SATURDAY: He put a smile on our face twice again!


Termagant does double duty: It was the termagant's second night back from a well-deserved, week-long vacation. 

At exactly 10:02 p.m., the termagant struck again. It was the second joke of his opening monologue. The deep discussions followed.

The fellow is 59 years old. This is a typical part of his nightly diet:

Hillary Clinton this week claimed that Donald Trump wants to be like Vlad Putin. Which is odd, since she has more in common with Vlad in that she looks horrible topless.

[Photo of shirtless Putin appears]


After a pause, the termagant added this:

...and kills people.

No sickness left behind! At 10:04, the termagant followed with a Governor Hochul "can't move her face" joke. 

Some Democratic women are too fat. Some have done too much Botox. 

As it turns out, other women the termagant loathes just look terrible topless! Also, the many people the Clintons have killed, courtesy of Jerry Falwell and Gennifer Flowers!

For what it's worth, this seems to be who and what the termagant actually is. Given the state of our political / journalistic culture, he's a major ratings star in primetime "cable news."

Earlier yesterday, on The Five, he regaled us with another of his standard touchstones. 

The group was discussing President Biden's (observably) stiff gait. In this new post, Kevin Drum lists a few of the medical reasons for this observable phenomenon.

The Fox News gang didn't bother with any of that. At 5:05 p.m., the termagant offered this analysis:

It's the woke handlers who are accelerating our nation's demise, and he's just there along for the ride. 

Who knows how much longer he'll be there? I think it's also— 

You know, it's also hard to walk when you've got a load in your pants. 


Why do you think they call him Dark Brandon?

Shannon Bream was willing to step in and pretend that this garbage dump somehow makes sense.

The fellow is 59 years old! He grew up in a sunny place. This is the state of the culture.

For small discussion groups only: Jason Zinoman reviews small-bore comedy for the New York Times. 

The Times puts these essays in the Arts section! For today's example, click this.

Jason Zinoman is a good, decent person. Why don't he and his editors go ahead and produce a report about this?


  1. "At exactly 10:02 p.m., the termagant struck again."

    Gutfeld is not a termagant. A termagant is defined as a shrewish woman. To my knowledge, Gutfeld has not changed his pronouns.

    But this does illustrate why Somerby is no longer worth reading. His inability to read his comments prevents him from feedback that would improve his essays. It would allow him to correct factual errors (which everyone makes occasionally). It would allow him to address sticking points in his discussion, which he instead repeats over and over. It would prevent him from making the mistakes he himself claims our blue tribe makes -- mistakes of never listening to divergent points of view. He listens to nothing.

    1. Educate yourself.

    2. We are not living in the Middle Ages and Somerby did not spell the word Tervagant. Here is what your link says:

      "The word is also used in modern English to mean a violent, overbearing, turbulent, brawling, quarrelsome woman; a virago, shrew, vixen.[1] In the past, the word could be applied to any person or thing personified, not just a woman."

      Please read this yourself and think about it.

    3. Maybe Somerby really does think Gutfeld is a God? That is perhaps what @12:10 is suggesting.

    4. Or perhaps Somerby is living in the past.

      And when Trump bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, he was just talking about cats.

    5. Gutfeld is as Bob’s describes (although, he is off-putting and crude, he’s generally on target.)

      Anonymices are by and large female, yet would be aptly described as the d-word by people every bit as insightful as me, but far and away less delicate.

    6. It is an old right wing trick to take a negative from their own side and apply it to their perceived enemies.

      Somerby points out that Gutfield took an actual issue with Trump - Trump’s stench emanating from him passing gas and pooping in his diaper - and flipped it to inaccurately and misleadingly attack Biden, who smells nice and only poops in a toilet.

      Ultimately, this makes Republicans look bad, which is why non right wingers do not waste much time criticizing Fox News, as the net result of Fox News is a decline in the power of the Republican Party.


    7. And when I licked Joe Biden's ass, it was sweet. Mm-mmm.

    8. 1:45,
      Both sides have asses that stink.
      Best to elect Republicans because, stinky ass or not, they give you the bigotry you crave.

    9. You think Gutfeld is on target by attacking Clinton? That would be like Colbert making jokes about Reagan. Maybe a cheap shot but hardly relevant to anything.

      Somerby didn't point out that Gutfeld is turning the Trump diaper jokes against Biden. I pointed it out. Somerby has never said that is what Gutfeld is doing -- that would involve saying that Trump wears diapers, which is not allowed by Somerby's handlers. Somerby is right in there with Gutfeld, calling Biden old.

    10. Anonymouse 1:03pm, it’s been evident that you’re new to the anonymouse ranks here. The more long term anonymouse ladies may be on leave due to burn out or to physical ailments that spring from having to constantly churn up their sort of personal negativity and bitterness.

      The anonymouse pose has always and eternally been that Bob’s lack of focus on Fox was the definitive sign of his apostasy. That was up until the day Somerby started posting on Fox’s contribution to the degradation of our national dialogue.

    11. Anonymouse 1:57pm, Somerby is right there with people calling Biden old. Biden is old.

      You, your fellow anonymices, and Gutfeld are down with the poopy pants jokes. As seen by your posts.

      In fact, Anonymouse flying monkeys were into that line of political commentary long before Bob was reporting on Gutfeld!.

    12. There has never been a lack of focus on Fox here. You perhaps mean the lack of criticism of Fox? Somerby has previously said that we libs should watch Fox because they have better facts over there and hear things we don't, such as that Kyle Rittenhouse is a poor disturbed nursing student who was attacked while innocently defending a car lot with his automatic weapon.

      Somerby's pretend upset is because Gutfeld is smutty. (That has nothing to do with our national dialogue.) He knows Stormy is a grifter because she is smutty too. He doesn't like that sexy-time fun. (It is tastefully implied in The Lady With the Lapdog, never stated.) I'll bet Gutfeld looks good without his shirt on!

