TWO SILOS: Ruhle asked Harris some sensible questions!


But then, along came Hurt: With apologies for the delay caused by last week's connectivity meltdown:

As we noted yesterday, a New York Times "Political Memo" appeared online on Thursday, September 26. The lengthy piece had been written by Rebecca Davis O'Brien, a highly accomplished, experienced journalist and a good, decent person to boot. 

Two days later, Davis's piece appeared on the front page of the newspaper's print editions Times. O'Brien's lengthy memo involved Candidate Harris's interview style. Headline included, its nugget statement read like this:

Harris Has a Lot of Strengths. Giving Interviews Isn’t One of Them.


In her dizzying ascent to the top of the Democratic ticket, Ms. Harris has proved to be a disciplined and effective debater and a tireless campaigner, nimble and energetic in rallies. But one-on-one televised interviews with journalists have long been a weakness in her political arsenal.

As we noted yesterday, we tended to agree with each part of that assessment. We thought, and we continue to think, that Candidate Harris does have a lot of strengths. Also, it seemed to us that her early interviews, few as they were, hadn't been especially strong. 

As happenstance had it, Harris had sat for a new, high-profile televised interview one day before the "political memo" appeared. She had spoken with MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle, whose first question went like this:

RUHLE (9/25/24): Madam Vice President, you just laid out your economic vision for the future. But, still, there are lots of Americans who don’t see themselves in your plans. For those who say, "These policies aren’t for me," what do you say to them?

Was that a softball question, or was its premise—Lots of Americans don’t see themselves in your plans—possibly slightly awkward? 

Had Ruhle lobbed an easy opening question? We could teach it flat or round! For the record, there is no doubt that Ruhle will be voting for Candidate Harris this year, not for Candidate Trump. But her background is in business and economic issues, and her next four questions went like this:

RUHLE: Over the last four years, there have been tremendous economic wins. And you have just laid out a big plan. But, still, polling shows that more—most likely voters still think Donald Trump is better to handle the economy. Why do you think that is?


RUHLE: Then let me ask you about taxes, because lots of people will say, "I don’t like Donald Trump, but he cut my taxes. He didn’t just cut corporate taxes. He cut individual taxes."

Now, that expires next year. And there’s some people confused, saying, "I don’t know what’s going to happen next year."

Under a Harris administration, at what income level should someone expect their taxes to go up? And that state and local tax deduction that’s currently capped and matters to a lot of people in blue states, are you going to lift that cap?


RUHLE: [When it comes to] expanding that child tax credit—or you mentioned housing before, giving that extra money for a first home. If you can’t raise corporate taxes, or if the GOP takes control of the Senate, where do you get the money to do that? Do you still go forward with those plans and borrow?


RUHLE: Bill Gates just said it this week. If he was in charge of taxes, he would have paid more. But how do you find that line to make sure corporations are paying their fair share, but they’re not leaving our country?

For the full transcript of the interview, you can just click here.

Were those questions easy or hard? Plainly, they weren't "gotcha" questions—but the questions were thoroughly substantive, and they were perfectly proper. 

To all intents and purposes, "issues" are no longer a serious part of (what's left of) American campaign journalism. For whatever reason, Ruhle was asking about basic policy issues this day.

The interview ran just over twenty-four minutes. For MSNBC's full videotape, you can just click this.

By our count, Ruhle posed sixteen questions to Candidate Harris that day. You've just seen the questions with which she began—unless you were watching Charlie Hurt, who appeared on the Fox News Channel one night later and told several million American citizens something entirely different.

Before Helene washed our Internet connections away, we ourselves had started to answer this question:
Who is Charlie Hurt?

Today, we return to that question. Back on September 29, we showed you this basic overview from the leading authority on the fellow's career:

Charles Hurt

Charles Hurt (born 1971) is an American journalist and political commentator. He is currently the opinion editor of The Washington Times [and] a Fox News contributor...


Hurt was The New York Post's D.C. Bureau Chief and news columnist covering the White House for five years.

From 2003 to 2007, Hurt covered the U.S. Congress as a reporter for The Washington Times before leaving to join The New York Post. In 2011, he rejoined The Washington Times as a political columnist. In December 2016, Hurt was named the opinion editor.

National Review editor Rich Lowry described Hurt as, "an early adopter of Donald Trump populism." Hurt has written numerous opinion pieces lauding Trump since the 2016 election.

The New York Post and the Washington Times and the Fox News Channel oh my! There is no question that Hurt tilts right—but as we also said at the time, Charlie Hurt, like everyone else, has a perfect right to his views.

