COMFORT FOOD IS US: Concerning the president's trip to Hawaii!


Morning Joe battles Fox: It wasn't exactly comfort food. It was more of a furious pushback.

We refer to the opening segment of this morning's Morning Joe. Right from the jump, the Morning Joe gang savaged Fox News for what was said, during yesterday's programs, concerning President Biden.

More specifically, concerning President Biden's trip to Hawaii. Concerning what the president said and did while he was there.

Sadly, we're forced to say that the people on Fox got it more right than the people on Morning Joe did. And in our view, it gets even worse:

In our view, the people on Morning Joe were extremely selective in their account of what the people on Fox had said. At issue was the alleged strangeness of President's Biden's remarks while visiting Lahaina on Monday.

Full disclosure! As happenstance had it, we turned on our TV early Monday evening moments after President Biden had started his first set of remarks about the recent wildfire disaster. 

CNN was airing his remarks live; MSNBC and Fox were not. As we watched his remarks on CNN, we became even more concerned about the president's hopes for re-election next year.

For the official White House transcript of that first set of remarks, you can just click here. These are the open-air remarks the president made at the Lahaina Banyan Tree Park.

As we watched the president make that first set of remarks, we didn't realize that his presentation had just begun. But uh-oh:

Not unlike the loudmouths on Fox, we thought the president's extended self-reference demonstrated very poor judgment. We were even more concerned by the halting, fumbling way he delivered those remarks.

Hawaii's two senators stood at his side, as did first ladt Jill Biden. Full disclosure:

His performance struck us as embarrasingly bad. We  actually thought that the others might be on the verge of walking away from the podium.

About two hours later, the president delivered a second set of remarks, this time at the Lahaina Civic Center. In our view, his extensive act of self-reference was even weirder on this occasion.  For the White House transcript, click this.

Yesterday, the loudmouths were screaming about this on Fox. All in all, we thought their assessment of Biden's pair of formal statements was pretty much on target.

Inevitably, they threw in several other complaints which may have been total confections. (Example: At one point, he even seemed to fall asleep!)

This morning, the Morning Joe gang attacked the Foxsters for those phony, confected critiques. But they failed to mention the more substantive complaints about the president's allegedly "tone deaf" comments.

Below, we'll link you to some news reports and opinion pieces about the president's remarks. For ourselves, we'll only say this:

As we watched the president's first set of remarks, we feared the outcome of next year's election as we've never feared it before.

We began to wonder if President Biden will be able to make it through the next year as a candidate for re-election. In our view, his second set of remarks that day turned out to be weirder still.

Early this morning, we were surprised to see the guest host on Way Too Early defending Biden against the less substantial attacks on Fox. 

We were further surprised to see the Morning Joe gang open their show by taking the same approach, while failing to mention the stronger critiques we had seen made on Fox.

As we watched Joe and Mika declaim in this selective manner, it seemed to us that we've finally reached the point where our so-called "cable news" has become Complete Total Tribal Propaganda. Meanwhile, in a related point:

Can President Biden get re-elected next year?

Early Monday evening, we watched the president speak in real time, before any punditry had begun. When we watched him make his first set of remarks, we worried about next year's election as we've never worried before.

They played it dumb on today's Morning Joe. Our political world is in near total meltdown. Is it possible that our polarized, pseudo-journalistic world is in even worse shape?

All the president's comments: What did President Biden do or say that seemed to be "tone deaf?"

We'll remind you that, as a matter of politics, his halting delivery worried us even more than his self-referential remarks. That said, we'll start you with Newsweek's account of the matter:

Joe Biden Comparing Maui Fires to Almost Losing His Corvette Sparks Fury

Business Insider discussed Biden's performance under this headline:

Biden told Maui wildfire survivors that he can relate, citing a small fire he had in his kitchen in 2004

The National Review was somewhat scathing, thought we can't really say they were wrong:

Biden Likens ‘Insignificant’ 2004 House Fire to Deadly Hawaii Wildfire

Here's the way the headlines have looked over at Fox News:

Biden blasted for comparing kitchen fire in his home to devastating Maui blaze: 'Absolutely disgusting'

Biden has repeatedly told exaggerated house fire story to victims of tragedies

Your lizard brain is going to tell you to ignore what's being said at Fox. In our view, Morning Joe was whistling past the graveyard this morning, conning us as they went. 