      Look how sweetly Cecelia is trying to goad anonymous commenters by suggesting they are all women with physical disabilities! Awwww! Plenty of elderly adults transition in old age, because it is easier to do. Maybe Somerby is becoming a termagant himself, and that is what his medical appointments are about? Cecelia, I think you've accidentally hit on something true.

    13. Now Cecelia is telling lies too, @2:07.

    14. Above, Cecelia replies to @1:03 but there is no such commenter. She does that a lot.

    15. Anonymouse 2:23pm, I don’t know how you manage to be atomizing in your descriptions and simultaneously superficial, There needs to be some sort Anonymouse For Dummies, to describe this phenomenon, but then you’re all the dummies.

      No more is that fact evidenced today than your suggestion that I called all anonymices physically disabled. With handicapped license plates too, I suppose.

      Bob has never advocated for a system where people have to continually switch back and forth between channels in order to be fully informed.
      That they do, is his very point.

      This thing you do with “the women and their stories” is particularly contrived.

      It’s you who tie yourself into a pretzel equating a one night stand with a philandering husband as being Chekhov. That’s exactly what you do. You know “the stories of these women” about having sex and then demanding thousands of dollars to keep their mouths shut? Of their victimization when the new payee and owner of that story kills it rather than making them famous when the guy decides to run for office.

      Oh, the mistreatment and oh the malfeasance to voters everywhere.

    16. Oh looky! Cecelia is trying to sound intellectual by using more words she doesn't know the meanings of. She obviously never read the Chekhov story in question if she thinks I am equating it with anything. Both Stormy and Karen wanted to TELL their stories not keep their mouths shut, so yes, that is victimizatuon.

      You misuse the word malfeasance, but what can we expect from a semi-literate like you? We got Trump instead of Hillary because Trump illegally manipulated the election (with a little help from his friends Comey and the Russians). That was a crime and now Trump will pay for it.

      But is is neither mistreatment nor malfeasance that hundreds of people died unnecessarily during covid because Trump was incompetent while HIllary would not have been. That is tragic. The families of those people matter and they will vote, just as they did in 2020 when Biden beat Trump without breaking a sweat. Your callous disregard for those who died is noted. It is consistent with your admiration for Noem's dog-killing stunt.

      What happens in The Lady with the Lapdog? A philandering man gets his comeuppance when he falls in love with a woman he cannot have. That cannot equate to anything in Trump's life because Trump is incapable of love.

    17. Cecelia could you please expand on your seemingly meaningless reference to Ceckhov? You can accuse me of making too much out of Trump looking for outside sex while his wife is coming back from a pregnacy. You can say the pious conservatives who went after Clinton’s penis like they were Ahab and it was Moby Dick are entitled to be screaming hypocrites (it’s fair to assume you are at least a variation on this theme), I don’t agree but OK. You can say, if only for the good of the the Country and the world I want Trump behind bars for anything that can land him there. I won’t fight you on that. But what that has to do with the celebrated Russian playwright is seemingly nothing except it feels kinda intellectual to throw out his name.

    18. I’m a male anonymouse, and I love Cecelia.

    19. It's Chekhov, Corby, not "Ceckhov". You ignorance is moronic.

    20. Also, is it expressing revulsion to Hillary Clinton’s body where you find him “crude but on point? “ or do you agree that She is a murderer?

    21. Oh, made a typo, guess you win the argument, Trump supporter.

    22. She is my Goddess.

    23. Spelling flames are off limits on most blogs, but you be you.

    24. Cecelia or Hillary?

    25. Anonymouse 3:56pm, I do know the difference between the words “selling” and “telling”. You not so much.

      Consider that Stormy went with Pecker after she didn’t get the help she asked from Trump when he had started his campaign. She had previously been the beneficiary of Trump money for keeping to herself the classic and deeply poignant and personal tale of banging The Donald. She later got a lawyer who stole thousands from her.

      The only thing that keeps Ms. Daniels from being the personification of the anonymouse view of womanhood is, ironically, her vagina.

    26. Hillary is my Goddess. And Joe is my God.

    27. @4:22 PM
      Aren't you the one here always so proud of your English, the best in your Albanian village? Accusing everyone who isn't a Soros bot of ignorance?

      And now suddenly "Ceckhov" is not a big deal? You know who can dish it out but can't take it? Narcissists.

    28. Cecelia, you have posted a bunch of gibberish about Daniels that doesn't correspond to anyone's story, including your very weird reference to her vagina.

    29. It's actually two words: Check off.

    30. Please do NOT share this funny video about Trump's flatulence:

    31. oops. this is the video not to share:

  2. "The fellow is 59 years old! He grew up in a sunny place."

    If Somerby is referring to Northern California, it is not sunny there. Not the way it is in Southern California.

    As Mark Twain said: “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.”

    For those without a map, San Francisco is only slightly North of the area where Somerby and Gutfeld went to high school.

    On average there are 260 sunny days per year in Palo Alto. In contrast, Denver has over 300 sunny days per year.

    But who cares about facts when you can say whatever you want because you will never read your comments. This is how Trump works. He says any damned thing he wants and then doesn't listen to criticism or anything anyone else says.

    1. Anonymouse 11:29pm, I understand that you’re an anonymouse and all, but consider that Bob’s (and Twain’s) reference is more toward culture rather than the weather.

      Bob also finds Hegseth a puzzling traitor to his raisin’ too.

    2. "He grew up in a sunny place" is about culture? No, that doesn't work. Try again.

      Raisins do come from California.

    3. Anonymouse 2:33pm, and “raisins in the sun” was just a picture on a post card.

    4. A raisin is a dried grape. When I studied French, I found that “raisin” just means “grape” without implying that it’s dried.

    5. My name is Bob Floodhope. I live at 436 Morningside St,, Bowling Green Ohio. If Cecila want to claim She is braver than all of us because She uses a handle on her weak arguments (to be generous) , She should post her real name and address too.

