Biden plans to build additional border wall!


The way our tribe plays the game:  At NBC News, the headlines on the news report say this:

Biden admin waives federal laws to allow border wall construction in Texas
The announcement follows pressure from top Democratic officials to address the overwhelming influx of migrants in the past year.

Inevitably, this is major breaking news. For CNN's report, click here. For the AP report, click this.

This is substantial breaking news; it was new as of this morning. Whatever the merits of this decision may be, it will likely be a bit embarrassing for the Biden administration.

At 9 a.m., we flipped through our three "cable news" channels. This is what we found:

At CNN, they were reporting and discussing the breaking news about the change in border wall policy. 

Over at the Fox News Channel, they were reporting and discussing the same thing.

Then we flipped to MSNBC. On Morning Joe, a panel was conducting that program's ten millionth consecutive discussion of our blue tribe's sole news topic:

Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Jail!

(Or mouthings to that effect.)

The woods are lovely, dark and deep. At long last, this seems to be the only thing our tribe is able to do.

Several top experts have told us this:

As a tribe, we aren't real light on our feet. We're neither smart nor nimble.


  1. "Then we flipped to MSNBC"

    The politburo hasn't approved new talking points yet.

    1. Or there may simply be a lag time in the scripting of the show. Morning Joe isn't the same format as breaking news reports.

    2. Notice the way the right has been using Russian Communist terms to describe the American left, which is nowhere close to socialist, much less communist. Cecelia tried to argue that the word apparatchik was just a generic political term. Now this troll (perhaps Cecelia without her nym) is using the term politburo, another Russian communist term. The orders have plainly gone out to label Democrats as Communists at every opportunity. These are the troll marching orders.

    3. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

    4. Joe is sitting with a panel opining on Trump and politics.

      There needn’t be any lag time.

      Just as there was no lag time during that show as to contemporaneous coverage and commentary on planes hitting the World Trade Center.

    5. Actually, Comrade Anonymouse 11:58am, I was arguing what a dictionary expressly stated about the term “apparatchik”.

    6. Yes, the definition says:

      "a member of a Communist Party apparat"

      Yes, there is a second definition that applies to politics in general, and that might be the one you were using, except that now the word politburo has been introduced.

      politburo definition: "the principal policymaking committee of a communist party.
      the principal policymaking committee in the former Soviet Union, founded in 1917"

      No second definition for that one, and no explanation for why these Russian communist terms are suddenly being applied to the US, where the meaning is incorrect.

      Don't play dumb Cecelia.

    7. Anonymouse 12:16am, I did not introduce the word “Politburo”, I correctly used the word “apparatchik” for annonynices in that the term has been separated from its original origins per Collins Dictionary.

      For someone who has linked the blogger and every one of your contrarians with Russia, it’s more than amusing to see your distaste at being linked via terminology to the ole USSR.

    8. USSR and current Russia are no different, and neither had anything to do with communism (the Soviet Union correctly referred to itself as “state capitalism”). Russia has been a right wing imperialist entity since about the year 500.

    9. Right wingers are always falsely calling Democrats commies. This is more of the same.

    10. Right wingers call anyone not a right winger a communist; however, while typically inaccurate (Biden for example is a centrist establishment Dem but routinely called leftist and communist) this is hardly a pejorative anymore, over half of all millennials, the largest generation, endorse communism/socialism, and that number is even trending up as they age.

    11. Anonymouse 1:44pm, the USSR was a socialist country that collapsed due to U.S. policies that didn’t prop them up.

      Life still went on for you.

    12. USSR was not a socialist country by a mile, that is a hilariously ignorant claim. The Soviet Union was an authoritarian hierarchy, they called themselves “state capitalists”, nothing to do with socialism.

    13. "they called themselves “state capitalists”"

      And you call yourself "moron".

    14. 2:19 is correct, and the USSR did not collapse because of US policies, it’s former regime “collapsed” due to internal pressures; however, it continues on largely as it always has, same as it ever was.

