DEBATES: As CNN tries to figure it out...


...a cancer grows on the world:  Did somebody "win" last Tuesday's debate? If so, by how much?

Let's make our question a bit more precise:

Will one of the candidates end up receiving additional votes based on what happened on Tuesday night?

Especially in the short run, there's no real way to answer that question. Even in the longer run, there will likely never be any real way to do so.

Still, our nation's various "news orgs" are inclined to pretend to try. Before we review an attempt by CNN, let's review a sacred event on the Fox News Channel last night.

Last night, one of the channel's biggest stars had reached his sixtieth birthday.

(Full disclosure! We each attended high schools along the Alameda. He's a graduate of Catholic Serra High. We went to public school Aragon.)

At any rate, the birthday boy celebrated this latest accomplishment in some of the standard ways:

His owners had cherry-picked a handful of incidents—incidents in which a handful of undecided voters said the debate had led them to favor Candidate Trump. 

His owners had carefully picked and chosen the examples he would offer. Also, and inevitably, the fellow was soon saying this about the undecideds who say they've now broken for Trump:

GUTFELD (9/12/24): They're worried about affording gas and groceries, and she said nothing to allay those fears. 

And you'd think she'd be good at a laying, at least according to Willie Brown.


I know! That was in bad taste.

Candidate Harris would be good at "a laying!" Ha ha ha ha ha!

For the record, this was part of the birthday boy's imitation of an issues discussion. It wasn't part of his nightly handful of opening jokes. 

Inevitably, the fellow had gone straight to the sexual insult. When he did, Dana Perino sat there and took it, just like nothing has happened. 

This is standard fare on this "cable news" program. Thirty seconds earlier, the birthday boy had offered this bit of analysis:

GUTFELD: When the [New York] Times says voters are not so sure, it means we're [BLEEP]ing our pants like Biden after judging a chili cookoff.


That statement didn't even exactly seem to make sense. But in the end, this is (almost) all this fellow actually has. 

In fairness, he had seemed a bit unsure in the wake of Tuesday evening's debate when his primetime "cable news" program went back on the air Wednesday night.

For once, the fellow almost seemed to have it on mute. But even then, two of his D-list comedian guests had offered these thoughtful analyses:

LOFTUS (9/11/24): I thought Trump had an amazing night. I mean, he signed up for a debate and got fight club—and did that, against like three different people. I would have left the room.

Because you look at the moderators, who look like they just came off the set of Dick Tracy, right?...And then Kamala-La-La-Ding-Dong strolls in, looking like Count Chocula.

According to this cable news analyst, "Kamala-La-La-Ding-Dong" had strolled onto the set of the debate, "looking like Count Chocula!" 

Was this manifest flyweight inserting some racial plays here? You'll have to judge that for yourself. One minute later, D-List Comedian 2 was thoughtfully offering this:

TIMPF: I also think—look I think Republicans might have done a disservice by setting the bar so low for Kamala that she formed complete sentences and people were like, "Wow!" right?


According to D-List Comedian 2, Kamala-La-La-Ding-Dong had somehow managed to form complete sentences at Tuesday night's debate.

All in all, this seems to be (almost) the best these people can do. For the record, at 10:05 that night, the host of the program, still just 59 years old, had offered this bit of analysis:

GUTFELD: It was clear that Linsey Davis and David Muir gave Kamala the easiest night she's had since Willie Brown ran out of Viagra.


Terrible! I apologize.

In the end, it's (almost) all this idiot has. But for the record, this can is opened every night, in prime time, in the guise of "cable news."

In our view, a cancer is growing on the society as this garbage can spills every night. Also, a cancer is growing on the society as high-order beings at our finer news orgs pretend that there's nothing to see here.

Kathleen Kingsbury is chair of the New York Times editorial board. In our view, a cancer is growing on the society as she refuses to comment on Donald J. Trump's disordered behavior, or on the nightly performances which are presented on the garbage can currently under review.

Back to our original question! Who may end up gaining votes because of Tuesday's debate?