    6. Anonymouse 4:09pm, you’re not pathetic, you have the concrete thinking that springs from militancy.

    7. crickets so far...

    8. Anonymouse 4:26pm, this is the difference between anonymouses and other people.

      I give her a moniker so as to be accountable to her on a blog board and ask only as much from her. . She mockingly demands a name and address.

      Never asked for it. Wouldn’t google it at gun point.

    9. Anonymouse 4:24pm, thanks. I rest my case.

    10. As a psychologist, I can confidently say that concrete thinking does not spring from militancy. It could be the other way around, militancy might spring from concrete thinking, but concrete thinking (at the extremes) actually springs from frontal lobe damage, such as in dementia, traumatic brain injury, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, Parkinsons or similar disorders. Sometimes it is part of ASD (but not always).

      Cecelia is just mimicking what she heard others here say about being excessively literal. Being literal and being concrete are not necessarily the same thing. She has also picked up the idea of pathologizing other commenters from the discussions of Trump's psychological problems, but in Trump's case, he has obvious symptoms. Cecelia is just trying to insult people.

    11. Cecelia is once again assuming that all commenters, even the ones saying obviously different things, must be the same anonymous commenter. The guy who fearlessly posted his name is not me -- I am cravenly not going to post my name because I don't want every internet yahoo to bombard my home with death threats -- that IS what happens to anyone who lets the right wing in the front door. Cecelia treats us as if we were both the same person, when we clearly are not.

      Note the deliberate use of the pronoun "she" with a guy whose name is Bob. Right wingers believe in imposing pronouns on others, not replying in a civil and courteous way to whatever a person has indicated they WANT to be called. Misgendering people is a political statement for assholes like Cecelia.

    12. I am John D Rockefeller Sr.

    13. Anonymouse 4:48pm, militancy absolutely impedes abstract thinking. The parameters that are set from that sort of rabid alliance to dogma are always rigorous and limiting. True rather it’s from politics or religion.

      I called Bob a “she” because Bob may is more than likely to be a woman, because the anonymouse league is largely comprised of women.

      I make no distinctions between anonymices as to who writes what, because I cannot do that by their own design. Therefore you are all the same and always will be. You are anonymices by your own choice.

    14. Oh, don't try to defend the stupidity you uttered above. It sounds like you are copying from another source now, out of context, and you are making no sense. I don't know why you always want the last word when you never have anything to say. Just stop.

    15. Anonymouse 6:27pm, I’m not here claiming to be a psychiatrist. You’re doing that and you can run that claim and your nonsense opinion up the flagpole. Only fools will salute it.

    16. CC - I’m curious: What makes you think the Anons are mostly women?

    17. Hah, you don’t even know the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist.

    18. Pied Piper, because I know things.

    19. Anonymouse 8:35pm, I read in psychiatrist mistakenly though Corby is telling us she’s still in the game.

      My mistake, Corbs.

    20. I’m not Corby.

    21. Cecelia is Corby.


  3. "Also, the many people the Clintons have killed, courtesy of Jerry Falwell and Gennifer Flowers!"

    But surely she did kill many people while liberating Libya, back when it was the most prosperous country in Africa? Remember: "we came, we saw, he died?" Or are they, Africans, not considered people inside your silo?

    1. Libya was involved in a civil war. The people killing people there were Libyans, not Clinton and not American troops. Gaddafi was killed by his own people, who overthrew his dictatorship. Are Africans not permitted self-determination in your silo?

    2. So, according to you, her "we came, we saw, he died" was just a word-salad? Was she already completely demented back then?

    3. We were observers not participants. He died at the hands of his own people in the midst of a civil war.

      "Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi was a Libyan revolutionary, politician and political theorist who ruled Libya from 1969 until his assassination by rebel forces in 2011. "

    4. So, H Clinton lied, then, when she said "we came, we saw, he died".

      She is not a killer, but only a demented wannabe killer. Is this what you're saying?

    5. Where did she say we killed him? She is obviously not a killer. She did a good job as secretary of state and she was not in charge of the military or defense or any other role in our government that would have involved killing anyone. The liar is the right wing, who attempted to smear Clinton when she was running for President.

      She is not now running for anything. Why would Gutfeld tell a stupid joke about her being a killer? What does the right get out of hearing such a joke?

      If my presidential candidate were actually showing symptoms of dementia, as Trump is, I wouldn't be using that word to describe others. It invite a comparison that Trump would not benefit from.

      But Somerby's continual recitation of Gutfeld's jokes does illustrate how weird the right wing sense of humor is, how sick.

    6. It's not a joke.

    7. You are a joke.

    8. At least I haven't killed any Africans.

    9. Neither did Clinton.

    10. H Clinton killed thousands of Africans. I believe her that she came and they died.

    11. Prove it. No one who has ever seen even a picture of Hillary Clinton can imagine her killing a fly (much less a puppy, like Kristy Noem). Clinton had no authority over any American military, so she didn't give orders to kill anyone. This is a dirty right wing slur and you are a a dirty right wing slur-slinger. And Gutfeld is no different.

      And while we're at it -- Trump poops his pants and farts in court. He never did know how to behave, even at official meetings while he was president. Melania won't hold his hand because she knows what he does. He is a demented man-baby who will lose bigly in November, then disappear from history as the worst president ever. And he really did kill hundreds of thousands of people, all those unnecessary covid deaths because he didn't know how to step up and be an actual president. Clinton would have saved all of those lives, if Trump hadn't colluded to rob her of the presidency she earned by beating Trump by millions of votes.

      Perhaps the right thinks that slurring Clinton will result in less jail time for Trump? She and our country's voters are the ultimate victims in Trump's hush money scheme. Maybe you think that portraying her as a "killer" will exonerate Trump, but that may be how Trump thinks, but is not the way the world works.

