THE SILOS: "A lot of Crazy on the left?"


Is our own blue bayou a swamp? According to experts, life on the cable show Fox & Friends is a daily anthropology lesson.

The propaganda flow is endless. Quite routinely, the deeply dangerous flow of propaganda is just plain comically awful. This teaches an anthropology lesson—a lesson in how far we humans will often be willing to go in support of Storyline, in fealty to Tribe.

The comically awful Fox & Friends is broadcast from within the red tribe's silo. In this morning's New York Times, Bret Stephens offers an instructive remark about the cable news shows which are broadcast from the fetid bayous which constitute our own blue tribe's blue silo.

For the record, Stephens has been aggressively anti-Trump dating to 2016. In this morning's "Conversation" with Gail Collins, he says that he'll probably vote for Joe Biden next year, "barring the miracle of a Nikki Haley or Chris Christie candidacy on the Republican line."

For ourselves, we'll definitely be voting for Biden next year, or for whoever else may appear on the Democratic line. That said, we think Stephens made an important point about life inside our own blue tribe when he cited this possible threat to Biden's re-election:

STEPHENS (9/12 23): Assuming the president wants to get re-elected, while preserving the possibility of immigration reform sometime in the next, oh, 100 years, he has to get control of the border. Right now. ...

[W]e’ve had a 30-month crisis that too many Democrats downplayed until it became a blue-state problem...[I]f Biden doesn’t get control of the border, it will become Donald Trump’s signature—and possibly winning— issue in next year’s campaign.

Could the border become Donald J. Trump's winning issue next year? We'd say that it certainly could!

Increasingly, we have a hard time believing that President Biden can get re-elected at all. For today, we'll only suggest that you take note of Stephens' remark about the way "too many Democrats downplayed [the border issue] until it became a blue-state problem."

Alas! The Crazy emerges from the red tribe's silo all day long. That said, the major stars within our own blue silo have almost wholly avoided discussing the border—until black Democratic mayors recently began to scream and complain about the failures of immigration policy.

The Crazy is endless from within the red silo. But whenever we flip over to reports from within the blue silo, we find a group of screaming Mimis who can only discuss one topic:

Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Jail!

For members of our own blue tribe, the notion that Trump is going to jail is pleasing comfort food. When our tribunes discuss that topic and virtually nothing else, they almost seem to be engaged in a form of moral and mental illness—and they may be ensuring Biden's defeat, much as Stephens suggests.

Trump Trump Trump Trump Jail! Starting at 4 p.m. each day, our corporate tribunes serve us bowls of that pleasing gruel and they offer us little else.

This strikes us as a form of madness by avoidance. That said, and in total fairness, Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Jail is a blue silo product which sells.

The friends at Fox broadcast their wares starting at 5 a.m. But under our current form of news by silo, they're never forced to interact with the tribunes of our own blue tribe. 

By the same token, the nattering tribunes of our own tribe are never forced to interact with them! So it goes in a culture of news by silo—in a culture where news and opinion are segregated by viewpoint.

Tales of immigration disaster have been spreading from the blue tribe's silo all along.  Full disclosure:

Some of these broadcasts have even been basically accurate! 

By way of contrast, corporate tribunes within our own tribe have helped us cover our ears and shutter our minds. To our own ear, the refusal to address this problem has been a form of madness by omission. 

That said, Bill Maher made a shocking statement—a statement of a different type—to MSNBC's Ari Melber last week.

In part, Bill's remark was triggered by something Melber said. Tomorrow, we'll show you what Melber said—but for today, this was part of Bill's reply:

MAHER (9/7/23): [Trump supporters] see him as the one thing that is standing between them and something even crazier. And there is a lot of Crazy on the left.

Say what? There's a lot of Crazy on the left? Is Bill allowed to say that?

More to the point, could his statement perhaps be accurate in some tiny way? Is there any chance that what he said bears a germ of truth?