Last evening, in a parody of journalism, the birthday boy pretended to examine that question. Consider the way he handled CNN's post-debate interviews with 13 "undecided" voters in Erie County, Pa.

For the record, some of these undecided voters may not have been fully undecided as Tuesday's debate began:

Phil Mattingly handled the session for CNN. Here's what happened when he spoke with one of the undecideds—with an undecided voter who has now decided in favor of Candidate Trump, as is her perfect right:

MATTINGLY (9/10/24): Were you leaning towards the former president coming in tonight?


MATTINGLY: And did you vote for him in 2016 or 2020?


MATTINGLY: So, a decision made there. 

She has decided that she'll be voting for Candidate Trump. That said, is it possible that CNN could have found someone in Erie County who was perhaps more undecided coming in?

Surely, someone had been more undecided! At any rate, here's what the thirteen Undecideds said during the CNN session:

Of the thirteen Undecideds in Erie County, nine said that Harris had won the debate. Four said Trump had won. 

During a pair of segments, Mattingly interviewed five of the voters. Of those five, three said they had now decided for to vote Harris, two said they'd be voting for Trump.

Stating the obvious, those voters can vote any way they like! That said, the birthday boy played the tape from Undecided Voter #1 and from nobody else. He didn't mention the larger breakdown in the reactions of the Erie County 13.

This is the way the news gets sifted, all through the bulk of the day, at this particular "news channel." The sifting starts at 5 a.m. and continues all through the night. 

Undecided voters are deciding for Trump, viewers were told last night. The birthday boy picked and chose the footage he showed to his laughing, applauding audience.

Also, the fellow engaged in his standard sexual insults. As he did, Perino acted like nothing had happened. Kingsbury plays it the same.

For better or worse, this is us the American people as we actually are. Rather, this is some of us the people, perhaps as we are at our worst.

The people who own the birthday boy are paying him millions of dollars to do this. You aren't allowed to know how many millions he's getting paid, and the New York Times isn't going to ask.

Last night, a Californian who's now 60 years old served his usual platter of sexual insults. Inevitably, he also talked about President Biden [BLEEP]ing his pants. 

From our former perch, one mile up the Alameda, we can't tell you how this furious fellow ever got to be this way.

(So you'll know: The birthday boy's owners BLEEP the word "sh*t." They allow the word "poop" to sail through.)

That's what happened in last evening's sacking of journalism. Saturday night, Brian Kilmeade even brought Judge Joe Brown out on the air.

Brown had called Harris "a piece of shit." He'd also called her a "humping hyena."

This made him perfect for a fellow like Kilmeade and also for the Fox News Channel. At the Times, Kingsbury (and others) know that they must never report or discuss such facts.

Final note:

There's little we can reliably learn from thirteen Undecideds. 

As Ed McMahon might have said, How undecided were they? Also, their statements were anecdotal all the way down, even as nine of the thirteen said that Harris had won.

That's what nine of the thirteen said! On Fox, the birthday boy emitted his standard slime, after which he wagged his tail and completely forgot to say that.

A cancer is growing on the world as these gong-show behaviors continue. Next week, we're going to call attention to an attendant point:

Candidate Harris may win in November! (She's going to get our vote.) But in a thousand different ways, we denizens of Blue America have conspired to earn our way out.

Links to the Mattingly files: In the aftermath of the debate, Mattingly spoke with the Erie County 13 in two different segments—first at the end of Tuesday's 11 p.m. hour, then again after midnight.

For the transcript of the first segment, you can just click here. CNN failed to create a transcript of the following hour.

For videotape of that first segment, you can just click this. To see what was said in the second segment, you can start by clicking here.

Nine of the 13 said Harris had won! As long as you're watching the Fox News Channel, you won't be permitted to hear that.


  1. Gutfeld makes $18 million per year on his new contract. It is public knowledge, not hidden at all.

    1. $18 million is his net worth, he makes $7 million/year:

      If anyone thinks Somerby is doing anything other than amplifying Gutfield’s depraved rants against Dems, I have a bridge to sell to that sucker.

      Now let’s all enjoy a chuckle as PP gets triggered into flinging his poopoo.