      Trump keeps whining about the courtroom temperature, but wait until he has a jail cell to complain about -- and no one to listen to him do it.

    12. Clinton’s statement does not mention killing anyone. He was killed by his own people.

    13. Maybe Gutfeld's audience doesn't know that Trump is not running against Hillary Clinton this year? They ARE low information voters, after all.

    14. Clinton was not directly responsible for any deaths in Libya, she was merely describing that NATO observed an out of control tyrant threatening more violence, came and defended Libyan civilians, and as a result the tyrant, Gaddafi, was killed.

      Clinton did not liberate Libya, the actions taken there were primarily motivated by France, who had humanitarian concerns as well as financial interests.

      Having said that, Clinton’s gloat was gross, a manifestation of her more pernicious traits.

    15. H Clinton killed thousands of Africans. She and her girlfriends Powers and Rice.

      I believed her when she was bragging about it on tv, plus it's a well-known fact. Unless you're an ignorant DNC bot, obviously.

    16. Simply repeating something over and over doesn't make it true. Not that anyone here believes you care about Africans and are not just a bot yourself.

    17. Hillary and the whole Clinton team merely wanted to provide needy children with hot meals.

    18. I don't care about Africans. But I'm not killing them either.

      My only point is that H Clinton did kill people. Many people. The 59 year old fellow was right about that. That's all.

    19. Anyone who isn't a bigot, or isn't perfectly fine with bigotry, left the Republican Party more than two dozen years ago.

    20. How many needy children have you provided with hot meals (not counting your own family)?

    21. @1:58 No one has pointed to anyone Clinton killed.

      It is ludicrous that a troll can come here and make assertions like that, wasting the time of those who respond to defend Clinton, who obviously did nothing justifying what Gutfeld said. Somerby is mum about the joke too.

      But the right wing doesn't care what it says. They say whatever they want. Occasionally they get sued for defamation, but the rest of the time they say crap and the morons who watch Fox and other right wing channels believe lies. That is a huge problem for our country, not for HIllary because she is not running for office and not listening to the right, but for our education system and for our democracy, because there are people like this troll, and like Gutfeld, and ultimately like Somerby, who think that all that matters is winning, no matter how you do it.

      Trump's trial is about the fact that other things do matter and that manipulating an election the way Trump did is illegal and will not be tolerated. These trials are about the limits of bad behavior during an election. So is this matter of this particular troll who doesn't care what he says as long as he gets paid by whoever is currently trying to manipulate this election. And Somerby is no better.

    22. @1:59 PM
      I eat needy children for dinner. I believe no gentleman would repine to give ten shillings for the carcass of a good fat child, which, as I have said, will make four dishes of excellent nutritive meat, when he hath only some particular friend, or his own family to dine with him.

    23. @2:06 PM
      Clinton has pointed to someone Clinton killed. She bragged about it on tv. "We came. We saw. He died." It's on youtube.

    24. @2:16 Who exactly did she kill? What was their name and how did she do it? With her bare hands, a machete, how?

    25. The troll is being excessively literal about Clinton and you are following him down that rabbit hole. Be sure to drop crumbs so Somerby can follow you.

    26. Hillary was 100 percent focused on American workers and fighting for better schools for children.

    27. How much bullshittery can Weirdo Mao pack into a single "argument"?

      1) When people like Gutfeld refer to the Clintons killing people, they're not talking about the killing of Gaddafi, of course. They're talking about absurd, baseless accusations dating back to the '90s about the Clintons having political opponents murdered -- accusations spread by people like Jerry Falwell. So no, Gutfeld wasn't "right about that."

      2) Weirdo Mao wants to give the impression that the killing of a monster like Gaddafi was some sort of race-based crime, so he refers to this as "killing Africans."

      3) The quote, "We came. We saw. He died" does not imply Clinton herself killed anyone or ordered the killing of anyone. However, even if she HAD killed Gaddafi with her own bare hands, that would be a bad thing, Weirdo Mao?

      4) Weirdo Mao believes the 2020 election was stolen and that Putin is mass murdering Ukrainians because he's just so concerned about Nazis.

      Speaking of which, Marjorie Taylor Green spouted the Nazi nonsense recently and got slapped down by someone who actually knows things (unlike Weirdo Mao who only pretends to know things):

    28. Mike L. reminds me of mh: dumb.

    29. I miss mh. No one would ever miss you, @3:48.

    30. I would miss 3:48. I wouldn't miss a single DNC bot.

    31. I would miss DNC bots most of all.

    32. I would miss 4:12 PM

    33. There is no such thing as a DNC bot. That is just a label used to deride comments someone disagrees with. Notice that no one here has accused the right wing commenters of being RNC bots. That is because the RNC doesn't have any money to pay for bots. Any actual right wing bots would have to be paid for by Russia or by a specific candidate's PAC.

      Biden's campaign has a lot of money. But they wouldn't spend it on bots to infest this blog because it is so obviously right wing (based on Somerby's essays). From a Democratic perspective, there is no point in encouraging people to get out and vote if they are not Biden supporters. Democratic campaign efforts are being aimed at motivating and getting out the Biden vote.

    34. Would you prefer "Soros bot"? Makes no difference to me.

    35. When someone calls a commenter a "Soros both" it is helpful because it immediately identifies where that person is coming from, although that is increasingly unnecessary given that nearly everyone here any more is right wing.

      It is as if the right wing believes that only George Soros has money on the left. And if that were true, how would Biden be so far ahead in the presidential fund-raising race while Trump and the RNC are both so broke?

    36. bot (not "both")

    37. Soros bot, then. And don't tell me I've done nothing for you.

    38. I am a Soros bot, and I'm proud of my work.

    39. Africans are good decent people.

    40. Hillary focused on providing canned goods and clothing to the sick and needy.

    41. Hillary tried to pass health care reform, something Somerby said he cares about.

  4. The weather in Palo Alto is pretty close to ideal. Sunny jost days. Not too much rain. Comfortable in all seasons.

    Weather in the Bay Area can vary a lot by moving just a few miles. Just where one is in regard to the Coastal Range and the altitude of the mountains to your west can make a huge difference. SF is open to the ocean winds. Palo Alto is not.

