SUNDAY: The rough. rude talk of real men is back!


Though also, in search of Obama: Finally! At long last, the rough, rude talk of real men is back! This very morning, these are the headlines which sit atop the posts at Mediaite:

Trump Spikes the Football After Special Counsel’s Resignation: ‘The Stench of Deranged Jack Smith and His Thugs is GONE!’

Steve Bannon Goes Nuclear on ‘Truly Evil’ and ‘Racist’ Elon Musk, Pledges ‘To Take This Guy Down’

Finally! At long last, the rough, rude, street fight-adjacent talk of the last of the world's real men! Canal Zone, you're up next!

For talk of the stench of the thugs, click this. For Bannon's war welping, click here.

While we're at it, we can't say we disagree with Don Lemon's recent assessment. The headline in question says this:

Don Lemon Blasts Obama’s ‘Cringy’ Cordial Chat with Trump at Carter Funeral: ‘You Can’t Memory Hole Comparing Someone to Hitler’

Sadly, we largely agree with what Lemon is quoted saying (at length). We've rarely seen someone lose his (once formidable) mojo quite as fast as this previous president has.

Time passes quickly down here on the plain! We're hoping he gets it back!

In the meantime, nothing "is wrong" with the incoming chief. Let's all keep pretending that!


  1. I agree with Lemon that it’s inconsistent to call someone Hitler and then chat cordially with him. But, which of these actions is wrong? Lemon says it’s the cordial chat. I say it’s calling Trump Hitler.

    1. Trump likes to call his opponents Marxists, Communists, — and Fascists.

  2. More wisdom from Kevin:

  3. Obama was always a phony.

    1. No he wasn't. Talking to someone who he previously called a Nazi doesn't make him one, especially since no one seemed to know what former President Obama said to the Marmalade Mussolini. He could've told him to fuck off.

    2. Being civil to someone at a funeral is not being phony or capitulating.

      Somerby sounds foolish saying that Obama was once formidable (when he had presidential power perhaps?) as if Obama weren't always trying to compromise and bring opponents together as a political style. Obama was criticized for compromising before it was necessary, and for not holding firm on his positions. Now that Somerby wants to criticize Obama, he suggests he has become weaker and was once formidable, which sounds like a joke given what was said about him when he was in office. Obama has always been amiable. Black men don't succeed in politics if they get labeled "angry". That's why Republicans worked so hard to pin that label on Michelle Obama.

      Somerby is not very adept at playing these political games.

  4. "An ounce of of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

    The LA fires are estimated to cause $50 billion in damage. If we spent a substantial part of that amount, we should be able to reduce the wild fire risk substantially.

    1. If we spend it wisely. And if we impose suitable regulations.

    2. They are going to cost way more than that. They are still burning. They are going to cost way more than that and the whole place will still be living under the same threat.

    3. Hard to achieve while the right is screaming for more tax cuts.

    4. Quaker - your comment sounds reasonable, but I do not agree. You cannot imagine the amount of CA government money wasted, given to Dem supporters, or used in ways that don’t benefit California citizens. Or used in ways that harm California citizens. One glaring example is making CA a sanctuary for illegal immigrants. The High Speed Rail is another. The bottom line is that Californians pay close to the highest taxes in the country, but we get mediocre government services.

      I am very bitter right now about the Dems because, due to a combination of unwise state and city actions, they plan to demolish 3/7 of downtown parking to build low cost housing. To it understand the level of unreality, one justification the city offered for destroying parking space while increasing parking space needs is that a great many of us will just use bicycles. Of course, in reality most of us will just use Amazon. Shops will fail. The result will be to more or less destroy our downtown.

    5. DiC, tell gov DeSantis about spending money preventing inevitable hurricane damage. You can’t talk about drowning government in a bathtub and also fix the messes when natural disasters strike. It’s hypocrisy.

      Red state governors “hate” the federal government, until they need funds.

    6. DiC votes for a man whose chief objective is enriching himself at the public trough.

    7. Newsom doubled the state's fire-fighting resources in the last two years. Most fire experts believe that no amount of resources could have stopped the fire, driven by 80 mph winds into dry vegetation and structures.