      There has never existed a socialist country, but the ones that come the closest are not propped up by US policies yet exceed the US by every significant metric - they have far healthier and happier societies than the US does.

    15. Cold war spending.

    16. @2:35, the happiest countries in the world, according to surveys, are in scandinavia, not communist countries.

      Sonya Lyubomirsky has studied happiness around the world and found that Russians, in particular, do not believe that happiness is for adults. They consider it to be for children. As a consequence, they do not report high happiness when surveyed. Russian literature in general is on the gloomy side, consistent with their cultural values. Also, Russians drink a lot more than in the USA.

      In the USA, the main wish of most parents is for their children to grow up and be happy. That is perhaps surprising given that we are a materialist culture based on capitalism, greed and acquisition of money (as several trolls here have said). It sounds like parents know that money doesn't necessarily lead to happiness, which they value more than money.

      "Westerners who visit Russia often come away with the impression that Russians are stoic or even gloomy. Shopkeepers do not seem pleased to see shoppers, subway-riders endure the ride stonyfaced, and public officials are almost invariably bad-tempered. Internet travel guides echo this stereotype of Russian culture."

      And there is this:

      "According to the 2023 World Happiness Report, Finland is the happiest country in the world for the sixth year in a row. It's followed by Denmark, Iceland, Israel, and the Netherlands in the annual survey released on Monday, March 20, 2023, that ranks countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be."

    17. Universal Healthcare leads us down the road to Scandinavia, not Socialism.
      Who knew?

  2. And yet those of us who follow the news knew all about it, before Somerby's gloating. How? Because we watch more than one news station.

    "Whatever the merits of this decision may be, it will likely be a bit embarrassing for the Biden administration."

    This was the Biden administration's decision. How then will it be embarrassing? Somerby neglects to point out the other ways in which Biden has followed Trump's immigration policies. Perhaps he didn't know that Biden has been actively dealing with immigration throughout his term. Somerby may believe, like David in Cal, that Biden is "not enforcing our immigration laws" -- the Republican talking point. Biden is running for reelection, but it also looks like immigration policy is a way in which Biden's policies differ from my own.

    But I also cannot help wondering what Biden has negotiated from Texas in return for this action. Perhaps he will have gotten Abbott to remove the river barriers, or something equally valuable to the lives of immigrants. That is how politics works. Horse-trading. Biden is an old hand at politics, so he is not likely to be empty-handed.

    But I fail to see why Somerby would find making immigration a more bipartisan effort should be embarrassing to Biden. It is comments like this that make me think Somerby's goal is to embarrass Biden, his desire. No liberal wants to see their incumbent president embarrassed. That Somerby sees it that way is telling, in my opinion. And that is how he is framing it for us here, as a loss to the left, when it may be a boon to Democrats at the polls.

    1. Somerby states what is obviously a stark and obvious change in policy via the Biden Admin and one that is in conflict with the admin rhetoric on border security that has been frequently touted here. Bad Bob!

      Anonymouse 11:53am- apparatchik. .

    2. For anyone who would like to know the truth, despite Cecelia’s and Somerby’s take on this matter, please read me (12:09) and the comment at 12:10. Otherwise, you can just accept what the mainstream media says at face value.

    3. @12:31 PM
      We know better than to read your clumsy justifications for the racist border wall.

      Immigrants needed in the US. They help the economy.

    4. mh, or you can accept the fact that there are Democratic governors and mayors who are very unhappy and the Biden Admin needs to address public perception.

      Or just go for thinking that everyone who ascertains this (which is everyone) works for Putin. . .

    5. You mean, there are people who disagree with the decision? I believe that’s never happened in the history of the universe. LOL. It’s no reason for Biden to be “embarrassed”, as I and the other commentor tried to explain.

      As far as “public perception”, that is a little bit fractured at the moment, is it not? Part of “public perception” is that the right wing will say “Biden has caved on the border and Trump was right”. That’s just as much nonsense as the fact that Biden will be “embarrassed” about a pragmatic decision that was taken which does not in anyway reverse a policy that he had.

