BREAKING: We won't be posting until this afternoon!


Distant lands appear: We're losing a chunk of time this morning. For that reason, we won't be posting until this afternoon.

As of today, we're exactly three weeks out from Election Day! Various "distant lands" are coming into view, some of them possibly located not all that far from our own sprawling campus here in Blue America.

(It seemed to us that today's Morning Joe was littered with misrepresentations, possibly of the "they doth protest too much" type.)

Who's ahead in the White House race? This afternoon, we'll most likely be starting right there.


  1. The Harris campaign, so desperate they are and in such a precarious state they find themselves, have resorted to bribing black men to vote for her.

    1. What is "bribing"?
      Asking for Supreme Court justices.

    2. Bribe them with what? Knicks tickets?
      A moratorium on child support?

    3. When even Cecelia is calling out the stupidity of the Right's bullshit...

    4. Anonymouse 9:28am, so I’ve finally influenced you to be a bit less concrete in your thinking. You’re welcome.

    5. I like to point out the very, very few times you are correct. Since it's rarer than a libertarian during hurricane season.

    6. A bribe of loan forgiveness.

    7. Cecelia: free fried chicken

    8. Cecelia:
      A fair shake in our judicial system.

    9. Anonymouse 9:46pm, therefore I’m correct more often than any and all anonymices.

    10. Anonymouse 10:20am, chocolate, I presume.

    11. 12:13,
      Wear did yu lurn such gud reeding compraheshion?

    12. Ha ha , chocolate shake, he says.
      It's funny, because the Republican Party keeps nominating a rapist to be the President of the United States of America.

    13. Anonymousec12:35pm, all you need is a Dalmatian fur coat.

    14. Hahahaha Cecelia is good at being a racist.

      So fucking funny!

  2. "When Bartiromo pressed Trump on his repeated use of a 200% tariff during speeches, Trump further admitted, “Oh I say, I'll say 100, 200. I'll say 500. I don't care. "

    1. We all know that Trump exaggerates for effect all the time. Saying 100 or 200 or 500 is his way of saying "a big amount" of tariffs. That's a policy I strongly disagree with. But, it's dishonest to pretend you don't know what he means.

    2. "it's dishonest to pretend you don't know what he means."
      I find it much easier to be honest about what Trump means, if I'm first honest about what energizes Republican voters.

    3. No, this is dishonest: "We all know that Trump exaggerates for effect all the time."

    4. "But, it's dishonest to pretend you don't know what he means."

      If Trump is throwing around percentages like a drunken sailor how are we supposed to know which one he means? What the hell are you talking about?

    5. This is how Trump always handles numbers. Always. Throw out a number, then give a bigger number, and then an even bigger number than that.

      Every time.

    6. Trump always says he’s going to release something in two weeks, some policy, or health records, etc, but then he always breaks his promises.

      Trump is notorious for not keeping his promises, not honoring contracts, not paying his employees, for hiding his corruption, for going bankrupt, for assaulting women.

      Trump seems to be a flawed individual, a lost soul.

      It’s a real shame.


  4. This is media criticism:

    Trump didn't know what to do when several medical emergencies arose during his town hall, so he stood there and did nothing -- to music. The press sane-washed it, instead of pointing out the lack of leadership implicit in such a moment.

    1. But David in Cal, who will repeat any old lie that comforts him, told me the corporate-owned media, who will sane-wash Trump in exchange for corporate tax breaks, is "liberal".

    2. @10:55 -- Did you notice how little coverage the media gave to Harris's plagiarism?

      According to a new report by Dr. Stefan Weber, Austrian "plagiarism hunter," Harris and co-author Joan O'C Hamilton had 27 "fragments of plagiarism" in the book Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor's Plan to Make Us Safer.

      In the 49-page report, Weber and his team also allege that the Democratic presidential nominee and her coauthor copied and pasted from a Wikipedia article for the book.

    3. The question is not whether they cut-and-pasted from Wikipedia in their book, it is whether they credited the source. I don't have the time or interest to check on that just because the right wing is trying to tarnish Harris again.

      Not that when a celebrity "writes" a book with a co-author, the co-author is the professional hired to put together the book. That makes any mistakes the responsibility of Joan O'C Hamilton. The plan to deal with recidivism among criminals is Harris's contribution, for which she was probably interviewed.

