Candidate Trump staged one of his pressers!


How did The Five react? Yesterday afternoon, in front of Trump Tower, Candidate Donald J. Trump staged one of his lengthy pressers.

It started at 4:52 p.m. The candidate continued until 5:37, having taken just a handful of questions. The Fox News Channel aired the whole thing, eating into the regular time for its most-watched program, The Five

As the presser drew to an end, we felt sorry for that program's four Trump-supporters. Here's why:

We don't think we've ever seen the candidate seem more disorganized or more disordered. We know that the candidate doesn't drink. Otherwise, we would have wondered if he had been drinking that day.

What would the Trump supporters say about his performance? Below, we'll answer your question. First, though, we'll show you the sort of thing the candidate said this day.

Just after the clock struck 5, he was off on one of his standard jags, a jag to which he kept returning. At 5:05 p.m., in the iteration shown below, his presentation made even less sense than it normally does:
TRUMP (6/26/24): By the way, the crime rate in Venezuela is down to the lowest level it's ever been that they know of because they've taken their street gangs, they've taken their criminals, off the streets, they've taken their drug dealers and they've emptied their jails, almost. They'll be empty very soon, within the next two months. I guess they can't get enough buses.  
But they're bringing out, they're bringing people at record levels to our country. These are criminals, and their crime rate is the lowest it's been ever that anybody can remember...
"I guess they can't get enough buses!" Under current arrangements, given the traditions and norms of American journalism, we don't have an established way to report, and then to discuss, a peculiar statement like that.

Most of that passage is pure boilerplate. The candidate has said it a million times. It's been (dismissively) fact-checked almost as often. 

As far as we know, the Trump campaign has never produced any evidence in support of these general claims—claims the candidate recently seemed to extend to countries all over the world. That said, we thought the candidate added an especially fanciful filigree this time around:
They've emptied their jails, almost. They'll be empty very soon, within the next two months. I guess they can't get enough buses.
Venezuela's jails will be empty soon. As of now, whoever is doing this apparently can't get enough buses!

That struck us as an especially pitiful addition to the standard story telling. They're busing the criminals to our country—but for now, they're just a bit short on buses!

Where do these buses get unloaded? Why is there no videotape of this remarkable process? 

Also this:

Has any news org ever posed these obvious questions to the Trump campaign? What did the Trump campaign say in reply, and why isn't a presentation as peculiar as this being reported on the front page of major American newspapers?

We've long recommended pity for Trump, who we regard as (clinically) afflicted. To us, his behavior seemed to be especially disjointed on this particular day.

That said, there is no established language within our mainstream journalism for describing such disjointed behavior. And there's no established practice according to which major reporters report the fact that a major figure is making statements which seem to make no earthly sense.

To our ear, the candidate's story was wearing no clothes in this embellished new iteration. To our eye, his performance had been especially disjointed and disordered all the way through.

As the lengthy presser continued, we felt sorry for the Fox News stars who would have to discuss this event. How would they describe it? 

Perhaps you know the obvious answer. The candidate had never been sharper, the four Trump acolytes all agreed, starting with Judge Jeanine's reliably upbeat assessment. Five hours later, the reliable host of the Gutfeld! show took things even farther.

Last month, The Five was the nation's top-rated "cable news" show. Yesterday, it occurred to us that the program needs a name change.

We'll save that new name for another day.  But there has never been a major candidate who makes the type of presentation this candidate routinely makes, and big newspapers like the New York Times seem to lack an established language with which to report such events.

Where do the buses drop all those criminals off? Has any news org ever asked? Is it just simpler not to do so—to avert a news org's gaze while reporting the latest polls?


  1. Why should anyone waste time on Trump’s lies. I live in the Denverr area and I know first-hand that Venezuelan gangs have not taken over Aurora apt buildings using paramilitary weapons. That is a total lie, debunked by local CO administrators and politicians.

    1. Doncha know: Trump supporters do not care whatsoever about the truth. They also do not care about the couple of hundred thousand US citizens that died unnecessarily from COVID due to his negilgence and lies.