As you may know, we go back with Bill all the way to the Richmond Comedy Club days. Our six appearances on his initial program, Politically Incorrect, are some sort of unassailable industry record.

We don't always agree with Bill's pronouncements. But we thought his statement to Melber had the ring of truth.

To our ear, the love of Trump Trump Trump Trump Jail has become a form of moral and intellectual illness. In fairness, this theme is incessantly broadcast from within our blue silo because it's good for profits.

Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Jail? We love love love to hear it! 

In our view, it has become a dangerous form of crazy by omission. But is there possibly something more to what Bill said? Is there some sort of "crazy on the left" by commission which could end up defeating Biden next year?

Roy Orbison sang of a certain blue bayou. Awful as The Others may be, is our own blue silo a swamp?

Tomorrow: Like Augustine, we confess


  1. Lizzie Skurnick’s. Uncle David won the Michele Bachmann Award in 1985.

  2. The Others are totally awful. And We are totally not crazy.

    And anyone who says different is a racist, sexist, misogynist, ableist, ageist, biphob, homophobe and transphobe. And that's a scientific fact.

    1. The “others” are not totally awful.

      The policies and priorities of the current Republican Party are totally awful, and working to elect them or allowing them to be elected is detrimental to our country.

      That is a distinction that Somerby never bothers to make.

    2. Actually, Somerby makes this distinction all the time. I think of it as one of his fundamental points. On our side, we tend to brand "all" the Others as racist, etc., which tends to drive them away. If we could see that "some" of the Others, at least, operate in good faith, perhaps we could engage and try to persuade those few. If we could reach one or two percent, even, then we liberals would win more elections, which (in our view) would be good for the country.

    3. Somerby can tell us that he plans to vote for Biden but I won’t believe him as long as he thinks anything the left does excuses a Republican governor sending asylum seekers on a bus into the Hurricane Hilary flood zone, just to own the libs.

      Biden is the best president since FDR and Somerby cannot say anything good about him. With Dems like Somerby, who needs Republicans?

      Bill Maher only proves there are purported Democrats more ignorant than the right wing. No one I know can stand watching him any more.

    4. @Dogface George,
      it seems more likely that they would manage to persuade the vanishing not-totally-crazy portion of you, instead.

    5. Dogface, no the left does not do that. But it would help your argument if you could identify one single good faith non-raciat Republican politician, by name.

      You are incorrect about trying to attract any % of Republican voters. That is wasted effort. It is a better idea to woo Independent voters. Some % of them will be disaffected former Republican voters.

      Somerby keeps suggesting we should move right to attract Trump voters. Polls show we need to be ourselves, emphasizing the issues that are supported bipartisanly, such as abortion rights, gun control, wider access to gun control, support for Ukraine.

      Somerby meanwhile keeps repeating Republican talking points — Biden is too old, we must control the border, the left is too crazy. How will that help elect Biden?

    6. typo: should say “wider access to health care”

    7. "it seems more likely that they would manage to persuade the vanishing not-totally-crazy portion of you, instead"

      I guess that's my point: Insults are not an effective method of persuasion.

    8. Here's a question for the commentariat:

      Why does Somerby--whom we are assured is a MAGA supporter incognito--say that he'll definitely (italicized in the original) vote for Biden? And that the Crazy is endless from within the red silo? And that Trump has a disordered mind and that Carlson is fully deranged?

      What kind of return on investment is Somerby's mythical right-wing sugar daddy getting?

    9. Kevin McCarthy is a good Republican.

    10. Hector's questions are good ones.

      As an aside, isn't it interesting that the quality of comments made by those who will put a name on their comments tends to be much higher than comments made by those who post as "Anonymous."

    11. "Insults are not an effective method of persuasion."

      But it's not about persuading; it's about dividing. Divide and rule; the oldest time-tested tactic.

    12. My cousin is Bret Stephens’ uncle’s shoeshine guy whose high school sweetheart has a PhD in linguistics, and based on her research and her inside information, she says that Bret Stephens will not be voting for Biden.

