The "Dirtbag Left" as it hits the front page!


Lessons in anthropology:
To what extent do These Kids Today have real economic beefs?

We can't exactly tell you. As with almost everything else, the actual state of the economy, and the status of the different groups within it, never quite come clear within our primitive discourse.

That said, we have no idea why college costs so much today, compared to what it cost in the past. Also, why do we spend so much on health care? You aren't likely to see either topic discussed within our failing, rigged discourse.

At any rate, These Kids Today hit the front page of yesterday's New York Times. Nellie Bowled profiles the so-called "Dirtbag Left." Along the way, she wrote this:
BOWLES (3/1/20): As Mr. Sanders rises in the polls and claims strong showings in early states, a new set of media stars is on the rise, too. Leading the pack are the hosts of “Chapo Trap House,” the Pied Pipers of the candidate’s online movement.

In their rowdy, vulgar weekly podcast, they are stoking the fires of a political insurgency led by their 78-year-old idol. The man stands for the movement, the movement is the man.

“Our boy Bernie” they call him.

The fivesome of “Chapo Trap House" are not the only bards of the new American left—there is “Red Scare” and another whose name cannot be printed—but they have led the way for a movement that together generates millions of dollars a year. They are on their way to becoming the socialist’s answer to right-wing shock jock radio. Their primary targets, in evidence at that show in Iowa, are not the Republican Party or even Mr. Trump but rather centrist liberals, whom they see as the major obstacle to a workers’ revolution.

In blurring occasionally violent humor, jovial community meetups and radical politics, they are the Tea Party reborn for progressives, and for their fans the appeal is in a bawdy offensive balance to cautious mainstream liberal politics.
We can't tell you how accurate Bowles' profile was. We will say that it's worth reading.

For years, we liberals kept saying that bad judgment and furious loathing could only come from the very bad people found Over There. Borrowing from Bowles' comparisons, such manifestations could only come from "right-wing radio" or from those "Tea Party" types.

As an anthropological matter, that assessment never made sense. Now we're told that we on the left have our answer to right wing talk—our own Tea Party reborn.

How much faith do you have in the Dirtbag Left? Are you sure that their racial comments and sexual attacks are just good jokeworthy fun?

Future experts persistently say that our floundering system is coming apart. They report to us from the years which lie beyond the global conflagration they refer to as Mister Trump's War.

Do the sexualized insults in Alexis Coe's bizarre new best-seller actually make any sense? Truthfully, no, they don't, except as a rather obvious sign that something is coming undone.

How about the angry conduct of some on the Dirtbag Left? Does their angry, sexualized conduct make sense? And how do we move on from here?

Future Anthropologists Huddled in Caves haven't yet stated their judgment. We'll note that, when they speak of our war-inclined species, they do so in the past tense.


  1. "...the actual state of the economy, and the status of the different groups within it, never quite come clear within our primitive discourse."

    Indeed. Although, calling the dembottery emitted from your zombie cult 'discourse' (even if 'primitive') is completely ludicrous, dear Bob.

    Anyhow, the whole point of your zombie cult's dembottery is to conceal economic realities (globalization, financialization) by inventing and trumpeting bullshit 'identity' grievances. Simple as that.

    1. Well, well, well,, as a Conservative Trump supporter, Mao Cheng Ji believes equality for all races is a bridge too far.

      Hey, thick-headed Somerby, passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 will ALWAYS be the thing "us Liberals" did to piss off the "other tribe".

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  2. Bowles said:
    “They [Chapo Trap House] are on their way to becoming the socialist’s answer to right-wing shock jock radio.”

    Really? The analogy is far from precise, since “Their primary targets, in evidence at that show in Iowa, are not the Republican Party or even Mr. Trump but rather centrist liberals, whom they see as the major obstacle to a workers’ revolution.”

    Right wing radio and TV tend to target the Left, not the Right. The Tea Party was formed primarily as a reaction against Obama, not Republicanism.

    These Chapo guys are attacking the Democratic Party, or “establishment”, as they call it.

    And “they have had major guests, including Mr. Sanders himself.”

    Time for Sanders to act like a responsible leader and disavow this group?

    No? Ok, then.

    But Somerby proceeds to blur the lines and pronounces this group as just “we on the left” without mentioning their expressed desire to *be* the left, “establishment” Democrats be damned.

    There are plenty of liberals who despise the whole Sanders phenomenon and who criticize him for allowing his supporters to act like jerks.

  3. “How about the angry conduct of some on the Dirtbag Left? Does their angry, sexualized conduct make sense?”

