to work the system.

    11. Greg -- I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that your words didn't come out quite the way you meant them. I'm sure you didn't mean to imply that I wish race relations would worsen, just because that would reflect badly on the President.

    12. IMHO there's legal welfare abuse and moral welfare abuse. Legal welfare abuse, like the case of Linda Taylor, is dramatic, but it's not the biggest part of the problem. The big problem is able-bodied people who live on welfare dependency. People who don't consider welfare a gift for which they should be grateful, but rather an entitlement. People who have no particular desire to get a job and get off welfare in order to be self-sufficient, who are not embarrassed to be on welfare.

      To his credit, Bill Clinton (pushed by Newt Gingrich and the Republicans) modified the welfare system so that it wouldn't be a permanent lifestyle. To his shame, President Obama reversed this policy.

    13. And you would support ending both of them, yes?

    14. “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

      “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

      “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

      “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

    15. "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

      ATTRIBUTION: Chinese proverb.—The International Thesaurus of Quotations,

    16. cicero,
      No. Just corporate welfare.

    17. Cicero,
      Meant to add this,
      Business: tax 'em, regulate 'em, tell 'em to STFU.

    18. @ Anonymous 3:37 PM,

      How will they manage to pay you $15 an hour with that attitude?

    19. If they can't afford labor, they can't afford to be in business.
      No worries. If they offer products or services of value, someone else will swoop-in to offer them with a better business model.

    20. They can afford labor. But at $15 an hour they will have a better selection of candidates. They will also require fewer employees who are able to do more things. Be careful what you wish for.

  6. In the sense that Capeheart fears it, yes, we are becoming post racial. And that is mostly a good thing. More and more people are coming to see that the economic disparity is the real problem, and it disproportionally affects blacks because they are disproportionately on the bottom rungs. If some people want to ignore the fact that one of our two major political parties is still supported by idiots of a pretty much Jim Crow mindset, just because we have a black President, well, that's a problem but a fairly minor one. And it's O.K. for white people to start talking back some. If you insist on an answer for Brawley/Sharpton, O.K., but you must provide an answer tor Central Park 5/Trump. On balance, Americans are learning to lose the obsession with race, and that drives race obsessives on both sides a little crazy.

    1. Americans are learning to lose the obsession with race? Have you seen the news lately? "Racism" is at an all-time low but race hustling is at an all-time high. So you have one phony racial story after another, all of which depend on the willingness of the journalistic community to lie about the facts until such time as no one cares what they are, and they are happy to oblige. There are few race obsessives remaining on the right, and there is nothing except race obsessives remaining on the left.

    2. The people with a "Jim Crow" mentality today are miles different than those during the actual period of Jim Crow. Failure to admit that progress has occurred is harming race relations in my opinion.

    3. I do not agree that economic disparity is the real problem. Consider Larry Ellison, who founded Oracle Corp. He's the 3rd richest person in America. He recently bought one of the Hawaiian islands -- the entire island of Lanai, just for himself.

      Now, am I hurt by Ellison's wealth? Are poor black people hurt by Ellison's wealth? Would poor blacks be better off if Oracle Corp. failed and Ellison lost most of his money? I think you can see that the answer to all these questions is "no."

      In fact, we benefit from having a successful business nearby. E.g., my daughter and many other people owe their jobs to that company.

    4. And Larry Ellison isn't looking for tax breaks? Good on him.

    5. What does one man need with an entire island?

    6. Everyone needs a private space of their own just to relax and contemplate their existence.

    7. Dean Baker comments on a WaPo column [LINK]:

      ****[QUOTE] ...[The aforementioned] is not the only error in Samuelson's piece. He also mistakenly argues that because most government benefits go to the poor and middle class:

      "it is not possible to pretend that the whole superstructure of government has somehow been turned against the middle class. This is not just a distortion of reality; it is the converse of reality."

      In fact the government has structured the market over the last three decades in ways that cause most income to flow upward. For example its trade deals have been focused on putting less educated workers in direct competition with the lowest paid workers in the world. This has the predicted and actual effect of driving down their wages. At the same time, highly paid professionals, like doctors and lawyers, are largely protected from international competition.

      The government has also had longer and stronger patent protection, causing middle class people and the government to pay hundreds of billions more for prescription drugs than would be the case in a free market. [Baker skips mention here of the issue of copyright.] The benefits from these forms of protectionism disproportionately go to the wealthy.

      The government also has adopted more anti-union policies in the last three decades, substantially reducing the ability of workers to organize effective unions. It also gives huge subsidies to the high six and seven figure salaries of top officials at non-profits like the Gates Foundation.

      And the government gives free too big to fail insurance and special low tax status to the financial industry. It also gives them special exemption from criminal law, giving special meaning to Samuelson's comment:

      "The fact that the upper classes can better shield themselves against its [the economy's] upsets naturally breeds resentment."