    2. How much is the bridge? Where is it? What kind of materials were used in construction? What's the daily usage? Will you provide financing?

    3. Some sites claim $105 million is his net worth and $7 million is his previous salary. Some say the new deal is worth over $100 million for 5 years. Maybe that is why Somerby says it is hard to know, but $7 million seems to be a minimum.

    4. 1:07 Am considering $420. Funding secured.

    5. According to the link: "Greg Gutfeld's salary is alleged to be $7 million annually."

      In other words, nobody seems to know.

    6. Bwahahaha suddenly PP has acquired the skill to not take things at face value.

      Death by hypocrisy!

      But, but, but…

  2. “ Nine of the 13 said Harris had won! As long as you're watching the Fox News Channel, you won't be permitted to hear that.”

    Trump isn’t permitted to hear that either.

  3. Actually, any person can find out what Fox is hiding from them, simply by consulting a different source. No source has all of the news — they all make choices about what to present. We should choose what to watch.

  4. Full disclosure! Jesus is my gardener. He’s supposed to come twice a month but sometimes he only comes once. Just saying! I mean, who died and made him…nevermind.

    The other day Trump held a sparsely attended rally at the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall, which prompted Linda Ronstadt to endorse Harris and shred Trump (among other things she mentioned she did not want a rapist in the White House - the audacity!).

    At this rally Trump did not know what state he was in (again), and forgot who the current VP is (prophetically he claimed it is Walz!). But that’s nothing, Trump spent most of the rally spewing some of the most vile and hateful nonsense in a sad attempt to cope with having gotten stomped in the debate. This prompted the Church Lady to retire, having definitively identified Trump as Satan.

    Coming up next: we promise, we’ll get to Loomer and Lindsay!

  5. Been real quiet around here since….

    1. Corby is visiting Iceland

    2. …since the recent DOJ indictments.

  6. Donald Trump's deranged personality was on full display Tuesday night. He was angry, vengeful, and detached from reality. He couldn't seem to stay on one subject and he continually retreated to familiar talking points, even if they were entirely off-topic.

    He repeated old, evidence-free claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him. He hauled out his completely bogus claim that babies are killed after they're born. And he argued that he had "seen on TV" people whose pets had been stolen and eaten by immigrants.

    Good god!

    How have we come to the point where a nut like this remains a viable candidate for president?

    1. One shouldn't answer rhetorical question, but here goes. IMO the reason a nut remains viable is that more and more Americans don't trust the media. We saw the media spend years covering up Biden's diminished mentality. We saw the media cover up the true story about the Hunter Biden laptop and give lots of publicity to the false story about the Steele Dossier.

      So, when the media tells me that Trump is a nut, I don't believe them. And, obviously the Reps lie about the Dems and vice versa. So, there is no credible report of Trump's sanity. Voters as left to guess and to hope that our candidate can handle the job.

    2. This has nothing to do with the media. Tuesday night, we could see Trump's lunacy with our very own eyes. We didn't have to rely on "the media" to explain it to us. We saw it.

    3. We see Trump's lunacy daily -- when we actually get to listen to him. The media, however, sane-washes his rants. The NY Times writes that Trump seems to be proposing to use revenue generated through tariffs to help people pay for childcare. If you listen to Trump, he just babbles incoherently.

      Diminished capacity, you say? It has been on display for a long time and has been covered up. It was there during the June 27th debate, but the media focused on Biden.

    4. "We saw the media cover up the true story about the Hunter Biden laptop and give lots of publicity to the false story about the Steele Dossier."

      So the argument is that red state voters distrust the media because it's dishonest, and their way of expressing this distrust is to support one of the biggest liars in the history of the world?

    5. Hector -- I would not support Trump based on his comments. I do support him for his reasonable and effective actions as President, as well as the good results he handed off to his successor.
      -- illegal immigration under control
      -- very low inflation]
      -- no war in Gaza
      -- Iran stymied
      -- no war in Ukraine
      -- Covid vaccines widely available

    6. Go fuck yourself, Dickhead in Cal.
      Everything in your infernal goddamn list is wrong or total misrepresentation.