    The question of whether it “makes sense” is odd. Trump is constantly angry, and has sexually harassed many women, including a possible rape, he was caught on tape bragging about grabbing women in their private parts, he demeans women by rating them less than a 10, he sleeps with porn stars after the birth of his wife’s child, he brags about the size of his hands, assuring us there’s no problem “down there...” I could go on, but the point is that we live in such times. Trump got elected, so it “made sense” in this case.

    It’s clear that Somerby is turned off by what he perceives to be “sexualized” conduct, but what is also clear is that conservatives don’t seem to mind it in the least, even though Somerby seems to view such conduct as offensive to conservative sensibilities like his.

    1. Women are all oatmeal north of the eyebrows.

      Except when it comes to cooking and cleaning.

    2. Better trolling please.

    3. Liberals dont mind sexualized content either. They let Chris Matthews act like a pig for decades with saying a word. They let Bill Clinton cheat in his wife with a 23 year old and did nothing but defend him. Liberal women have, on average, 2 abortions every seven years making them total sluts.

    4. Better trolling please.

    5. Go back to the kitchen where you belong and scrub some potatoes and carrots.

    6. It's actually decent trolling, imo; I liked "all oatmeal north of the eyebrows".

      If it was any better, you'd probably have crawl into your safe space and cry, my dear.

    7. "you'd probably have crawl into your safe space and cry"

      What makes you think 9:52 is a Conservative?

    8. Liberal women have, on average, 2 abortions every seven years because, unlike Conservatives, they don't LOVE big government.

  4. The fury of the hour
    Anger can be power
    You know that you can use it

  5. "Do the sexualized insults in Alexis Coe's bizarre new best-seller actually make any sense? "

    Why would commenting about the excessive focus on manly thighs of figures such as Washington, by male biographers, be any kind of insult to anyone?

    It could equally be noted that male historians have focused exclusively on wars and politics among male rulers of nations and excluded all mention of what everyday people's lives were like, excluded social history entirely, and buried the details about women, slaves and other minorities, and marginalized figures, defining these other topics as off-limits for serious historians.

    In the 1960-70s, this exclusive focus by exclusively male historians, was challenged by new scholars who wrote about all of the excluded material. Feminist historians are among that group. One of my favorite books from that time period was about the use of pigs in NYC to clean up streets, leading to better sanitation and public health, which made a big change in people's lives. Are pigs an odd topic, weird, loony for historians? The traditional historians thought so and said heated things, much like those Somerby says here about Coe. But understanding what it was like for immigrants living in NYC tenements was important to fill in the blanks in our knowledge about the past. If some idealized versions created by male historians with an agenda to create heroes for our nation get debunked by more truthful accounts, it isn't because Coe is a loony but because those writers created larger-than-life figures that couldn't stand up to close examination.

    There are warped men who can't stand being laughed at by women. Somerby takes Coe's tone as if she were mocking the size of his own hands, not Washington's thighs. His pique is disproportionate to Coe's offense (writing a more real version of Washington's life and correcting public misconceptions). Are men like Somerby really unaware that women laugh at men all the time, because most men are funny, especially when they are taking themselves too seriously?

    I believe that Washington would have blushed at such writing about his thighs and wouldn't have wanted to be puffed up, the way male biographers have done over centuries. He seems to be someone who would have modestly sided with Coe, not Somerby, in this controversy.

  6. Bernie needs to disavow this kind of help to his campaign, but he won't:

    "President Trump asserted that the Democratic presidential primary is “rigged” against Sen. Bernie Sanders and speculated that candidates who had dropped out of the race had done so in exchange for positions in a Democratic presidential administration, The Hill reports.

    Said Trump: “I think it’s rigged against Bernie.”

    He later tweeted: “They are staging a coup against Bernie!”

    1. Well, he has history on his side.

    2. Meh. Not just history, it's beyond any doubt.

      And it's good. Even though "Bernie" is obviously a fake candidate, his clowning like a populist, and he might have a chance.

      Creepy Joe, on the other hand, will have no chance. Not a single human being would vote for him, and there's only so much they can achieve with falsifying votes.

    3. Republicans would vote for "Creepy Joe", if "Creepy Joe" gives them the bigotry they crave, like Trump and every other Republican do.
      Nice try though, stupid.

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  8. 'For years, we liberals kept saying that bad judgment and furious loathing could only come from the very bad people found Over There.'

    You mean we Trumptards, don't you ? Since Somerby is a Trumptard, dedicated to the worship and defense of Ron Johnson, DJT, Devin Nunes, Roy Moore.

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