For the record, we also said that Charlie Hurt seems like the nicest guy in the world. The problem here is quite different:

Hurt seems like a very nice guy—and as with everyone else, he's entitled to his political views. But as a major American journalist, is he entitled to the mockery he directed at Harris that night—mockery he based on a pile of invented "facts?"

As a major journalist, is Hurt entitled to invent a pig-pile of bogus factual claims? Is he entitled to broadcast those bogus claims to millions of people? 

Journalistically, we'd say the answer is no—but then, we're talking about the Fox News Channel, an entity we would regard as a cancer on the democracy, imperfect thought our democracy has been.

In fairness, Hurt may not have known that he was making absurdly false claims this night. But absurdly false claims are a basic part of the grain which is stored inside the Fox News Channel's silo.

Nice guy that he may seem to be, Charlie Hurt misstated the facts, in a ludicrous fashion, before millions of viewers this night. Elsewhere, this sort of thing could get a journalist fired. On the Fox News Channel, behavior of this type is a basic part of the game. 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

Over at the New York Times, you won't be apprised of such facts. Journalists at the New York Times seem happy to live within their own silo. They will virtually never report or discuss what's happening over at Fox.
Here's more of the background concerning what happened that night:

As noted, the interview with Stephanie Ruhle took place on Wednesday, September 25. A full transcript was published by MSNBC. MSNBC also posted a videotape of the entire session.

There was no doubt about what had been said—unless you were watching Fox News. One night later, Hurt appeared on the primetime "cable news" program, Gutfeld!

In the program's initial segment, the program's host and his four guests staged a pseudo-discussion of the Harris/Ruhle interview. Along other insults to the American project, Hurt was soon saying this:
GUTFELD (9/26/24): Charlie, it seems to me that she didn't answer a single question. But would the campaign regard that as a success?

HURT: Oh, I think without a doubt. I think that "First, do no harm" is definitely their motto here. But I mean— You know, Trump used to talk about making Biden take a drug test. He should start ordering a drug test for this woman.
Nice guy that he seems to be, Hurt quickly suggested a drug test for "this woman." For the record, this followed the host's earlier claim that Candidate Harris seems to be "a wine drunk." (For our report on that topic, click here.) 

As we've routinely noted, this is the kind of garbage can this channel opens each night. Immediately after his suggestion, Hurt's factual breakdowns started to occur. 

His flagrant misstatements came thick and fast. Soon, this manifest journalistic flyweight—a typical Fox News Channel performer—was telling the public this:
HURT: And then she sits down, Stephanie Ruhle...sits down and does this interview with her, and the first question was about, Had you ever worked, actually, at McDonald's? 
We've already shown you the actual text of Ruhle's first five questions. But then again, this was the Fox News Channel, engaged in its ongoing "revolt of the masses."

Will Candidate Harris win this election? We have no idea! But as we survey what's left of our floundering nation's public discourse, an unconnected line from Frost frequently floats through our heads:
The Road Not Taken 


I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence...
Our floundering nation has taken itself very far down a very bad road. It will take ages to tell that story, if it ever gets told at all. 

Most likely, it will also take ages to find our way back up that road, assuming we're able to do so.

Part of that story involves the Fox News Channel and other such Red American orgs. Part of that story involves the supreme, self-protective silence maintained by the New York Times (et al).

Those two highly influential news orgs inhabit two different (landlocked) silos. It's going to take a very long time to tell you the story of those two silos—and when we do, you can be sure that the news won't travel far from here.

Candidate Harris seems like a wine drunk! President Biden should make "this woman" take a drug test!
Judged by any traditional journalistic standard, those assessments were offered by a pair of defectives. Over at the New York Times, and also inside similar silos, the finer people have agreed that we the people must never be told about what happens over on Fox News.

It will take ages to tell that story. We're planning to take our own sweet time as we try to do our best.

Tomorrow: Charlie Hurt continued to speak. Also, he comes from good stock...


  1. Meanwhile, crickets from the Right on Trump's Adderall addiction.

    1. Trump is a huge liar. We all know this. Why then do we believe him when he says he doesn't drink alcohol? He slurs his words at his speeches and cannot stop himself from going off on tangents about stupid stuff. Why do we disbelieve the most obvious explanation -- that he is a drunk -- instead of disbelieving him when he lies about his alcohol abuse? He should never have gotten a bye on that assertion. Why does he?

    2. Does anyone really believe that Trump never drinks out of respect for his older brother, who died an alcoholic? When has Trump shown respect for anything? He smiled and gave autographs during yesterday's memorial for the 10/7 attack by Hamas on Israelis. Why would he respect his own brother by eschewing the pleasures of drinking, when eating hamberders is just as bad for him and he does that without restraint? It makes no sense.