This strikes us as very bad news. We're just telling you what we saw.


  1. No doubt Trump’s indictments will all be dropped since he gave that press conference that exonerated himself.

  2. 2020 Trump: 74 million votes

    2020 Biden: 81 million votes

    Jesus Christ, Trump lost to a “bumbling old man” by over 7 million votes, what a pathetic fucking loser Trump is.

    1. Do you actually believe that?

    2. It is accurate, except, obviously the “bumbling old man” is sarcasm.

  3. Trump: “So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way.”

    Trump: "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs”

    Trump: "I hope people enjoy the sun, and if it has an impact, that’s great. I’m just hearing this, not really for the first time. I mean, there’s been a rumor, a very nice rumor, that you go outside in the sun or you have heat, and it does have an effect on other viruses.“

    Trump: "I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if there’s any way that you can apply light and heat to cure. You know? If you could? And maybe you can, maybe you can’t.”

    Trump’s bought and paid for doctor’s stunned response: "Not as a treatment. I mean, certainly fever is a good thing. When you have a fever, it helps your body respond. But, I’ve not seen heat or light as a —"

    Trump interrupts: "I think that’s a great thing to look at. OK?"

    Bwahahahaha, nice try Somerby, but you’re never going to win an argument by trying to suggest anyone, including Biden, is a bigger moron than Trump.

    Trump takes the cake on that, he’s more likely to president of his cell block, not of a country. Heck, Trump couldn’t even run a company, they all went bankrupt, in no small part due to him being distracted by his fascination with how hot he thought his own daughter is.

  4. Halfway through Somerby's essay and he still hasn't told us what self-referential remarks Biden made, what Fox's confected criticism was or even what anyone said. That isn't any way to write an essay. Why does Somerby do this?

    Half way through the essay and we definitely catch the drift, that Somerby doesn't like Biden, that Biden is a poor speaker and said something wrong, that Somerby thinks Biden shouldn't run again (because of the way he speaks?) and that Fox is right in its criticisms (even if we haven't been told what they are.

    This is how propaganda works. If Somerby actually told his readers what Biden said, we might decide for ourselves whether it was bad or good. But Somerby doesn't want us to do that -- he wants us to take his word for it that Biden screwed up in some horrible way (by how he speaks?) and Fox is right. Did I mention that Somerby agrees with Fox's concocted criticisms?

    Now I will read the second half of Somerby's essay and see if I can figure out exactly what Biden is supposed to have said wrong.

  5. "Your lizard brain is going to tell you to ignore what's being said at Fox."

    If Biden has been telling this house fire story at tragedies for years, how has the public reacted in previous years, before he was running for reelection? Was it an issue then? I don't recall it being one. Further, Biden apparently won the presidency despite having told that story before. It may be because Biden's obvious concern and sympathy have come across at the scene of this and previous tragedies, so that his listeners understood his empathy first hand whereas those reading about it in tones like Somerby's and Fox News will see only the bare words and the outrage, and not the decency and humanity of a president who was there to help survivors.

    Faux outrage is a specialty over at Fox News. Somerby joins the chorus. Neither mention how quickly Biden declared a state of emergency so that survivors can apply for aid. An actual partisan would remind us all that Trump denied aid to California fire victims on the pretense that we were not maintaining our forests properly (the job of the federal govt, not the state), but actually because he loved hurting blue states (even though many affected by fires in CA rural areas are no doubt Trump voters).

    But Somerby thinks the most important factor affecting Biden's reelection is how he speaks. Never mind that Biden has always had a speech defect, was talking extemporaneously and not making a formal statement, and has managed to perform well as VP and president for the past 3 years without difficulty, despite his empathy and concern for people. Elsewhere on Fox they are mocking Biden for talking to a rescue dog, as if that too were a bad thing to do. Dog owners disagree.

    1. The “Lizard Brain” insult is one of Bob’s tells. It pops up when by knows his con is weak, that bullying is nessesary.

  6. If anyone is wondering whether Somerby is a Biden supporter, today's essay is proof that he is not. No one treats their own party's nominee like this in print. The right wing taking point of the day is obviously to savage Biden's Hawaii visit, and Somerby has joined right in with enthusiasm.

