BLUE MOON: Welker asked an obvious second question!


Stefanik cuffed her aside: The world will little note, nor long remember, last Sunday's Meet the Press.

Back on December 5, Elise Stefanik had rocked the world when she questioned, or at least seemed to question, the presidents of three elite universities.

Now the rising red tribe star appeared on Meet the Press. Indeed, Stefanik was featured as Kristen Welker's lead guest. 

The 17-minute interview has generated little commentary. The interview did give us a way to ponder an important question:

Why is it so easy for current red tribe Trump supporters to steamroll our blue tribe's stars?

Back on December 5, Stefanik had steamrolled three college presidents, with blue tribe stars like Professor Tribe affirming her performance. 

Now, as we noted on Tuesday, she filibustered her way past Welker's peculiar opening question.  At this point, Welker turned to a second question, one which was blindingly obvious:

Three years later, what should we Americans think about the events which took place on January 6, 2021? What should we Americans think about that day's assault on the Capitol?

That was the essence of Welker's question. For the record, Rep. Stefanik had discussed those events on the very day in question. 

On the evening of January 6, Congress had reconvened to certify the 2020 election. Eventually, Stefanik rose to speak about the events of the day. 

Recognized by Speaker Pelosi, Stefanik had risen with a heavy heart, then had offered this:  

STEFANIK (1/6/21): Madame Speaker, I rise with a heavy heart. This has been a truly tragic day for America, and we all join together in fully condemning the dangerous violence and destruction that occurred today in our nation's Capitol.

Americans will always have the freedom of speech and the constitutional right to protest. But violence in any form is absolutely unacceptable. It is anti-American and must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Thank you to the heroic United States Capitol Police and thank you to the bipartisan professional staff of the United State Capitol for protecting the People's House and the American people.


History is a guide that the people's sacred house is the appropriate venue for a peaceful debate. And this peaceful debate serves as a powerful condemnation to the violence that perpetrated our Capitol grounds today, the violence that was truly un-American. 

Today's discussion is about the Constitution and it is about the American people. But it must also be about clearly and resolutely condemning the violence that occurred today.

For C-Span's videotape of the five-minute speech, just click here, then move ahead to minute 33.

Speaking with a heavy heart, Stefanik had unequivocally condemned the "dangerous violence" that had occurred that day. 

The violence had been "anti-American," the gentlelady had sadly said. It had also been "un-American."

She left no doubt concerning the people who had engaged in that violence. They "must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," the gentlelady had said. Indeed, she said that she and her colleagues must "clearly and resolutely condemn the violence that occurred" that day.

So it went, in real time, as Stefanik spoke in the well of the House. Now, though, three years later, our nation was engaged in a somewhat different kind of civil war.

In her peculiar opening question, Welker had identified Stefanik as "one of [Candidate Donald J.] Trump's strongest supporters." Stefanik hadn't demurred in any way from that fairly obvious characterization.

That said, Trump now seemed to be describing the people who had been prosecuted for their conduct on January 6 as political "hostages." As a very strong Trump supporter, what did Stefanik think about that? 

As the Meet the Press transcript attests, at least one inquiring mind wanted to know. Below, you see the second question Welker posed to her guest:

WELKER: This weekend, we did mark the three-year anniversary [of January 6]. And I want to pause for a minute and play some of the comments that you made on the evening of that day. Let's take a look:


STEFANIK: This has been a truly tragic day for America. Americans will always have the freedom of speech and the constitutional right to protest. But violence in any form is absolutely unacceptable. It is anti-American and must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


WELKER: In terms of what we're hearing today, former President Trump has referred to January 6th as a, quote, "beautiful day." Just this weekend, he referred to some of those who are serving time for having stormed the Capitol as, quote, "hostages." 

Do you still feel as though that day was tragic and that those who were responsible should be held responsible to the fullest extent of the law?

Candidate Trump has begun to refer to the people in question as "hostages." What did Stefanik think about that? 

It was a blindingly obvious question. To her credit, Welker asked.

You'll note that Welker had only played some of Stefanik's relevant comments from the evening in question. 

Viewers of Meet the Press saw Stefanik refer to the violence of January 6 as "anti-American." They didn't see the part of her speech where she called it un-American.

TV news tends to work that way—but Welker's question was blindingly obvious. Given what Stefanik had said in real time, which does she think about her candidate's growing body of statements in which he has described those perpetrators as "J-6 political prisoners," even as "hostages?"

This was a perfectly valid question. In fact, it was blindingly obvious.