      Of course the public is angry because the upper class were able to use their political and economic power to not only gain the huge subsidies in the form of below market loans from the Fed and Treasury, they were also able to shield themselves from criminal prosecution for fraudulent activity in the housing bubble. This fact does breed resentment.


      Larry made a good point in comments that deserves mention. Samuelson based his claim that the government serves the middle class on the fact that the United States is "a democracy in which politicians compete more for votes than for dollars." While politicians do need votes, they get them with dollars. If Samuelson thinks that a politician could win even a seat in the House, much less a Senate seat or presidential race, without the support of a substantial number of one percenters then he is even more out of touch than I realized.

      Essentially we have a two phase election process. Candidates must convince a substantial number of rich people that they share their views and/or will serve their interests. If they can get enough money from the rich then they get to contest for votes, but no one is going to be able to run a race on the contributions of $20-$50 that they can expect from the bottom 90 percent. [END QUOTE]***

      BTW DiC, why do you think the wealthy invest so much money in political messaging and campaigns- to level the playing field? Are we there yet?

    8. David in California re-educates:

      ...we benefit from having a successful business nearby. Eg., my daughter and many other people owe their jobs to that company.

      Let me guess, Larry Ellison doesn't owe his fortune to anybody or anything but his own hard work and brilliance unlike your daughter who owes her job to a company, at least for as long as her own hard work and competence keeps your daughter employed as the cheapest, reliable unit available to generate the profit she generates for that company. It's an economy of the deserving rich, the undeserving poor, and the lucky to be laboring at all. Or have I latched on to the wrong definitional sense of owe than the one you intended?

    9. Well, you got me. CMike. My daughter doesn't "owe" her to job to Oracle. Her own hard work and competence do indeed keep my daughter employed.

      However, yesterday I was chatting with a friend who owns a (useless) parcel of land in Montana. If we lived in Montana, my daughter's hard work and competence wouldn't be enough to get a job like the one she has, because those jobs don't exist there. That's all meant.

    10. @Anonymous 9:59 PM
      "What does one man need with an entire island?"

      Liberals have a difficult time grasping the concept that in a free society "need" is not a prerequisite in determining acquisitions. Such sentiments were the hallmark of political ideologies in East Germany and currently in China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

    11. Most of the overpaid corporate execs are the undeserving rich who underpay their rank and file, most of the social welfare dependent consist of people who wouldn't take a job if one were handed on a silver platter and neglect or abandon their children, and who are the undeserving poor. Why is that so hard to understand?

    12. David in Cal,

      I looked it up, Oracle has major campuses in Redwood Shores, outside of San Francisco, Markham, Ontario which is within the greater Toronto metro area, and in Reading, an hour from London. If Oracle had tried to recruit top talent to Montana, how do you think it would have done over the years in pulling that off? I'm thinking had Ellison run things out of that state all his hard work and brilliance wouldn't have had near the return to him that he got from locating his operations in and around those specific metropolises.

  7. The fruit continues to grow from the tree Bob planted two years ago, and has nourished since with his wilful perversity. At our most empathetic, we hope he enjoys the taste of it.

    That being said, this current tack of his is better than his "empathy" ridiculousness, and better than attacking nobody bloggers and letters-to-the-editors writers, pretending they represent anyone but themselves. We wonder if he can keep it up, and if he can stomach and keep some of his hard-worked for fans without looking like he shares their attitudes. Like all things Bob these days, all bets are off.

  8. "The fruit continues to grow from the tree Bob planted two years ago ..."

    Strange Fruit?

  9. Conservatives' attempt to scapegoat poor and working class blacks regarding the financial meltdown was a disgrace.

    1. Unless Barney Frank is the one doing the scapegoating, it was his mishandling of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac that was instrumental in the financial debacle.

      "New Study Confirms Economy Was Destroyed by Dem Policies"

      "A new study from the widely respected National Bureau of Economic Research released this week has confirmed beyond question that the left's race-baiting attacks on the housing market (the Community Reinvestment Act--enacted under Carter, made shockingly more aggressive under Clinton) is directly responsible for imploding the housing market and destroying the economy."

    2. That link is to an opinion piece, not the NBER piece. For a link to that see here:

      According to the abstract, they found that the CRA lead to riskier lending. Not that the CRA caused in whole or part the 2008 crises. Perhaps main text of the article blames CRA for the crises, if so please let me know (with quotes).

      Here's a discussion on the CRA and the crise by Barry Ritholtz. He calls it the "big lie."

      "The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 is a favorite boogeyman for some, despite the numbers that so easily disprove it as a cause.It is a statistical invalid argument, as the data show.

      For example, if the CRA was to blame, the housing boom would have been in CRA regions; it would have made places such as Harlem and South Philly and Compton and inner Washington the primary locales of the run up and collapse. Further, the default rates in these areas should have been worse than other regions.