    1. Not according to meteorologists. The 268 sunny days is for Palo Alto, not SF, and I think that 300+ is better than 268, so I wouldn't call 268 perfect. I shouldn't have distracted you with the Mark Twain quote, but San Diego is regarded as having the perfect climate in California, not Palo Alto. People do not retire to Palo Alto the way they do to Palm Springs or Santa Barbara.

    2. David looks good topless.

  5. Right on cue, Gutfeld is back making fun of Joe Biden and Somerby is back too, repeating the same jokes about Biden's age. Somerby notes that Drum explained why Biden is walking funny (he broke his foot in 2020 and it still hurts). But Somerby doesn't provide the explanation, just the link. So, evidently Gutfeld's joke is worth repeating but Drum's explanation is not. It isn't as if anyone were charging Somerby for the extra line or two it would have taken to provide Biden's reason for walking the way he does. It is almost as if Somerby doesn't want prospective voters to know that Biden broke his foot, instead of being "too old". Does breaking your foot cause dementia? Not in any medical journal I've read.

    There are many jokes on the left about Trump's farting and the likelihood that Trump wears diapers, about his terrible smell. Bette Midler came out with a stinky fragrance ad about it (see Digby's blog for a link). Given that Somerby's ostensible purpose here is to exhort the left to be less like the right, why does Somerby not repeat any of those stories and jokes word-for-word, like he regularly does to promote Gutfeld? His failure to use the left's own silliness to illustrate his chiding, instead of repeating negative "jokes" about Biden, suggests that Somerby doesn't really care about changing how we behave over here, but is just an opportunity to broaden Fox's reach by giving Gutfeld a bigger audience, one that includes left wingers.

    If you think of Somerby as an influencer, what is he promoting? He does give Drum a boost, but his main "product" being shilled is Fox News and specifically Gutfeld. Who knows? Perhaps Somerby owes Gutfeld money from the days when they were comedians together and Somerby ran a comedy club? Or maybe Somerby is monetizing this blog the same way other influencers do. By promoting unsellable products like Fox and Gutfeld and Trump. Somerby certainly isn't doing Biden any favors and Somerby keeps saying he plans to vote for Biden! Somerby has an odd way of showing his love. That may account for why he has no one to drive him to his medical appointments.

    1. Perhaps Somerby does owe Gutfeld money. I hadn't thought of that.

  6. This is worth reading, on the question of whether Trump can do anything he wants:

  7. On a personal level, Noem is dead to me.

    On a pragmatic leadership level- the girl don’t play.

  8. I believe Bob is sincere in finding Gutfeld appalling. But he refuses to access the people who find this funny. Now that Republicans are the dog killing party, a light bulb will go off.

  9. Did you miss the part where it says Trump admires what Noem did? They are giving her book out as a fund-raising premium. Can you vote for Trump knowing he admires puppy-killing? Biden had a similar problem with his dog but he solved it by removing the dog from temptation, not by shooting it. Perhaps the difference is how members of gun culture solve problems (i.e., with guns) and not so much how people feel about dogs.

  10. Hitler was not playing either, your point is ridiculous, nonsensical, and therefore irrelevant.

  11. The Supreme Court Justices are trying to entice Joe Biden to audit them on a weekly basis.
    Let's hope Biden takes the bait.

  12. Anonymouse 1:02pm, did you read what I wrote?

    Consider too that you are part of a guerilla legion that comes here to daily wage war via personal attacks on a blogger.

    Every freaking day. Is there anything more militant than blindness to the fact that ideology is on a continuum. It’s polar. Some people are farther on one side than others, but they are both of a kind.

    Norm killed a dog that was dangerous to other animals and likely to people.

    I despise her approach to this story. The way that she personalized this is foreign to me and brings tears.
    However, I’m strong enough to understand that everyone does not have to resemble me. Not even in the slightest. The world would be in big trouble if everyone did.

  13. If Somerby posts every freaking day, and twice on most days, why wouldn't he have comments every day?

  14. Anonymouse 1:21pm, the way anonymices go from zero to Hitler is the performance aspect of being an anonymouse. You’ve always got your gun shiny and cocked, but one eye is on your reflection on the barrel.

  15. Anonymouse 2:36pm, you mean why wouldn’t he have an infestation of commenters who daily rage and wage war against him?

    He wouldn’t if he didn’t allow it. I’m sure anonymices sneer at that as well everything else.

  16. Left and right are not two ends of a single continuum. Many theorists consider political views to be multi-dimensional with various labels to the scales (control-freedom; radical-conservative; egalitarian-hierarchical; authoritarian-democratic). Personality traits have been mapped onto some of these scales. Others do not think of politics in terms of dimensional scales but in terms of categories, such as the 7 types of political ideology:
    Feminism and identity politics.

    The point of classifying by beliefs is that they are not "both of a kind" but distinct in important ways.

  17. What happened to the Cohen sentencing discussion?

  18. @2:44 PM
    I don't think "Conservatism" really belongs here. For example, in a post-communist country (like Russia or Ukraine, for example), 'Conservatism' would imply 'Communism'.

    'Conservatism' is simply a resistance to radical change, of any kind.

  19. Kristi Noem herself said she killed the dog because it was too excited and uncontrollable when being taught to hunt. It killed too many birds, then killed all of a farmer's chickens. She did not say the dog was dangerous to other animals or to people, but she said it couldn't be trained to hunt properly due to being too excited. First, it was young, and second, who knows how much it was allowed to exercise or experience new things, or how it was taught? Her story sounds like others where pet owners don't know how to stop dogs from doing natural dog things, such as barking or jumping up excitedly when someone comes in the front door, or being rowdy in play. Dog trainers DO know how to address such behaviors but it doesn't sound like Noem knew how to work with the dog and it does sound like she didn't want to invest effort in it. She says several times that she hated the dog, and that is a good enough reason to kill it on the right, I suppose. In the dog community, problem dogs have problem owners.