      When you take someone’s word at face value, without reasonably considering context, you are as much an ignorant fool as they are a con trying to manufacture ignorance.

      Modern electoral politics seem to well demonstrate that persuasion has no impact on electoral politics, that motivating voters is what drives voting, not persuasion. Furthermore, psychologists say that right wingers are impervious to rational persuasion in politics, so when one suggests persuasion as a strategy, they are either ignorant or not serving the interest of Dems, and thus irrelevant.

    13. We still have a secret ballot. No one can check Somerby’s claim. He is lying about being liberal. Why wouldn’t he lie about how he votes? He lied about voting for Hillary, never supporting her candidacy.

      As a principle of persuasion, a liberal person would be more persuaded of something by a fellow liberal than by a conservative. Somerby’s former liberal cred is all he has to sell his sugardaddy. Jill Stein and Tulsi Gabbard sold the same thing to the Russians in the 2016 election.

      Somerby doesn’t have to turn out any liberals for Trump. He just has to keep them from voting for Biden. It is called voter suppression. Convince a few Dems to be cynical, avoid the mainstream press, make them doubt Biden’s honest with Hunter, make them a tad receptive to right wing lies, that’s all he needs to do. A lib who says “I don’t like anyone runnng” or throws away a vote on No Labels is the same as a vote for Trump in a close election.

      It is hard to believe you are this stupid Dogface, but you use the nym Dogface, so why not?

    14. I feel like all Democrats should support RFK Jr. Just because of Biden's age. And people seem to just hate him.

      Maybe the Democratic party could rebrand. It's feeling really stale and corporate these days. And so exclusionary and dogmatic.

    15. @1:29 McCarthy was one of the Republican congressional leaders who supported the 1/6 insurrection, as I recall. He is now supporting a bogus revenge-motivated impeachment investigation (without evidence) and not engaging in good faith debt negotiations. And he put MTG back on a committee. How good can he be?

    16. anon 1:43 - ugh. Utterly absurd and evidence free that TDH is pretending to be a liberal, that he intends to vote for the democrat, that he says Carlson is deranged, etc. You are immune from reason logic or common sense - it's highest level of irony for you to call anyone "stupid."

    17. 2:06 not good enough, see 1:42.

    18. During the insurrection, McCarthy was scared and he begged Trump to call it off. But he rejects any effort to hold insurrectionists accountable. A good Republican.

    19. “Why wouldn’t he (Somerby) lie about how he votes?”

      Why would he? His surreptitious purpose, per the collective anonymice wisdom (hat tip to Cecilia), is to convince us to vote MAGA. How does his italicized vow to vote for Joe advance that purpose?

      None of us know Somerby’s heart. But applying Occam’s razor, there’s no reason not to take him at his word that he’s a liberal decrying the media on both sides, but focusing his fire on Dem media, possibly because no one else on the left is carrying out this much needed task.

    20. I'm with Dogface. If I ever hear about or meet a Republican voter who makes a good faith statement, I'll refrain from calling them a "racist".
      In the meantime, I'm calling out the racism of every Republican voter.

    21. 1:42 and 1:43 clearly answers the Somerby fanboys’ question.

      Somerby focus today is on approving the right wing framing pushed by Stephens and Maher, while making false accusations about “Dem media” that they are over focused on Trump and racism.

      What country do you think this is?

    22. 1:51,
      Well, I listen to "the Others", who say Biden and the Democratic Party aren't corporatists at all, but instead are "Communists".
      Liars or crazy, you tell me.

    23. No one here has said Somerby is trying to convert to MAGA. We have said he frequently promotes Republican talking points. The truth of that should be obvious since they are explicitly identified whenever he does it. He did it today by wuoting Stephens, who is conservative whether he ultimately votes for Biden or not. Somerby’s purpose is to elect Trump by badmouthing Biden & the Dems, defend Trump and the Repubs from accusations and prosecution (and other right wingers too), and undermine faith in the media, experts, higher education and sources of knowledge to make right wing disinformation more widely accepted.

