RED AND BLUE BABEL: Blue tribe viewers heard all about it!


Red viewers, not so much: Last Friday morning, in print editions, the news report topped the front page of the New York Times.

It ran beneath a double headline in the upper-right hand corner of that page. The headlines in question said this:

Officials Brushed Off Detailed Blueprint, Concluding It Couldn't Be Done

In certain parts of our divided news nation, the report was treated as a major blockbuster. 

Elsewhere, the report was ignored. Online, the report, by Bergman and Goldman, starts off exactly like this:

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

Israeli officials obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews show. But Israeli military and intelligence officials dismissed the plan as aspirational, considering it too difficult for Hamas to carry out.

The approximately 40-page document, which the Israeli authorities code-named “Jericho Wall,” outlined, point by point, exactly the kind of devastating invasion that led to the deaths of about 1,200 people.

The translated document, which was reviewed by The New York Times, did not set a date for the attack, but described a methodical assault designed to overwhelm the fortifications around the Gaza Strip, take over Israeli cities and storm key military bases, including a division headquarters.

Hamas followed the blueprint with shocking precision. The document called for a barrage of rockets at the outset of the attack, drones to knock out the security cameras and automated machine guns along the border, and gunmen to pour into Israel en masse in paragliders, on motorcycles and on foot—all of which happened on Oct. 7.

The report continues from there. For the record, it doesn't claim that Israel's highest officials ever saw the "Jericho Wall" report:

The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.

So said the Times' front-page report on Friday morning, December 1. That morning, we were struck by the way the report was received across our deeply siloed "cable news" journalistic establishment. 

We learned about the front-page report as we watched MSNBC's Morning Joe program that morning. 

We hadn't yet scanned the New York Times. But on Morning Joe, the report was the subject of an uninterrupted, 29-minute discussion which began at 6:04 a.m., right at the start of the program.

Thanks to the work of the Internet Archive, you can watch the entire discussion. To do so, you should start by clicking here.

The Morning Joe web site posted a nine-minute excerpt of the much longer discussion. On the Morning Joe site, the excerpt carries this blockbuster headline:

Biggest intelligence blunder in 50 years and a day: NYT reporter on what Israel knew

To watch that excerpt, click this. You'll be seeing the program's interview with Ronen Bergman, one of the authors of the New York Times' report.

For readers of the New York Times—for viewers of the Morning Joe program—this front-page report was treated as a major news event. As we watched the lengthy discussion on Morning Joe, we wondered how the report was being handled over on the Fox News Channel—more specifically, on the channel's corresponding morning program, Fox & Friends.

Occasionally, we clicked over to the red tribe program. As we did, we saw a variety of topics being discussed. 

Some of the topics seemed to be trivial; some seemed more substantial. That said, we never saw any mention of the front-page Times report. 

Later, we searched all four hours of that morning's Fox & Friends broadcast. Once again, we were drawing on the invaluable work of the Internet Archive.

What we found was somewhat surprising. We found no sign that the blockbuster report in the New York Times had ever been mentioned that day in the four hours allotted to the sprawling Fox & Friends franchise.

(Fox & Friends First airs at 5 a.m. on weekdays. Fox & Friends follows at 6 a.m. and continues for three hours.)

Should the report in the New York Times have been mentioned on Fox & Friends? As with everything under the sun, that's a matter of judgment.

As you can see from this CNN transcript, CNN didn't open its 6 a.m. program that day with the Times report. The program began as shown:

ANNOUNCER (12/1/23): This is CNN breaking news.

POPPY HARLOW: Good morning, everyone. Glad you're with us. I'm Poppy Harlow with Phil Mattingly in New York. And we do begin with breaking news this morning.

The truce between Israel and Hamas is over. Once again, explosions are rocking Gaza, and giant plumes of smoke are rising over that skyline. The fighting started just minutes after the seven-day truce expired at midnight, Eastern Time.

Israel accused Hamas of breaking the deal by firing a rocket. The Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health in Gaza says today's strikes have already killed at least 32 people. And this is the aftermath of a strike in Southern Gaza this morning.

