What did Candidate Trump really say?


Tapper gets it (remarkably) wrong: In our view, the Fox News Channel is conducting a fraud against the American public. As it does, the big news orgs in Blue America agree to avert their gaze.

We're speaking about a journalistic fraud. Under the American system, it's the kind of fraud which is hard to pursue in court. 

In that sense, it's a bit of a metaphorical fraud, but it's an act of fraud nonetheless. In the face of this behavior, big news orgs like the New York Times have agreed—they will neither report nor discuss what happens on that heavily watched "news channel."

That said, our stars over here in Blue America are also inclined to commit the (journalistic) sins that flesh is heir to. That's especially true at fraught times such as these—but we were stunned by the magnitude of Jake Tapper's errors on Sunday's State of the Union.

At issue is an extremely basic question: What did Candidate Trump actually say? On the occasion in question, he'd been asked a fairly simple question. Once again, here's what that question was:

BARTIROMO (10/13/24): One of the elements at the border has brought in Tren de Aragua, this Venezuelan gang—quite dangerous. You told us about this...

It was an Afghan refugee [who was] charged with plotting an Election Day massacre.

TRUMP: Nothing surprises me. 

BARTIROMO: What about that, though? Are you expecting chaos on Election Day?

TRUMP: No. Not from the side which votes for Trump.

BARTIROMO: But I'm just wondering if these outside agitators will start up on Election Day. Let's say you win. Let's remember, you've got 50,000 Chinese nationals in this country in the last couple of years. There are people on the terrorist watch list—350 in the last couple of years. Like you said—13,000 murderers and 15,000 rapists. 

What are you expecting? Joe Biden said he doesn’t think it’s going to be a peaceful Election Day.

Once again, that's the date-specific question Trump was asked. The question came from Maria Bartiromo on her Fox News program, Sunday Morning Futures

As you can see, Bartiromo was asking a very specific question. She was asking if the candidate thought that a certain unspecified type of of "chaos" might occur on Election Day.

At four separate points, Bartiromo specified that she was asking about the possibility of "chaos"—apparently, about the possibility of disruption or violence—on Election Day. 

She was asking about Election Day! Here's what Trump said in reply:

TRUMP (continuing directly): Well, he doesn’t have any idea what’s happening, in all fairness. He spends most of his day sleeping. 

I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people that have come in and destroying our country—by the way, totally destroying our country. The towns and villages, they’re being inundated. 

But I don’t think they're the problem in terms of Election Day. I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And I think they're—and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard or if really necessary by the military, because they can’t let that happen.

Quite typically, he began with an insult aimed at President Biden, then continued from there. That said:

Like Bartiromo, he spoke about what he thought could possibly happen on Election Day.

He seemed to say that we have "some very bad people"—"some sick people, radical left lunatics"—who could conceivably create a problem, presumably of the type Bartiromo had mentioned, "in terms of Election Day." 

He called them "the enemy from within," "the people from within." He didn't say who he had in mind, and Bartiromo didn't ask.  He said he wasn't worried about Tren de Aragua. He said these sick people, these radical left lunatics, might produce some sort of chaos on that particular day.

"If necessary," he said these unspecified people could be "handled by the National Guard." (For the record, that's what eventually happened with respect to the people who stormed the Capitol on January 6.) 

"If really necessary," these people could even be handled by the military, he said. Please note:

This whole exchange, beginning to end, concerned some unspecified type of "chaos" which might occur on Election Day. Bartiromo mentioned "Election Day" four separate times—and then, Trump followed suit. 

Unless you were watching CNN's State of the Union! On that program, Tapper's producers had now "edited" this exchange down so far that this was all viewers were shown as he spoke with Speaker Mike Johnson:

TAPPER (10/20/24): In multiple interviews this week, Donald Trump repeatedly referred to prominent Democrats and others on the left in the United States, American citizens, as, quote, "the enemy from within," unquote.

And he suggested as president he would want to use the National Guard or military against them. Let me play some of that for our viewers:


TRUMP: The bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And I think they're—and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard or if really necessary by the military, because they can’t let that happen.


TAPPER: One of the first things you did when you joined Congress was to create the Honor and Civility Caucus. Does wanting to use the military against political opponents, would that pass muster with the Civility Caucus?

Sad! Across the lone and level sands, that was all that remained!

Viewers weren't shown any part of the question Trump had been asked. In this newer, deeper "edit," viewers weren't even shown the part of Trump's answer where he himself said that he was talking about things which could possibly happen on Election Day. That specific reference was also wiped away!

That was a terrible edit. Making matters that much worse, Tapper led with a simple assertion:

According to Tapper, Trump had been referring to "prominent Democrats" when he "suggested" that he might "use the National Guard or military against them." 

