BREAKING: No fish today!


Vicious seasonal cold: A vicious end-of-the-summer, seasonal head cold attacked our campus yesterday.

Recovery is proceeding apace. But we'll have no fish today.


  1. It's noteworthy how long Menendez got away with his bribe-taking, considering how crude he was. It makes me suspect that a great many state and federal legislators of both parties are secretly being bribed.

    1. I'm not sure I would jump to that conclusion.

      Look at Clarence Thomas. The other justices no doubt knew what he was doing, but that doesn't mean all of them were doing the same thing.

    2. Just Alito, Gorsuch and Kavnaugh.

    3. David, the indictment deals only with activities of the last 5 years I believe. It deals exclusively with the time he spent with his current wife and her friends and connections to Egypt.. Actually he may be able to fight it legally as the quid pro quo may be hard to prove.

      But it may be that this kind of bribery is widespread. From reading the indictment, Menendez and his wife acted like crime bosses They were consumed with avarice in the same vulgar and classless way as a mob boss.

    4. "They were consumed with avarice"

      This is true of all our major institutions.

    5. Is it true of the social security administration? How about the public libraries?

    6. Wow. Sick burn. You're so smart. How did you get to be so so smart!? You just came up with those institutions off the top of your head? Wow. You're fucking brilliant.

    7. No, @4:09 is especially dumb.

    8. It only seems like 5:24 is a genius, due to 4:09 not thinking before he posts.

  2. She gave your very first kiss to you. That was Laura, but she's only a dream.

  3. "Donald Trump said on Truth Social that Gen. Mark Milley — who he called “a woke train wreck” — should be executed for treason."

    This kind of language against a member of his own administration is way over the line for normal people. I don't understand how any thinking person could consider voting for Trump when he engages in such behavior.

    1. Should be "...when he engages in such SPEECH." Unlike his extreme and obnoxious way of speaking, Trump's ACTIONS as President were generally reasonable.

      Hyperbole is pretty common in political diatribes. E.g. how many people have called for Trump's death. There are good reasons to not vote for Trump, but exaggeration to make a point is not one of them.

    2. Trump's HUGE tax break for corporations and the rich was very reasonable, unless you are one of those "economically anxious" Republican voters, who don't exist.

    3. Seems to me Trump was exaggerating to make a point when he claimed Milley should be executed. But how can a person talk like that and be a serious candidate for office?

    4. There are no Democrats operating in the public sphere who have called for Trump's death. NONE. Not one single person.

      Because of the speculation that Milley may testify that Trump knew he had lost the election, this public death threat by Trump is witness intimidation and should cause the presiding judge to jail Trump for violation of his admonition to leave witnesses alone before the trial.

      This is strategic, not just running off at the mouth. That a former president would do this is flagrant disregard of the law, in keeping with his behavior all the time he was president. That is why Trump has been indicted and is being tried.

    5. The “ actions vs words” defense of Trump was attempted by Brit Hume a few times during the Trump catastrophe. As if what the leader of the free world SAYS can be disregarded as unimportant. How stupid. How desperate.
      Calling for the death of our Military leaders is obscene to anyone but a deranged personality. Which is exactly what a stupid pr@ck like DIC would say if a Democrat said it.

    6. And by the way, the number of Dem office holders or even minor leaders who have called for Trump’s death would be zero.

    7. "Trump's ACTIONS as President were generally reasonable."


  4. Where I come from, we only talk for a little while. Then we start cussin'.

    1. And just like that, Ruby Freeman has been disappeared from the thread. Feel better now, 3:55?

    2. Where I come from, we only talk for a little while. Then we ask questions that make no sense.

  5. What Trump did to those two women requires cussing.

  6. David is very patriotic as he insists. He loves America and all the good things it stands for. That's why he voted for a man manifestly unfit for any office, and that is why he will vote for the same man who plotted to overturn a national presidential. Damn straight.

  7. Yes, Trump said intemperate things. But, his words didn't kill anyone. President Biden just gave Iran six BILLION dollars. Some of that money will go to terrorist groups, who will kill innocent people. I think that's worse than intemperate words. YMMV

    1. Biden didn’t give Iran any money. The money is Iran’s previously impounded funds. The US removed one obstacle to release but the money is still impounded. No money has gone to terrorist groups.