      With Wikipedia excerpts on the topic of the book itself, it is as likely that Wikipedia lifted from the book for its online entry about the book, as that the book stole from Wikipedia. One would also have to make sure that whoever wrote the Wikipedia excerpt didn't steal it from Harris in the first place, something she wrong somewhere else. And what is a "fragment" of plagiarism? Perhaps a phrase such as "coming to terms" or "under the circumstances" found elsewhere as well as in Harris's book? These guys are slippery so you would have to check on that too. There may be fragments of fraud in Weber's attack on Harris.

      But this is so obviously a hit job on Harris sponsored by Republicans who have paid that plagiarism-hunter to gin up a plausible-sounding complaint. What is an "Austrian plagiarism hunter" anyway? The book was written in 2009 and hasn't noticeably affected her job as CA Attorney General, or Senator or VP since then.

      But you weren't going to vote for her anyway, were you David?

    4. 12:58 - I DID check some of the stolen excerpts, and they are persuasive examples of plagiarism.

      I agree with you that plagiarism isn't that big a deal for a non-academic.

      Of course the plagiarism doesn't affect her job, but it may be a sign of carelessness.

    5. And it should be attributed to the co-author, who should know better.

    6. The plagiarism charges pale in comparison to what Inspector Trump's uncovered:

      "She's (Kamala) got a phone app. It’s meant for the cartel heads. The cartel heads call the app and they tell them where to drop the illegal migrants"

      Why is the media ignoring this? Kamala is colluding with cartels to bring illegals into the country. Why does it fall to Trump to have to uncover this shocking story?

    7. David in Cal,
      You're almost there.
      Now, that you've ascertained Trump is just spouting nonsense that no one in their right mind would ever take seriously, see if you can make the leap to the rest of your Right-wing sources.
      We'll be rooting for you.

    8. I checked into the plagiarism claim, and it doesn’t hold any water.

      But thanks for playing.

    9. I checked into it and it did.

    10. 3/4 of your sentence was plagiarized from @4:14

  5. Charlie Sykes has now joined a growing group of prominent conservatives for Harris. He says he is not only going to vote for Harris instead of Trump, but he believes others who do not support Trump should do the same, because this is an emergency situation and Trump is too dangerous to be allowed back into office. I wonder how the pollsters are modeling this movement against Trump?

  6. From Rawstory:

    "Former President Donald Trump's movement should be considered a contagious disease with a primary symptom of violence, an epidemiologist argued Tuesday.

    Dr. Gary Slutkin, who says his work abroad gave him 15 years' experience dealing with dictatorships, compared Trump's MAGA movement to a pathological phenomenon in conversation with Salon's Chauncey DeVega.

    "In these countries, you can’t speak or act freely and don’t want to live there," Slutkin said. "Life is fear. People fear the government, their neighbors and even their family and friends. Businesses and the press can be taken away. People become suddenly imprisoned or disappear."

    Slutkin argued the same kind of "epidemic" fear and hate that keeps people in line under such regimes has built the MAGA movement.

    "I understand MAGA as an epidemic disease, infecting many through what I call 'brain flaws,'" he said. "There are brain pathways for copying and following others — in the cortex, dopamine system, and pain centers, to motivate conformity and violence ... Violence is a disease, and specifically, a contagious disease. The disease spreads through these brain processes."

    In essence, Slutkin believes Trump's movement "is a dangerous and lethal syndrome of what I describe as 'Authoritarian Violence Disorder.'"

    Under this interpretation, Trump is a "massive superspreader" using "streams of lies" to reprogram people's brains into a pathological state, causing them to "abandon their own decision-making and obey," the epidemiologist argued.

    An Election Day victory for Vice President Kamala Harris could help contain the disease and allow the nation to heal, Slutkin argued — but the disease could worsen should Trump win.

    "There will be more state violence, violence from private militia groups and other violence including mass deportations and promised detention or concentration camps," he argued.

    "Our economy as well as our health and personal well-being could deteriorate beyond what many Americans are willing to imagine if Trump is allowed to have power."

    1. Anonymouse 11:57am, and that’s just Day One, baby.

    2. This is the part you are not supposed to be saying out loud, Cecelia.

  7. If he doesn't win this time, maybe Trump can star in a new TV show: DJ Donnie's Dance Party.