      Today the Springfield Ohio City School District had to close several elementary schools due to bomb threats. And that is the piece of shit racist you support. That makes you a racist also. Fuck you.

    7. as the good results he handed off to his successor.. Bwahahahaha!!!!!!!

    8. @4:47 - What Trump did was to utter something essentially true -- right now the Haitians are a big problem for Springfield. Ohio now acknowledges that the situation is problematic.
      The governor of Ohio will send law enforcement and millions of dollars in healthcare resources to the city of Springfield as it faces a surge in temporary Haitian migrants that has landed it in the national spotlight.

      Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Tuesday he doesn’t oppose the Temporary Protected Status program under which some 15,000 Haitians have arrived in the city of about 59,000 people since 2020, but said the federal government must do more to help impacted communities.

    9. David,

      a couple of things. It wasn't really Trump's 'comments' I was calling out. It was his lying.

      Second, like most people when it comes to presidents, you seem to think association is causation. If good things were happening while Trump was president, then he must have caused them.

      I'd have to know what Trump did to bring about the good results you list before I'd give him credit for bringing them about.

    10. "essentially true"????

      Go fuck yourself, Dickhead.

    11. Hector - your request is reasonable. However it cannot always be answered perfectly, The President does so many things, and refrains from doing many things. The public is unaware of many of them. And, it may be impossible to draw a direct cause and effect.

      Illegal immigration is the most clearcut. One could find a list of around 10 specific things Trump did that helped bring illegal immigration under control. And, we could find a similar list of things that Biden did (or undid) that led to the current disaster.

      The key to war in the middle east is Iran. Trump kept Iran on a tight financial leash. Biden, allowed Iran to have huge amounts of. Some of this money went to terrorists who initiated and fought wars.

      Ukraine is based on the belief that Putin was afraid of Trump would do, so he didn't try to grab Ukrainian territory. He wasn't afraid of Obama or Biden, so he grab Ukrainian territory when they were President. Of course we can't get into Putin's brain, so this belief cannot be objectively proved. Still, the enormous difference in results should not be ignored.

      Those who watch the press conferences with Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci, VP Pence, and Trump know that Trump speeded up the development of vaccines by helping to cut through red tape.

    12. @5:43 are you seriously arguing that the Haitian immigrants are not a big problem for Springfield right now? Do you know something that the Governor of Ohio doesn't know?

    13. "Trump kept Iran on a tight financial leash." Info at this link calls that claim somewhat into question:

      Ukraine: It doesn't seem reasonable to me that Trump would have risked getting into a war with Russia over Ukraine.

      Short of war, there's sanctions, which is what Biden has done. Don't forget also, Putin had to build up his reserves over time to engage in this war since he knew he would initially take an economic hit.

      And I watched some covid press conferences but don't remember what you describe. I do remember that everyone was well aware of the need to cut vaccine red tape, even the bureaucrats.

    14. For the most part, the Haitian immigrants are in Springfield legally. Many of them migrated to fill jobs at companies wanting for appropriate applicants.

      That said, the rapid influx has put strains on civic services, most notably, Medicaid.

      Neither the nationality nor the legality of the immigrants is a problem. The rapid change in demand on services has hit a choke point.

    15. Hector, your link supports my point. It says that Biden unfroze $16 billion to Iran that Trump had kept frozen. It's almost a joke to say that the money had to be used for humanitarian purposes, because money is fungible.

      An even bigger item is that Biden is allowing Iran to sell oil.
      Biden Winks at Iranian Oil Exports

      It's no secret the White House has been reluctant to stiffen sanctions against Iranian oil lest prices rise before the November election. The Administration has looked the other way as Chinese “teapot” refineries have imported an increasing amount of Iranian crude at a discount.

      Iran’s oil production plunged after the Trump Administration withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal and imposed its “maximum pressure” campaign. But during President Biden’s attempted rapprochement, Iranian crude exports have climbed by about a million barrels a day.