      Somerby has recently pointed out the importance of immigration as a political issue, so it might be useful if he would show how this latest decision isn’t really embarrassing.

      It’s as if long-ago Somerby noted the fundraising so-called scandal surrounding Al Gore and simply said “this is going to be a bit embarrassing for him.” Instead he defended Al Gore from the media BS.

    6. The comment at 12:49 was mine.

    7. mh, do you think the accusations against Gore and donors is the equivalent of a policy change?

    8. Biden has been acquiescing to Republicans his entire presidency on the issue of immigration. It’s neither embarrassing nor a secret. Biden hasn’t been great on other issues too; regardless, he has been a surprisingly effective president, one of our better presidents.

      Cecelia, your lack of historical knowledge and of understanding context matches your ignorance displayed by your nonsensical question, this is why you experience the obvious consternation triggered by others easily debunking your goofy comments. No one is going to change your mind, experts say that right wingers are beyond persuasion, but no one enjoys seeing someone suffering such as yourself, one hopes you find some peace of mind.

    9. Anonymouse 2:00pm, what you think of me is not new news, but what you’re saying about Biden is new.

      However, the rhetorical device is as old as politics. It’s “No, no, no” and then, suddenly, “He (she, they) have always acted like this.”

    10. And that is neither fact nor argument.

    11. Anonymouse 3:50pm, what’s fact is that the funds have been allocated since 2019 and after Democrats start begging for help, Biden is now waving environmental laws in order to use them.

      How it is inaccurate or disloyal to term that as a “bit” of an embarrassment is the stuff of apparatchiks.

    12. You mean "waiving" not "waving".

      We Democrats prefer the term "Democrat" to apparatchik. If you persist in labeling us using that term, I will find better ones to label you with. You don't want to start this kind of pissing contest.

      Consider for a moment that this is not something Biden is doing -- it is something announced and carried out by Mayorkas, the head of Homeland Security. Mayorkas is not running for reelection. No Democrats begged for help over these funds.

      The stories about Chicago and New York asking for funds to help immigrants in their cities have only appeared in the last few days to weeks. The funds were allocated in 2019, which is 4 years ago and during Trump's term. Biden is not reallocating them to send to big cities, nor is he refusing to carry out the work originally budgeted. In government, money that is budgeted but not spent goes back into general coffers. You don't get to keep it for future use or declare it as profit, and you may not be able to move it from one purpose to another. That's why this is being done now. The CBP (Customs & Border Patrol) needs to use the money before a certain date and that wouldn't be possible unless Biden waived those procedures that would delay its use. Given the dysfunction in the House, getting money is difficult, so it is a priority to use the money already budgeted. That is good government because everyone agrees that he border patrol can use more resources.

      So why is anyone playing games? Biden is doing what he should do, he has not announced a major new policy revision (as Republicans are pretending), this is not an embarrassment, and it is a boon to the CBP and to those who want to see better enforcement. Win win for everyone. Except the Republicans can't resist trying to make political hay. That is small and self-defeating of them. Do they think Biden will be eager to do the same thing under similar circumstances again? I wouldn't be.

      Cecelia, your ignorance knows no bounds and you never seem to be able to look anything up. You blindly parrot whatever the right says without thinking. I wish you weren't here, but we are stuck with you. But for God's sake, can't you try to be less stupid?

    13. Anonymouse 4:37pm, if you’ve been holding back on appellations, it’s because they are such that they would reflect badly upon you. Don’t pretend that you’d spare me anything.

      I’ll call you an apparatchik whenever you argue like one.

      Nothing you have said changes the timing of this announcement and the current brouhaha over border issues that have affected Biden due to problems with housing migrants in Democratic cities.

      This timing certainly is a bit an embarrassment and it’s representative of your level of political obsequiousness (apparatchik-ness) and militancy that you equate such a benign statement to disloyalty.

      However, what else is new.

    14. That would make you a wannabe commissar. The rest of your comment is ignorant gibberish. You don’t have any idea what you are talking about.

    15. Apparatchiks to the Left of me, Fascists to the Right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with Joe Biden.