In the exchange which ensued, some other facts became obvious. Just to offer you a tease, Stefanik's blunderbuss reply started off like this:

STEFANIK (continuing directly): Well, first of all, Kristen, as typical for NBC and the biased media, you played one excerpt of my speech...

So typical for the biased media! As part of the blunderbuss performance which would leave Welker in the dust, the "odious demagogue" began her reply with a heartfelt complaint:

Welker had only played part of her speech from January 6! She hadn't played the videotape of the entire five minutes! 

This was typical of the biased media, the rising star now said.

So began the blunderbuss reply from an alleged "odious demagogue." We submit that, in what followed, a certain sad fact became clear:

Back on December 5, Stefanik had steamrolled three college presidents, with blue tribe figures like Professor Tribe affirming her performance. Now, she proceeded to steamroll Welker too, in a way we'll show you tomorrow.

Members of our flailing blue tribe have long placed our faith in our blue tribe elites. We refer to our journalistic elites, but also to their academic counterparts.

They're "highly educated," we've long been told. But what happens when these blue elites run into the world's Stefaniks?

Tomorrow: Anatomy of an escape


  1. Kristen Welker is a star, not of the blue tribe, but of Comcast.

    1. Shohei Ohtani and Taylor Swift are blue tribe stars.

    2. Ohtani is a red star.

    3. So he changed from red to blue! He set a fine example for us all.

  2. Biden forced Netanyahu to publicly reject the idea of Israel displacing Palestinians and permanently occupying Gaza.
    There goes Bibi's Right-wing coalition.
    He'll be just another Claudine Gay, in their eyes.

    1. This your hero?

      “We believe the submission against Israel to the International Court of Justice distracts the world from all of these important efforts. And moreover, the charge of genocide is meritless.”

      The US "eliminates a previous request for the U.N. “to exclusively monitor all humanitarian relief consignments to Gaza provided through land, sea and air routes” by outside parties to confirm their humanitarian nature."

      Jan 11, 2024: Biden Admin Deployed Air Force Team to Israel to Assist with Targets, Document Suggests

      Jan 11, 2024: In Genocide Case Against Israel at The Hague, the U.S. Is the Unnamed Co-Conspirator

      Dec 21, 2023: Joe Biden Abstains From Watered-Down U.N. Gaza Resolution, Then Takes Credit Anyway

      Dec 14, 2023 Pentagon Taps “Tiger Team” to Rush Weapons to Israel

      Dec 13, 2023: White House Downplays Biden’s Remarks on Israel’s ‘Indiscriminate Bombing’

  3. Laurence Tribe, who affirmed Elise Stefanik’s performance, is not a member of the blue tribe. Don’t let his name confuse you.

    1. Who is in the "blue" tribe is a matter of subjective opinion. I do see that he is all in on trump being barred under the 14th amendment, which seems pretty blue to me. though he is a "Tribe'. What's the litmus test for qualifying as a member of the "blue tribe/"

    2. Somerby is name calling when he mentions tribes.


    3. AC, the suit in Colorado to remove trump from the ballot was brought by a Republican, and is supported by former Republican judge Luttig:

      Why you or anyone else thinks Democrats are manically pursuing this is beyond me. Besides, why should it be a “blue thing” to want to stop a mentally ill, lying sociopath (reminder: that’s Somerby’s description of Trump) from running, especially one who attempted a coup? Shouldn’t everybody want him removed?

  4. In Trumpworld, down is up and the sun rises in the west, no matter what the facts show. Dumb and dumber.

  5. Trump is proud that he overturned Roe v Wade.

  6. What's the purpose of MTP? Is the purpose for the moderator to "win" against the guest? Or, is the purpose for the guest to present his/her POV and talking points? With liberal guests, it's the latter. Bob is upset that, a conservative was treated as well as a liberal.

    1. David, internet blogs just cannot get better than Bob’s when he’s going with an undercurrent of sarcasm.

    2. David, for that matter why do they even need a moderator. Why not just invite Stefanik on and put her in front of an open mike, and give her a ten minute undisturbed block to spew whatever bullshit she feels like. You fucking imbecile.

    3. Sarcasm is a way of saying something that evades responsibility. Powerless people, like children, use it. If you are trying to communicate, speak directly not in a disguised manner.

    4. That's one form that sarcasm can take. And one opinion about it. Vindictive people use it that way so it makes sense that's your view of it, judging by the way you insult and berate others.

    5. "Powerless people..."

      The onion starts to unravel.