    1. Should I ask your butler to fetch the fainting couch?

    2. Why would his butler pay you any heed?

  7. Today Somerby thinks Biden might be tone deaf?

    At 1:35 we see how Trump responded to the Covid pandemic, in real time we all watched as Trump did nothing, and made a mockery of over a million unnecessary deaths that he was directly responsible for.

    And Somerby thinks Biden is tone deaf?

    Somerby might be as psychotic as Trump.

  8. Biden: responds quickly to tragedies by declaring state of emergencies and offering financial as well as emotional support

    Trump: under 4 (and growing) indictments for various corruption and illegalities, responds by rambling on about water pressure and having to flush the toilet multiple times

    It would appear that Somerby is the “tone deaf” one. When right wingers like Somerby attack attack attack, it’s all projection and confession.

    1. Like all Right-wingers, Somerby hears Republican dog-whistles loud and clear.

  9. “We're just telling you what we saw.”

    Apparently, Somberly is under the delusion that he has any influence.

  10. Megyn Kelly is claiming that Biden lied about his house fire. That is itself a lie. Somerby is minimizing the fire itself, as if it were so minor that it would evoke none of the emotions the people in Hawaii were feeling. Here is the truth about Biden's house fire:

    "A 2004 report from The Associated Press, archived by LexisNexis, said lightning struck the Bidens' home and started a "small fire that was contained to the kitchen." The report said firefighters got the blaze under control in 20 minutes, and they were able to keep the flames from spreading beyond the kitchen."

    First, this is not the same as a stove or oven fire that can be contained using a fire extinguisher. Firefighters too 20 minutes to put it out. Second, there was potential for it to spread beyond the kitchen but firefighters prevented that. That suggests a gutted kitchen and worry that the rest of the house might burn too. That, again, is not a trivial occurrence. Third, the house was struck by fucking lightning. Imagine what that sounded like and the fear someone would feel being that close to a lightning strike. They would be scared, just as the people in LaHaina were scared. Fourth, Biden obviously escaped his house fire. So did those he was speaking to in Hawaii. Do only the deaths count? Rebuilding is for the living and facing up to that task is daunting. Expecting no one to talk about their difficulties because they didn't die, is ridiculous and as tone deaf as anything Biden could have said. Biden knows about rebuilding too because he faced a burned out kitchen full of water and soggy ashes and the task of returning it to normal, just as those who are standing in front of a burned out lot are doing.

    Biden also expressed condolences to those who lost family, neighbors and friends in the fire, and I am sure that he did so in appropriate terms, addressing their loss not with this story but with empathy for their suffering too. He told the story of his grief when he was told that his wife and daughter had been killed in a car accident. Fox doesn't mention that, does it, nor does Somerby. Like Fox, Somerby has cherrypicked Biden's words in order to conceal Biden's fully appropriate statement and pretend to be outraged along with his Fox buddies.

    Here's what Biden was reported as saying:

    "LAHAINA, Hawaii, (AP) — President Joe Biden on Monday told survivors of Hawaii's wildfires that the nation “grieves with you” and promised that the federal government will help Maui “for as long as it takes” to recover after touring damage caused by the deadliest wildfire in the United States in more than a century."

    In fairness, read what Biden actually said, in its entirety:,it%20takes%2C%20I%20promise%20you.

    The part near the end about the Banyan roots is especially moving, even to me in CA where we don't have such trees but we definitely have roots.

    I feel outraged that Somerby would so grossly misrepresent what Biden said, smearing him in a situation where he was trying to help convey our nation's support to the people of Hawaii. I would expect no better of Fox, but Somerby outdoes them given his pretense to care whether Biden wins again or not.

    1. I suspected Somerby was over his skis on this, but wow, it’s pretty disgraceful, Somerby’s repulsive framing compared to what Biden actually said and did. Thanks for researching and reporting this.

    2. "Sadly, we're forced to say that the people on Fox got it more right than the people on Morning Joe did."

      Somerby should perhaps have done his own research by reading Biden's actual remarks, instead of finding and repeating the variety of smears on Fox.