      Why can’t Republicans ever tell the truth?

    2. Why can’t Republicans ever tell the truth?

    3. Because they are all morally inferior racists.

    4. 6:28, wrong, it is because they are morally superior to elitist democratic child groomer pedophile America hating commie woke fascists. It all started when William Jefferson Clinton screwed up the Reagan revolution.

    5. That’s not all he screwed.

    6. He didn't screw up the Reagan devolution, he doubled down on it.

      You lying piece of shit.

    7. LOL!!! The above message has been brought to you by the same geniuses who told us the Supreme Court as not a legitimate issue in the 2016 election.
      Apparently vulgarity is allowed here as long as it is not directed at DiC.

    8. You can direct vulgarity at David. It’s OK.

    9. Believe it or not, David did once make arguments that appeared legitimate, at least on the surface. With Trump he went the way of his party.

    10. Must've been before 2014, when he started commenting on this blog.

    11. Clinton did not double down on the Reagan revolution. He strived to provide warm meals for needy children.

    12. 8;42,
      "commie fascists"
      Words, do they REALLY have meanings?
      Mainstream Media: Don't expect us to point out the Right are a bunch of morons. We have our stock price to worry about, and there's no money in that.

  8. The good news is the recent polls regarding Joe Biden are actually wrong. Really, the people that responded are just misinformed and not very smart.

    1. What do the polls say about the 2036 election?

  9. @8:39, you wrote “No money had gone to terrorist groups” How do you know?

    David in Cal

    1. The money has not been released to Iran yet.

    2. Our aid to Israel and Egypt supports terrorists— their police and armed forces.

    3. Speaking of funding terrorists.
      Every dime that gores to the GOP...

  10. Why is Biden running neck and neck with Trump in the polls?

    1. Because most people aren’t paying attention to the election yet.

    2. Oh cool. For a second there I was like you guys have had 7 years to find someone to beat Trump and you're neck and neck in the polls!? I guess for a second there I thought that was an indication of a failure of leadership and vision.

    3. For like 5 seconds there I was like the fucking Democrats are going to get fucking hammered into oblivion in 2024. Trump is killing it with black voters in the polls and Hispanics seem very turned off right now by the Democratic party. But I forgot it's only because the election is 13 months away. Nobody is thinking about Biden and Trump right now so we are totally good.

    4. I think the Democrats are smart enough, so they will find a way to replace Biden as the 2024 candidate, and the Dems will find a face-saving way to not have Kamala as that replacement. I don't know who the replacement will be, but the Democrats have lots of good candidates who are better than Biden.

    5. This election is likely to be decided by Independents and female voters. Women are unhappy with Trump. Independents are growing because so many Republicans are disgusted with Trump too. As Trump's trials begin, more causal voters will focus on his wrongdoing. As more states try to foist anti-abortion measures off on voters who don't want them, they will blame Trump and Republican down-ballot candidates. If Republicans cannot get their act together and pass a funding bill, that will hurt Trump, especially if lack of funds affects people's jobs and services. That is totally going to be blamed on Republicans.

      This idea that Republicans are going to peel off diverse voters is a pipe dream. Look at the results of the special elections -- Republicans have been clobbered and Democrats are performing better thab predicted. That is what is going to happen in 2024. Biden's age won't matter, just as it didn't matter in 2020.

    6. Observe DiC trolling with his passive aggressive bitchiest best. Bravo, David.

    7. Thank you for writing your analysis. I certainly hope it turns out the way that you fantasize here.

      May I ask, Trump support increased every time he was indicted, so how would the court procedures be different?

    8. For a minute there, I thought we weren't discussing polling of an election that is over 14 months away.

    9. Re: Trump's increase in support after every indictment

      That's only because Right-wing voters are big law and order folks, unless the perp is white.
      Are you new here*?
      * the USA

    10. How can Democrats count on Trump to lose support as his trials begin when his support increased with his indictments?

      What is the Democratic party doing that inspires people to vote for them? Whatever it is - when do we suspect voters will get the message about whatever it is?

    11. 13 months and 11 days.

      When would be the best time to start discussing them?