As you can see in this second transcript, CNN reported and discussed the Times report later in the 6 o'clock hour. That said:

In the four total hours of Fox & Friends, the "biggest intelligence blunder in 50 years and a day" was never mentioned at all.

We offer this as an example of the shape of our modern news / information landscape. Under current journalistic arrangements, we live in a nation of red and blue bayous—waters which ring a landscape largely littered with prominent red and blue silos.

Last Friday morning, blue tribe viewers heard all about it. Red tribe viewers didn't hear it mentioned at all.

We're inclined to think of this as a manifestation of a red and blue Babel. But what could we mean by that?

Tomorrow: The musings of Mark Levin


  1. From Digby: Biden's declining approval ratings, a drop in support among key Democratic voter blocs like Black and young voters, and the failed student loan forgiveness initiative are rasing strong doubts about his chances in a potential rematch.with President Trump. .

    1. The Democratic Party doesn't need Blacks and Mexicans. It's core group of supporters are aging white males who read blogs written by other again white males. And they all think they are smarter and more clever than everyone else.

      What could possibly go wrong?

    2. The only remaining group that supports Biden is aging white males who read blogs written by other again white males. And these aging white males are so smart they call anyone who doesn't agree with everything they believe racists.

      2024 will show the world the tactical brilliance of this strategy.

    3. Better trolling please.

    4. Ah, a pithy and trite aging white male riposte!!!

      Who could have guessed?

    5. As an again white male, I am fully confident in Joe Biden. I have tried to explain this to both Corby and Korbi, but they just don’t understand.

    6. Perfect response 10:16

      SO clever!!!!!! So smart!!!

    7. Me and my bridge partners will all vote for Joe Biden, because he's awesome. I'm Corby.

    8. Is this the new DNC talking point? Old man Biden is the king of icky patrician oldster white guys?

    9. Anonymouse 11:13am, they absolutely are that to me. It’s interesting that these glittering objects” are now showing up as routinely as Christmas trees.

    10. And that makes Cecelia a "troll detector" and indicator of whatever is inimical to Democrats in 2024, including whatever Somerby writes here.

    11. Well, it couldn’t make me merely someone who pays attention.

    12. It's ironic that aging, faux-intelligent, blog-reading white men who think they are smart and cool are the only group left that is supporting Biden in the same numbers.

      They are the most clueless among us although they think they are the exact opposite.

    13. This has become rather sad, guys. I wish you all well in whatever you're doing away from this cess pit.

    14. Well, if we are going to run the country based on "feelings", (anyone else remember when the Right used to cosplay on the internet that they hated feelings? We were all so young back then.), the low unemployment rate, the huge drop in the inflation rate year-over-year, and rising wages isn't going to help Biden.

    15. Like a lot of other things, the white, male, blog-readers who mistakenly think they are smart and cool, let the political world and politics of the country completely pass them by while they were spending all their time commenting on their aging, white male blogs about how smart and cool they were and how racist everyone else is.

    16. Now everyone can see who they really are: dumb, entitled, self-centered dorks.

    17. Thanks for the heads up.

      Racism is over.

      Trump exposed the “smart, cool” people as dorks, God bless him.

      We should have a parade, no?

    18. Anonymouse 1:36pm, those guys may be right, because you most certainly sound racist, as well as sexist.

    19. We would all do well to not define ourselves or others solely by what groups we belong to. It's sort of shocking how far it's gone at this point. For those inside the boiling water, they don't notice because they are frogs I guess.

    20. Who gives a shit if you are, or aren't, an illegal immigrant, for instance.

    21. Anonymouse 2:34pm, people who make laws and the people who enforce those laws.

    22. And willfull (?) misunderstanding. That's another crappy trend. Like go back before the internet, if someone said "to not define ourselves or others solely by what groups we belong to" we would all agree that it doesn't mean to completely ignore groups. Otherwise that's what it would say.

      But these days willful (or pretend) misunderstanding of perfectly reasonable and clearly stated ideas is rampant. And then we try to have a conversation about the original idea mixed with this strawman representation of it.