    "All dogs can be trained, but the method for teaching them will vary from dog to dog. Sometimes when a dog is not responding to training, you just need to try a different training style. Training trends have varied over the years, moving from methods based on compulsion to techniques using positive reinforcement."

    I'll bet Noem had no idea how to train her dog so she shot it instead.

  20. Cecelia is especially aggressive today. She must have eaten her Wheaties. She comes here to call out the anonymous commenters regularly, usually without having anything important to say. It is as tiresome as the guy insisting Gutfeld was right to call HIllary a killer. He is not "one of us" anonymouses, but one of the bots who fill the comments with chaff so that no one can discuss anything. Why does Cecelia never complain about those guys? I suspect it is because she is one.

  21. If Somerby never changes why should his comments?

  22. Anonymouse 2:44pm, it would depend upon how distinct were the distinctions. Just as it does with anything else.

    Most people are not commenting on political blogboards as we do almost daily. They may label themselves as conservative or liberal, but it’s fairly “loose” in the interpretation.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Anonymouse 2;58pm, since I’m given to helping anonymices out:

    My name is in green. You don’t read any farther than that green line.

    I see posts of multitudinous paragraphs all the time and know from vast experience that they are troll lard and so skip them.

    I don’t judge. Anonymices have to earn a living and everyone gets to manage their time in their own way.

  25. Trump's team is having difficulty getting him to attend fund-raising dinners and meetings when he just wants to play golf and do what he wants, instead of being constrained. That is making it hard to carry on his campaign activities.

    This is what happens when the candidate is an overgrown child who is not used to being told what to do. As his dementia worsens, his moods will become more difficult to work around and he will be harder to control, even when the people around him are asking him to do things for his own benefit, in his own interests. That is the nature of his cognitive deterioration.

    Meanwhile, the right is equating the demands of his trial to "punishment." Normal people go through trials without Trump's extreme angst, and lawyers do it for a living. The difficulty is with Trump, not any unusual circumstances involved in spending a day dealing with his own past actions. The right pretends Trump is being persecuted specifically when he is doing what anyone else would do in his situation.

    At a bridge tournament, you play two sessions beginning at about 9:30-10 am and continuing until about 6 pm, with an hour or so for lunch. You sit at a table (or go from table to table) and hold cards in your hand, focusing with intense concentration, using your memory and analytical abilities to defeat opponents who are doing the same thing. It is constant attention, often in a hotel ballroom that is too cold. The average age of the participants is 73 but many are older. And we do this for fun. Some who do it have physical disabilities but they compete until they absolutely cannot. This makes Trump seem like a delicate flower indeed. We look at him and think that he should have more pride than to complain about such minimal duress. He cannot even pay attention when they are talking about him!

    1. Quaker in a BasementApril 27, 2024 at 4:27 PM

      Anon 3:15
      Quite right. My dear, old mother played bridge almost daily well into her 80s. It kept her going. If Trump can't sit in a room and pay attention, he's not up to the demands of another term.

    2. "he's not up to the demands of another term."

      As compared to whom, the other guy? Seriously?

    3. Biden is effectively campaigning while also carrying on the duties of the presidency. I think he has passed the audition. Trump can't sit still in a courtroom without falling asleep. He hasn't been president in four years. He doesn't have the ability to do the job -- not that he did it competently in 2016 either.

    4. I’ve seen “the other guy” handle hecklers at the SOTU twice now. Seems better than fine to me. Of course, I haven’t heard him lecture on the Battle of Gettysburg yet….

    5. Anon 4:43.

      That is correct. Seriously.

    6. @ 11:21 PM
      In that case, why pretend you care whether he pays attention in that room, or not? Just say "I'm a Soros bot and I'm bullshitting you the best I can". Which (your bullshitting, that is), incidentally, is not convincing at all, I'm sorry to say.

  26. And yet you complain about the lack of nyms incessantly and came here today specifically to insult the anonymous commenters, judging by the fact that you have said nothing here substantive at all. You are over-represented based on your lack of content.

  27. Here is another article that Kevin Drum posted today, about Biden's many small accomplishments that will help people in their daily lives, but don't seem to get a lot of attention (partly because several of them merely remove previous annoyances).

    If Somerby were actually going to vote for Biden and actually wanted to see Biden get elected, he might have linked to this article, instead of one about Biden breaking his foot (producing a lingering awkwardness on his feet):

    This is why Somerby seems to be in the business of refocusing reader attention on Biden's so-called limitations instead of promoting his accomplishments.

    1. Anonymouse 3:42pm, it depends on the day.

      The descriptions of Drum seem to be in the eye of the beholder, if not the opportunism of the anonymouse.

      Last word we had about Drum was that he is that terrible thing known as a. “centrist”.

    2. In case you didn't notice, the comment is about why Somerby didn't link to Drum, not about Drum and whether he is a centrist or not.

    3. Trump is leading Biden in all 7 swing states and up 10 points in polling since 2020.

  28. Don't anyone give Cecelia a dog for Mother's Day. She might have to shoot it and then pretend that made her sad.

  29. Anonymouse 3:19pm, exactly. I considerately took up a nym, got it verified, and all so as to be accountable as to what I write. Today I took another step in helping you by offering up the suggestion that you stop reading me.

    In fact, you could really improve your health by not reading Bob. If your peers had done that they wouldn’t be out tending to their mental and physical health while you now risk yours.