      I suspect Somerby is funded by Russia as part of their ongoing, longtime efforts to undermine our democracy. As to his motives, who knows? He is clearly not a happy man.

      The mainstream media does more good than harm. If idiots like Somerby were to destroy it, we would be left with no way to debunk disinfo, which is what Russia wants. I fear we might become a totalitarian state with no free press, no sources of expertise, with mind control and dictators (worse than Trump). Somerby’s campaign to undermine fact-checking by experts could be dangerous if he weren’t so inept.

    24. “I suspect Somerby is funded by Russia as part of their ongoing, longtime efforts to undermine our democracy.”

      Russia wants us to become cynical, to think that everyone and everything is for sale. Somerby wants us to listen to, and understand each other and he promotes this goal by showing how resistant we are to listening to and understanding each other.

    25. Where has Somerby done that today? Include quotes. Specifically, where does he show the left being resistant?

      I didn’t say Russia wanted us to think everything is for sale. Somerby wants us to think that experts, reporters, professors, people with experience (former prosecutors, attorneys, pundits, retired generals) have nothing useful to tell us. These are people we blue tribe members listen to, instead of Tucker or Bill Maher. Why should blue tribers listen to right wing disinformation when the red tribe is demonstrably less knowledgeable and worse informed than the left? Somerby never says.

    26. " ... isn't it interesting ...?"

      Since this is not true, no.

    27. "Somerby wants us to think experts, reporters, professors, people with experience (former prosecutors, attorneys, pundits, retired generals) have nothing useful to tell us."

      No. But Somerby thinks their usefulness declines when they tell us again and again and again and again and again, to the exclusion of dissenting opinions and/or different subjects entirely.

      “Why should blue tribers listen to right wing disinformation when the red tribe is demonstrably less knowledgeable and worse informed than the left?”
      By your own admission the red tribe has some knowledge and is somewhat informed, but the blue tribe will never know any of that. News by silo.

      And you, your poor lost little lamb, you need examples of the left being resistant to views from the other side? What better example is there than the vilification of Somerby himself? We are told he is MAGA, he is a paid provocateur, an agent of a foreign power (that is your own modest contribution). It is said he is unable to prevent his own twisted unhappiness from spilling onto the page each time he makes a post. Ay, caramba.

    28. If he's lying and really going to vote for Trump and is being paid by a Republican, who cares? What can you do about it? It doesn't even matter. You all are all lonely and turn to the comment section for attention because you don't have any in your real lives. You're in a totally and completely pointless and stupid debate.

  3. It is racist to support DeSantis’s new laws, which are explicitly aimed at rolling back civil rights progress in the South. People who support racist behavior can and should be identified as racism, or else we tolerate racism and make life harder for the targets of bigotry. I don’t see anyone calling all of The Others racists, but if support for bigotry is part of what defines The Others, perhaps they are.

    The Others is a word Somerby invented here. It is akin to blue tribe (we don’t call ourselves that) or now siloing, which is not a real word for political division either. Somerby makes up his own terms of abuse. Liberals don’t call anyone The Others and we definitely don’t call them all racists, not using Somerby’s eccentric vocab. But notice how the trolls jump right aboard Somerby’s bandwagon, saying that we ALL say and do stuff.

    Somerby is playing games, ugly ones that involve liberal bashing using other people’s words (Stephens, Maher). If Somerby wanted to see Biden (or any Dem) win, he would show support. Actions speak louder than Somerby’s lying bullshit.

    1. anon 1:36, it might reinforce your "argument" if you could give some quotes where TDH has put forth any "lying bullshit." And why are people who defend the blogger against all these attacks "trolls?" Are people who go on a website and attack the blogger (viciously) the "trolls'?

    2. Lol, 2:12 as you troll 1:26 one has to laugh at you “wondering” what a troll is.

    3. It is lying bullshit when Somerby claims he voted for Biden in 2020 after calling him and all the other Dems running “horrible “ candidates, especially Kamala Harris.