      Well, I should get out of here. Just sharing my thoughts on the way out as usual.

    23. Also people who like cheap undocumented labor. And the people who have to compete with that cheap undocumented labor.

    24. Cecelia is scum.

    25. I am an illegal immigrant. I condemn all sexual violence.

    26. Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes of all types.

    27. Agreeing with someone is the worst kind of tyranny.

  2. 1. CNN's coverage of the end of the truce by Hamas seems more important than an intelligence failure that has no particular time urgency.

    2. Somerby says Morning Joe's headline was:

    "Biggest intelligence blunder in 50 years and a day: NYT reporter on what Israel knew"

    Arguably, the biggest intelligence blunder for the US was the failure of George W. Bush to anticipate the attack on the trade towers on 9/11. Like Israel, the US had the info about the attack in hand but failed to take it seriously.

    3. Reporting on the intelligence failure seems to be aimed at blaming Netanyahu. It seems unsurprising that those defending Netanyahu would deemphasize that info while those attacking him would feature it prominently.

    4. As I recall, the NY Times ALSO reported the end of the ceasefire due to Hamas firing a rocket at Israel "just before" the end of the truce, not after its expiration. The lag between CNN and MSNBC reporting about the intelligence failure may have been so that CNN could nail down its reporting, not because of any particularly greater significance placed on the report by MSNBC compared to CNN.

    Recall that Somerby thinks that placement of items on a webpage reflects relative significance (importance) of an item by the media, when that is not as true for web reporting as it once may have been for print media. Timing of release of news may similarly reflect practical considerations more than matters of emphasis or importance.

    In fairness, Somerby should be mentioning when Fox finally did get around to mentioning the intelligence failure, instead of pretending that it has never mentioned it until this day.

    There is this from Fox News:

    "Fox News Live
    October 21, 2023
    Hamas attack was an Israeli intelligence failure at the core: Brett Velicovich
    FOX News contributor Brett Velicovich joined ‘Fox News Live’ to discuss the latest news emerging from the war as questions loom over the Israeli intelligence failure."

    And this:

    It isn't as if Fox has not been talking about the Israeli intelligence failures all along, even if Fox did not have access to the report run by the NY Times. Somerby pretence that Fox has been concealing such discussion seems misleading to me.

    1. Vice President Kamala Harris' unpopularity is another complicating factor.

    2. President Trump will solve these problems.

    3. Anonymouse 10:10am, the contention is that there was a failure of leadership that stemmed from not heeding obtained…known.. intelligence, rather than that Israel had been in the dark about the planned attack.

    4. Anonymouse 10:19am, on the freaking money and a generally overlooked point when speaking Harris’ talents or lack of them.

      Trump will turn her into a combination of Joan of Arc and Rosa Parks.

      The Second Amendment Sisters will be voting for her after he’s finished.

    5. Right-wingers dog-whistling their bigotry, is not walking through that door.

    6. Anonymouse 1:30pm, maybe not, but lesser…souls will.

    7. What a great, intelligent comment @10:10! I wish you had a nym so I could look for your comments in the future.

    8. Above comment from David in Cal

    9. The cult of personality is strong with 2:06.


  3. Could be intelligence failure, or could be part of a plan to exterminate tens of thousands more of the unwanted population, and take over Gaza.

    Who knows.

    1. That makes no sense.

    2. Netanyahu and his admin are too entangled with Hamas and Russia for it to be called an intelligence or leadership failure.

  4. Here is one of the reasons why Al Gore lost the presidency: he picked Joe Lieberman to run with:

    "I have a lot of admiration for Nikki Haley," former Democrat and "No Labels," founding chair Joe Lieberman told Neal Cavuto during an appearance on Fox News' "Your World."

    "I haven't spoken at all to her about this. But it is true; some of our big supporters know her well. I wouldn't be surprised if they are talking with her."

    Democrats wanted to vote for a Democratic candidate, not somone like Lieberman.