      If any of us wanted to hear Fox propaganda, we know where to find it. When Somerby repeats it here like he did today, he gives a wider platform to the lies and garbage propagated by Fox. That helps the right wing, not Biden and not the Democrats. When Somerby, posing as a Democrat, sides with Fox against our president and those who defended him (Morning Joe etc), then those who read today's one-sided essay may be tempted to think of Biden as a decrepit old fool who thinks his silly house fire was like Hawaii's devastation. That isn't Biden and it isn't most elderly people either -- it is an ugly stereotype aimed at convincing readers to vote for No Labels or Joe Manchin, or even Trump (who at least tells exciting lies not ones about kitchen fires).

      Somerby is as bad as any of the trolls in comments and they are all working toward the same end -- Trump's reelection. I hope the Russians think they are getting their money's worth. When they stop thinking that, people fall out of airplanes (or windows).

  11. "Your lizard brain is going to tell you to ignore what's being said at Fox."

    My lizard brain tells me to get all the facts before believing anything said by Fox News. Somerby seems to have no clue what Biden actually said and did in Hawaii. But he is happen to climb on the bandwagon against Biden, because he talks funny, without knowing what he said and did in Hawaii. My lizard brain may be too charitable about giving Somerby the benefit of the doubt and assuming ignorance. Perhaps he really did know what Biden did but was willing to lie himself and portray Biden as an inept old man, because that is how the right wing conducts an election -- dirty 100% and lying through its teeth.

    My scaly sun-loving lizard is more honest than Somerby, smarter too. Perhaps it has good genes, like Trump.

  12. Somerby should be too embarrassed about this deception to show his face around here again.

  13. C'mon, Bob. Tell us what Biden said about black people having equality that has you upset with him.

  14. Yevgeny Prigozhin’s plane crashed.

    1. The man had a ragtag tiny group of 25k men march towards Moscow, and Putin shat his pants and cut a deal, making it clear how weak and vulnerable Putin/Russia is - of course he was assassinated.

      Ukraine, if you’re listening…

    2. That plane was under US sanctions.

    3. Are you from the Ministry of Impertinence?

  15. Wagner leader killed in a plane crash, South Carolina Supreme Court allows abortion ban, India lands on the moon, and this is the tired shit Somerby rage-posts?

  16. The White House has the full transcript. Biden deprecatingly says he has "a little sense what it is like to lose a home", briefly describing what happened and concluding:

    "To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ‘67 Corvette, and my cat. But all kidding aside, I watched the firefighters, the way they responded."

    And then he continues talking about the firefighters:

    "You know, there’s an old expression — I grew up right across the street from a fire hall in Claymont, Delaware. And the expression is, “God made man, and then he made a few firefighters.” You’re all crazy, thank God. The only people who run into flames to help other people. And they ran into flames to save my wife and save my family. Not a joke.

    The smoke — and the firefighters here can tell you — sometimes smoke is so thick. From the windows out, it was that thick inside the home. And we were — we were insured. We did not have any problem, but being out of our home for a better part of a year was difficult."

    First, Biden shows that he knows this isn't the same as what many people in Hawaii experienced, using adjectives that place his experience in perspective, but he told the story to praise the firefighters, as his remarks make plain.

    And this was only a small part of what he said in his statement, taken out of context and misrepresented. This was not how he addressed the grief at loss of life. He talked about that elsewhere, as he repeated that the American people will be there for Hawaii as long as it takes.

    At this point it might be appropriate to point out the way that Fox and the right wing have politicized an event that should be shared by everyone as we express sympathy to our 50th state. The people in Hawaii are important to all of us but Fox skips the expression of support in order to use the occasion to mock Biden, for what, for being there and representing the rest of us as we stand behind Hawaii.

    Politicizing an event that should show unity is shoddy treatment of the people of Hawaii, in my opinion, beyond anything Biden might have done by sharing a personal story in his speech pledging support of the nation.

    1. Oof, considering this context, Somerby and Fox News are incredibly ghoulish.

  17. Although serious issues would be at stake with another Republican presidency, on a personal level it's really ridiculous to hear this sensitivity about how Biden might not be electable next election, when the party itself since 1979 has increasingly cleared its throat that it's prepared to basically steamroll over every smaller labor and civil organization that could support it in this moment, with the smug opinion that it's only doing so to "move to the center and reassure donors." In the 90s the advocates for closing the national insurance policy gap were shut out by a bipartisan Congress. Since Carter the Democratic party hasn't changed its image of Hispanic people as suffering plighted lawn workers from Mexico. There's even a new line developing about loving the sinner and hating the sin with the 90s crime bills. Anyone who's not a West Wing fanfiction nerd doesn't see that as progress.