  3. “Whatever the merits of this decision may be, it will likely be a bit embarrassing for the Biden administration.”


    Has Somerby simply relinquished his role as media critic whenever he detects something the right wing can use to “embarrass” Biden?

    What was Trump’s plan? To build a wall spanning the entire southern border and make Mexico pay for it.

    What did Biden say after he was elected?

    “building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious policy solution. It is a waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.”

    Has Biden changed this policy? Did he say he would never allow any barriers to be built? No, he did not.

    Here is what the new pronouncement says:
    “The Secretary of Homeland Security has determined, pursuant to law, that it is necessary to waive certain laws, regulations, and other legal requirements in order to ensure the expeditious construction of barriers and roads in the vicinity of the international land border in Starr County, Texas.”

    It is very limited in scope, and is in response to current issues.

    But I’m sure the right wing media AND the mainstream media along with Somerby will tell us how embarrassing this is for Biden.

    1. Actually, mh, the only people who will find this statement controversial or the slightest bit partisan are anonymices.

      Somerby- “…it will likely be a bit embarrassing for the Biden administration.”


    2. This will be played up by the right wing as a major shift in policy by Biden, proving that Trump was right all along. You said it yourself. It is the job of a truth seeker and media critic to push back on these kinds of narratives, not further them.

    3. mh, of course it will and that will be overblown as much as possible. That’s politics.

      You are engaging in precisely the same sort of politics by utterly downplaying it.

      That doesn’t make it logical for you denigrate everyone who calls it straight.

    4. Cecelia, I haven’t denigrated anyone.

    5. mh, you’re up to your trick of suggesting that anyone who doesn’t match in lockstep with you and the anonymices is not really a Democrat.

    6. No he isn’t. Can’t you discuss anything without getting personal?

    7. Anonymouse 1:58pm, yes, mh is doing just that.

    8. Anyone that disagrees with Cecelia is “up to a trick”, this is a very sad and wounded lost soul, lashing out, sure, but it’s a cry for help. We can’t help you, dude. You make nonsense comments which some feel obliged to correct, but you’re just engaging in self harm.

    9. Anonymouse 2:11pm, I’d advise you to follow your own advice about “getting personal”, but you won’t because your advice is as contrived and meaningless to you as it is to me.

      As well as being merely self-serving.

    10. Yeah it's a mess. Sometimes, myself, I just add a comment that I hope contributes to the discussion, but I don't come back and read any responses because it'll likely be personal and emotional, and just make me sad. This is not a healthy space.

    11. I agree. And it gets worse when the conservative paid trolls arrive. Then the count rapidly reaches 90-100 without anyone adding any new ideas or facts to the discussion. Kevin Drum moderates his comments and the quality is higher over there. I respect Somerby's desire to maintain free speech, but I don't see the name-calling and garbage as any kind of speech. There is no information content to anything being said.

    12. Anonymouse 2:59pm, anything about you being called a “wounded lost soul”?

    13. Anonymouse 3:15pm, by “facts and discussion” you mean calling the blogger disloyal and your contrarians “trolls”?

    14. Cecelia, why don't you try to get along with people instead of antagonizing them all the time?

    15. Corby is adorable.

    16. Anonymouse 3:29pm, why don’t you get real, and

      Pull your panties out of your crack.

    17. Cecelia's panties are in her crack. It must be nearly as annoying as she is. How do I know? It is her explanation for other people's behavior, so it must be her own experience.

    18. Anonymouse 3:49pm, occasionally, for sure, and nowadays you can’t pull them out without being on camera.

    19. This is why men shouldn't wear women's panties. I buy gender-congruent underwear and never have that problem. Cecelia doesn't know this about women because she isn't one. She thinks normal panties are like thongs, always riding up. That is a male fantasy, not a real problem.

    20. Anonymouse 4:23pm, now you’re back to being your old self.

      Welcome back, fangirl.

    21. Btw- I won’t go as far as you in saying that men shouldn’t wear women’s panties. Whatever floats their boat. That’s their decision.