    1. It was absolutely one of Gore's own mistakes (Hillary picked a fine man, but not one who did her any favors with voters), but you should put a little context into this: Joe might have been considered a conservative Democrat, but he wasn't half the A hole then that he turned out to be in later years. Also, this was all about Monica. Joe had done some high profile grandstanding over Bill's supreme bimbo disaster and it's sort of what made him a national figure. Gore thought he would be useful to him in that way, since Monica would be killing him the press the whole way. Bob's take on Gore is accurate, but he never admitted Al made his own mistakes.

    2. The SC won the presidency for Bush, as Gore actually won the election; it was a judicial coup by a cohort bought and paid for by right wing billionaires. Congress is finally getting around to the issue, but just barely, with Dem senators subpoenaing Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow, to the outrage of Republicans.

      Gore was a bland campaigner, ineffective at motivating voters, thus voter turnout in 2000 was very low.

      Bush and his right wing admin ignored intelligence warnings that a terrorist attack was imminent, and then responded to 9/11 by ignoring who the attackers were (mostly Saudis) and instead going to war with an unrelated nation, killing a massive amount of innocent civilians, perhaps a million. Bush and his admin had both a personal grudge against Iraq as well as financial interests, so they lied their way into the war; Gore would not have taken the same actions.

      America is shackled by the degree to which its citizens suffer from soul crushing trauma; from religious indoctrination to brainwashing via advertising and corporate media to shocking amounts of child abuse to zombification caused by the alienation, exploitation, and wage slavery of capitalism.

      Wake up, people.

    3. “America is shackled by the degree to which its citizens suffer from soul crushing trauma; from religious indoctrination to brainwashing via advertising and corporate media to shocking amounts of child abuse to zombification caused by the alienation, exploitation, and wage slavery of capitalism.”

      She has now declared the U.S.ofA a victim of childhood trauma and an enlarged amygdala.

    4. Agree or not, the weakness of your response is in essence an endorsement of 1:23.

      Parts of your brain will want to you to get mad, to dominate; better to ignore those parts and heed the parts that want to learn.

    5. Anonymouse 1:52pm, it’s fair game, entertaining, and highly revealing when anonymices denounce their political opponents as being mentally unstable children. When they expand that to the entire culture, you know you can put a fork in them. They’re done.

    6. More violent imagery and cannibalism! You are a sick person Cecelia. More evidence you are likely not female. Women care about suffering children and never suggest roasting and eating them.

    7. Anonymouse 8:57pm, go tell that to the Grimm Brothers.

    8. That makes no sense.

    9. “ when anonymices denounce their political opponents as being mentally unstable children”

      Ironic, given that Somerby has spent eight years labeling Trump a mentally ill child that we shouldn’t scold, and should pity. Guess it’ll AOK when Bobbo does it.

    10. "Guess it’ll AOK when Bobbo does it."

      All of them, Katie.

  5. Someone interested in assessing the media might want to ask "is this a good article? Does it DESERVE to be picked up by other vendors? Does it convince a fair minded person that these factors are important to consider?"
    Instead Bob focuses on how the big cable TV Political News players picked it up and didn't pick it up. The clear implication (sorry my sad Doggie) is that they are both equally prejudiced, just in different directions. Which I guess is true enough if you believe, as Bob does, that Trump has some unfortunate mental problems and is being unfairly victimized.
    One thing that did change in the Trump era is that the NYTs and the WP are not automatically followed by all the other vendors. The big stories of Trumps corruption were not picked up by Fox, obviously.
    These things obviously depend on the story. If the Times or the Post broke a story with hard evidence about the corruption of The Clinton Foundation, I think you could bet everything you had in the bank that Fox would be leading with it. That won't happen, however, because The Clinton Foundation is not corrupt and doesn't do much but help people who need a lot of help.

    1. Anonymouse 11:49am, help from the Clintons had certainly been on the minds of the people who contributed to their foundation.

    2. you mean at a manufactured BS story back in 2019?

    3. The Clinton foundation rating did slip at one point from an A to an A-. What a surprise to find you keep up with underworld of Conservative Bullshit, Cecelia.