    8. Getting people in tents off the street should be a major priority because it blocks all those shoppers. They have been trying to revitalize downtown as a shopping area, but it isn't there yet.

      The low-income housing problem is going to be much worse now that the fires are forcing people who have lost their homes to seek other places to live. The most pressing need is arguably replacing the burnt units. People with no place to live are going to leave the area seeking places to live and new jobs, which is going to hurt businesses more than using former parking lots to build apartment buildings.

    9. Somerby used to point out how the mainstream media echoed right wing propaganda. The msm are busy making the GOP attacks on Newsom and mayor bass seem reasonable.

  5. Why did the Democrat candidate cordially certify the election of Literally Hitler?

    1. Not literally Hitler.

    2. Illiterate Hitler?

    3. The most unpopular president in modern history, Joe Biden, is set to end his presidency with an approval rating lower than Donald Trump's when he left office in 2021.

    4. I regret that the word "literally" has come to mean "figuratively."

    5. "Democrat candidate." Flying your MAGA freak flag high again.

    6. 2:09 Trump’s Harris poll favorability rating in 2021, when people had a fresh memory of what a fuck up he is, was a whopping 31%.

  6. Gov Newsom made a statement blaming only local officials. Of course he and the state also deserve a lot of blame.

    Another party who deserves blame IMO is the Biden Administration. They gave California zillions of dollars to work on a high speed rail that will never be completed and never be used. Imagine the good that could have been done if instead they had given that money for wildfire prevention.

    1. David is correct. Every last cent spent on anything other than preventing the current emergency is a sign of grave incomepetence by any Democrat in the vicinity.

      Making decisions is easy when you use Conservative Hindsight.

    2. Fair enough, Quaker. But it was obvious from the beginning that the High Speed Rail was a worthless boondoggle. It was obvious that the initial enormous cost estimate would skyrocket. And it was obvious that more could and should have been done to ameliorate CA wildfires.

    3. The Washington Post is reporting today that the fire may have been caused by knuckleheads playing with fireworks in the dry hills.

    4. Plants cause fires. They discharge oxygen into the atmosphere as a byproduct of photosynthesis.

    5. Trump is an expert on photosynthesis. It’s getting more and more attention. Also rakes.

    6. This may come as a complete surprise to DiC and his partisan ilk, but fires generated in dry conditions with 80-100 mile per hour winds are unstoppable.

    7. Newsom made a point of saying that he was NOT assigning blame but was trying to figure out what happened.

      The knuckleheads playing with fireworks started the fire in Oak Glen a few years back. They were arrested, prosecuted and convicted because people died in that fire and fireworks are blatantly illegal in all of CA.

      It would be a good idea to wait until the investigation tells us what happened. There are too many stories floating around, some manufactured for political purposes. When so many fires broke out under these conditions, it seems more likely that none of them were started by knuckleheads but by accidental and natural causes.

      David, Newsom doubled what was being done for wildfires because of the 2018 Paradise fire. No practical amount would allow firefighters to stop the Palisades fire. That is the consensus of ALL knowledgeable people not marinating in politics or suffering from dementia, like Trump.

      Please stop saying ignorant and unfair things in the midst of such a disaster. Real people are expressing sympathy, not blaming and playing politics against Newsom the way you are doing. It grates of those who have lost so much, when people like you use this as an excuse for more political name-calling. Can't you guys shut up for even 10 sec?

    8. "And it was obvious that more could and should have been done to ameliorate CA wildfires."

      No specific actions, decisions, or dollar amounts. Just "more."

    9. The idiots who buy what DiC is selling are part of the problem in our country. It isn’t “the Democrats” who cause this level of ignorance.

    10. Isn't Newsom's political career over now though?

  7. 4:41 Should have been spent on the wall, parts of which are already collapsing because the work ( some alongside streambeds) was done against the advice of the Army Corps and farmed out to incompetent contractors with ties to the Republican Party.

  8. If you think the silence from economically anxious voters was bad when Trump gave that huge tax break to corporations and the rich, wait until you hear the silence from them when he gives corporate elites free-reign over how the country is run.