      What occurred was the exact opposite: The suburbs boomed and busted and went into foreclosure in much greater numbers than inner cities. The tiny suburbs and exurbs of South Florida and California and Las Vegas and Arizona were the big boomtowns, not the low-income regions. The redlined areas the CRA address missed much of the boom; places that busted had nothing to do with the CRA."

      Mr Ritholtz also offered to bet $100k with anyone who can win a debate with him.

    3. More on the topic from Mr Ritholtz: First a thought experiment on what the crises would look like if CRA were to blame.

      and his "Who is to blame." An interesting and nonpartisan list.

  10. Anom at 7:25... you wish. The old south, whites who vote race as the first and last issue, pretty much stands and you can through in Texas, though obviously there are hostilities to other non white races thrown in too. The other party has a solid black representation, works and interacts with black people every day. On the right, you have people like David in Ca quoting the likes of Thomas Sewell, an obvious nitwit who has seen everything he ever wrote about economics disproved time and time by reality, as if the W meltdown of the world economy never happened. Like Clarence Thomas, Sewell was created in the race revenge labs of the Conservative think tanks years ago, but only an aging white racist would take him seriously. We have moved on, in that sense, we are post racial. A disgusting ploy the right got some mileage out of, but is over.

    1. Greg -- I might add that the facts don't support your claim that, "The old south, whites who vote race as the first and last issue," Louisiana's Republican, non-white Governor is very popular. He is considered a possible Presidential candidate. South Carolina just elected a non-white Republican Senator by a landslide. Texas elected Will Hurd, a non-white Republican Congressman.

    2. @Greg Interacting with black people by stoking discord and discontent through lies about specific incidents and magnification of relatively insignificant problems, while minimizing more important fundamental causes, is nothing to boast about and the party that does it is the primary culprit in blacks' miseries including the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner.

    3. Yes, Trayvon Martin was just raging with black discord as he walked back to his father's house from the convenience store, hoping that a pussy with a gun would stalk him.

      Somerby, your blog continues to evolve into just one more gathering spot for right wing fruitcakes and racists.

      Congratulations on your contribution to the "american discourse."

  11. Greg -- I thank you for not being anonymous and for stating your views so frankly. You've got the tribalism down pat, but there seems to be some gaps in your knowledge.

    Take Thomas Sowell. You don't know how to spell his name (Or, are you misspelling it as a form of mockery?) Are you aware of his impressive educational achievements? How many of Sowell's books have you read? Do you know about his studies of the impact of ethnic preferences in other countries? Have you dispassionately evaluated his economic beliefs against actual data? E.g., Texas, a state with relatively low regulations and taxes, created more new jobs than the rest of the country combined this year.

    BTW it sounds a bit racist to claim that, "Like Clarence Thomas, Sewell was created in the race revenge labs of the Conservative think tanks years ago." The comment appears to imply that these two black men were incapable of making their own political judgments.

    Here's a suggestion. Read some books by Sowell and Thomas and make up your own mind. I recommend Thomas's autobiography, "My Grandfather's Son." Sowell has written so many thoughtful and original books that it's hard to choose just one. Perhaps, "Basic Economics" would be a good place to start.

    1. 12:45, I suspect you listen to a lot of right wing talk radio. When Roger Aisles pitched Rush Limbaugh radio show for sydication it was sold as "confrontational radio... without guests". The "confrontation"? A strawman- "liberals think this", "liberals want that", pure self serving nonsense that doesn't speak for anyone. You are obviously highly impressionable and a fully indoctrinated tribal stooge.

    2. "You listen to Rush" is your counterargument to the tragic reality of black social negligence and liberals' encouragement of it?

    3. When an assclown pretends that he's speaking for me, I'll tell him straight up that he's full of shit.

    4. Still, you can't bring yourself to articulate an acknowledgement of black social negligence and remedies, nor point to any liberal publication that does so with any regularity that cannot be shown to be absurdly rare given the magnitude of the problem, thus proving my point.

  12. Heidi Stevens is offended by Geraldo Rivera's suggestion that LeBron change his Tshirt message to "Be a Better Father." She complains it absolves whitey from responsibility for police misconduct. In fact, black parental negligence is by far, by a thousand-fold, more consequential to blacks than is anything whitey does, including police misconduct. The focus on police and ostrich behavior on black parental negligence is the absolution through deflection to racism and "police brutality" that is responsible for the fact that blacks will forever remain the group that is poorest, most dependent, and most criminal.

    Telling black men to simply be better fathers ignores the very real cultural and economic obstacles in place for many families today. And, worse, it absolves the rest of the nation from addressing those obstacles.

    1. Considering the problems with the Cavs, the King needs to change his Tshirt message to "Don't Be Careless With Possessions." Perhaps that message translates from the court to the crib.