    4. Anonymouse 12:20pm, Open Secrets isn’t conservative and the donor class is bipartisan when it comes to power.

    5. I do suggest those interested follow Cecelia's "recent" link to the Clinton Foundation. It suggests, after years of being smeared in the press, they were having problems with donations back then. Four years later they seem to be going strong. Oh, and if you read to the end, it mentions the major fines the Trump Foundation has had to pay out. But I think there right to continue doing business was eventually pulled. One wonder if dumb Xunt Cecelia even bothers to read these things.

    6. Anonymouse 12:30pm, the Clinton Foundation had a sharp drop in donations after she wasn’t elected, but subsequent to Trump taking the highest office, all things Trump have been tore up from the floor up.

      Who is surprised that the Clinton Foundation is still in business?

    7. While Trump likely does not suffer from the mental problems Somerby suggests, it is clear Trump is now suffering from an age related mental decline of exactly the sort he tries to project onto Biden.

      It’s the same with everything else; Trump treats his kids horribly, runs his family as a criminal enterprise, used a “foundation” to scam people out of money, etc., and then tries to project all that onto those he perceives as his enemies.

    8. How horrible: projecting onto awesome Joe Biden himself!
      Tell us more, please. I'm Corby.

    9. Every Right-wing accusation is really a confession.

    10. Who is surprised that the Clinton Foundation is still in business?

      What the fuck does that mean, Cecelia? You really are a nasty piece of work. Does it bug your cretinous ass that President Clinton has been running a real global charity?

    11. Surely you meant: a large influence peddling enterprise?

    12. Every right-wing accusation is a confession. There are no exceptions.

    13. The Clinton Foundation is one of the charities I support with a monthly donation. I admire the work all of the Clintons have been doing and it has a high rating as an effective charity (one that doesn't waste money and is addressing important issues). See for yourself:

    14. Biden was receiving payments from communist China through Hunter's shell company. As a Minister of State, he is held responsible for matters within their respective competency; there is no joint responsibility in regard to such matters. He is held to take part in the conduct of the Government but his responsibility is the rule. The evil of such a crime is that the accused will ultimately foreshadow a supreme power of the Sovereign. Such a state of things can never be approved of according to our Constitution.

    15. 2:40,
      Awesome. Now, all you need is someone willing to swear to these charges under oath in a courtroom of law.
      Sending thoughts and prayers (aka virtue-signaling) that the Right's amnesia/ perjury-phobia doesn't trip them up yet again.

    16. Hunter Biden was paying off a loan. In the age of Trump, making a creditor whole, is an impeachable offense.

    17. Wasn't it that Hunter Biden's shell corporations were paying off a loan?

    18. Hunter Biden needs to be impeached.

    19. 7:55, does it make any difference which pocket Hunter Biden used to pay off the loan? Do you find something illegal about the use of shell corporations? Do you know how many "shell" corporations Trump controls?

    20. I always pay my personal debts from company's accounts. I am Corby.

  6. Mark Levin?

    Thanks for the warning.

  7. 12:30 - "dumb Xunt Cecelia"

    12:30, you're just a misogynist pig. Everybody else - we shouldn't put up with this kind of crap.

    1. Oh, I thought she was implying that I’m her ex-husband’s aunt.

    2. CC - I admire the way you turn your cheek to this kind of bullshit with a dash of humor.

    3. DG, you don’t know which kind cheek I turn to it.

    4. You said cheek, hahahahahahaha.

    5. Are we supposed to silence bigotry, now?
      When did this disregard for listening to "the Others" become vogue?

    6. 7:28,
      Welcome back.
      Bob dropped the idea of listening to "the Others", once people started reporting back what "the Others" were saying.

  8. CC - That, for me, puts an entirely new perspective on what Jesus said.

    1. DG, he left it open-ended.

      I do too.

    2. CC - You're killing me.

    3. Jesus is one of the most over-rated characters in history.

    4. God and Jesus are fictional, not historical, characters.