  30. Corby did that and you guys drove Corby out of the blog comments. I didn't notice anyone "not reading" Corby because they disagreed with their comments. You and Pied Piper and AC/MA and others demand nyms in order to harrass others here, much as Trump and his defense have demanded names of witnesses and jurors in order to attack them in real life and discourage their testimony. You want to discourage Somerby's critics because you cannot competently address the arguments they make.

    Warning people that they will go crazy if they keep criticizing Somerby is just a sample of what you would do if someone were identifiable in any way.

    Mao used to have a nym, then he stopped using it. It hasn't changed anything about ability to come here and comment incessantly. I've never seen you or any of the other fanboys harrass Mao the way you did mh and Corby.

    You are not a nice person and anyone else would be a fool to make themselves more vulnerable to you in any way, including using a nym. Why aren't you over on one of your conservative blogs where people may admire your wit? No one needs or wants you here.

  31. My mental health is in a downward spiral. I’ve been addicted to Bob for a long time, and now I’m addicted to Cecelia.

  32. Question: What political party would seriously suggest that the nominee for president of the opposing party had killed someone?

    Answer: Not one you should ever vote for or have anything to do with.

  33. Try reading Kevin Drum for a while. He moderates his blog comments and there is no depressing nonsense over there.

  34. Off Topic -- in a prior thread I was asked about Jews who are participating in the anti-Israel protests on campus. Here's another person's explanation:
    In an effort to ward off accusation that their encampments, run by pro-Hamas groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, are antisemitic, protestors are pretending to be practicing Jews...

    And here’s a link to a tweet with a video of a “Shabbat service” at Columbia. As the video pans out, you can see that almost none of the students know the song, which is an extremely common Sabbath hymn that any Jew who ever attends real Shabbat services would be familiar with.

    More details at the link.

    1. Do all Jews observe Shabbat in the traditional manner? I thought there were Jews who were less traditional and didn't observe all of the customs. Aren't there different groups among Jews who are observant to different degrees? I've watched the Jewish Matchmaker show on cable and it is part of their questionnaire in order to match Jewish people based on their degree of religious observance.

      I think you may be jumping to a conclusion about the young people who don't know the words to the songs -- maybe their family is Jewish but doesn't observe Shabbat that way.

    2. Hey David, that's nothing. Trump didn't know the words to our national anthem. LOL

    3. Jews who do not blindly follow Israel are not a new phenomenon. Many now despise Bibi as well they should!

    4. If was serious, they would interview someone from Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine and publish their response.

      We all know there are plenty of anti-zionist Jews who, like everyone else in the entire world except for two countries, oppose and are disgusted by what then Israeli government has done with regard to the loss of innocent Palestinian life over the last 6 months. Many of them live in Israel.

  35. "SATURDAY: He put a smile on our face twice again!"

    I don't understand this headline. Is Somerby saying Gutfeld only told two jokes, or is he saying he himself laughed twice? None of us is laughing, so "our" cannot refer to us. Is Somerby saying that HE found two jokes funny? If so, shame on him.

    1. He's quoting the lead-in to Gutfield's show by whoever is on ahead of him.

    2. I’m sorry you know that.

  36. Anonymouse 4:04pm, the irony in what you say is that you can only claim it BECAUSE we have nyms.

    Anonymouse, you are not a nice person. You are specifically here because you are part of an operation that is going after Bob. You make libelous claims about him. He lets it go.

    Of course when you bemoan my posts I’m going to reply that you don’t have to read them. Of course, Im going to remind you that I make that easy for you by having a nym.

    Dispense with the injured bullshite. You’re a predator, not a victim. And part of your job description IS the sort of thing that does not trend to good mental and physical health.

    The only reason you’re whining about that is because I’m right.

  37. I am not a predator or a victim. I am a person with political views who is trying to write comments here on a variety of subjects. You invariably attack me personally instead of discussing any topics at all. Now you are accusing me of poor mental health (or some such bullshit). It is nice here when you are gone. I don't know what you think you are doing, but you are too stupid/undereducated to participate and your humor is not appreciated.

  38. Anonymouse 4:13pm, anonymices aren’t the only people in the world who go to a blog in order to berate a blogger and the people who appreciate him. However, they are probably the only people who cry like babies when they’re challenged for it.

    That’s why they’re anonymices.

  39. Can someone alert the police to the fact that someone is holding a gun to the head of anonymouse 5:09pm and forcing her to read my posts.

  40. Yesterday Somerby said this: "As we surely know by now, MeToo came and briefly performed, and after that it went."

    Women do not believe that MeToo is over, so Somerby may be premature in this prouncement. Weinstein's case was overturned on a procedural ground about admissibility of other accusations during his trial. That doesn't mean anyone now condones what he did. Nor does it mean his other convictions will be overturned.

    Trump's trial is not really about Stormy Daniels or the sex stories he suppressed in the 2016 election. Daniels says the sex she engaged in with Trump was coerced but not rape, and she doesn't consider herself a victim because of it. But Trump's behavior with her, especially his assumption that she would have sex with him because she was asking to appear on his Appentice Show does reek of Weinstein's rapes. But that is not what Trump is being tried for. It may be what women will judge him for, as he tries to continue his campaign.

    So, on what basis does Somerby say MeToo is over? He may be referring to the overt sexism displayed by Gutfeld in all of his comedy routines. While that is sexist, it isn't MeToo. I'd like to see anyone call Gutfeld out on his sexism, even Republican women and other guests, even his producers at Fox. Why should this pass for humor? But if Somerby thinks this has anything to do with the forcible rape of women on the casting couch, he is very confused. He is so confused that he may be minimizing what rape means, that he would think a few crude sexist jokes are what bothers women in the MeToo movement.

    So maybe Somerby needs to explain what he means when he says MeToo is over, because it isn't over for us.

    1. When Somerby says MeToo "briefly performed" he is making an incredibly insulting remark, saying that the MeToo Movement was performative and not genuine, not arising from the pain and desire to address grievances of women who were abused in a variety of areas of life. E.Jean Carroll is part of MeToo and her verdict was just affirmed, Trump was denied a new trial and her award stands. So, in what sense is her MeToo trial "performative" and not a deeply felt grievance she experienced and the rest of us shared, as women?

