Drum suggests Homer was right all along!

THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2017

Why we can't have nice things:
Friend, do you find yourself thinking that Homer may have right all along?

Do you find yourself thinking that we human are toys of the gods? That the gods stage-manage human events for their own amusement?

We considered this possibility when we read Kevin Drum's tough-talking post about health care. His tough-talking headline said this:

"Health Care Systems Are Expensive. Deal With It."

Drum was talking tough. After some back-of-the-envelope calculations, he said we could maybe have a single-payer health care system, but it wouldn't lower health care costs. In closing, he offered this:

"Short of some kind of legislative miracle, there's really no way around this. Health care is expensive."

So true! Health care really is expensive. So are health care systems!

We lunkheads should shut our traps and deal with this. These familiar facts help prove Drum's tough-talking point:
Per capita spending, health care, 2015
United States: $9451
Germany: $5267
Canada: $4608
Australia: $4420
France: $4407
Japan: $4150
United Kingdom: $4003
Finland: $3984
Italy: $3272
Spain: $3153
South Korea: $2488
As you can see, health care systems are expensive! Rather, our health care system is.

We're listing the standard OECD spending figures for the United States and the world's most comparable nations. We're throwing in miraculous Finland for the obvious reason.

In fact, health care systems aren't expensive; our health care system is! Among comparable nations, only Germany spends even half as much per person. But it was decided long ago:

In this nation, we aren't allowed to discuss this matter. We proles are here to get looted and conned.

The gods were laughing on Olympus when they read that recent post. In this earlier post, Drum staged a bit of self-frogmarch, apologizing for what he did, or failed to do, last summer.

Health care systems are expensive! Was a certain blogger placed on earth as a way to amuse the gods?

Ladies and gentlemen, deal with it! Homer was right all along!


  1. Whether it be ad hominem or rancor or sadness or the mucus inside the leaves of the time and sands of crystal glass that fly from the chards of Bob's lips through the screen and into the Maddow-encrusted reflection of the outer porridge and blood and hemoglobin and skin and teeth beyond her or the Chinese men, it is without sorry or pity or sand that I and a whole lot of people here like me forthwith shall cease to shine a light on these bedeviled, greedy flickering lantern back alleys ghetto of thoughts and intellect and take our penchant for masochism to greener savannahs until the Fake Greg eats it alive for it is him who shall not live to be the one naked and unobtained forever eating million legged bugs and ants and unleavened bread etc. Gotta go for now.

    1. For now. But also, it is sorely to be hoped, forever.

  2. According to exit polls 26% of all voters (sadly, only 26%) are white evangelical or born-again Christians and 81% of them voted for Trump. Without them, the Republican Party would never even come close to winning a national election as demonstrated by the fact that Hillary won the remaining majority of voters by a landslide 24% margin.

    It becomes quite clear then that the sola scriptura white voter is the essential bulwark standing between our God based system of for-profit healthcare and the type of healthcare in found in those heathen nations on Bob’s list. Our healthcare system is a blessing from God.

  3. Neither ACA nor the Republicans version deals with the factors that make health care so expensive, such
    -- defensive medicine because of malpractice
    -- heroic efforts to keep premies and dying people alive
    -- high income for many medical specialists
    -- high prescription drug costs
    -- money wasted on "natural" medicines

    The second item is a big one, but it's hard to fix. As I understand it, medical ethic requires heroic efforts to keep people alive. Can parents of a premie tell the hospital to let the child die, because they can't afford the cost to try to keep him alive? I don't think so.

  4. I felt like ending it i lost my husband to another woman 2 weeks ago after 27 years of marriage . We had a lovely marriage but he started a relationship with a co worker who chased after him . He is living away near his work, and he refuses to talk to me or to come home . I am devastated and am finding it hard to cope i was emotionally down . I wish I did not love him and that I could move on but I can't . I don't know how to stop feeling like this I wish I could and its eating me away and I m starting to feel ill. I have degraded myself begging him to come home all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr obasi can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and I also came across several testimonies about this particular man so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr obasi. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. if you have any problem contact him, I give you 100% guarantee that he will help you, This is his details, E-mail: obasispelltemple@gmail.com ,or call +2348145643630 Thank you all for reading.
    Elizabeth Diem USA Los Angeles California

  5. Hey!my life is devastated! I’m going through hell right now from the past one month,i broke up with my bf.We both were completely in love.But i started having some issues with myself.My mood swings were a lot to handle for him an that point i just felt the need to break up and so i did.And i hurt him to the core which i never wanted to.He kept on begging me but i didn’t hear.Later on he started avoiding me and kind of did everything as you said in your video.it felt bad.I always loved him but i had to break up.I regret breaking up so much.But after that he said no to me.He said he’ll never come back as he cannot put faith in me.I have tried my level best but he is adamant that he cannot trust me.Even though after i realised what i did.I changed myself completely.I dealt with my mood swings and now i don’t get any.He cannot trust me.what should i do?I love himand he does too but he says he don’t have that much courage to come back. one day in my office going through the internet i saw a post of a lady giving testimony on how she got her husband back,i also come across a blog site on how to reunite and get your ex back with a love spell it was really amazing to see this so i copy his email id on http://happyspelltemple.webs.com/ i explain my situation to him and gave him all the details he requested from me, he give me few days assurance that my boyfriend will come back after the spell i was so overwal to hear that so i just keep calm and follow up his order coz i really love my boyfriend and want him back. on the second day after the spell as he promise me, my ex call me also show up in my office begging me to forgive him and accept him back with out no delay, i lift him up with a kiss and was so very happy to have him back all my happiness was from Dr happy he is indeed a true man a father and a god sent. plz contact Dr happy on his email id direct at happylovespell2@gmail.com or call his mobile number on +2348133873774