We're sorry, but there is no such obvious "suggestion" in what the candidate said. Of course, much of that was wiped away when Tapper's producers edited out a basic fact—this whole exchange concerned the possibility of a type of "chaos" on Election Day, full stop.

In his initial response, Johnson seemed to be substantially clearer than Tapper was about what had actually been said. As you can see from the CNN transcript, he was met with stone-cold tribal certainty from Tapper—with stone-cold True Belief.

Much later in the interview with Bartiromo, Trump had also referred to several prominent Democrats as "the enemy from within." In our view, that's a disordered thing to do, but at that time, he said nothing—zero; nada; the null set; zilch—about using the National Guard or the military against them.

That reference came much later in the session with Bartiromo. The possible use of force wasn't mentioned at that time.

Question! Does Tapper think that Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff are likely to produce the kind of "chaos" on Election Day that this earlier exchange explicitly concerned? 

In his usual unkempt way, the candidate said that "some sick people, radical left lunatics" might generate that kind of chaos on that specific occasion. But the viewer's ability to evaluate what Tapper was saying was stolen away by that astonishing edit—an edit which wiped away all knowledge of what the Q-and-A was explicitly about.

As we noted last week, The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is played out every day and every night on the Fox News Channel. 

Routinely, viewers are kept from hearing the statements which have Trump's critics deeply concerned. Similarly, viewers aren't shown the videotape of the violence which occurred on January 6. They're allowed to live in their own spotless realm, free from any complications which might darken their view of the world.

That's basically what Tapper's producers did with that very deep "edit." Meanwhile, please understand this:

All across Blue America's world, tribal minds will now insist that what Tapper said was perfectly right. Indeed, Colby Hall has explicitly done that over at Mediaite!

In fact, Tapper got it amazingly wrong when he spoke with Johnson. He also seemed to be completely sure that he had it amazingly right! We think of the gloomy but telling closing line of the final song of Paul Simon's Graceland album. 

In the current context, there's no way around this tribal warfare. Simply put, we humans are wired to  react to events in these ways.
That's why we must learn to live alone.
So went Simon's closing line. We think of that gloomy closing line in this new, somewhat different context.

The Fox News Channel is conducting a free-floating fraud against the public. Over here in Blue America, we simply aren't wired to defeat it. Simply put, we the Blues, much like the Reds, just aren't sufficiently sharp.

Fuller disclosure: On Morning Joe, they love that very deep edit with all it allows. Mika loves the edit, and Joe loves it too!

We humans are wired to function this way. We're wired to spin and to fight.


  1. Somerby says he thinks this kind of editing perpetuates tribal warfare and is a fraud against the public.

    But why should we believe him?

  2. What’s that smell? Oh, a dead horse.

  3. This wasn't worth talking about in the first place, much less again today. I get it that Somerby has health issues but would it be that hard for him to talk about something useful, such as why he himself is voting for Harris?

  4. Somerby sane washing Trump by repeatedly limiting the quote to one interview a week ago, when in reality Trump has repeated the enemy within/national guard/military on our civilians rhetoric ad nauseam and for a long time.

    Somerby has just given up; he’s a defeated and bitterly angry person. Sad to see his downfall.

    1. Agreed. Bob is off the mark here.

      Once a rambler like Trump begins a sentence with, "The bigger problem is...." it simply can't be assumed he's confining himself to whatever scenario was being sketched out by his interlocutor.

    2. Yes. The context doesn’t change the meaning of Trump’s remark.

  5. Both sides encourage ignorance by omitting or downplaying information that makes their side look bad. The problem is greater for liberals, because we live in world in which liberal bias dominates. Conservatives can't away from it. OTOH liberals can just stay away from FoxNews, some conservative newspapers, radio stations and blogs to remain happily ignorant.

    Proof of ignorance is the popular belief that far right causes more violence and death than the far left. The reality is then other way, and by a huge margin.

    1. Trump spent about 10 minutes at an event today trying to decide who was more radical, Bernie or Pocahontas (who he never identified as Warren). But David thinks lack of context is making Trump look bad.

      Meanwhile, David is lying about politically motivated violence:

      "In fact, the number of far-right attacks continues to outpace all other types of terrorism and domestic violent extremism. Since 1990, far-right extremists have committed far more ideologically motivated homicides than far-left or radical Islamist extremists, including 227 events that took more than 520 lives. In this same period, far-left extremists committed 42 ideologically motivated attacks that took 78 lives."


    2. "Both sides encourage ignorance by omitting or downplaying information that makes their side look bad."

      I must have missed the $750 million payout CNN had to make because it lied about the election. Can anybody provide a link?

    3. It will probably be difficult for you to deal with Harris's forthcoming defeat.

    4. Did you forget the link?

    5. @6:10 forgot /s

  6. Jared is just Ken. So is Vance. Someone needs to help them find a sense of purpose before they tear up everything.