    2. Blacks can't breathe, and whites can't see.

  13. See jit go ham in the Dollar Store. This is a future Mike Brown. It's all whitey's fault.

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  19. Hi,
    123 HP Printer Setup provides complete setup guidelines to the existing and new customers. New users often get confused at different setup steps. is here to help users with the successful setup of the printer and resolve all their queries.

  20. BigPond email login services go suitably for business and personal use. BigPond email login helps to delivering emailing and entertainment services to users. They provide services with help of experts there is a list of services they provide like Entitlement to stay up-to-date with all your estimated call details and data usage, Ease to Pay bills, Effortless management of Pre-Paid bills, Set up Email invoice, Purchase movie tickets with BigPond.
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  23. aolmaillogin, also called AIM Mail, maybe a recent development in America Online's long (by Internet standards) history.

  24. Brother Printer Support Number is one of most renowned wireless printer's that many peoples uses, Nowadays, users are more interesting about wireless networks for printing there documents. So Brother hl-2270dw Wireless Setup provide many facilities to its user's. For more information contact our experts they are 24*7 available to help there user.

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    Check out Bellsouth email support services for more details. The expert is here to guide you and help you with every problem regarding the BigPond email login. We are here to provide the help you 24x7 hours.

  26. Brother Printer Support Number is one of the most renowned wireless printer's that many peoples uses, Nowadays, users are more interesting about wireless networks for printing their documents. So brother printer drivers provide many facilities to its users. For more information contact our experts they are 24*7 available to help their users.
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  27. To add or withdraw the cash from the cash app you need a cash card which is a debit card that allows the users to use the current balance at the stores that accept visa despite the deduction of money from the respective banks. It is important to understand that he cash app card is directly allied with the cash app account. For More Info Click Here Cash app login

  28. Nice info thanks for sharing with us. Fix Windstream email login issues - USA Email Help - Having any kind of technical issues due to Windstream email account login login or sign in, can follow the on screen instruction via the best technical instructor to fix it easily. anywhere in the USA.

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  32. Learn the quick and basic steps for Buy Dogecoin process. Follow each step carefully to avoid interruptions in the download process for Dogecoin.Our experts are there for you round the clock for resolving your problems.

  33. Bittrex Login is the USA-based trading platform for the digital currency which is widely known as cryptocurrency. Bittrex support can be accessed in case you want to know more about cryptocurrencies.

  34. Are you facing the problems in Fix Fix Hp printer long delay before printing ? If yes then Visit Fix Hp printer long delay before printing customer care service or Call our helpline number to fix your problems now. Our Experts are ready to help you round the clock.

  35. While using a cash app sometimes we come across some errors like pending payments on the Cash App. If you are troubling with the same visit us at how to accept pending payments on Cash App.

  36. Are you facing the problems in Fix Fix Hp printer long delay before printing ? If yes then Visit Fix Hp printer long delay before printing customer care service or Call our helpline number to fix your problems now. Our Experts are ready to help you round the clock.

  37. Are you facing the problems in printerassists ? If yes then Visit PrinterAssists customer care service or Call our helpline number to fix your problems now. Our Experts are ready to help you round the clock.

  38. Are you looking for AOL mail? it's provide free to access email, news and videos etc. if you are facing any issues due to access AOL sign in account and want to forgot password or reset password now can visit and follow the on-screen instruction and use Aol email.

  39. If you are facing issues due to Xfinity email login or Comcast email account can be numerous for instance, you have forgotten your password or you are entering the incorrect password or it may be because someone has hacked your account and changed its login details.

  40. For Brother control center gives you quick and easy access to every printer function there is. It only excludes several particular document printing tasks for a productivity app that you currently use. Accessing the Brother Control Center involves clicking the CC4 icon found on the system tray.

  41. Bittrex login is the USA-based trading platform for the digital currency which is widely known as cryptocurrency. Bittrex support can be accessed in case you want to know more about cryptocurrencies.
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  42. The very first step which you want to take this really will be always to join your own smart apparatus online as with no online connection you won't have the ability to establish your subscription stream any internet content. To give your device having an online connection, you may either join it through the Ethernet cable or join it with wi fi. Once you've empowered the net onto it, then you can just do it with the remaining steps.


  43. aol mail login - aol mail sign in is a free web-based email service provided by AOL. AOL webmail enables its users to check and send emails directly on a browser.

  44. Open the Tubi program in your Samsung Television. 2. Navigate into the exact top of this Tubi home screen, and soon you visit Settings, Search, and Signal In icons. 3. Select Register. You may now find an activation code onto your own television screen. 4. On a computer system or cell browser, head to | | enter code |

  45. Hello, right below we provide the links of some amazing sites that you should consider a visit. It will be going to help you in many ways. Chase Bank Login ! PNC Bank Login ! iTunes Gift Card ! H&M vouchers ! Bank of America Login ! Wells login ! Venmo Sign in ! Venmo Login

  46. Sling Television is your most economical Alternative for ESPN flowing with no cable. It works on most of your favourite apparatus, from the smartphone into a streaming player (such as Roku, appletv, AirTV, etc.. ) Strategies begin from $30 monthly and usually do not take a contract.