      What makes more sense is that Trump does drink but lies about it. He perhaps has a special chef who puts gin in his diet coke cans. There are past photos of Trump with a drink glass in his hand (or a beer in front of him at his table in a restaurant or club). His calls to Howard Stern pretending to be his own publicist (named John Barron) are best explained as drunken pranks. It makes sense that Trump would try to get ahead of such stories by spreading a fake coverup about not drinking because his brother was weak, but it makes more sense that he has been lying about that in order to prevent the obvious explanation for his weird behavior. No one would elect an obvious drunk as president, but womanizing can be covered up. Note that he has lied about that too. So why does anyone believe that Trump doesn't drink?

  2. "Candidate Harris seems like a wine drunk! President Biden should make "this woman" take a drug test!"

    This false statement about Harris is so important to Somerby that he says it twice!

    Harris gave another interview, this time with 60 Minutes, but Somerby has some reason for going back and dredging up this one with Ruhle. Is that because the NY Times wrote an op-ed criticizing Harris over it?

    Meanwhile, other things are happening in this election. None of those will be discussed here, because they are not calling Harris a drunk, presumably.

    "Over at the New York Times, and also inside similar silos, the finer people have agreed that we the people must never be told about what happens over on Fox News.

    It will take ages to tell that story. We're planning to take our own sweet time as we try to do our best."

    It is ever so important for Somerby to tell us about the way Gutfeld calls Harris a drunk. It needs to be told over and over and over, as slowly as possible, because even if Harris is not any kind of drunk, Fox is saying so, and they must be heard!

    What is wrong with Somerby?

    1. Those Right-wing talking points aren't going to repeat themselves.

  3. It is time to ask Trump some sensible questions about his role in putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court despite sexual assault allegations:

    "Donald Trump prevented the Federal Bureau of Investigations from investigating Brett Kavanaugh — even as the then-president claimed publicly its agents had "free rein" to look into sexual misconduct allegations levied against his then-Supreme Court justice nominee, according to a new report.

    The Washington Post revealed Tuesday an imminent new report from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) about limitations Trump quietly put on the FBI in September 2018 — then denied those limitations were in place as senators were tasked with confirming the nominee's position on the nation's highest court, the Washington Post revealed Tuesday

    “Assurances that everything was being done by the book and according to standard FBI procedures omitted the fact that for supplement background investigations, there is no book and there are no procedures,” Whitehouse told the Post.

    “You simply do what the White House tells you.”

    While Trump declared on social media that he wanted the FBI to investigate "at their discretion," internal correspondence shows the White House never authorized them to proceed, according to the Washington Post.

    "The report found that messages to the FBI tip line regarding Kavanaugh were forwarded directly to the White House and never probed," the Post reported."

    The report continues at Rawstory:

  4. Did you see the Harris “32” video, popular on social media?. It was beautiful. Like when she said 32 is Magic Johnson’s number, and there are 32 days to the election. Wow. Not since Einstein figured out the equation for the curvature of space time, has there been a revelation like Kamala’s 32. Did you see the big mouthy grin and the joy she exuded when she made the deep observation? And the crowd, most of whom are as smart as she is, broke into joy. When the teleprompter froze, she repeated “32 days” multiple times to fill the time – how smart is our princess who has overcome so much? Our country will be in the best of hands.

    1. This is smart of Harris.
      She knows the media will struggle to "both sides" basic math skills.

    2. Trump has not overcome anything. In fact, he whines like a “princess” whenever anyone criticizes him and threatens retaliation…oh wait a minute. I thought you were talking about Trump being “our princess.” My bad.

    3. When Trump's teleprompter broke, he repeated "My teleprompter isn't working" several times, to fill the time. How smart was that?

    4. It’s important for Harris to remind people when the election takes place to counteract the Republican ratfuckers claiming it’s not until November 20, and to please not vote early.

  5. "Trump Secretly Stayed in Touch With Putin
    October 8, 2024 at 10:21 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

    “Donald Trump has secretly spoken with President Vladimir Putin of Russia as many as seven times since leaving office, even as he was pressuring Republicans to block military aid to Ukraine to fight Russian invaders, according to a new book by the journalist Bob Woodward,” the New York Times reports.

    “The book, titled War and scheduled to be published next week, describes a scene in early 2024 at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s estate in Florida, when the former president ordered an aide out of his office so he could conduct a phone call with Mr. Putin.”

    “The unidentified aide said the two may have spoken a half-dozen other times as well since Mr. Trump left the White House.”