      But people with penises certainly should stay out of women’s bathrooms.

    22. Don’t get your panties in a bunch is not something women say. It is what men say to women or men they are calling pussies, wishing to crudely denigrate. Yet more evidence you are unlikely to be female.

      Women don’t see other women’s privates in the bathroom, so that is a non-issue. Men may not realize that. This is more evidence Cecelia is male.

    23. I've never heard a man say "Don't get your panties in a bunch," or anything like it. I've heard two different women say it.

    24. Anonymouse 5:18pm, if you have “ba - -s, stay away from the stalls.

    25. I’ve never heard a woman say it.

    26. There are also stalls in the men’s room.

    27. Anonymouse 8:26pm, there’s probably a lot you’ve never heard a woman say.

      Starting with, ”Come over here,”

    28. I’m female, unlike you.

    29. Anonymouse 11:12pm, no, you are not.

      You are only an anonymous anonymouse.

    30. The whole thing is Bob’s way of not talking about Trump. As he used to suggest, the press wants a close election for commercial reasons. Now he
      aids the carnival himself and yes,
      it seems probable he’s paid to do
      so. That the pathetic Cecelia is
      nervously barfing up Coulter posts
      (Obviously her hero) is promising.

  4. "At CNN, they were reporting and discussing the breaking news about the change in border wall policy. "

    If you read the reports (which perhaps Somerby did not), you find the reason for this so-called change:

    "Construction of the wall will be paid for through a 2019 appropriations bill that funneled money specifically to a “border barrier” in the Rio Grande Valley, and according to Mayorkas, “DHS is required to use those funds for their appropriated purpose.” The funds needed to be spent by the end of fiscal year 2023, prompting the administration to choose to move forward this year with construction in south Texas, according to a source familiar."

    CNN is emphasizing the waiving of "26" federal regulations to hurry and complete the wall. Obviously, that is necessary in order to keep the funds and meet the deadline for spending the money.

    Notice the way both reports consider Biden to be doing little to address immigration when the CBP report mentioned here last week shows a decline in illegal immigration and a successful effort to reduce the influx compared to 2022. That suggests that Biden has been working on the problem but is nt getting credit for it, much as he got no credit for reducing inflation and creating jobs.

    Somerby could note that, but instead he prefers to pile on the attack on Biden's immigration efforts, pretending he has done nothing to address the issue. Some media critic!

  5. I like Latin Americans.

    1. I like Central Americans too.

    2. “Central” is a geographic term; “Latin” is an ethnicity term. Latin people exist in all parts of the world, and they like you too.

    3. I especially like the Latins of Latium.

    4. There are good decent people in all cultures and places. What happens to the fabric of society when people are unwilling to help neighbors in need?

    5. Good question, but a simple answer. It doesn't generate as much profits as divisive stuff does, and it's ingrained into our nature to be tribal. Those combine powerfully.

    6. Yes, that is the Republican line -- are you aware that they are the ones who started using the word tribe to refer to political parties? They are also the ones who have rewritten anthropology to portray people as selfish and warlike. It fits better with Ayn Rand's selfishness to believe that. But this is not actual scholarship -- it is propaganda.

  6. He should dispatch his Deutscher Schäferhund to guard the border.

  7. The consequences of a media generated “bit of embarrassment” once upon a time were all those dead in Iraq. At least, that was Somerby’s view then. That’s why you push back, if you support the Democratic candidate, as he did then.

    1. mh, pushback as to going into Iraq would have been consistent with the left’s stance at the time.

      It’s unlikely Gore would have ever entered Iraq. .

      The statement from the Biden Admin is a change in rhetoric.

    2. It isn’t rhetoric at all. They announced a spending project.

    3. Fine. A Change In Project Spending.

    4. mh - the dems have insisted that they won't do what the right wingers ardently want - build a wall. here is the Biden administration building a limited length of wall. TDH says that the Biden administration "might be a little bit embarrassed by this", which doesn't seem to me to be an implausible thing to say. - and you go into a dither over this, like it's beyond the pale what TDH observed.