  47. AOL Mail Login can here and there lead you to a couple of issues, yet the brand has chipped away at itemized step-wise guidance to investigate these issues and help you.
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  48. This informative read is focused on transferring your AOL Mail contacts to your Gmail account for ease, reliability and fast accessibility world-wide.
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  49. A new brand call Brother HL-2270DW Driver can feeds paper with a bottom-loading cassette, which can hold a maximum of 250 sheets simultaneously.
    Brother Printer hl-2270dw Wireless Setup | Brother Printer stuck in sleep mode | fix brother printer printing blank page | Fix Brother Printer error code 2147500037

  50. To successfully install and setup HP printers via, follow the steps are Unpack the device,When you get your HP printer bundle, place in the chose position, and move further | HP Printer Assistant

  51. Get the basic guidelines to use and manage the Venmo login account. The manual instructions are provided to access the Venmo account on your compatible devices.
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  52. Learn the basic steps to access open hp printer software website without interruptions. Follow the quick and basic steps to deal with the error in the hp printer. Our experts are there for you round the clock for resolving your problems.
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  53. Get the quick and easy instructions to install and use the Metamask Login account without any interruptions. Make sure you follow the steps to avoid errors.

  54. Nice content thanks for sharing with us. Are you also looking to start using AOL Shield Pro on your device? The steps to download and install AOL Shield on your device go through the steps that are given below:


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  56. AOL Sign In can here and there lead you to a couple of issues, yet the brand has chipped away at itemized step-wise guidance to investigate these issues and help you.

  57. For Suddenlink email login, either go to or go to page, enter your username and password, and tap on the 'SIGN IN' button.
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    The printer installs using the USB into the computer and we provide you steps for better and best results. If there any error to downloading and installing point then you can visit our website: http//

  59. Are you currently unable to print from your brother machine. do not worry, here are the guide to fix such issues. Brother printer printing black background with white text

  60. Do you meet your hp printer in error state or printer offline because of any interrupted in wireless connection, disconnection printer receiver problem, printer not connected with the devices, so it may be very difficult or easy to fix based on their type of problem so feel free, we are here for fixing your hp printer error or printer offline problem by well-experienced printer technician by through online session of our website

  61. PayPal, a well-known online payment service provider is flourishing in a number of major nations across the world since it provides financial services to both people and companies. PayPal takes care of everything for you, whether you have access to a bank or not. So, if you've been seeking for PayPalwiki for a while, Visit our website at PayPal Wiki.

  62. Google Pay or Google Wallet is a secure and reliable digital wallet that you can use for online shopping and remittances. This online payment platform boasts a 60 million+ user base and is widely supported by major banks, retail outlets. Buying and selling Bitcoin has become increasingly popular among people all around the world, and numerous trading techniques have been proposed to meet this demand. Buying Bitcoin using Google wallet is one of the most popular ways to trade with Bitcoin. So, If you are wondering how to buy Bitcoin using a Google wallet, this article will help you out. Well, this is quite straightforward, and if we know the specific procedure, you can do it quickly. When it comes to Google Wallet or Google Pay, we can state that many people use it as their primary payment method and have used it to purchase a variety of items online. However, many of us are unaware of how to purchase Bitcoin using it. As a result, in this post, we will assist purchasers and explain the various methods for How to buy Bitcoin with Google wallet.

  63. Hotmail sign in: This service is a mailbox where you are able to send and receive emails. A tool called Windows Live Messenger allows you to link your account to an instant messenger. So you have a program to install and chat.Hotmail login

    Most importantly, switch in your SMART-TV. Simple procedure to activate your Amazon prime video onto your own smartphone or device. Go to input and click the enter button.

    Omegle (oh·meg·ull) is a great way to meet new friends, even while practicing social distancing. When you use Omegle, you are paired randomly with another person to talk one-on-one. If you prefer, you can add your interests and you’ll be randomly paired with someone who selected some of the same interests.
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  64. Hey, This is Billy. If your are facing problem in How to Login or Sign In Coinbase, then you are at the right place. If you're having trouble completing 2-step verification to sign in to your account, make sure your mobile device software and Coinbase app up to date. If you're using a browser to sign in, make sure you're using the latest version of Chrome. Clearing your cache and restarting your browser can also help. To Know more visit Website.

  65. "AOL mail, a part of Verizon Communications, dates back to 1997 when it was one of the world’s largest email service providers with 9 million users from all across the world. Over time it grew into a huge community and in 2012, it had a huge user base of 24 million users. In 2017, Verizon, which had acquired AOL in 2015, discontinued its email services and transferred all its customers to AOL mail Login.

    To login find below give Step:-

    Step 1:First, try logging in again. Re-check if you have entered the correct credentials.