    What sensible question can be asked of Trump about his ongoing connection to Putin? Is it right for the former president to undermine Biden's efforts on behalf of Ukraine by instructing Republicans in congress to block aid to Ukraine after Russia's invasion?

    Why is this not treason? Why is this not a violation of the Logan Act? Why is Trump allowed to do such things without being asked a single question about it? Why isn't Somerby concerned about this, but is laser-focused on whether Ruhle is asking Harris softball questions?

    1. Treason is a well-worn Republican election strategy.
      Nixon and Reagan both used it to get elected President.

  6. Here are some more things to ask Trump sensible questions about:

    "Trump Secretly Sent Covid Tests to Putin
    October 8, 2024 at 9:36 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

    “As the coronavirus tore through the world in 2020, and the United States and other countries confronted a shortage of tests designed to detect the illness, then-President Donald Trump secretly sent coveted tests to Russian President Vladimir Putin for his personal use,” the Washington Post reports.

    “Putin, petrified of the virus, accepted the supplies but took pains to prevent political fallout — not for him, but for his American counterpart. He cautioned Trump not to reveal that he had dispatched the scarce medical equipment to Moscow, according to a new book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward.”

    Putin, according to the book, told Trump: “I don’t want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me.”

    Mad isn't really the right word. What kind of president sends tests to an enemy instead of to the American people?

    If Trump and Putin were enemies, would Putin readily accept or use a covid test? Note that Trump himself could have used the tests before his debate with Biden, when he had covid and instead of postponing the debate, attempted to infect Biden. Trump could have used the test at the reception for Amy Coney Barrett, where she and other attendees came down with covid after mingling at the White House. If the president had required his staff to take a daily test, he might have avoided his own hospitalization. But instead, he shipped tests to Putin, who seems to have been showing a healthy respect for the virus.

    What kind of president cares more about his Russian handler than he does about his own cronies, such as Herman Cain, who died of covid?

  7. Good read:


    The “Russia hoax” seems less and less like a hoax.

  8. There is apparently a lot of news today, including a new hurricane bearing down on FL, but Somerby considers this tripe to be the best use of his time?

    Obviously, Harris is not responsible for the questions Ruhle chose to ask her. The obvious purpose of Somerby's essay today is to repeat the Gutfeld talking point about her being a big fat drunk, and a wine drunk at that! So, she is effete as well as a boozer. Somerby of course knows that in New England people get drunk on Sherry, not just any wine. Can he be a bigger asshole?

    Meanwhile, Trump is doubling down on his claim that immigrants can't be allowed in because they have bad genes, with Laura Ingraham. And he says of course he is going to lock up his political enemies.

  9. By the way, the recent SNL skit sent a subliminal message that Kamala has a drinking problem. It’s not just Fox News saying this.

    1. I agree. The wine glass was gratuitous, as was her stumble over Springsteen's name, if deliberate. But drinking wine in front of the TV at home with family doesn't make someone a drunk.

      SNL has done some clever sketches about elections in the past, but they have also had a need to "both sides" their humor. I think that has resulted in some unfair attacks on past candidates, especially Hillary. Chevy Chase's original depictions of Gerald Ford falling down for no reason were always unfair, if also funny.

      I agree with others who have pointed out that the tendency to both sides any report is one of the biggest failings of the press. Somerby doesn't hit that much here, even though it is glaringly obvious and a main reason why Trump escapes the criticism he deserves and Harris is being pursued for trivialities. Somerby's failure to mention this is part of why I think his stated reasons for writing here are disingenuous.

      This whole focus on Harris's interviews, echoed by Somerby even today, is the equivalent of the over-focus on Hillary's emails. It has nothing to do with the election or qualifications and is way overblown as a crtiticism that is being repeated over and over way beyond any realistic concern about Harris, especially when Trump's interviews are all such disasters.

      Press coverage is a farce, but not for the reasons Somerby expresses, where he routinely emphasizes the bad behavior of the press. Today Trump is in hot water again, but Somerby will say nothing about it.

  10. "Now as Hurricane Milton — which was a massive category 4 hurricane Tuesday — threatens as many as 15 million people on Florida’s Gulf Coast, FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell is begging Trump to stop with the false rumors about the response from her agency — and the entire federal government.

    "His accusations are just completely false,” Criswell said Tuesday on CNN.

    “... Just because you don't see somebody on the ground in a FEMA shirt, doesn't mean that we don't have people there. We have people that are embedded in the state Emergency Operations Center. I have teams that are walking around neighborhoods. I have teams that are embedded with all of the county EOC’s.