    16. Hector -

      Regarding Ukraine, the question is what Putin believed. Trump was viewed as unpredictable. Even if Putin thought there was a 5% chance that Trump would go war, that could have been enough to deter him from invading Ukraine.

    17. Quaker

      1. The key point is that the Haitian are currently putting a strain on Springfield.

      2. You assert that "Neither the nationality nor the legality of the immigrants is a problem." I know that tolerant people are supposed to say this, but what's your evidence? Is it just POOMA?

      It's clear to me that Haitian culture is part of the problem.
      -- Haitians generally don't speak English, just French
      -- They were brought in without the kind of medical evaluation that is applied to normal legal immigrants. So, the Haitians have no doubt brought more disease.

      Others I can only guess at. How many Haitians are illiterate? How many have criminal backgrounds? With normal legal immigrants we would know the answers to these questions. How many Haitians have employment backgrounds that would help them with the type of jobs available in Springfield?

    18. You seem to be guessing from the word go. "Haitians have "no doubt" brought more disease? That's a guess. Haitians "generally don't speak English"? Another guess. And now a long list of suggestive questions for which you have no evidence that are actual problems in Springfield.

      There's a specific word for assuming the worst about people based on their race or nationality. I'm sure you'd be upset if I introduce it here.

    19. As for Iran and the $16 billion, David elides a lot of important detail. Here's a brief explainer. TLDR? David makes a pile of unwarranted assumptions to get to "Biden, allowed Iran to have huge amounts of. Some of this money went to terrorists".

      Note that he's already moving the goalposts with "money is fungible."

      The long and short of it is that the money in question was payment from South Korea and Iraq for oil previously contracted from Iran. That money now resides in bank accounts in Qatar and Oman. As of the end of last year, there was no evidence that Iran had accessed much, if any, of the funds.

    20. And that reckless racist piece of shit you worship has distilled on of that down to "they're eating the cats, they're eating the dogs, they're eating the pets" - directly coming from a neo-Nazi.

      And you claim, "essentially true". Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit. Go crawl back to your sewer.

    21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    22. Apologies. I busted the intended link. Trying again:
      Almost all of Iran's oil exports go to China. China has used a number of dodges to work around US sanctions. David (shockingly) oversimplifies.

      More info available here.

    23. From Foreign Policy:
      Is Biden Ignoring Iran’s Sanctions Evasion?
      Republicans say the U.S. president is allowing Iran’s increased oil exports. The evidence suggests otherwise.

    24. David, your argument on Ukraine seems to be, 'Putin couldn't be sure whether Trump would make a terrible strategic blunder by getting involved in a shooting war.'

      Is that supposed to make me feel good about Trump being in the White House?

    25. Quaker - Apparently the threat of being called a bigot causes a highly intelligent person to make silly quibbles.

      Of course a group of immigrants who were vetted for disease will have less disease than an unvetted group.

      Of course, most people living in a French-speaking country will speak French and not speak English.

      Of course immigrants with similar culture to ours will adapt more easily to our culture in the short run.

    26. Hector, yes it is. Part of being an effective President is to maintain world peace by means of threats or implicit threats. If you were living in Ukraine you'd be a lot happier without a Russian invasion.

    27. I remember Trump threatening world leaders… Only they were our allies in NATO. On the other hand, can you recall any threats, implicit or otherwise, he made to Kim Jong Un? Putin? Xi?

      Remember those Chinese trademarks Ivanka got during Trump’s term? Seemed like some sort of quid pro quo that was memory holed by those of you concerned about Hunter Biden.

    28. As usual, DIC is spouting off about topics he has no clue about. He has no clue if Putin is/was the slightest bit scared of Trump. The suggestion seems laughable given Trump's bizarre praise and ass kissing of Putin, his isolationism, his trashing of NATO, his signaling that he'd end support for Ukraine, his attempts to get Putin's approval to build a Trump tower in Moscow, his siding with Putin over the U.S. intelligence in what was essentially an information/propaganda war, etc., etc., etc.

      Notice that DIC presents no actual evidence that Trump deterred Putin. That Putin didn't happen to invade Ukraine during Trump's presidency is not, by itself, evidence of anything. There might be any number of explanations for this. What do actual experts say? Does DIC know?