    6. Anonymouse 1:34pm, right, and anonymices never wish to avoid ownership of what they say.

    7. Another good point. Oh well doesn't seem like 1:34 will ever give an inch on anything. It would be like that time when the republicans didn't want to count the black votes or the way no one can feel anxious about the economy without being a shill or perhaps a republican that believes in something other than bigotry.

    8. Somerby is a bad writer.

    9. Anonymouse 1:50pm, no, it’s more like the time when anonymices, who don’t put their name to any thing they write, say all sorts of bad things about Bob and now imply that he’s passive aggressive and weak because he’s sarcastic as times.

      It’s like that time.

    10. bingo cecelia, and Somerby is unmarried because passive aggressiveness and sarcasm are bad for relationships. They are bad for working with kids too. easier to call yourself a comedian than to learn to relate to others better. Here sits Somerby lecturing us about how to get along with Others. The irony, the tragedy.

    11. The irony, the tragedy? The waste of time, the boredom.

    12. D & C - the very purpose of these types of interviews with pols should be, but rarely is, to put them on the spot, to cut thru all the BS that is their normal way of communicating, whether it a dem pol or a GOP pol. I think Stepanik asked stupid gotcha questions - no oner on these campuess called for genocide against the Jews. You might disagree with support of the Palestinians, that's an entirely different thing. She and the GOP did bring out that there is some type of double standard though at these campuses with respect to DEI, and the GOP, effectively it appears, has turned the table on libs. that doesn't mean that Stefanik is using this for anything other than politics. It seems there's little GOP concern about far-right groups who march thru the streets chanting "Jews will not replace us." One thing I'd be curious about - Stefanik's characterization of the J6 defendants who have pleaded or been found guilty as "hostages." Just like the hostages being held by Hamas? isn't that foul on her 9and Trump's) part to use that characterization?

    13. There are white supremacists who hate Jews and commit hate crimes, up to and including killings. Denying this is wrong. Some of these people are on campuses. Denying this is wrong too. Some of these Jew haters are pro-Palestinian. Denying that is wrong. You make people feel crazy when you deny their reality. People are doing that to Jews. It is wrong.

    14. Not a rodent, another thing that’s bad for relationships and for personal happiness is the tendency to over react.

      We see that in the anonymouse’s whip-shot response about sarcasm being juvenile and your launch into a critique of Bob’s personal life and character.

      Somerby rightly bemoans the political culture today and we’re all a part of that. Grow up and learn to take such social commentary like an adult, if only for the sake of the people around you.

    15. Sarcasm IS for 12 year olds. You are over-reactng.

    16. Nice comment Cecelia.

      Sarcasm is ever present in literature, particularly in English literature. Sarcasm is a literary bed-fellow of satire and irony and is used almost exclusively as a humorous device. Sarcasm is used for many different reasons, often to simply subvert the original meaning of what is being said as a satire or sending up of the subject.

      "...for 12 year olds"

    17. Anonymouse 3:43pm,

      Mark Twain:
      “I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.”

    18. "is the purpose [of MTP] for the guest to present his/her POV and talking points?"

      Yes, in part, but the moderator should push back against misinformation. MTP should seek to inform, rather than to mislead, its audience.

    19. PP -- in an ideal world I would agree with you, but today's partisanship is so strong that the ideal is impossible. Suppose Tucker Carlson were the interviewer, and Tucker pushed back against misinformation. We wouldn't trust Tucker to push back in an unbiased way. The same goes for the liberal moderator on MTP

    20. That's ok, David. Normal people who follow the news and haven't gone batshit crazy humping an orange abomination will be able to sort it out. That leaves you out.

    21. "There are some some of these some some some"

      Hmm you seem to be upset about a lot of people named Somesome.

      What did the Somesome family ever do to you?

  7. Kevin Drum:

    1. Yet, Jews continue to mostly support Democrats, although it's changing gradually..

    2. The Gaza war is not about US politics.

    3. Supporting Israel is not helping Jews.

    4. None of us is there. We do not need to be fighting a proxy war here when we have our own serious problems to deal with. I trust Biden. If you don’t, that is your problem. Firing Gay solves nothing.

    5. @1:31 I am not a Biden fan, but I am thrilled by his whole-hearted support of Israel in t he war against the Gaza barbarians.

    6. Hitler was a Jew.

    7. David,

      Real wages for 2023 are up substantially over the year and relative to pre-pandemic levels for most workers. I can understand why you are not a fan of President Biden.

    8. I thought real wages were below pre pandemic levels. Do you have a source, @3:33?

    9. This chart shows that real wages are substantially below pre-covid wage levels, although real wages did grow slightly from a low point in Feb 2022

      The chart also shows dramatic growth in real wages during Trump's Presidency.