      And this kind of remark is why Somerby is a huge sexist asshole.

    2. Tara Reade is calling. Asking for Corby.

    3. Does Tara need a lawyer to get her out of trouble for lying again?

    4. The issues of “Me Too” addressed were there before and after its headline grabbing stage. I know some women in show biz who are very thankful for it. They also express unease with the casual way some have been accused.

    5. Tara Reade had her claims investigated (taken seriously) but she was found to be not credible (a liar). She is now living in Moscow.

    6. A burglary suspect is arrested and found to be the wrong guy, not guilty of the crime. Does that mean we must do away with the crime of burglary in our penal code, never accuse another person of committing it?

      When Tara Reade or any other woman falsely accuses a man of a sex crime, he may or may not be guilty. You investigated and if there is evidence you conduct a trial, but you don't eliminate the crime just because an occasional person may be wrongly accused. This is the dilemma with every crime, but you improve investigatory procedures and court processes, not pretend the crime doesn't exist.

    7. "was found to be not credible"

      Right. Just like every woman accusing Bill Clinton of rape.

      Indeed, "performative" doesn't exactly describe this performance.

    8. There is no evidence Clinton raped anyone, ever. There was evidence of a blowjob but Lewinsky never accused him of rape. In her deposition, she said she was the agressor.

    9. Wonder what they had planned for Tara lawfare-wise.

    10. You can look it up.

    11. There are several articles about her. She appears to be trying to get MAGA Republicans like MTG and Gaetz to advance her story. She complains they show initial interest then she doesn’t hear from them again. That is perhaps because they look up her background, which reads a lot like George Santos. Reade herself is trying to get her academic background clarified by the press via her own attny, so she is the one suing people and trying to get records released. I think she would like to be the center of more allegations but no one is foolish enough to be involved with her.

      Here is how you look stuff up. Just put search terms or a question on the line where the url goes and hit return. Try Tara Reade Politico for starters. Or what is tara reade doing now.

    12. Anonymouse 10:32pm, now why would I need to google since Ive been the beneficiary of having all your unbiased free-flowing speculation as to Reade.

      I’m sure google offerings will offer up the same level of salience and knowledge as to my question.
      That is why I responded as I did to anonymouse 9:27pm.

    13. Anonymouse 11:31pm, you’re a Soros troll and you’re not in high school.

    14. That you know of.

  41. Here on the left, we don't joke about holding guns to people's heads, because crackpots like you might actually do it.

  42. I haven't seen Soros bots joking, ever. Faux outrage is your standard M.O. You are "offended".

  43. Anonymouse 5:24pm, sure thing. Whoever is forcing anonymouse 5:24pm to read my posts by holding a bottle shampoo over her head, please stop it.

  44. Anonymices could give lessons in feigning injury to insurance scammers.

  45. Cecelia is a nice person, and I love her.

  46. Let’s be honest: it’s the only joke Cecelia has ever thought of and no doubt her corpse will clutch it to her breast in her coffin.

  47. CC at 5:11. Exactly. That continues to surprise me. Mice berate Somerby, calling a racist, sexist propagandist for Putin, yet whimper and whine like a two-year-old who stubbed her toe when somebody calls them on their wacky bullshit.

  48. They feel affronted by pushback, I think, because they know that Somerby will always turn the other cheek.

  49. 4:04 - I think you are mistaken. I don’t want you to have a nym to harass you, but for the exact opposite reason. If you had a nym, I could avoid you, and we’d both benefit.

  50. When you read someone who annoys you, why do you feel you must write a nasty comment to them, instead of continuing to ignore them, as you promise to do here with those who have nyms? Nothing compells you to attack other commenters the way you persistently do.

  51. 6:24 - There are some Anon here where any response leads straight to a cesspool. If they had a nym, I would steer clear.

  52. And I don’t think I “attack” others so much as I challenge their false assertions.

  53. And remember, those I’ve “attacked” have usually attacked Somerby, viciously, before I came along. That’s why it doesn’t move me to tears when they whimper that I’m being so mean.

  54. I doubt Somerby needs you to protect him.

  55. And another thing that’s interesting. By and large, those with nyms don’t engage in persistent and bizarre attacks on Somerby’s motives and integrity. That seems to be reserved for the Anons.

  56. 7:03 - Are the Anons so tender that they need protection from me? Like I say, they dish it out but can’t take it.

  57. from the "you can't make it up" file:

    RNC’s ‘election integrity’ lawyer charged with election crimes
    Christina Bobb is the lawyer overseeing the RNC's "election integrity" efforts. She was also just indicted by a grand jury for election-related crimes.

  58. You’re pretty chickenshit hiding behind Pied Piper as if that were an actual name.

  59. See what I mean? With some Anons, everything goes straight into a cesspool.

  60. Greg Gutfeld does not represent our culture, no matter where he grew up.

  61. @8:18 has you pegged

  62. Anonymouse 8:18pm, that’s anonymouse thinking for you.

    You are able to engage people with nyms on the very post that they write and often times reference our past remarks.

    Yet that’s not enough for anonymous “You Who Accuse Bob of Sexual Harassment Towards Waitresses And Of Being a Foreign Agent.”

  63. You know what is chicken shite- the stuff you say and claim about Bob from your vantage point of being just another anonymouse.

  64. Somerby told the story about the waitress himself.

  65. Anonymouse 10:05pm, not your version.

  66. Somerby is the source of the story.

  67. This guy is brilliant. He has these people down to a T.

    “ I’m organizing an aid convoy to the @Columbia campus,” Goldstein posted last week. “We need: Glamp Tents; Volunteer Baristas; Oat Milk; Keffiyeh’s; Canada Goose Jackets; and Alo Leggings.”