    Step 2:If you are not able to sign in, try turning it off and then turning it on again. Step 3:Next, make sure to reset the web settings to solve AOL mail can t sign in."

  66. "Hey, This is Evans, If you wanna know How to Link A Bank Account To CoinbaseHow to Link A Bank Account To Coinbase? then you are at the right place. At Coinbase we go to great lengths to keep all of your sensitive information safe. Account numbers and routing numbers are stored using bank-level AES-256 encryption on our servers. In addition, all traffic goes over SSL to prevent third parties from eavesdropping on your connection.
    1. Open the Coinbase Wallet app on your mobile device.
    2. Tap your settings at the bottom.
    3. Scroll down to tap Transfer coins from Coinbase.
    4. Select Buy crypto. Select the coin you'd like to purchase and enter the amount.
    5. Tap Add a payment method and select a payment method.
    6. Follow out remaining prompts.
    To know more Visit Coinbase Login App.
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  68. "Hey, This is Jack. Are you looking for a way to get a Netspend visa or prepaid card Login ? Founded in 1999, Netspend is a leading provider of prepaid debit cards, prepaid debit Mastercard and Visa cards, and commercial prepaid card solutions, with over 10 million customers served in the U.S. The simple and quick steps to access the Netspend login account are given below:

    On the NetSpend homepage, go to the top right and choose 'Login.' In the words 'Forgot your username or password?' below the empty log in fields on the account login screen, click 'Password.' Fill in your user name and email address on the following page.
    To know more visit the website Netspend Visa Card Login."

  69. Really a great addition,Thanks for sharing with us.This article wil provide you complete information on theVenmo identity verificationVenmo Identity Verification.Use the Venmo identity verification process and maintain the security of your Venmo account. If you plan on carrying and using a balance on Venmo, you'll have to verify your identity through the app.

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  71. """Hey, This is Jack. if you are finding a problem with Netspend Sign In, then you are at the right place. You will find the log in to your account with NetSpend Prepaid Visa or MasterCard by logging in to their website:
    The log-in box is in the upper right corner of the page (home page) under login. Click on login and login to your account after typing your user name and password.
    You can register an account by logging to the home page, You will be able to create your account by clicking on the sign up now under the different Netspend cards types. Choose your card and click sign up now. Please check the following screenshot taken from NetSpend Prepaid Visa or MasterCard’s website.
    To know more visit Netspend Login ""

  72. Thanks for sharing a nice comment. Learn quick and easy instructions from "HP Printer waiting for web services" services without interruption. If your page is set up to print in "grayscale" then it will print in black and white only. Make sure your wired (Ethernet) or wireless network is working correctly and the printer is connected.

  73. Hey, This is Evans. If you want to know that How do I Complete Procedure To Buying Ethereum Or ETH?" then you are at the right place. Although cryptocurrency assets have declined from their peak in December 2017, there is still a compelling case to be made for investing in them as the sector continues to evolve. In April 2019, the price of ETH was around $152. The integration of digital money with the Ethereum Network is its main selling point. In essence, ETH is the driving force behind the Ethereum Network's entire capabilities. The Ethereum Network, with its immense development prospects, is seen by many as a more attractive investment than bitcoin. Ethereum is supported by a number of Fortune 500 organizations and is used by a number of financial institutions.

    When you open your first account, these are the essential steps you'll take.

    Open a Crypto Exchange Account. The first step to investing in Ethereum is to open an account with an exchange that offers access to cryptocurrency trading. ...
    Fund Your Account. ...
    Place an Order. ...
    Transfer Your Coins to a Wallet."

    To Know more Procedure To Buying Ethereum or ETH.
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  74. Hello, Sharing for with Nice comment. Know quick and easy-to-follow instructions to access the hp support assistant software. Make sure you follow the instructions properly to avoid interruptions in the process. To open HP Support Assistant, double-click the HP Support Assistant software icon.

  75. Hey, This is Wilson. PayPal has been in the mobile payment market for almost a decade. It's a means for you to make online payments and for companies to accept them. Utilizing a secure internet account, you may pay individuals and companies using these online financial services. All you have to do is enter your bank account information, credit card information, or debit card information. You may add as many cards as you like to your account and make payments using any of them. To know more about Paypal Annual Resolution Notice

  76. "Hey, This is Jack. if you are facing problem with How To Login Capital One Card, then you are at the right place. The health and well-being of our customers, associates, and communities is a primary priority at Capital One. We appreciate your concerns and confusion about the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and we're dedicated to meeting the needs of our customers, associates, and their families as the situation unfold. This is a problem that affects us all, and we're all dealing with it at the same time.
    Log in to your Capital One account through the web or the Capital One mobile app. Select your 360 Checking account once you've signed in. This will demonstrate your equilibrium. Simply click on your account to check recent transactions if you wish to go further.
    To know more about Capital One Login.
    #CapitalOneLogin #CapitalOneCardLogin #CapitalOneBankLogin

  77. Hey, This is Jack. if you are facing problem with How To Login Capital One Card, then you are at the right place. The health and well-being of our customers, associates, and communities is a primary priority at Capital One. We appreciate your concerns and confusion about the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and we're dedicated to meeting the needs of our customers, associates, and their families as the situation unfold. This is a problem that affects us all, and we're all dealing with it at the same time.
    Log in to your Capital One account through the web or the Capital One mobile app. Select your 360 Checking account once you've signed in. This will demonstrate your equilibrium. Simply click on your account to check recent transactions if you wish to go further.
    To know more about Capital One Login.