    12. Apparently, Biden needs to emulate Trump’s “strategy:” “witch hunt…I’m the most put upon man in history…my enemies are traitors…” Those are the kinds of appeals to economic anxiety that really turn heads.

    13. OK. But how can we count on Trump to lose support with his trials when indictments increased his support?

      What do Democrats have independent of Trump, that is exciting for voters who are on the fence or even a little put off by a perceived or real overemphasis on social justice issues, age, corruption, lack of follow through etc?

    14. I said it before and I know it's not a super popular idea but I really think after looking at the current polling and the virulent change in sentiment of blacks and Hispanics and Independents towards Joe Biden and the Democrats, the best option we have as Democrats and liberals is to figure out a way to kill 40 to 80 million conservative voters.

      We need to start pretty soon to wrap it up by next November.

      Can anyone think of any other alternative besides that? (That and making Trump's deficiencies our core platform and basis for appeal.)

    15. To swing the vote we would really have to kill only 12 to 15 million.

    16. 10:02,
      No worries. State House Republicans are working overtime to suppress the votes of blacks and Hispanics, like they always do.

    17. We will have to also start killing blacks and Hispanics since they are leaving the ship and we never cared about them anyway.

      It makes sense that the Democratic Party is only popular with whites now. Joe Biden hates black people.

      Are you ready to take up arms and let the killing begin?

      What other alternative do we have?

    18. What appeal do Democrats have to voters who are on the fence? Besides not being Trump? Why would they vote for us or be inspired by us?

    19. "Since 2016, the GOP has taken a lead over the Democratic Party on the question of caring about “people like me” among middle-income households, people without a college degree and white people, but has also cut its rival party’s advantage among voters of color — most notably Black voters."

      I guess the Blacks are just idiots who like to complain about "economic anxiety" as a way to hide their love of bigotry.

    20. "The traditional Democratic support among nonwhite voters, forged during the civil rights era, may weaken among younger nonwhite voters who have different perspectives, are more affluent, and feel less tied to the Democratic Party's historical roots."

      That's OK. We will win them back by calling them stupid racists who are idiots for worrying about their economic situation.

    21. LOL, if by “people like me” you mean Jared and Ivanka, then I think you may have a point.

      The republican Kleptocratic Party weighs in on the working class:

      “I think Ronald Reagan gave us a great example when federal employees decided they were going to strike. He said, you strike, you’re fired. Simple concept to me. To the extent that we can use that once again, absolutely.” Sen. Tim Scott

    22. Aside from tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations, which ends up tanking the economy under every Republican president, the Republicans also have the “eliminate Medicare” plank to prove their working man boba fides, I guess.

    23. 6:47,
      Let's count only the black votes in elections.
      Good luck.

    24. You have to convince the Blacks, Independents and Hispanics that are discontented with Democrats and think they are full of shit, not me.

    25. 11:44,
      Do you suggest the Democratic Party take a page from Republicans and suppress the votes of Blacks, Independents, and Hispanics?
      If so, why?
      If not, why not?

    26. 6:38,
      I wouldn't worry too much about it.
      Those who disapprove of Biden because he hasn't gone far enough to the Left will vote for him anyway. And even more so will vote Democratic down-ballot.

  11. David, you’d support Joe Manchin.

    1. Not enthusiastically. He isn't sufficiently opposed to big government.

      IMO the government has gotten much too big. That's a threat to civil liberties, because the natural tendency of bureaucrats is to work to increase their size and sway and power.

      It's a threat to prosperity, because too much regulation stifles business. Don't forget that private industry is the source of our prosperity.

    2. David,
      Since you are so small government, your next 6 abortions are on me.

    3. David,
      You'll get no argument from me that social media companies silence Right-wingers for our prosperity.
      What kind of commie could possibly bitch and whine 24/7 over that?

    4. "Don't forget that private industry is the source of our prosperity."
      Hence their use of a transexual in a beer ad.
      Yet, dumb asses on the internet still question their wisdom.

    5. 8:34,
      They only question the wisdom of private industry, because they hate the USA.
      Don't listen to Bob. We're all better off ignoring them.

    6. Insurance is one of the most regulated industries.

    7. The government should shrink so much that it can no longer support Zionism.