    5. Yes, AC/MA, Somerby is spinning this announcement the same way as the Republicans. Somerby is a supposed liberal. Why is he ignoring the facts of what is happening and joining the Republican storyline? I thought he was opposed to storyline -- that is Somerby's story that he has been telling. Storyline bad. And yet, he is joining the right today to participate in calling Biden embarrassed.

    6. Using the word “embarrassed” in this context, seems fairly implausible, since the Biden admin proceeded on their own volition, and as others have noted, in alignment with their stated position and previous actions.

      The claim that today’s post is not a partisan attack is what seems implausible, considering the context.

    7. "Why is he ignoring the facts of what is happening and joining the Republican storyline?"

      Because the politburo hasn't approved any relevant talking points yet. It confuses him.

      Don't worry, as soon as the talking points emerge, he'll fall in line.

    8. He has already fallen in line with Republican talking points. Does the Republican party have a politburo? Is this something Putin wanted Trump to institute? It would explain a lot if they did.

    9. If "it will likely be a bit embarrassing for the Biden administration" is a Republican talking point, then good for them.

  8. If building a wall makes sense in 2024, it also made sense in 2021. Why did Biden reverse Trump's policy on wall-building?

    1. It is also for roads, lights and ither CBP infrastructure.

    2. David in Cal,
      I can't speak for Biden, but perhaps its all the refugees at our Southern border, who heard the Right reply to BLM with "All Lives Matter", and not knowing all about American culture, thought the Right was making a good-faith argument, so they came to our borders en masse. Biden might just be trying to get some order down there.
      You'll have to ask him.

    3. David in Cal,
      The real question is, have you called your Congressional representatives and asked them what they are doing to make legal immigration easier?

  9. Quaker in a BasementOctober 5, 2023 at 1:47 PM

    "Morning Joe" represents Our Tribe?

    Forgive me. Wasn't Scarborough a conservative Republican congressman once?

    1. Mika has tools of influence.

    2. Funkadelic:

      More power to the people
      More power to the people
      More pussy to the power
      More pussy to the people
      More power to the pussy
      More pussy to the power
      Power to the pussy!

      More peter to the eater
      More power to the pussy
      More pussy to the power
      Right on, right on!
      More power to the pussy
      More pussy to the power
      More power to the peter
      More peter to the pussy
      Right on!

  10. Joe is now an Independent, as to voter registration.

    He’s a dependent as to his employer MSNBC.

    1. Ha ha, I see what you did there.

  11. This is why this is not a change in policy for Biden:

    "US Customs and Border Protection had previously announced plans to design and construct up to 20 miles of new border barrier systems in Starr County, including light poles and lighting, gates, cameras and access roads, among other systems. CBP sought public input between August and September, according to the agency."

    First, barrier systems are being spun as a wall, but consist of light poles and lighting, gates, cameras and access road. Second, this was previously planned and the public comment period has ended, meaning that this was in the works before today's announcement. How then is that a new policy and not simply work in progress by the CBP (which falls under homeland security) and not by the president, as part of his reelection campaign?

    This is spin and the Republicans are using this to portray Biden as a hypocrite and distract attention from their own political disarray.

    Somerby and the media are helping the Republicans advance this message. Is that Somerby's job? To carry water for the Republicans by attacking Biden? That would be very odd behavior for a supposed liberal who is going to vote for the guy.

    1. quote is from CNN:

    2. Jake Tapper is scratching his head. Last he heard the border was secure.

    3. Your point of comparison should be the border between Russia and Ukraine. That's what an unsecure border looks like.

    4. When Tapper asked Pressley if the border was secure, her point of reference was the border between Russia and Ukraine?

    5. No, the point is that our border situation is trivial compared to many other countries in the world. This is a fuss being made about a minor issue because Republicans don't want certain people to enter the US. They won't discuss immigration policy, won't compromise on a real program to address immigration, won't fund resources to deal with immigrants (which is why cities are concerned), and insist on treating immigration in a militaristic way that is inappropriate to dealing with humanitarian refugees. This intransigence makes this a Republican problem -- not something Biden has done wrong. It is a symptom of the Congressional dysfunction that prevents lawmakers from doing their jobs.