    4. anon 2:48, it doesn't seem your skills at logic are particularly strong. One could very well think that the democratic field was "horrible" [though I don't believe TDH ever used that term; please provide the date when he did that]- and vote for the democratic candidate anyway, because one believes the GOP candidate is worse. People do that all the time. I'm quite sure that many who voted for Trump think he is "horrible" but did so because they thought the democratic candidate was worse (evidently in the dark about how Biden is the greatest president since FDR). I wasn't crazy about anyone in the democratic field, but voted for Biden because I preferred him to Trump. You seem comfortable in resorting to schoolyard vulgarity in accusing TDH of publishing "lying bullshit" on the basis of really stupid logic. You must realize that you are doing that, but do it anyway. Hardly a shining example of liberal superior intelligence.

    5. AC/ MA,
      Got it. Somerby is saying Democrats aren't perfect by repeating Right-wing nonsense on TDH.
      Thanks for that insight.

    6. Horrible is exactly what Somerby calledthem. Why would you doubt it instead of looking it up? TDH has a searchfunction.

    7. When you want a candidate to win, you don’t write blog posts calling him horrible.

  4. Leftists tend to not focus on individuals (some of why that is, is rooted understanding that free will is not a real thing) but instead they focus on our systems and intuitions.

    It is pretty clear when one considers all the metrics of society, that Blacks are preternaturally way worse off than Whites, so only to the willfully blind is it not obvious that racism continues to be a highly significant pernicious aspect of our society.

    1. How can I be willfully blind if I have no free will?

    2. You’re obtusely conflating “will” with “free will”, embodying the very phrase “willfully blind”.

      There is no such thing as a free lunch.

      You’re basically asking “how can I eat this food if I didn’t cook it myself”.

    3. This is what trolls look like.

    4. Who’s a troll? The guy who says there’s no free will or the guy who asks for an explanation?

    5. The guy who is way off topic and talking to himself.

    6. “Blacks do worse than whites. That proves there’s racism” Bad logic.

      There is indeed some racism but the reasoning is faulty. Asians do better than whites. Jews do better than gentiles. Does that prove the country is prejudiced against white Christians?

    7. Asian Jews have a secret plan to take over America. Step 1: Convince us that we have no free will.

    8. Why do you guys never speculate about why women ooutperform men in K-12 and especially college?

    9. Also, men are incarcerated for violent crimes much more often than women.

  5. Contrary to what Somerby wants you to believe, Lincoln was brutal to the South during and after the Civil War, ruthlessly approving their wholesale destruction in order to end racial chattel slavery. Reconstruction should have been a case where the South ceded some political equality to Blacks, which is what Lincoln wanted, but instead, Lincoln was shot and Reconstruction became a complete failure due to weak minded people acquiescing to the Right.

    Hundred years later, and Dems tried a strategy of acquiescing to the Right again (neoliberalism, Third Way), and it also has been a complete failure.

    You give the Right an inch and they take a mile, never acquiesce to the Right; Somerby is a fool out to manufacture ignorance.

    1. Lincoln was fighting to preserve the Union and stop the spread of slavery. The traitors wouldn’t quit, so he emancipated the slaves still under Confederate rule.

    2. Lincoln had a plan for reconstruction that never got implemented. So the South instituted wage slavery and Jim Crow.

    3. I hope every is celebrating "Trans History Month."

  6. Today, the political aspect of some actiuon is sometimes treated as more important than the actual real-world effects of that action.

    One example is Trump observing that Republican candidates are being hurt by the abortion issue, because Roe v Wade was overturned. That's probably true. However, it's more important that millions of women are being harmed by not having access to abortions.

    Bob points out that Democratic candidates are being hurt by Biden's failure to enforce immigration law. That's probably true. But, it's more important that tens of millions of illegal immigrants are greatly affecting the nature of the country in many ways.