  78. Hey, This is Jack If you are facing a problem Login or Sign in or Register into Bitcoin Paper Wallet, then you are at the right place. Learn the quick and easy steps to use the Paper wallet without any interruptions. Trust Paper wallet for the correct investments of your funds and manage them correctly. To transfer bitcoin, litecoin, or bitcoin cash, use a compatible wallet app to scan or enter your private key from your paper wallet. 2. Once the digital currency appears in your wallet app, you can send bitcoin, bitcoin cash, or other cryptocurrencies, You can send bitcoin, bitcoin cash, or litecoin anywhere you want. It works by printing out a single private key and bitcoin address, which is usually generated by a website. Instead of using paper wallets, a much better way to accomplish what paper wallets do is to use seed phrases, in which the user writes down 12 or 24 random words generated by their wallet. To know more about Paper Wallet.

  79. Thanks for Sharing with nice Comment. Get quick assistance to Fix HP laserjet 1320 Error light on your devices. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully to avoid interruptions. If your wireless status blinks slowly and the strength indicator channels through the signal bar, this clearly refers to a situation where the printer is looking for a wireless connection.

  80. Hey, This is Evans, If you are facing How To Retrieve A Temporarily Disabled Coinbase Account then you are at the right place. Here you will get full information about that. There are measures you may take if you recently attempted to log in to your Coinbase account and received a warning indicating your account has been disabled. What you should know is as follows.

    If Coinbase suspects a security breach, it will temporarily suspend an account. Accounts being targeted by malicious users, security difficulties around identification when performing account recoveries (password resets), or the client requesting that their account be terminated owing to suspicious account behaviors are just a few examples.

    If your Coinbase account has been disabled, you should take action right once.

    Follow the below-given steps to change Password:-

    Select 'Sign In' in the top right corner of the screen.
    Select 'Forgot Password' under the sign inbox.
    Enter your email address and click 'Reset Password. ...
    You will receive an email with reset instructions for your account.

    To Know more about Coinbase Account Temporarily Disabled.

  81. If you are looking for a way to get your HP printer out of sleep mode then you are in luck as we have published a new blog on our website about how to get your HP printer out of sleep mode.

  82. "Hey This is Evans. An API Key can be thought of as a username that is generated to allow data access. In this case, the exchange generates the Coinbase Pro API, which you then pass on to another application. Based on the permissions you grant, the application will then import your data.

    Choose the API link from the drop-down menu. Select the API Settings tab under Profile Information, then + New API Key. Choose your profile and permissions, create a password, and then enter your 2-Factor Authentication code. Finally, at the bottom, click Create API Key to generate a one-of-a-kind key.

    Finding your Coinbase API Key

    Click 'Settings'
    Click 'API Access' in the menu bar that comes up.
    Click 'New API Key'
    If asked for your password, type your password. ...
    Under 'Accounts', select the Coinbase account you want Bitcoin Tradr to have access to.
    Adding API restrictions

    In the API restrictions section, click Restrict Key.
    Select all APIs from the dropdown that your API key will be used to access.
    Click Save.
    An API Key can be thought of as a username that is generated to allow data access. In this case, the exchange generates the Coinbase Pro API, which you then pass to another application. Based on the permissions you grant, the application will then import your data.

    Choose the API link from the drop-down menu. Select the API Settings tab under Profile Information, then + New API key. Choose your profile and permissions, create a password, and then enter your 2-factor Authentication. Code. Finally, at the bottom, click Create API Key to generate a one-of-a-kind key.

    To Know more about Coinbase Create API Key"

  83. Coinbase is a crypto exchange and wallet service that helps you trading cryptos. To trade with Coinbase exchange, set up a new Coinbase login account now!
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  84. You told about the new updates of the site, I thank you for this blog.How do I connect to NETGEAR Wi-Fi?
    Look on the router label for your router's WiFi network name (SSID) and network key (password). The label is on the back or bottom of your router. On your iOS or Android mobile device, tap Settings > Wi-Fi. Connect your mobile device to the network that is listed on your router's label and enter the password.mywifiext net

  85. Thanks for valuable information. If you are download and install the HP Support Solutions Framework approaching the easy and quick steps given below. To complete the downloading process you need to connect your device. It's a whole pack of programs that allow HP users to easily access, install, and remove their system drivers, manage their hardware, and tweak BIOS or other Windows settings.