      There are degrees of security. Our border is totally secure compared to Ukraine's. It is more secure than countries with refugees drowning on their beaches. It is less secure than Switzerland, which is surrounded by mountains and has only a few entry points. And no one is swimming to Iceland.

    6. Anonymouse 4:21pm, I don’t think anyone ever argued that the U.S. has the worst border control problem in the world. As comforting as it is for you to inform me of it, I never heard that being disputed.

      Your argument that what border problems we do have are caused Republicans isn’t something that strikes my heart with surprise either. It’s exactly what I would expect from you. No prob.

      However, the administration is not just dealing with the bad guys, they’re being leaned on by fellow Democrats. I’m fairly certain that they aren’t all dirty pols, heretics, Benedict Arnolds, or Putin puppets.

      It would be beneficial to who knows how many blog boards, if you had a modicum of perspective yourself.

    7. Republican businessmen and farmers hire illegal aliens, and so attract them into the country.

    8. When it comes to border security, the Right's mantra of "All Lives Matter" should take precedence in any actions we take on immigration.

  12. Whatever Biden is doing, it’s not a wall.

    1. It's a wall, but it's not Trump's racist wall ™.
      It's Biden's anti-racist wall ™.

    2. It’s a wall. It’s not what he wants, but he’s obeying the law.

    3. Those floating buoys in the Rio Grande River put there by Texas Governor Abbott are not a wall either but they are a barrier system.

      Trump's language was largely symbolic and a way of saying that some people are shithole people and don't belong here. No one cares about Trump's pitiful wall because they still get to hate on immigrants.

    4. Maybe we can put up elephantine bollards.

    5. There is no law compelling Biden to spend that money.

    6. Biden doesn’t love Latin Americans as we do, here at the Howler.

    7. Just as long as they stay out of DiC's gated community, I am fine with them.

    8. "Latinx" is the word. Anything else is racism and biphobia.

  13. Trump leads Biden in the polls asking about who would make a better president.

    More people want Trump.

    Which is weird because Biden is so cool when he orders ice cream.

    1. He also looks cool when he wears sunglasses and drives a Corvette.

    2. These polls this far out are not good predictors.

      No one disputes that Trump fans love their guy. The problem for Trump is with the people who don’t support him — there may be too many against him in the wrong places, like last time.

    3. I agree. Biden's genuine love for ice cream and Corvettes should be reflected in the polls as we get closer to the election.

    4. Is there a way to put a positive spin on him taking 50% of his son's influence-peddling loot? 10% most people would accept, but 50?

      Genuine love for ice cream and Corvettes might help. Corvettes, despite looking like cheap parody of fancy cars, are expensive, aren't they? And so is ice cream these days...

    5. 6:12, or Mao, there is no positive spin on repeating tripe you can’t prove because it didn’t happen.

    6. 6:12, don't worry, Ron DeSantimonious is going to surge to the lead and start "slitting throats" when he gets in the WH. Yeehaw!!!

    7. Corby is adorable.

    8. Biden wolfs down ice cream, they way Trump wolfs down Adderall.
      As they say in the mainstream media, "both sides".

    9. No, Trump wolfs down hamberders.

    10. Both sides are in lock step when it come to putting homeless people in prison camps.

      Unless you are homeless in Ukraine, in which case you receive a bag filled with cash.

  14. If todays jobs report is good for the working class, Biden will be blamed for keeping the stock market low. If the jobs report is bad for the working class, the media will focus on that, and not the jump in the stock market.

  15. I don't see how building a wall is going to keep Trump from sharing sensitive military information with every Tom, Dick, and Harry he meets.

  16. Republicans could cut out the middle man, and elect Putin to be the next Speaker of the House.

    1. Putin is eligible. There’s no citizenship requirement.

  17. I heard Venezuela is going to start emptying its prisons of rapists and murderers and send them to our borders. This is terrible. We already have too many Republican voters, as it is.