    1. Biden has not failed to enforce border law. His policies and actions are closely similar to Trump’s. Immigration, esp illegal, is way down. You can see this in the inability of employers to staff low wage jobs and the agitation by business to revive child labor.

    2. When is a lie a lie?
      Whenever David in Cal comments.

    3. One example is Trump observing that Republican candidates are being hurt by the abortion issue, because Roe v Wade was overturned.

      That's funny, David. Trump planted the bombs, lit the fuse and then got run out of town. Now he has the balls to warn republican candidates about the abortion issue? Overturning Roe v Wade is Trump's fucking legacy. Again, on this issue as on all issues, Trump is a two-faced bastard coward.

    4. @3:53 Others have also made that point, but I don't agree. The right moral action might not be the right political action.

      Many Americans believe that abolitions are immoral. Some, like me, support abortion, but believe that Roe v Wade was wrongly decided from a constitutional POV. So, it's not inconsistent for Trump to boast about doing what's right and yet point out that it's politically harmful to Republicans.

    5. I thought the Trump SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v Wad was a bad decision. But I do think reasonable arguments can be made that the Roe decision wasn't constitutionally sound. (Interpretation of the Constitution is not based on scientific certainty; there is more than one way to interpret it, that's one reason there are so many split decisions). But, being a devil's advocate for the devil [Trump], the logic is that now states can make their own laws about abortion, thru the democratic process. Trump can take the position that overturning Roe was correct, but also that GOP states enacting draconian anti-abortion laws is bad politics (although obviously the draconian laws are what he effected by his court nominees).

    6. “Without me there would be no 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, or whatever is finally agreed to. Without me the pro Life movement would have just kept losing,” Trump added.

    7. I'm sorry, little girl, I'm a bean counter and I have a technical legal disagreement with Roe v Wade, so you're just going to have to carry your uncle's baby till delivery. I know it's tough, but we have to follow the christo-fascists making the rules. good luck!

    8. the logic is that now states can make their own laws about abortion,

      AC/MA, Senator "Pigskin" Tuberville just laughed at you. They're passing laws in states like Texas that make it a crime to travel to another state for purposes of getting abortion treatment. Yeeehah!

    9. I was disappointed at the result of overturning Roe. I thought the two sides would compromise on a moderate position. That did not happen. Generally red states passed extreme limits on abortion and blue states passed extremely permissive laws. I was wrong.

    10. Above comment from David in Cal

    11. 12:20,
      Congratulations. Whether you call yourself a 'centrist", "moderate", or "political reporter", you've proven yourself nothing but a sucker, who should stop believing the Right are making good faith arguments.

    12. No one could have imagined the Right weren't making good faith arguments. Now, pull my other finger.

    13. 12:20, you're disappointed? You'll get over it. At least you have the satisfaction of finally seeing that terrible Roe v Wade SC decision erased from the books, Constitutional scholar that you are.

  7. I went to high school with RFK jr, and back then he was a gay coke head, as opposed to now, where he’s a neoliberal espousing right wing conspiracy theories tinged with racism.

    This is not a motivating stance for Dems, which is why his polling dropped off a cliff.

  8. Today, as most days, Somerby beseeches us to be tolerant of the intolerant, in particular, in a way that allows them to flourish.

    This is a deeply immoral stance.

    1. anon 2:27 that's your interpretation. I believe what he actually says is that (1) "we" fail to see how we ourselves are intolerant, close-minded, and often not so brilliant; (2) that the other side sometimes makes good points; (3) that we shouldn't be so self-righteous, and maybe would then be more appealing to others. E.g., to be so self-righteous that one would contend that TDH is "deeply immoral" for suggesting what he does.

    2. 6:12 PM,
      (1) There could be something to this.
      (2) There is nothing in history that backs-up this statement.
      (3) This is just concern-trolling writ large.

