Fort Sumter fired upon again!


Or is that an over-reaction? Has Fort Sumter been fired upon again? Would that be an over-reaction?

We do know this:

Candidate Trump is speaking in Iowa tonight. It will be very, very, very easy to compose his fiery speech. 

We do suspect that this is true:

Every time a state supreme court does something like this, new Trump voters will be getting their wings. That isn't the way we'll be voting ourselves, but we regard them as neighbors and friends.

Fuller disclosure: Maybe Norman O. Brown was right! The again, it's always possible that he was wrong.


  1. I was going to vote for Trump, but now I’m going to vote HARDER.

    1. Unless I live in Colorado.

    2. Some Republicans who tried to vote HARDER were arrested for election fraud.

    3. I was going to vote for Trump, but now I’m going to wank HARDER.
      Fixed for accuracy.

    4. Never underestimate the goldfish attention span of the typical American. Even the smartest of us can barely handle a Ted Talk these days.

    5. I can’t handle a Ted Talk.

  2. I am an independent who doesn’t live in Colorado, and this ruling totes makes me want to vote for Trump, cause I care about who’s on Colorado’s ballot.

  3. I don’t suppose the legal reasoning of Colorado’s Supreme Court matters (of course not, who am I kidding), because a legal ruling is totes equivalent to the firing on Fort Sumter.

  4. Somerby declares his true feelings today.

    1. Really used all one of your brain cells for this comment

  5. Republicans may rally around Trump on this, but there are still not enough Republicans to elect Trump president again.

    Ft. Sumter was a union fort that was fired upon by the Confederacy. It started the fighting in the civil war after the South had seceded from the Union.

    I don't see any parallels at all between this and the court decision. Somerby implies that it will upset MAGAs, but they are already about as worked up as they can get. And so what?

  6. The court that made this decision is fairly conservative.

  7. A legal ruling by a state Supreme Court is like the traitorous firing on fort Sumter. I am not a crank.

  8. Replies
    1. Trump may choke on a big mac and die.

  9. Fort Sumter was a United States Army base. The traitors attacked America. They were an early version of Nazis.

  10. Kevin looks at the crime rate:

  11. Bob’s friends and neighbors have made many arguments over the years as “original-its” claiming absolute fidelity to the Framers of the Constitution.
    So, it’s only natural Bob will provide them absolute cover by ignoring the validity of what the Court did. For Bob, doing the right thing is never justification for mildly offending his friends and neighbors who tried to destroy the Country, while claiming to oppose poisoning its blood. The notion that new Trump voters can still be created is dubious. Every lowlife seems to have stepped up and voted for him years ago.

  12. Actions have consequences.

  13. The impact of the Colorado Supreme Court on Trump is less important than its impact on our democracy. It 's chilling to imagine that a state can prohibit a candidate who has never even been convicted of a crime.

    1. We must allow Trump to run so that he can shut down elections and declare himself dictator for life. What’s a little arm twisting of state election officials and filing of false electoral slates and storming the Capitol if not a little unusual but harmless fun?

    2. It might be chilling if a certain faction holds that state legislators get to determine the winner in their state, popular vote be damned. Mightn’t it?

    3. Don't worry, David. The "states rights" Republican Party will fight this tooth and nail..

    4. David, I find "Moses" being elected the new House Speaker a little chilling myself. YMMV

      States rights for thee, but not for me, right David?

    5. David, Trump is charged with 91 felony counts at the moment and is doing everything he can to delay the day of judgement till after the election. Justice in this country depends on how many lawyers your rube fans will be willing to pay for. He has one judge in Florida who is delaying the trial beyond all reason and it appears that case will never see the light of day if she has anything to do with it.

      But be honest, David. Even if he is convicted on some of these felony charges, you will still support him enthusiastically. So cut the posturing bullshit about how chilled you are. I am chilled at the idea that you would hand power again to this insane megalomaniac who has already proven beyond all reasonable doubt that he is unfit for any public service let alone the presidency.

    6. Mike Johnson loves the Jews.

    7. Micah X. Johnson loved the 2nd Amendment.
      Lot of good that did him.


  14. It became clear in the fall of 2016 that American liberals turned fascist. And now they are openly fascist.

    I think this is a positive development. The lines are clear.

    1. 6:39,
      Thank you for this.
      If you're ever in Texas, look me up. I'd like to pay for a few of your abortions

    2. Yes, the coup that Obama and Hillary staged (after her clearly fake concession speech) and the continued adherence to the outmoded idea of “electing candidates” is a clear sign of liberal fascism.

  15. I would like to be a close friend of Cecelia. I mean close.

  16. I would’ve thought that the storming of the capital by Trump supporters on January 6 was akin to the attack on fort Sumter. But what do I know?

  17. Make no mistake, these people are dead inside and the hitting with car jokes are their attempt at asking for their souls to revive from the harsh coldness they display to people. Death loves company.