    “People are on the ground, but we're also bringing in resources. And it's not just FEMA. We are one part of the federal family. We have over 3,400 members from across all federal agencies in North Carolina, helping to support this response. We will continue to bring in more resources as we go into the recovery and the long term needs that these communities have.”

    “We really have just got to stop this rhetoric, because what it's doing is it's putting fear in the people that we're not going to be there to help them,” Criswell continued. “And I worry that they won't register for assistance with us and get access to the critical resources that they are eligible for.”

    The FEMA administrator noted that on the ground, “The majority of people, the local leaders, the sheriffs” are “also helping to fight back on this narrative, letting people know that FEMA has been there with them.”

    “The federal government has been there with them side by side during the response, and now the recovery,” she continued. “And they're the trusted leaders in that community. But I want to make sure that this has to stop because if it continues, we will see more and more people not trusting their federal government to be able to give them what they need. And so I need people to register for assistance so I can get them the financial resources they need to support their recovery.” [Rawstory]

  11. Tallahassee, Florida

    State police are showing up at Florida voters’ homes to question them about signing a petition to get an abortion rights amendment on the ballot in November, and a state health care agency has launched a website targeting the ballot initiative with politically charged language.

    Critics say they’re the latest efforts by Florida’s Republican elected officials to leverage state resources to try to block the abortion rights measure, moves which some Democratic officials argue could violate state laws against voter intimidation.

    “Ron (DeSantis) has repeatedly used state power to interfere with a citizen-led process to get reproductive freedom on the ballot,” Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried told reporters Monday. “This is their latest desperate attempt before Election Day.”


    Let the people decide in the individual states, my ass.

  12. Jeff Tiedrich describes how DeSantis has used state emergency funds to pull stunts deporting migrants from his state, instead of reserving it for hurricane relief:

  13. The idea that there is a Republican politician, somewhere in the USA, that gives a shit about the citizens of this country is the dumbest thing you'll read on the internet today.

  14. Ruhle's question about Bill Gates and the effect of corporate income tax seems to conflate taxes on rich people with corporate taxes. They are very different.

    Taxes on rich people are paid by the rich people. Taxes on corporations are paid indirectly by employees and customers as well as by stockholders. When we tax corporations, they adjust their prices and their spending. That means higher prices and lower wages.

    One thing Ruhle got right is that corporate income tax drives corporations away and costs jobs. Taxes on rich people do not cost jobs.

    1. The way you tell it, taxes on corps don’t cost jobs either because they pass that expense along.

    2. @12:09 - Yes, corporations pass the tax along, meaning higher prices. But, we live in a worldwide economy. Our corporation compete with foreign corporations. When our corporations raise prices, they lose business to foreign corporations.

      In the longer run, new corporations are established in places with lower corporate taxes. Also domestic corporations move to places with lower corporate taxes. This is not hypothetical. I spent several years being flown from CA to Bermuda to consult for what was essentially an American reinsurance company. It had been founded in Bermuda, because of lower taxes. Other American reinsurance companies moved from the US for the same reason.

    3. Yes, we know all about your experience working for the criminal traitors hiding out in their tax havens in the Caribbean. How's that felon you told us about doing?

    4. If you raise taxes on corporations, they just pass that added expense along to their customers. Just as they pass along the expense of the fines imposed on them, when they break the law.

  15. CNN - As Florida copes with rising seas and record temperatures, lawmakers are going to exceptional lengths to delete many mentions of climate change from state laws in a new bill that Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law on Wednesday, according to his official X account.

    The wide-ranging law makes several changes to the state’s energy policy – in some cases deleting entire sections of state law that talk about the importance of cutting planet-warming pollution. The bill would also give preferential treatment to natural gas and ban offshore wind energy, even though there are no wind farms planned off Florida’s coast.

    The bill deletes the phrase ‘climate’ eight times – often in reference to reducing the impacts of global climate change through its energy policy or directing state agencies to buy ‘climate friendly’ products when they are cost-effective and available. The bill also gets rid of a requirement that state-purchased vehicles should be fuel efficient.

    “Florida rejects the designs of the left to weaken our energy grid, pursue a radical climate agenda, and promote foreign adversaries,” DeSantis said in a post on X, posting a graphic that said the law would protect the state from “green zealots.”

    Published 5:50 PM EDT, Wed May 15, 2024

  16. DeSantis administration warns local TV stations to remove ads about abortion ballot measure
    The Republican administration is pressuring Florida stations to take down an ad that promotes a “yes” vote on Amendment 4, which would enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution.

    The party of free speech strikes again. DiC's favorite fascist besides Donald J Chickenshit.

    1. When the Right promotes "freedom of speech" they mean they don't want to be criticized for using the n-word.