  9. Nikki Haley happily worked for Trump until Jan 6. She
    sung the praises of Trump bringing in his family, and could
    not slobber over Kushner enough. She has never said anything about his 2 Billion dollar windfall from the Saudis
    because She has never been asked. Remember when Bob
    used to critiq

  10. e the media?
    Chris Christie led "lock her up" chants at the 2015 Republican convention. Questioned about them, Christie,
    a guy who used to put people in jail, expressed no regret and did not back down. He picked the FBI head for Trump. He stood with him for years,
    Stephens wants to vote for one of these two. Does that sound "aggressively Anti Trump" to you?

  11. Bob seems to have discovered that Bill Maher uses a "split everything down the middle" business model since.... forever. Maher is willing to go into what a hellish travesty for the Country Trump has been, while Bob can only childishly stick his fingers in his ears and starts chanting "Trump Trump Trump...." which he has been doing since commentators on the "his side" started pointing out wild impossible notions, like that Trump might one day be indicted for a crime.
    Who buys this bullshit from Somerby anymore. Hector? What we can learn from Bob is that Right Wing Light types like Bob were always phonies. And that those of us who are actually members of the flawed but decent "blue tribe" were always suckers to treat such nihilistic hustlers respectfully in the first place.

    1. What left crazy did Maher use as examples?

    2. Maher takes the Republican playbook and does all he can with it, much more so in the Trump era than ever before. Biden is a “stuttering gaff machine easily manipulated by “the woke mind virus” Hunter, they want to defund the police, hipsters in LA Schools are forcing sex change onto confused children. Needless to say, examples are weak or nonexistent.,

  12. Somerby says the prosecution of Trump is motivated by corporate media profts, originating with the blue tribe (a Somerby construct). Talk about fatuous.

    People who respect the rule of law want to see Trump prosecuted for his crimes in order to maintain faith in our justice and show that no one is above the law. Trump has operated like a mob boss and scoffed at the law (and thereby the American people). He needs to be tried, just as the most humble Proud Boy was, because even billionaires must be held accountable.

    Somerby’s excuse for defending Trump is that no one should be locked up. He feels the same about Kyle Rittenhouse, but oddly, he said nothing when Newsom approved the parole of a few Manson Family members.

    My hope is that we may find out which foreign powers were given those highly classified docs and whether it was worth it to Trump to blow the covers of so many agents working for our country? Only a trial will bring out the truth. But Somerby can’t handle the truth.

    I get so tired of his lies about my blue tribe. And they never stop.

  13. You can’t read this board and not understand what Somerby meant by silos. They are facilities from which missiles are launched at “irredeemable” enemies.

    Whooeee…that’s far-fetched…that’s incongruent as to what’s really happening..,. What’s that enemy-lovin’ nutcase yabbering about???

    1. What are you talking about? The left is not firing missiles at the right.

    2. See, the right mistakes kindness for weakness.

  14. Trolls attack people instead of addressing arguments. They focus nyms instead of the content of comments. They misrepresent Somerby’s statements (which are plainly visible), asserting he said or meant something different. They quote right wing memes as if they were a source (the way David says Biden is not enforcing border laws, a total lie). They deny Somerby said things without using google, ignoring quotes of Somerby provided by commenters. They ask obvious stupid questions that waste other people’s time. And they call other commenters names. They rarely write more than a few nasty lines because they aren’t really interested in the topic, just defending Somerby.

    The troll named Cecelia cannot use language without ignorant mistakes. Makes jokes revealing lack of empathy and a mean streak. Has no respect for things others care about and tries to bully others as if this were her personal playground because she is Somerby’s pet (in her mind).

    1. anon 3:29, it's good to hear from someone from Bizzarro world.*
      *bizzarro world was a place in some old Superman comics, where everything was the opposite of what is real on regular earth.

    2. They are really good at trolling. You have to admit that. To take the time to write this nonsense every single day of your life. Can you imagine? Can you imagine what kind of psychological damage would lead a person to do that with their life? It's very sad.

