Do Bernie Sanders' proposals make sense?


And why don't we ever find out?:
Do Bernie Sanders' various proposals actually make sense? More specifically, is it possible that they could ever be paid for?

Ron Brownstein has an analysis piece in the Atlantic designed to help people consider those questions. His essay is entitled, The Sixty Trillion Dollar Man. That may give you some idea of where he seems to come down.

In fact, Brownstein's essay runs beneath a double headline. Though we think his essay is very much worth reading, we'd quibble with the second part of the headline:
The Sixty Trillion Dollar Man
The price of Bernie Sanders’s agenda could be his biggest general-election weakness. But his rivals haven’t yet forced him to explain how he’d cover the full cost.
That headline criticizes the other candidates for failing to make Sanders explain how he'd cover the cost of his proposals. We'd be more inclined to point a finger at the upper-end press corps itself.

The Democratic candidates have now engaged in about three million debates. Moderators from the various networks have rarely succeeded in creating a focused discussion of any serious topic.

In part, the cattle-call nature of modern "debates" plays a role in this failure. On Tuesday night in South Carolina, there were still seven (7) candidates—two of whom were only there because they'd bought there way onto the stage—interrupting, cat-calling and changing the subject every time the chance arose.

Given that circumstance, a fair-minded person might pity the poor moderator. But let's consider two (2) questions asked Tuesday night by Gayle King.

Early on, the following question sent three analysts screaming out into the yard:
KING (2/25/20): Vice President Biden, I want to make—I want to bring us to another topic. We're in South Carolina. It's the first primary with a significant black voting population. Your numbers appear to be slipping with black voters. And I'm wondering if you could respond about why that is happening to you at this particular time.
Analysts wept! Do we want to see candidates forced to discuss major policy problems, or do we want to see them asked to audition for a role as a cable news pundit?

There's very, very little to gain from asking such a question of any candidate in a seven-hopeful debate. Sadly, four New York Times reporters discuss Biden's answer to this question on this morning's page A3, and none of them displays any sense that questions like this are a pointless waste of time.

(Biden's answer, in a nutshell: "I intend to win in South Carolina, and I will win the African-American vote." His exchange with King on this matter was time we'll never get back.)

The second question we have in mind came in the form of a statement. Fairly late in the debate, King told the candidates this:
KING: I know it goes fast, but a minute-fifteen is really a long time. So we'd ask respectfully if you would all please try to keep to the time.
King was referring to the amount of time each candidate was given to answer questions from moderators. A minute and fifteen seconds is really a long time, she said.

In fact, except in the world of modern punditry, a minute-fifteen really isn't a really long time. To wit:

Way back when, Theodore White wrote the iconic campaign book, The Making of the President, 1960. As part of that historic campaign, Candidates Kennedy and Nixon staged the first televised presidential debates.

In his discussion of those debates, White lamented the way the rules of those debates limited the candidates to answers which couldn't exceed two-and-a-half (2.5) minutes in length. White lamented thusly:
WHITE (pages 291-292): [T]here certainly were real differences of philosophy and ideas between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon—yet rarely in American history has there been a political campaign that discussed issues less or clarified them less.

The TV debates, in retrospect, were the greatest opportunity for such discussion, but it was an opportunity missed...[S]ince two and a half minutes permit only a snatch of naked thought and a spatter of raw facts, both candidates, whenever caught out on a limb with a thought too heavy for two-minute exploration, a thought seemingly too bold or fresh to be accepted by the conditioned American mind, hastily scuttled back toward center as soon as they had enunciated the thought...

If there was to be any forum for issues, the TV debates should have provided such a forum. Yet they did not; every conceivable problem was raised by the probing imagination of the veteran correspondents who questioned the candidates. But all problems were answered in two-minute snatches...
Nixon and Kennedy were limited to two-and-a-half minutes at a time. To White, this made it impossible to conduct a real discussion.

Today, candidates on crowded stages are told that they're lucky to get 75 seconds. Brief answers are given as crowds of hyenas leap about, interrupting at every turn, changing the subject where possible.

The candidates have been asked about health care at every debate. Has anything of substance ever been nailed down, in even the tiniest way?

With that in mind, do Candidate Sanders' sweeping proposals really make sense? Is there any conceivable way he could pay for his varied proposals?

Isn't it time that someone tried to nail this basic point down? Brownstein is a valuable throwback to an earlier, less fatuous time.


  1. "Do Bernie Sanders' proposals make sense?"

    Right. I read somewhere, dear Bob, that he promises you gullible zombies $70 trillion in freebies in the next 10 years.

    He promises to get that amount - $70 trillion - from the billionaires, who apparently own only $4 trillion in total (if memory serves).

    Now, does it make sense, you ask. But of course it does, dear Bob. To him. If it gets him elected.

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  2. “We'd be more inclined to point a finger at the upper-end press corps itself.”

    Why is the media responsible for Sanders’ lack of specifics? That’s on him.

    In fact, Brownstein refers to an interview of Sanders, conducted by Anderson Cooper, on 60 Minutes:
    “he brushed aside questions from Anderson Cooper about the full price tag, insisting, “Well, I can’t—you know, I can’t rattle off to you every nickel and every dime.””

    And there was this:
    “During a CNN town hall in Charleston on Monday, Sanders tried to preempt further questions by handing the moderator, Chris Cuomo, a document that he said cataloged all his spending plans,”

    1. So Sanders hands out documents that catalogue all his spending plans yet is responsible for a lack of specifics?

      That makes absolutely no sense.

      Stupid being stupid.

    2. Yes, it does make sense as an act of evasiveness by Sanders. He should be expected to explain his program, not simply hand over a document prepared by his staff. And it is unreasonable to expect a TV show host to read through a lengthy document just before air time. Further, a catalog of spending plans is a list of such plans, not details of how they are to be paid for.

      If he cannot "rattle off to you every nickel and every dime," he is not qualified to be president. Hillary could have rattled off every detail because she was (1) prepared, (2) not senile, (3) wonkish about details. It sounds like Bernie is too stupid to understand his own proposals and we don't need another guy like that in office.

  3. Before explaining how to pay for new programs, the candidates ought to explain how they'll pay for existing programs. A valid criticism of Trump is the enormous and growing federal deficit. The first priority of the new President should be to cut the deficit. But, no candidate and no debate moderator is even addressing the problem.

  4. "Your numbers appear to be slipping with black voters. And I'm wondering if you could respond about why that is happening to you at this particular time."

    Somerby doesn't think that a Democratic candidate's stance on civil rights is a "policy issue."

  5. Sanders is not a Democrat. He doesn't want to be a Democrat, but he also doesn't want to do the work involved in a third-party candidacy. So he has "borrowed" the Democratic infrastructure to stage his run, all while dissing Democrats and especially the DNC, who he sees as obstructing his campaign.

    I would never vote for someone who thinks this behavior is OK. But there are so many other reasons why I would never vote for Bernie too, from his early writings about women, to his treatment of Hillary, to his support for the NRA just because hunters gotta hunt in Vermont, to his unwillingness to work as a team with anyone, to his failure to curb his bros, to his willingness to accept Russia's support in 2016 and again in 2020, to his gross narcissism, to his use of his office as Senator to help his wife financially, to his hypocrisy in calling out the rich while owning THREE homes and being himself a millionaire, to his ignorance about foreign policy, and his dishonesty in following campaign rules (whether FEC regulations or caucus procedures).

    Bernie is forcing a brokered convention and will no doubt cry foul when he is not nominated, but this is the guy who doesn't really want to be a Democrat anyway, he just wants to be President (like Trump, no matter how it happens).

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