      Additionally, DIC's theory flies in the face of well-known facts -- those I stated above but also the fact that Putin has not only preferred Trump as president for nearly 10 years now, but has actively worked to get him elected during each of the three U.S. presidential campaigns during those years. So we're supposed to believe that Putin was/is uniquely worried about Trump, in a way that he's not about other U.S. presidents and presidential candidates, because he thinks Trump is the only one who might resort to all-out war to thwart one of Putin's top priorities (his long-held desire to annex Ukraine), . . . and yet Putin has actively tried to get Trump elected each of the last three elections? What a joke.

    29. And needless to say, the idea that Hamas attacked Israel because Biden was president instead of Trump is beyond absurd.

    30. "Trump was viewed as unpredictable."

      A guess.

      "Even if Putin thought there was a 5% chance that Trump would go war, that could have been enough to deter him from invading Ukraine."

      Another guess.

    31. ************
      Nixon's chief of staff, H. R. Haldeman, wrote that Nixon had confided to him:

      I call it the Madman Theory, Bob. I want the North Vietnamese to believe I've reached the point where I might do anything to stop the war. We'll just slip the word to them that, "for God's sake, you know Nixon is obsessed about communism. We can't restrain him when he's angry—and he has his hand on the nuclear button" and Ho Chi Minh himself will be in Paris in two days begging for peace.[10]

      In October 1969, the Nixon administration indicated to the Soviet Union that "the madman was loose" when the United States military was ordered to full global war readiness alert (unbeknownst to the majority of the American population), and bombers armed with thermonuclear weapons flew patterns near the Soviet border for three consecutive days.[11]

      The administration employed the "madman strategy" to force the North Vietnamese government to negotiate an end to the Vietnam War.[12] In July 1969 (according to a CIA report declassified in February 2018), President Nixon may have suggested to South Vietnamese president Thieu that the two paths he was considering were either a nuclear weapons option or setting up a coalition government.[13] According to Michael S. Sherry, the 1970 incursion into Cambodia was part of the strategy to incentivize negotiations.[14]

      Dickhead in Cal is just regurgitating this disqualified and dubious theory. Donny J Chickenshit, narcissistic lunatic that he is, is as predictable as the sun rising in the east.

    32. Heard this morning that oil prices dropped significantly in recent weeks.

      Since presidents manage the economy and control inflation, I'm sure we can all congratulate President Biden on his shrewdness in making this happen.

    33. The United States Capitol was never attacked when Biden was President.
      Can you say the same for the Trump Presidency?

    34. The Biden presidency isn't over yet. Let's see what happens Jan. 6, 2025.

    35. For the thousandth time.Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. The guy out on bond in three jurisdictions was impeached for withholding military aid to Ukraine that was to be used to blow up Russian invaders. Russia then had a massive war escalation in 2022.

    36. For the thousandth time DiC = Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014 and started spewing restoration of the Soviet Empire nonsense. This is a direct threat to the current NATO membership. The felon was impeached for withholding an arms shipment intended to blow up Russians. I just wish you would be a bit less of an unhinged liar.


    I just heard this author interviewed on the radio. Her work appears to touch on points discussed frequently by The Howler.

    Her book is titled: "Stolen Pride: Loss, Shame, and the Rise of the Right." She is a retired Berkely sociologist--a staunch lefty--but her thesis is that America's rural red tribe has been neglected and dismissed giving rise to our national divide.

    Is it perfect? I don't know, but probably not. However, it appears to speak from a point of view closely aligned with that expressed in The Howler's posts.

    1. Behavior science is the key to your earlier question, but not as presented by Hochschild, whose notions are outdated, to put it charitably, her stances being more akin to JD Vance’s (and Somerby, as you note) than those on the left.

      In reality, low income people support Dems over Repubs on the order of 3 to 1. Republicans in fact dominate in the upper middle class cohort.

    2. Ha! I was listening to this on my way back from mushrooming this morning, but then I got to work. She sounded interesting, and Democratic party is smart, they will study her findings.