    2. With the Dow up over 250 points yesterday and PCE year over year inflation down to 2.2% , imaginary groups taking over apartments in Aurora, CO is a good play for Trump.

    3. @5:44 Pictures of the Venezuelans in an apartment house armed with assault weapons have been on the web. They're pretty convincing.

      Your assertion of first hand checking raises some questions, such as:
      -- How many days have you spent checking apartment houses in Aurora?
      -- How many apartment houses did you check?
      -- How did you make sure that no Venezuelan gang took over each house that you checked?
      -- How can you be sure that these gangs haven't taken over apartment houses that you didn't check?

    4. Deep fake memes are being circulated. Why does this crap take precedence over the first hand experience of those who live in Aurora? This is a lie, like Haitians eating pets.

    5. Oh fuck off. YOUR side has the burden of proof if it's going to make such an outlandish, incendiary, xenophobic claim. How many days have YOU spent checking? How many apartments have YOU checked? How did YOU make sure this was actually happening before trying to whip up anti-immigrant hate? How can YOU be sure these gangs have taken over apartment houses that you didn't check?

      If someone accuses you of molesting babies, is it up to you to disprove them? Or is it up to them to prove you did it?

    6. Mike, your analogy about baby molestation accusations reflects a very basic misunderstanding. David's request for clarification isn’t a demand for proof that the gangs don’t exist. Rather, he’s seeking details on how the person reached the conclusion that gangs haven't taken over the Aurora apartments.

    7. The mayor, police chief and residents of the apartment complex debunked Trump's claim that it had been taken over by a gang. I will not be flying to Aurora to personally attest by eyewitness that Trump has once again lied about the activities of migrants. There have been gang member arrests of Venezuelans in Aurora but the claim that they have taken over an apartment building has not been substantiated, and in fact disputed by the above people. This is in the pet eating category of Trump statements that have no grounding in reality. Since Aurora he has now moved on to making incendiary comments about Haitians in Charleroi, PA, receiving push back by residents there:

      As usual, DIC is FOS, and the narrative he promotes is xenophobic.

    8. Meanwhile a video of Vance speaking to a group of transportation safety workers in 2023 has surfaced and been corroborated. It shows him blaming declining US birthrates on baby car seats. In it he states that there have been 100,000 fewer births on account of them. Not in jest.

  2. Pod Save America said Harris gave an excellent speech on economics. Why isn’t Somerby noticing that, as promised?

    1. Somerby didn't notice Kamala Harris’s speech on economics, as promised, due to a focus on other current events—specifically Trump’s press conference.

  3. An on-screen meteorologist rescued a woman from her submerged car, carrying her through chest-deep water on his back. Somerby owes journalists more respect.

    1. LOL! One kind act by one random (presumably local) meteorologist (while he has a camera pointed at him), and "Somerby owes journalists more respect."! Thanks for the chuckle.

  4. As a comedian, does Bob really not understand the use of hyperbole to make a point in a humorous way? People listening to Trump do understand this way of talking. Does Bob support fact-checking jokes?

    1. As someone who has listened and talked with conservatives for many years, even before the Trump era revealed people like you hold our Country in contempt, yes, we know you engage in your own brand of “humor.” Even your wife before the Vice squad picked her up again used to get off some good ones. Just kidding!

    2. I find Trump refreshingly funny every time he gifts hard earned dollars from the wallet of an adoring mark. Selling shares in Truth Social was side splittingly funny. The idea that a guy who couldn't get a loan from a legitimate US bank is planning on printing his own crypto currency is hilarious. Whatever can possibly go wrong will do so to his most ardent fans. It doesn't get any funnier.

    3. Anonymouse 7:59pm, you and your anonymouse pals do leaden stalinesque denunciations of your contrarians, Trump does mean jibes and stream of consciousness riffs.

      You couldn’t get elected Dogcatcher.

    4. "...grifts hard earned dollars..."

    5. "streams of consciousness riffs" - BWAHAHAHA!!

      Is that what you call his flop sweat?

    6. I don't think it's the hyperbole Bob objects to, but the falseness underlying it.