    1. My printer is bigger than yours.

  86. Thank you for sharing this wonderful addition with us. This post will provide you all the details you need to know about theVenmo identity verification. Maintain the security of your Venmo account by using the Venmo identity verification process. If you want to keep and use a Venmo balance, you'll need to authenticate your identity through the app.

  87. Hey, If you find any difficulties to Reset the MetaMask Password, then you are at the right place. After you've gathered all of the necessary information, log out of the Mobile app, select "reset wallet," and follow the on-screen instructions. You must enter your original Secret Recovery Phrase as well as a new password.

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  89. To fetch the current status of crypto deposits in your account, you are first asked to enter your Blockchain login details to get into your account. Once you are into your account, you can navigate to where your username is written and then click on the "History" option. In this tab, click on the "Deposits" option to check the available cryptos.
    BlockChain Login || Login || Login || Uphold Login || Uniswap Exchange || Phantom Wallet || Gemini Login || Trust Wallet

  90. For crypto enthusiasts, Blockchain could prove to be a powerful and safe crypto exchange for trading with different crypto variants. To get started on this platform, you simply need to create your new Blockchain Login profile and get started with it. Once you set up your account, you need to verify your identity and start funding your account.
    Know more about: Trust Wallet | Uphold Login | Gemini Login | Login | Login | Gemini Login

  91. 1. If you want, you can access your MetaMask wallet on different computers at the same time. To do so, you do not need to log in to your account using your MetaMask Wallet credentials. However, you need to use your 12-word secret recovery phrase to access your wallet on any device you want. Once you are into it, you can access your ETH address easily.

    2. If you are facing a problem in login or Sign In to Coinbase Account, then you are at the right place. Learn the basic steps to access Coinbase Login website without interruptions. Follow the quick and basic steps to deal with the error in the Coinbase Login. Our experts are there for you round the clock for resolving your problems.
    Read more about: MetaMask Wallet | Login To MetaMask | MetaMask Login | Coinbase App

  92. Gemini Pay is a feature on the Gemini Mobile App that allows users to spend the Gemini dollar and other cryptocurrencies at over 30,000 retail locations across the United States, including major retailers like Bed Bath & Beyond, GameStop, Office Depot, Petco, Ulta Beauty, and The Coffee, thanks to a partnership with Flexa. Select "Forgot your password?" located on the sign-in page. Then, on the following page, enter your registered email address, and Gemini Login will send you an email with a password reset link.
    Read more about: Gemini Login | Uphold Login | Uphold Login | Kraken Login | Kraken Login


  93. To log in to your Blockchain wallet using your email address, you can navigate to the official site of Blockchain. Here, you need to enter the associated email address and the Blockchain login password followed by tapping on the "Continue" option to access your account. If you see any kind of login error, you can click on the "Need help?" option.
    Blockchain Login || Uniswap Exchange

  94. Getting started with MetaMask is extremely feasible as you just need to install the wallet app on your Android or iOS mobile. Or, you can download its browser extension on your device, create your MetaMask Login credentials, and set up your wallet. After you have set up your wallet, you need to click on the fox icon on top of the browser to access it.
    Read more about: Uphold Login | Kucoin Login | Gemini Login | Kraken Login | Blockchain Login | Coinbase Pro Login | Blockfi Login

  95. MetaMask has been popular for providing safe and secure crypto storage to Ethereum traders. When it comes to depositing and withdrawing Ethereum tokens, MetaMask Wallet is the first choice for many crypto traders. If you are new at MetaMask, you need to create a wallet account by following the right path. Here, in this post, we are going to talk about the way to set up a new MetaMask Login account.

    Read more about: Gemini LoginKraken Login

  96. Honda navigation update
    Every user can update the honda navigation system with ease. All you have to do is follow some basic instructions, and you can update the honda Navi by yourself. Most of the time, customers ask whether their updates are free or paid.

    We want to inform you that all Honda Navi updates are free of cost most of the time. A few times, the updates are paid if you have an older honda vehicle. Many times consumers end up paying a good amount of money to the local dealers. We want to inform you that you can get the updates for yourself without paying any additional fees or charges if you can follow some basic steps.

  97. 1. A glance at the details that explain the entire Solana Wallet service, famously known as the Phantom Mobile Wallet, particularly designed to function on the Solana Blockchain with exclusive traits and perks.

    2. Get to know every specific detail that the online service offers its users along with extensive details on the Crypto Login accounts, inclusive of steps to register and so much more.

    Read more about: Robinhood LoginCrypto Login |  MetaMask Chrome Extension  

    1. Hello Green Dot Login!

      Would you like to meet Mr. Fanny?

  98. Picture this: a BIG fanny