    Where do you want this support to instantly materialize from when you haven't been building it all along, with no big support on health besides a few tweaks in Obamacare and some carrot on a stick forgiveness of student loan debt? You just wait for people to get absolutely fed up and challenge and then absorb them into the party with a few new boards and economists under the same existing power structure. How long did it take liberals to stop telling themselves that they have to support Trump in the early days of his presidency because he is our president after all.? You're addicted to supporting institutions over change.

    Putting a bunch of intellectuals who didn't know anything about people's lives in charge of institutions like prisons and schools did create a pipeline, the New York Times is running a story today about white supremacist Latinos. The failure of an intellectual and business-led movement to grow support and fend off fascism is the exact reason that everyone from fat second generation Union families from the Midwest to rural poor held under the thumb of a two-party system don't play nice with party bigwigs and throw election tantrums. If intellectuals can enjoy finding creative ways to call them welfare queens, and the most that the center right will do is occasionally let David Brooks write an article where he says that the urban liberals are having too much fun and need to get more serious about God. Politicians don't have to listen to anyone if they have campaign donors so why would they listen to God?

    1. Have you seen the job Biden is doing?
      That Inflation Reduction act is a HUGE boon to the economy.
      Unemployment is at a 6 decade low. Wages are up.
      You and Oliver Anthony can whine about how life should be fairer all you want, but you're both blaming the wrong people.

    2. Somebody is playing with ChatGPT again...

    3. "That Inflation Reduction act is a HUGE boon to the economy."

      Dumping free government money into the economy tends to DO that.

    4. I'd like to make enough money we're being afraid of sudden healthcare debt, student debt, and white supremacy in my community aren't issues to me. Maybe then I'll be a Biden zealot.

    5. You want more white supremacy or less? Trump=more, Biden=less. The same with debt.

    6. Thanks for simplifying it for me next time I need to vote and participate in the government for 10 seconds. Obviously there aren't problems that go deeper than that action

    7. Liberals look at history and confuse the obedience of elections with the cooperation of large movements that pressured anything good to happen. This saintly glow around Biden only appeared after the party made major concessions in staffs and economic policy toward the left after an uprising unseated them for 4 years. People are using the election system blind in a blind emotional way, and we're all just supposed to sit there and coo over the latest TV commercials coming out and count this minutes that the president's allowed to speak on various cable channels. And then you have a bunch of black women go knock on doors in the South and take credit for the country moving in the right direction.

    8. You might think you are making sense but you are stuck in your own head and not communicating. This is what paranoid schizophrenics sound like.

    9. If the only person you ever heard get upset about the government is a paranoid schizophrenic then you're living a life that's so polished and privileged that you have really no right to tell other people what the government should be doing to them

    10. It's kind of ironic that liberals can't give you healthcare but they can call you schizophrenic

    11. 3:18 I appreciate your sentiment but I think your suffering from a fundamental misunderstanding of human behavior, electoral politics, and how societies progress.

    12. I'm sorry that the world looks different to me from reading American history and applying it to my understanding of the present moment

      Instead I guess I should be begging some politician to sit up on his shoulders and walk through the zoo of America laughing at all the poor people who couldn't get it together.

    13. You seem really stupid.

    14. @7:42 one day I hope to aspire to your level of intellect

    15. Here we see the function of the democratic party is not education but religion. It does not inform you of things but informs you of who you aren't allowed to talk to

  18. "COMFORT FOOD IS US: Concerning the president's trip to Hawaii!"

    This diatribe against Biden has nothing to do with so-called comfort food, so why use this headline?

    Somerby says it himself: "Morning Joe battles Fox: It wasn't exactly comfort food. It was more of a furious pushback."

    Shouldn't a cable news pundit who supports the need for truth in reporting engage in pushback against the unfair things said by Fox and the other right wingers about Biden?

    Is Somerby so resistant to any "pushback" on MSNBC or CNN that his knee-jerk reaction is to agree with Fox? That isn't thinking, it is Somerby's lizard brain speaking, in my opinion.