  6. Hey guys, I'm so excited of getting my husband back after he left me and our 3 kids for another woman. After 2 years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Unity can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before,All thanks to Dr Unity. he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr Unity real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at: Unityspelltemple@gmail.com ,
    you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348071622464 ,
    his website:http://unityspelltemple.yolasite.com ,
    Jessica, 26 years, Texas, USA


    i sincerely want to thank a great spell caster called Dr joy for helping me to bring back my husband to me and my kids. after many years of marriage, my husband left me and my kid, and ran away with his new girlfriend to san francisco to start up their life without thinking about me and my son.I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart.after years of our separation i could not take it anymore so i decided to visit a friend who also encounter similar issue but she is living happily with her man now , to seek advice from her on how she get her ex husband back again.when i get there i explain everything to her and she told me not to worry that she will link me up with the spell caster who cast a spell on her husband that make him to come back to her. i pick her advice and i strongly hold onto it.then I contacted fortune spell caster (joylovespell@gmail.com OR joylovespell@gmail.com) and after I explained my problem,he told me not to worry that i have no problem in getting my husband back again.he gave me 2 days assurance that my husband will come looking for me that when he come i should accept him back. i told him that i will whole heatedly welcome him back. In just 3 days my husband came back to us and apologize for all the pain he have bring to the family. We solved our issues, and we are even happy more than ever before. fortune spell caster is the best spell caster to solve any kind of problem and sickness you have.. I really appreciate the love spell you cast for me to get the man back to my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work. if you want your ex back and you don,t know what to do kindly email joylovespell@gmail.com for your ex to come back whats app him :+2348100452479.

  8. I am Shelly Maggie, Just some few days ago, My life seemed to be going down the drain, I was going to lose my Husband, my house and car to the mortgage company and insurance company....I ran around helplessly looking for a solution on how to get my Husband back and secure my bills, tried every single spell worker that I could find on the internet but got no results Until a friend told me about this great spell caster called Dr Ozil.. I decided to give him a try and that was when I finally found true happiness and result.. He has magical spells and voodoos for what whatever situation you find yourself. I am a living testimony to this and its so obvious that I can keep my mouth shot, I was stunned and found this unbelievable, Now I have my husband back and can handle all my financial crisis.. I really hope he doesn't mind me advertising his contact on the Internet but I'm sure any help extra work will benefit him. You can view his website: http://drozilsolutionhome.website2.me/ contact him via email: drozilsolutionhome@yahoo.com or drozilsolutionhome@outlook.com or call/whatsapp +2348161897826 Hope this helps everyone that is in need of any help...You can get the bellow problems solve here.


  9. I am so happy for making the right choice by contacting Dr. Irosi who helped me in getting my ex back by casting a love spell on him. One of the best decision i ever made was contacting Dr. Irosi to help me get my lover back, I was life filled with happiness after i contacted Dr. Irosi because he didn't just bring my lover back to me he also made our love for each other more unique and superb. If you need to spice your relationship with more love and attention contact Dr. Irosi on his Email Address [drirosisolutioncenter@gmail.com] and be happy just like i am, thanks Dr. Irosi for your great work.   

  10. My boyfriend broke up with me 2 months ago, because he felt i was cheating on him with a male friend of mine, i tried all i could to explain to him but he paid deaf ears, i was emotionally devastated because i really loved him until i saw a post on the internet about Dr osofo, who helps people gain back their lost lover, at first i doubted if it was real because i never believed in such things but i decided to give him a try,I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a Love spell for me, he restored my relationship within 48 hours and my boyfriend was calling and begging to make up with me again, if you need help to repair your relationship or marriage problem. Here’s his contact, call/WhatsApp him on: +2349065749952, Emai   hi        ( osofo.48hoursolutioncenter@gmail.com )   

  11. I am so happy for making the right choice by contacting Dr. Irosi who helped me in getting my ex back by casting a love spell on him. One of the best decision i ever made was contacting Dr. Irosi to help me get my lover back, I was life filled with happiness after i contacted Dr. Irosi because he didn't just bring my lover back to me he also made our love for each other more unique and superb. If you need to spice your relationship with more love and attention contact Dr. Irosi on his Email Address [drirosisolutioncenter@gmail.com], call or whatsapp him via his contact +2348118829771 and be happy just like i am, thanks Dr. Irosi for your great work.

    I am so happy for making the right choice by contacting Dr. Irosi who helped me in getting my ex back by casting a love spell on him. One of the best decision i ever made was contacting Dr. Irosi to help me get my lover back, I was life filled with happiness after i contacted Dr. Irosi because he didn't just bring my lover back to me he also made our love for each other more unique and superb. If you need to spice your relationship with more love and attention contact Dr. Irosi on his Email Address [drirosisolutioncenter@gmail.com], call or whatsapp him via his contact +2348118829771 and be happy just like i am, thanks Dr. Irosi for your great work.