    3. In what way are Hochschild's notions outdated?

    4. I think that, without any data to support me, there is a divide between low income rural and low income urban. Low income rural do not support liberals.

    5. In her interview, the author posited a four-phase model of Trump's behavior in his rallies. I can't reproduce the four phases quite right from memory, but in her model, the first two phases involve saying something transgressive and admitting that he's "not allowed to say that." This is what liberals hear.

      The last two phases involve Trump rejecting shame for what he has said and couterattcking those who try to shame him for it. The author hypothesizes that right wingers hear this part more clearly.

      Debateable? Sure. Interesting? For me, yes.

    6. Just listened to maybe the same interview you did. You summarized it very well.

      She used the word 'protection' for what Trump was providing to his supporters, protection from the shaming of liberals and liberal media.

      Not mentioned was that, having Trump as your champion only causes more and more shaming behavior to be aimed at you.

    7. Are they little children that they need “protection”? They hurl a lot of shit towards liberals, but we don’t go and support and elect lunatics and liars and cruel, would be autocrats.

    8. Hochschild’s work is at best mere ethnography, so her work’s explanatory value is limited and shallow.

      It may be that some significant portion of White rural low income voters lean towards Republicans, but that is not the case with similarly situated people of color; overall low income voters prefer Dems, and Republicans get the most support from upper middle class people.

      Therefore it’s primarily not about folks getting neglected or shamed by Dems, it is more about personality traits and the conditions that led to them, which has more to do with right wing notions of meritocracy, competition, labor, hierarchy, etc.

      Those personality traits essentially bake in how one is going to vote, which is why it is well recognized that electoral politics is primarily about motivation, not persuasion.

      Furthermore, her work is ahistorical as the modern divide is hardly distinguishable from the fundamental divide that has been going on since the birth of this nation, and millennia prior.

    9. How does one discover the mix of personality traits that determines a Trump supporter? That is, without doing mere ethnography?

    10. "How does one discover the mix of personality traits that determines a Trump supporter?" Racist.

  8. What the what?

    Dana Milbank, today:
    Opinion Fox News cleans up another Trump mess

    After the debate, the network worked to keep the MAGA faithful in a state of blissful ignorance.

    "The reviews were almost universally savage after Donald Trump’s debate debacle, in which the former president ranted about migrants eating pets while getting his clock cleaned by an opponent he had insisted was 'stupid.'”

    [Milbank quotes the WSJ and Karl Rove. Then...]

    "And then, in a universe all its own, was Fox News."

    The first Fox personality quoted--Jesse Watters. The Howler is having a solid day! Our Host's longtime complaints are being addressed one after another!

  9. So Trump hand picks Laura Loomer to fly with him to the debate and then the 9/11 memorial event. A racist nutcase 9/11 conspiracy theorist who probably influenced his dog eating Haitian remarks, which have now blossomed into bomb threats. Imagine going to Berlin and attending a holocaust memorial with a holocaust denier. DIC can lambast the media all he wants. When Trump wants the companionship of like minded people he invites this trash. Birds of a feather. Including supporters like DIC.

  10. Who cares what the media is telling us who Trump is? Trump is telling us who Trump is. And what he is- a mentally impaired septuagenarian who welcomes the company of a racist conspiracy theorist (who has in fact made racist remarks about his running mate’s wife), should be unacceptable to anyone with morality. He welcomes this piece of crap into his tent, a person so unacceptable that even Marjorie Taylor Greene denounces her.

    And yes, it is completely hapless media that lines up 13 so called undecided voters without vetting who they voted for in the last 2 elections. Or as one print story described yesterday the rumor that Haitians had abused neighbors pets, rather than eaten them.

    So Trump has told us who he is and we don’t need the hapless liberal media to whitewash it as usual.And if hand picking a racist hate mongering piece of trash to skip across the country with him is acceptable behavior for your chosen candidate, you richly deserve all the epithets and invectives coming your way in this comments section.

  11. Apparently, little Donny J Chickenshit is now accusing ABC of giving the debate questions to Harris. Another example of what a miserable baby sore loser coward he is.