    1. Keep in mind what Ezra Pound said.

    2. What Pound said always boiled down to some form of: the only good Jew is a dead Jew.

      Let’s never keep in mind anything from that self described moron.

  19. Bob worries about Biden's electability. I worry more about his ability to handle the job of POTUS. Would a better President have handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan better? Would a better President have done a better job of controlling inflation? Would a better President have protected American education from the negative effects of covid? Would a better President have prevented Russia from invading Ukraine?

    These things matter to ordinary citizens. Unfortunately, I don't see any way that we ordinary citizens can figure out whether the Administration deserves credit or blame for these sorts of things.

    1. These are all things you can compare with Trump and Biden comes out ahead on each issue.

    2. @4:12 - The results say otherwise. One can perhaps credit Biden for Afghanistan. Perhaps a badly handled withdrawal was better than no withdrawal.

      OTOH Inflation was a lot better under Trump. Education suffered under both Presidents. Under Trump, Putin did not invade Ukraine, although Putin did so under both Biden and Obama,

    3. Trump set the withdrawal date and closed all but one airport before leaving office to screw Biden but the people trying to leave took the brunt of Trump’s actions. Putin prepared to invade Ukraine under Trump who gave him whatever he wanted. Inflation is under control and the economy is better under Biden. Education is suffering in red states.

    4. We can focus on whether someone could've handled a month or so of withdrawal from Afghanistan better; or we can look at the 18 some odd years of failure leading up to it, including the initial invasion. What's more important?

    5. Yes, we need to worry about the disaster in Ukraine that Biden got us into. How can we get out of that without a nuclear war?

    6. That Putin got us into. FTFY

    7. Yes, of course. It was Putin. Thank you.

    8. Who’s threatening nuclear war? Not Biden.

    9. Senate Intelligence hearings suggest Hunter Biden appears to have been associated with Moonies as late as 2012.

    10. The adults in the room worry about why right wingers/Republicans only offer bad faith discourse and misinformation.

    11. David, you already had no credibility, but you compounded that circumstance by lying that Lizzie Skurnick is your cousin. Out of respect for Liz, no one should henceforth respond to David in the comments, regardless of his silly attempts to trigger with lies and false claims.

      She’s not your cousin, no relation at all, and if she is able to obtain your identity, will consider legal action. Somerby, if you’re listening…

    12. Hunter is trying to make it seem like Biden lost by 7 million votes.

    13. David, Biden would not have selected 3 Christo-fascists for the Supreme Court, guaranteeing the chaotic free-for-all going on in the various states in their race to see which state will take women's rights over their own bodies more completely.

      And it goes without saying that Biden will not plot to steal the next election and lead an attack on our nation's Capitol.

      But sure, you're worried about Biden's age. You're so full of shit it's coming out of your ears.

  20. My lizard brain, and maybe the three quarters of a billion dollars FOX had to pay out for lying in Trump’s defense, in an effort to help him declare himself dictator for life? Which Bob, of course, has never mentioned….
    Is anyone still foolish enough to not see Bob is pulling for Trump as ha can?
    The huge extent to which Bob is unconvincing should give as all a little hope…

  21. Year over year inflation rate is 3.2%, national unemployment 2.5%, best in decades, and predictions of a major recession have been withdrawn by many pundits. Blaming Biden for the 2000-2021 worldwide spike in inflation that resulted from supply chain and labor issues or OPEC and Russian war effects on gas prices is a staple in the republican playbook because they can count on rubes like DIC to ascribe complex economic trends directly to actions of the resident of the White House, rather than more appropriately worldwide events or the actions of the Federal reserve. The world is more complicated than Fox talking points allows for their viewers to assimilate into their simple-minded biases. The Biden administration has helped bring manufacturing of microchips to the states, grappled with the cost of medications via Medicare bargaining, supported infrastructure spending and clean energy, and strengthened IRS enforcement of tax evaders , to name a few efforts that Biden can be more directly credited with, very little of which has coincided with the ongoing republican agenda of doing nothing for benefit of this country.

    1. Buying is selling off oil fields like a garage sale pull the other one

    2. You meant to say that Biden is selling off oil fields? You mean leases on oil fields? What is your point?

  22. Old Bob spends a great deal of time misleading readers. His halting, odd writing style is disturbing, but the projection onto others of his own constant attempts to tell half-truths is more troubling.