    10. These developments are behind a favorable equation helping American workers: maintaining tight labor markets amidst easing inflation equals real wage growth. Real hourly wages of private-sector workers rose slightly last month (up 0.1 percent), were up 0.8 percent over the past year, and have accelerated in recent months, up 2.5 percent annualized over the past three months. The figure below shows the yearly and 3-month annualized real wage gains for all private and for middle-wage workers,[2] with the latter group up almost 3 percent over 2023Q4. Relative to their level before the pandemic (Dec 2019), real hourly wages are up 1.1 percent for all private workers and 3.3 percent for mid-wage workers, a good example of how persistently tight labor markets disproportionately helps middle and lower-paid workers.

    11. Under Biden, real wages have decreased, housing and car prices have increased, and grocery and gas prices have gone up.

    12. Tunisian Jews did see the creation of a nation state outside of Europe as a "Hitlerist" agenda.

      But the historical Adolph Hitler used a combination of Christian leadership held half at gunpoint, and a hybrid of quasi-schizoid pagan and colonization of Hinduist imagery.

      The creation of flag versus flag politics is an attempt of white supremacy to colonize the Jewish spirit.

      There is a need to be conclusive about this history to get it right. There is no clarity added from this hoax statement, just a jump ahead into the makebelieve terrain between centrist arrogance and far-right cultural hammering away at lies.

      If anti-Semites want to call someone a Jew, call Jesus one. Notice they go right for Adolph, don't they?

    13. 1:08am isn’t word salad, but it isn’t coherent, either.

    14. How is it not word-salad?

    15. Let's slowly parse the strategy of saying the highly sensational statement: Hitler was a Jew and uncover why it supports white supremacy.

      Any people, Palestinian or Jewish or Sioux or Creek have one big power over their adversity, which is the truth that it happened. When bigots wear down that sense of truth they get one small foot in the door. Saying that the German Christian Nazi movement was actually Jewish is an attempt to disrupt your sense of the Real and True, in order to get you to break down your barrier to white supremacy propaganda.

      The reality is that Jews and Communists and anti-imperialists were the first people to see what Hitler was doing, and getting them squarely on the side of evil, serves the agenda of white power movements.

      It is not a casual factoid thrown out for no reason, there is motivation behind lying in this particular way.

  8. Hope you righty trolls enjoy your new blog. No one else is commenting here any more.

    1. This blog is on its deathbed. I am Corby.

    2. There was never more than a couple right wing trolls, if you don’t count DIC and Cecelia. This dolt with the Corby comments may be the old Mao joker, now driven completely nuts. It was a short trip.

    3. DiC and Cecelia aren’t trolls. They just disagree with us.

    4. Someone likes to lump in any intelligent commenters that dare to question the establishment left and their braindead media circus in with the angry anti-woke, alt-right and actual russian disinfo agents. It's convenient to paint with a broad brush.

      We won't miss you, establishment lefters.

    5. Anonymouse 4:02pm, unless Digby has gotten orders from Satan, or RFK, Jr or the new and improved Sen. Fetterman have started blogs, the coven ain’t going anywhere.

    6. What a horrible person you are.

    7. Anonymouse 4:44pm, oh, yeah, your empathetic sweet self isn’t leaving this blog. You’re here to tell others they’re bad as long as the door is open.

    8. Don't over-react, Cecelia.

    9. Sen. Fetterman truly is new and improved. He’s denying that he’s ever been progressive.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Anonymouse 3:51pm, you can’t really be an anonymouse. You’re normal and sane.

  9. Erik Loomis:

  10. We do not place our faith in blue tribe elites. Somerby says this to malign us. Welker is not anything to us. Somerby is making shit up.

  11. It's bizarre that commenters so rarely engage with what Somerby actually says. Here, for example, Somerby makes this point: Journalistic and academic elites have no clue how to respond to right-wing demagogues. Instead of engaging, commenters quibble about who is on the "blue team," insult each other, and debate irrelevancies.

    1. No one (except Bob, obviously) cares what the clowns on either side are saying to each other. It's just noise.

    2. Somerby is wrong and he has said the same thing so often there is no point in engaging his points yet again.

    3. Actually, this is a new point, that blue elites are flummoxed by red demagogues. But commenters are more interested in grinding their own axes.

    4. The elite blue commenters are pushing back on a red demagogue, but the red demagogue's fanboys aren't happy about t.

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  13. Somerby is an ass. I am Not a rodent.

    I smell my fingers. I am Corby.