    3. And on top of that to spend all that time playing the fool. It's wild man. What a fucking loser.

  15. Anonymouse 3:29pm, consider that some trolls are paid by the word.

    I think your inclusion of David in your attack on what constitutes bad faith is a mistake in that illustrates your militancy and intransigence.

    You’re inclined to that sort of “tell”. Your exposure is never so complete as when you are spouting off about empathy and caring as you’re laying into a target like rabid chipmunk.

    1. trolls arguing with trolls, what a farce

  16. I have never received any payment for my trolling on this blog.

    1. So your handlers have gotten what they paid for.

    2. My only handler is my spouse.

  17. Recent polls are showing the only demographic group with whom Democrats are gaining are white people. White voters are moving towards the Democratic party. All other ethnic groups are less engaged than ever vote for.. Would be glad to provide a source.

    1. please always give a source


    3. "Democrats have lost ground among nonwhite voters in almost every election over the last decade, even as racially charged fights over everything from a border wall to kneeling during the national anthem might have been expected to produce the exact opposite result. "

      The Democrats are in enormous trouble.

    4. The decisions they've made since 2016 are going to come home to roost and it is not going to be pretty.

    5. "If the gap persists until the election, it will raise the possibility that the political realignment unleashed by Mr. Trump’s brand of conservative populism has spread to erode the political loyalties of working-class voters, of all races, who were drawn to the Democrats by material interests in an earlier era of politics. Mr. Biden’s weakness among no"

    6. It makes sense as the Democratic Party is run by Rich white people. Of course, they're out of touch. It's a classic ivory tower situation.

    7. Rich white liberals think that poor young black people are going to get excited about them because they support kneeling during the national anthem? This is classic ivory Tower, classic Versailles type of thinking. It's a classic. Let them eat cake.

    8. And idiotic, gullible, lilly white Democrat supporting trolls spend their time making accusations about bigotry. How did that turn out for you, dumbshit?

    9. Blacks and Hispanics are going to send a message to Democrats in 2024 and it is going to be so fucking ugly. But it's Democrats fault and Democrats fault only. You can't live on accusations of racism.and Russia. You can't build a strong coalition based on censoring people as the Biden administration has been found guilty of doing. They were arrogant, they fucked up and now they're going to have to fucking pay for it.

    10. This silo series speaks directly to this issue. Bob, once again is completely accurate.

    11. 7:37,
      Don't tell the Republican Party, or they might stop suppressing the votes of blacks and Hispanics. Then, where will this country be?

    12. Blacks and Hispanics are in for a rude-awakening, if they think the Republican Party gives a shit what they think.

    13. That's not the issue. The issue is that they won't vote for Democrats. They will just stay home.

    14. You should probably stop playing the race card at some point as it has been clear that game has been over for years now. You can continue to do it. It's your right. But that ship sailed brother.

    15. The Trump thing is about oligarchy and class, not race. Democrats have to face that issue head on if they want to salvage this.

    16. This troll is trying to convince Dems that black people don’t care about race. Only whites think that. Dems are the only ones working toward racial justice.

    17. Well, you should let black people know that because statistics show they're not that excited about the democratic party right now. That race card thing you may want to reconsider at some point.

    18. 7:37,
      Black people have been saving the USA's ass since they got the right to vote.

    19. And the Right has never forgiven them for doing so. Nor have they forgiven the Left for giving blacks the right to vote.

    20. The sooner the better.

    21. The right has lostwomen voters. All special elections since 2022 show this.

    22. That's great news for Democrats and it makes sense. But check and make sure it's not just white women. Hispanic women are not traditionally. Super excited about abortion rights.

    23. Young hispanic women are. Their mothers less so, but it is the younger hispanic women who are voting.

      I did voter registration in front of costco with an abortionrights petition. Hispanic women walked by with their moms, then snuck back to sign the petition. This may similarly distort poll results, but the voting booth is secret so they can vote their true interests.

    24. 8:58,
      Do you think the best bet for Republicans is to woo the women and hispanic voters they usually suppress?

    25. I don't have an opinion about it.
